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The Oath of Two Worlds

by Elena Kryuchkova

(The book is the prehistory and development of the universe of the work "History of two worlds"). The book was previously published under the pseudonym Darina Beloyar.

Obedéceme: Una historia romántica de BDSM

by Denisse Rose

La mejor forma de comenzar las mañanas era con la dulce e inocente sonrisa de Jenny. Harry no sabía específicamente por qué la había contratado, pero había algo en ella que le dibujaba una sonrisa en su cara. No estaba seguro si eran sus modos poco convencionales o su vivaz personalidad, pero lo hacía sonreír. Y para un empresario tan estructurado, no era algo fácil de cumplir. En el pasado, había tenido muchas asistentes que habían intentado coquetear con él o ambicionaban tener algún vínculo para acceder a su dinero o popularidad, pero Harry sabía que Jenny no era así. Presumía que tenía novio ya que no miraba a nadie en la oficina y tampoco se arreglaba para impresionar. Bonitos vestidos florales y cardiganes con medias gruesas y cabello atado, no era exactamente la idea de sensualidad para Harry, pero ella no era una distracción, no como lo eran sus anteriores asistentes o colegas. Él podía reconocer chicas desesperadas a kilómetros de distancia, ese tipo de chica que piensa que teniendo sexo es la forma de llegar a la fama. A veces, Harry les hacía sutiles insinuaciones para acostarse con ellas con el propósito de su propio placer. Era un experto en seducir sin dar promesas y esperaba que alguna chica sea lo suficientemente ingenua para caer en su malicioso juego. — ¿Quisiera algo para beber, señor Stone? —preguntó Jenny con esa dulce sonrisa que solía darle. — Sólo café, por favor —le respondió. Jenny sabía exactamente cómo le gustaba La mejor forma de comenzar las mañanas era con la dulce e inocente sonrisa de Jenny. Harry no sabía específicamente por qué la había contratado, pero había algo en ella que le dibujaba una sonrisa en su cara. No estaba seguro si eran sus modos poco convencionales o su vivaz personalidad, pero lo hacía sonreír. Y para un empresario tan estructurado, no era algo fácil de cumplir. En el pasado, había tenido muchas asistentes

Obligándote a amar (Rosa blanca #Volumen 5)

by Laura A. López

Vuelve la saga romántica de regencia «Rosa blanca» de Laura A. López, con esta quinta y apasionante entrega. Para lady Violet es su última temporada, la última oportunidad para conseguir marido. Una conveniente condena de amor Lady Violet Lowel, en su última temporada, se ve asaltada por responsabilidades no propias de una dama: atender a su pequeña hermana y huir de los hombres que la pretenden, los que con entienden que ella no quiere casarse. Marcus Stratford, duque de Montrose, se obsesiona con ella y buscará la forma de seducirla a cualquier precio. Pero en su afán por tenerla a su lado, también deberá luchar contra la avaricia para salvar su propia vida y la de su gran amor.

The Oceans Between Us: A gripping and heartwrenching novel of a mother's search for her lost child after WW2

by Gill Thompson

Inspired by extraordinary true events, this remarkable debut novel reveals the enduring power of love and the strength of the human spirit in one woman's quest to find her son, and a little boy's dream to be found. For readers of The Letter by Kathryn Hughes, Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate, The Throwaway Children by Diney Costeloe, Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly and Remember Me by Lesley Pearse.Molly. Found wandering injured and dazed after an air raid on London, she remembers nothing of who she is. Except that she has lost something very precious...Jack. His mother disappeared in the bombing. As he waits in the orphanage he knows one day she'll return for him. But when the opportunity of a golden life is dangled before him, and it's clear his mother's gone, aged nine he boards the SS Asturias, bound for Fremantle, the Outback - and Bindoon Boys' Town.Kathleen Sullivan. Trapped in a repressive marriage. When the young English boy, undernourished and wary after the brutalities of the Christian Brothers' Outback farm, comes to live with her and her civil servant husband in Perth, she sees in Jack the son she was never able to have. But are they both too damaged to piece together a family?A powerful, moving story of broken families and mended lives, told with care and compassion, The Oceans Between Us is a riveting, heartwrenching and ultimately uplifting novel of a mother's fight for justice and a boy's fight for survival.

The Oceans Between Us: A gripping and heartwrenching novel of a mother's search for her lost child after WW2

by Gill Thompson

Inspired by heartrending true events, a mother fights to find her son and a child battles for survival in this riveting debut novel. 'A warm-hearted tale of love, loss and indefatigable human spirit' Kathryn Hughes 'A heartrending story' Jane Corry 'A mother's loss and a son's courage... A heartrending story that spans the world' Diney CosteloeFor readers of Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate, Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly, The Letter by Kathryn Hughes, and Remember Me by Lesley Pearse.A woman is found wandering injured in London after an air raid. She remembers nothing of who she is. Only that she has lost something very precious.As the little boy waits in the orphanage, he hopes his mother will return. But then he finds himself on board a ship bound for Australia, the promise of a golden life ahead, and wonders: how will she find him in a land across the oceans?In Perth, a lonely wife takes in the orphaned child. But then she discovers the secret of his past. Should she keep quiet? Or tell the truth and risk losing the boy who has become her life? This magnificent, moving novel, set in London and Australia, is testament to the strength of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.Readers worldwide have fallen in love with The Oceans Between Us...'A beautiful tale of a mother's love. A wonderful book. Full of emotion, heart, joy and sorrow' Emma's Bookish Corner'Heart-wrenching debut novel. A story based on actual events which will have you glued to the pages' Waggy Tales'It has opened my eyes to the injustice done to so many' Shaz's Book Blog'I flew through this emotional book. I raged at just what some had to endure. But I also felt their bravery in finding justice for all children who suffered. Highly recommended' Between My Lines'A story that will touch every reader's heart. An absolute must-read' By The Letter Book Reviews

The Oceans Between Us: A gripping and heartwrenching novel of a mother's search for her lost child after WW2

by Gill Thompson

Inspired by heartrending true events, a mother fights to find her son and a child battles for survival in this riveting debut novel. 'A warm-hearted tale of love, loss and indefatigable human spirit' Kathryn Hughes 'A heartrending story' Jane Corry 'A mother's loss and a son's courage... A heartrending story that spans the world' Diney CosteloeFor readers of Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate, Lilac Girls by Martha Hall Kelly, The Letter by Kathryn Hughes, and Remember Me by Lesley Pearse.A woman is found wandering injured in London after an air raid. She remembers nothing of who she is. Only that she has lost something very precious.As the little boy waits in the orphanage, he hopes his mother will return. But then he finds himself on board a ship bound for Australia, the promise of a golden life ahead, and wonders: how will she find him in a land across the oceans?In Perth, a lonely wife takes in the orphaned child. But then she discovers the secret of his past. Should she keep quiet? Or tell the truth and risk losing the boy who has become her life? This magnificent, moving novel, set in London and Australia, is testament to the strength of the human spirit and the enduring power of love.Readers worldwide have fallen in love with The Oceans Between Us...'A beautiful tale of a mother's love. A wonderful book. Full of emotion, heart, joy and sorrow' Emma's Bookish Corner'Heart-wrenching debut novel. A story based on actual events which will have you glued to the pages' Waggy Tales'It has opened my eyes to the injustice done to so many' Shaz's Book Blog'I flew through this emotional book. I raged at just what some had to endure. But I also felt their bravery in finding justice for all children who suffered. Highly recommended' Between My Lines'A story that will touch every reader's heart. An absolute must-read' By The Letter Book Reviews** DON'T MISS THE ORPHANS ON THE TRAIN, COMING SOON FROM GILL THOMPSON **

Oculta Nunca Más (Las Damas Abandonadas #5)

by Christina McKnight

Una dama escondida de la sociedad… Lady Ellington, la hija ilegítima de un marqués adinerado, ha pasado toda su vida escondiéndose de la alta sociedad de Londres, tanto a los resultado de sus propios deseos como la actitud de su padre dominante y abusivo. Cuando el marqués fallece repentinamente, Ellie siente que sobre ella ha caído un peso e inmediatamente asume su papel como dueña de Drake House. Aunque constantemente actúa con cierto depotismo, se pregunta cuándo le será arrebatado todo. Por una buena razón, tan pronto como se despoja de su luto, llega una misiva, anunciando un heredero al Marquesado. Una persona de la que nunca ha oído hablar antes, pero con suficiente poder para cambiar su destino por completo. Un hombre que descubre los secretos de su pasado ... Oculto por su niñera durante su infancia y criado como un niño huérfano, Alex nunca ha tenido los beneficios de un gran nombre o una línea de sangre. Sin embargo, se contenta con trabajar duro y ganarse la vida como un mozo de establo en una de las mejores casas de Londres, demostrando ser digno tanto de su posición como de su amistad con la bella Lady Ellington. Cuando Ellie le pide ayuda con un asunto delicado, se complace en responder, pero pronto se encuentra en medio de más de lo que esperaba. Un encuentro inocente revela secretos de su pasado que nunca podría haber imaginado,descubre que es un duque por nacimiento. Pero incluso con la posibilidad de un título y todo lo que esto conlleva, Alex no está seguro de poder derribar las paredes que Ellie ha construido para proteger su corazón. Un amor que se puede ocultar ... Los dos tienen un amor innegable, puede que no sea suficiente para cerrar la brecha y superar los obstáculos que se interponen en su camino. Con cada secreto, hay algo más en juego. ¡No te pierdas la novedosa novela final de la serie “ Damas Abandonadas” de Christina McKnight! El Romance en su mejor mo

Ódiame de día, ámame de noche (Un romance en Londres #Volumen 2)

by Nieves Hidalgo

En esta segunda entrega de la trilogía «Un romance en Londres», Nicole intenta salvar el abismo que le separa del hombre que despierta su pasión y convertir el odio en amor. Jason Rowland, vizconde de Wickford, se casa enamorado de Cassandra sin importarle sus orígenes. Sin embargo, ella solo busca su título y su posición. Caprichosa y déspota, convierte su vida en un infierno. Cassandra ha cometido un desliz por el que puede perder cuanto tiene, por eso busca la ayuda de quien nunca le ha fallado: su hermana gemela, Nicole. Pero un accidente hará que la vida de ambas dé un giro inesperado. Cuando Nicole despierta no recuerda nada, ni siquiera su nombre. Solo sabe que, según le dicen, está casada con un noble; un hombre que la atrae desde el primer momento, pero que no disimula su desprecio hacia ella. Mil imágenes que no comprende la atormentan, presiente que existe un secreto que debe desvelar, aunque signifique su perdición, e intenta mantener las distancias con un esposo al que no reconoce. Pero el amor hacia Jason es más fuerte que ella. Y si del amor al odio hay un paso corto, hará lo imposible para recorrer el camino inverso que, de entrada, parece insalvable.

Of Ice and Shadows (Of Fire and Stars #2)

by Audrey Coulthurst

The long-awaited sequel to the acclaimed YA fantasy Of Fire and Stars! Mare and Denna travel to a new and dangerous kingdom where Denna will be trained to tame her magic by a mysterious queen who is not all she seems. Perfect for fans of Malinda Lo and Kristin Cashore. Princesses Denna and Mare are in love and together at last—only to face a new set of dangers. <P><P>Mare just wants to settle down with the girl she loves, which would be easier if Denna weren’t gifted with forbidden and volatile fire magic. Denna must learn to control her powers, which means traveling in secret to the kingdom of Zumorda, where she can seek training without fear of persecution. Determined to help, Mare has agreed to serve as an ambassador as a cover for their journey. <P><P>But just as Mare and Denna arrive in Zumorda, an attack on a border town in Mynaria changes everything. Mare’s diplomatic mission is now urgent: she must quickly broker an alliance with the queen of Zumorda to protect her homeland. However, the queen has no interest in allying with other kingdoms; it’s Denna’s untamed but powerful magic that catches her eye. The queen offers Denna a place among her elite trainees—an opportunity that would force her to choose between her magic and Mare. <P><P>As Denna’s powers grow stronger, Mare struggles to be the ambassador her kingdom needs. By making unconventional friends, her knowledge of Zumorda and its people grow, and so too do her suspicions about who is truly behind the attacks on Zumorda and her homeland. <P><P>As rising tensions and unexpected betrayals put Mare and Denna in jeopardy and dangerous enemies emerge on all sides, can they protect their love and save their kingdoms?

Of Venice, of Love, of Magic

by Anna Castelli

Venice, Anna Castelli receives a small package of letters consumed from the hands of two mysterious characters who entrust her story .. After a long working day, Jérôme de Seingalt smokes his last cigarette on his "altana" (Venetian terrace), enjoying the moonlight and the silence of the Lagoon Suddenly inside the mirror of his room, a funny woman appears, Lavinia de Merteuil. After fighting extremely hard to get her out of there, Jérôme listens in surprise to her story: Lavinia tells her that they already knew each other and that they loved each other three hundred years ago and asks for her help to break the enchantment that took her away from him, forcing her to travel as a mirror in mirror for centuries until the curse is broken. The only way to achieve this is to tell fables. Thus begins an exchange of letters with which the two will discover again in our days their former passion, between walks and appointments in the most beautiful places of Venice, which the reader can admire with them. Between one letter and the other they contrast the curse with their fables; love stories set around the world and in every age, that pursue with their walk the passion that Lavinia and Jérôme possess, until the incredible epilogue with which the reader will discover if the power of love is stronger than the witchcraft that falls upon they.

La Oferta: Una Historia Romántica de BDSM

by Denisse Rose

David y Alice eran felices en su matrimonio, o al menos eso es lo que Alice continuaba diciéndose a sí misma. Ella sabía que su esposo la amaba más que a nada en el mundo y nunca la engañaría, pero ella también sabía que se estaba empezando a sentir un poco aburrida en la cama. No es como si ella fuese a hacer algo al respecto, todo lo que necesitaba, por ahora, era su vibrador y su imaginación para tolerar los momentos en los que su marido no podía satisfacerla, los cuales eran más de los que le gustaría admitir. Ya no salían juntos con demasiada frecuencia, pero este viernes iba a ser un poco diferente y Alice estaba ansiosa por soltarse el pelo literal y metafóricamente después de una dura semana de trabajo. Esperaba emborracharse y, con suerte, aflojar un poco a su marido. Mientras tanto, aunque sabía que David no era exactamente el tipo de hombre que iba a ir corriendo a casa y tomarla allí mismo, como Alice a veces deseaba, siempre estaba cansado después de un día de trabajo y ella también, pero ella quería una liberación y él solo quería un largo baño...

Off-Duty SEALs: Military Romantic Suspense (The Echo Platoon Series)

by Marliss Melton

Four Stories of Bachelor Navy SEALs On Dangerous Missions of the Heart in Off-Duty SEALs, An Echo Platoon Anthology by Marliss Melton--Present Day, Louisa Virginia, Virginia Beach, Spain, Washington DC--Tyler Rexall was issued a medical discharge and released from the Teams. Now he’s living in his parents’ country home wondering what the hell he’s going to do with a crushed foot, let alone with the ugly dog just foisted on him by some well-meaning woman he knew in high school.Rusty Kuzinsky has given thirty-two years to the Teams. He has big plans following retirement, but they don’t include caring for a traumatized military war dog. There’s only one woman he can rely on to help him…if she’s forgiven him for letting her husband die all those years ago.Mitch Thoreau finds romance on his vacation in Spain when Catalonia’s bid for independence turns violent. Too bad for Mitch, the woman he’s falling for is a member of the family responsible for unleashing terror on Barcelona.Stuart Rudolph, a white-hat hacker in his off-hours, is surfing the web when he realizes danger on the home front is just a click away. Imagine Stu’s horror on discovering the only woman he ever loved—and lost—is being used as bait by the terrorists who are out gunning for Stu.Publisher's Note: Gifted and experienced, no one delivers true SEAL action and romance like Marliss Melton. Sure to be enjoyed by fans of Trish McCallan, Tawny Weber and Maya Banks as well as Christin Harber, Suzanne Brockmann and Linda Howard.

Off Limits Lovers (Texas Cattleman’s Club: Houston #6)

by Reese Ryan

Everything is bigger in Texas—especially temptation.For attorney and Texas Cattleman’s Club member Roarke Perry, Annabel Currin is about as forbidden as it gets. A just-jilted bride, gorgeously sexy, tender-hearted…and the daughter of his father’s nemesis. The sexual currents crackling between him and his client should have been warning enough. Now they’re both playing with fire. And someone’s gonna get burned…

Off Planet (Aunare Chronicles #1)

by Aileen Erin

“In this bleak world, one spark of hope soon turns into an inferno. And just like a fireball, once this story is ignited, it just doesn’t stop.” — Maria V. Snyder, New York Times bestselling author of Navigating the StarsFrom USA Today Bestselling Author Aileen Erin comes an action-packed futuristic fantasy romance series: The Aunare Chronicles.Everything about me is a lie.When I was six, the Aunare-Earther war broke out. Since then, I’ve survived thirteen years stuck on Earth with my mother, hiding, hunted, knowing that one wrong move could mean our deaths. Earth is high crime, high poverty, high pollution, run by a corporate conglomerate—SpaceTech. The only thing that SpaceTech wants more than money is me.Alive. Dead. I don’t think SpaceTech cares as long as I’m found. Because I’m the half-Earther daughter of the Head of the Aunare military, the biggest threat to SpaceTech’s authority.Whenever things get truly bad, I close my eyes and see myself on a beach and hear a man calling out my true Aunare name—the one I can never say aloud. I know whoever that is, he’s home.But I’m nowhere close to home, and I made a mistake—a massive mistake—and no one is coming to save me. I’m going to have to find a way to save myself.Perfect for fans of A Court of Thorns and Roses, Off Planet is the first book in an adult fantasy romance series. The Aunare Chronicles takes you from a future Earth to an all new world across the galaxy. With found family, fated mates, and a race of people with magical powers, the Aunare Chronicles will sweep you across the stars in this romantic futuristic fantasy saga.Binge the complete Aunare Chronicles series now!Book 1: Off PlanetBook 2: Off BalanceBook 3: In CommandBook 4: On MissionBook 5: On Destiny“Suspenseful sci-fi with complex world-building and a tough-as-nails heroine you’ll want to root for!” — Elizabeth Briggs, New York Times Bestselling Author of Future Shock

Off the Ice (Hat Trick #1)

by Avon Gale Piper Vaughn

Previously published; newly refreshed by the authorsHe’s hot for teacherNHL star Tristan Holt may be at the top of his game, but he’s already thinking one play ahead. Hitting the books in the off-season means he’ll have a business degree to fall back on when it’s time to hang up his hockey skates.But his straightforward plan is complicated by his undeniable attraction to his sexy sociology professor, Sebastian Cruz.Impressed by Tristan’s brain as well as his brawn, Sebastian can’t help lusting after the gorgeous jock. With tenure on the line, Sebastian won’t break the rules by becoming involved with one of his students—at least, not until the end of term. Once final grades are posted, though, their naughty mutual fantasies can become reality.Tristan’s not sure he’s up for being the poster boy for openly gay hockey players, but Sebastian’s never been the type of man to keep his sexuality—or his relationships—in the closet. For Tristan, being with Sebastian might mean risking more than just his heart. One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise!This book is approximately 71,000 words

Off the Ice: A Gay Sports Romance (Hat Trick #1)

by Avon Gale Piper Vaughn

An NHL star is hot for his teacher in this age-gap, opposites-attract hockey romance.Tristan Holt may be at the top of his game, but he&’s already thinking one play ahead. Hitting the books in the off-season means he&’ll have a business degree to fall back on when it&’s time to hang up his hockey skates.But his straightforward plan is complicated by his undeniable attraction to his sexy sociology professor, Sebastian Cruz.Impressed by Tristan&’s brain as well as his brawn, Sebastian can&’t help lusting after the gorgeous jock. With tenure on the line, Sebastian won&’t break the rules by becoming involved with one of his students—at least, not until the end of term. Once final grades are posted, though, their naughty mutual fantasies can become reality.Tristan&’s not sure he&’s up for being the poster boy for openly gay hockey players, but Sebastian&’s never been the type of man to keep his sexuality—or his relationships—in the closet. For Tristan, being with Sebastian might mean risking more than just his heart.Previously published.Hat Trick Book 1: Off the Ice Book 2: Goalie Interference Book 3: Trade Deadline

Oh! Be Flirted By A Dragon: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Hua Jianjiu

Lin Jiu Jiu: Do I love you for a thousand years? Are you surprised? Are you moved? Meng Zhang: "Oh."Lin Jiu: "Oh?" Oh?! Oh?! Meng Zhang: "Surprise, touched."Lin Mai Jiu: Is that trouble for me, or is it for you to take the blame? Meng Zhang: "Hehe."Lin Jiu: "Hur hur?" Who are you acting cute for? Meng Zhang: "You." What a big face.Lin Jiu: You think I have a lot of face? Forget it, I'll wear it back. Meng Zhang: You want to run away after eating me dry? Friend, won't your conscience hurt?Lin Jiu: You still think I'm fat?! Hmm. I think you'd better die.//Again: The Mountain and Sea Realm can also be at peace with the world if the Mountain and Sea Realm is separated by the Mountain and Sea Realm.

Oh, ¡Bebé!: Prescripción médica: ¡Romance! Novela

by Jill Blake

Él es exactamente lo opuesto a la clase de hombre que ella quiere... pero puede ser exactamente lo que ella necesita. Lena Shapiro, es una cirujana exitosa y una hija abnegada. Ella sacrificó su vida personal para construir su carrera y cuidar de su madre y de su hermana. Ahora con treinta y nueve años y soltera, observa a sus compañeros emparejándose y teniendo hijos, y se pregunta si ya ha perdido su propia oportunidad de ser feliz. Asignada para ser la mentora de un colega visitante, Lena se encuentra a sí misma enamorándose de este hombre. Pero Adam Sterling es todo lo que ella no necesita: es demasiado joven, demasiado arrogante y demasiado dispuesto a sobrepasar los límites personales y profesionales, como si fuera poco se va de L.A. por un trabajo en la costa opuesta. Con la fecha de la partida de Adam cada vez más cerca, ¿se recluirá Lena en la seguridad de su vida solitaria, o se arriesgará a un futuro incierto con el hombre que podría hacer realidad sus sueños? (Nota: Este es un romance contemporáneo apasionante que contiene temas maduros y contenido explícito, destinado a adultos mayores de 18 años. Es una novela independiente, sin cliff-hangers, y un HEA garantizado.)

Oh, So Many Kisses

by Maura Finn

There&’s a kiss for every baby! This cuddly padded board book about all different types of kisses features all different types of families and adorable animals. A shy kiss, a bold kiss.A warm kiss, a cold kiss.A kiss to make you better when you&’ve landed on your knee.Oh, so many kisses! What others can you see? From gentle kisses to furry kisses, there&’s a kiss for every moment with adorable babies and those who love them. With rhyming text and precious illustrations, this cuddly story celebrates all the lovable babies—even the animal babies—in your life.

Okay, Then (Hot Flash)

by Addison Albright

Prequel to ’Til Death Do Us PartOkay, then ... that's what Sam said after Henry convinced him he was interested in dating, not merely a fling while together on a research trip to the Solomon Islands. And so they embark on their first date, but the conditions are not ideal.Henry is desperate to convince his crush of his sincerity but second guesses his every move. He's thrilled to discover Sam is just as anxious to impress him. Can these two work through their first-date jitters or are they destined to drift apart?Note: This short story was originally published in the charity collection, Love Is Proud.

Olho mágico no chuveiro: Foi o pio que começou a coisa toda ...

by Ginger Bangs

Foi o espiar que começou a coisa toda... Jenny sabia que não deveria ter se ajoelhado e espiado pelo olho mágico nos fundos do seu escritório. Ela deveria saber que não tinha nada que baixar o short e ter feito o que fez. E DEFINITIVAMENTE deveria ter ficado de olho no que estava acontecendo atrás dela, assim como não encarar tão intensamente o que estava acontecendo do outro lado daquele olho mágico. Ou aquilo era um buraco de glória?

Oltre ogni disprezzo: Una Lady dimenticata, volume terzo

by Christina McKnight

Un uomo pronto a sacrificare ogni cosa… Andrew Penton, il Marchese di Drake, è un uomo abituato a ottenere tutto ciò che desidera, senza dar nulla in cambio. Ma quando una donna misteriosa attira la sua attenzione, non può far altro che offrirle tutto ciò che è. Una donna determinata ad avere ogni cosa… Lady Lorelei de La Valette, figlia del conte francese di Epernon, nuova nella società di Londra, non è la donna che sembra essere. La sua vita è stata controllata dalla nascita, eppure dovrà decidere se il suo destino è nel suo paese o nel suo cuore. Il più bel romanzo di Christina McKnight secondo i lettori di Goodreads. «Perché quando il cuore desidera qualcosa, è solo il dolore ciò che ottiene»

Omega, Fuori fa Freddo

by Coyote Starr

Il loro amore lo salverà dal freddo… Un Omega in fuga Da tutta la vita, il mutaforma lince omega Noah Kimbrough sa quale sia il suo ruolo: essere ingravidato dall'alfa dominante che controlla il branco di New York. Ma quando giunge il momento di adempiere il suo obbligo, Noah non riesce a sopportare il pensiero di una vita senza amore. Perciò scappa. Ora è in fuga e l'intero branco di New York è sulle sue tracce, l'ha seguito fino in Pennsylvania. Noah sa che lo cattureranno — e quando lo faranno, la sua punizione sarà severa. Ma poi capita per caso in una cittadina e, meraviglia delle meraviglie, il suo vecchio branco la evita e passa oltre. Due Alfa che hanno bisogno di un Terzo Gli alfa Kord Harmon ed Elijah Baker amano la loro vita insieme — ma entrambi pensano che sarebbe ancora meglio con un terzo, e l'opportunità di costruire una famiglia. Perciò, quando Noah piomba nelle loro vite, colgono al balzo l'occasione di aiutarlo a fuggire dal suo vecchio branco. Con loro, Noah ha finalmente la possibilità di rifarsi dal gelo della sua vita infelice e di godersi il calore del vero amore. Ma la vita di Noah è stata traumatica, e Kord ed Elijah non sono affatto sicuri di avere quel che ci vuole a fargli superare il passato. Insieme, dovranno capire se l'amore di due alfa buoni — e la magia di una piccola cittadina — possano guarire le ferite di Naoh... e se riusciranno mai a costruire la famiglia che tanto desiderano. Omega, Fuori fa Freddo è un romance MMM Mpreg con due affascinanti alfa che sanno come rendere un nodo incandescente, un omega che ha bisogno dell'amore che i suoi alfa hanno da dargli, e un dono a sorpresa che ti scalderà il cuore!

Omega, Hace Frío Afuera

by Coyote Starr

Su amor puede salvarlo de una vida fría ... Un Omega en fuga Toda su vida, el gato montés omega Noah Kimbrough conocía su papel: engendrar para el alfa dominante que controlaba la manada de Nueva York. Pero cuando llegó el momento de cumplir con esa obligación, Noah no podía soportar la idea de una vida sin amor. Entonces huyó. Ahora está huyendo, y toda la manada de Nueva York lo está rastreando, hasta Pensilvania. Noah sabe que lo atraparán, y cuando lo hagan, su castigo será severo. Pero luego se tropieza con un pequeño pueblo, y maravillado por este, su vieja manada lo pasa de largo. Dos alfas que necesitan un tercero Los alphas Kord Harmon y Elijah Baker aman su vida juntos, pero ambos están de acuerdo en que podría ser aún mejor con un tercero y con la oportunidad de construir una familia. Entonces, cuando Noah cae en sus vidas, aprovechan la oportunidad para ayudarlo a escapar de su vieja manada. Con ellos, Noah finalmente tiene la oportunidad de salir del frío de su infeliz vida y disfrutar del calor del verdadero amor. Pero la vida de Noah hasta ahora ha sido traumática, y Kord y Elijah no están del todo seguros de tener lo que se necesita para ayudarlo a superar su pasado. Juntos, todos tendrán que aprender si el amor de dos buenos alfas, y la magia de un pequeño pueblo, puede curar las heridas de Noah...y si alguna vez podrán construir la familia que todos anhelan. Omega, Hace frío está ubicado en Vale Valley, un pequeño pueblo abierto a todos los que necesitan amor y un hogar. Es un romance de HHH Mpreg con dos magníficosalfas, un omega que necesita el amor que sus alfas tienen para dar, y un regalo sorpresa que calentará tu corazón, todo en el místico, mágico y lleno de amor Valle Vale.

On a Roll

by Lynn Townsend

From the farms of Tennessee, Beau Watkins had it all in high school: the cute girl, the popular jock lifestyle, a loving family. As a rising freshman at an out-of-state college, he's determined to find out who he really is behind the fake it 'til you make it attitude. He joins Rainbow Connection, the gay student alliance, hoping to find himself.Instead, he meets Vin Reyes. Raised by his grandparents and the heir to a prosperous company, Vin has been out of the closet since he figured out what that meant. He has it all: fashionable clothing, fancy cars, huge houses, and a real party lifestyle, even a bodyguard. Most of all, he has a secret.Uncomfortable with Vin's generosity, Beau fights his growing attraction for the president of Rainbow Connection, instead chasing a series of shallow affairs. Vin's never been denied anything he wants, though, and now he wants Beau.But it isn’t until an old rival puts Beau in the hospital that Vin realizes Beau means more to him than a simple affair. Can the two of them bridge the gap between their worlds and roll with the all the punches life throws at them?

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