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Out of a Texas Night (Kasota Springs #2)

by Phyliss Miranda

<p>Everything’s bigger in Texas . . . including love. <p>A deputy sheriff in Houston, Avery Humphrey is ready for some hometown comfort when she heads back to Kasota Springs, but one kiss from Brody VanZant is enough to make her trade “soothing” for “sizzling.” <p>When it turns out hot, hard-headed Brody is another Bonita County deputy, sizzling gets complicated, especially after Avery is made the interim sheriff. <p>Brody knows romancing the boss isn’t on the duty roster, but to him it’s a state of emergency to prove to Avery that he’s the partner she needs—in her life and in her bed—and he’s ready to give her as many kisses as there are stars in the Texas sky to convince her.

The Troubled Texan (Kasota Springs #1)

by Phyliss Miranda

Small-town Texas isn't big enough for the both of them. . .or is it just right?Sheriff Donovan "Deuce" Cowan has seen his share of trouble, but when he nearly hauls in Maressa Clarkson for speeding, he's suddenly in over his head. These days his long-lost high school classmate is calling herself Rainey Michaels and she sure hasn't come to Kasota Springs by accident. It seems the Los Angeles Deputy DA has chosen the West Texas town to hide out from a dangerous convict. It's all Deuce can do not to corral the sexy spitfire--in the name of keeping her safe, of course. Problem is, Rainey isn't letting anyone in on her big secret, least of all a hard-bodied, former pro-footballer sheriff with an overactive protective instinct. So now she's trying to keep him in line, one slow kiss at a time. . .68,000 Words

The Tycoon and the Texan

by Phyliss Miranda

Seven Days to TexasWith a name like Nick Dartmouth, and the fortune it comes with, it's hard not to have a reputation for getting everything you want. So when his former secretary steps onto his foundation's charity auction block, Nick has the perfect opportunity to woo the stunning beauty from Texas. But aggressive counterbids force him to make an extreme proposition. Except money itself doesn't guarantee a blissful ride off into the sunset, especially when being won goes against the willful nature of McCall Johnson. Intent on showing Nick they come from two very different--and incompatible--worlds, she's surprised by how well he can handle a horse. For a girl from Texas, that speaks volumes about a man's value. Maybe there's more to this playboy than she expected. . .66,000 Words

Feliz com um Click!: Um Romance com Três Finais

by Olga Miret

Você acredita em amor à primeira vista ou ao primeiro click? Você acha que sua vida deveria virar um livro ou um romance? Você gostaria de poder escolher o final? Se você respondeu SIM a qualquer uma dessas perguntas ou se surpreendeu com elas, esse livro é uma oportunidade única. Você pode escolher o tipo de final que deseja: feliz, neutro ou infeliz. Lilith, a protagonista, não acredita em toda essa “maluquice romântica”. Quando sua amiga e chefe, Debbie, pede a ela para criar uma seção de livros digitais para a biblioteca que trabalham, ela desencadeia uma série de eventos que abalam todas as crenças firmes de Lilith. Sua aversão pelas redes sociais é colocada à prova e apesar de seu amor pela privacidade e de sua ingenuidade tecnológica, ela consegue fazer várias conexões virtuais. A mais interessante, sem qualquer dúvida, é Zane, um autor e pintor talentoso e atraente. A amizade deles rapidamente se transforma em algo mais. Porém, o que exatamente? Lilith não tem a menor ideia. Uma aposta com Rowena, sua melhor amiga de infância, dá a ela uma oportunidade de testar seus sentimentos por Zane e seu relacionamento, e um encontro, ao vivo dessa vez, é marcado no cenário maravilhoso das Bermudas. É nesse ponto que você, leitor(a), faz a escolha. Você quer que a história termine com um final feliz? Você acha que não nenhuma chance para eles? Ou talvez você acredite que deve haver mais do que histórias românticas e que um final neutro ou um novo começo é mais provável na vida real? Existem três finais para você escolher. Veja o que escolheu, ou você pode ler todos eles e depois escolher seu favorito, ou até mesmo criar seu próprio final e me contar. Eu adoraria saber o que você pensa! (Eu deixei os links para me contatar no final). Não deixe de fazer contato!

I Love Your Cupcakes (Amo i tuoi cupcake)

by Olga Núñez Miret

Dulce, Adelfa e Storm, i protagonisti di Amo i tuoi cupcake sono soci in affari, amici e fanno parte di una famiglia con un intreccio “interessante”. Tutti gli uomini che incontra Dulce vogliono parlare delle sue torte, e lei è stufa. La sua amica Adelfa, nonostante sia una professoressa di chimica, non riesce a trovare la ricetta per la relazione perfetta. E Storm, il terzo socio della loro pasticceria/caffetteria/libreria/galleria d’arte ed ex caserma dei pompieri, è un artista che non eccelle nell’arte dell’amore. Come possono immaginare che nello studio del programma televisivo “Sarai tu la prossima star in cucina?” troveranno molestie sessuali, tradimenti, litigi ed anche amore? Ricette incluse (solo delle torte, non dell’amore!) Amo i tuoi cupcake è un “dolce” romanzo, un fantasy virtuale ad alto contenuto calorico ed un romanzo d’avventura divertente. Abbi il coraggio di assaggiarlo!

Perfectos mentirosos

by Alex Mirez

Una historia llena de mentiras y secretos, atracción y odio en la que nadie parece decir la verdad. ¿Hay algo más adictivo que desenmascarar a los Perfectos mentirosos? Jude acaba de llegar a una de las universidades más elitistas del mundo, pero ya se ha dado cuenta que ahí todo se mueve alrededor de las fiestas, los cotilleos y los ligues entre estudiantes. Y que todo eso gira en torno a un trio irresistible: los hermanos Cash. Son vacilones, astutos, pero insoportablemente atractivos y poderosos. Y por encima de todo están acostumbrados a liderar el campus con sus juegos de niños ricos. Lo que no saben es que Jude tiene un plan: sacar a la luz sus más oscuros y perversos secretos, esos tan bien escondidos tras el lujoso apellido Cash.

Perfectos mentirosos 2: Peligros y verdades

by Alex Mirez

El desenlace de Perfctos mentirosos. Un final que nos dejará sin aliento, una historia con muchas mentiras, pasiones y odios. En Tangus, una de las universidades más elitistas del mundo, todo gira en torno a un trío irresistible: los hermanos Cash. Son vacilones y astutos, pero insoportablemente atractivos y poderosos. Lo que no saben es que Jude tiene un plan: sacar a la luz sus más oscuros y perversos secretos, esos tan bien escondidos tras el lujoso apellido Cash. Pero los Cash no son los únicos que guardan terribles secretos; Jude se descubre como una perfecta mentirosa. Por fin se desvelarán todos los secretos y mentiras.

Strange: Cazar o ser cazado

by Alex Mirez

¿Qué harías si una noche encuentras a un chico semidesnudo y cubierto de sangre en tu patio? ¿Qué harías si es atractivo, pero también es perturbador? Historia adictiva 100% Wattpad. La aparición de un salvaje y misterioso extraño con un ojo de cada color y una actitud muy inquietante hace que Mack Cavalier (sí, una chica) empiece a hacerse estas preguntas: ¿Cómo llegó hasta su patio? ¿Por qué no quiere ayuda de la policía? ¿Por qué no puede decir más de tres palabras? ¿Es peligroso? ¿O en realidad es la víctima de alguien? ¿Qué harías si, después de que tú y tu mejor amigo decidís ayudarlo, cosas muy raras empiezan a pasar? Una novela adictiva de la autora de Perfectos mentirosos.

Sex From Scratch: Making Your Own Relationship Rules (Real World Ser.)

by Sarah Mirk

Modern life calls for modern relationship advice. Sex From Scratch is a love and dating guidebook that gleans real-life knowledge from smart people in a variety of nontraditional relationships. Instead of telling people how to snag a man, seduce a woman, or find “true love,” the book sums up what dozens of diverse folks have learned the hard way over time. Sarah Mirk offers tips and stories from the steadfastly single to people making open relationships work, from people who’ve decided they’re never going to have kids to parents who are consciously producing the next generation. No matter what type of relationship you're in or what type you want, Mirk's reporterly wisdom and sense of humor provides perspective, humor, and down to earth guidance. This is an essential, fun, insightful resource whose time has come.

Sex From Scratch: Making Your Own Relationship Rules

by Sarah Mirk

Modern life calls for modern relationship advice. Sex From Scratch is a love and dating guidebook that gleans real-life knowledge from smart people in a variety of nontraditional relationships. Instead of telling people how to snag a man, seduce a woman, or find &“true love,&” the book sums up what dozens of diverse folks have learned the hard way over time. Sarah Mirk offers tips and stories from the steadfastly single to people making open relationships work, from people who&’ve decided they&’re never going to have kids to parents who are consciously producing the next generation. No matter what type of relationship you're in or what type you want, Mirk's reporterly wisdom and sense of humor provides perspective, humor, and down to earth guidance. This is an essential, fun, insightful resource whose time has come. The 2nd edition contains a ton of new interviews and updates. Featured interviews include Betty Dodson, Michelle Tea, Aya de Leon, Tomas Moniz, Margaret Jacobsen, Ev'Yan Whitney, and more.

Sex From Scratch

by Sarah Mirk

Modern life calls for modern relationship advice. Sex From Scratch: Making Your Own Relationship Rules is a love and dating guidebook that gleans real-life knowledge from smart people in a variety of nontraditional relationships. Instead of telling people how to snag a man and find "true love," the book sums up what dozens of diverse folks have learned the hard way over time-life advice from people making open relationships work to people who've decided they're never going to have kids-that is helpful to anyone, in any type of relationship. This is an essential, fun, insightful resource whose time has come.

Il Coraggio è Rosso

by Claudia Mirruzzo W. J. May

E se il coraggio fosse la tua unica possibilità? Quando Kallie organizzò l'intervista per il college con il nuovo poliziotto super sexy, ancora non sapeva che la sua vita stesse per cambiare completamente. Il detective era giovane, bello e sembrava avesse ridotto notevolmente il tasso di criminalità in città. Il particolare interesse dimostrato dal detective Liam nei suoi confronti, le fece sussultare il cuore e la mente. Quando a casa sua prese vita una faida sanguinosa tra vampiri, Kallie si trovava lì in mezzo. Combattuta tra amore e fedeltà familiare, dovette trovare il coraggio di sconfiggere ciò che temeva di più e rischiare tutto, anche se ciò significava morire per chi amava.

Angel Fire

by Lisa Miscione

The bloody murder of her mother when she was a teenager made Lydia Strong into a woman obsessed with bringing brutal killers to justice. Now thirty years old, she is a reclusive bestselling true crime writer and investigative consultant whose intuitions never lie. The latest case to capture her attention is the disappearance of three adults, each the kind of loner whose sudden absence isn't missed-they have no family, few friends. The Santa Fe Police don't see a pattern, just three people who left their empty lives behind. But when another woman turns up missing, her apartment streaked with blood, even the police have to admit that something is wrong in their usually quiet town. Lydia and P.I. Jeffrey Mark, the ex-FBI agent who solved her mother's murder, begin a relentless investigation. But it is only when the killer ups the ante and goes after Lydia herself that, just like fifteen years ago when she put the FBI on the trail of her mother's killer, the real hunt begins...

Actos obscenos en lugar privado

by Marco Missiroli

Un relato sobre la educación sentimental de Libero Marsell, el protagonista, desde el día en que, con doce años, sorprende a su madre con el mejor amigo de la familia, hasta pasada media vida, cuando encuentra por fin el amor duradero. A contracorriente del desapego y la indiferencia que reivindica la literatura contemporánea, Marco Missiroli -laureado con innumerables premios en Italia, entre ellos el Campiello Opera Prima 2006 y el Mondello 2015 con esta obra- ha volcado toda su intimidad en este impúdico y pormenorizado libro. Tras el nacimiento de su hijo, Libero comienza a escribir sus memorias. A partir de aquel imborrable instante de su niñez en el que descubrió con toda crudeza que la pasión no sabe de ataduras y convenciones, la historia recorre las últimas décadas del siglo pasado entre París y Milán. Así, echando la vista atrás, Libero rememora las numerosas experiencias sexuales y repasa el sinuoso proceso de madurez que lo lleva, finalmente, a percatarse del generoso y acogedor mundo de las mujeres. Primero Marie, la bibliotecaria, dispensadora de sabiduría, enamorada de los libros y de su soledad; más tarde Lunette, que le enseña el poder devastador de los celos y de la que huye, dejando atrás su existencia bohemia en París. Y por último, el frenesí de Milán, donde, entre los compañeros de la infancia, los textos de Buzzati y la taberna de Giorgio, se embarca en un sinfín de aventuras amorosas hasta que el encuentro fortuito con una persona lo conduce a alcanzar la insospechada plenitud. Reseña:«Una novela de una absoluta belleza, que ha traspasado todos los niveles de jerarquía de la literatura italiana contemporánea. A los treinta y cuatro años, Marco Missiroli se ha convertido en un escritor de referencia, el único al que no queremos renunciar. [...] Una maravilla del cosmos.»Il Corriere della Sera

Las Almas Gemelas

by A. J. Mitar

Sinopsis: 2023 D.C, nos encontramos en una ciudad tranquila en el medio del valle del Po. Dos familias se preparan para pasar una velada juntas, una como muchas otras. Pero un destino impredecible les esperará a los dos grandes amigos, Alex Brugellis y Angelica Benassi; un encuentro cercano con un OVNI, arrancado de sus familias, serán catapultados a una aventura más allá de la imaginación; se verán obligados a vivir en un lugar surrealista donde se encontrarán cara a cara con misteriosas tecnologías y misterios perturbadores. Desde la búsqueda obsesiva de la verdad hasta la cohabitación forzada, los dos descubrirán una realidad mucho más elusiva de lo que podrían imaginar. Entre el picante transfondo y las complejas consecuencias, Angelica y Alex pasarán parte de sus vidas tratando de ser felices. Pero no estarán solos, una nutrida comunidad de alienígenas compartirá su destino. La vida en Reservythia comienza ...

As almas gêmeas

by A. J. Mitar

No ano 2023 d.C. e nos encontramos em um município tranquilo no meio do Vale do Pó. Duas famílias combinam de jantar juntas, como já o fizeram tantas vezes antes. Porém, um imprevisto do destino colocará dois grandes amigos, Alex Brugellis e Angélica Benassi, em contato imediato de primeiro grau com um OVNI. Eles serão roubados de suas respectivas famílias e transportados para um lugar surreal, sendo catapultados para dentro de uma aventura além da imaginação. Eles se encontrarão dentro de um habitat artificial, criado especialmente para hospedar dois espécimes de humanos. Dentro dessa habitação misteriosa, os dois serão forçados a viverem juntos, sujeitos à chantagem inquietante de um dispositivo misterioso. Mas há males que vêm para o bem: nasce entre os dois um amor, uma paixão desenfreada. Alex e Angélica compreendem que foram feitos um para o outro. Diante de uma grande conspiração e reviravoltas complexas, eles passarão parte de suas vidas tentando ser felizes. E eles não estarão sós, pois milhares de espécies alienígenas tiveram o mesmo destino e vivem em biosferas hexagonais dentro de uma estrutura semelhante à de uma colmeia. Uma comunidade efervescente, formada por diversas espécies, vai unir forças com os dois seres humanos para tentar esclarecer tantas dúvidas e perguntas sem respostas. Em meio a uma busca obstinada pela verdade, dentre milhares de perguntas e suposições, eles descobrem que a realidade é muito mais incompreensível do que eles poderiam imaginar: os responsáveis pela abdução, que eles chamam de “casch-mesis” são alienígenas multidimensionais inacreditáveis. Alex e Angélica descobrirão que fazem parte de uma elite de indivíduos que têm afinidades entre si e foram transportados para longe de seus respectivos mundos para um planeta que batizaram de “Reservythia”, por causa de suas peculiaridades. Passados anos em Reservythia, a vida tomará o seu curso e

Les âmes affines

by A. J. Mitar

2023 : nous sommes dans une petite ville de l’Italie, au cœur de la Plaine Padane. Deux familles s’apprêtent à passer la soirée ensemble, une soirée comme beaucoup d’autres. Mais un destin imprévisible attend les deux amis Alex Brugellis et Angélica Benassi : une rencontre rapprochée avec un OVNI. Arrachés de leurs familles respectives, ils se réveilleront dans un endroit surréel, catapultés dans une aventure au-delà de l’imaginable. Ils se retrouveront à l’intérieur d’un habitat artificiel, spécialement aménagé pour accueillir deux exemplaires de l’espèce humaine. Dans cette mystérieuse habitation, ils seront contraints à une vie commune forcée, et devront se soumettre au chantage inquiétant d’un étrange dispositif. Mais puisqu’à quelque chose malheur est bon, l’amour, ainsi qu’une irrésistible passion naissent entre Angélica et Alex ; c’est alors qu’ils réaliseront qu’ils sont faits l’un pour l’autre. À travers une succession de démêles intrigants et pimentés, Angélica et Alex passeront une partie de leur vie, à tenter d’être heureux. Ils ne seront pas les seuls ; des milliers d’autres espèces extraterrestres subiront le même destin : vivre dans des biosphères hexagonales dans une macrostructure en forme d’alvéole. Une obsessionnelle recherche de la vérité, à travers mille doutes et suppositions. Cependant, la réalité s’avère beaucoup plus insaisissable que ce qu’ils imaginent : les concepteurs de tout cela sont les "casch-mesis", d’inconcevables Aliens multidimensionnels. Une intéressante communauté inter-espèces collaborera avec les deux humains afin de dévoiler d’innombrables mystères. Angélica et Alex apprendront qu’ils appartiennent à une élite d’êtres affins, et qu’ils ont été transportés loin de leur monde sur une planète rebaptisée Reservythia, à cause de leurs particularités. Après plus


by A. J. Mitar

It is 2023 a.D. and we’re in one of the tranquil municipalities of the Po Valley. Two families make dinner plans, as they have done so many times before. However, a twist of fate will provide two long-time friends, Alex Brugellis and Angelica Benassi, with a close encounter of the first kind with a UFO. They’ll be taken away from their respective families and transported to a surreal place, catapulted into an adventure that goes beyond their wildest imagination. They find themselves in an artificial habitat that was tailored to human beings. In this mysterious habitat, they will be forced to lived together, subject to the disturbing manipulations of an equally-mysterious device. However, the event was a blessing in disguise: they grow to love each another and give in to the red-hot passion that ignites them. Alex and Angelica understand that they were meant for each other. Amid a conspiracy of interstellar proportions and complex plot twists, they’ll spend the rest of their lives trying to be happy. And they are not alone, because thousands of other alien species have had the same fate and now live in hexagonal biospheres inside a structure similar to a beehive. This ebullient community made up by different species will join these two humans and try to address several unanswered questions and concerns. In their relentless quest for the truth, amid thousands of questions and conjectures, they find out that reality is much harder to understand: Those responsible for their abduction—which they refer to as “Casch-Mesis”—are unbelievable multidimensional aliens. Alex and Angelica will learn that they’re part of an elite of individuals who have affinity and were transported to a place far away from their respective worlds, to a planet they call “Reservythia” because of its peculiar characteristics. After spending years in Reservythia, life will take its course and their human family will grow exponentially, thank


by Anna Mitchael Michelle Sassa

Mad Men meets The Devil Wears Prada in this lively debut about a young woman working at the hippest ad agency in New York... So. You want to work in advertising. The glitz, the glamour, the cocktail-fueled brainstorming sessions and Xbox breaks. Sounds like a dream job, right?Wrong. The reality can be a nightmare. There are five simple rules for succeeding in the ad world--and I think I've already broken every single one... 1) Never let them see you cry. Even if your best friend breaks your heart. And posts it all over social media. 2) Be one of the boys. And, if you were born with the wrong equipment, flaunt what you've got to distract them while you get ahead. 3) Come up with the perfect pitch in an instant--or have your resumé ready to go at all times. 4) Trust no one. Seriously. If you don't watch your back, they'll steal your ideas, your pride, even your stapler. 5) Most importantly, don't ever, under any circumstances, be a CopyGirl. Trust me. I know...From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Breakdown Lane: A Novel

by Jacquelyn Mitchard

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Deep End of the Ocean and Twelve Times Blessed comes a novel of the breakdown of a family and of healing after a loss Giving advice is what Julianne Ambrose Gillis does for a living—every Sunday she doles it out to clueless people she doesn’t know, in a column in her local Wisconsin paper. But when it comes to her personal life, Julie seems to have no insight whatsoever. She has worked hard to keep her marriage fresh and to be a good mother, so it’s a mystery when Leo, her husband of twenty years, decides to defect from their life together and their three children: Gabe, Caroline and Aury. In his absence, Julie is diagnosed with a serious illness, which drives her children to undertake a dangerous journey to find Leo—before it’s too late. But what they discover about their father is even more devastating than their mother’s deteriorating health. As the known world sinks precariously from view and leaves them all adrift, the Gillis clan must navigate their way through the trenches of love, guilt and betrayal, back to solid ground and a new definition of family.

The Most Wanted

by Jacquelyn Mitchard

Arley, a 14-year-old honor student in Texas, begins writing to Dillon LeGrande, an inmate of the nearby correctional facility. Gradually, she falls in love with him, and they are secretly married. When she becomes pregnant, she is rejected by her family and moves in with an activist lawyer, a woman who is having troubles with her boyfriend, a death row attorney.…

Twelve Times Blessed: A Novel

by Jacquelyn Mitchard

It is True Dickinson's birthday and her best friends have gathered on this snowy night to celebrate—yet True has never felt more alone. Though her small business is thriving and her young son is happy, the death of her husband eight years ago has left an empty space in her life that friends and family cannot fill. Suddenly it seems that youth and beauty are slipping away while True is busily taking care of everyone else.But on this night, an accident on an icy road will offer True the golden opportunity to let love back into her life—if she can somehow conquer her fears.Twelve Times Blessed is a powerfully moving novel of the heart from one of our best-loved storytellers.

What We Lost in the Dark

by Jacquelyn Mitchard

Allie Kim's fatal allergy to sunlight, XP, still confines her to the night. Now that she's lost her best friend Juliet to an apparent suicide, the night has never felt darker--even with Rob at her side. Allie knows why Juliet killed herself: to escape the clutches of Garrett Tabor, whom the trio saw committing an unspeakable crime. Garrett is untouchable; The Tabors founded the world-famous XP clinic that keeps Allie and Rob alive and their small Minnesota town on the map. Allie can't rest until Garrett is brought to justice. But her obsession jeopardizes everything she holds dear. Not even Parkour can distract her; nothing reminds her more that Juliet is gone. When Rob introduces Allie to the wildly dangerous sport of nighttime deep diving, Allie assumes he's only trying to derail her investigation... until they uncover the horror terrible secret Garrett Tabor has hidden under Lake Superior.

Your Girlfriends Only Know So Much

by Finesse Mitchell

Face it. Your girlfriends can tell you what you need to know about just about everything...except men. For that, you need comedian and Essence columnist Finesse Mitchell. Eager to help his sistas out and show them how to avoid the types of men who have left them baffled, blue, or just plain bitter, Mitchell tells the truth, whether it's good, bad, or downright despicable. Your Girlfriends Only Know So Much clues women in to what men are really thinking at every stage of a relationship, from first contact through deciding to propose. Lighthearted and brutally (if hilariously) honest, Your Girlfriends Only Know So Much lets women in on the things only men know about men and, in the process, saves them from wasting weeks,

Your Girlfriends Only Know So Much: A Brother's Take on Dating and Mating for Sistas

by Finesse Mitchell

Face it. Your girlfriends can tell you what you need to know about just about everything...except men. For that, you need comedian and Essence columnist Finesse Mitchell. Eager to help his sistas out and show them how to avoid the types of men who have left them baffled, blue, or just plain bitter, Mitchell tells the truth, whether it's good, bad, or downright despicable. Your Girlfriends Only Know So Much clues women in to what men are really thinking at every stage of a relationship, from first contact through deciding to propose. Lighthearted and brutally (if hilariously) honest,Your Girlfriends Only Know So Much lets women in on the things only men know about men and, in the process, saves them from wasting time.

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