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Pack Carla Montero con: El medallón de fuego | La tabla esmeralda

by Carla Montero

Edición estuche de lujo que reúne dos grandes novelas de Carla Montero. La tabla esmeralda Madrid, en la actualidad: hasta que El Astrólogo se cruzó en su camino, Ana, una joven historiadora del arte del Museo del Prado, llevaba una vida tranquila junto a Konrad, un rico empresario y coleccionista de arte alemán. Pero de repente llega a sus manos una carta escrita durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial que los pone sobre la pista del misterioso cuadro atribuido a Giorgione, el enigmático pintor del Renacimiento. Alentado por el enorme valor de El Astrólogo, Konrad convence a Ana para embarcarse en su búsqueda. La joven, consciente de todas las dificultades que se le presentan, pedirá ayuda al doctor Alain Arnoux de la Universidad de la Sorbona, especialista en localizar obras de arte expoliadas por los nazis. Pero esta decisión solo parece complicarle las cosas. París, durante la ocupación alemana: el comandante de las SS, Georg von Bergheim, militar de élite y héroe de guerra, acaba de recibir una orden: debe encontrar el paradero de un cuadro de Giorgione conocido como El Astrólogo. Hitler está convencido de que la obra esconde un gran enigma, una revelación que ha pasado de mano en mano durante siglos. La búsqueda conduce al comandante hasta la joven judía Sarah Bauer, iniciándose entre ellos una persecución trepidante que tendrá consecuencias totalmente inesperadas para ambos. ______________________________ El medallón de fuego Madrid, en la actualidad: Ana recibe la llamada de Martin, el joven y misterioso buscador de tesoros a quien conoció fugazmente durante la búsqueda de El Astrólogo en La Tabla Esmeralda. Han asesinado a un magnate italiano y un poderoso tesoro está en peligro: el Medallón de Hiram, una reliquia mágica que perteneció al arquitecto del templo de Salomón. Nadie conoce el paradero exacto de la pieza y Martin necesita la ayuda de Ana para encontrarla. Ambos emprenderán una trepidante búsqueda por toda Europa enfrentándose a infinidad de peligros, pues muy pronto descubrirán que ellos no son los únicos que desean hacerse con la reliquia. Berlín, 1945: en los estertores de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los destinos de cuatro personas están a punto de cruzarse con consecuencias imprevistas para el Medallón de Hiram: un sanguinario nazi que rastrea un Berlín en ruinas con la obsesión de hacerse con el medallón; un joven español, estudiante de arquitectura, que se ve envuelto en una intriga insospechada; un ingeniero alemán que está en el punto de mira del servicio de inteligencia ruso, y una francotiradora del ejército soviético que guarda un importante secreto.

Pack Cinquanta ombres d'en Grey & Grey

by E. L. James

Ara, un pack exclusiu que conté els ebooks de Cinquanta ombres d'en Grey i de la nova novel·la, Grey. Compara les dues visions d'aquesta història sensual a través dels ulls de cada un dels seus protagonistes. Absolutament addictiva, aquesta novel·la t'obsessionarà, et posseirà i et quedarà per sempre a la memòria Quan a l'estudiant de literatura Anastasia Steele li encarreguen entrevistar l'exitós i jove empresari Christian Grey, queda impressionada en trobar-se amb un home atractiu, seductor i també molt intimidant. La inexperta i innocent Ana intenta oblidar-lo, però per sorpresa seva, s'adona que desitja aquest home. En Grey està turmentat pels seus dimonis i el consumeix la necessitat de controlar-ho tot, però alhora se sent incapaç de resistir-se a la serena bellesa de l'Ana, a la seva intel·ligència i el seu esperit independent. Ha d'admetre que la desitja, però amb algunes condicions. Quan la parella per fi inicia una apassionada relació física, les peculiars pràctiques eròtiques d'en Grey sorprenen l'Ana i fan que descobreixi els límits dels seus propis i més obscurs desitjos... Grey E. L. James ens ofereix una nova perspectiva de la història d'amor que ja ha seduït milions de lectors a tot el planeta, explicada ara en primera persona per en Christian Grey. En Christian necessita tenir-ho tot sota control. Per a ell el món és ordre i disciplina, tot i que, en el fons, és buit... fins al dia que l'Anastasia Steele aterra al seu despatx feta un embolic de llargs cabells castanys i cames esveltes. Ell intenta oblidar-la però, ben al contrari, es veu immers en una tempesta d'emocions que no aconsegueix controlar i a la qual no pot resistir-se. A diferència de totes les dones que ha conegut, la tímida i inexperta Ana sembla capaç de veure-hi més enllà de l'empresari d'èxit i la luxosa vida que l'envolta, i descobrir el cor fred i torturat d'en Christian. Aconseguirà la seva relació amb l'Ana dissipar els malsons que cada nit l'assetgen? O seran els seus obscurs impulsos sexuals, la seva obsessió pel control i el menyspreu cap a ell mateix el que l'allunyarà de la jove i destruirà la fràgil esperança que ella li ofereix?

Pack & Coven

by Jody Wallace

Harry Smith is a lone wolf, and he likes it that way. When he's targeted to be co-alpha of the local pack, there is only one thing he can do to maintain his freedom: flee. But it'll take a miracle to stay a step ahead of shifters in their own territory.June Travis has been in love with Harry for years, but he doesn't know her real identity. He sees her as the sweet owner of the local tearoom-the facade June presents to humans and werewolves to keep them from finding out she's a witch. She may not be able to offer Harry a miracle, but she can help him escape.Harry is drawn to this new side of June, and not just because he's grateful for her help. With her magic temporarily hiding Harry from his pursuers, the witch and the wolf explore their mutual attraction. But there are consequences for witches who bed down with wolves...81,000 words

A Pack of Two

by Jacky Russell

A witch and a werewolf. A pack of two. Master Sergeant Breanna Welker loves hockey games, cheesy fries, and being second in command of the U.S. Army's Bravo Company. The fact that her commanding officer is a vampire and most of her fellow soldiers are werewolves doesn't slow her down a bit. Her colorful vocabulary and uncompromising loyalty have endeared her to her unit, who don't give a damn she's a shape-shifting witch. Lucas Benelli can't boast the same loyalty from the people close to him. His father is the Alpha of the largest known werewolf pack in the world-a pack Lucas is expected to be the leader of. But Lucas has spent most of his life avoiding contact with his father's pack and they don't seem to like him much either. Together, they forge a connection not even Lucas's dysfunctional pack or Breanna's meddling unit can break-and come face-to-face with the hardest choice either of them has ever had to make. CONTENT WARNING: Includes a horde of evil witches, and one deliciously wicked witch with Mother Nature at her beck and call.95,000 Words

Pagan Queen: Curse of the Lost Isle (Curse of the Lost Isle #2)

by Vijaya Schartz

Queen at last, Pressine brings victory to her beloved Elinas and prosperity to their growing kingdom. But she has to contend with the intrigues of Charlemagne's bishops, spurred by her Christian stepson. She also fears the curse that could bring her downfall. For the love of Elinas, she will tempt fate and become with child. But when her indomitable passion challenges the wrath of the Goddess Herself... can she win that battle?

Painted Passion

by Latisha Brandon

Enjoying the last day of merriment in LOVE Park, Kevin Zahir Dunmore sees a woman across the courtyard, and knows instantly he has to capture her image. He doesn’t miss a step, sketching page after page of her silhouette. He ponders, if only he were close enough to see the shade of her eyes. Never one to let a moment pass he approaches her, swagger peppering his steps. Little does he know…his life will never be the same. The sensation is of butterfly wings skimming down her neck and across her exposed shoulders. Ashlyn Farrell feels open, and she shockingly relishes the imaged touch. She’s forever in control, and as her life as a photojournalist depends on that control. However, on that day, she lowers her professional camera and basks in it. She wants to roll her head back toward her shoulders and raise her arms to the sun. Kevin and Ashlyn are vastly different, him from the Southside of Philadelphia, she a child of privilege, reeled in the gated communities of suburban Chicago. He’s a self made, younger man, who’s charming, confident, and at times slightly arrogant. She’s worldly, brilliant, and a tad bit reserved. As their lives become more intertwined, traveling from the cool surf of the Atlantic, to the heated hills of S„o Paulo, their passion ignites, but is their love strong enough to face the skepticism of her family, or his male ego?

Painted Passion

by Latisha Brandon

Enjoying the last day of merriment in LOVE Park, Kevin Zahir Dunmore sees a woman across the courtyard, and knows instantly he has to capture her image. He doesn't miss a step, sketching page after page of her silhouette. He ponders, if only he were close enough to see the shade of her eyes. Never one to let a moment pass he approaches her, swagger peppering his steps. Little does he know...his life will never be the same.The sensation is of butterfly wings skimming down her neck and across her exposed shoulders. Ashlyn Farrell feels open, and she shockingly relishes the imaged touch. She's forever in control, and as her life as a photojournalist depends on that control. However, on that day, she lowers her professional camera and basks in it. She wants to roll her head back toward her shoulders and raise her arms to the sun.Kevin and Ashlyn are vastly different, him from the Southside of Philadelphia, she a child of privilege, reeled in the gated communities of suburban Chicago. He's a self made, younger man, who's charming, confident, and at times slightly arrogant. She's worldly, brilliant, and a tad bit reserved. As their lives become more intertwined, traveling from the cool surf of the Atlantic, to the heated hills of S o Paulo, their passion ignites, but is their love strong enough to face the skepticism of her family, or his male ego?

Painted the Other Woman

by Julia James

Athan Teodarkis knows her type well: women for whom designer dresses and priceless jewelry are paid for only in kind. But he's never been distracted by one-until now. Suspecting his sister's husband of having an affair with the dangerously beautiful Marisa Milburne, Athan determines to put a stop to it.Confident the Teodarkis millions will easily divert this gold digger's attentions, Athan has a simple plan-seduce, then discard. But contrary to what the merciless Athan believes, shy Marisa is no home wrecker, and with her innocence she is powerless to resist his vengeful seduction....

The Painter's Apprentice

by Charlotte Betts

From the author of ebook bestseller The Apothecary's Daughter1688. Beth Ambrose has led a sheltered life within Merryfields, her family home on the outskirts of London; a place where her parents provide a sanctuary for melancholic souls. A passionate and gifted artist, Beth shares a close bond with Johannes the painter, who nurtures her talents and takes her on as his apprentice. But as political tensions begin to rise in the capital, Noah Leyton arrives at her family home in the middle of the night with a proposition that turns Beth's world upside down. And when Merryfields becomes refuge to a mysterious new guest, whose connections provide an opportunity for Beth to fulfil her artistic ambitions, she soon realises that it comes at a price . . .

The Painter's Apprentice

by Charlotte Betts

From the author of ebook bestseller The Apothecary's Daughter1688. Beth Ambrose has led a sheltered life within Merryfields, her family home on the outskirts of London; a place where her parents provide a sanctuary for melancholic souls. A passionate and gifted artist, Beth shares a close bond with Johannes the painter, who nurtures her talents and takes her on as his apprentice. But as political tensions begin to rise in the capital, Noah Leyton arrives at her family home in the middle of the night with a proposition that turns Beth's world upside down. And when Merryfields becomes refuge to a mysterious new guest, whose connections provide an opportunity for Beth to fulfil her artistic ambitions, she soon realises that it comes at a price . . .

The Painter's Apprentice

by Charlotte Betts

1688. Beth Ambrose has led a sheltered life within Merryfields, her family home on the outskirts of London; a place where her parents provide a sanctuary for melancholic souls. A passionate and gifted artist, Beth shares a close bond with Johannes the painter, who nurtures her talents and takes her on as his apprentice. But as political tensions begin to rise in the capital, Noah Leyton arrives at her family home in the middle of the night with a proposition that turns Beth's world upside down. And when Merryfields becomes refuge to a mysterious new guest, whose connections provide an opportunity for Beth to fulfil her artistic ambitions, she soon realises that it comes at a price . . .

A Pair of Patient Lovers

by William Dean Howells

William Dean Howells was an American realist author, literary critic, and playwright. Nicknamed "The Dean of American Letters", he was particularly known for his tenure as editor of the Atlantic Monthly as well as his own prolific writings, including the Christmas story "Christmas Every Day", and the novels The Rise of Silas Lapham and A Traveler from Altruria.

Pandemonium (Delirium Trilogy #2)

by Lauren Oliver

I'm pushing aside the memory of my nightmare, pushing aside thoughts of Alex, pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school, push, push, push, like Raven taught me to do. The old life is dead. But the old Lena is dead too. I buried her. I left her beyond a fence, behind a wall of smoke and ?ame. Lauren Oliver delivers an electrifying follow-up to her acclaimed New York Times bestseller, Delirium. This riveting, brilliant novel crackles with the fire of fierce defiance, forbidden romance, and the sparks of a revolution about to ignite.

Pandemonium: From the bestselling author of Panic, now a major Amazon Prime series (Delirium #2)

by Lauren Oliver

Love, the deadliest of all deadly things.It kills you when you have it.And when you don't.I'm pushing aside the memory of my nightmare, pushing aside thoughts of Alex, pushing aside thoughts of Hana and my old school, push, push, push, like Raven taught me to do.The old life is dead.But the old Lena is dead too.I buried her.I left her beyond a fence,behind a wall of smoke and flame.Pandemonium is a poignant, explosive, recklessly romantic and utterly heartbreaking novel. Like Delirium, the first in the compelling trilogy, it will take you to the very edge. That's all you need to know. We'll let Lena do the rest of the talking . . .(P)2012 HarperCollins Audio

Pandemonium (Delirium Trilogy 2): From the bestselling author of Panic, soon to be a major Amazon Prime series

by Lauren Oliver

**From the bestselling author of Panic, soon to be a major Amazon Prime TV series**'Crackling with tension...whip smart and addictive' Marie Claire Love, the deadliest of all deadly things. It kills you when you have it. And when you don't. The old life is dead. But the old Lena is dead too. I buried her. I left her beyond a fence, behind a wall of smoke and flame. Lena Haloway's been to the very edge. She's questioned everything she's ever been taught and fought for love and the life-changing and agonising emotions that come with it. But now, while she may have escaped the tyranny of the government, she is headng into the heart of something that could be just as dangerous - a growing resistance movement where the sparks of a revolution are about to ignite...Lena made her decision. But can she survive the consequences?'Reminds us just how important love is. Devour it, then go and give all your friends a big hug.' Heat'Prepare to become completely absorbed.' Glamour

Papa's Boy (Morning Report Series #3)

by Sue Brown

Sequel to Complete FaithMorning Report: Book ThreeWhen Ray Sloane tires of the men in his usual club, he finds himself in the Pink Palm, an inauspiciously named spit-and-sawdust dive, not the sort of place an elementary school teacher and pastor's assistant should be seen in. On the other hand, Ray needs a fresh face. But what he gets is a closeted, desperately unhappy divorcé named Zeke. Losing his teaching job and his kids has left Zeke bitter and in denial about his sexuality, but Ray is determined to get under his skin. Just as Zeke starts to relax, life interferes with Ray's plans: Lee, the teenage organist from St. Mark's, tells his parents that he was abused as a teenager by a prominent congregation member from his old church, and Ray becomes the target of bullies at school and has to worry about his own job. With the specter of what happened to Zeke hanging over him, Ray must protect Lee and his own reputation, all while trying to convince Zeke that he doesn't need to run away when their relationship grows more intense.

Papi (Orizzonti serie #3)

by Ugo Telese Mickie B. Ashling

Seguito di La degustazioneUn libro della serie Orizzonti.Sei mesi dopo essersi incontrati alla Degustazione di Chicago, Lil Lampert e Grier Dilorio vivono insieme. Il loro legame fisico è forte più che mai, ma la coppia capisce presto che servono più di due magiche parole e del sesso straordinario per far funzionare una relazione. Come un uccellino che ha appena lasciato il nido, Grier sta imparando come condurre la sua nuova vita. I suoi problemi sarebbero dovuti finire quando Jillian ha firmato i documenti che lo riconoscono come padre biologico di Luca e quando ha avuto l'opportunità di inseguire la carriera di designer d'interni. Invece, è ostacolato da vecchi timori e cattive abitudini che sono difficili da abbandonare. Adeguarsi a un piccolo appartamento in uno stato con quattro stagioni - con un uomo più giovane di lui dal temperamento testardo - è una sfida per Lil. Fare il "Papi" di Luca significa trovare una sorta di equilibrio delicato tra quello che lui pensa sia giusto e il dover fare affidamento agli otto anni di esperienza di Grier. La vita è abbastanza stressante, ma ora Lil e Grier affrontano anche una complicanza inaspettata creata da un'autorità influente, potente e radicale. Improvvisamente, la sicurezza di Luca e la felicità della famiglia che si sta formando dipendono dalla profonda comprensione della natura umana di Lil e dalla voglia di imparare di Grier.

The Parasol Protectorate Boxed Set: Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, Heartless and Timeless (The Parasol Protectorate)

by Gail Carriger

Alexia Tarabotti is laboring under a great many social tribulations. First, she has no soul. Second, she's a spinster whose father is both Italian and dead. Third, she was rudely attacked by a vampire, breaking all standards of social etiquette. Where to go from there? From bad to worse apparently, for Alexia accidentally kills the vampire -- and then the appalling Lord Maccon (loud, messy, gorgeous, and werewolf) is sent by Queen Victoria to investigate. With unexpected vampires appearing and expected vampires disappearing, everyone seems to believe Alexia responsible. Can she figure out what is actually happening to London's high society? Will her soulless ability to negate supernatural powers prove useful or just plain embarrassing? Finally, who is the real enemy, and do they have treacle tart?The Parasol Protectorate is a comedy of manners set in Victorian London: full of werewolves, vampires, dirigibles, and tea-drinking.This bundle includes the whole series: Soulless, Changeless, Blameless, Heartless, and Timeless.

Paris in Love: A Memoir

by Eloisa James

<P>In 2009, New York Times bestselling author Eloisa James took a leap that many people dream about: she sold her house, took a sabbatical from her job as a Shakespeare professor, and moved her family to Paris. <P>Paris in Love: A Memoir chronicles her joyful year in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. With no classes to teach, no committee meetings to attend, no lawn to mow or cars to park, Eloisa revels in the ordinary pleasures of life--discovering corner museums that tourists overlook, chronicling Frenchwomen's sartorial triumphs, walking from one end of Paris to another. <P>She copes with her Italian husband's notions of quality time; her two hilarious children, ages eleven and fifteen, as they navigate schools--not to mention puberty--in a foreign language; and her mother-in-law Marina's raised eyebrow in the kitchen (even as Marina overfeeds Milo, the family dog). <P>Paris in Love invites the reader into the life of a most enchanting family, framed by la ville de l'amour. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Parnassus on Wheels

by Christopher Morley

In PARNASSUS ON WHEELS (prequel to THE HAUNTED BOOKSHOP), rapidly-approaching-middle-age Helen McGill lives a drab life caring for her older brother, Andrew, a former businessman turned farmer, turned author. When bookseller Roger Mifflin shows up at the farm, Helen buys his unusual traveling bookstore and embarks on an adventure of her own.

The Parson's Daughter of Oxney Colne

by Anthony Trollope

But our present story will have more to do with his daughter than with him. A pretty girl, I have said, was Patience Woolsworthy; and one, too, in many ways remarkable. She had taken her outlook into life, weighing the things which she had and those which she had not, in a manner very unusual, and, as a rule, not always desirable for a young lady. The things which she had not were very many.

Part of the Bargain & A Wife for a Westmoreland

by Linda Lael Miller

NO PLACE LIKE HOME After a searing tragedy, Libby Kincaid just wants to go home. But the Circle Bar B ranch isn't the haven she expects it to be. Malicious rumors about Libby are circulating through the ranch, and worse, her lifelong opponent, rancher Jess Barlowe, believes them. The cowboy is as sexy and rugged as ever...but now he's promised to keep a very close eye on her... The more time Jess spends with Libby, the harder it is to resist her. He can't get her out of his mind, but his doubts linger. Are the rumors true? Is he the man she really wants? And in the end, can a proud cowboy like Jess love a woman he can't completely trust? FREE BONUS STORY INCLUDED IN THIS VOLUME! A Wife for a Westmoreland by New York Times bestselling author Brenda Jackson Derringer Westmoreland is haunted by memories of a woman whose face he cannot recall. When he finally traces his mystery woman, Lucia Conyers, she's less than impressed with his charms. For the first time in his life, if he wants to win a woman's heart, he'll have to risk his own.

A Partial History of Lost Causes

by Jennifer Dubois

"[An] astonishingly beautiful and brainy debut . . . [a] stunning novel."--O: The Oprah Magazine"In Jennifer duBois' gorgeous novel, A Partial History of Lost Causes, the personal, theoretical, and political are braided together into a seamless whole. . . . Moving yet startlingly funny--full of bravado, insight, and clarity. A Partial History of Lost Causes is a thrilling debut by a young writer who evidently shares the uncanny brilliance of her protagonists."--ElleIn Jennifer duBois's mesmerizing and exquisitely rendered debut novel, a long-lost letter links two disparate characters, each searching for meaning against seemingly insurmountable odds. In St. Petersburg, Russia, world chess champion Aleksandr Bezetov begins a quixotic quest. With his renowned Cold War-era tournaments behind him, Aleksandr has turned to politics, launching a dissident presidential campaign against Vladimir Putin. He knows he will not win--and that he is risking his life in the process--but a deeper conviction propels him forward. And in the same way that he cannot abandon his aims, he cannot erase the memory of a mysterious woman he loved in his youth.In Cambridge, Massachusetts, thirty-year-old English lecturer Irina Ellison is on an improbable quest of her own. Certain she has inherited Huntington's disease--the same cruel illness that ended her father's life--she struggles with a sense of purpose. When Irina finds an old, photocopied letter her father had written to the young Aleksandr Bezetov, she makes a fateful decision. Her father had asked the Soviet chess prodigy a profound question--How does one proceed against a lost cause?--but never received an adequate reply. Leaving everything behind, Irina travels to Russia to find Bezetov and get an answer for her father, and for herself.Spanning two continents and the dramatic sweep of history, A Partial History of Lost Causes reveals the stubbornness and splendor of the human will even in the most trying times. With uncommon perception and wit, Jennifer duBois explores the power of memory, the depths of human courage, and the endurance of love.From the Hardcover edition.

Party of Three

by Daire St. Denis

Determined to end a long dry spell, Tina is thwarted by her best friend, Des, who scares off the only eligible guy at their party. But Des more than makes up for it when she and her boyfriend, Josh, invite Tina to their own intimate celebration. The encounter awakens cravings Tina didn't even know she had. She's intrigued when the couple asks her to join them for two days of sun, sand and steamy sex in Santa Barbara. She should say no. But she doesn't...The erotic weekend is beyond amazing. But there's something deeper developing between the trio-something Tina is not yet ready to explore. After all, their party of three can't last forever-can it?43,000 words

Party of Three: A H.O.T. Cops Novel

by Lacey Alexander

Ethan West is giving his girlfriend Mira something special for her birthday: her never-before-explored fantasy. He's recruited one of his cop friends to join them for a romantic weekend. But the three of them cross boundries they never expected. .

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