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Getting What You Want (Stepp Sisters #1)

by Kathy Love

In this delightful, heartwarming novel, Kathy Love introduces the Stepp sisters, three women whose lives are about to take a turn for the wild, the unpredictable, and the absolutely enchanting. . . Meet Abby. Note To Self:Remind me to have my head examined. What exactly possessed me to come home to Millbrook, Maine, where nothing changes but the weather? Oh, right. A six-month grant to do genetics research at Rand laboratories. What can I say--I'm a smart girl. And smart girls get what they need and get out again. Smart girls don't dream, they settle. And smart girls do not get completely tongue-tied while holding a basket of fried clams when they bump into the most gorgeous man they haven't seen in fifteen years: Chase Jordan. Remind me to have my hormones removed. Chase Jordan. Town bad boy. Rebel with a cause to show up in my dreams unannounced. Oh boy, this is not good. Not smart. It's like high school all over again. But in a good way. A heart-thumping way. An I-have-no-idea-what's-going-to-happen way. A way that's making me feel like maybe settling for what I have isn't so smart. . .but really going after what I want is the craziest thing I may ever do. . .

I Only Have Fangs For You (Young Brothers Ser.)

by Kathy Love

Bite MeOne thing you have to know about my brother Sebastian: he loves being a vampire. He's eternally twenty-five. He's single, and frankly, he's a chick magnet. Yeah, undeath is good. The only thing he's serious about is his nightclub, Carfax Abbey. It's the sort of dark, happening spot where vampires can really let their fangs down. My brother Rhys and I have tried to get Sebastian to clean up his bad-boy ways like we did, but then he went and called us "fang-whipped." Okay, Bite Boy, chew on this. . .The ultimate righteous reformer, Wilhemina Weiss, is on a mission to shut down Carfax Abbey. It seems the spirited, sexy-without-knowing-it vampire is working undercover as a cocktail waitress while waging a secret war to bring him down. Sebastian's A-positive he can convince Miss Goody-Vampire-Two-Fangs that nothing beats the ecstasy of a good vampire bite. I gotta tell you, the suspense would kill me--if I weren't already undead. . ."A unique blend of heat, humor and heart!" --Erin McCarthy

I Want You To Want Me (New Orleans Vampires Ser.)

by Kathy Love

Destiny May Not Be Set In Stone, But At Least He's As Hard As A RockErika Todd moved to New Orleans because she needed a change--and, well, yes, because that's what the fortune teller said she would do. Not that she'd admit that to many people. But so many of the psychic's predictions--about her work, even finding that stray black cat--have already come true. Now all the lonely sculptor needs is to meet and fall in love with the prophesized dark-eyed prince. . .Reclusive musician Vittorio Ridgewood has a new neighbor he's been trying to avoid. Sure, she's gorgeous, but she's coming on strong, and the last thing the 200-year-old vampire needs is to get involved with another mortal. Especially since several of his former human paramours have lately been turning up dead. . .Sensing the relentless beauty needs someone to watch over her, Vittorio agrees to sit for a sculpture, and their attraction to one another quickly ignites. But is passion even this hot worth dying for?

My Sister Is a Werewolf (Young Brothers Ser.)

by Kathy Love

The sexy Young brothers may know a fang or two about the art of seduction, but their sister, Elizabeth, is positively mooning over a few issues of her own. . .Bad Moon RisingElizabeth Young's brothers think they have it rough as vampires? Ha! Two words for them: unwanted hair. What werewolf Elizabeth craves is a normal life with a husband, kids, and less shaving. Unfortunately the vaccine she's researched isn't working yet. Worse, she's in heat--and soon every dangerous wolf pack for miles around will be at her door. To buy time, she needs to have sex, and often, with the first human male she can find. . .Veterinarian Jensen Adler just meant to drown his sorrows, until a stunning, leather-clad brunette made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Now he's caught up in something really weird, definitely dangerous, and, okay, extremely hot. So his new girlfriend's hiding something (and she's a little freaky about the moon), but Jensen knows true love when he feels it, and this time, he's not giving up. . .no matter how hairy things get.

Truth or Demon (New Orleans Vampires Ser.)

by Kathy Love

Hot? Hell, Yeah.If you ask Killian O'Brien, Hell gets a bad rap. True, he's a demon, so he's bound to be a little biased. But he's got great job security, all the women he can handle, a body to die for--literally--and free reign to do as he likes. Or he did, until teenager Daisy Reed and her two friends got hold of a book of spells and summoned him to do their bidding. Their demand: find Daisy's older sister, Poppy, a boyfriend. Can't be that difficult, right? It's not like the woman is unattractive. Truth be told, Poppy is irresistible--and mind-blowingly sexy. Which is exactly why finishing this simple little assignment so he can be sent back where he came from is turning out to be the hardest thing Killian's ever done. . .

Wanting Something More (Stepp Sisters #3)

by Kathy Love

Wanting What You Get. Now, meet baby sister Marty, a savvy city girl with a score to settle who's about to get more than she bargained for. . .Fate, You Are On My Bad SideYou have got to be kidding me! On a night like this, when most sane people are home to escape a blinding snowstorm, I happen to run into Millbrook's biggest jerk, Nathaniel Peck, the boy who broke my heart at my junior prom. The one who kissed me on a dare and let his buddies laugh at me. Well, eat dirt, Nathaniel Peck, because you might have noticed me on the covers of a few magazines under the heading: Supermodel. I live in New York City now. I will be leaving as soon as the weather clears. And frankly, if it were a choice between kissing you or braving downed electrical wires, I'd have to think about it. It's official: I've regressed. It's just that I can't stand the Cult of Nathaniel Peck that has come over this town. Okay, so he is Chief of Police. So he did make sure I got home safely. So he didn't try anything funny with me. So that old smirk has been replaced by a sexy, sad smile. . . No. People just do not change that much. Somewhere inside Nate is the same leering, conniving womanizer I remember. And I intend to prove it. . .

Wanting What You Get (Stepp Sisters #2)

by Kathy Love

In her delightful novel, Getting What You Want, Kathy Love introduced the Stepp sisters, three unique women with wildly different ideas about love and life. Now, meet Ellie, the romantic middle sister who's about to take a chance on having what she's always wanted. . .This Can't Be HappeningIs he flirting with me? I must be imagining things. Why would Mason Sweet, the gorgeous mayor of Millbrook, Maine, the man I've secretly been in love with since seventh grade, flirt with me? He's the town golden boy, and I'm, well, the local librarian. The Stepp sister who stayed close to home. The one who bakes brownies. . .then eats them all. My thighs make that whick-whick-whick sound in pantyhose. He can't possibly be flirting with me. So why is he giving me that melt-you-where-you-stand look? Why is he pulling me close? And what is he whispering in my ear. . .Sorry, could you repeat that? Now I'm hearing things, because I swear Mason just asked me if I'd like to. . .well, he wasn't asking for a book recommendation, let's put it that way. Oh my, my, my. Okay, Ellie, stop blushing like a teenaged girl. I'm sure he didn't mean it. Maybe I should just alphabetize something. Be the good girl everyone expects. Eat another brownie. Forget this ever happened. So why is it I can't stop myself from saying, "Yes. . .."

What A Demon Wants (New Orleans Vampires Ser.)

by Kathy Love

She's No AngelA bodyguard? Why in the world would a demon need a bodyguard? Yes, it's true Ellina Kostova is only half demon. . .and an author with a cult following, but that just means strange stuff happens. She isn't in real danger. Heck, she's in more danger from Jude Anthony, the guy her brother has hired to protect her. In big danger, actually. Because she just cannot be attracted to. . .well, anyone. She's too much of a demon in bed. No, really.Jude has grown accustomed to being an outcast, adrift in both the mortal and preternatural worlds. Being a paid fighting machine isn't glamorous, but he does it--and many other things--spectacularly well. And man does Ellina Kostova need a lot of protection. But he needs protection, too. She's making him remember what it feels like to be human. And he's already learned no good can come of that. Especially when he's been hired not only to protect her--but also kill her. . ."Fangs for the Memories will make you laugh until milk comes out of your nose. No, really."--MaryJanice Davidson

The Fangover

by Kathy Love Erin Mccarthy

When rock-god vampire Johnny Malone commits suicide, the rest of The Impalers gather for an Irish wake and jam session to send their bandmate off in style. But alcohol-laced blood and grief make for one hell of a combination... When her brother, Johnny, dies, Stella Malone's grief lands her in the buff arms of The Impalers' bass player. While her tryst with Wyatt had some serious bite, Stella isn't looking for a relationship, especially after a tipsy argument leads to her getting stuck in bat form at the wake. The rest of the hungover Impalers are in no shape to help her, meaning that Stella's one night stand is the only one who can help her figure out what really happened last night. Only Wyatt doesn't have a clue what happened last night, either, nor does he know that Stella is the bat currently dive-bombing his head. But he does have her purse and that has to be a start, right? Or not. On the other hand, there is a priest passed out in the bathtub and an alcoholic parrot squawking about a chapel of love... Which might explain the ring on Berto Cortez's finger. How did a night of rock 'n' roll debauchery result in him turning sexy washboard player Katie Lambert into a vampire and then marrying her? He wouldn't. He couldn't. But he can't quite remember, exactly. Which means these four friends turned amnesiac couples have only one choice: hit the famed Bourbon Street for some answers...

Love Him Or Leave Him, but Don't Get Stuck With the Tab: Hilarious Advice for Real Women

by Loni Love Jeannine Amber

Women who loved Steve Harvey's mega-bestseller Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, will want to read this wise, funny relationship advice book from no-nonsense actress and comedienne Loni Love, who says that putting yourself first is the path toward lasting love.Loni Love quit her job as an electrical engineer fifteen years ago to pursue her lifelong dream of a career in comedy. Since then she has become one of the highest-paid female standup comics in the United States and her brand of relatable humor has led her down yet another path: relationship advice. Already a regular on Loveline with Dr. Drew, Telepictures is currently developing Loni's own relationship-based TV show. In this fresh and funny advice book, Love doles out an ample serving of her unique, down-to-earth take on love, sex, and dating. Love Him or Leave Him delivers answers to women's most pressing relationship questions with the central message that treating yourself right is always the first line of attack. You may stick with him, you may bail out, but don't ever be left "stuck with the tab" or getting taken advantage of. With the assistance of Jeannine Amber, award-winning Senior Writer for Essence magazine, Love offers up juicy tidbits of romantic advice in an easy-to-read Q&A format bolstered by hilarious been-there-done-that-tales. The message of her laugh-out-loud humor is consistent throughout: Put yourself first and love will follow.

How to Improve Your Marriage without Talking About It

by Patricia Love Steven Stosny

Men are right. The "relationship talk"does not help. Dr. Patricia Love's and Dr. Steven Stosny's How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It reveals the stunning truth about marital happiness: Love is not about better communication. It's about connection. You'll never get a closer relationship with your man by talking to him like you talk to one of your girlfriends. Male emotions are like women's sexuality: you can't be too direct too quickly. There are four ways to connect with a man:touch, activity, sex, routines. Men want closer marriages just as much as women do,but not if they has to act like a woman. Talking makes women move closer; it makes men move away. The secret of the silent male is this: his wife supplies the meaning in his life. The stunning truth about love is that talking doesn't help. Have you ever had this conversation with your spouse? Wife: "Honey, we need to talk about us. " Husband: "Do we have to?" Drs. Patricia Love and Steven Stosny have studied this all-too-familiar dynamic between men and women and have reached a truly shocking conclusion. Even with the best of intentions, talking about your relationship doesn't bring you together, and it will eventually drive you apart. The reason for this is that underneath most couples' fights, there is a biological difference at work. A woman's vulnerability to fear and anxiety makes her draw closer, while a man's subtle sensitivity to shame makes him pull away in response. This is why so many married couples fall into the archetypal roles of nagging wife/stonewalling husband, and why improving a marriage can't happen through words. How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It teaches couples how to get closer in ways that don't require "trying to turn a man into a woman." Rich in stories of couples who have turned their marriages around, and full of practical advice about the behaviors that make and break marriages, this essential guide will help couples find love beyond words.

Burnt Offerings

by Pearl Love

On his way home from the market, beautiful and shy Alen is accosted by local ruffians who try to take advantage of his innocence. When Alen attempts to defend his virtue, the situation takes a turn for the worse and he accidentally slays one of the men. Now he faces the mockery that is the town's justice. The penalty for murder: a slow, painful death upon the altar of the mighty god of fire. Alen's sentence is gleefully announced by the village priest, a loathsome man who promises deliverance if only the lovely boy will submit to depraved pleasures. But Alen has a secret, one to which he desperately clings even though it may cost him his life. For many years, Alen has watched the flames dance in his mother's hearth, the mystery that dwells in the bright glow alleviating his loneliness and offering endless fascination. When the time comes to face his destiny upon the pyre, Alen hopes that the fire's magical embrace might hold the key to his salvation. But will the flames herald his destruction even as all of his prayers are answered?A Bittersweet Dreams title: It's an unfortunate truth: love doesn't always conquer all. Regardless of its strength, sometimes fate intervenes, tragedy strikes, or forces conspire against it. These stories of romance do not offer a traditional happy ending, but the strong and enduring love will still touch your heart and maybe move you to tears.

The First Bloom of Winter

by Pearl Love

The Garden SeriesHolden Peters is a normal, middle-class English lad in all respects save for his preference for his own gender. Caught in a compromising position with his father's clerk, Holden is forced from his childhood home and sent to The Garden, a mysterious tea and flower shop located in the heart of the notorious Seven Dials slum. To his dismay, Holden soon learns that the shop sells more than floral arrangements. Behind its genteel façade, The Garden is as an all-male brothel, and he is to be its newest acquisition in order to pay off the debts his father owes the enigmatic owner, Mr. Leslie. But Holden's nightmare grows only more grim when he learns that, before he is allowed to see his first customer, his new employer will personally see to relieving him of his inconvenient virginity. Now Holden must steel himself and face his fears if he is to survive his new life as a courtesan in Victorian London's depraved underbelly.

Salvation's Song

by Pearl Love

Only a chosen few can prevent an ancient evil from overtaking the world: the Singers, the Seekers, and the Saviors…. Tyrell Hughes and Jeremy Michalak are both juniors at Winton Yowell High School in Chicago, and aside from sharing a homeroom, they couldn’t be more different. Tyrell is well-liked, surrounded by friends, popular with girls, and looking forward to a bright future. Jeremy transfers to Winton Yowell to escape the troubles of his past. He’s hoping to survive his last two years of high school by flying under his new classmates’ gaydar and indulging in his passion: playing clarinet. Tyrell and Jeremy struggle to ignore their attraction to each other. But that becomes increasingly difficult as young people across the city start dying. Both teens realize they alone know the true cause of the tragedies—and have the ability to put a stop to them. They’re the city’s only chance to defeat the dark forces threatening it, but to succeed, they’ll need to find common ground and reconcile the desires they’re trying to deny.

'Til Darkness Falls

by Pearl Love

2nd EditionA malicious deception... An ancient curse... A timeless love... Brian Macon is a worn-out homicide detective whose job and life hold no meaning until he meets a gorgeous German man who turns his world upside down. Alrick Ritter has a poet's soul, a master cellist's skill, and a sniper's deadly accuracy, and though constrained by sinister forces to be a killer-for-hire, Alrick wants nothing more than to be with Brian. Helpless to resist the call of their hearts, Brian and Alrick begin a cautious affair, keeping secret the reality that places them on opposite sides of the law. But an ancient danger threatens to destroy their love. Three thousand years ago in the burning sands of ancient Egypt, Prince Rahotep and his devoted slave, Tiye, were robbed of their lives, betrayed by a powerful woman's mad hatred and the cruel humor of an evil god. Now destiny has reunited the lovers, joining them in an unquenchable passion even as a twist of fate casts them as potential enemies. Will Brian and Alrick be able to overcome the centuries-old curse to secure the love that should have always been theirs?First Edition published by Dreamspinner Press, November 2010.

To Be Human (To Be Human #2)

by Pearl Love

TM 05637 was created to be a killer. Genetically engineered for superiority, he was facing a life of missions, blood, and death until his creator decides to set him free. On the run from those holding his leash, he is found by David Conley, an ordinary store owner who stumbles upon a remarkable find. Renaming himself "Tim," TM 05637 sets out to discover what it means to have a normal life. Through his friendships with a young boy dealing with a nightmarish family life, and David's mother, who decides Tim is perfect for her son, Tim slowly discovers his humanity. Even more importantly, David teaches Tim about the power of love. But General Woodard, leader of the project that created Tim, threatens their happiness with his determination to bring his evasive quarry permanently to heel. As the search net closes ever tighter around him, Tim must find a way to thwart his pursuers so he can stay with David and live out his dream.

To Be Loved (To Be Human #2)

by Pearl Love

Sequel to To Be HumanTim--designation TM 05637--thought he'd escaped his fate as a genetically engineered supersoldier when David Conley offered him a precious chance at a normal life. But General Woodard, Tim's handler, captures them, crushing Tim's short-lived dream. Thrilled at the return of his pet killing machine, Woodard plans to break Tim's resistance by forcing him to virtually kill David. Fortunately, Dr. Paul Anderson, the scientist who created Tim, offers them a chance at freedom. But a deadly weakness implanted in Tim's DNA threatens his life. Without regular doses of a special medication, Tim faces debilitation and even death. In search of a more permanent solution, Dr. Anderson enlists David's help to infiltrate a base where a cure is kept. But David is unable to fully trust Tim, haunted by seeing Tim killing him in Woodard's brutal training simulations. Desperate to protect David, both from the general--and himself--Tim struggles to find the strength to leave the man he loves while completing the mission. With Dr. Anderson's help, Tim and David try to stay a step ahead of the general, knowing they must reach the cure before mistrust tears them apart, Woodard catches up with them, or the clock runs out on Tim's life.

The Uncertain Customer (The Garden #1)

by Pearl Love

The Garden SeriesDevon Wilcox, the privileged fifth son of a viscount, has everything a man could want ... except being gay in a time when such deviant behavior could land him in prison. He tries to console himself with the denizens of society's underbelly, but frequently ends up the victim of those who'd rather take advantage of his desperation. Fortunately, his best friend and secret object of infatuation, Sir Wallace Church, comes to his rescue. Wallace tempts him with the promise of high-class entertainment at a mysterious boy brothel called "The Garden." Situated in the heart of mid-Victorian London, The Garden offers an array of choice morsels, beautiful young men named after flowers. There, Wilcox finds not only the perfect bed partner for the evening, but the chance to gain his most ardent heart's desire.

Holding on to Hope

by Sid Love

Bradley Parker has waited twenty years for Mr. Right, and on Valentine's Day, he finally finds him. It's love at first sight, and Brad even loses his virginity to the man of his dreams. But when he wakes up the next morning unable to remember anything--even what the man looked like--his best friend, Leslie, is convinced he imagined the whole thing. Brad knows he didn't make up the best night of his life, but he has no idea of the danger he's putting himself in as he struggles to recall the details of his perfect man. His search may lead him to parts of New York City he never dreamed existed and a war being waged in the shadows.

Embracing Scandal

by Suzi Love

After Lady Rebecca Jamison, a mathematical genius, saves her family from financial ruin by secretly investing in railway stocks on the London stock exchange, a greedy syndicate, desperate for Becca's calculations and predictions, murders her friend and threatens the Jamison family, forcing Becca to beg assistance from her childhood friend, Cayle St. Martin.The newly titled Duke of Sherwyn has returned to London after five years on the continent extending his family's shipping interests. He's shunned his privileged London life and his father's unbending attitudes, and becomes committed to employing the spying tactics he learned on the continent to help Becca indict the syndicate - and using his skills as a lover to seduce her into his bed.But how will Cayle be able to convince Becca, a determinedly self-sufficient spinster, that he can be more to her than just a protector?Sensuality Level: Sensual

The Viscount’s Pleasure House

by Suzi Love

Lady Chrissie Wellsby and her two country friends research dozens of rogues before selecting the notorious Viscount Hawkesbury, owner of London's most exclusive and expensive brothel, to educate them in erotic seduction. The ladies abandon respectability and coerce Justin Tremayne into letting them visit The Pleasure House and to teaching them the sensual tricks mistresses and prostitutes use to entertain men.Though Justin believes three naive ladies will see the debauched romps in his themed rooms, cover their eyes and ears, and run back to their sheltered lives, he underestimates the desperation of abandoned women who imagine a wider knowledge of sex will keep the men in their lives at home, in their own beds. But despite watching several of their friends, men and women, perform raunchy acts at his brothel, the ladies insist on participating in the last of Justin's infamous Sultan's galas, held in numerous silk tents and outdoor bathing areas on his estate.Justin concedes to Chrissie's demands only to gain information about his long-lost mother and sisters, but the world-weary viscount falls head over heels in love with his emotionally bruised pupil. He yearns for a wife, children, and an uncomplicated wife, but can he convinced Chrissie to take a chance and marry again? Because Justin never wants to leave her bed.Sensuality Level: Hot

The Phoenix Project: A Cornish Murder Mystery Series (A Cornish Murder Mystery Series #1)

by Chrissie Loveday

Can Rosemary build a new life from the ashes of her past?After the death of her parents, Rosemary Breedon discovers she was adopted, and decides that she needs a fresh start. A trained architect, she prepares to build herself a new home, with the help of her friend Drew Trevellas.But someone doesn’t want her plans to succeed. After her caravan is destroyed by fire she moves in with Drew. Soon tools and building materials start to disappear. Rosemary is plagued by emails, more thefts and threats, until part of the new house is demolished. Then the farmer next door is murdered and his partner is suspected of the crime.Who is doing so much damage? Who wants to frighten her away?

A Small Town Affair

by Chrissie Loveday

“A delightful Cornish romance” about starting over—in life and love—from the author of Soul Searching (Holly Kinsella, bestselling author of Uptown Girl). Wealthy hotel heiress Georgie Hetherington is tired of having her life dictated for her. So, armed with a new identity, she rejects an arranged marriage and begins her journey of self-discovery in Cornwall, a small coastal town where she hopes to have nothing to worry about but tea and scones. That is until she starts chatting to the gorgeous man who hangs around the café where she works . . . Jay Jacobs is dark, brooding, and intent on sweeping Georgie off her feet. He is a welcome distraction from her mounting money worries, and as time goes by, this seaside romance starts to turn into something much more serious. It appears Jay could be the answer to all of Georgie’s problems, but the warning bells ringing in her ears will make her choose between trusting her instincts or keeping her distance. Georgie is about to find out how tough independence can be . . .

Soul Searching: A War-Time Saga

by Chrissie Loveday

A deeply moving tale of tragedy, forgiveness, and faithful hearts set during the turbulent years of World War II from the author of A Love Shared. 1939. Childhood sweethearts Ruth Davies and Paul Jenkins plan to marry, despite the imminent war. However, just a few months later, Paul receives his call up papers . . . While Paul is away, Ruth decides to concentrate on her career as a secretary to help keep herself distracted. But nothing can prepare her for the twists and turns—some tragic, some joyous—life has in store for her. The news that Paul is missing prods Ruth into a marriage of convenience, a challenge that she is determined to face head on to help her forget her losses. As the war rolls on, so do the everyday struggles of life, until one final surprise sends Ruth reeling. To overcome the years of heartbreak and pain, Ruth must surrender to the spark of hope that is lighting her way to her one true love . . . “I was gripped from the first page to the last.” —Holly Kinsella, bestselling author of Uptown Girl


by Dy Loveday

What's girl to do when wild visions make her an outcast? Party, of course! Or maybe, with the help of a scarred stranger, she can find her place in a world full of demons, nightmares, and magic. Then again, maybe not!Maya McAdam has never quite fit in, even on Earth where the magical elite sells alchemy on the black market. She has wild visions of conveyer belts turning into snakes and draws surrealistic pictures of places she's never been. Partying and tossing back spells seems like a good way of avoiding her problems.A week before her twenty-fifth birthday, her surrealist paintings finally sell. When a scarred stranger watches her from behind one of her sketches, she knows life is going to hell.Maya would never have imagined she's the daughter of a cursed king, and a bargaining tool for magical guilds. Will she fight demons and give up a desire for spells so she can find love with a warlock? Or will she leave her friends and become the nightmare the magical elite fears?

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