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2001: Una odisea espacial

by Arthur C. Clarke

Una expedición a los confines del universo y a los del alma, en la que pasado, presente y futuro se amalgaman en un continuo enigmático. ¿Qué esencia última nos rige? ¿Qué lugar ocupa el hombre en el complejo entramado del infinito? ¿Qué es el tiempo, la vida, la muerte? Una grandiosa novela de dimensiones épicas cuyo amplio abanico de interpretaciones ofrece una visión totalizadora. Arthur C.Clarke colaboró estrechamente con Stanley Kubrick en la producción de la célebre película homónima.

2001: A Space Odyssey

by Arthur C. Clarke

The year is 2001, and cosmonauts uncover a mysterious monolith that has been buried on the Moon for at least three million years. To their astonishment, the monolith releases an equally mysterious pulse—a kind of signal—in the direction of Saturn after it is unearthed. Whether alarm or communication, the human race must know what the signal is—and who it was intended for. The Discovery and its crew, assisted by the highly advanced HAL 9000 computer system, sets out to investigate. But as the crew draws closer to their rendezvous with a mysterious and ancient alien civilization, they realize that the greatest dangers they face come from within the spacecraft itself. HAL proves a dangerous traveling companion, and the crew must outwit him to survive. <P> This novel version of the famous Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey was written by Clarke in conjunction with the movie’s production. It is meant to stand as a companion piece, and it offers a complementary narrative that’s loaded with compelling science fiction ideas.

2001: A Space Odyssey (Space Odyssey Ser.)

by Arthur C. Clarke

Written when landing on the moon was still a dream, and made into one of the most influential films of all time, 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY remains a classic work of science fiction fifty years after its original publication. The discovery of a black monolith on the moon leads to a manned expedition deep into the solar system, in the hope of establishing contact with an alien intelligence. Yet long before the crew can reach their destination, the voyage descends into disaster . . . Brilliant, compulsive and prophetic, Arthur C. Clarke's timeless novel tackles the enduring theme of mankind's place in the universe.Praise for Arthur C. Clarke:'The king of science fiction . . . His influence continues to inform the genre' Guardian'Arthur C. Clarke is awesomely informed about physics and astronomy, and blessed with one of the most astounding imaginations ever encountered in print' New York Times'Arthur C. Clarke is one of the truly prophetic figures of the space age . . . The colossus of science fiction' New Yorker 'Dazzling' Time

2010: Odyssey Two

by Arthur C. Clarke

An instant book and movie classic, its fame has grown. Yet, a host of questions has grown more insistent, for example: who or what transformed Dave Bowman into the Star-Child? What alien purpose lay behind the monoliths on the Moon and out in space? What could drive HAL to kill the crew? Now all those questions have been answered, in this stunning sequel. Cosmic in sweep, eloquent in its depiction of Man's place in the Universe, and filled with the romance of space, this novel is a good read.

2010: Odyssey Two (Space Odyssey Series #2)

by Arthur C. Clarke

The celebrated author continues his Space Odyssey with this Hugo Award winner: &“A daring romp through the solar system and a worthy successor to 2001&” (Carl Sagan). In 1968, Arthur C. Clarke&’s bestselling 2001: A Space Odyssey captivated the world and was adapted into the classic film by Stanley Kubrick. Fourteen years later, fans and critics were thrilled by the release of 2010: Odyssey Two. Nine years after the ill-fated Discovery One mission to Jupiter, a joint Soviet-American crew travels to the planet to investigate the mysterious monolith orbiting the planet, the cause of the earlier mission&’s failure—and what became of astronaut David Bowman. The crew includes project expert Heywood Floyd, and Dr. Chandra, the creator of HAL 9000. What they discover is an unsettling alien conspiracy tampering with the evolution of life on Jupiter&’s moons as well as that of humanity itself. Meanwhile, the being that was once Dave Bowman—the only human to unlock the mystery of the monolith—streaks toward Earth on a vital mission of its own . . . &“Clarke deftly blends discovery, philosophy, and a newly acquired sense of play.&” —Time &“2010 is easily Clarke&’s best book in over a decade.&” —The San Diego Union-Tribune


by Brian Damato

21 de diciembre de 2012.El día en que el tiempo se detendrá.Jed DeLanda, descendiente de los mayas, tiene una mente prodigiosa para las matemáticas y pasa la mayor parte de su tiempo jugando al go contra su ordenador mientras vive de los beneficios que le dan sus negocios en la red. ¿Su arma secreta? El juego de adivinación maya utilizado antiguamente para predecir acontecimientos del futuro. Pero el fin del mundo se acerca. Comienza la cuenta atrás. Jed deberá averiguar por qué los mayas predijeron el fin de los tiempos en esa fecha e iniciar la búsqueda de la clave que le ayude a evitar el Armagedón. ¿Podrá un solo hombre salvar al planeta?« Brian DAmato conjuga la historia maya, la ciencia moderna, la teoría del juego y el inminente Apocalipsis maya en un mismo relato, consiguiendo como resultado una lectura absorbente y emocionante.»Douglas Preston


by Whitley Strieber

December 21, 2012, may be one of the most watched dates in history. Every 26,000 years, Earth lines up with the exact center of our galaxy. At 11:11 on December 21, 2012, this event happens again, and the ancient Maya calculated that it would mark the end, not only of this age, but of human consciousness as we know it.But what will actually happen? The end of the world? A new age for mankind? Nothing? The last time this happened, Cro-Magnon man suddenly began creating great art in the caves of southern France, which to this day remains one of the most inexplicable changes in human history. Now Whitley Strieber explores 2012 in a towering work of fiction that will astound readers with its truly new insights and a riveting roller-coaster ride of a story. A mysterious alien presence unexpectedly bursts out of sacred sites all over the world and begins to rip human souls from their bodies, plunging the world into chaos it has never before known. Courage meets cowardice, loyalty meets betrayal as an entire world struggles to survive this incredible end-all war. Heroes emerge, villains reveal themselves, and in the end something completely new and unexpected happens that at once lifts the fictional characters into a new life, and sounds a haunting real-world warning for the future.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

2020: A Novel

by Kenneth Steven

In the tradition of 1984 and It Can't Happen Here, 2020 is a timely dystopian novel about a country divided, a terrorist attack, and an populist leader who promises he alone is the solution. In 2020, Britain is at a breaking point. Years of economic turmoil, bitter debates over immigration, anger at the political elites, and fears about the future have created a maelstrom, a dis-United Kingdom, with citizens tempted to find easy answers in demagoguery and isolationism. The country is a bomb waiting to explode. Then it does. A major terrorist attack targets a sleeper train traveling between Edinburgh and London, leaving a staggering number of dead and wounded. Investigators soon identify the culprits as a radicalized group of young British Muslims. Horrific images from the attack and speculation by the media fan worries about further terrorist acts and the danger of an enemy within. In the aftermath, two far right organizations join to create a new radical group called White Rose, promising to stand up for English values. An unproven leader vows thathe can fix the nation. As the nightmare unfolds, a myriad of voices-from across the social and political spectrum-offer wildly differing perspectives on the chaotic events . . . and unexpectedly reveal modern Britain’s soul with 20/20 acuity. Thoughtful, compassionate, and provocative, Kenneth Steven’s 2020 is a parable for our times.

2020. La Revelación

by Raquel Pagno Sandy Luft

La científica Jéssica Salles no paraba de quitarle dolor, aún más después de que su descubrimiento fue anunciado como mérito de su ex profesor. No era fácil admitir que la academia de ciencias la ignoraba. Sólo el padre Victor, escurrido por Cornelio de los laboratorios de la USP, demostró interés en sus investigaciones. Se convirtieron en amigos, hasta que Victor fue atacado, casi perdiendo la vida. La policía relacionó el golpe a otros asesinatos. Pero, ¿por qué sobrevivió? De repente la vida de Jessica estaba de cabeza hacia abajo. Victor le confería una misión: viajar a El Salvador, conocer el centro de investigaciones LAP, y encontrar al científico Eduardo Miller, que le revelaría toda la verdad sobre las profecías. Pero antes de que Miller pudiera darle explicaciones, la naturaleza mostrara su furia ... Ahora ella necesitaba llegar al legendario templo maya y ayudar al escogido en su misión. El futuro de toda la humanidad estaba en sus manos. ¡Si falla, todos van a morrir!

2020 - The Revelation

by Raquel Pagno Andréa Dos Santos

The scientist Jessica Salles didn't stop complaining, especially after her discovery was announced as the merit of her former teacher. It was not easy to admit that the science academy had ignored her. Only Father Victor, expulsed by Cornelio from the USP laboratories, had shown interest in her research. They became friends until Victor was attacked, almost losing his life. Police had linked the beating to other murders. But why had he survived? Suddenly Jessica's life was upside down. Victor had given her a mission: to travel to El Salvador, meet the ARL research centre, and find scientist Eduardo Miller, who would reveal to her the whole truth about the prophecies. But before Miller could give her explanations, nature had shown its fury... Now she needed to reach the legendary Mayan temple and help the chosen one in his mission. The future of all mankind is in her hands. If she fails, everyone will die!

2030: The Real Story of What Happens to America

by Albert Brooks

June 12, 2030 started out like any other day in memory -- and by then, memories were long. Since cancer had been cured fifteen years before, America's population was aging rapidly. That sounds like good news, but consider this: millions of baby boomers, with a big natural predator picked off, were sucking dry benefits and resources that were never meant to hold them into their eighties and beyond. Young people around the country simmered with resentment toward "the olds" and anger at the treadmill they could never get off of just to maintain their parents' entitlement programs. But on that June 12th, everything changed: a massive earthquake devastated Los Angeles, and the government, always teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, was unable to respond. The fallout from the earthquake sets in motion a sweeping novel of ideas that pits national hope for the future against assurances from the past and is peopled by a memorable cast of refugees and billionaires, presidents and revolutionaries, all struggling to find their way. In 2030, the author's all-too-believable imagining of where today's challenges could lead us tomorrow makes gripping and thought-provoking reading.


by Dani Gove

2030 es un cóctel apocalíptico que repasa, desde el humor y la sátira, nuestra evolución como especie en un futuro próximo. En 2030... ¿Podremos clonarnos para echar las horas extras del curro? ¿Mantendremos relaciones sexuales con robots aspiradores? ¿Lograremos detener el avance del cambio climático? ¿Habrán dejado por fin de hacer pelis de superhéroes? ¿Dónde están esos malditos coches voladores?


by Edward M Wolfe

Un nuovo governo nasce in America sulle ceneri di un devastante dopoguerra civile, fatto di attacchi biologici e nucleari. Con la popolazione fortemente ridotta, ma la tecnologia e le infrastrutture ancora intatte, l'amministratore rimodella la struttura economica e sociale della nuova America che nasce dalle ceneri della vecchia. Concetti obsoleti e pieni di errori come libertà e privacy vengono sostituiti con ideali progressisti di uguaglianza e sicurezza. Coppie di ufficiali dell'Equality Enforcement Corps pattugliano le strade e i droni della EEC volano non troppo in alto sopra di loro. I criminali violenti sono considerati irredimibili e vengono esiliati. Entro l'anno 2043, il prossimo obiettivo è identificare i giovani cittadini attualmente rispettosi della legge che hanno il potenziale per diventare i criminali e i sociopatici di domani. Il Dr. Fielding del dipartimento per le pari opportunità ritiene che se possono essere identificati, possono essere riparati. Inizia con quattro adolescenti...

2043 A.D.

by Edward M Wolfe

Un nuevo gobierno surge en una América de posguerra asolada por la guerra civil y los ataques biológicos y nucleares. Con la población muy reducida, pero la tecnología y la infraestructura aún intactas, el Administrador reestructura la estructura económica y social de la nueva América que surge de las cenizas de la antigua. Conceptos anticuados y cargados de fallos como la libertad y la privacidad son sustituidos por los ideales progresistas de igualdad y seguridad. Parejas de agentes del Equality Enforcement Corps patrullan las calles, y los drones del EEC vuelan no muy alto sobre ellas. Los delincuentes violentos son considerados irredentos y son exiliados. Para el año 2043, el siguiente objetivo es identificar a los jóvenes ciudadanos que actualmente respetan la ley y que tienen el potencial de convertirse en los criminales y sociópatas del mañana. El Dr. Fielding, del Departamento de Igualdad de Oportunidades, cree que si se les puede identificar, se les puede curar. Comienza con cuatro adolescentes...

2043 A.D.

by Edward M Wolfe

Un nouveau gouvernement surgit dans une Amérique de l'après-guerre ravagée par la Guerre Civile, biologiques et nucléaires. Avec une population fortement en déclin, mais une technologie et des infrastructures intactes, l'Administrateur remodèle la structure économique et sociale de la nouvelle Amérique qui renaît des cendres de l'ancienne. Des concepts obsolètes et erronés comme la liberté et la vie privée sont remplacés par les idéaux progressistes d'égalité et de sécurité. Des officiers de l'Equality Enforcement Corps patrouillent dans les rues, et les drones de l'EEC volent pas trop haut au-dessus d'eux. Les criminels violents sont réputés irrécupérables et sont exilés. D'ici 2043, le prochain objectif est d'identifier les jeunes citoyens actuellement respectueux des lois qui ont le potentiel de devenir les criminels et les sociopathes de demain. Le Docteur Fielding du Departement of Equality Opportunity estime que s'ils peuvent être identifiés, ils peuvent être corrigés. Il commence avec quatre adolescents...

2043 n. Chr.: Die Rückkehr von Big Brother

by Edward M Wolfe

Eine neue Regierung entsteht in einem Nachkriegsamerika, das von Bürgerkrieg, biologischen und nuklearen Angriffen heimgesucht wird. Da die Bevölkerung stark reduziert ist, aber Technologie und Infrastruktur noch intakt sind, gestaltet der Administrator die wirtschaftliche und soziale Struktur des neuen Amerikas, das aus der Asche des alten entsteht, neu. Veraltete und fehlerbehaftete Konzepte wie Freiheit und Privatsphäre werden durch die fortschrittlichen Ideale von Gleichheit und Sicherheit ersetzt. Paare von Beamten des Equality Enforcement Corps patrouillieren auf den Straßen, und EEC-Drohnen fliegen nicht zu hoch über ihnen. Gewaltverbrecher gelten als uneinlösbar und werden ins Exil geschickt. Bis zum Jahr 2043 besteht das nächste Ziel darin, derzeit gesetzestreue junge Bürger zu identifizieren, die das Potenzial haben, die Kriminellen und Soziopathen von morgen zu werden. Dr. Fielding von der Abteilung für Chancengleichheit glaubt, dass, wenn sie identifiziert werden können, sie repariert werden können. Er beginnt mit vier Teenagern...


by A. A. Caddy

Natasha, raised in an orphanage in Hiroshima, has always been searching for the truth about her past. But when she becomes one of two female commanders on a space lab tracking two massive asteroids, she finds herself in the middle of a mystery that threatens to end life as we know it. With the Earth on the brink of destruction, everyday objects are appearing in the strangest places – over 250,000 years old, and seemingly out of time. From digital watches in museums to modern spectacles in ancient Egyptian digs, something is not right. And as the asteroids change direction, heading straight for the planet, a third, massive, metallic sphere appears. Will Natasha and the team be able to stop the impending extinction event, or will the Earth be lost forever?

2053: Volume One of the New Life Trilogy

by William Todd

The novel 2053 is the first volume of the New Life trilogy. This book sets the scene for science fiction sequels. 2053 is a story of human frailty, endeavour and ambition with episodes of murder, sexual indiscretion and exploitation taking place in a futuristic world. The novel is quick paced with apparently unrelated events leading to the search for a mysterious girl. Parallel to the search, the story follows the preparedness of the spacecraft New Life.

2061: Odyssey Three (Space Odyssey Series #3)

by Arthur C. Clarke

This New York Times–bestselling chapter in the Hugo Award–winning Space Odyssey series is &“intriguing and satisfying . . . the all-round best Odyssey so far&” (Kirkus Reviews). The third book in Clarke&’s beloved Space Odyssey continues the story of Heywood Floyd, survivor of two previous encounters with the mysterious monoliths and the alien intelligences behind them. Floyd is chosen as one of a handful of celebrity guests to witness the first manned touchdown on the surface of Halley&’s Comet on the privately-owned spaceship Universe. But on Jupiter&’s moon Europa, scientists have spotted the sudden appearance of a single diamond the size of a mountain—a fragment of Jupiter&’s core. When the spaceship Galaxy is hijacked and forced to crash into Europa&’s ocean, the Universe is diverted from its original mission to rescue the crew. Now Heywood Floyd must once again survive an encounter with HAL, David Bowman, and the mysterious monolith-building race with its own inscrutable agenda to shape the destiny of the human race.

2061: Odyssey Three

by Arthur C. Clarke

The third book in Clarke's beloved Space Odyssey series, 2061: Odyssey Three returns to Heywood Floyd, survivor of two previous encounters with the mysterious monoliths and the alien intelligences behind them. Floyd is chosen as one of a handful of celebrity guests to witness the first manned touchdown on the surface of Halley's Comet on the privately-owned spaceship Universe. <P> But the touchdown is not fated to go as planned. On Jupiter's moon Europa, which has undergone a transformation after events at the end of 2010: Odyssey Two, scientists have spotted the sudden growth of a gigantic, asymmetrical mountain determined to be one single enormous diamond-a fragment of Jupiter's core. The Universe's sister ship, Galaxy, is hijacked and forced to crash into Europa's ocean-and the Universe is diverted from its original mission to rescue the crew. <P> In this book, Heywood Floyd must once again survive an encounter with HAL, David Bowman, and the mysterious monolith-building race with its own hidden agenda-that will shape the destiny of the human race.

2076: The American Tricentenial

by Edward Bryant

A collection of 14 science fiction short stories about what the United States might be like in 2076 by Peter S. Alterman, Karl Hansen, Carol Emshwiler, Jo Ann Harper, Robert Crais, Marge Piercy, William Jon Watkins, James Stevens, Harlan Ellison, Sonya Dorman, Vonda N. McIntyre, Peter Dillingham, Robert E. Vardeman, Jeff Slaten, James Sallis, David Lunde and Patrick Henry Prentice

2084: The End of the World

by Sansal Boualem

WINNER OF THE FRENCH ACADEMY GRAND PRIXA tribute to George Orwell's 1984 and a cry of protest against totalitarianism of all kinds, Sansal's 2084 tells the story of a near future in which religious extremists have established an oppressive caliphate where autonomus thought is forbidden.It is the year 2084. In the kingdom of Abistan—named after the prophet Abi, earthly messenger of the god Yolah—citizens submit to a single god, demonstrating their devotion by kneeling in prayer nine times a day. Autonomous thought has been banned, remembering is forbidden, and an omnipresent surveillance system instantly informs the authorities of every deviant act, thought, or idea. The kingdom is blessed and its citizens are happy, filled with a sense of purpose and piety. Those who are not—the heretics—are put to death by stoning or beheading in city squares. But Ati has met people who think differently; in ghettos and caves, hidden from the authorities, exist the last living heretics and free-thinkers of Abistan. Under their influence, Ati begins to doubt. He begins to think. Now, he will have to defend his thoughts with his life. "[In 2084] Sansal dared to go much further than I did," said Michel Houellebecq, the controversial novelist most recently of Submission. 2084 is a cry of freedom, a call to rebellion, a gripping satirical novel of ideas, and an indictment of the religious fundamentalism that, with its hypocrisy and closed-mindedness, threatens our modern democracies and the ideals on which they are founded.From the Trade Paperback edition.

The 2084 Report: An Oral History of the Great Warming

by James Lawrence Powell

This vivid, terrifying, and galvanizing novel reveals our future world after previous generations failed to halt climate change—perfect for fans of The Drowned World and World War Z. 2084: Global warming has proven worse than even the direst predictions scientists had made at the turn of the century. No country—and no one—has remained unscathed. Through interviews with scientists, political leaders, and citizens around the globe, this riveting oral history describes in graphic detail the irreversible effects the Great Warming has had on humankind and the planet. In short chapters about topics like sea level rise, drought, migration, war, and more, The 2084 Report brings global warming to life, revealing a new reality in which Rotterdam doesn&’t exist, Phoenix has no electricity, and Canada is part of the United States. From wars over limited resources to the en masse migrations of entire countries and the rising suicide rate, the characters describe other issues they are confronting in the world they share with the next two generations. Simultaneously fascinating and frightening, The 2084 Report will inspire you to start conversations and take action.

2095 (Time Warp Trio #5)

by Jon Scieszka

Everyone's favorite time-travelers are changing their styles! The Time Warp Trio series now features a brand-new, eye-catching design, sure to appeal to longtime fans, and those new to Jon Scieszka's wacky brand of humor.

2099 Firestorm (Medieval Mysteries #6)

by John Peel

Tristan and Genia fight to stop Tristan's evil clone, Devon, from destroying Earth and the colonized moon, and try to thwart Quietus' takeover of Mars.

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