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Grace l'Indomita: Voleva salvare il suo clan, ma aveva catturato l'uomo sbagliato (Inganni d’amore #2)

by Jill Barnett

La nipote di un capo clan delle Highland cerca di salvare la sua gente rapendo un rivale, ma acciuffa l'uomo sbagliato. Questo classico racconto d'amore e risate di Jill Barnett è ambientato nelle Highland scozzesi, dove il clan McNish ha subito le incursioni dei loro acerrimi rivali, i McNabs, che li stanno lasciando morire di fame. Come nipote del capo clan, Grace McNish decide che è suo dovere catturare uno di questi spregevoli McNab per chiedere un riscatto. Ma lei e la sua banda male assortita fanno l’errore di catturare l'uomo sbagliato, Colin Campbell, Conte di Argyll e Signore delle Isole, che è in viaggio in quelle terre per decidere il destino dei due clan in guerra. Per i fan di Julie Garwood e Jude Deveraux.

Una gracia sutil

by Ellen Gable

1896, Filadelfia. Finalista IAN Book Awards. En esta secuela independiente de "In Name Only" (2009 FQP), "A Sutil Grace" continúa la historia de la familia O'Donovan adinerada y poco convencional a medida que se acercan al comienzo de un nuevo siglo. (Ficción religiosa) A los 19 años, Kathleen (hija mayor) es soltera y no tiene perspectivas. Temiendo el destino solitario de una vieja sirvienta, su impaciencia lleva a un enamoramiento con el primer hombre que muestra interés. El hijo suave y apuesto del jefe de policía local parece una pareja perfecta. ¿Pero su actitud impulsiva le impedirá reconocer a su verdadero amado? Un giro inquietante de los acontecimientos trae una sombra oscura que amenaza la felicidad de toda la vida que ella desea. El Dr. Luke Peterson (el nuevo médico de la familia) también deja una gran impresión en Kathleen. Su afecto por ella lo lleva a revelaciones sorprendentes: sobre Kathleen, sobre su práctica y, lo más importante, sobre sí mismo. Will (el hijo mayor) cree que Dios puede estar llamándolo a una vocación religiosa. Finalmente, descubre las circunstancias ocultas de sus humildes comienzos que lo obligan a embarcarse en una peregrinación a Roma.

Graf von Grayson

by Amanda Mariel

Damien Archer, Graf von Grayson, und Lady Charlotte Lawson sind Gegensätze, wie sie im Buche stehen: Seinen dunklen Haaren stehen ihre blonden Locken und blauen Augen gegenüber, ihre Alabasterhaut bildet einen krassen Kontrast zu Damiens sonnengebräuntem Teint. Er ist 1,90m groß, während sie nicht einmal 1,60m misst. Ihre Lebensfreude könnte im Vergleich zu seiner nachdenklichen Art nicht extremer sein. Aber am ärgerlichsten ist seine Tendenz, alle gesellschaftlichen Regeln zu brechen, während sie ihnen tadellos Folge leistet. Damien wünscht sich nichts mehr, als sein Leben dem Alkohol, Wetten und Frauen zu widmen, während Charlotte ihre Tage mit Teekränzchen, Bällen und Musikabenden verbringt. Sie ist eine wahre Lady und er ein sturköpfiger Schurke. Als sich ihre Wege kreuzen, haben sie ausreichend Gründe, um sich wieder in entgegengesetzte Richtungen voneinander zu entfernen, aber sie können nicht voneinander lassen. Die Leidenschaft glimmt auf und bringt beide in Gefahr: Sie könnten nicht nur ihren Ruf, sondern, viel schlimmer, ihre Herzen aneinander verlieren

Graham (Clube de Motoqueiros Discípulos do Diabo #1)

by Scott Hildreth

ANDY – O dia em que o banco onde trabalhava foi roubado por seis mascarados foi o pior dia da minha vida. No dia seguinte, perdi meu emprego por não seguir o protocolo durante o assalto. Eventualmente, encontrei outro emprego. Felizmente, era ao lado do homem mais sexy que eu já conheci. Seu nome era Baker. Ele era um motoqueiro, um durão, e ele era um deus do sexo. BAKER – Seis meses depois de meu Clube de Motoqueiros ter roubado um banco, um rosto familiar passou pela porta ao lado - a gerente do banco que havíamos roubado. Ela não tinha ideia de quem eu era, mas eu nunca esquecia os rostos das minhas vítimas. Especialmente quando eles eram tão sexys como o ela. Também da Série DISCÍPULOS DO DIABO (Logo em português) Volume 2 - Cash O musculoso do clube é pego de surpresa quando uma noite com a vizinha de outro membro se transforma em um vício que ele não pode resistir. Volume 3 – Ghost O homem- chave do clube, Ghost, se apaixona por uma famosa  influencer. Volume 4 – Goose Ally Northrop é uma piloto de corridas que anseia entrar no clube como motorista de fuga. Sua outra habilidade é arrombar cofres. Parece uma combinação perfeita... Volume 5 – Reno Quando um homem ameaça uma garçonete em um restaurante que Reno está comendo, ele não pode deixar de intervir. Há um problema: o homem trabalha para o chefe do maior cartel do México ... Volume 6 – Tito Eu estava me preparando para uma noite com um motoqueiro durão. Enquanto meu pai não descobrisse, tudo ficaria bem. As chances de Taddeo "Tito" Silva estar na mira dele eram ...

La gran conquista (Unidos por el amor #Volumen 4)

by Fernanda Suárez

Cuarta entrega de la serie «Unidos por el amor» de Fernanda Suárez que apasionará a todos los lectores de novela romántica ambientada en la regencia. <P><P>No te pierdas la historia de Lady Emily y Adrián. No importa lo peligroso que pueda ser el reto, la última palabra la tendrá el corazón. <P><P>Lady Emily Beickett tan solo quiere ganar la aprobación de su padre, el marqués de Launderry. Pero cuando su amiga le propone participar de un peligroso reto, uno que llenará su vida de emoción y adrenalina, acepta sin medir las consecuencias. <P><P>Adrián Wadlow es el heredero al marquesado de Bristol y el hombre más popular de Londres. <P><P>Aunque alejado de su familia, de las costumbres y normas, siempre ha tenido al alcance de la mano cuanto ha querido. Sin embargo, la conquista en la que puso los ojos le dará un giro a suvida...

Grand, ténébreux et sans visa (Dreamspun Desires (Français) #31)

by Bru Baker

Traverser la frontière de l'amour. Décisions hâtives sur idées malencontreuses rapprochent le Portugais Mateus Fontes et l'homme d'affaires Crawford Hargrave au poste de frontière canadien. Mateus se retrouve dans une impasse. Avec un permis de tourisme qui expire sous peu, son entrée au Canada lui est refusée et on rejette sa demande pour repasser la frontière des États-Unis. En inventant de toute pièce leurs prétendues fiançailles, Crawford pense avoir réglé le problème, et cela fonctionne, jusqu’à ce qu’ils apprennent qu’ils doivent réellement se marier avant de pouvoir rentrer aux États-Unis. Mais Crawford s’est déjà fait avoir une fois par le mariage et il est déterminé à ne pas reproduire la même erreur. Aucun d’entre eux ne s’attend à ce que de réels sentiments naissent de ce mariage blanc, et c’est pourtant ce qui est sur le point d’arriver. Ils devront apprendre à être honnêtes l’un envers l’autre s’ils espèrent que cela fonctionne entre eux, chose particulièrement difficile lorsque leur mariage entier est basé sur des mensonges.

La Granja de Junior: Una Historia del Condado de Sardis

by T. M. Bilderback

Despedida de un trabajo en la ciudad, Katie Montgomery y su hija de trece años, Carol Grace, se mudan al condado de Sardis... a la granja que había sido propiedad de su abuelo, Arthur "Junior" Ballantine, con la esperanza de criar a su hija en la relativa seguridad de la América rural. Alan Blake es policía. También deja la ciudad para ir al condado de Sardis... pero no por la misma razón. Alan arrestó a uno de los jugadores estrella de la familia Giambini: el experto en póquer Moses Turley. Alan también creció en el condado de Sardis, pero nadie en la ciudad lo sabe excepto su pareja. Alan debe esconderse y permanecer vivo el tiempo suficiente para testificar contra el mafioso. Katie deja que su antiguo compañero de escuela secundaria, Alan, se esconda con ella y Carol Grace. Pero, para poder esconderse en la granja de Junior, tiene que trabajar como peón de granja de Katie. Entonces Katie descubre dos cosas: Es descendiente de la familia Sardis y está enamorada de Alan. ¿Katie ha heredado la magia de Sardis? ¿Katie y Alan vivirán felices para siempre? ¿O los Giambinis acabarán con cualquier oportunidad de felicidad? Descúbrelo en La Granja de Junior, la segunda entrega de Cuentos del Condados de Sardis.

A Graphically Designed Holiday (2019 Advent Calendar | Homemade for the Holidays #11)

by Ren Holly

Graphic designer Eli has harbored a secret crush on nerdy math teacher Lincoln since they were at school together, and he’s perfectly content with his unrequited feelings—until Lincoln requests a special handmade holiday gift: a dating profile with all the bells and whistles Eli can include, one that will be sure to find Lincoln a boyfriend for Christmas. Eli uses building the profile as an excuse to spend time with Lincoln, but will he be able to watch his friend find love with someone else?A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2019 Advent Calendar "Homemade for the Holidays."

A Grave End (Bodies of Evidence #4)

by Wendy Roberts

A woman died years ago, and the body’s still missing. Julie Hall’s conscience tells her she needs to use her skills to help a grieving family find their daughter’s long-missing remains. The problem is, Alice was last seen in Julie’s hometown—a place so full of traumatic memories, the very idea of returning there nearly paralyzes Julie. Clear boundaries help Julie overcome her fears and take the job. She’ll go all out with her search, but only for one week. An end date in sight will ease the anxiety she and her FBI boyfriend have about the price she’ll have to pay to do the right thing. Despite a growing sense of foreboding as she hits one dead end after another, Julie is driven to keep looking for Alice. But after receiving vile threats and with her self-imposed deadline looming, Julie realizes she was right to be afraid—and she worries she may not survive this case.Don’t miss the first three books in the Bodies of Evidence series by Wendy Roberts. A Grave Calling, A Grave Search and A Grave Peril are all available now from Carina Press!This book is approximately 72,000 words

A Grave Peril (Bodies of Evidence #3)

by Wendy Roberts

Sometimes at night, she can hear the dead calling.Julie Hall’s job is to find bodies. For the sake of her sanity, she’s taking a much-needed break—but the dead don’t wait. With bodies piling up alongside her guilt, she knows she has to dive back in, despite pushback from her FBI boyfriend, Garrett Pierce. But Garrett is working a troubling case of his own and no longer seems like the man she fell in love with.Despite his warnings—or maybe because of them—when Garrett goes missing, Julie has no choice but to use her skills to find where the cartel buries their victims…before he becomes part of the body count.Don’t miss books one and two in the Bodies of Evidence series by Wendy Roberts. A Grave Calling and A Grave Search are available now from Carina Press!


by Kelly Coon

The start of a fierce fantasy duology about three maidens who are chosen for their land's greatest honor...and one girl determined to save her sister from the grave. In the walled city-state of Alu, Kammani wants nothing more than to become the accomplished healer her father used to be before her family was cast out of their privileged life in shame. When Alu's ruler falls deathly ill, Kammani&’s beautiful little sister, Nanaea, is chosen as one of three sacred maidens to join him in the afterlife. It&’s an honor. A tradition. And Nanaea believes it is her chance to live an even grander life than the one that was stolen from her. But Kammani sees the selection for what it really is—a death sentence.Desperate to save her sister, Kammani schemes her way into the palace to heal the ruler. There she discovers more danger lurking in the sand-stone corridors than she could have ever imagined and that her own life—and heart—are at stake. But Kammani will stop at nothing to dig up the palace&’s buried secrets even if it means sacrificing everything…including herself. "A dark and utterly enthralling journey to an ancient land, Gravemaidens grabs you by your beating heart and refuses to let go until the bitter, breathtaking end."—Sarah Glenn Marsh, author of the Reign of the Fallen series

Graveyard Shift (Not Dead Yet #3)

by Jenn Burke

Shifting Into High FearGhost/god Wes Cooper and his not-life partner, vampire Hudson Rojas, have settled into cohabitation in an upscale part of Toronto. So what if their hoity-toity new neighbors haven’t exactly rolled out the welcome mat for the paranormal pair? Their PI business is booming, and when a suspect they’ve been tailing winds up in the morgue, it’s alongside a rash of other shifters in apparent drug-related fatalities.Now Wes and Hudson must connect the dots between the shifter deaths and an uptick in brutal vampire attacks across the city. Throw in a surprise visit from Hudson’s niece—who may or may not be on the run from European paranormal police (who may or may not exist)—and guardianship of a teen shifter who might be the key to solving the whole mystery (if only she could recover her memory), and Wes and Hudson have never been busier…or happier.But when a nightmare from Hudson’s past comes back to haunt him, their weird, little found family is pushed to the brink. Mucking this up would mean Hudson and Wes missing their second chance at happily-forever-afterlife…This book is approximately 74,000 wordsOne-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise!


by Lauren Runow

Gravidade não é o seu romance normal e doce de amigos de infância que se tornam amantes. Abrangendo mais de vinte anos - é cru, é real, perguntando se realmente existem almas gêmeas. Lily Aos oito anos, o garoto da casa ao lado mudou minha vida. Ele era a força que me puxava para ele apesar de nossas diferenças. Foi como mágica. Nós nos entendíamos, apoiamos uns aos outros e no processo nos tornamos tudo um para o outro. Mas ao perseguir o sonho de Trevin, perdi-me ao longo do caminho. Trevin Com uma tremenda mágoa, ela estava lá. Através da fama e fortuna, ela estava lá. A amorosa Lily foi a única coisa que acertei. Eclipsando-a na minha sombra, eu tirei dela até que ela estivesse vazia. Agora devo fazer qualquer coisa para provar que posso ser o homem que ela quer, não, o homem que ela merece.

Greed and Other Dangers (Mytho #2)

by TJ Nichols

Mytho: Book TwoDragon shifter Edra has always lived to serve and protect—in ages past, as a knight, and in the modern world as a mytho liaison to the San Francisco PD. Behind the scenes he safeguards the mythos community from scandal—and further human hatred. When the eggs of a rare greater dragon are stolen, Edra must find and return them before the mother razes the city. Edra’s partner, Jordan, has just been promoted, and he’s on the trail of several stolen mythos artifacts. Together, they track the eggs to a colony of mermaids living in the bay near Alcatraz Island. But trying to separate a mermaid from her treasure is asking for trouble. As Edra and Jordan grow closer, they test the bounds of human-mythos relationships. But Jordan isn’t ready to mate for life, and Edra won’t pretend to be human for Jordan’s friends. With the hills on fire and a storm brewing in the bay—and in their bed—something’s got to give.

Greedy Baby and Scheming Mother: Volume 2 (Volume 2 #2)

by Tian BuLa

She, who was born before her marriage, turned into a complete slut with the contempt and curses of the entire world. That damn stinky man ate her whole body, yet did not show himself. That night, she could still vaguely remember how he robbed and occupied her, how his neck interweaved with her hot body and his tempting breathing.

Greedy Baby and Scheming Mother: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Tian BuLa

She, who was born before her marriage, turned into a complete slut with the contempt and curses of the entire world. That damn stinky man ate her whole body, yet did not show himself. That night, she could still vaguely remember how he robbed and occupied her, how his neck interweaved with her hot body and his tempting breathing.

Greedy Baby and Scheming Mother: Volume 3 (Volume 3 #3)

by Tian BuLa

She, who was born before her marriage, turned into a complete slut with the contempt and curses of the entire world. That damn stinky man ate her whole body, yet did not show himself. That night, she could still vaguely remember how he robbed and occupied her, how his neck interweaved with her hot body and his tempting breathing.

Greedy Baby and Scheming Mother: Volume 5 (Volume 5 #5)

by Tian BuLa

She, who was born before her marriage, turned into a complete slut with the contempt and curses of the entire world. That damn stinky man ate her whole body, yet did not show himself. That night, she could still vaguely remember how he robbed and occupied her, how his neck interweaved with her hot body and his tempting breathing.

Greedy Baby and Scheming Mother: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Tian BuLa

She, who was born before her marriage, turned into a complete slut with the contempt and curses of the entire world. That damn stinky man ate her whole body, yet did not show himself. That night, she could still vaguely remember how he robbed and occupied her, how his neck interweaved with her hot body and his tempting breathing.

The Greek Claims His Shock Heir (Billionaires at the Altar #1)

by Lynne Graham

The billionaire’s discovered her secret…She’s had his son!After learning of tycoon Eros Nevrakis’s betrayal, personal chef Winnie Mardas walks out of his life, determined to never look back—or reveal the child she’s carrying… A year later, she’s shocked when Eros arrives to legitimize his heir! Swept away to his lavish Mediterranean villa, Winnie is overwhelmed by the fire still burning between them. But can she accept her new role as his convenient wife?“LG has delivered back to back amazing books this year and this one adds another feather to her cap.” -Goodreads Reader on The Italian’s Inherited Mistress“There was so much goodness to this story that there was no way not to adore this book. It was a very enjoyable and satisfying romance, and another great Lynne Graham book.” —Goodreads Reader on The Greek’s Blackmailed Mistress

Greek's Baby of Redemption: The Greek Demands His Heir / The Sinner's Marriage Redemption / The Marakaios Baby / The Playboy Of Argentina (One Night With Consequences Ser. #54)

by Kate Hewitt

He needs an heir. She’ll give him so much more… Scarred tycoon Alex Santos’s Greek island estate is a fortress—protecting those outside from the darkness within him. When he needs a wife to secure his business, his discreet, compassionate housekeeper, Milly, agrees to his proposal. But their wedding night sparks an unexpected fire, and the consequences force Alex to face his painful past… Could Milly—and his unborn child—be the key to Alex’s redemption? Escape to the Greek islands with this marriage of convenience

The Greek's Billion-Dollar Baby: The Greek's Billion-dollar Baby / The Innocent's Emergency Wedding (Crazy Rich Greek Weddings Ser. #1)

by Clare Connelly

An innocent young woman’s life is about to change after one night of passion with a wealthy widower in this seductive international romance.All the money in the world couldn’t save Leonidas from the pain—and guilt—of losing his loved ones. Since then, he’s forbidden himself all pleasure in life. Until he meets enchanting, innocent Hannah at a lavish party in Greece . . . Reeling from the discovery of her fiancé’s infidelity, Hannah is determined to swear off men. But her instant chemistry with Leonidas is undeniable. And for one night, they break all their rules, indulging in red-hot oblivion—with inescapably powerful consequences . . .

The Greek's Forbidden Innocent: An Emotional And Sensual Romance

by Annie West

“A sexy and enjoyable story where a case of mistaken identity leads to a long-lasting romance . . . The writing style is captivating . . . a great read!” —Harlequin JunkieThe Greek’s virgin bride . . . is hiding her royal identity. While helping her friend escape an arranged marriage, dutiful Princess Mina finds herself captive on enigmatic Alexei Katsaros’s luxurious private island! Mina must convince Alexei that she’s his future bride, but she doesn’t expect their scorching chemistry to be so deliciously overwhelming . . . And after a night in the Greek’s bed, suddenly there’s more at stake than just Mina’s hidden identity—her heart is at Alexei’s mercy, too! Escape to an island paradise with the billionaire and his royal bride.

The Greek's Pregnant Cinderella: A Cinderella To Secure His Heir Penniless Virgin To Sicilian's Bride Pregnant By The Commanding Greek Marriage Bargain With His Innocent (Cinderella Seductions Ser. #2)

by Michelle Smart

“You will go to the ball.” And be seduced by a billionaire… Hotel maid Tabitha is stunned to be gifted a ticket to an elite ball hosted by Greek tycoon Giannis Basinas. It’s meant to be a night of pure luxury. But this untouched Cinderella ends up in Giannis’s bed—utterly pleasured! Making a hasty morning exit out the window, Tabitha expects to return to her ordinary life. Until she discovers her midnight mischief had nine-month consequences! Lose yourself in this enchanting Cinderella story…

The Greek's Surprise Christmas Bride (Conveniently Wed! #24)

by Lynne Graham

A troubled medical student enters a marriage of convenience with billionaire in this holiday romance by a USA Today–bestselling author.Greek tycoon Leo is a businessman, not a family man. Yet becoming guardian to his orphaned nieces and nephews leads him to make the ultimate sacrifice—finding a wife! And kindhearted Letty is the perfect bride for the job.Letty can’t let her family fall into financial ruin. A convenient Christmas wedding with Leo is the ideal solution! Until their paper-only arrangement is scorched . . . by the heat of their unanticipated passion! Which awakens innocent Letty to the inescapable truth: she wants more from Leo than she signed up for . . .

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