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The Marvellous Land of Snergs

by E. A. Wyke-Smith George Morrow

This beguiling tale has everything: runaway orphans, kings, knights, an evil witch, and a lovable, table-high Snerg named Gorbo who leads children from one fantastic adventure to another. Tolkien called this forgotten classic a "sourcebook" for The Hobbit -- and it's a must for any Rings fan. 51 black-and-white illustrations.

Escaping Home: A Novel (The Survivalist Series #3)

by A. American

Book 3 of The Survivalist Series When society ceases to exist, who can you trust? After the collapse of the nation's power grid, America is under martial law--and safety is an illusion. As violence erupts around him, Morgan Carter faces one of his most difficult decisions yet: whether to stay and defend his home, or move to a more isolated area, away from the prying eyes of the government. He and his family are hesitant to leave their beloved Lake County, but with increasingly suspicious activities happening in a nearby refugee camp, all signs point towards defecting. Morgan and his friends aren't going to leave without a fight, though--and they'll do anything to protect their freedoms. From the author of the hit survivalist novels Going Home and Surviving Home, Escaping Home describes the struggle to live in a world with no rules, and how, sometimes, the strength of family is the only thing that can pull you through.

The Amateurs

by Liz Harmer

In the style of Margaret Atwood's The Year of the Flood, Dave Eggers' The Circle, and The Walking Dead: a post-apocalyptic examination of nostalgia, loss and the possibility of starting over.Allow us to introduce you to the newest product from PINA, the world's largest tech company. "Port" is a curiously irresistible device that offers the impossible: space-time travel mysteriously powered by nostalgia and longing. Step inside a Port and find yourself transported to wherever and whenever your heart desires: a bygone youth, a dreamed-of future, the fabled past. In the near-future world of Liz Harmer's extraordinary novel, Port becomes a phenomenon, but soon it is clear that many who pass through its portal won't be coming back--either unwilling to return or, more ominously, unable to do so. After a few short years, the population plummets. The grid goes down. Among those who remain is Marie, a thirty-something artist living in a small community of Port-resistors camping out in the abandoned mansions of a former steel town. As winter approaches the group considers heading south, but Marie clings to the hope that her long lost lover will one day return to the spot where he disappeared. Meanwhile, PINA's corporate campus in California has become a cultish enclave of survivors. Brandon, the right-hand man to the mad genius who invented Port, decides to get out. He steals a car and drives north-east, where he hopes to find his missing mother. And there he meets Marie. The Amateurs is a story of rapture and romance, and an astoundingly powerful debut about what happens when technology meets desire.

Midnight Crossroad (A Novel of Midnight, Texas #1)

by Charlaine Harris

FIRST IN A NEW TRILOGY From Charlaine Harris, the bestselling author who created Sookie Stackhouse and her world of Bon Temps, Louisiana, comes a darker locale--populated by more strangers than friends. But then, that's how the locals prefer it... Welcome to Midnight, Texas, a town with many boarded-up windows and few full-time inhabitants, located at the crossing of Witch Light Road and Davy Road. It's a pretty standard dried-up western town. There's a pawnshop (someone lives in the basement and is seen only at night). There's a diner (people who are just passing through tend not to linger). And there's new resident Manfred Bernardo, who thinks he's found the perfect place to work in private (and who has secrets of his own). Stop at the one traffic light in town, and everything looks normal. Stay awhile, and learn the truth...

Star Trek: After the Fall (Cold Equations #1)

by Peter David

Peter David's unforgettable novels of Captain Mackenzie Calhoun and the crew of the Starship Excalibur remain one of Star Trek's most popular book series among fans. Now, David takes the New Frontier universe in a bold new direction that will at once shock, thrill, and delight longtime and brand-new readers of this acclaimed series. Three years have passed since the events depicted in the novel Stone and Anvil, and for the past and present crew members of the U.S.S. Excalibur, life has taken many surprising twists and turns. Captain Elizabeth Shelby has been promoted to admiral and heads Space Station. Bravo...while her former ship, the U.S.S. Trident, has a new captain. Soleta has left Starfleet to embrace the perils of exploring her Romulan heritage. The powerful Zak Kebron serves as the Excalibur 's counselor and head of security. And Mackenzie Calhoun? Well, Mackenzie Calhoun's still who he is. As Si Cwan, prime minister of the New Thallonian Protectorate, prepares to marry off his sister Kalinda in a politically advantageous pairing that will strengthen his newly restored empire, the bride-to-be is abducted just before the wedding in a calamitous event that threatens to destabilize the entire sector -- especially since Kalinda's abductor is someone all too familiar. As the Excalibur, the Trident, and the entire Thallonian fleet attempt to bring order to their sector of space, none could ever suspect that a mysterious alien force may also be playing a part in Kalinda's disappearance -- and that the entire galaxy may soon face a long-forgotten enemy.

Geekomancy (Ree Reyes #1)

by Michael R. Underwood

Clerks meets Buffy the Vampire the Slayer in this original urban fantasy eBook about Geekomancers--humans that derive supernatural powers from pop culture. Ree Reyes's life was easier when all she had to worry about was scraping together tips from her gig as a barista and comicshop slave to pursue her ambitions as a screenwriter. When a scruffy-looking guy storms into the shop looking for a comic like his life depends on it, Ree writes it off as just another day in the land of the geeks. Until a gigantic "BOOM!" echoes from the alley a minute later, and Ree follows the rabbit hole down into her town's magical flip-side. Here, astral cowboy hackers fight trolls, rubber-suited werewolves, and elegant Gothic Lolita witches while wielding nostalgia-powered props. Ree joins Eastwood (aka Scruffy Guy), investigating a mysterious string of teen suicides as she tries to recover from her own drag-your-heart-through-jagged-glass breakup. But as she digs deeper, Ree discovers Eastwood may not be the knight-in-cardboard armor she thought. Will Ree be able to stop the suicides, save Eastwood from himself, and somehow keep her job?

The Hatching: A Novel (The Hatching Series #1)

by Ezekiel Boone

"An apocalyptic extravaganza of doom and heroism...addictive." --Publishers Weekly "It's been too long since someone reminded us that spiders are not just to be feared, but also may well spell doom for mankind. Fortunately, Ezekiel Boone has upped the ante on arachnophobia. This is a fresh take on classic horror, thoroughly enjoyable and guaranteed to leave your skin crawling." --Michael Koryta, New York Times bestselling author of Those Who Wish Me Dead An astonishingly inventive and terrifying debut novel about the emergence of an ancient species, dormant for over a thousand years, and now on the march.Deep in the jungle of Peru, where so much remains unknown, a black, skittering mass devours an American tourist whole. Thousands of miles away, an FBI agent investigates a fatal plane crash in Minneapolis and makes a gruesome discovery. Unusual seismic patterns register in a Kanpur, India earthquake lab, confounding the scientists there. During the same week, the Chinese government "accidentally" drops a nuclear bomb in an isolated region of its own country. As these incidents begin to sweep the globe, a mysterious package from South America arrives at a Washington, D.C. laboratory. Something wants out. The world is on the brink of an apocalyptic disaster. An ancient species, long dormant, is now very much awake.

Night Flyer

by Temple Madison

Gabe Wesley recalls only three good memories while growing up: the superhero comics cluttering his room, drawings hanging on his wall for inspiration, and the view from his windowsill during electrical storms. These memories fuel his dreams about flying through the sky and saving the world from evil.When Gabe grows up, he’s the hotshot pilot of a sleek plane called Night Flyer. One night while surrounded by a group of gay bashers, he’s touched by the finger of God. From that experience, he slowly evolves into the one thing he’s been dreaming of all his life -- a superhero.Then Deuce Gannon comes into his life. He’s as different from Gabe as night is from day. When these two men meet, their lives are turned upside down.

Awakening the Alpha

by Carolina Valdez

Can men who each bridge two worlds make a life together?Blaze Canis is doing what he loves best. As a shooting range instructor just outside Yellowstone National Park, the former Navy SEAL sniper is still handling firearms. When Shoshoni native Logan Rider walks into his class one morning, the attraction each man feels for the other is sudden, almost mystical. Since Blaze’s teammates never knew he was gay, let alone a werewolf, he’s confident in hiding his wolf nature from Logan, too.But will keeping his secret work, or will it blow up in Blaze’s face as his relationship with the American native deepens?

Chá Real

by Ju Pinheiro W. J. May

O muito aguardado Livro 4 nas Crônicas de Kerrigan. A Rainha da Inglaterra solicitou a ajuda do Conselho Particular. Alguém está tentando matar a noiva do seu filho. Sua Alteza Real, o Príncipe, planeja se casar com uma plebeia e sua noiva tem um segredo que ninguém conhece além do Conselho Particular. Ela tem uma tatù. Quando o Conselho Particular se volta para Rae por ajuda, ela não pode dizer não nem mesmo quando eles fazem de Devon seu parceiro para esta tarefa. Eles devem posar como um casal e trabalhar disfarçados, como guardas-costas, para proteger a futura Princesa de Gales. Rae preferia estar em qualquer outro lugar menos com Devon já que ela acredita que sua mãe esteja viva, apesar das garantias do Conselho Particular em contrário. A questão é: como Rae pode encontrar prova de vida para sua mãe, chegar a um acordo sobre seus sentimentos por Devon e conseguir salvar a Princesa enquanto vestida para o chá? Quando o enigma, os segredos e os esqueletos no armário começam a ser expostos, pode Rae lidar com a verdade?

Duerme tranquilo

by Esther Hervy Albert Spano Daniel Marchán

«¿Recuerdas la primera vez que trataste de contener la respiración? Eras un niño y te divertiste. Llenas tus pulmones tragando tanto aire como sea posible, inflas tus mejillas y cuentas hasta sesenta. Yo también practiqué este pequeño juego inocente, y todavía sonrío cuando lo pienso. Pero hoy todo ha cambiado y tengo miedo. Desde que fui nombrado Director de esta gran compañía hace unos días, alguien o algo me impide respirar cuando trato de llenar mis pulmones. Una mano invisible presiona mi pecho o pellizca mi nariz para asegurarse de que ninguna molécula de oxígeno alimente mi cuerpo. Cualquier forma de vida ahora está prohibida. E incluso si aún no estoy muerto, no sé cuánto tiempo podré mantener.»

Shawndirea: Libro Uno

by Naxielly Bañuelos Leonard D. Hilley II

Traducción al español de Shawndirea: Las Crónicas de Aetheaon. Es el primer libro de la saga que cuenta las aventuras de Ben, quien por azares del destino, logra capturar un hada, enamorándose de ella, y prometiendole llevarla de regreso a su hogar, sin imaginar los enormes peligros que tendrá que enfrentar para ello, internándose en una dimensión de elfos, enanos, magos, brujas y demonios.


by Luisa Maria Reyes Cortés Arshad Ahsanuddin

Libro Uno de la saga de vampiros de ciencia ficción Pacto Arcano. Advertencia: contiene un lenguaje fuerte y representaciones no explícitas de sexualidad gay. Un improbable salvador emerge para prevenir el advenimiento de la destrucción masiva y el genocidio que desciende en el mundo... De día Los Ángeles, 2040. Cuando la terrorista conocida como Medusa amenaza con matar a millones con una bomba nuclear robada, Nick Jameson toma una decisión fatal. Se revela en la televisión mundial como un Caminante Diurno, un vampiro con alma. Para salvar a Los Ángeles, Nick expone no solo sus propios dones sino tres culturas diferentes basadas en magia milenaria. De noche Las tres razas metahumanas existen en un equilibrio cuidadoso, trabajando para mantener una paz frágil. Nick y sus compañeros Caminantes Diurnos logran dominar su sed de sangre natural. Los Centinelas, armados con magia y acero, reprimen sus instintos guerreros. E incluso algunos Caminantes Nocturnos, normalmente sus enemigos naturales, han desertado de la Corte de las Sombras para unirse a la triple alianza. Nick Jameson está profundamente involucrado con dos de esos Caminantes Nocturnos: el guapo Lorcan y el poderoso Rory. Ambos hombres aman a Nick. Pero ninguno puede proteger al nuevo Embajador ante la Humanidad de los eventos que se han puesto en marcha. Por la espada Jeremy Harkness fue atraído al servicio de Medusa bajo falsas pretensiones. Un solitario sin nadie y sin nada a lo que aferrarse, estaba dispuesto a morir por su causa. Pero la noche en que Medusa trató de aniquilar a Los Ángeles, Jeremy conoció a Nick Jameson, lo que desencadenó la aparición de sus propios dones psíquicos. Como Jeremy es de la tercera raza de metahumanos, un Centinela, nacido para matar a los Caminantes Nocturnos sin que se le pida u ofrezca cuartel. Y ni Medusa ni la Corte de las Sombras se conformarán con la paz cuando puedan hacer la guerra.

Escola de Bruxas – Livro 4: O Livro dos Dragões (Escola de Bruxas - Livro 4 #4)

by Katrina Kahler Beatriz Garcia

A paixonite de Charlotte por Charlie continua a crescer, enquanto ela compete contra ele pela Taça da Varinha Dourada, na Floresta Escura. A paixonite de Charlotte por Charlie continua a crescer, enquanto ela compete contra ele pela Taça da Varinha Dourada, na Floresta Escura. Claro que Margaret ainda é maldosa, deixando óbvias suas intenções com Charlie. De quem Charlie gostará mais, Charlotte ou Margaret? Duas das garotas, e um professora da Academia, criaram um plano terrível para ter acesso ao Livro dos Dragões. Mal sabiam que, ao abrir o livro, algo muito ruim aconteceria. Meninas, esta é uma sinopse curtinha, pois eu não queria estragar o livro para vocês. Espero que gostem.

Ein Souvenir aus Paris

by Jean Hamant

Meng Xiang hat immer wieder denselben Albtraum. Er ist wieder als Kind in Paris, als plötzlich eine gewaltige Katastrophe die Stadt zerstört. Dieses Erlebnis veranlasste den vermögenden Chinesen und großen Liebhaber Frankreichs dazu, sein Leben dem Wiederaufbau der Hauptstadt zu widmen. Aber das Ergebnis, so originalgetreu es auch sein mag, hat keinen Erfolg bei den Touristen. Die Stadt ist wie Disneyland, ein Ort ohne Seele. Mithilfe seines Butlers François und des jungen Antiquitätenhändlers Théophile Gautier macht sich der Millionär an eine ehrgeizige Aufgabe: die Ausbildung seiner Mitarbeiter zu Pariser! Jean Hamants dritter Roman „Ein Souvenir aus Paris“ ist zwischen der Truman Show und Der fabelhaften Welt der Amelie anzusiedeln und zeichnet ein skurriles und satirisches Porträt der Pariser und ihres Images bei ausländischen Touristen.

The Vertical City

by Javier Torras

The Vertical City transports us to a dystopian and terrifying future in which the history and the critical capacity of citizens have been nullified. However, a group of people strive to maintain human dignity and fight against the urban totalitarianism of the Great Families that base their social privilege on the supposed purity of blood. The new civilization dwells in endless skyscrapers built for man by the natural disasters that ravages the mainland. Men and women coexist in an alienated society that does not question the past, the present or the future; the cohesive element that allows them to move forward is fear ... fear of the unknown, of the different. Fear of mestizos. All the inhabitants of the Vertical City have 'pure' blood, while the mestizos have been abandoned in the subsoil, under the millions of tons that feed the new social order. The story reflects on the interest of others to climb and the need for others to descend, a constant intrigue full of games of power, revenge and hatred. It is a constant adventure to illuminate the unknown, rediscover the past to be able to face the future. With a climbing plot and full of surprises, this novel combines elements of science fiction with the adventure to carry out an unexpected ending in which no one is who he seems to be.


by Raven Whitney

Una vecchia fiamma torna a bruciare per ridurre in cenere il mondo di Constance, ma non se è lei a trovarla per prima. Le miglia da frequent flyer valgono per chi viene rapito? È una cosa che Constance vorrebbe sapere. Ma, nonostante la sua morale discutibile, l’ultimo uomo che la tiene in cattività vuole solo proteggerla e addestrarla. O almeno, così pare. Jack potrebbe non essere un nemico, ma c’è una lista di migliaia di persone che vogliono ucciderlo. E ne basta una sola per mandare in frantumi la fragile pace di Constance.


by Oscar Rodrigo

Um jovem investigador de polícia de Nova Iorque se vê envolvido em um estranho caso de sequestro de crianças na cidade de Hamelin. Parece que o antigo conto do Flautista de Hamelin se repete. Personagens dos contos tradicionais que convivem conosco em pleno século XXI ajudarão a esclarecer essa investigação. Romance do gênero de realismo fantástico com muita ação e pitadas de humor negro.

La Isla (La Isla Trilogía #1)

by Leara Martell Jen Minkman

«Me dirijo al mar. La superficie infinita del agua se extiende por el horizonte, mire donde mire. Nuestro mundo es un lugar pequeño. Estamos solos y no hay nada más de lo que podamos depender más que de nosotros mismos. Confiamos en la Fuerza que se esconde en nuestro interior, como nos enseñaron nuestros antepasados. Si caminara hacia el oeste, me toparía con una barrera... el Muro. Detrás de él, viven los Locos. Al menos, eso es lo que todo el mundo dice. Nunca he visto ninguno» Leia vive en la Isla, un mundo en el que los niños dejan a sus padres para aprender a cuidar de sí mismos cuando cumplen los diez años. A lo largo de la Isla, hay un Muro que nadie ha cruzado jamás. Los Locos que viven tras él no atienden a razones... viven de ilusiones. Eso es lo que El Libro dice, lo único que los ancestros les han dejado a los habitantes del este de la isla. Pero cuando un extraño aparece en la costa y Leia se encuentra cara a cara con un Loco, su vida nunca más volverá a ser la misma. ¿Es verdad todo lo que ella y sus amigos siempre han creído sobre la Isla? ¿O es que todo el mundo es, de hecho, un Loco?


by Valeria Gobbato Jen Minkman

'Cammino verso il mare, la superficie infinita dell'acqua si estende fino all'orizzonte in qualunque direzione mi volti. Il nostro mondo è piccolo. Siamo soli e dipendiamo solo dalla Forza che abbiamo dentro di noi, è quello che ci hanno insegnato i nostri antenati. Se dovessi camminare verso ovest da qui troverei una barriera, la Muraglia. Dietro di essa, i Folli. O almeno così dicono tutti. Io non ne ho mai visto uno.' Leia vive sull'isola, un mondo in cui I bambini lasciano i loro genitori all'età di dieci anni e iniziano a cavarsela da soli. Lungo l'isola scorre una muraglia che nessuno ha mai attraversato. Non si può ragionare coi Folli che vivono dall'altra parte, credono in cose che non esistono. Questo è ciò che dice il libro, l'unico lascito degli antenati agli abitanti dell'est dell'isola. Ma quando sulla spiaggia approda un uomo e Leia si ritrova faccia a faccia con un Folle, la sua vita cambia radicalmente: ciò in cui lei e i suoi amici hanno sempre creduto sull'isola è la verità? Oppure tutti, nel loro mondo, sono in realtà dei Folli?

Cronache di Galadria I - L’Altro Mondo

by Annalisa Blè David Gay-Perret

Che cosa succede quando un uomo riesce a relizzare un sogno? Perde ogni motivo per andare avanti o al contrario utilizza questo sogno come fonte di incoraggiamento e d'ispirazione per realizzare altri sogni, forse ancora più grandi? Sono queste le domande chesi pone Glaide, un adolescente di 17 anni, discreto e filosofo, la cui unica ragione di vita è la speranza di relizzare il proprio sogno: andare su un Altro Mondo... Un mondo di misteri, di battaglie epiche e di avventure. E' per questo che quando un giorno un mostro appare davanti ai suoi occhi e prende le sue amiche Gwenn e Emily, lui non esita a gettarsi nella mischia assieme al suo eterno complice Jérémy, spinto dalla gioia e dall'eccitazione all'idea che le sue preghiere siano finalmente state ascoltate... Un uomo anziano, uno sconosciuto informerà il gruppo del fatto che è giunto il momento di recarsi a Galadria : un altro mondo in cui la magia e i mostri regnano sovrani. Le due ragazze sono delle Maggs, delle maghe bianche delle quali Galadria ha una grande necessità e la cui sopravvivenza è assicurata da dei Protettori, ruolo che spetta ai due ragazzi. Ma appena gli adolescenti scoprono questa nuova terra, la loro guida perde la vita, lasciandoli soli e spaesati... Annunciati come semplici Maggs e Protettori, i quattro amici scopriranno molto presto che sono sia attesi che perseguitati. Di volta in volta vengono accolti, protetti, poi braccati, perseguitati, e finiranno per chiedersi se l'accanimento col quale i loro nemici, che non conoscono, cercano di uccidere Glaide non nasconda qualcosa. La loro avventura alla ricerca di risposte, li porterà a scoprire questa terra così incredibile, i suoi abitanti, le sue città, ma anche i mali che la affliggono, e il ruolo che essi hanno in tutto questo. E' allora che i suoi compagni cercano disperatamente un mezzo per tornare a casa, rifiutando la responsabilità troppo pesante che grava su di loro e, scappando da

Miranda and Caliban

by Jacqueline Carey

A lovely girl grows up in isolation where her father, a powerful magus, has spirited them to in order to keep them safe. We all know the tale of Prospero's quest for revenge, but what of Miranda? Or Caliban, the so-called savage Prospero chained to his will?In this incredible retelling of the fantastical tale, Jacqueline Carey shows readers the other side of the coin—the dutiful and tenderhearted Miranda, who loves her father but is terribly lonely. And Caliban, the strange and feral boy Prospero has bewitched to serve him. The two find solace and companionship in each other as Prospero weaves his magic and dreams of revenge. Always under Prospero’s jealous eye, Miranda and Caliban battle the dark, unknowable forces that bind them to the island even as the pangs of adolescence create a new awareness of each other and their doomed relationship.Miranda and Caliban is bestselling fantasy author Jacqueline Carey’s gorgeous retelling of The Tempest. With hypnotic prose and a wild imagination, Carey explores the themes of twisted love and unchecked power that lie at the heart of Shakespeare’s masterpiece, while serving up a fresh take on the play's iconic characters.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Shadow Weaver (Shadow Weaver #1)

by MarcyKate Connolly

Fans of Serafina and the Black Cloak and The Night Gardener will devour Shadow Weaver, the first in a dark middle-grade fantasy duology that's filled with shadows, danger, magic, and has the feel of a new classic. Emmeline's gift of controlling shadows has isolated her from the rest of the world, but she's grown to be content, hidden away in her mansion with Dar, her own shadow, as her only company. Disaster strikes when a noble family visits their home and offers to take Emmeline away and cure her of magic. Desperate not to lose her shadows, she turns to Dar who proposes a deal: Dar will change the noble's mind, if Emmeline will help her become flesh as she once was. Emmeline agrees but the next morning the man in charge is in a coma and all that the witness saw was a long shadow with no one nearby to cast it. Scared to face punishment, Emmeline and Dar run away. With the noble's guards on her trail, Emmeline's only hope of clearing her name is to escape capture and perform the ritual that will set Dar free. But Emmeline's not sure she can trust Dar anymore, and it's hard to keep secrets from someone who can never leave your side.


by Aaron Becker

A lonely girl draws a magic door on her bedroom wall and through it escapes into a world where wonder, adventure, and danger abound. Red marker in hand, she creates a boat, a balloon, and a flying carpet that carry her on a spectacular journey toward an uncertain destiny. When she is captured by a sinister emperor, only an act of tremendous courage and kindness can set her free. Can it also lead her home and to her heart’s desire? With supple line, luminous color, and nimble flights of fancy, author-illustrator Aaron Becker launches an ordinary child on an extraordinary journey toward her greatest and most exciting adventure of all.

Prime Claiming: A Prime Chronicles Short Story

by Monette Michaels

Author's Note: This short story takes place during Prime Imperative, Book 3, of the Prime Chronicles Series. Warriors from the planet Prime are renowned throughout the galaxy for their strength and fighting ability. And when they meet their mate, they bond for life. Like all Prime males, Lieutenant Zaek Magga had searched forever for his mate…but he never expected her to be a Terran. Unfortunately, no Terran would be prepared for the reality of the carnal bonding process between a Prime male and his chosen mate. He decides to move very slowly. Cheri Stafford never expected to be a Prime warrior’s mate. But she is. At first, she’s thrilled, then…confused. After seeing how other Prime males act with their mates, Cheri doesn’t understand why Zaek is holding her at arm’s length. Doesn’t he want her? He hasn’t even kissed her properly. But when Cheri uses all her womanly wiles to get Zaek to move, she discovers how thoroughly an extremely dominant male warrior will claim his female.

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