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The Spinning Wheel

by Claire Lorrimer

The year is 1902. The love affair between a young aristocrat and the seventeen-year old daughter of his tutor ends in sorrow disgrace and grief humiliation. He is sent away to Europe to forget while his lover, pregnant and ruined, is left behind. She bears a child, Harry, who is fostered by the Pritchetts, a humble and caring family. Harry grows up in idyllic surroundings with Alice, his foster-sister, sometimes going up to the big house to play with the beautiful but spoilt Madeline. Though secure at the Pritchetts', nothing can prepare Harry for the revelation of his father's true identity. Years later the truth finally does emerge, and he is claimed by his father's relatives. But Harry finds he cannot forget the care of those who had brought him up - especially Alice with her deep and enduring love.

Truth to Tell

by Claire Lorrimer

1914: Lady Beaufort already has three boys and she certainly doesn't want another child. But her husband Aubrey has always dreamed of a daughter to fill the gap his sister left when she died tragically young. In contrast Harold and Copper Varney are expecting their first child and are over the moon about it. Their children Victoria and Leila meet when Lady Beaufort sends Victoria to the village school out of spite, jealous of her captivating daughter. Victoria's parents adore their only child Leila, though they are surprised she does not excel academically as her father did. Though Harold is an impoverished teacher, whose family have a meagre existence, he was a talented Oxford scholar. Despite the differences in their backgrounds, the two girls share a special friendship as well as a birthday; but before long both families start to fear something is wrong . . .

Truth to Tell

by Claire Lorrimer

1914: Lady Beaufort already has three boys and she certainly doesn't want another child. But her husband Aubrey has always dreamed of a daughter to fill the gap his sister left when she died tragically young. In contrast Harold and Copper Varney are expecting their first child and are over the moon about it. Their children Victoria and Leila meet when Lady Beaufort sends Victoria to the village school out of spite, jealous of her captivating daughter. Victoria's parents adore their only child Leila, though they are surprised she does not excel academically as her father did. Though Harold is an impoverished teacher, whose family have a meagre existence, he was a talented Oxford scholar. Despite the differences in their backgrounds, the two girls share a special friendship as well as a birthday; but before long both families start to fear something is wrong . . .


by Claire Lorrimer

A compelling collection of 15 short stories from the bestselling Claire Lorrimer, perfect for bedtime reading or a quick read on the go.The stories are:The Snake BeltOne in ThreeThe White DovesThe Angel and the Witch or Miss Tansley's Easter PlayTrust MeOnce a YearGoat's LooseThe Patient in Number Twenty-twoComfort and JoyTwo Sides to a CoinOld Toys WantedA True StoryPoor Little Rich GirlProgressThe Garden


by Claire Lorrimer

A compelling collection of 15 short stories from the bestselling Claire Lorrimer, perfect for bedtime reading or a quick read on the go.The stories are:The Snake BeltOne in ThreeThe White DovesThe Angel and the Witch or Miss Tansley's Easter PlayTrust MeOnce a YearGoat's LooseThe Patient in Number Twenty-twoComfort and JoyTwo Sides to a CoinOld Toys WantedA True StoryPoor Little Rich GirlProgressThe Garden

A Voice in the Dark

by Claire Lorrimer

Laura Howard, a young English nurse on holiday in Italy, helps the Contessa dell’Alba return to her home after an illness. Laura is befriended by the family and feels herself drawn to Domenico, the Contessa’s blind son. To her horror, she suddenly realises that his life is in danger. Enmeshed in a web of intrigue and confusion and unable to find the source of the threats, Laura despairs of her inability to convince the family that they are in mortal danger. Finally aware of her love for Domenico, she tries desperately to uncover the mystery but she soon finds out that her own life is in danger too…

A Voice in the Dark

by Claire Lorrimer

Laura Howard, a young English nurse on holiday in Italy, helps the Contessa dell?Alba return to her home after an illness. Laura is befriended by the family and feels herself drawn to Domenico, the Contessa?s blind son. To her horror, she suddenly realises that his life is in danger. Enmeshed in a web of intrigue and confusion and unable to find the source of the threats, Laura despairs of her inability to convince the family that they are in mortal danger. Finally aware of her love for Domenico, she tries desperately to uncover the mystery but she soon finds out that her own life is in danger too?

The Woven Thread

by Claire Lorrimer

Jennifer Winfield goes to work as a residential secretary at the Manor House, where the elderly Lady Barclay is researching a book of the family history. Jenny intends the job to be merely a means of filling the time until her fiancé, Peter, returns from an assignment abroad. But although life is initially uneventful in the secluded Manor, it does not remain so for long…The unexpected arrival of Simon Barclay and a young American, Allan Howe, turn Jenny’s world upside down. Unprepared for the powerful attraction she feels for two very different men, Jenny’s emotions veer chaotically out of control. Now unable to face Peter, she breaks off their engagement… but knows there is no certainty that either Simon or Allan will want to take his place.Then, history seems to repeat itself as the Barclay ancestors merge with the present in an intriguing, disturbing and strangely romantic manner… but with sinister undertones that threaten tragedy.

The Woven Thread

by Claire Lorrimer

Jennifer Winfield goes to work as a residential secretary at the Manor House, where the elderly Lady Barclay is researching a book of the family history. Jenny intends the job to be merely a means of filling the time until her fiancé, Peter, returns from an assignment abroad. But although life is initially uneventful in the secluded Manor, it does not remain so for long?The unexpected arrival of Simon Barclay and a young American, Allan Howe, turn Jenny?s world upside down. Unprepared for the powerful attraction she feels for two very different men, Jenny?s emotions veer chaotically out of control. Now unable to face Peter, she breaks off their engagement? but knows there is no certainty that either Simon or Allan will want to take his place.Then, history seems to repeat itself as the Barclay ancestors merge with the present in an intriguing, disturbing and strangely romantic manner? but with sinister undertones that threaten tragedy.

Men!: Forget the fiction! Where are the interesting and available men?

by Isabel Losada

Fast, hard-hitting, funny and honest, this is the book that answers the question that all women discuss every day: 'Where are the interesting and available men?' Forget the fiction. This is not self help or a dating manual - This is 'Men!' - controversial, sassy and very entertaining - Michael Moore meets real life Bridget Jones.Bestselling author Isabel Losada throws herself (literally) into all male environments to learn about how different 'Men!' are from women. From learning to be a plumber and riding a Harley to interviewing psychologists and dating hosts, every page will have readers smiling and learning about 'Men!' and about themselves. How do you define an 'interesting' man? (or women?) How are male and female brains different? What do the richest men in the city and the builders on the building sites want of women? This is not a book for women who think that finding a man is the solution to their problems; rather it is an intelligent, controversial and often hilarious journey through modern life and relationships by a unique and well-loved author.

Managing the Aftermath of Infidelity: A Sequential Guide for Therapists and Couples

by Butch Losey

This book tackles the challenges that arise from infidelity by helping couples heal through the initial experiences of discovery, providing tools to help partners disclose the details of the affair, manage triggering experiences and obtain forgiveness and reconciliation. Managing in the Aftermath of Infidelity is organized to speak directly to the betraying partner, the betrayed partner, and the therapist independently, offering valuable insights on how each role can assist in making recovery successful. Early chapters direct couples on how to limit potential damage from the fall out of discovery, and subsequent chapters help the couple repair and rebuild a new post-affair relationship. The strategies within this book can be used by the couple alone or as a companion to working with a therapist. Taking the reader sequentially through the essential steps of affair recovery, this text is an essential guide for marriage counselors and their patients.

Jackass Flats (Prärie Cowboys #1)

by E. Losian Julia Talbot

Buch 1 in der Serie - Prärie CowboysKönnen ein reisender Soldat und ein in seinen Gewohnheiten festgefahrener Cowboy eine funktionierende Beziehung miteinander führen? Tate fühlt sich, als wäre die beste Zeit seines Lebens einfach an ihm vorbeigerauscht, weshalb der Cowboy mittleren Alters nachts die Bars unsicher macht. Als er jedoch Dave kennenlernt, einen jungen Soldaten des nahen Army Stützpunkts, glaubt Tate, dass alles besser werden kann. Er und Dave haben einen holprigen Start, doch bald findet Tate heraus, dass er und der Junge genug gemeinsam haben, um die Sache interessant zu machen. Dave hat nicht viel für die „Frage-nichts-sage-nichts-Theorie“ übrig, die im Militär vorherrscht, und er bemüht sich auch nicht, die Beziehung mit Tate vor seinen Freunden zu verbergen. Als er realisiert, dass er vorsichtiger hätte sein sollen, ist es vielleicht schon zu spät. Doch Dave ist gewillt, um Tate zu kämpfen, auch wenn das bedeutet, sich mit dem Militär anzulegen.

Destroyed (Le cronache della spina, volume #2)

by Kimberly Loth F. Rossi

In un mondo ideale, Naomi vivrebbe ancora a Vegas con Ginny e Alejandro, bacerebbe Puck ogni volta possibile e sarebbe diventata un Guardiano. Ma lei non ha mai vissuto in un mondo del genere; infatti, è di nuovo bloccata in Arkansas con suo padre, Kai e i Distruttori. Non solo, ma il potere di sua madre risiede dentro di lei, e non ha idea di come sbarazzarsene. Mentre Naomi cerca di capire il suo potere distruttivo e di aiutare Kai con il suo ruolo di Maestro Distruttore si presenta una nuova minaccia: i Distruttori stanno uccidendo i Guardiani, e ora tutti gli amici di Naomi sono a rischio. Tutti pensano che sia Kai l'unico a poterli fermare, ma Naomi conosce la verità: solo lei può mettere una fine a tutto. Ma come?

Kissed (Le cronache della spina, volume #1)

by Kimberly Loth F. Rossi

Intrappolata in un culto oscuro, la sedicenne Naomi Aren ha vissuto una vita tranquilla, anche se infelice, tra le colline degli Ozark. Senza potersi tagliare i capelli, vestita sempre con gonne di jeans e con solo le sue rose come amiche, Naomi non si chiede quasi mai perché la sua vita sia diversa da quella degli altri ragazzi a scuola, fino al giorno in cui il suo violento padre, che è anche il capo del culto, annuncia il suo matrimonio. Naomi deve sposare Dwayne Yerdin, un bullo che puzza di sudore e concime ed è l'unica persona che le fa più paura di suo padre. Allora, incontra Kai, il ragazzo misterioso delle nuove rose esotiche e dei baci rubati a mezzanotte. Baci che le fanno scoprire una forza sovrannaturale di cui non conosceva l'esistenza. Con l'avvicinarsi del gran giorno, Naomi scopre altri segreti sul culto di suo padre: viene a sapere di avere un suo potere, e anche se Kai può averlo risvegliato, Naomi deve trovare il modo di usarlo per sfuggire a Dwayne e a suo padre, senza autodistruggersi. Questo romance paranormale YA è adatto per lettori adolescenti e per tutti coloro che amano il romanticismo, i misteri e il fantasy.

Sacrifice to Love: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Lotus

Love for many years but in the wedding eve mysteriously disappeared after many years she appeared again mysteriously but she had changed her appearance for revenge he had been kept in the dark all along wondering where he had failed her struggling with her hoping to awaken her memory but when all the truth came out they found each other still love each other but two things are not only love can be together between them was an insurmountable barrier

The Bridge

by Rachel Lou

Everett Hallman might not be the world's most powerful witch, but he does his part by helping wayward souls find their way to the beyond. Then a feeling Everett can't explain lures him away from the magical woods near his house, to a local martial arts school. There, he is intrigued when he uncovers remains left by supernatural beings of enormous power, and he cannot resist looking into the mystery. Everett learns he is a Bridge Master: a witch capable of passing into different spirit realms, but his revelation comes with a new set of problems. First, the powerful witch instructing him disappears, and then he notices something strange about his attractive new friend from the martial arts studio. Worst of all, Everett's reserves of spell-casting energy continue to deplete. Only one thing is certain--Everett cannot turn his back on this puzzle until he gets some answers.

Começos Sem Fim

by Tatá Louback Amber Daulton

Excerto do Começos Sem Fim Cada pedaço do corpo dele exigia que ele a beijasse até que ela se derretesse em seus braços, mas ele não iria ceder. O estresse enrijecia seus músculos, agitava seu estômago, ele precisava socar algo para aliviá-lo. Ela precisa trocar de roupa. Pronto Rodger pegou a última de suas novas malas e olhou para os itens. Alguém largou Leonora no meio das salinas. Alguém a abandonou. Essa é a única explicação razoável, mesmo que ela não admita ou não perceba. Ele forçou os dedos pelos cabelos bagunçados. Eu tenho que acreditar nisso e nada mais. Eu não posso deixar que ela se apegue a mim, e eu a ela. A última coisa que uma mulher perdida e confusa precisa é do carinho de um homem que logo a deixará. Direitos autorais Começos Sem Fim Books to Go Now publicação Copyright © Amber Daulton 2018 Books to Go Now Design da capa por Romance Novel Covers Now Para obter informações sobre a ilustração e o design da capa, entre em contato com Segunda edição eBook Edition maio de 2018 Aviso: a reprodução ou distribuição não autorizada deste trabalho protegido por direitos autorais é ilegal. A violação de direitos autorais, incluindo a violação sem ganho monetário, é investigada pelo FBI e é punível com até 5 anos de prisão e multa de 250.000 dólares. Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte deste livro pode ser reproduzida ou transmitida de qualquer forma sem a permissão por escrito do editor, exceto por um revisor que possa citar breves passagens para fins de revisão. Este livro é uma obra de ficção e qualquer semelhança com qualquer pessoa, viva ou morta, qualquer lugar, eventos ou ocorrências é mera coincidência. Os personagens e as linhas da história são criados a partir da imaginação do autor e são usados ​​ficticiamente

The Couple's Comfort Book: A Creative Guide for Renewing Passion, Pleasure & Commitment

by Jennifer Louden

Romance at Your FingertipsIn the tradition of the phenomenally successful The Woman's Comfort Book, Jennifer Louden brings her masterful sustenance skills to this creative guide filled with ways for couples to stay connected in a busy world. With playful rituals and reliable recipes for making the most of your time together, this is the comprehensive compendium of coupledom.

Southern Comfort

by Amie Louellen

A Confederate ghost who haunts a sweet old lady's house once a month is exactly the kind of story Chicago freelance reporter Newland Tran needs to bounce back from a career in disgrace. He's even willing to hang out in small-town Turtle Creek, Mississippi to do it.Natalie Coleman has her life in complete order. Well, almost. She still has to clean up the messes from her wayward parents, her eccentric aunt, and her underage brother...who's also Turtle Creek's current mayor. Now that they have a reporter underfoot, Natalie's sanity is about to snap.But there's more to the ghost than just a story. And Newland discovers there's more to Natalie than he ever dreamed. Can the unlikely pair discover the truth behind the eerie goings-on before Newland succumbs to Natalie's brand of southern comfort?Sensuality Level: Sensual

Southern Hospitality

by Amie Louellen

Not much happens in sleepy Jefferson County, Tennessee. That is, until Yankee reporter Roxanne Ackerman's car breaks down there on her way to Memphis, and she somehow winds up as a murder suspect! With no one to bail her out and the local judge on a fishing trip, Roxanne is surrendered into the custody of her ultra-conservative-yet-oh-so-sexy attorney, Malcolm B. Daniels IV, for the weekend.Malcolm is nearly engaged, running for U.S. Senate, and really does not need this gorgeous, wild woman in his life right now. He just has to show her a little Southern hospitality until he can get the case dropped on Monday morning, and things will finally go back to normal.But the more time they spend together, the more sparks fly between them. One weekend might be all the time Roxanne needs to work her way into his heart and make his life exciting again. What if, when Monday comes, he doesn't want to let her go?Sensuality Level: Sensual

Southern Nights

by Amie Louellen

The heat is on, and we're not just talking about the summer sun. Passions flare when these Yankees wander below the Mason-Dixon line and end up locking horns with some sweet-drawling southerners who know how to get what they want! <P><P>Southern Hospitality: When Yankee reporter Roxanne Ackerman's car breaks down on her way to Memphis, she somehow winds up as a murder suspect surrendered into the custody of her ultra-conservative-yet-oh-so-sexy attorney, Malcolm B. Daniels IV, for the weekend. He's nearly engaged, running for U.S. Senate, and really does not need this gorgeous, wild woman in his life right now. He just has to show her a little Southern hospitality until Monday morning. But the more time they spend together, the more sparks fly between them--what if, when the weekend ends, he doesn't want to let her go? <P><P>Southern Comfort: A Confederate ghost who haunts a house in Turtle Creek, Mississippi, once a month is exactly the kind of story Chicago freelance reporter Newland Tran needs to bounce back from a career in disgrace. But Natalie Coleman stands in his way--with her family responsibilities, she doesn't have time to humor a journalist seeking spooks in her house. But it turns out there's more to the ghost than just a story, and Newland discovers there's more to Natalie than he ever dreamed. Can the unlikely pair discover the truth behind the eerie goings-on before Newland succumbs to Natalie's brand of southern comfort? <P><P>Sensuality Level: Sensual

The Blind Wish (Jinni Wars #2)

by Amber Lough

Two sisters. A war. And the wish to end regret. . . . The magical, evocative follow-up to The Fire Wish. The war: The lies that started the conflict are in the open now, but the war between the humans and the jinn is as bitter as ever--and becoming far more treacherous. The sisters: Najwa and Zayele have just learned they're half-jinni, half-human twins. Najwa is now the jinni representative at the human palace, working to bring peace. But her new role comes at a price--she's no longer allowed alone with her cherished Prince Kamal. And as Zayele adjusts to life among the jinn, she discovers that she's a magus, one of the most powerful jinn in the Cavern. Suddenly, she's thrown into special training, and the strongest young men in the army are competing to be paired up with her. The wish: Once again, Zayele makes a wish. A wish that she doesn't think can possibly go wrong. A wish that neither sister could imagine would change the outcome of the war.

The Fire Wish

by Amber Lough

A jinni. A princess. And the wish that changes everything. . . . Beautifully written and accessible fantasy for fans of Tamora Pierce, Rachel Hartman, and Laini Taylor. In this romantic and evocative fantasy, Najwa is a jinni, training to be a spy in the war against the humans. Zayele is a human on her way to marry a prince of Baghdad--which she'll do anything to avoid. So she captures Najwa and makes a wish. With a rush of smoke and fire, they fall apart and re-form--as each other. A jinni and a human, trading lives. Both girls must play their parts among enemies who would kill them if the deception were ever discovered--enemies including the young men Najwa and Zayele are just discovering they might love.

An Accidental Hero

by Loree Lough

Loree Lough shares stories of love, faith and healing. An Accidental Hero Struggling actress Cammi Carlisle is leading a life of bad luck. When fate throws her and Reid Alexander together, though, things start to look up. Still, Reid harbors a terrible secret that the pregnant Cammi may not be able to forgive.... An Accidental Mom Any glimpse of Max Sheridan, her long-lost love, has always made Lily London sparkle. Then Max, now a widower, returns to Amarillo with his young son. Max doesn't think the girl he left behind can handle a ready-made family-it's up to Lily to prove him wrong.

All He'll Ever Need (A Little Child Shall Lead Them #1)

by Loree Lough

Among the New-new Order Amish of Oakland, Maryland, children bring precious hope, joy—and sometimes an unexpected second chance at love . . . For Amish widower Phillip Baker, providing for his family in the wake of his wife's death means back-breaking work and renewed dedication to his faith. Still, his strength can’t help him relate to his little son’s struggles. It seems a godsend when new doctor Emily White is able to treat Gabe’s shyness and fear even as she helps heal him. But no matter how strongly Phillip is drawn to the caring Englisher from the city, their differences may be too great to overcome . . . Reeling from her own tragic loss, Emily keeps loneliness at bay through her clinic work. Somehow, though, Gabe and his gentle, sad-eyed father are making her want to risk opening her heart again. But can she find acceptance in their Plain world—and a way to turn their separate lives into a family forever? . . .

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