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Showing 26,976 through 27,000 of 79,511 results

उपशीर्षक: एक कामुक खूबसूरत महिला का असाधारण रोमांस

by Aj Tipton Yudhishtra

अपने कबीले के नियंत्रण में एक सेक्सी अरबपति। एक कामुक शेफ जिसने कभी महसूस नहीं किया कि वह काफी अच्छी है। क्या उन्हें वह आजादी मिलेगी जो प्रेम ही दिला सकता है? खूबसूरत कायापलट अरबपति ओरसों के पास — धन, रूप, सम्मान — सब कुछ है जो एक आदमी पाना चाहता है, सिवाय खुद के जीवन को नियंत्रित करने का अधिकार। कबीले के अल्फा, उसके पिता जी ने रणनीतिक मकसद से ओरसों की शादी एक अन्य कबीले की महिला से कराने की व्यवस्था की है, जिससे वह अनुरागहीन जिन्दगी के जाल में फँस कर रह गया है। यह दशा तब तक रही जब तक कि उसकी मुलाकात अपने सपनों की कामुक महिला से न हो गयी... केसी एक प्रतिभाशाली शेफ है, जो अपना खुद का एक कैटरिंग व्यवसाय करने का सपना देखती है। लेकिन अभी तक वह केवल अपने द्वारा बनाये गए खाने से लोगों को ख़ुशी देने का वास्तविक आनन्द ही प्राप्त कर पाई है। जब ओरसों ने केसी को अपने घर आन�

El Castillo de Naipes

by Susan Balyeat W. J. May

A Rae Kerrigan le faltan solo tres meses para graduarse del Internado Escolar de Guilder. Ahora está trabajando clandestinamente como una agente para el Cónsul Privado, una operación negra de la Inteligencia Británica. Se le ha otorgado un mentor, Jennifer, quién pelea como un demonio -rápido, duro y con una fuerza de voluntad increíble. Rae siente un extraño vínculo maternal con ella. Al mismo tiempo, encuentra una nueva amistad cuando Devon una vez más la decepciona. Memorias de su niñez salen a la superficie y evocan secretos escondidos que ella está determinada a resolver. Cuando el Cónsul Privado pide su ayuda, encuentra un amigo y un vínculo a los Caballeros de Xavier – otra agencia similar al Cónsul Privado. A través de los misterios y secretos, ella empieza a cuestionar lo que representa el CP y donde encaja ella. ¿Se perderá en la confusión del pasado y el presente? ¿Qué significará para el futuro de ella?


by B. Kristin McMichael

Libro Primo della Saga "Le Pietre del Tempo". Tutti abbiamo un passato, ma non per tutti è così lontano come per Seth Sangre. Il suo passato risale letteralmente a migliaia di anni fa e l’ha condotto nel presente alla ricerca di qualcosa che possa aiutarlo a salvare il suo Paese dalla distruzione. Si trova nel presente da più di tre anni, ormai, e ha appena trovato ciò che stava cercando. Mari sognava il college come un nuovo inizio per lei, un modo per ricominciare da zero e non perdere la testa per un bel giocatore di football come le era capitato al liceo. Sfortunatamente per lei, è proprio un bel giocatore di football che le cade in grembo il primo giorno in cui si trasferisce nel dormitorio. Ora deve cercare di rimanere fedele alla sua promessa di non innamorarsi dell’affascinante Seth Sangre. Lui, però, non ha intenzione di rendergli le cose semplici. Seth l’ha già designata come sua prossima conquista. Con il tempo, Mari scoprirà che Seth ha un passato… letteralmente nel passato. All’improvviso, Mari si trova a dover mettere in discussione sia il suo futuro che il suo passato. È molto più legata a Seth di quanto potesse immaginare e forse lui non è il playboy che pensava che fosse. Se Mari riuscirà a fidarsi del suo cuore abbastanza da seguirlo, Seth la guiderà nell’avventura della sua vita, rivelandole segreti di famiglia che lei non sapeva nemmeno esistessero.

Fine in Vista

by Stefania Parente W. J. May

FINE IN VISTA è il 6° volume della serie bestseller di W.J. May, Le Croniche di Kerrigan. Nel momento in cui la vita non poteva creare altra confusione, il fato fa irruzione e lancia una palla curva. Rae Kerrigan dovrebbe essere in estasi. Ha trovato sua madre e Devon ha ammesso che non desidera altro che stare con lei. Tranne che per Jennifer, il suo mentore, qualcuno di cui pensava di potersi fidare e che invece era sulle tracce di Rae per la stessa ragione per cui ci aveva provato Lanford durante il primo anno alla Guilder. Il nemico ora ha un nuovo volto. Jonathon Cromfield. Solo che non è del tutto nuovo, vero? Rae deve buttarsi a capofitto nel pericolo per poter proteggere quelli che ama e come suo padre, nessuno dovrà mettersi sulla sua strada. Fine in Vista è il sesto volume della serie Le Cronache di Kerrigan. Il volume 1, Rae di Speranza è ora GRATIS. Segui Rae Kerrigan mentre impara a conoscere il tatuaggio sulla schiena che le conferisce poteri soprannaturali, mentre conosce le cattive intenzioni di suo padre e mentre cerca di capire come diventare maggiorenne, innamorarsi e combattere in azioni ad alta tensione non sia così facile come lo fanno sembrare i fumetti Ordine della Serie Rae di Speranza La Nebulosa Oscura Castello di Carte Tè con Sua Maestà Sotto Tiro Fine in Vista Oscurità Nascoste Intrecciati Segno del Destino Forza & Potere L’ultimo in Piedi Rae di Luce Le Cronache di Kerrigan Sequel Una questione di Tempo Orologio Seconda Opportunità Anomalia Temporale Il nostro Tempo Tempo Prezioso Le Cronache di Kerrigan: Gabriel Vivere nel Passato Il Presente per Oggi Guardando al Futuro

Lumière Fantôme

by Cécile Bénédic E. J. Stevens

Finaliste du PRG Reviewer's Choice Award pour meilleure série de fantasy urbaine. Ivy Granger, détective paranormale, pensait avoir tout vu... jusqu'à maintenant. Avec une lamia vengeresse qu'elle seule peut voir dans les rues de la ville, des rapports de spectres arpentant les cimetières de Harborsmouth et une foule de clients fées en colère à la porte de son bureau, la nuit s'annonce longue. Ajoutez à cela une offense aux cours des fées et des marchés idiots, et une chose est claire : Ivy Granger est dans les problèmes jusqu'au cou. Ivy Granger est de retour, rassemblant des indices dans les coins les plus sombres du centre de Harborsmouth. Avec les vies de plusieurs clients en danger, elle est en pleine course contre la montre. Ivy a enfin une piste sur l'endroit où se trouve la seule personne pouvant l'aider à contrôler ses capacités de feu follet, mais fera-t-elle passer les besoins de ses clients avant les siens ? Si Ivy ne trouve pas rapidement une solution, elle pourrait finir par devenir elle-même une fantôme. Lumière Fantôme est le deuxième roman de la série best-seller primée de fantasy urbaine Ivy Granger par E.J. Stevens. Le monde d'Ivy Granger, incluant la série Ivy Granger Détective paranormale et la série Hunters' Guild, regorge d'action, de mystère, de magie, d'humour noir, de personnages excentriques, de vampires suceurs de sang, de gargouilles sarcastiques, de métamorphes sexy, de sorcières caractérielles, de fées psychotiques et de héroïnes narquoises qui envoient du lourd.

Le Projet Bare Witch

by France Van Renterghem Celeste Hall

Une sorcière amateur avec une phobie des chats fait face à son plus grand défi. Changelings et sorcellerie, une romance païenne. Morgane est une sorcière amateur qui a la phobie des chats et un passé traumatisant qui lui cause toujours de graves ennuis. Quand un énorme chat noir fonce dans sa maison pour échapper à un chien, elle pense d’abord qu’il ne s’agit que du dernier exemple du manque de chance qui la poursuit. Mais il ne s’agit pas d’un chat ordinaire. Sa vie est sur le point d’être chamboulée par un fauve super sexy qui a quelques sombres secrets bien à lui. Est-ce qu’un mystérieux changeling pourra la protéger d’un dangereux harceleur ? Ou sera-t-elle obligée de se servir de la magie païenne à laquelle sa grand-mère croyait fermement, mais que Morgane ne se sent pas prête à utiliser ? Ce livre est le premier d’une série mettant en scène des changelings chats et des sorcières. Quelques situations suggestives et changelings nus sont à prévoir, mais ces histoires sont appropriées pour des adolescents matures et de jeunes adultes.

O Viajante do Tempo e Professor

by Antonio Kuntz Joe Corso

O presidente russo está atrás dos segredos de Lucky e do professor Lindstrom. Os árabes também. Vladimir Putin está determinado a garantir para seus país a invenção secreta que eliminará para sempre a necessidade de petróleo para qualquer tipo de transporte. Putin atribuiu essa tarefa ao seu chefe de segurança, Oleg Karpov. Caberá a Lucky proteger o professor cientista e seu "sistema de propulsão magnética", mas ele conseguirá enganar as legiões de agentes russos? Do quartel-general da KGB, em Moscou, até a cidade fantasma de Rhyolite, Lucky vai utilizar sua capacidade de viajar no tempo, realizar missões, erradicar assassinos e, além de tudo, aumentar sua fortuna ao mesmo tempo. Será que vai se sair bem desta vez? Lucky terá sorte? Afinal, nunca se sabe o que se esconde por trás de um... portal do tempo.


by Anna Delriso Brenda K. Davies

Una tranquilla vacanza si trasforma in qualcosa di inaspettato per entrambi i protagonisti: Ethan, un vampiro solitario, tenebroso e che nasconde un pericoloso segreto, ed Emma, una ragazza dal passato un po' difficile e che la perseguita costantemente. Le avventure della dinastia creata da Liam e sera continua, in un avvincente nuovo capitolo, pieno di colpi di scena e amore, che tiene il lettore col fiato sospeso fino all'ultimo capitolo. I protagonisti e i loro amici si troveranno in una situazione che li porterà al limite, e che potrebbe svelare il segreto della loro esistenza.

Yesterday and Forever

by Victoria Alexander

From #1 New York Times bestselling author, Victoria Alexander, her first novel, the classic time-traveling romance is back... An innocent trip to London leads to a voyage through time...will it lead to a 'forever after' love? Find out in a charming, emotional, passionate novel by #1 New York Times bestselling author, Victoria Alexander. Searching for her life's direction, artist Maggie Masterson takes a trip to England, where a seemingly ordinary carriage ride on a foggy night leads to an extraordinary destination--Regency London of Jane Austen, in all its splendor! Aristocratic Adam Coleridge is too busy trying to find a husband for his rebellious sister to spend time on his own love life...until Fate drops a dazed Maggie at his feet; and he discovers the woman who at first seems a nightmare may just be the woman of his dreams. But can they battle time itself to spend forever, together?!

Quanta Reset: Reset (The Shadow Ravens Series #3)

by Lola Dodge Aileen Erin

Quanta has escaped her laboratory prison, but that's where the good news ends.Life at the Shadow Ravens' compound is a disaster. She's drowning in visions of the dark pasts and darker futures of her fellow Ravens and is plagued by her own panic-inducing memories, but Lady Eva still expects her to "train" and "participate in missions." Plus, the food tastes like burnt plastic.The only bright spot is her genetic pairing to the brilliant Altair Orpheus. As their relationship grows, she's positive that chemicals aren't the only things drawing them together--although chemistry is definitely involved.While they test the limits of her game-changing new ability to reset time, word arrives from Eva's agents: Doctor Nagi is still experimenting with her DNA. If he succeeds in duplicating her power...Forget the Shadow Ravens. The whole world is toast.

Crisanta Knight: The Liar, The Witch, And The Wormhole (the Crisanta Knight Series #4)

by Geanna Culbertson

Book by book, the storyline is evolving. I’m riveted to the mysteries it’s slowly revealing. It’s simultaneously a world you want to live in, but also one you really want to expose all the secrets of… and those secrets go a long way down the rabbit hole.There's no place like home. And maybe that's a good thing. Because the two homes I know---my school and my castle in the kingdom of Midveil---aren't what they used to be.With my friends by my side and the aid of a new mentor for magic, I thought I was ready to fight the antagonists who planned to take over the realm of Book and destroy all its protagonists. Unfortunately, the universe had other plans that I didn't see coming. And that's saying a lot for a girl who can see the future.On our quest to find the missing Fairy Godmother Paige Tomkins, my friends and I would be transported to an array of magical lands. From the horrors of Sleepy Hollow and shores of Neverland, to the Wizard of Oz's front door---we were in for one dangerous, bizarre foe and setting after another. And yet, they would be no stranger than my own world. Because thanks to a brewing common character rebellion in Book, relentless magic hunters, and the people I trusted most turning against me, the world I once knew was a thing of fairytales past.The Crisanta Knight Series: Book 1 - Protagonist Bound Book 2 - The Severance Game; Book 3 - Inherent Fate; Book 4 - The Liar, The Witch, & The Wormhole;Book 5 (to be released in April of 2019) - To Death & Back.

Cherished: Beholder Book 3 (Beholder #3)

by Christina Bauer

"The world Ms. Bauer builds is such a beautiful blend and balance of magic and non-magic, darkness and light, and so much mystery. It reminded me a bit of Garth Nix's Abhorsen series - except this heroine is sassy!' - Davisa reviews For Elea, there’s never been a better time to turn away from witch life. The Tsar is in exile. The Vicomte is dead. And Rowan? Falling for him only broke her heart. Instead of casting spells, Elea spends her days running Braddock Farm and enjoying the flirtations of the very handsome and non-magical Philippe. Everything is going perfectly, except for one problem.Someone’s trying to kill her.Shujaa is a Changed One, a Creation Caster mage whose mutated form makes him invincible in battle. Now that the Tsar and Vicomte are gone, Shujaa wants to rise and rule. To do so, he must eliminate all those powerful enough to oppose him, and Elea is top on his list. Anyone who offers her aid quickly ends up dead.In the end, there’s only one person who can keep Elea safe while helping her defeat Shujaa: Rowan. Like it or not, Elea must team up with her old love. With Philippe along for the ride, Elea plans to team with Rowan without losing her heart this time. But that’s when all her plans fall apart…BEHOLDER1. Cursed2. Concealed 3. Cherished4. Crowned (Fall 2017)ANGELBOUND ORIGINS1. Angelbound2. Scala3. Acca 4. Thrax (Fall 2017)5. ArmageddonANGELBOUND OFFSPRING1. Maxon2. Portia And Introducing...FAIRY TALES OF THE MAGICORUM!1. Wolves & Roses (October 2017)2. Shifters & Glyphs (Fall 2018).

Crowned: Beholder Book 4 (Beholder #4)

by Christina Bauer

"Trust Christina Bauer to deliver a super bad-ass heroine and majorly page-turning plot line. This series is definitely a must read for you guys who love paranormal romance or urban fantasy." – The Four Eyed Cat ReviewsAt last, Elea has found the love of her life. Unfortunately, the evil Tsar Viktor is about to unleash an army of twisted mages bent on killing everyone Elea cares about… including the man who’s stolen her heart.So what’s a powerful witch to do? Why, fight back, of course!Elea goes on a mission to find the Sword of Theodora, the only weapon that can destroy Viktor. That’s challenge enough, but on the eve of battle, Elea realizes that her true enemies may be far more powerful than even Viktor: The deities Oni and Yuri could be out to destroy her as well. With major battles brewing on two fronts, Elea’s not sure that she’ll win, but with true love to inspire her, she’s certainly ready to fight."This is the kind of series installment that you wait for."- The Genre MinxRead all the series from author Christina Bauer: •Angelbound Origins (YA Dark Fantasy)•Angelbound Offspring (YA Dark Fantasy)• Beholder (YA Dark Fantasy )• Dimension Drift (YA Urban Fantasy ) and coming soon…• Fairy Tales of the Magicorum (YA Urban Fantasy)

Shifters And Glyphs: Book 2 In The Fairy Tales Of The Magicorum (Fairy Tales of the Magicorum #2)

by Christina Bauer

“A fun romp for Twilight Fans” – School Library Journal After being raised by the meanest fairies in the history of ever, Bryar Rose is now free to live her own life. For the first time, she’s attending West Lake Prep, a regular high school. Well, mostly regular. Some students are actually hidden members of the Magicorum. In other words, they’re really wizards, fairies, or shifters. Bry doesn’t mind, though. She’s thrilled to enjoy all the new experiences of being around normal kids her age, from locker pranks to lunchtime mystery meat. Everything is going along great, except for one thing.Bry’s dreams about the pyramids of Egypt have gotten darker and more sinister. Every night, she sees her new man Knox and her best friend Elle in danger.“Exciting and well-conceived” – KirkusWith no other choice, Bry plans to leave school to explore the pyramids on her own. But her new man Knox discovers the scheme and is having none of it. He wants to stay by her side, no matter what. It’s a good thing too, because Bry must solve the mystery of her attraction to the pyramids and soon. Otherwise, it could cost the lives of those she loves most. And that means not only Knox, but also her best friend Elle.“Must-read YA paranormal romance!” - USA TodayPerfect for readers who love young adult books, contemporary fantasy, fairy tales, satire/comedy, paranormal romance, fairies, magic users, shapeshifters, and coming of age stories....FAIRY TALES OF THE MAGICORUMSleeping Beauty1 - Wolves And Roses1.5 - Moonlight and Midtown2 - Shifters And GlyphsCinderella2.5 - Fairies and Frosting3 - Slippers And ThievesChristina Bauer is the author of the bestselling Angelbound series about Heaven, Hell and Purgatory, and the angels, demons, dragons, ghouls and humans that call them home; the Beholder series, about a medieval farm girl turned necromancer who needs to save the realm; the Fairy Tales of the Magicorum, which takes place in version of our modern world where fairies, shifters and wizards are real; and Dimension Drift, where one sassy teenage girl-slash-scientist plots to save the future from its dystopian fate.

Cradled (Beholder #5)

by Christina Bauer

"Has romance, adventure, and lots of magical encounters! It definitely satisfied my craving for something exciting!" - Cloud 9 BooksFinally, Elea and Rowan are settling in to their new lives. Trouble is, Rowan is spending a lot of time cleaning up messes from his childhood. And considering the nightmare that was his mother, those are some ugly messes indeed. In fact, the experience is enough to make Rowan vow that he never wants children of his own.Oops."A riveting story with action, love and vengeance...A fantastic read." - The Not So Public LibraryPerfect for readers who love sword and sorcery filled with magic, necromancy, witches and wizards. This series combines fierce females, paranormal romance and epic fantasy. Enjoy! BEHOLDER series order1. Cursed2. Concealed 3. Cherished4. Crowned5. CradledRead all the series from author Christina Bauer: Angelbound Origins (YA Dark Fantasy)Angelbound Offspring (YA Dark Fantasy)Beholder (YA Dark Fantasy) Dimension Drift (YA Urban Fantasy )Fairy Tales of the Magicorum (YA Urban Fantasy)

The Great Locomotive Chase, 1862: Young Adult Time Travel Adventure (The Symbiont Time Travel Adventures Series #4)

by T.L.B. Wood

"Kip and Petra, the bonded, time-traveling Symbiont pair, are enthralling." - Laura, verified reviewer What price would you pay to end the Civil War?As The General, a legendary steam engine from the American Civil War, disappears into the distance, Petra and Kipp join a small group of determined men in pursuit, and The Great Locomotive Chase begins. To the average human, Petra appears to be a young woman while Kipp masks his true identity in the guise of her canine companion. But they are, in reality, highly skilled investigators in pursuit of past mysteries, who have also been pressed into service as mentors for a new pair of travelers.While Peter and Elani share the same talents as their advisors, it falls to Petra and Kipp to train them in the way of their species.But when Peter's impulsiveness puts the entire mission in jeopardy, Petra and Kipp must solve the dilemma and find a way to get them all safely home without altering the course of the Great Locomotive Chase "The author has a wonderful vocabulary; her descriptions of places make me feel like I am there." - Lee, verified reviewerTHE SYMBIONT TIME TRAVEL ADVENTURES, 1. The Symbiont2. Tombstone, 18813. Whitechapel, 18884.The Great Locomotive Chase, 1862 5. Titanic, 1912

Ghost in a Bottle

by Kerry Adrienne Lia Davis

Some family secrets are best left buried.Ophelia Hunt travels to her family’s ancestral home in Savannah, Georgia, to help her beloved grandmother get her affairs in order. To destress, she spends the day shopping, ending up at an antique store near the river. A hand-blown glass jar, shoved behind other trinkets and baubles, catches her eye. Unable to shake the strong feeling she’s meant to have the old jar, she buys it and sets it on her grandmother’s mantel. As All Hallow’s Eve approaches, strange things begin to happen. Objects move on their own, doors open and slam closed, and a man’s whispers call out in the darkness. Are Gram’s old stories of family curses and ghosts real, or is Ophelia cracking under the stress of dealing with her grandmother’s finances and last wishes? Anatoli La Croix has spent the last century cursed to exist in spirit form, locked inside a glass jar. When the beautiful and magickal Ophelia purchases the jar, he discovers he’s able to escape his confinement for short periods. For the first time in a century, he has hope. Could the beautiful witch be the one to break his curse? Or will she provoke the evil spirit that imprisoned him and bring dark magick’s wrath down on them both?

Dragon Undercover: A Dragon Shifter Romantic Suspense (Dark Scales Division #1)

by Kerry Adrienne Lia Davis

"Lia Davis has away of telling a story to make you feel you are right there looking into the eyes of a dragon." -Kimberley, Goodreads Dragon shifter and team lead for DSD—Dark Scales Division—Owen Ashton has never lost a case. When his sister’s murderer turns serial killer, he is determined to take the rogue dragon down, for good. His team tracks the murderer to a small town in Minnesota and Owen goes undercover to finally end Huff’s reign of terror. The last thing Owen expected was to discover his mate vacationing in the lake house next to his.Nadia Hasting, along with her sister Sage, take the first vacation in years since their parents’ deaths. Visiting the lake house their family rented every year when they were children is exactly what they need for downtime before Sage heads to college. The hot neighbor is a bonus, but Nadia isn’t sure she’s ready to date. But the pull toward the sexy stranger proves too strong to ignore. When Sage goes missing, Nadia turns to Owen to rescue her sister from a mad man. But will Owen’s dragon scare her away from the one man that can save them all?Dark Scales Division1. Dragon Undercover2. Snowed Undercover

Snowed Undercover: A Dragon Shifter Romantic Suspense (Dark Scales Division #2)

by Kerry Adrienne Lia Davis

“When the auroras sparkle green and pink, the monster will return…”Agent Luke Snow knows all too well what it’s like to lose a mate. His last case ended the search and siege—aka death—of his mate’s killer. The hole in his soul remains. When his DSD team lead, Owen, sends Snow on a vacation, he escapes to his remote Alaskan home. After being gone so long, his cabin isn’t as relaxing as it should be. Nightmares and a monstrous ice dragon haunt his nights while a dark-haired human beauty torments his days. Mackenzie Wilde didn’t think twice when her father asked her to move back to Fairbanks and take over his clinic. Life in the big city isn’t as fulfilling as helping those truly in need. Plus, moving to Alaska will bring her closer to her father and her mother’s people, the Inuit. When the devilishly handsome Luke Snow shows up at the clinic with a wounded teen, she’s intensely drawn to him. His alpha male personality is exactly what she doesn’t want in a man. But Snow may be the only one to turn to when the nightmares become reality. "Lia is amazing at writing about shifters and tells a great story!"- Bookish Babbles with Michelle Dark Scales Division1. Dragon Undercover2. Snowed Undercover

Perfect Betrayal (Double Helix #2)

by Jade Kerrion Double Helix

Return to USA Today bestselling author Jade Kerrion's world of the Double Helix - where humans and mutants strive for dominance, and one man's choice will shatter the impasse. He can defeat his enemies, but can he defeat his friends?Danyael Sabre, an object of desire, would much rather not be. An alpha empath by birth, a doctor by training, and an empathic healer by calling, he is stalked by the military that covets his ability to kill, not heal. Bereft of two days of memories, he goes on the run under the protection of an assassin, Zara Itani.The more he uncovers of his lost hours, the more he doubts everything that once anchored him. He knows only that he endangers those around him and that he is falling in love with Zara, who hates him for reasons he no longer remembers.As forces - both powerful and ruthless - threaten those he cares for, Danyael has only two options. He can betray his values and abandon the path of the healer, or he can wait to be betrayed, not by enemies, but by his friends."Higher octane than Heroes, more heart than X-Men." Read the second novel in the award-winning Double Helix series today. Welcome to the Genetic Revolution!

Perfect Weapon (Double Helix #3)

by Double Helix Jade Kerrion

Follow USA Today bestselling author Jade Kerrion to a world where science has created heroes and monsters - in the third novel of the Double Helix. Don't fear the army of genetically engineered perfect killers. Fear the cripple who leads them.An alpha empath, Danyael Sabre is powerful, rare, and coveted, even among the alpha mutants who dominate the Genetic Revolution. Betrayed by his friends and abandoned to a life sentence in a maximum-security prison, Danyael receives freedom and sanctuary from an unlikely quarter - the Mutant Assault Group, an elite mutant task force within the US military. Physically crippled and emotionally vulnerable, Danyael succumbs to the warmth of friendships and the promise of love he finds within their ranks.Friendship and love, however, demand his loyalty, and Danyael rises to the challenge of training and leading the assault group's genetically modified super soldier army. The super soldiers are faster and stronger than the military's human soldiers; their animal instincts spur ferocity and fearlessness in battle. Who is the perfect weapon, though, the super soldiers or Danyael, the alpha empath, who can, with a touch, heal or kill?Adversaries swarm like vultures around carrion; the pawn is once again in play. The threads of betrayal that sent Danyael to prison spin into a web, ensnaring him. When a terrorist group strikes Washington, D.C., how far will Danyael go to defend a government that sent him to prison to die?"Higher octane than Heroes, more heart than X-Men." Read the third novel in the award-winning Double Helix series today. Welcome to the Genetic Revolution!

Perfection Challenged (Double Helix #4)

by Jade Kerrion Double Helix

In the fourth novel in USA Today bestselling author Jade Kerrion's Double Helix series, the 'perfect human' Galahad finally challenges his imperfect genetic donor Danyael - and only one will live.An alpha empath, Danyael Sabre has survived abominations and super soldiers, terrorists and assassins, but he cannot survive his failing body. He wants only to live out his final days in peace, but life and the woman he loves, the assassin Zara Itani, have other plans for him.Galahad, the perfect human being created by Pioneer Labs, is branded an international threat, and Danyael is appointed his jury, judge, and executioner. Danyael alone believes that Galahad can be the salvation that the world needs, but is the empath blinded by the fact that Galahad shares his genes, and the hope that there is something of him in Galahad?In a desperate race against time and his own dying body, Danyael struggles to find fragments of good in the perfect human being, and comes to the wrenching realization that his greatest battle will be a battle for the heart of the man who hates him."Higher octane than Heroes, more heart than X-Men." Read the fourth novel in the award-winning Double Helix series today. Welcome to the Genetic Revolution!

Helltown (The Hell Chronicles #3)

by Tina Glasneck

There will be Hell to pay for the betrayal She might have refused the call to be a hero, but fate has other intentions. Betrayed, Sif awakens from her artificial sleep to a new world where the Dark Elves have invaded and began to cull humanity. But it's Loki, the Norse god of mischief, who has her head swimming. He's given her one task--to fix this mess. Lady Hel has returned to Helheim, her kingdom restored, but it's not enough. She's dragged Thor with her to teach him a valuable lesson, and with the Bifrost Bridge broken, the gods of Asgard are unable to help. The only hope this dystopian Midgard has is a motley crew, and should they fail, they risk the Dark Elves culling them, and all of humanity.

Hellbound (The Hell Chronicles #4)

by Tina Glasneck

Everything is a chess match, and Lady Hel is in it to win it! It’s been five years since the invasion. When the gods rewound time on Midgard to fix the latest shenanigans of Lady Hel and Loki, they made a mistake. In their haste, they left pockets of magic behind, and the Dark Elves have not retreated but hunkered down. They’ve continued to cull humanity. Sif isn’t going to let that happen. Sif is sneaking out of Asgard with the help of Heimdall to clean up the mess that the gods won’t touch. By day she trains with the Valkyrie and by night, she’s slaying those Dark Elves who remain. Everything has consequences. When Njord goes missing, she is tasked to go in search of him—with Thor. But this jaunt in Midgard has its repercussions. And Lady Hel will use this to her advantage. Lady Hel is back in Helheim, and this time, she is after her beloved, as it is only through the crown that she can resurrect him, the Alder King. The only problem is, she will have to send one of her magic-using Wielders—a modern-day mage—to locate the magical stones strewn throughout the realms to bring the once Mad King back to life. In this fight of betrayal and redemption, broken promises, bad magic, and enmity are all the ingredients needed to spark another battle and unveil hidden secrets. How can you trust those who betray you?

Shadow Moon (Lotte Freundenberger Series #1)

by Gaja J. Kos

Werewolf. Coach. Lover. Spy. After the War, Lotte gave up the turmoil of pack life to pursue a far more placid career in tennis. Or so she believed. When a player is found dead at the compound with only days left until the Munich Games, the Interspecies Crimes and Relations Agency rolls in. Senior Agent Isa Vogt suspects foul play and enlists Lotte’s help to discover who stands behind the lethal performance-enhancing drug. While separating friend from foe seems like an impossible task, Lotte has no choice but to return to her ruthless werewolf ways—or see another athlete die. Will she win the hardest match of her life? Join Lotte’s team by picking up your copy of SHADOW MOON to find out.

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