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Discord's Apple

by Carrie Vaughn

When Evie Walker goes home to spend time with her dying father, she discovers that his creaky old house in Hope's Fort, Colorado is not the only legacy she will inherit. Hidden behind the basement door is a secret and magical storeroom, a place where wondrous treasures&nbspfrom myth and legend are kept safe until they are needed again. Of course, this legacy is not without its costs: there are those who will give anything to find a way in. With the help of her father, a mysterious stranger named Alex, and some unexpected heroes, Evie must guard the storeroom against ancient and malicious forces and protect both the past and the future even as the present unravels

Discovering the Jewels' Secret: The Jewels of Erda (The Jewels of Erda #3)

by Janet Lane Walters

Seven Jewels – Seven Holders and their bondmates. The words of an elderly Healer send each pair on a quest to learn the secret of the Jewels. Are these gems just tools or do they hold hidden danger for the Holders? The seven leave on seven quests to discover the answers. When they find the answer, they must decide the fate of the Jewels.

Disenchanted Christmas

by Sandra Sookoo

Bethany Cundiff needs a Christmas miracle. What she gets is a proposition from a rich gentleman! It's ten days before Christmas. Out of work and responsible for her young niece and nephew, Bethany doesn't have many choices. She'll just have to take a chance and hope the holiday spirit and the power of love will be the miracle she needs.Christmas in 1899 starts as a joyless affair. Bethany Cundiff has hit a rough patch in life. While caring for her young niece and nephew, she's evicted from her residence and fired from her job ten days before Christmas. To make matters worse, a gentleman who desires her company for the holiday, and has the money to back up the promise, propositions her for sex. Blake Wenchal is a disenchanted elf that's been banished from the Northern Realm and Santa's court because he's lost the spirit of compassion and charity. Lonely from years spent by himself, he's thrown off balance when Bethany accepts his ill-advised offer of paid bed mate--except she arrives on his doorstep with children in tow.Neither one counted on the power of love, acceptance and the miracle of family to make the holiday unforgettable.

Disney in Shadow (The Kingdom Keepers #3)

by Ridley Pearson

The Kingdom Keepers' third adventure takes place at Epcot.

Distant Thunders: Destroyermen (Destroyermen #4)

by Taylor Anderson

After a terrible battle against the Grik, Lieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy must contend with the arrival of a ship captained by Commodore Jenks of the New Britain Imperial Navy-an island-nation populated by the descendants of British East Indiamen swept through the rift centuries before. But the British bring a new and different kind of threat along with them...

Distant Thunders (Destroyermen, Book #4)

by Taylor Anderson

In the aftermath of the terrible battle in which the men of the destroyer Walker and their Lemurian allies repelled the savage assaults of the Grik, Lieutenant Commander Matthew Reddy is shocked by the arrival of a strange ship captained by Commodore Jenks of the Imperial Navy of New Britain--an island nation populated by the descendants of British East Indiamen swept through the rift centuries before. With the Walker undergoing much-needed repairs, Reddy knows the Grik have only been fended off, not defeated, and he will need all hands on deck to fight them off when they next attack--but Jenks's loyalties seem uncertain. As tension between the Allies and the Imperials mounts, Reddy will find that his suspicions are not misplaced--and that a greater danger than the Grik is about to be revealed.

Distortion Offensive (Outlanders #55)

by James Axler

Buried beneath the Pacific Ocean, the Ontic Library is the glue holding the fabric of what is real--and what is not--in place. Archivist Brigid Baptiste must stop the dangerous curiosity of a god prince from discovering the omnipotent knowledge that could destroy the world.

Divine Misfortune

by A. Lee Martinez

DIVINE MISFORTUNE is a story of gods and mortals---in worship, in love, and at parties. Teri and Phil had never needed their own personal god. But when Phil is passed up for a promotion - again-it's time to take matters into their own hands. And look online. Choosing a god isn't as simple as you would think. There are too many choices; and they often have very hefty prices for their eternal devotion: blood, money, sacrifices, and vows of chastity. But then they found Luka, raccoon god of prosperity. All he wants is a small cut of their good fortune. Oh -- and can he crash on their couch for a few days? Throw in a heartbroken love goddess and an ancient deity bent on revenge and not even the gods can save Teri and Phil.

The Divorce

by César Aira

With a preface by the irrepressible Patti Smith, The Divorce is a delightful book of several short amazing stories of chance meetings, bizarre circumstances, and even stranger visions of alternate realities written as only César Aira can The Divorce tells about a man who takes a vacation from Providence, R.I. in early December to avoid conflicts with his newly divorced wife and small daughter. He travels to Buenos Aires and there, one afternoon, he encounters a series of the most magical coincidences. While sitting at an outdoor café, absorbed in conversation with a talented video artist, a young man with a bicycle is thoroughly drenched by a downpour of water seemingly from rain caught the night before in the overhead awning. The video artist knows the cyclist, who knew a mad hermetic sculptor, whose family used to take the Hindu God Krishna for walks in the neighborhood. More meetings, more whimsical and clever stories continue to weave reality with the absurd until the final, brilliant, wonderful, cataclysmic ending.

Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep?: A Science-Fictional Theory of Representation

by Seo-Young Chu

In culture and scholarship, science-fictional worlds are perceived as unrealistic and altogether imaginary. Seo-Young Chu offers a bold challenge to this perception of the genre, arguing instead that science fiction is a form of “high-intensity realism” capable of representing non-imaginary objects that elude more traditional, “realist” modes of representation. Powered by lyric forces that allow it to transcend the dichotomy between the literal and the figurative, science fiction has the capacity to accommodate objects of representation that are themselves neither entirely figurative nor entirely literal in nature. Chu explores the globalized world, cyberspace, war trauma, the Korean concept of han, and the rights of robots, all as referents for which she locates science-fictional representations in poems, novels, music, films, visual pieces, and other works ranging within and without previous demarcations of the science fiction genre. In showing the divide between realism and science fiction to be illusory, Do Metaphors Dream of Literal Sleep? sheds new light on the value of science fiction as an aesthetic and philosophical resource—one that matters more and more as our everyday realities grow increasingly resistant to straightforward representation.

Doctor Who: Apollo 23 (DOCTOR WHO #66)

by Justin Richards

'For a few moments this afternoon, it rained on the moon...'An astronaut in full spacesuit appears out of thin air in a busy shopping centre. Maybe it's a publicity stunt. A photo shows a well-dressed woman in a red coat lying dead at the edge of a crater on the dark side of the moon - beside her beloved dog 'Poochie'. Maybe it's a hoax. But as the Doctor and Amy find out, these are just minor events in a sinister plan to take over every human being on earth. The plot centres on a secret military base on the moon - that's where Amy and the TARDIS are.The Doctor is back on Earth, and without the TARDIS there's no way he can get to the moon to save Amy and defeat the aliens. Or is there? The Doctor discovers one last great secret that could save humanity: Apollo 23.A thrilling, all new adventure featuring the Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television

Doctor Who: Autonomy (DOCTOR WHO #5)

by Daniel Blythe

Hyperville is 2013's top hi-tech 24-hour entertainment complex - a sprawling palace of fun under one massive roof. You can go shopping, or experience the excitement of Doomcastle, WinterZone, or Wild West World. But things are about to get a lot more exciting - and dangerous... What unspeakable horror is lurking on Level Zero of Hyperville? And what will happen when the entire complex goes over to Central Computer Control? For years, the Nestene Consciousness has been waiting and planning, recovering from its wounds. But now it's ready, and its deadly plastic Autons are already in place around the complex. Now more than ever, visiting Hyperville will be an unforgettable experience...Featuring the Doctor as played by David Tennant in the hit Doctor Who BBC Television series.

Doctor Who: Code of the Krillitanes (DOCTOR WHO #9)

by Justin Richards

"I blame those new Brainy Crisps. Since he started eating them, he's been too clever by half."Can eating a bag of crisps really make you more clever? The company that makes the crisps says so, and they seem to be right. But the Doctor is worried. Who would want to make people more brainy? And why? With just his sonic screwdriver and a supermarket trolley full of crisps, the Doctor sets out to find the truth. The answer is scary - the Krillitanes are back on Earth, and everyone is at risk! Last time they took over a school. This time they have hijacked the internet. Whatever they are up to, it's big and it's nasty. Only the Doctor can stop them - if he isn't already too late... A short, sharp shot of adventure, featuring the Doctor as played by David Tennant in the hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.

Doctor Who: The Coming of the Terraphiles (DOCTOR WHO #10)

by Michael Moorcock

The Terraphiles are a group obsessed with Earth's past and dedicated to re-enacting ancient sporting events. The Doctor and Amy join them on a trip to Miggea, a star on the very edge of reality, and venue for a competition to win the fabled Arrow of Law. But the Terraphiles' grasp of Earth history and customs is dubious to say the least, and just getting to Miggea is going to prove tricky.For reality is falling apart, ships are disappearing, and Captain Cornelius and his pirates are looking for easy pickings. And the Doctor and Amy have to find out who is so desperate to get the Arrow of Law that they will kill for it.A thrilling Doctor Who adventure featuring the Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television written by the acclaimed science fiction and fantasy author Michael Moorcock

Doctor Who: The Forgotten Army (DOCTOR WHO #68)

by Brian Minchin

'Let me tell you a story. Long ago, in the frozen Arctic wastes, an alien army landed. Only now, 10,000 years later, it isn't a story. And the army is ready to attack.'New York - one of the greatest cities on 21st century Earth... But what's going on in the Museum? And is that really a Woolly Mammoth rampaging down Broadway? An ordinary day becomes a time of terror, as the Doctor and Amy meet a new and deadly enemy. The vicious Army of the Vykoid are armed to the teeth and determined to enslave the human race. Even though they're only seven centimetres high.With the Vykoid army swarming across Manhattan and sealing it from the world with a powerful alien force field, Amy has just 24 hours to find the Doctor and save the city. If she doesn't, the people of Manhattan will be taken to work in the doomed asteroid mines of the Vykoid home planet. But as time starts to run out, who can she trust? And how far will she have to go to free New York from the Forgotten Army?A thrilling, science fiction adventure featuring the Eleventh Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the spectacular hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television

Doctor Who: The Glamour Chase (DOCTOR WHO #69)

by Gary Russell

'Why are you here? I mean - who are you, exactly?' An archaeological dig in 1936 unearths relics of another time... And - as the Doctor, Amy and Rory realise - another place. Another planet. But if Enola Porter, noted adventuress, has really found evidence of an alien civilisation, how come she isn't famous? Why has Rory never heard of her? Added to that, since Amy's been travelling with him for a while now, why does she now think the Doctor is from Mars?As the ancient spaceship reactivates, the Doctor discovers that nothing and no one can be trusted. The things that seem most real could actually be literal fabrications - and very deadly indeed. Who can the Doctor believe when no one is what they seem? And how can he defeat an enemy who can bend matter itself to their will? For the Doctor, Amy and Rory - and all of humanity - the buried secrets of the past are very much a threat to the present...A thrilling, all-new adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.

Doctor Who: The King's Dragon (DOCTOR WHO #71)

by Una McCormack

'They called it Enamour. It turned minds, sold merchandise, and swayed elections. And it did its job far too well...'In the city-state of Geath, the King lives in a golden hall, and the people want for nothing. Everyone is happy and everyone is rich. Or so it seems. When the Doctor, Amy and Rory look beneath the surface, they discover a city of secrets. In dark corners, strange creatures are stirring. At the heart of the hall, a great metal dragon oozes gold. Then the Herald appears, demanding the return of her treasure... And next come the gunships. The battle for possession of the treasure has begun, and only the Doctor and his friends can save the people of the city from being destroyed in the crossfire of an ancient civil war. But will the King surrender his new-found wealth? Or will he fight to keep it...?A thrilling fantasy adventure featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.

Doctor Who: Night of the Humans (DOCTOR WHO #67)

by David Llewellyn

'This is the Gyre - the most hostile environment in the galaxy...' 250,000 years' worth of junk floating in deep space, home to the shipwrecked Sittuun, the carnivorous Sollogs, and worst of all - the Humans. The Doctor and Amy arrive on this terrifying world in the middle of an all-out frontier war between Sittuun and Humans, and the countdown has already started. There's a comet in the sky, and it's on a collision course with the Gyre...When the Doctor is kidnapped, it's up to Amy and "galaxy-famous swashbuckler" Dirk Slipstream to save the day. But who is Slipstream, exactly? And what is he really doing here?A thrilling, time travel adventure featuring the Eleventh Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television

Doctor Who: Nuclear Time (DOCTOR WHO #70)

by Oli Smith

'My watch is running backwards.'Colorado, 1981. The Doctor, Amy and Rory arrive in Appletown - an idyllic village in the remote American desert where the townsfolk go peacefully about their suburban routines. But when two more strangers arrive, things begin to change. The first is a mad scientist - whose warnings are cut short by an untimely and brutal death. The second is the Doctor...As death falls from the sky, the Doctor is trapped. The TARDIS is damaged, and the Doctor finds he is living backwards through time. With Amy and Rory being hunted through the suburban streets of the Doctor's own future and getting farther away with every passing second, he must unravel the secrets of Appletown before time runs out...A thrilling, all-new time travel adventure featuring the Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory, as played by Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill in the spectacular hit Doctor Who series from BBC Television.

Doctor Who: The Taking of Chelsea 426 (DOCTOR WHO #63)

by David Llewellyn

The Chelsea Flower Show - hardly the most exciting or dangerous event in the calendar, or so the Doctor thinks. But this is Chelsea 426, a city-sized future colony floating on the clouds of Saturn, and the flowers are much more than they seem.As the Doctor investigates, he becomes more and more worried. Why is shopkeeper Mr Pemberton acting so strangely? And what is Professor Wilberforce's terrible secret?They are close to finding the answers when a familiar foe arrives, and the stakes suddenly get much higher. The Sontarans have plans of their own, and they're not here to arrange flowers... Featuring the Tenth Doctor as played by David Tennant in the hit Doctor Who BBC Television series.

Dog Blood

by David Moody

The world has suffered a catastrophe of unknown cause, dividing humankind into two: the Haters and the Unchanged. Each group believes the other to be the enemy; each group is fighting for survival. Only by working together can the enemy - whoever that enemy is - be defeated. There are no other choices. Danny McCoyne has managed to break free, and after days of indiscriminate fighting and killing, he is determined to make his way home, to recalim the only thing of any value to him in this strange new world: his daughter Ellis. Unlike his wife and son, Ellis is like him, and he knows, in his heart of hearts, that she is not dead. His dearest wish is for Ellis to be fighting for the world at his side - but Danny soon discovers his daughter is worth far more than just another fighting body. Others like him have discovered that children are absolutely vital to the cause. They are strong, small, fast, and they have no inhibitions. They are pure Haters . . .

Domain of the Dead

by Iain McKinnon

A group of strangers battle their way through a zombie hoard to reach a chance at freedom in this post-apocalyptic horror series opener.The world is dead, devoured by a plague of reanimated corpses.In a crumbling city Sarah, Nathan, and a band of survivors barricade themselves inside a warehouse surrounded by a sea of shambling putrefaction. Days in seclusion blur by, and their food is nearly gone. The group is faced with two possible deaths: creeping starvation, or the undead outside the warehouse.As Sarah stands on the edge of the warehouse roof preparing to step out into oblivion, she spots a glimmer of hope. In the distance a helicopter approaches the city…but is it the salvation the survivors have been waiting for? And do they dare attempt to fight their way through the mass of infected dead to reach it?Praise for Domain of the Dead“Surprised me. . . . A quick, violent, and exciting adventure.” —David Moody, author of Hater

Don't Be Such a Turkey!

by Nancy Krulik

Katie is learning about the Pilgrims in preparation for Turkey Day (aka Thanksgiving). Her class visits a reconstructed Pilgrim village where all the "inhabitants" portray a 17th century character. Can you guess what's coming? The magic wind, of course, transforming 21st-century Katie into Patience Mitchell, who is supposed to know all about spinning wool and making cornhusk dolls. In the second adventure, a family trip to New York City finds Katie switcheroo-ed into one of the performers at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Here's two for-one fun for all of Katie's many fans .

Don't Kill the Messenger

by Eileen Rendahl

Messenger Melina Markowitz, a go-between for paranormal forces and supernatural creatures, must find an envelope stolen from her--or watch out-of-control Chinese vampires take down rival gang members in an all-out street war.

Doom Helix (Deathlands #91)

by James Axler

Devastation from the nukewar shattered civilization and left a planet both primitive and ripe for rebirth-or retaking. While the balance of power has fallen to avaricious, amoral barons, a handful of humanity still holds hope of a future worth fighting for or dying to defend. If a better life inside the hellground exists, Ryan Cawdor and his friends will find it. The Deathlands feudal system may be hell on earth but it must be protected from invaders from Shadow Earth, a parallel world stripped clean of its resources by the ruling conglomerate and its white coats. Ryan and his band had a near-fatal encounter with these genetically enhanced aggressors and their advanced weaponry and wags once before. Only a fatal chink in enemy armor saved planet Earth from plunder. Now, these superhuman predators are back, ready to topple the hellscape's baronies one by one. Explicit violence.

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