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O Reino do Meio: O Deus da Terra (O Reino do Meio #7)

by Phoenix Grey

Matando monstros. Poções para beber. Completando missões. E resolvendo mistérios. Azure e sua gangue descobrem a identidade do Guardião e começam sua missão final para coletar todas as Pedras da Benção. Haverá mais do que alguns soluços ao longo do caminho, porém, soluços literais. Uma missão para beber tem Azure e sua gangue testando sua coragem contra um bando de anões bebendo cerveja. Quem tem a maior tolerância ao álcool? Descubra nesta emocionante edição da série LitRPG mais vendida, O Reino do Meio.

O Reino do Meio: O Mal Interior (O Reino do Meio #5)

by Phoenix Grey

Tudo o que Azure quer fazer é deixar o Reino, mas os Bower Boys jogam um balde de água fria nos seus planos. Os erros que Azure cometeu quando se juntou à Liga dos Aventureiros voltam para assombrá-lo. Uden se flexiona entre o bem e o mal mais uma vez, quando se coloca em uma situação precária. Por vingança vale a pena colocar em perigo todos os seus amigos e possivelmente morrer? Azure responde a essa pergunta com aço, seguindo um caminho que ele nunca pensou em seguir. Uma vez que ele colocou o pé no chão, não havia como voltar atrás. As decisões foram tomadas e alguém pagará o preço final. A aventura continua neste LitRPG parte vida, parte rastreamento de masmorras que lembra uma campanha louca de homebrew.

O Reino do Meio : Uma Saga LitRPG (Livros 1 - 3)

by Phoenix Grey

Fantasia épica encontra videogames nesta longa série LitRPG que lembra uma campanha maluca de homebrew. Gosta de MMORPGs e videogames baseados em fantasia? Você provavelmente vai adorar. Gosta de anime isekai ou mangá? Você provavelmente vai adorar. Gosta de Dungeons & Dragons ou Pathfinder? Você provavelmente vai adorar. Gosta de O Senhor dos Anéis e / ou As Crônicas de Gelo e Fogo? Você entendeu. O que você não vai conseguir: Personagens principais OP. Azure = noob nível 1. Arco-íris e borboletas. As ações nesses livros têm consequências na vida real para os personagens, e sua pessoa favorita pode morrer. Você foi avisado. Os livros individuais nesta série estiveram no top 100 de muitas categorias na Amazon, e o livro 1 foi selecionado pelo grande Zon para uma promoção especial, o que significa que provavelmente não é uma merda! E agora para a sinopse real ... Will se recusou a admitir para a senhora do RH da Radical Interactive que nunca jogou seu MMORPG de realidade virtual de estreia, O Reino. Pelo que ele viu em vídeos e ouviu os críticos, o jogo era uma merda. Com a tentativa fracassada da empresa de entrar na indústria de jogos, eles mudaram de foco para se concentrar em programas educacionais de menor escala. Ser um testador beta da Radical Interactive não era o emprego dos sonhos que Will havia imaginado, mas ele esperava que um dia pudesse se tornar um designer gráfico da empresa. Enquanto preenchia sua nova papelada de contratação, ele nunca percebeu que estava literalmente assinando sua vida. Agora uma empresa de sucesso fenomenal, a Radical Interactive estava trabalhando secretamente em algo por trás de portas fechadas que mudaria para sempre as indústrias médica e de jogos. O Reino renasceu. O único problema era que não era um jogo - pelo menos não para aqueles presos lá dentro. Jogado em um mundo de fantasia cheio de monstros de pesade

El Reino Entre Mundo: Una Saga LitRPG (El Reino Entre Mundos #4)

by Phoenix Grey

¡La aventura llama! La realidad y la fantasía finalmente chocan cuando un nuevo miembro se une al grupo de Azure. Un peligroso encuentro con un mimic le hace pensar dos veces al tocar grande cofres. Y aprender magia prueba ser un mayor dolor de cabeza del que él se hubiera imaginado.

El Reino Entre Mundos: La Maldición (El Reino Entre Mundos #1)

by Phoenix Grey

Will se negaba a admitir ante la señora de Recursos Humanos en Radical Interactive que nunca había jugado su debut en realidad virtual MMORPG El Reino. Por lo que había visto en videos y escuchado de los críticos, el juego apestaba. Con el intento fallido de la compañía de ingresar a la industria de los video juegos, cambiaron su mirada para enfocarse en programas educativos de menor escala. Ser un beta tester para Radical Interactive no era el trabajo soñado que Will había imaginado, pero había esperado que algún día pudiera convertirse en diseñador gráfico de la compañía. Mientras completaba su papeleo, nunca se dio cuenta de que literalmente estaba renunciando a su vida. Ahora una compañía fenomenalmente exitosa, Radical Interactive estaba trabajando secretamente en algo a puertas cerradas que cambiaría para siempre la industria médica y de video juegos. El Reino renació. El único problema era que no era un juego, al menos no para aquellos atrapados dentro. Arrojado a un mundo de fantasía lleno de monstruos de pesadilla, magia impresionante y mucho más caminar del que Will pensaba que era físicamente capaz al ser un jinete de escritorio nerd, él tiene que navegar por los peligros de El Reino y desentrañar el misterio de cómo llegó hasta aquí y cómo salir. La fantasía se encuentra con las consecuencias de la vida real en un juego que podría significar la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte. Pero primero, Will debe dejar de ser un noob ...

El Reino Entre Mundos: Una Saga LitRPG (El Reino Entre Mundos #3)

by Phoenix Grey

¿Por qué Uden quería venir al continente? La vida en El Reino es difícil cuando hay una renta por pagar. Azure explora varias formas de ganar dinero, pero rápidamente descubre que las misiones de cazarrecompensas constituyen el verdadero botín. El único problema es que la mayoría de dichas misiones están clasificadas como Muy Difícil, lo que ha demostrado estar acompañado del riesgo de morir. Sigue a Azure mientras le roban, por fin aprende magia, hace nuevos amigos y enemigos, y conoce a un personaje que pone de cabeza a El Reino.

El Reino Entre Mundos: Una Saga de Juego de Rol Literario (El Reino Entre Mundos #5)

by Phoenix Grey

Todo lo que Azure quiere es salir de El Reino, pero los Chicos Bower le lanzan una bola curva a sus planes. Errores que Azure cometió cuando recién se unió al Gremio de Aventureros regresan para atormentarlo. Uden se mueve entre el bien y el mal una vez más mientras él está en una situación precaria. ¿Vale la pena poner en peligro a tus amigos y posiblemente hasta morir en el intento con tal de conseguir venganza? Azure responde esa pregunta con acero, tomando el camino que nunca pensó que tomaría. Una vez que puso un pie dentro de este, no había vuelta atrás. Las decisiones fueron tomadas y alguien pagaría el precio más caro. La aventura continúa en esta historia parte vida, parte rastreo de mazmorras Juego de Rol Literario que recuerda a una loca campaña casera.

El Reino Entre Mundos: Una Saga de Juego de Rol Literario (El Reino Entre Mundos #6)

by Phoenix Grey

Azure se ha encontrado cara a cara con el notorio bandido, James Bower. Completamente rodeado, ¿qué puede hacer para sobrevivir al encuentro con un enemigo que casi le dobla el nivel y salir victorioso? Las cosas no serán fáciles para Azure, ya que se enfrenta a más peligros que nunca. Incluso si sobrevive, todavía tiene que lidiar con el efecto de estado de la Oscuridad, separando a sus amigos de sus enemigos y comenzando su viaje hacia el Dios de la Tierra. Quizás terminará siendo el mayor traidor al final. Descúbrelo en esta emocionante entrega de la popular serie de Juego de Rol Literario: El Reino Entre Mundos.

El Reino Entre Mundos: Una Saga de Juego de Rol Literario

by Phoenix Grey

Bienvenido a Las Tierras de la Muerte, un país donde el peligro acecha en cada esquina. Los pueblos y aldeas están rodeados por muros de metal para mantener alejados a los monstruos nocturnos, mientras que los bandidos amenazan a los viajeros diurnos. Además de eso, el Dios de la Muerte no es como ningún otro dios al que Azure y sus amigos se hayan enfrentado antes. ¿Podrán Azure y la pandilla atravesar Las Tierras de la Muerte sin convertirse ellos mismos en villanos? Descúbrelo en esta emocionante entrega de El Reino en Medio.

El Reino Entre Mundos: Casa de los Horrores (El Reino Entre Mundos #10)

by Phoenix Grey

Azure y sus compañeros se enfrentan a uno de sus más grandes desafíos hasta ahora al soportar lo que les depara la Casa de la Diversión de Luuq. Al mirarse en un espejo mágico, muchos se sorprenden de lo que ven. Separados y forzados a soportar pruebas personales por su cuenta propia será mucho menos angustiante que lo que pase cuando vuelvan a estar juntos. Y Azure descubrirá que ningún grupo se enfrenta al Dios de la Muerte sin pagar el precio final. ¿Azure vivirá o morirá? ¿Y cuál es la verdadera identidad de Jin? Todo se resolverá en la emocionante conclusión de El Reino Entre Mundos. Advertencia de Contenido: Este libro contiene violencia gráfica y situaciones de adultos. Se recomienda la discreción del lector.

El Reino Entre Mundos: Dios de la Tierra (El Reino Entre Mundos #7)

by Phoenix Grey

Matar monstruos. Beber pociones. Completar misiones. Y resolver misterios. Azure y la pandilla descubren la identidad de El Guardián y comienzan su búsqueda definitiva para recolectar todas las Piedras de Bendición. Sin embargo, habrá algunos contratiempos en el camino, literalmente. Una misión sobre beber hace que Azure y la pandilla pongan a prueba su temple contra un grupo de enanos bebedores de cerveza. ¿Quién tiene la mayor tolerancia al alcohol? Descúbrelo en esta emocionante entrega de la serie LitRPG más vendida, El Reino Entre Mundos.

El Reino Entre Mundos: Diosa de la Vida (El Reino Entre Mundos #8)

by Phoenix Grey

¿Cómo se compara una vida con otra? En El Reino, hay una consecuencia invisible por cada vida tomada. A medida que Azure y la pandilla completan misiones para obtener la Piedra de la Vida, aprenden muchas lecciones nuevas sobre la historia y la mecánica de El Reino. El peligro acecha en cada esquina y no siempre se presenta en forma de monstruos. Los misterios se profundizan y las relaciones se alteran cuando Azure y sus compañeros son enviados en una búsqueda para lograr la paz entre un hombre de negocios y una aldea al borde de la guerra. Algunas heridas son más profundas que la carne y las advertencias del futuro amenazan con dividir al grupo de Azure. ¿Qué amenazas tiene para ofrecer la Tierra de la Vida? Descúbrelo en esta emocionante entrega de El Reino Entre Mundos.

El Reino Entre Mundos: Dos Hermanos (El Reino Entre Mundos #2)

by Phoenix Grey

Bienvenido a la segunda entrega de El Reino Entre Mundos, una serie de Phoenix Grey. Will Galvan ya no es un novato en El Reino. De hecho, ya ni siquiera es Will Galvan. Emergió como Azure y aun sin decidir cuál es su clase, el nuevo héroe está listo para enfrentarse cara a cara la causa de la maldición en Isla Creciente. Lo que él no sabe es que las decisiones que tome en el juego puede que tengan consecuencias en el mundo real, incluyendo hasta la muerte. Pero lo más importante de todo es que, el misterio de Uden es revelado. ¿Es un tipo bueno? ¿Es un tipo malo? ¿Un tipo bueno que resulta ser un idiota? ¡Continúa leyendo para descubrirlo! La aventura te espera en esta combinación de exploración de mazmorras y Juego de Rol Literario.

A Blanket of Bitter Frost

by Philippa Grey-Gerou Emery Sanborne

A race against time!Time Graeme Shepherd might not have before a mysterious ailment robs him of his mind and his lovers forever. The thrilling sequel to Shadows Of An African Sun. For Graeme Shepherd, words have always been important, be it complex spells or ancient, difficult to decipher texts. From sorcerer for hire to Ancient Studies professor, language and the ability to communicate have been his life.But a mysterious ailment is slowly robbing him of the ability to express himself, every day bringing him closer to being locked away in his own head.With his lovers Diana Glendower and Peter Oberon by his side, it becomes a race against the clock to find out what is turning a brilliant man into a gibbering idiot. When modern medicine fails to provide any answers, one avenue remains. Magic.And the answer is more devastating than any of them could imagine.

Bloodstained Ivy Halls

by Philippa Grey-Gerou Emery Sanborne

There's a serial killer on the loose in the hallowed halls of the university. Drawn into the investigation, Graeme, Diana, and Peter help in the search, using their own brand of special talents. With a killer on the loose in the bloodstained ivy halls, will learning the truth cost them their lives?Fall has arrived in Philadelphia, but the season has more in store for Diana Glendower and her lovers Graeme Shepherd and Peter Oberon than a change in the weather. With Graeme in full health once more, it's back to business as usual--classes, student excuses ... and murder.Graeme's familiarity with ancient and obscure languages draws the trio into a serial murder investigation, each more brutal and worrisome than the last. As Graeme, Diana, and Peter explore the case in their own way, none of them expects that the killer is right under their very noses.And this time one of them might not survive.Content Notes: ménage, m/m/f

Echo of Distant Thunder

by Philippa Grey-Gerou Emery Sanborne

Meet Graeme, Diana, and Peter ... friends, lovers, adventurers. Book 1 of the paranormal romance series Rule of Three takes you on a wild ride where secrets from the past may just cost our trio their lives. Philippa Grey-Gerou and Emery Sanborne know just what it takes to weave an exciting and passionate tale in Echo of Distant Thunder.Graeme Shepherd and Diana Glendower lead a quiet life as university professors and lovers in Philadelphia until Peter Oberon arrives, upsetting their peace. An old friend and lover of Graeme's, Oberon brings a message from the Acolytes of Taranis, an ancient mystical order with a grudge against both men. Graeme has their vessel and they want it back. Unfortunately, Graeme has no idea what it could possibly be.Graeme isn't the only one with old lovers appearing in their lives, testing the strength of Graeme and Diana's relationship. Both of them have secrets they never revealed to each other. And Oberon can always be found on the fringes, pushing at them with questionable motives and an undeniable attraction for both of them.But nothing is what it seems. As magic, mystery, and past secrets come to light, the trio travel from the cradle of liberty to the roots of civilization in order to appease the Acolytes before the Order's next sacrifice can hit too close to home.Content Notes: m/m; m/f/m ménage; anal play, anal intercourse, non sexual violence

From These Honored Dead

by Philippa Grey-Gerou Emery Sanborne

Book 5 of this amazing series finds Graeme, Peter, and Diana swept back through time, to the eve of one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War. Not only have they entered a new reality, they've entered new identities. Only magic and the Rule of Three can save them before they too become victims of this bitter war.Responsibility weighs heavily upon Captain Graeme Shepherd's shoulders. Hundreds of men's lives are in his hands as he marches them toward one of the bloodiest battles of the American Civil War. But the more pressing concern is what to do about his desire for the wife of his second in command. And for his lieutenant himself.Lieutenant Peter Oberon has it all--an amazing wife and a respectable commission in the Union army, serving a captain he values in more ways than one. Creature comforts are few, but life could be much more difficult.Diana Oberon is a woman ahead of her time, headstrong and opinionated, with a husband who honors her freedom, and the intriguing attentions of his superior officer. She follows her husband's unit as much out of a sense of adventure as out of loyalty to her two lovers.But none of these people are real.A freak accident has pulled Graeme, Peter, and Diana through time, through reality, through identity itself to a world where war is the least of their concerns. Considering that the final destination in question is the Battle of Gettysburg, that's saying something indeed...Content Notes: ménage, m/m/f

Shadows of an African Sun

by Philippa Grey-Gerou Emery Sanborne

Our intrepid trio is off on another adventure! Between an ancient artifact, an old enemy, and the presence of Peter and Graeme, Diana's relaxing trip to Zanzibar has just become very complicated! Shadows of an African Sun is the next installment in the intensely edgy, paranormal romance series, Rule of Three.It's been six months since the horrific events in Italy, which have strained the relationship between Diana Glendower and Graeme Shepherd. To escape, Diana travels to Zanzibar with her old college friend, Tana Suleyah, to obtain rare African artifacts for an exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. A relatively harmless museum acquisition soon becomes anything but when Diana runs into Peter Oberon. Peter is as charming and arousing as ever, but his presence in Zanzibar is no coincidence. Neither is the appearance of Michael Ruslan, an old foe of Oberon and Graeme's, upping the stakes on Diana's quest even further.In a surprising admission of weakness on Oberon's part, he insists that Diana summon Graeme to Zanzibar.. Reunited again, the three must not only navigate the complexities of their developing relationship, but survive the bloodthirsty pursuit of one man determined to lay his hands on the ultimate power.Content Notes: Menage, M/M

Brunt Boggart: A Tapestry of Tales

by David Greygoose

A unique novel comprised of a cycle of beautiful and mysterious fantasy folk tales which combine to tell an unforgettable storyThis is a book like no other: a magical tapestry of folk tales, woven together to build a world that is as strange yet familiar as a half-remembered dream. It is an old world, a world of enchanted corn dollies and wild dances in poppy fields, a world of tricksters, lovers and fools.Through this world, Greychild must journey in search of his mother: from the village of Brunt Boggart, down the treacherous Pedlar Man's track, all the way to distant Arleccra, a city of treasures and temptation. If you follow him, a part of you will never come back.

Challenge the Darkness (Yellowstone Wolves #1)

by Dirk Greyson

Yellowstone Wolves: Book OneWhen alpha shifter Mikael Volokov is called to witness a challenge, he learns the evil and power-hungry Anton Gregor will stop at nothing to attain victory. Knowing he will need alliances to keep his pack together, Mikael requests a congress with the nearby Evergreen pack and meets Denton Arguson, Evergreen alpha, to ask for his help. Fate has a strange twist for both of them, though, and Mikael and Denton soon realize they're destined mates. Denton resists the pull between them--he has his own pack and his own responsibilities. But Mikael isn't willing to give up. The Mother has promised Mikael his mate, told him he must fight for him, and that only together can they defeat the coming darkness. When Anton casts his sights on Denton's pack, attacks and sabotage follow, pulling Denton and Mikael together to defeat a common enemy. But Anton's threats sow seeds of destruction enough to break any bond, and the mates' determination to challenge the darkness may be their only saving grace.

Darkness Rising (Yellowstone Wolves #3)

by Dirk Greyson

Sequel to Darkness ThreateningYellowstone Wolves: Book ThreeThe last thing Tobias, alpha of the small Greenview Pack, expects is to find a lost human asleep in his storage building. As soon as he sets eyes on Pete, Tobias knows they are destined mates. But he cannot act on his attraction, no matter how much he feels compelled. Exposure to the human world could mean the end of their way of life, so he decides to help Pete get a room until he can reunite with the tour group he separated from. But Tobias’s disgraced half brother, Zev, has other ideas. He takes a liking to Pete and decides he wants what Tobias has—both his position as pack leader and his mate. Tobias can’t let that happen, but protecting Pete means keeping him close, which only increases the mounting tensions between them. Duty, protection, desire, and secrecy clash as the darkness within Zev rises to the surface, and only Tobias can save his mate—even if he never plans to tell Pete that’s what they are.

Darkness Threatening (Yellowstone Wolves #2)

by Dirk Greyson

Sequel to Challenge the DarknessYellowstone Wolves: Book TwoFredrik is back from college and trying to stay out of his power-hungry brother's way, until his brother takes a prisoner for his pleasure. Unable to tolerate his family's cruelty, Fredrik overcomes his fear to help her escape back to her pack. There, he meets Christopher, and their instant attraction tells him Christopher is the one. However, since the threat of his brother remains, Fredrik is reluctant to pursue a relationship. Christopher is still figuring out his place in the pack and has been living on his own to avoid making waves with his brother, Mikael. Now he's met his soulmate, and he'll do anything to take care of his love, including rejoining the pack. With coaxing, Fredrik accepts his feelings, and Christopher's pack gives him the home he's never had. But Fredrick soon realizes he should keep running. His brother is on his tail and will stop at nothing to obtain the power he craves, especially when he realizes the source of the power could be Fredrik himself.

Fate's Attraction

by Dirk Greyson

Even a wolf shifter can’t defeat fate. Vladimir Corelia is the second son of the pack alpha. He’s happy with his role in the pack, but it seems the fates have other ideas. When the man he finds living in a cave, caring for a shifter baby and a litter of wolf pups, turns out to be his mate, it begins a chain of events that puts the whole pack in jeopardy. Frankie Bowers can’t remember anything except a powerful sense of danger. He only knows he can’t go home. With no way to defend himself, he has to rely on Vladimir, a perfect stranger who happens to be his mate, to protect him and the young he’s looking after. While Vladimir and Frankie’s attraction as mates grows stronger every day, so does the threat to their relationship—and to the pack. As Frankie regains his memory, the threat grows more and more ominous. Vladimir and Frankie must rise to the challenge if they hope to have any chance at the future the fates might have in store.

Lost Mate

by Dirk Greyson

Wolf shifter Falco Gladstone knew Carter McCloud was his mate when they were in seventh grade, but school and the foster care system tore them apart. Years later, Falco is second in command of his Michigan pack, serving under an uncle who cares more about his own power than the welfare of their people. The alpha orders Falco to marry and produce offspring—but Falco’s already found his mate, and mates are forever. Carter’s lonely life is turned upside down when he detects a familiar scent on the wind. The mates might have found each other, but their happily ever after is far from guaranteed. Falco’s commitment to Carter puts him at odds with his uncle’s plans, and when one of the alpha’s enforcers starts shadowing the couple, something must be done—something that will either cement their relationship or destroy it once and for all.

Eternity's Mark

by Maeve Greyson

A sexy Scot. A mystical inheritance. What could go wrong?Veternarian Hannah MacPherson knows better than to believe in love at first--or any--sight. True, being swept away by Taggart de Gaelson to the vast Scottish castle she's mysteriously inherited is uber-romantic. The legacy is totally legitimate, and its messenger is big, broad-shouldered, and smokin' in more ways than one . . .Too bad Taggart forgot to mention that Hannah's also a Guardian of magical dragons called the Draecna. And as Hannah's sworn otherworldly protector, Taggart is honor-bound not to lay a hand on her, no matter how close he gets. . .But turning duty into pleasure is just too tempting. And for Hannah, mastering her powers and saving two worlds from evil will be way easier than showing one hardheaded warrior that breaking all the rules means they are eternally made for each other . . .

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