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Rebel Dawn (Star Wars: The Han Solo Trilogy - Legends #3)

by A. C. Crispin

Here is the explosive conclusion of the blockbuster trilogy that chronicles the never-before-told story of the young Han Solo. Set before the Star Wars(r) movie adventures, these books chronicle the coming-of-age of the galaxy's most famous con man, smuggler, and thief.The Millennium Falcon is "the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy." So when Han Solo wins it in a game of sabacc, he and Chewbacca become kings of the smugglers--uncatchable, unstoppable. But with the Empire clamping down, Han knows his luck can't last. Still, when an old girlfriend who is now the leader of an insurgent Rebel group offers him a shot at an incredible fortune, Han can't resist. The plan seems a sure thing. The resistance will be light and the take enormous. Han and his friends will divide it equally with the Rebels. Too bad for Han that the planet of Ylesia is far from a pushover, that the Rebels have an agenda of their own, and that smuggler friends can often turn into enemies...quicker than lightspeed.Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!

Dragonbreath: Curse of the Were-wiener (Dragonbreath #3)

by Ursula Vernon

Danny Dragonbreath and his best friend Wendell thought the hot dog from the school cafeteria looked a little . . . off. Then things got weird when the hot dog bit Wendell, and weirder still when Wendell started to sprout back hair. Could Wendell be morphing into a . . . (cue ominous music) were-wiener? All evidence points to yes. And unless he and Danny can get past the lunch ladies and slay the alpha-wurst, the whole school could be infected. Written in Ursula Vernon's trademark hybrid style of comic-book panels and text, this is the thrilling third book in the series. In a starred review, Kirkus Reviews said Dragonbreath "will leave readers in stiches- and on tenterhooks waiting for the next one. " Curse of the Were-Wiener will make kids everywhere laugh, shriek, and take a closer look at their lunches. Perfect for fans of Wimpy Kid and Bad Kitty.

Starfighters of Adumar: Star Wars Legends (Star Wars: X-Wing - Legends #9)

by Aaron Allston

Book 9 in the exciting series!The X-wing fighter pilots have earned their reputation as the Rebel Alliance's ultimate strike force by overwhelming enemies with their rapid-fire assaults. But now they are about to embark on a diplomatic mission that will prove to be even more hazardous than all-out combat....The neutral world of Adumar has decided to pick a side in the war to control the galaxy. Delegates from both the New Republic and the Empire have been invited to Adumar, and each camp will be given a chance to plead its government's case. But there is one small catch: since the Adumari prize military skill above all else, they insist that both delegations be composed exclusively of fighter pilots. For pilot Wedge Antilles and his company, it's an unfamiliar exercise in diplomacy--and one that's filled with unexpected peril. For once they arrive, the X-wing pilots are challenged by Adumar's fierce warriors and attacked by Imperial assassins bent on eliminating all competition. But these challenges pale in comparison to the threat posed by a rogue Republic who is determined to win Adumar's allegiance once and for all--even if it costs the X-wing pilots their lives.Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!

Divine Misdemeanors: A Novel (Merry Gentry #8)

by Laurell K. Hamilton

You may know me best as Meredith Nic Essus, princess of faerie. Or perhaps as Merry Gentry, Los Angeles private eye. To protect my unborn children, I have turned my back on the crown, choosing exile in the human world with my beloved Frost and Darkness. Yet I cannot abandon my people. Someone is killing the fey, which has left the LAPD baffled and my guardsmen and me deeply disturbed. I thought I'd left the blood and politics behind in my own turbulent realm. But now I realize that evil knows no borders, and that nobody lives forever--even if they're magical.

Spider-Man: Meet the New Spider-Man (Transformers)

by Rory Keane

Based on the upcoming film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, this leveled reader introduces Brooklyn teen Miles Morales as he juggles his normal high school life with the infinite possibilities of the Spider-Verse, where more than one can wear the mask.Passport to Reading Level 2© 2018 MARVEL © 2018 SPA & CPII

Spider-Man: Where I Belong

by Marvel

Based on the upcoming film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, this highly-designed, four-color journal is written by teen Miles Morales as he juggles his normal high school life with the infinite possibilities of the Spider-Verse, where more than one can wear the mask.© 2018 MARVEL © 2018 SPA & CPII

MARVEL's Avengers: Titan Consumed

by Barry Lyga

In Avengers: Infinity War, a threat emerged from the cosmos--Thanos, a ruthless warlord who plans to collect all six Infinity Stones. Joined by his formidable allies, he will be near-unstoppable at achieving his goal. The Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man must join forces and fight side by side to stop Thanos while the fate of the Earth and the universe lays in the balance.In this new original novel by bestselling author Barry Lyga, learn the origins of the most feared force in the universe, and see how Thanos became the Titan consumed by his quest for power. ©2018 MARVEL.

Bayou Dreams: Rougaroux Social Club (Rougaroux Social Club #1)

by Lynn Lorenz

Sheriff Scott Dupree’s got more problems than he can handle. He’s alpha of his small werewolf pack and coming up for re-election as sheriff in a year. On top of this, his mother is casting love spells to find Scott a mate. It’s all Scott can do to keep the town and pack under control, let alone his urges to mate. Ted Canedo is openly gay, a disgraced ex-cop from New Orleans. His patrol partner was killed on duty, and Ted took the blame for taking protection money from the store owner to save his partner’s wife and kids grief. No one knew Ted was in love with his partner, not even his partner. Having him die in Ted’s arms killed something inside Ted too. When the moon is full, and Scott’s momma works her magic, Ted’s erotic dreams and his work as a PI bring him to St. Jerome and sexy, straight Scott. Scott’s stunned to learn his wolf is gay and wants to mate with Ted. Ted refuses to become involved with a straight man, much less a werewolf, terrified to risk his heart again if it means he has to watch Scott fight to the death for his right to claim Ted as his mate.

Foc i Sang: 300 anys abans de Joc de Trons. Història dels Targaryen (Cançó de gel i foc #Volumen)

by George R.R. Martin Doug Wheatley

El nou llibre de George R.R. Martin narra la fascinant història dels Targaryen, la dinastia que va regnar a Ponent tres-cents anys abans de l'inici de «Cançó de gel i foc», la saga que va inspirar la sèrie de HBO, Joc de trons. Segles abans que tinguessin lloc els esdeveniments que s'expliquen a «Cançó de gel i foc», la casa Targaryen, l'única dinastia de Senyors Drac que va sobreviure a la Maledicció de Valyria, es va assentar a l'illa de Rocadrac. Us presentem el primer volum d'un total de dos en què l'autor de Joc de trons explica amb gran detall la història d'aquesta família tan fascinant: començant per Aegon I Targaryen, creador de l'icònic Tron de Ferro, i seguint per la resta de les generacions de Targaryens que van lluitar ferotgement per conservar el poder, i el tron, fins a l'arribada de la guerra civil que gairebé els va fer desaparèixer. Què va passar realment durant la Dansa de dracs? Per què era tan perillós apropar-se a Valyria després de la Maledicció? Com era Ponent quan els dracs dominaven el cel? Aquestes i moltes altres són les preguntes a les quals respon aquesta monumental crònica, narrada per un culte mestre de la Ciutadella, que anticipa el conegut univers de George R.R. Martin. Foc i Sang és la gran oportunitat que tenen els lectors de conèixer una altra visió de la fascinant història de Ponent. Aquesta obra, magníficament il·lustrada amb 80 làmines inèdites de Doug Wheatley, esdevindrà, sens dubte, una lectura ineludible per a tots els fans de l'aclamada sèrie.

The Adventures of Anatole: The Further Adventures Of Anatole

by Nancy Willard David McPhail

Newbery Medal-winning author Nancy Willard's trilogy of adventure tales, now in one volume. Children won't be able to put down these stories of the journeys of a boy and his orange cat, Plumpet.Anatole has a knack for seeking and finding adventure, often with Plumpet, his orange cat, who is accustomed to ghost trains, amnesiac soldiers, flying horses, and wallpaper portals, just a few of the enchantments encountered along the way. From his perilous search for wild fennel to cure his grandmother’s asthma, to his high-stakes game of checkers to save his uncle from a wizard’s evil spell, Anatole’s missions will keep young readers turning the pages of this omnibus edition of the Newbery Medal–winning author Nancy Willard’s trilogy of fantasy tales: Sailing to Cythera, The Island of the Grass King, and Uncle Terrible. David McPhail’s pen-and-ink illustrations throughout are beautifully detailed engagements with Willard’s world of make-believe. Anatole may be small but he is determined to right the wrongs he finds in each of the lands he enters. Whether kindness or evil will prevail is a matter of suspense, but Anatole is always on the side of the light.

Firefly - Big Damn Hero

by Nancy Holder

The first original novel tying into the critically acclaimed and much-missed Firefly series from creator Joss Whedon.The Battle of Serenity Valley was the turning point that led the Independents to their defeat at the hands of the Alliance. Yet the Browncoats had held the valley for weeks against all odds, before being ordered to lay down their arms. Command stated they refused to send in airpower because the ground war was "too hot." But the soldiers who were there insist that was not true...While picking up a new cargo on Persephone, Captain Malcolm Reynolds is kidnapped by a bunch of embittered veteran Browncoats who suspect him of sabotaging the Independents during the war. As the rest of the crew struggle to locate him, Mal is placed on trial for his life, fighting compelling evidence that someone did indeed betray them to the Alliance all those years ago. As old comrades and old rivals crawl out of the woodwork, Mal must prove his innocence, but his captors are desperate and destitute, and will settle for nothing less than the culprit's blood.

Alita: Battle Angel - Iron City

by Pat Cadigan

The official prequel novelization to the highly anticipated science fiction movie, Alita: Battle Angel.The official prequel novel to the highly anticipated film.A long time ago there was the Great War. The reasons for the war have been lost to time. On the shattered surface of the Earth, there is a metropolis that lives amidst the garbage thrown down from the inhabitants of a sky city floating above it. Welcome to Iron City. A lonely doctor specialising in cyborg repair, Ido, is doing his best to help the citizens of Iron City. But Ido has a double life, another persona born from the pieces of his broken heart. Hugo, a young man surviving on a life of crime, spots the ultimate steal: an object that will unearth secrets from his own past. And Vector, the most powerful businessman in the city, has his sights set on a new technology that will change the future of Iron City forever...

Papa's Mechanical Fish

by Candace Fleming Boris Kulikov

Clink! Clankety-bang! Thump-whirr! That's the sound of Papa at work. Although he is an inventor, he has never made anything that works perfectly, and that's because he hasn't yet found a truly fantastic idea. But when he takes his family fishing on Lake Michigan, his daughter Virena asks, "Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a fish?"―and Papa is off to his workshop. With a lot of persistence and a little bit of help, Papa―who is based on the real-life inventor Lodner Phillips―creates a submarine that can take his family for a trip to the bottom of Lake Michigan.

How I Became A Ghost: A Choctaw Trail Of Tears Story

by Tim Tingle Steven Walker

A Choctaw boy tells the story of his tribe's removal from the only land his people had ever known, and how their journey to Oklahoma led him to become a ghost--one with the ability to help those he left behind.

Albrek's Tomb (Adventurers Wanted Series #3)

by Mark L. Forman

Two thousand years ago, the dwarf Albrek went looking for new mines in the land of Thraxon in the hopes of becoming rich -- and vanished. Now the dwarves must find Albrek's magical Ring of Searching before their mines run dry, a possibility which threatens the livelihood of the entire dwarf realm. <P><P> Alexander Taylor joins a familiar company of adventurers on a quest to discover what happened to Albrek, find his mythical tomb, and locate the lost talisman. <P><P> But finding the ring may be the least of the adventurers' problems once they cross paths with an ancient, wandering paladin, Bane, who warns of a great evil working in all of the known lands. Following in Albrek's footsteps, Alex and his friends travel to the haunted Isle of Bones, where a mysterious creature lurks in a deserted village, to the cursed city of Neplee, where the dwarfs are hunted by the undead hellerash, and through the shadow of an empty oracle's tower, where a whispered legend is about to come true.

Lake Silence (World of the Others, The #1)

by Anne Bishop

In this thrilling and suspenseful fantasy set in the world of the New York Times bestselling Others series, an inn owner and her shape-shifting lodger find themselves enmeshed in danger and dark secrets.Human laws do not apply in the territory controlled by the Others--vampires, shape-shifters, and even deadlier paranormal beings. And this is a fact that humans should never, ever forget....After her divorce, Vicki DeVine took over a rustic resort near Lake Silence, in a human town that is not human controlled. Towns such as Vicki's don't have any distance from the Others, the dominant predators who rule most of the land and all of the water throughout the world. And when a place has no boundaries, you never really know what is out there watching you.Vicki was hoping to find a new career and a new life. But when her lodger, Aggie Crowe--one of the shape-shifting Others--discovers a murdered man, Vicki finds trouble instead. The detectives want to pin the death on her, despite the evidence that nothing human could have killed the victim. As Vicki and her friends search for answers, ancient forces are roused by the disturbance in their domain. They have rules that must not be broken--and all the destructive powers of nature at their command.

Daughters of the Storm (Mira Ser. #1)

by Kim Wilkins

Five very different sisters team up against their stepbrother to save their kingdom in this Norse-flavored fantasy epic—the start of a new series in the tradition of Naomi Novik, Peter V. Brett, and Robin Hobb. FIVE ROYAL SISTERS. ONE CROWN. They are the daughters of a king. Though they share the same royal blood, they could not be more different. Bluebell is a proud warrior, stronger than any man and with an ironclad heart to match. Rose’s heart is all too passionate: She is the queen of a neighboring kingdom who is risking everything for a forbidden love. Ash is discovering a dangerous talent for magic that might be a gift—or a curse. And then there are the twins—vain Ivy, who lives for admiration, and zealous Willow, who lives for the gods. But when their father is stricken by a mysterious ailment, these five sisters must embark on a desperate journey to save him and prevent their treacherous stepbrother from seizing the throne. Their mission: find the powerful witch who can cure the king. But to succeed on their quest, they must overcome their differences and hope that the secrets they hide from one another and the world are never brought to light. Because if this royal family breaks, it could destroy the kingdom.

Before the Storm (World of Warcraft): A Novel

by Christie Golden

An all-new, official prequel novel to The Battle for Azeroth, Blizzard Entertainment’s next expansion to the critically acclaimed World of Warcraft videogame. <P><P>Azeroth is dying.The Horde and the Alliance defeated the demonic Burning Legion, but a dire catastrophe is unfolding deep below the surface of the world. There is a mortal wound in the heart of Azeroth, struck by the sword of the fallen titan Sargeras in a final act of cruelty. <P><P>For Anduin Wrynn, king of Stormwind, and Sylvanas Windrunner, warchief of the Horde and queen of the Forsaken, there is little time to rebuild what remains and even less to mourn what was lost. Azeroth’s devastating wound has revealed a mysterious material known as Azerite. In the right hands, this strange golden substance is capable of incredible feats of creation; in the wrong ones, it could bring forth unthinkable destruction. <P><P>As Alliance and Horde forces race to uncover the secrets of Azerite and heal the wounded world, Anduin enacts a desperate plan aimed at forging a lasting peace between the factions. Azerite jeopardizes the balance of power, and so Anduin must gain the trust of Sylvanas. But, as ever, the Dark Lady has her own machinations. <P>For peace to be possible, generations of bloodshed and hatred must be brought to an end. <P><P>But there are truths that neither side is willing to accept and ambitions they are loath to relinquish. As Alliance and Horde alike grasp for the Azerite’s power, their simmering conflict threatens to reignite all-out war—a war that would spell doom for Azeroth. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Shalador's Lady (Black Jewels #8)

by Anne Bishop

For years the Shalador people suffered the cruelties of the Queens who punished those who defied them. And even though the refugees have found sanctuary in Dena Nehele, they have never been able to call it home. Now that Dena Nehele has been cleansed of tainted Blood, the Rose- Jeweled Queen, Lady Cassidy, knows that restoring the land will require all her heart and courage as she summons the untested power within her.

Silver Borne (A Mercy Thompson Novel #5)

by Patricia Briggs

View our feature on Patricia Briggs's Silver Borne. All-new action in the #1 New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series When mechanic and shapeshifter Mercy Thompson attempts to return a powerful Fae book she'd previously borrowed in an act of desperation, she finds the bookstore locked up and closed down. It seems the book contains secret knowledge-and the Fae will do just about anything to keep it out of the wrong hands. And if that doesn't take enough of Mercy's attention, her friend Samuel is struggling with his wolf side-leaving Mercy to cover for him, lest his own father declare Sam's life forfeit. All in all, Mercy has had better days. And if she isn't careful, she might not have many more to live... Watch a VideoFrom the Hardcover edition.

Broken Soul: A Jane Yellowrock Novel (Jane Yellowrock #8)

by Faith Hunter

Jane Yellowrock is a vampire killer for hire—but other creatures of the night still need to watch their backs....When the Master of the city of New Orleans asks Jane to improve security for a future visit from a delegation of European vampires, she names an exorbitant price—and Leo is willing to pay. That’s because the European vamps want Leo’s territory, and he knows that he needs Jane to prevent a total bloodbath. Leo, however, doesn’t mention how this new job will change Jane’s life or the danger it will bring her and her team.Jane has more to worry about than some greedy vampires. There’s a vicious creature stalking the streets of New Orleans, and its agenda seems to be ripping Leo and her to pieces. Now Jane just has to figure out how to kill something she can’t even see….

Into the Fire (Vatta's Peace #2)

by Elizabeth Moon

In this new military sci-fi thriller from the Nebula Award–winning author of Cold Welcome, Admiral Kylara Vatta is back—with a vengeance. Ky beats sabotage, betrayal, and the unforgiving elements to lead a ragtag group of crash survivors to safety on a remote arctic island. And she cheats death after uncovering secrets someone is hell-bent on protecting. But the worst is far from over when Ky discovers the headquarters of a vast conspiracy against her family and the heart of the planet’s government itself. With their base of operations breached, the plotters have no choice but to gamble everything on an audacious throw of the dice. Even so, the odds are stacked against Ky. When her official report on the crash and its aftermath goes missing—along with the men and women she rescued—Ky realizes that her mysterious enemies are more powerful and dangerous than she imagined. Now, targeted by faceless assassins, Ky and her family—along with her fiancé, Rafe—must battle to reclaim the upper hand and unmask the lethal cabal closing in on them with murderous intent. Praise for Elizabeth Moon’s Cold Welcome “A gripping page-turner with enough twists and turns to satisfy even the most hardened sf reader.”—Booklist “Like much of Elizabeth Moon’s fiction, the characters shine.”—SFFWorld “Abounding with a new set of piratical baddies, ramped-up military slang, assorted betrayals, and echoes of Shackleton’s incredible cold-weather trek.”—Publishers Weekly “An exciting tale of military sf.”—Library Journal “Solidy engrossing . . . Moon’s great strength is her characters, particularly the soldiers and how they comport themselves when under great stress.”—Kirkus Reviews

Absolution Gap (Revelation Space #4)

by Alastair Reynolds

They are ancient killing machines, designed to locate and destroy any life form reaching a certain level of intelligence. Now, stirred from eons of sleep, the Inhibitors have descended on their latest target: Humanity." "The first wave of Inhibitors has sent war veteran Clavain and a ragtag group of refugees into hiding. Their leadership is faltering, and their situation is growing more desperate. But their little colony has just received an unexpected visitor: an avenging angel with the power to lead mankind to safety - or draw down its darkest enemy." As she leads them to an apparently insignificant moon light-years away, it begins to dawn on Clavain and his companions that to beat one enemy, it may be necessary to forge an alliance with something much worse.

Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Phasma (Star Wars) #Bk. 1)

by Delilah S. Dawson

<P>Discover Captain Phasma’s mysterious history in this “Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi” novel. <P>One of the most cunning and merciless officers of the First Order, Captain Phasma commands the favor of her superiors, the respect of her peers, and the terror of her enemies. But for all her renown, Phasma remains as virtually unknown as the impassive expression on her gleaming chrome helmet. <P>Now, an adversary is bent on unearthing her mysterious origins—and exposing a secret she guards as zealously and ruthlessly as she serves her masters. <P>Deep inside the Battlecruiser Absolution, a captured Resistance spy endures brutal interrogation at the hands of a crimson-armored stormtrooper—Cardinal. But the information he desires has nothing to do with the Resistance or its covert operations against the First Order. <P>What the mysterious stormtrooper wants is Phasma’s past—and with it whatever long-buried scandal, treachery, or private demons he can wield against the hated rival who threatens his own power and privilege in the ranks of the First Order. His prisoner has what Cardinal so desperately seeks, but she won’t surrender it easily. <P>As she wages a painstaking war of wills with her captor, bargaining for her life in exchange for every precious revelation, the spellbinding chronicle of the inscrutable Phasma unfolds. But this knowledge may prove more than just dangerous once Cardinal possesses it—and once his adversary unleashes the full measure of her fury. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Doppelganger invasion

by Juan Carlos Arjona Ollero

The Doppelganger Invasion by Juan Carlos Arjona Ollero Second part of a Trilogy [The Doppelganger Invasion] The Earth, 2018. A year after our heroes finished the Chrono-Hunters, everything or, at least, half of it, seemed to be back to normal - Billy and Jessel were still missing since the Continuum incident. For their part, James, Mary and a renewed Louis have become the spearhead of the most ambitious scientific project of humanity: the Hyperion Project, of which main objective was to create a dimensional portal that facilitates the space-time travel. However, from a forgotten dimension a greater threat looms: the Doppelgangers, strange mythical beings who ambition to take over the entire Universe, have set their eyes on our planet. Promoting one of the most elaborate deceptions of History, they will break the barrier that keeps them apart from our world. Under this precept of anarchy, Rick van Helsing and Rasputin will meet in a battle, their personal domain will further complicate the serious situation that our world is going through. A predestined clash between Bearers of Infinity and Chaos that entails much more than mere revenge. The world as we know it is about to face its darkest time. How can you believe in someone you do not trust? How can you fight against someone who was once your ally? This time it is not a war, it is an invasion.

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