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Tennessee Reunion (Williamston Wildlife Rescue)

by Carolyn McSparren

Can one determined trainer Teach a vet how to love?Horse trainer Anne MacDonald is adamant she can turn a group of rescued miniature horses into helper animals for people with disabilities. But she’s not sure which is harder—training the minis or working with Dr. Vince Peterson, Williamston’s newest and most arrogant veterinarian. Can her Tennessee charm work on the horses…and on the commitment-shy Vince?

La tentación de un beso (Minstrel Valley #Volumen 4)

by Christine Cross

Adéntrate en la nueva y rompedora serie de «Minstrel Valley», creada por catorce autoras de Selecta. Ambientada en la Inglaterra de la Regencia en un pequeño pueblo de Hertfordshire, descubrirás una historia llena de amor, aventuras y pasión. Un misterioso medallón y un apuesto conde harán que la vida de Eleanor dé un giro inesperado... Eleanor ha cumplido 25 años y se siente algo abrumada por la monotonía de su vida. Una mañana se presenta en la escuela un abogado para hablar con ella. Alguien ha hecho un testamento en su favor dejándole una herencia sustanciosa con la que podría cumplir su sueño de viajar, conocer el mundo y a otras personas, o volver a la alta sociedad a la que pertenecía. Junto con el dinero, recibe también un extraño y antiguo medallón. Asaltada por las dudas sobre la cuestión del dinero, decide hablar con Lady Acton. Cuando acude a su saloncito privado conoce a Ashton Melham, conde de Clifford, un hombre que desestabiliza su mundo, aunque lo considera un aventurero. Él se interesa enseguida por el medallón. Recuerda haber visto algo parecido, cuando era un niño, en algún lugar de la vieja mansión de su familia. Lady Acton anima a Eleanor a tomarse unas pequeñas vacaciones para que pueda serenarse y tomar una adecuada decisión con respecto a su futuro; de paso, podrá visitar la mansión Clifford y averiguar algo sobre el medallón... Las tardes pasadas en Clifford Manor, se transformarán en un refugio cálido para Eleanor mientras la relación con Ash se va transformando en algo distinto. Sobre la serie:Minstrel Valley es un proyecto novedoso, rompedor y sorprendente. Catorce mujeres que crean una serie de novelas gracias a una minuciosa organización que ha llevado tiempo y esfuerzo, pero que tiene su recompensa materializada en estas quince novelas de las que vamos a disfrutar a lo largo de esta temporada. Gracias a su trabajo en equipo, el cariño, el tiempo robado a sus momentos de ocio, de descanso y de familia, la paciencia, el esmero y el talento, nuestras queridas autoras hacen que todo sea posible. Desde Selecta os invitamos a adentraros en Minstrel Valley y que disfrutéis, tanto como nosotros, de esta maravillosa serie de regencia. Prólogo de Nieves Hidalgo en Si me lo pide el corazón (Minstrel Valley 1):«Serán novelas divertidas, románticas, dulces, plenas de sentimiento, con personajes que os enamorarán; hasta con leyenda incluida. Historias paridas por la imaginación de unas autoras merecedoras de elogio, no ya solo por su capacidad para ilusionarnos, su disposición a compartir sino, sobre todo, por la manera encomiable de aplicarse al trabajo para ofreceros lo mejor de sí mismas.»

Tentada por um vampiro (Corações Imortais de São Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco é um músico talentoso - e um vampiro. Ele está participando de uma vida solteira em São Francisco, tocando com a sua banda no Club Royal para fim de semana ... até que ele conheça uma mulher humana que não pode resistir. O cheiro do sangue de Magdalena o deixa completamente desfeito, e ele começa a se questionar. Magdalena De la Rosa e sua melhor amiga mudaram-se recentemente para São Francisco. Ela começou um novo trabalho e está morando em um lindo apartamento. Tudo é apenas o jeito que ela imagina ... até que acaba em uma boate de alta escala e de repente é levada pelos pés pelo sexy como o vocalista principal da banda house. A tentação que eles podem fazer é resistir a um futuro que eles nunca imaginaram enquanto a chia entre os dois até que uma ameaça do passado retornasse para os chamados estragos em suas vidas. O amor deles é superar uma realidade? Cian deveria fazer para manter Madalena segura?

Tentada por un vampiro (Corazones inmortales de San Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco es un músico talentoso y un vampiro. Está contento viviendo la vida de soltero en San Francisco, tocando con su banda en el Club Royal cada fin de semana... hasta que conoce a una mujer humana a la que no puede resistirse. El aroma de la sangre de Magdalena lo ha deshecho por completo, y comienza a cuestionar su feliz existencia cuando su deseo por ella crece fuera de control. Magdalena De la Rosa y su mejor amiga se mudaron recientemente a San Francisco. Ella comenzó un nuevo trabajo y está viviendo en un hermoso apartamento. Todo es exactamente como ella lo imaginó... hasta que termina en una discoteca de alto nivel y de repente se deja llevar por el sexy cantante principal de la banda. Una tentación a la que no pueden resistirse les lleva a un futuro que nunca imaginaron mientras la pasión chisporrotea entre los dos hasta que una amenaza del pasado de Cian vuelva a causar estragos en sus vidas. ¿Su amor superará la realidad de lo que Cian debe hacer para mantener a Magdalena a salvo?

Tentata da un vampiro (Cuori Immortali di San Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco è un musicista di talento - e un vampiro. È soddisfatto della sua vita da single a San Francisco, dove suona col suo gruppo al Club Royal tutti i fine settimana... finché non incontra una donna umana alla quale non sa resistere. Completamente soggiogato dall’odore del sangue di Magdalena, quando il desiderio per lei cresce in modo incontrollabile comincia a mettere in discussione la propria felice esistenza. Magdalena De la Rosa si è da poco trasferita a San Francisco con la sua migliore amica. Ha intrapreso un nuovo lavoro e abita in uno stupendo appartamento. Tutto va proprio come immaginava... finché non finisce in un nightclub esclusivo e all’improvviso perde la testa per il cantante della band locale, tremendamente sexy. Una tentazione alla quale non riescono a resistere li porta a un futuro che non avevano mai immaginato e la passione tra i due fa scintille finché dal passato di Cian fa ritorno una minaccia che getta nel caos le loro vite. Il loro amore saprà sopportare quello che Cian sarà costretto a fare per salvare Magdalena?

La teoría imperfecta del amor

by Julie Buxbaum

Dos jóvenes aparentemente opuestos y con crisis vitales muy distintas encuentran una conexión inesperada justo cuando más la necesitan. Kit le pide a David que le ayude a investigar las causas del trágico accidente de coche en el que muere su padre. Pero ninguno de ellos es consciente de lo que encontrarán. ¿Será su amistad lo suficientemente fuerte para sobrevivir a la verdad? A veces, una nueva perspectiva es todo lo que se necesita para darle sentido al mundo.

Tere... ¡Ponle sal a la vida con un tequila! (Ebrias de amor #Volumen 3)

by Ana E. Guevara

En esta nueva y divertida serie, creada por cinco autoras de Selecta, encontraréis la historia de seis mujeres atípicas y un poco locas que se reúnen para tomar una copa, o dos, o tres..., y hablar de todo un poco. ¡Os invitamos a conocernos en el grupo de los Jueves Borrosos! Preparaos para uniros a Tere en su nueva aventura, listos para cualquier cosa.¡Salud! Estampado de leopardo color fucsia, sujetador push-up y los Chunguitos sonando a todo volumen por los auriculares de su smartphone. Una parada rápida en el chino de debajo de su casa en el barrio de Vallecas para recargar energía y Tere ya está lista para salir a comerse el mundo. O eso dice la teoría. Desde que decidió que el Jhony no le traía más que sufrimientos y lo echó de su vida, tras diez años en los que él no hizo nada más que aprovecharse de ella, sigue sin encontrar claramente su sitio. Un absurdo incidente hace que encuentre a cinco mujeres tan perdidas como ella, pero que a fuerza de amistad y risas consiguen siempre salir adelante: las chicas del JB (Jueves Borrosos). Cuando Fernando se cruza en su camino, su vida da el vuelco definitivo y por mucho que ella quiera ignorarlo, esos profundos ojos castaños no la dejan escapar. Risas, amistad, música y mucho amor, para esta comedia romántica llena de situaciones disparatadas. ¿Te unes con nosotras al JB? Siempre tenemos sitio para una más. Ruth M. Lerga ha dicho sobre la serie...«Preparaos para una sesión de carcajadas, "Ebrias de amor" es el resultado del ingenio de cinco autoras de gran calidad que han aunado sus esfuerzos, su ilusión y su sentido del humor para regalarnos seis novelas donde la amistad, el alcohol y el amor nos sirven un cóctel inolvidable; un proyecto posible gracias a horas de dedicación, risas... ¡y algún que otro chupito!».

A terra de gelo: Bekhor tomo 2 (Série Bekhor #2)

by Alain Ruiz

Debbie não é mais a mesma desde que o guardião da árvore da vida levou o corpo de Bekhor. Ela não pode suportar a ideia de estar para sempre separada daquele a quem ofereceu todo o seu amor. No mais profundo de seu coração, está convencida de que ele está vivo. Mas quanto mais as semanas passam, mais a dúvida se instala em seu espírito. Doutor em ciências da religião pela Universidade de Montréal, Alain Ruiz é autor de vários romances e guias práticos com mais de 130.000 exemplares vendidos, entre os quais a série Ian Flibus (Ian Flix) que conheceu grande sucesso no Québec e as crônicas de Braven Oc, também adaptadas para a HQ. Alain Ruiz é casado e pai de 3 filhos.

Terra do Centro: Livro Três (A Jornada de Kendra #3)

by Eileen Sheehan

Viajar para o centro da terra para recuperar seu filho da Terra do Centro  é intenso o suficiente sem ter que lidar com mulheres desonestas da Amazônia, animais pré-históricos e ... sim ... os alienígenas e zumbis que eles pensavam ter deixado na superfície também existem! Não há como escapar do horror? Eles têm um plano para acabar com os alienígenas e zumbis de uma vez por todas ... mas ... funcionará? A resposta está em "Terra do Centro", livro três da série apocalíptica de suspense e romance, A Jornada de Kendra.

Tesoro nascosto

by Diana Scott

Dopo il successo della Saga Infedeltà, che ha avuto più di 100.000 lettori, Diana Scott torna con la Serie Stonebridge, carica di suspance, erotismo e una forte passionalità. Cosa fare quando i segreti dovrebbero restare nascosti ma l’amore non fa altro che ricordarteli? Anne sa che la vita raramente concede seconde opportunità, per questo dopo la morte di suo marito è disposta a disfarsi del passato e fare tutto ciò che ha sempre desiderato. Anna è una lavoratrice, è educata e politicamente corretta ma questo non è bastato a non sentirsi sola e non protetta da un marito violento. Anne è anche passionale, bruciante e provocante, ma queste sono qualità che nessuno conoscerà mai. Anne Foster è la prestigiosa direttrice del Museo Archeologico Stonebridge, famoso in tutto il mondo. Quando il suo capo le propone di lavorare insieme a Reed Blackman, capisce che è il momento perfetto per vivere tutto ciò che ha sempre sognato ma che non ha mai osato confessare. Blackman conosce il dolore, la solitudine e le ferite causate da un cuore infranto. Lui è troppo subdolo per conoscere il romanticismo, ma la desidera e non ha intenzione di contenersi nel caso in cui lei dovesse accettare i suoi appetti sessuali. Anne sa che il cammino per dimenticare quello che le è successo non sarà facile e che dovrà correre molti rischi, ma crede di avere coraggio a sufficienza per affrontarli. Blackman odia assomigliare a quell’essere ripugnante che è suo padre e prova a non essere come lui, ma non si crede capace di farlo. È un uomo freddo, responsabile ed ha un obiettivo che nasconderà a tutti, compresa lei. Anne Foster riuscirà ad essere quella che avrebbe sempre voluto essere o si trasformerà in una donna rassegnata?

Tessa Bailey Book Set 1: Fix Her Up / Love Her or Lose Her / Tools of Engagement (Hot and Hammered)

by Tessa Bailey

“Tessa Bailey’s writing stands out in all the right sexy ways.” — BuzzfeedThe fan-favorite, HGTV-inspired rom-com trilogy from #1 New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey, now in a single volume!This bundle includes the following Hot & Hammered novels:FIX HER UP: A bad-boy professional baseball's player agrees to fake a relationship with his best friend's younger sister in order to rehab both their reputations, but their feelings get all too real...LOVE HER OR LOSE HER: A young married couple signs up for relationship boot camp in order to rehab their rocky romance and finds a second chance at love.TOOLS OF ENGAGEMENT: Two enemies team up to flip a house and the sparks between them are so hot, they'll either set the place on fire or ignite a passion that neither expected.With a wonderful, hilarious cast of characters, small-town charm, and tons of spice, this series is not to be missed!

Tessa's Gift (A Findlay Roads Story #4)

by Cerella Sechrist

She gives him peace…But can he give her the same?A new PR job at the Findlay Roads hospital is exactly the fresh start Tessa Worth needs. The challenge? Coaxing the gruff but brilliant Dr. Noah Brennan out of his shell. Noah and Tessa grow closer as she helps him heal from the loss of his wife and daughter, but Tessa is afraid of revealing her own secret. Can they find hope and healing…together?

Texan for the Taking: Texan For The Taking (boone Brothers Of Texas) / Tempted By Scandal (dynasties: Secrets Of The A-list) (Boone Brothers of Texas #1)

by Charlene Sands

USA TODAY bestselling authorWill bitter enemies make better bedfellows for the Boone Brothers? She’s about to find out.Only the worthiest of causes could woo Drea MacDonald back to Boone Springs to work with the Mason Boone. The sexy Texan had stolen her schoolgirl heart, and his family had stolen her legacy. But soon resisting the temptation to invite Mason into her bed becomes impossible. How long before he climbs back into her soul, too?

Texan Seeks Fortune (The Fortunes of Texas: The Lost Fortunes #3)

by Marie Ferrarella

From Bachelor Businessman…to Insta-Dad?Connor Fortunado comes to Houston with only one agenda: tracking down a missing (and malicious) Fortune relative. His new assistant, Brianna Childress, is a huge help—even though the single mom has her hands full at home. His attraction to Brianna is instant—and inexplicable. The last thing the bachelor Fortune wants is a houseful of commitments. But could it be that Brianna and her brood are the family he’s been seeking all along?

The Texan's Secret Daughter: A Fresh-Start Family Romance (Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch)

by Jolene Navarro

Can this rancher make up for his past?A Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch romanceTurning his life around was the hardest thing Elijah De La Rosa ever had to do—until his ex-wife, Jazmine Daniels, returns with their young daughter he didn’t know existed. Now this successful rancher will do anything to be a good father. But can he forgive himself for the past…and turn their second chance into a family for always?

The Texan's Surprise Return (Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch)

by Jolene Navarro

His greatest Christmas gifts…“Is that you? You’re…you’re alive.”An unforgettable family reunion for the holidays.For three years, Xavier De La Rosa’s family thought he was dead. Now Xavier is back home in Texas for Christmas, and finds a wife he can’t remember and adorable triplets he never knew existed. Can Xavier reclaim his memories and the love he left behind…before he returns to the job that nearly killed him?Cowboys of Diamondback Ranch

Texas at Dusk (A Coldwater Texas Novel #6)

by Delores Fossen

The hottest cowboy in Coldwater is about to steal her heart a second time…Too fast, too young—that sums up Ryland Ross’s marriage to Nova Carson. Ten years after their divorce, Ryland has his own horse ranch and an uncomplicated life…until the past blows everything up. Risqué photos of Ryland and Nova taken years ago resurface. And while Ryland is willing to help his ex smooth over the situation, he’s blindsided by the desire that springs back to life.If her boss’s weaselly son makes the photos public, Nova could lose the photography job she loves. But reconnecting with Ryland is a risk. The hot, charming cowboy has always known how to get under her skin…and into her bed. Maybe it’s the lure of ex sex. Or maybe it’s time to admit that when a cowboy lassos your heart, there’s no escape…

Texas Forever (The Tylers of Texas #6)

by Janet Dailey

The one woman he didn&’t dare touch . . . From the moment Luke Maddox sets eyes on Erin Tyler, he can think of nothing else but laying claim to Rimrock&’s reigning beauty. But Erin is his boss&’s daughter, and Luke knows Will Tyler has bigger plans for Erin&’s future than a rough and tumble ranch hand with a brutal history and a talent for breaking hearts. Still, that can&’t stop Luke from wanting her . . . The one man she shouldn&’t fall in love with . . . As Rimrock Ranch&’s heir apparent, Erin Tyler is expected to do the right thing, marry the right man, and take the reins of her family&’s legacy when the time comes. Which is why she&’s completely shaken by her attraction to her father&’s latest hire. There&’s something about the rugged, solitary stranger that calls to her soul. Is restless, independent Erin just feeling the familiar pull of her rebellious heart? Or is there something real happening between her and Luke? Something worth risking everything for . . . &“Big, bold, and sexy . . . Janet Dailey at her best!&”—Kat Martin on Texas True &“Plenty of intrigue, subplots, twists, and of course, love. Fans and newcomers alike will revel in this ride.&”—Publishers Weekly on Texas Tall &“Dailey vividly brings to life the mystique that embodies Texas.&”—Texas Tea & Travel on Texas True

Texas Home: Nell's Cowboy\Lone Star Baby (Heart of Texas)

by Debbie Macomber

Welcome to Promise, a small town in the heart of Texas where the neighbors are friendly and you just might find love.Nell’s CowboyNell Bishop, widowed mother of two children, is turning Twin Canyons into a dude ranch. One of her first guests is Travis Grant: a celebrity of sorts, a wannabe cowboy and an Easterner known for his books about the West. Her kids adore him—and she has to admit she’s drawn to him, too. But it’s too soon to be thinking of love and marriage again. Isn’t it?Lone Star BabyWhen Amy Thornton shows up in town pregnant and alone, she’s looking for some guidance and compassion, so she turns to Reverend Wade McMillan. He might be a minister, but he’s also a man. An unmarried and very attractive one. But is it as a man that he responds to Amy? Or as a man of God? Maybe it’s both. Amy needs the town’s help to get back on her feet. What she wants is the love of a man named Wade…

A Texas Kind of Christmas: Three Connected Christmas Cowboy Romance Stories

by Jodi Thomas Celia Bonaduce Rachael Miles

Take a trip to beautiful Texas and the fabled St. Nicholas Hotel on Christmas Eve, 1859 where anything can happen—even love—in the story collection fans of Diana Palmer, Linda Lael Miller, and Lori Wilde will fall in love with this holiday season! ONE NIGHT AT THE ST. NICHOLASNew York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Jodi Thomas To escape her stepmother&’s plot to marry her off, Texas heiress Jacqueline Hartman spends Christmas Eve sharing a hideout with an accused bank robber. After a night in Nathanial Ward&’s arms, Jacqueline is certain she has met her match after all. But will his heartfelt promise of love lead to his demise at the hands of the law? BIRDIE&’S FLIGHT * Celia Bonaduce Seamstress Birdie Flanagan gets the surprise of her life when she receives a beautiful gown—and a sudden invitation—for the ball of the season! With her flaming red hair, Birdie creates a stir from the moment she arrives, capturing the eye of the dashing Captain Douglas Newcastle. But will a villainous suitor from her past keep her from her long awaited happily-ever-after? TEXAS SPIRIT * Rachael Miles When lovely spinster Eugenie Charpentier makes a trip across the Texas frontier with former Texas Ranger Asher Graham, she gets an unexpected lesson in the ways of rough-and-tumble men. But once Asher is escorting her across the dance floor at the Christmas ball, it&’s Jenny&’s turn to tutor the rugged lawman in the art of love. . . .

Texas Legacy (Texas Trilogy)

by Lorraine Heath

For as long as he can remember, Rawley Cooper has loved Faith Leigh. But the cruelty of his childhood haunts him and he knows he’s undeserving of Faith. When she comes to him on the night of her nineteenth birthday, they both give into temptation. But the searing kiss reaffirms what he’s always known: he can’t have a lifetime of her in his arms. To protect his heart, he packs his things and heads west. Faith has always adored the boy her parents took in and raised. But she’s not certain she can ever forgive him for riding out of her life just when she needed him the most. When an urgent telegram forces him to return six years later, Rawley discovers Faith is now a woman to be reckoned with. As old feelings are stirred back to life and new passions take hold, they both must confront secrets from their past or risk losing a legacy of love.

Texas Nights: Caroline's Child\Dr. Texas (Heart of Texas)

by Debbie Macomber

Welcome to Promise, a small town in the heart of Texas where the neighbors are friendly and you might just find love.Caroline’s ChildEveryone in town is curious, but no one’s ever asked who the father of Caroline Daniels’s child is—and they never will. The people of this tight community are protective of her and little five-year-old Maggie. They care. Especially rancher Grady Weston, who’s beginning to realize he cares even more than most…Dr. TexasThey call her Dr. Texas. Jane Dickinson, a newly graduated physician from California, will be working at the Promise clinic—but just for a couple years before heading home. They call him Mr. Grouch. Cal Patterson was left at the altar by his out-of-state fiancée, and he’s not over it yet. Too bad Jane reminds him so much of the woman he’s trying to forget.

Texas Ranch Justice (Mills And Boon Heroes Ser. #4)

by Karen Whiddon

Danger and intrigue plague an oil-rich Texas ranchWho’s trying to kill a rancher’s long-lost daughter?When a beautiful woman unexpectedly shows up at HG Ranch, foreman Travis Warren gets suspicious. City slicker Scarlett Kistler claims she’s there to meet her dying father—Travis’s boss—but is she just looking for a payday? Several attempts on her life convince Travis she’s innocent, and as unexpected feelings surface, the rancher and the belle must find who wants her dead…at all costs.

Texas Reckless (Lone Star #3)

by Gerry Bartlett

A true Texas welcome might just steal your heart . . . When a man crawls over her gate, Texas rancher Sierra MacKenzie is ready for trouble. She's just might shoot first and ask questions later. This isn't the first thing to happen lately that has her worried. Someone wants her land and will do anything to get it. Bestselling author Rhett Hall isn't looking for trouble, just a story. He's crashed his car and needs help. Will Sierra put down her gun and trust him? When he realizes she's up against some serious threats, his instincts make him determined to stick with her until she's safe. Could this man's arrival be just a little too coincidental? Sierra is drawn to him against her better judgment. It doesn't help that she's sick of being alone in this fight for her home and her horses. Maybe it's time for her to quit playing it safe and follow her reckless heart. “Gerry Bartlett delivers a sizzling romance with a healthy dose of Texas charm!” —USA Today bestselling author Kimberly Raye

Texas-Sized Scandal: Texas-sized Scandal (texas Cattleman's Club: Houston) / Stranded And Seduced (boone Brothers Of Texas) (Texas Cattleman’s Club: Houston #7)

by Katherine Garbera

“I have no self-control around you.”Now they’re the talk of Texas…Melinda Perry has always been the well-behaved twin—until Slade Bartelli. Rumor has it that this billionaire has ties to the mob. All Melinda knows is that his touch is hotter than fire…and now she’s expecting his baby. A fake engagement might protect them from tabloid gossip. But will Melinda’s reputation—and heart—be safe given Slade’s dangerous past?

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