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Showing 26,926 through 26,950 of 79,408 results

Legacies: Purgatory's Key (Star Trek: Vanguard )

by Kevin Dilmore Dayton Ward

The conclusion to the epic trilogy that stretches from the earliest voyages of the Starship Enterprise to Captain Kirk's historic five-year-mission--and from one universe to another--just in time for the milestone 50th anniversary of Star Trek: The Original Series!Eighteen years ago, the Starship Enterprise thwarted an alien invasion from another universe, and Captain Robert April took possession of the interdimensional transfer device that made it possible. Since then, each captain of the Enterprise, from Christopher Pike to James T. Kirk, has guarded this secret with his life. Now, Romulan agents have succeeded in stealing the device and using it to banish Ambassador Sarek and Councillor Gorkon to an unknown realm in the midst of their groundbreaking Federation-Klingon peace negotiations. With time running out as interstellar war looms in one universe--and alien forces marshal in another--will Captain Kirk and his crew preserve the tenuous peace and reclaim the key between the dimensions? TM, ®, & © 2016 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks and logos are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Shadow's Messenger (The Aileen Traver's Series #1)

by T. A. White

Coming home from Afghanistan was supposed to be something great. That ended when I met tall, dark and handsome in a bar and wound up in a dumpster sporting a nice set of fangs and my life flipped on its head. Now I'm a messenger for Hermes Courier Service trying to make enough to support my ice cream habit while staying below vampire radar. When this newest job of mine goes disastrously awry, it puts me on the hook to be indentured to a sorcerer for the next fifty years unless I can find a way to fix things. What's hidden can't stay in the shadow's forever and my life will never be the same.

The Speculative Fiction of Mark Twain (Dover Thrift Editions)

by Mark Twain

Although best known for his novels, Mark Twain was a prolific writer of short stories, many of which involved elements of science fiction—and this compilation highlights his finest works of speculative fiction. Twain applies his wit and imagination to the spinning of tales about mental telepathy, instantaneous communication, alternative histories, and utopian worlds. <p><p> The collection begins with Twain's first science fiction story, an 1862 piece entitled "Petrified Man." The satirical newspaper item was interpreted literally by many readers and became an accidental hoax. Other selections include "Earthquake Almanac," "From the 'London Times' of 1904," "The Loves of Alonzo Fitz Clarence and Rosannah Ethelton," "Mental Telegraphy," "Mental Telegraphy, Again," "Extracts from Adam's Diary," "Eve's Diary," "The Great Dark," and "Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven," concluding with "The Mysterious Stranger."

Portia (Angelbound Offspring #2)

by Christina Bauer

Unlike her famous older brother Maxon, Princess Portia isn't known for killing demons or attracting admirers. The reason why is simple: a spell was cast on Portia, and the magic has marked her to one day transform into a dreaded Void demon. To fight this horrible fate, Portia's spent her life hiding in libraries and learning magic. But when the Void demons threaten to destroy all the after-realms--and the handsome dragon Emperor Tempest offers his help--then Portia suspects that her future holds more than just a demonic metamorphosis. Fate is calling the bookworm princess onto the battlefield, and it's a fight against both deadly enemies and her heart's desires.Need to catch up? THE ANGELBOUND ORGINS SERIES1. ANGELBOUND2. SCALA3. ARMAGEDDONTHE ANGELBOUND: OFFSPRING SERIES1. MAXON2. PORTIA

Rise of the Alpha: Wolves of Willow Bend Books 1-3

by Heather Long

Discover the Wolves of Willow Bend. Includes: Wolf Bite After a dominance challenge ended with his parents deaths, Mason left Willow Bend and his pack behind, choosing instead to live life on his own a Lone Wolf. A wanderer, he keeps his life simple and carefree until an unexpected encounter brings him face to face with his tragic past and the woman he always adored. Determined to get her out of his blood, he teases her into an easy one-night stand...but one taste will never be enough. Adopted as a young girl, Alexis Huston lived on the fringe of pack life. She's never been strong enough, fast enough, or pretty enough--except to Mason, but then he left her. Allowed her freedom as an adult and sworn to keep the pack's secrets, she's struggled to fit into the 'human' world. A chance meeting turns her hard-won life upside down. She is left with two options--she can tell the only wolf she's ever loved that she's carrying their child...or she can protect him, keep the baby a secret, and run. Caged Wolf Triplets, the Buckley brothers were inseparable until everything went wrong one violent, bloody night. A.J. Buckley, the eldest of the trio, faced a human trial for a brutal murder. Found guilty, he was sentenced to twenty-five to life. Without argument or regret, he accepted the sentence. After six years in prison, A.J.'s conviction is overturned on a technicality and he returns to Willow Bend to face a new Alpha and fresh charges. Vivian Knox was the only witness to the murder. She refused to testify in the human courtroom and spent a year in prison on contempt charges. Once released, she worked tirelessly to free A.J., finally locating a loophole in the case against him. Satisfied with his freedom, the last thing she expected was to be kidnapped to the back of beyond where another judge demands she testify to what she saw that night. This time, contempt is the least of her problems. Only four people know exactly what happened that night and none are talking. When pack law threatens Vivian, A.J. must stake his claim, but his wolf might be too damaged to help him... Wolf Claim Gillian Whitford, darling of Willow Bend, brings out the protective instincts in all the dominants, but none more so than Owen Chase, the pack's Hunter. A loner by nature and calling, Owen spends less time with his pack mates and more time on the borders of their land. Not even the change in the Alpha and the swearing of a new oath kept him around long. Winds of change still drift through Willow Bend as they adjust to their new Alpha. When the Hudson River pack requests a fill-in healer to replace their own, Gillian, journeymen apprentice to their Pack healer, is the obvious choice to help. Owen forbids her to accept, but the sweet natured wolf rebukes his selfishness and volunteers anyway. Risking a challenge, Owen faces off against his Alpha to appeal her decision and finds himself charged with her safety. Now, the loner will be escorting one of his pack's most precious into foreign lands. He's all that stands between her and a dozen potential threats...and if he doesn't stake his claim, he may lose more than his heart.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Blackout

by Keith R. DeCandido

THE DARK IS COMING. . . . New York City in 1977 is vampire heaven. Serial killer Son of Sam is often blamed for their hits, and a citywide blackout gives them free reign of the streets, allowing them to get away with murder. Spike and his beloved Drusilla are in the Big Apple taking advantage of the situation, as is Vampire Slayer Nikki Wood, who has hunkered down with her son, Robin, in a Times Square apartment where she thinks they'll be safe. But no matter where she goes, Nikki has to watch her back. Spike has only one thing on his mind: to slay a slayer. Adding to Spike's list of challenges is a corrupt local vampire community that catches wind of his presence, and when they start messing with him, things get bloody interesting.

The Book of Spells: A Private Prequel

by Kate Brian

The year is 1915 when sixteen-year-old Eliza Williams arrives at the Billings School for Girls in Easton, Connecticut. Her parents expect her to learn the qualites of a graceful, dutiful wife. But Eliza and her housemates have a dangerous secret: They're witches. After finding a dusty, leather bound spell book, the Billings Girls form a secret coven. Bonded in sisterhood, they cast spells--cursing their headmistress with laryngitis, brewing potions to bolster their courage before dances, and conjuring beautiful dresses out of old rags. The girls taste freedom and power for the first time, but what starts out as innocent fun turns sinister when one of the spells has an unexpected-and deadly-consequence. Magic could bring Eliza everything she's ever wanted...but it could also destroy everything she holds dear.

La Mariposa Con Las Alas De Cristal

by Demetrio Verbaro Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo

El 3 de marzo de 1520, el sacerdote Azteca Ghetumal, consigna al conquistador español, Hernán Cortés, un libro sagrado. Ghetumal lo había encontrado un año antes, bajo la estatua de la diosa de la lluvia. Nadie sabe quién lo ha escrito, ni cuándo. En el libro hay una profecía sobre el futuro: el 18 de agosto del 2044 algo sucederá al mundo, y un mapa debe descifrarse para cambiar el curso de los eventos. Los Ángeles 2014, el explorador Mathew Lekos y el estudioso de historia Walden Green, entran en posesión del libro. Ignorados por la comunidad científica por su ingenuidad, son los únicos que creen en la profecía y logran descifrar el mapa, buscando de todas las formas posibles ayudar a la humanidad. ¿La profecía será verdadera? ¿Qué sucederá el 18 de agosto del 2044? En una sucesión de giros de tuerca, entre sucesos imprevisibles y páginas llenas de suspenso, el lector llegará al increíble final. La novela es un thriller íntimo, ambientado en un futuro próximo, con un estilo directo y rico en pathos.

Бабочка с хрустальными крыльями

by Nadiya Tertletska Demetrio Verbaro

3 марта 1520, священник ацтеков Четумаль отдает испанскому конкистадору Эрнану Кортесу священную книгу. Четумаль нашел ее несколько лет назад под статуей богини дождя. Никто не знает, кто ее написал, и когда. В книге есть пророчество о будущем: 18 августа 2044 что-то потрясет мир, и представит карту, которую необходимо расшифровать, чтобы изменить ход событий. Лос-Анджелес 2043. Исследователь Мэттью Лекос и историк Уолден Грин получают книгу. Осмеянные научным сообществом за их наивность, они являются единственными, кто верит в пророчество им удается расшифровать карту, всячески пытаются помочь человечеству. Пророчество верно? Что произойдет 18 августа 2044 года? В серии непредсказуемых перипетий между страницами полными неизвестности, читатель придет к невероятному финалу. Роман является интимным триллером, разворачивающимся в недалеком будущем, в прямом стиле и полный пафоса.

Le papillon avec les ailes de cristal

by Demetrio Verbaro Lucia Lusi

Le 3 Mars 1520, Le Prêtre aztèque Ghetumal livraison aux conquistadores Espagnols Hernan Cortes un livre santo. Ghetumal avait trouvé quelques années Più tôt sous la statua de la Déesse de la pluie. Personne ne sait qui L'Una écrit, ou quand. Dans Le Livre, il ya une prophétie sur l'avenir :. Le 18 Août 2044 quelque chose VA bouleverser le monde, et est une carte à déchiffrer Versare Changer le cours des événements Los Angeles 2043. L'Explorateur Matthew Lekos et historien Walden vert entrer en Possesso du Livre. Mettere in ridicolo par la communauté scientifique Versare leur ingéniosité, ils sont les seuls à croire en la prophétie et la gestion de déchiffrer la carte, en essayant par tous les moyens Versare aider L'Humanité. La prophétie est vraie? Qu'est-ce qui se va Passer le 18 Août 2044? Dans une série de rebondissements, des Virages et imprévisibles entre les pagine pleines de suspense, le lecteur viendra à l'incroyable finale. Le roman est un thriller di di intime situé dans un avenir proche, avec stile delle Nazioni Unite Direttamente et plein de pathos.

The butterfly with crystal wings

by Annalisa Blè Demetrio Verbaro

the 3 March 1520, the Aztec priest Ghetumal delivery to the Spanish conquistadores Hernan Cortes a holy book. Ghetumal had found it a few years earlier under the statue of the goddess of rain. No one knows who wrote it, or when. In the book there is a prophecy about the future: on August 18, 2044 something will upset the world, and is a map to decipher to change the course of events. Los Angeles 2043. The explorer Matthew Lekos and Walden Green historian come into possession of the book. Ridiculed by the scientific community for their ingenuity, they are the only ones to believe in the prophecy and manage to decipher the map, trying in every way to help humanity. The prophecy is true? What will happen on August 18, 2044? In a series of twists, turns and unpredictable between pages full of suspense, the reader will come to the incredible final.

A Crack in the Sea

by H. M. Bouwman

An enchanting historical fantasy adventure perfect for fans of Thanhha Lai's Newbery Honor-winning Inside Out and Back Again <P><P>No one comes to the Second World on purpose. The doorway between worlds opens only when least expected. The Raft King is desperate to change that by finding the doorway that will finally take him and the people of Raftworld back home. <P><P>To do it, he needs Pip, a young boy with an incredible gift—he can speak to fish; and the Raft King is not above kidnapping to get what he wants. Pip’s sister Kinchen, though, is determined to rescue her brother and foil the Raft King’s plans. This is but the first of three extraordinary stories that collide on the high seas of the Second World. <P><P>The second story takes us back to the beginning: Venus and Swimmer are twins captured aboard a slave ship bound for Jamaica in 1781. They save themselves and others from a life of enslavement with a risky, magical plan—one that leads them from the shark-infested waters of the first world to the second. Pip and Kinchen will hear all about them before their own story is said and done. <P><P>So will Thanh and his sister Sang, who we meet in 1978 on a small boat as they try to escape post-war Vietnam. But after a storm and a pirate attack, they’re not sure they’ll ever see shore again. What brings these three sets of siblings together on an adventure of a lifetime is a little magic, helpful sea monsters and that very special portal, A Crack in the Sea.

Ill Wind: Book One of the Weather Warden (Weather Warden #1)

by Rachel Caine

Someone's finally doing something about the the first in this series by the New York Times bestselling author of Ink and Bone and the Morganville Vampires series.It's "A FUN READ" (Jim Butcher) from "A FIRST-CLASS STORYTELLER" (Charlaine Harris)...The Wardens Association has been around pretty much forever. Some Wardens control Fire, others control Earth or Water or Wind--and the most powerful can control more than one. Without wardens, Mother Nature would wipe humanity off the face of the earth... Joanne Baldwin is a Weather Warden. Usually, all it takes is a wave of her hand to tame the most violent weather. But now, Joanne is trying to outrun another kind of storm: accusations of corruption and murder. So, she's resorting to the very human tactic of running for her life... Her only hope is Lewis, the most powerful warden known. Unfortunately, he's also on the run from the Council. It seems he's stolen not one but three bottles of Djinn--making him the most wanted man on earth. And without Lewis, Joanne's chances of surviving are as good as a snowball in--well, a place she may be headed. So, she and her classic Mustang are racing hard to find him--because there's some bad weather closing in fast... "[Ill Wind's] forecast calls for murder, mayhem, magic, meteorology--and a fun read. You'll never watch the Weather Channel the same way again."--Jim Butcher, bestselling author of The Dresden FilesRachel Caine is the author of several bestselling series, including the Revivalist and Outcast Season novels. Among her many popular novels are Daylighters, The Dead Girls' Dance, Terminated, and Black Dawn.

The First Codex (The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel)

by Michael Scott

The First Codex contains the first three books in Michael Scott's New York Times bestselling series The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel: The Alchemyst, The Magician, and The Sorceress.

The Diamond of Darkhold: The Fourth Book of Ember (The City of Ember #3)

by Jeanne Duprau

A modern-day classic. This highly acclaimed adventure series about two friends desperate to save their doomed city has captivated kids and teachers alike for almost fifteen years and has sold over 3.5 MILLION copies! Lina and Doon escaped the dying city of Ember and led their people to the town of Sparks. But they soon discover that winter is harsh aboveground. When Doon finds a book with torn pages that hints at a mysterious device from the Builders, it doesn't take much for him to convince Lina to join him for one last adventure in the city of Ember. But what--and who--will they find when they return? Praise for the City of Ember books: Nominated to 28 State Award Lists! An American Library Association Notable Children's Book A New York Public Library 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing Selection A Kirkus Reviews Editors' Choice A Child Magazine Best Children's Book A Mark Twain Award Winner A William Allen White Children's Book Award Winner "A realistic post-apocalyptic world. DuPrau's book leaves Doon and Lina on the verge of undiscovered country and readers wanting more." --USA Today "An electric debut." --Publishers Weekly, Starred "While Ember is colorless and dark, the book itself is rich with description." --VOYA, Starred "A harrowing journey into the unknown, and cryptic messages for readers to decipher." --Kirkus Reviews, Starred

Heir to the Shadows: The Black Jewels Trilogy 2 (Black Jewels #2)

by Anne Bishop

Enough time has passed for the young girl Jaenelle, heir to the magical Darkness, for her physical wounds to heal, while amnesia keeps her frightening memories at bay. But with Saetan--a Black-Jewelled Warlord Prince and Jaenelle's foster-father--to protect her, she will continue to grow. Her magic will mature. Her memories will return. And Jaenelle will face her destiny when she remembers Daemon, Saetan's son, who made the ultimate sacrifice for her love....

The Queen of All Crows: The First Book in The Map of Unknown Things (Map of Unknown Things #1)

by Rod Duncan

Only one woman can stop the world from descending into endless war, in the thrilling new series in the world of the Gas-Lit EmpireThe year is 2012. The nations of the world are bound together in an alliance of collective security, overseen by the International Patent Office, and its ruthless stranglehold on technology.When airships start disappearing in the middle of the Atlantic, the Patent Office is desperate to discover what has happened. Forbidden to operate beyond the territorial waters of member nations, they send spies to investigate in secret.One of those spies is Elizabeth Barnabus. She must overcome her dislike of the controlling Patent Office, disguise herself as a man, and take to the sea in search of the floating nation of pirates who threaten the world order.File Under: Fantasy [ A Lost Airship | On the Sargasso| Stowaway Bay | The Crow Queen ]

Time's Children (Islevale #1)

by D B Jackson

A time traveler trapped in a violent past must protect the orphaned child of a murdered sovereign and find a way home, in this astonishing epic fantasy novel.Fifteen year-old Tobias Doljan, a Walker trained to travel through time, is called to serve at the court of Daerjen. The sovereign, Mearlan IV, wants him to Walk back fourteen years, to prevent a devastating war which will destroy all of Islevale. Even though the journey will double Tobias' age, he agrees. But he arrives to discover Mearlan has already been assassinated, and his court destroyed. The only survivor is the infant princess, Sofya. Still a boy inside his newly adult body, Tobias must find a way to protect the princess from assassins, and build himself a future... in the past.File Under: Fantasy [ Time Demons | They See Me Walkin' | Young Inside | Disturbing Allies ]

Escola de Bruxas Livro 1 Academia para Jovens Bruxas Refinadas de Senhorita Moffat

by Katrina Kahler Sonia Alexandra Costa

Livros para raparigas dos 9 aos 12 anos: Imagina ter 11 anos e descobrir que és uma bruxa! Para Charlotte, essa foi uma grande surpresa! Ela não tinha ideia de que a mãe era uma bruxa e que estava prestes a ser matriculada na mais prestigiada Escola de Bruxas do mundo. No início, ela teve medo, mas quando conheceu novas amigas, professoras incríveis e viveu experiências mágicas ... ela começou a adorar a escola. Este belo e novo livro de Katrina Kahler irá levar-te a uma viagem mágica. Vais adorar as novas amigas de Charlotte, até mesmo Alice é divertida. Mas quando o caminho de Charlotte se cruza com o de Margaret Montgomery, coisas más acontecem ...vais adorar o suspense e o drama. Um livro perfeito para raparigas dos 9 aos 12 anos!

Star Trek: Serpents in the Garden (Star Trek: Vanguard )

by Jeff Mariotte

An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: The Original Series!Early in his five-year mission commanding the U.S.S. Enterprise, Captain James T. Kirk found himself caught up in a grow­ing conflict on the planet Neural. To maintain the balance of power against a force being armed by the Klingons, he provided weapons to his new friends, the Hill People. Years later, Admiral Kirk learns that the Klingon presence on Neu­ral has grown considerably, and in possible violation of the Treaty of Organia. Did his impulse as a young captain turn out disastrously wrong? Could he have done more to eliminate the Klingon threat? To find out, Kirk must embark on a secret mission back to Neural--where he might just be the only person who can prevent an interstellar war. . . .

Star Trek: The Missing (Star Trek)

by Una Mccormack

An original novel set in the universe of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine--a direct sequel to the New York Times bestselling story arc, The Fall!The entire sector is waiting to see what the newly reopened Bajoran wormhole will mean for the shifting political landscape in the Alpha Quadrant. On Deep Space 9, Captain Ro Laren is suddenly drawn into the affairs of the People of the Open Sky, who have come to the station in search of sanctuary. Despite the opposition of the station's security officer, Jefferson Blackmer, Ro Laren and Deep Space 9's new CMO, Doctor Beverly Crusher, offer the People aid. But when Dr. Crusher's highly secure files are accessed without permission--the same files that hold the secrets of the Shedai, a race whose powerful but half-understood scientific secrets solved the Andorian catastrophe--the People seem the likeliest suspects.As tensions rise on the station, the science vessel Athene Donald arrives as part of its journey of exploration. The brainchild of Doctor Katherine Pulaski, this ship is crewed by different species from the Khitomer Accords and the Typhon Pact. Pulaski's hope is that science will do what diplomacy has not: help the great powers put aside their hostilities and work together. But when the Athene Donald is summarily stopped in her voyage by the powerful vessel of a hitherto unknown species, Pulaski begins to wonder--will this first contact bring her crew together or tear them all apart?TM, ®, & © 2014 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Sacraments Of Fire (Star Trek)

by David R. George III

The latest novel in the ongoing Next Generation/Deep Space Nine expanded universe crossover, from New York Times bestselling author David George! Days after the assassination of Federation President Nan Bacco on Deep Space 9, the unexpected appearance of a stranger on the station raises serious concerns. He seems dazed and confused, providing—in a peculiar patois of the Bajoran language—unsatisfactory answers. He offers his identity as Altek, of which there is no apparent record, and he claims not to know where he is or how he got there. A quick scan confirms the visitor is armed with a projectile weapon—a firearm more antiquated than, but similar to, the one that took President Bacco’s life. But the Bajoran liaison to the station believes that Altek has been sent from the Prophets, out of a nearby wormhole. The last time such an event occurred, it was to reassure Benjamin Sisko of his place as the Emissary. For what purpose has Altek now been sent out of the Celestial Temple? ™, ®, & © 2015 CBS Studios, Inc. STAR TREK and related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek: Shadow of the Machine (Star Trek: Vanguard )

by Scott Harrison

An all-new original e-novella set in the Original Series universe--taking place immediately after the events of the 1979 film Star Trek: The Motion Picture!After its recent encounter with V'ger, the U.S.S. Enterprise has returned to dry dock to finish its refit before commencing its second five-year mission. The crew has been granted a two-week period of shore leave before preparations for their next voyage begins. Shaken by their encounter with V'ger, Kirk, Spock, and Sulu travel to their respective homes and must reflect upon their lives--now forever changed.

Dorian y la Leyenda de Atlántida

by Demetrio Verbaro Marcela Gutiérrez Bravo y David Arieta Galván

Atenas, año 399 a.C. El filósofo Sócrates fue condenado a muerte. Su último deseo, externado, es el de transcurrir la noche anterior a la ejecución al lado de su amigo y discípulo Platón. Antes de morir quiere confesarle un secreto que ha tenido escondido por toda la vida, custodiándolo celosamente. —¿Qué secreto, maestro? —¡La leyenda de Atlántida. Al día siguiente Sócrates murió con el alma purificada, sereno. ¿Pero, por qué era importante relatar la historia? ¿Qué había ocurrido tan terrible e inquietante en aquella isla antes de hundirse para siempre en el fondo del océano?

Klingon Art of War (Star Trek: The Next Generation)

by Keith R. Decandido

Passed down from the time of Kahless, ten precepts have shaped Klingon culture andindoctrinated Klingons in the Way of the Warrior. With this new translation, people from all walks of life--and all worlds--can harness the ancient Klingon wisdom and learn to embody courage, discipline, and honor.* Choose your enemies well.* Strike quickly or strike not.* Always face your enemy.* Seek adversity.* Reveal your true self in combat.* Destroy weakness.* Leave nothing until tomorrow.* Choose death over chains.* Die standing up.* Guard honor above all.

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