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Showing 26,726 through 26,750 of 79,411 results

The Dervish House

by Ian Mcdonald

It begins with an explosion. Another day, another bus bomb. Everyone, it seems, is after a piece of Turkey. But the shock waves from this random act of twenty-first-century pandemic terrorism will ripple further and resonate louder than just Enginsoy Square. Welcome to the world of The Dervish House--the great, ancient, paradoxical city of Istanbul, divided like a human brain in the great, ancient, equally paradoxical nation of Turkey. The year is 2027 and Turkey is about to celebrate the fifth anniversary of its accession to the European Union, a Europe that now runs from the Aran Islands to Mount Ararat. Population pushing one hundred million, Istanbul swollen to fifteen million, Turkey is the largest, most populous, and most diverse nation in the EU, but also one of the poorest and most socially divided. It's a boom economy, the sweatshop of Europe, the bazaar of central Asia, the key to the immense gas wealth of Russia and central Asia. Six characters, five days, three interconnected story strands, one central common core--the eponymous dervish house, a character in itself--that spins all these players together in a weave of intrigue, conflict, drama, and a ticking clock of a thriller.

Deseo (Ángeles caídos #Volumen 2)

by J.R. Ward

En el mundo hay siete pecados capitales y solo un ángel caído podrá salvar a la humanidad de cometerlos. La codicia fue el primero. El deseo es el segundo... Una nueva batalla sin reglas entre Jim Heron, un ángel caído con el corazón encallecido, y un demonio con mucho que perder... Isaac Rothe es un soldado de operaciones encubiertas con un pasado oscuro y un futuro nada prometedor. Perseguido por un asesino, acaba entre rejas y con su destino en manos de la guapísima abogada de oficio Grier Childe, por la que comienza a sentir una peligrosa e inoportuna atracción. Atrapado en un perverso juego con el demonio que persigue a Jim, Isaac debe decidir si el soldado que hay en él es capaz de creer que el amor verdadero es la única arma capaz de vencer al diablo. Una historia de amor que lucha entre el bien y el mal.

Despedida (Medianoche #Volumen 3)

by Claudia Gray

Ni siquiera el amor puede cambiar tu destino... Tercera entrega de la serie paranormal romántica «Medianoche». Bianca ha abandonado Medianoche y se ha unido a la Cruz Negra, la organización mundial de cazadores de vampiros. Su nueva vida no es precisamente fácil: bajo la tutela de Kate y Eduardo, debe entrenarse con disciplina militar, cuidando de que nadie descubra sus poderes sobrenaturales. Solo hay algo que la reconforta: la compañía de Lucas, su gran amor y único confidente, con quien ya ha empezado a planear una nueva huida. Pero lo que Bianca no sabe es que, por muy lejos que vaya, hay algo de lo que nunca podrá escapar: su destino... «En cuanto nos estiramos, Lucas echó su manta sobre los dos y se acurrucó contra mí, pegando el estómago a mi espalda. Su brazo descansaba en mi cintura y podía sentir su respiración en la nuca. Cerré los ojos, disfrutando del momento. Ojalá estuviéramos solos. Ojalá no estuviera todavía tan afectada por el ataque y por la captura de Balthazar. Ojalá mi cuerpo no temblara de miedo. Habría sido delicioso. Lucas me besó dulcemente en la nuca. Sabía que estaba intentando decirme que ya se nos ocurriría algo. Pero yo sabía tan bien como él que lo teníamos muy crudo...»


by Claudia Gray

Bianca ha abandonado Medianoche y se ha unido a la Cruz Negra, la organización mundial de cazadores de vampiros. Su nueva vida no es precisamente fácil: bajo la tutela de Kate y Eduardo, debe entrenarse con disciplina militar, cuidando que nadie descubra sus poderes sobrenaturales. Solo hay algo que la reconforta: la compañía de Lucas, su gran amor y único confidente, con quien ya ha empezado a planear una nueva huida.Pero lo que Bianca todavía no sabe es que, por muy lejos que vaya, hay algo de lo que nunca podrá escapar: su destino.

Desperate Choices

by Kathy Ivan

When psychic Theresa Crawford's former beau walks into her New Orleans New Age shop, she senses trouble. Big trouble. Max Lamoreaux hasn't come to discuss their relationship-the private investigator is on a case, and he needs Theresa's help.Max's godson is missing. The police have declared Tommy a runaway, but Max's gut tells him otherwise. While he's highly skeptical of Theresa's abilities, her visions provide the only clue as to who's taken Tommy. The longer Max works with Theresa, the harder it is to resist his desire for the sexy woman.As they inch closer to finding Tommy, Max and Theresa also discover that time hasn't diminished their powerful attraction. But Theresa harbors her own dark secrets from her past. Secrets that broke them up before-and could drive them apart again, unless Theresa can learn to trust Max with everything...

Destiny's Rift (Broken Well Trilogy)

by Sam Bowring

The second volume in the acclaimed Broken Well trilogy. War is coming. A war that will finally end the struggle between Kainordas and Fenvarrow, the lands of shadow and light. It is foretold that a blue-haired man will the the ultimate victor, and lead his people into a glorious age of dominance. The only problem is that there are two of them. Bel sets forth to retrieve the Stone of Evenings Mild, his sole chance to reunite with his darker half, Losara ... but the Stone has been stolen by an undead mage of questionable allegiance and is hidden in the lair of an insane dragon. Meanwhile, Losara grows dangerously curious about his other self, and devises a weapon so uncontrollable, it frightens even him. How can two men fulfil a fate meant for one? Will this infernal balance persist, or is there a way to bridge destiny's rift?

Destiny's Star

by Beth Vaughan

Bethral is a mercenary, wise in the ways of weaponry and warfare, but not so good when it comes to dealing with people. Ezren is a quick-witted storyteller, a weaver of mesmerising tales - and more, for the rarest magic, wild magic, runs through his body. But wild magic is rogue, uncontrollable and deadly, and if Ezren is to survive, he will have to rid himself of it, or learn to wield it. And the unlikely couple find they have other, equally pressing concerns, for the portal that wrenched them from their home has dropped them in the middle of the Plains, leaving Bethral badly injured. And not only are the people of the Plains warriors, with their own code of honour and their own rules of pleasure and partnership; they are also in the middle of a civil war. To stay alive, Bethral and Ezren must learn new customs, confront their enemies, and conceal Ezren's fiery power ... for the wild magic in Ezren is also of the Plains. And when they find that out, they will want it back - even if they have to kill Ezren to do so.

Destiny's Star

by Elizabeth Vaughan

View our feature on Elizabeth Vaughan's Destiny's Star. A return to the world of the Warlands... Bethral, a beautiful warrior, and Ezren, a quick-witted storyteller, are confronted with a civil war and a tribe or warriors with their own code of honor and their own rules of pleasure and partnership. To stay alive they must learn new customs, confront their enemies, and conceal Ezren's fiery power.

Devil at Midnight

by Emma Holly

For years, mercenary captain Christian Durand has done everything he can to protect his men. When a beautiful ghost appears to offer comfort, he assumes the strain has finally pushed him over the edge. All he knows for certain is that this woman tugs at both his heart and desires. But now that a vampire queen has set her immortal sights on Christian, he must choose between his darker urges and a powerful love that spans centuries.

The Devil in Green (Dark Age #1)

by Mark Chadbourn

Humanity has emerged, blinking, from the Age of Misrule into a world substantially changed: cities lie devasted, communications are limited, anarchy rages across the land. Society has been thrown into a new Dark Age where superstition holds sway. The Tuatha De Danaan roam the land once more, their terrible powers dwarfing anything mortals have to offer. And in their wake come all the creatures of myth and legend, no longer confined to the shadows. Fighting to find their place in this new world, the last remnants of the Christian Church call for a group of heroes: a new Knights Templar to guard the priesthood as they set out on their quest for souls. But as everything begin to fall apart, the Knights begin to realize their only hope is to call on the pagan gods of Celtic myth for help...

The Devil In Green: The Dark Age (The\dark Age Ser.)

by Mark Chadbourn

Humanity has emerged, blinking, from the Age of Misrule into a world substantially changed: cities lie devasted, communications are limited, anarchy rages across the land. Society has been thrown into a new Dark Age where superstition holds sway.The Tuatha De Danaan roam the land once more, their terrible powers dwarfing anything mortals have to offer. And in their wake come all the creatures of myth and legend, no longer confined to the shadows.Fighting to find their place in this new world, the last remnants of the Christian Church call for a group of heroes: a new Knights Templar to guard the priesthood as they set out on their quest for souls. But as everything begin to fall apart, the Knights begin to realise their only hope is to call on the pagan gods of Celtic myth for help.

A Devil in the Details

by Stewart K. A.

View our feature on K. A. Stewarts’s A Devil in the Details. When it comes to demons, always read the find print. Jesse James Dawson was an ordinary guy (well, an ordinary guy with a black belt in karate) until one day he learned his brother had made a bargain with a demon, Jesse discovered there was only one way to save his brother: put up his own soul as collateral, and fight the demon to the death. Jesse lived to free his brother-and became part of a loose organization of Champions who put their own souls on the line to help those who get in over their heads with demons. But now experienced Champions are losing battles at a much higher rate than usual. Someone has changed the game. And if Jesse can't figure out the new rules, his next battle may be his last. . . .

Devil of a Night

by J. M. Snyder

Steve's relationship with his lover, Carlos, has been on the rocks lately. For months now, they've been distant to each other, quick to argue, and Steven isn't quite sure what's come between them. A night spent clubbing together seemed just the ticket to patch things up and, sure enough, the first half of their evening went well.But after leaving the club, Carlos must have taken a wrong turn somewhere because the two find themselves lost in the back roads of New Jersey, what's known as the Pine Barrens. Half-joking, Carlos tells Steven a local legend about a mysterious creature called the Jersey Devil.Then they're run off the road by ...something,Steven can't say what. He feels it out there in the woods watching them. Waiting ...

The Devil Wore Greasepaint

by Teel James Glenn

A millionaire haunted by a demon consults a fortuneteller, a sideshow performer is captured in a horrible spell, a Hollywood producer cheats the wrong man, a cuckolded husband is invited to an odd dance and then there is that strange clown by the side of the road in Kansas... To many people, the experience of theatre is akin to the mystical experience of religion—the transformation of the human being into a deity—all occur as much with the smell of greasepaint in one's nostrils as with incense. This collection of stories runs the range from love stories to horror tales, from trickster demons to wizards who warp human form for their own purpose. And in each tale, the smell of greasepaint and the sulphurous odor of the other side combine to make a heady mix of fable, fantasy and fright....

Devilish Good Time

by J. M. Snyder

Against his better judgment, Jacob goes to a Halloween party on campus where he runs into Bobby, a jock on the crew team he's been eyeing for a while. Problem is, guys like Bobby don't usually go for guys like Jacob.Once they ditch Bobby's roommate and his girlfriend to find a little quiet time in New Jersey's Pine Barrens, it seems Bobby only has eyes for Jacob. But their tryst is soon interrupted. All those tales and legends about the Jersey Devil are just talk, right?

The Devil’s Playground (Morgan Kingsley #5)

by Jenna Black

No one ever wants to serve in Hell . . . The Seven Deadlies, a demon club in Philadelphia, has always catered to the most attractive and desirable hosts. Recently, though, more and more of the lower dregs of society have been showing up with demons of their own - in alarming numbers. Morgan is sure that Dougal is behind this, but isn't sure why. Is Dougal building an army to snatch the throne of the demons from Lugh? If there's one person who can get to the bottom of this, it's Morgan Kingsley, but caught between her mortal lover Brian and the demon she lusts for, Lugh, it's going to take everything she has to keep her head - and heart - in the game.

The Devil's Playground: Number 5 in series (Morgan Kingsley Exorcist #5)

by Jenna Black

No one ever wants to serve in Hell . . .The Seven Deadlies, a demon club in Philadelphia, has always catered to the most attractive and desirable hosts. Recently, though, more and more of the lower dregs of society have been showing up with demons of their own - in alarming numbers. Morgan is sure that Dougal is behind this, but isn't sure why. Is Dougal building an army to snatch the throne of the demons from Lugh?If there's one person who can get to the bottom of this, it's Morgan Kingsley, but caught between her mortal lover Brian and the demon she lusts for, Lugh, it's going to take everything she has to keep her head - and heart - in the game.

Devoured By Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #7)

by Alexandra Ivy

They are the Guardians of Eternity, strong, skilled, seductive vampires chosen to protect--and to destroy. And they will risk anything to fulfill their duty, and satisfy their desires. . . Tane is a Charon, sworn to hunt and kill rogue vampires. His new assignment seems like a waste of his talents--until he catches up with the jinn he's been sent to capture. Half human, half demon, Laylah has a vulnerable streak that strikes right through to Tane's cold heart. He should be furious when she uses her powers to bind them together, preventing him from dragging her before the Commission. Instead he welcomes any reason to stay close enough to touch, to taste, to seduce. . . Laylah doesn't know why she was chosen to protect a child who may be the catalyst in a war between good and evil. But the mysteries of her past pale compared to the dangers approaching. Tane is devastatingly strong, breathtakingly sensual. And Laylah will have to trust in every ounce of that strength, because her enemies are drawing near, eager to destroy them both. . . Praise for Alexandra Ivy "Beyond the Darkness kept me riveted! The Guardians of Eternity series is highly addictive." --Larissa Ione, New York Times bestselling author "Oh, so hot and wonderfully dangerous." --Gena Showalter on Darkness Unleashed "A darkly erotic adventure with a vampire hero who can bite me anytime!" --Angela Knight on Darkness Revealed


by Toby Tate

Blackbeard has returned—in a far more dangerous form . . . “The perfect matchup of Lovecraft’s Great Old Ones and pirates.” —David Niall Wilson, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Deep BlueA being known as Diablero has miraculously reanimated the bones of pirate Edward Teach, the infamous Blackbeard, and it is moving relentlessly through the dark forests and waterways of northeastern North Carolina. Reporter Hunter Singleton and park ranger Lisa Singleton, Hunter’s estranged wife, must join forces to battle the presence that is older than mankind. Teach is about to open the gates of Hell on an unsuspecting world. The question is: How can mere humans stop the unstoppable?“Fertile ground for pure evil...a well-crafted read.” —Steve Alten, New York Times-bestselling author of the MEG series

The Diamond as Big as the Ritz

by F. Scott Fitzgerald

A Vintage Shorts "Short Story Month" Selection The fantastical story by beloved Jazz Age writer, F. Scott Fitzgerald--a dark and gleaming fairy tale about the excesses of wealth and the promise of the American West--selected from Fitzgerald's exuberant collection, Tales of the Jazz Age. On a summer break from his New England education, John T. Unger of Hades, accompanies a new friend to his father's private estate--a hidden palace carved out of one solid diamond mountain where extravagance knows no bounds, and everything feels a spectacular dream to modest Unger until he discovers the frightful lengths to which the family will go to protect their secret and their treasure. An ebook Short.

The Digital Plague

by Jeff Somers

THIS IS AN ASSASSINATION. NOT YOURS. BUT AN ASSASSINATION NONE THE LESS.'Avery Cates, criminal 'king' of New York, has climbed his way to the top of a heap of trouble. On his knees in the snow, with a gun to his head, Avery thinks this must finally be it. Instead, he is injected with nanotech and left confused but alive. Then everyone around him starts dying.With every moment bringing humanity closer to extinction, Cates finds he will be either executioner or saviour of an entire world.

Directive 51

by John Barnes

Part philosophic discussion, part international terrorist faction, and part artists' movement, "Daybreak" consists of a group of diverse people with radical ideas who are united in their desire to take down modern civilization. And when they strike, the government has no choice but to implement its emergency contingency program: Directive 51.

Dirk Quigby's Guide to the Afterlife

by E. E. King

"Impish and delightful-a hilarious Zagat's Guide to Heaven!"-Ray BradburyHell's too full, so the Devil hires ad man Dirk Quigby to pen a travel guide enticing travelers to different afterlives: Hindu, Catholic, Protestant (that one's got a lot of subdivisions), Scientologist, and more. Instead of writing a boffo bestseller, Dirk unites all religions in a common goal: kill Dirk.E.E. King grew up in one of those tolerant households that don't force religion down kids' throats. This is the result.

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (Haruhi Suzumiya #4)

by Nagaru Tanigawa

What if you woke up one morning, and everything changed?It's one week before Christmas Eve, and Haruhi and the S.O.S. Brigade (a club for her high school's strangest and most extraordinary students) are gearing up for holiday festivities. But just before the fun kicks off, Kyon, the only "normal" member, wakes up in a weird alternate dimension, one where Haruhi attends another school entirely, Nagato the time traveling robot is just an ordinary human, and Mikuru (the cute girl of Kyon's dreams) doesn't even recognize him-in other words, S.O.S. Brigade never existed.The only clue Kyon can find is a bookmark left by the robot version of Nagato, which leads him on a quest back in time, where he interacts with the storyline from "Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody", a short story from the previous Haruhi book, The Boredom of Haruhi Suzumiya. This fun and quirky holiday tale is reminiscent of A Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life.

Discord's Apple

by Carrie Vaughn

When Evie Walker goes home to spend time with her dying father, she discovers that his creaky old house in Hope's Fort, Colorado, is not the only legacy she stands to inherit. Hidden behind the old basement door is a secret and magical storeroom, a place where wondrous treasures from myth and legend are kept safe until they are needed again. The magic of the storeroom prevents access to any who are not intended to use the items. But just because it has never been done does not mean it cannot be done.And there are certainly those who will give anything to find a way in.Evie must guard the storeroom against ancient and malicious forces, protecting the past and the future even as the present unravels around them. Old heroes and notorious villains alike will rise to fight on her side or to undermine her most desperate gambits. At stake is the fate of the world, and the prevention of nothing less than the apocalypse. In the same month, along with this all-new hardcover, Tor will publish a new novel in Carrie Vaughn's popular, New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series featuring werewolf talk radio host, Kitty Norville. Kitty Goes to War will be the eighth book in this successful mass market series.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

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