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Tentada por um vampiro (Corações Imortais de São Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco é um músico talentoso - e um vampiro. Ele está participando de uma vida solteira em São Francisco, tocando com a sua banda no Club Royal para fim de semana ... até que ele conheça uma mulher humana que não pode resistir. O cheiro do sangue de Magdalena o deixa completamente desfeito, e ele começa a se questionar. Magdalena De la Rosa e sua melhor amiga mudaram-se recentemente para São Francisco. Ela começou um novo trabalho e está morando em um lindo apartamento. Tudo é apenas o jeito que ela imagina ... até que acaba em uma boate de alta escala e de repente é levada pelos pés pelo sexy como o vocalista principal da banda house. A tentação que eles podem fazer é resistir a um futuro que eles nunca imaginaram enquanto a chia entre os dois até que uma ameaça do passado retornasse para os chamados estragos em suas vidas. O amor deles é superar uma realidade? Cian deveria fazer para manter Madalena segura?

Tentada por un vampiro (Corazones inmortales de San Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco es un músico talentoso y un vampiro. Está contento viviendo la vida de soltero en San Francisco, tocando con su banda en el Club Royal cada fin de semana... hasta que conoce a una mujer humana a la que no puede resistirse. El aroma de la sangre de Magdalena lo ha deshecho por completo, y comienza a cuestionar su feliz existencia cuando su deseo por ella crece fuera de control. Magdalena De la Rosa y su mejor amiga se mudaron recientemente a San Francisco. Ella comenzó un nuevo trabajo y está viviendo en un hermoso apartamento. Todo es exactamente como ella lo imaginó... hasta que termina en una discoteca de alto nivel y de repente se deja llevar por el sexy cantante principal de la banda. Una tentación a la que no pueden resistirse les lleva a un futuro que nunca imaginaron mientras la pasión chisporrotea entre los dos hasta que una amenaza del pasado de Cian vuelva a causar estragos en sus vidas. ¿Su amor superará la realidad de lo que Cian debe hacer para mantener a Magdalena a salvo?

Tentata da un vampiro (Cuori Immortali di San Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco è un musicista di talento - e un vampiro. È soddisfatto della sua vita da single a San Francisco, dove suona col suo gruppo al Club Royal tutti i fine settimana... finché non incontra una donna umana alla quale non sa resistere. Completamente soggiogato dall’odore del sangue di Magdalena, quando il desiderio per lei cresce in modo incontrollabile comincia a mettere in discussione la propria felice esistenza. Magdalena De la Rosa si è da poco trasferita a San Francisco con la sua migliore amica. Ha intrapreso un nuovo lavoro e abita in uno stupendo appartamento. Tutto va proprio come immaginava... finché non finisce in un nightclub esclusivo e all’improvviso perde la testa per il cantante della band locale, tremendamente sexy. Una tentazione alla quale non riescono a resistere li porta a un futuro che non avevano mai immaginato e la passione tra i due fa scintille finché dal passato di Cian fa ritorno una minaccia che getta nel caos le loro vite. Il loro amore saprà sopportare quello che Cian sarà costretto a fare per salvare Magdalena?

Tenté par un Vampire: Un vampire, une romance rock star (Cœurs immortels de San Francisco #1)

by Susan Griscom

Cian DeMarco est un musicien talentueux et un vampire. Il se contente de vivre sa vie de célibataire à San Francisco, jouant avec son groupe au Club Royal chaque week-end… jusqu'à ce qu'il rencontre une femme humaine à laquelle il ne peut résister. L'odeur du sang de Magdalena l'a complètement défait, et il commence à remettre en question son heureux existence quand son désir pour elle devient incontrôlable. Magdalena De la Rosa et sa meilleure amie ont récemment déménagé à San Francisco. Elle a commencé un nouveau travail et vit dans un magnifique appartement. Tout est exactement comme elle l'avait imaginé... jusqu'à ce qu'elle se retrouve dans une boîte de nuit haut de gamme et qu'elle soit soudainement emportée par le chanteur sexy du groupe house. Une tentation à laquelle ils ne peuvent résister mène à un avenir qu'ils n'auraient jamais imaginé alors que la passion grésille entre les deux jusqu'à ce qu'une menace du passé de Cian revienne faire des ravages dans leur vie. Leur amour l'emportera-t-il sur la réalité de ce que Cian doit faire pour protéger Magdalena?


by Eric Grissom

Goblin is a fantasy story about overcoming great odds and about finding light in even the darkest of places.A young, headstrong goblin embarks on a wild journey of danger, loss, self-discovery, and sacrifice in this new graphic novel adventure.One fateful night a sinister human warrior raids the home of the young goblin Rikt and leaves him orphaned. Angry and alone, Rikt vows to avenge the death of his parents and seeks a way to destroy the man who did this. He finds aid from unlikely allies throughout his journey and learns of a secret power hidden in the heart of the First Tree. Will Rikt survive the trials that await him on his perilous journey to the First Tree? And is Rikt truly prepared for what he may find there? "A heartfelt fantasy yarn about finding light in a world filled with darkness. A really great spin on growing up and high fantasy."–Dave Scheidt (Mayor Good Boy, Star Wars, Avatar the Last Airbender) "Goblin is a massive journey of heartbreak and healing in a world so full, every chapter could fill an entire book!"–Marcus Emerson (Ben Braver, Kid Youtuber, Diary of a 6th Grade Ninja) "Grissom and Perkins have created my favorite kind of book. Chock full of strange monsters, big adventure, and a whole lot of heart. The perfect graphic novel for the entire family."–RaferRoberts (Grumble, Minecraft, Modern Fantasy) "Goblin is exactly what I look for in a fantasy story. Beautiful landscapes, curious creatures, and an adorable hero who rises to the challenge and happens to be a goblin!"–Claire Connelly (Black Eyes, Down with the Ship, The Long Year) "Rikt enjoins us to delight in his triumphs, wallow in his sorrows and take pleasure in the journey that lies ahead. Grissom and Perkins show that even the smallest of us can achieve great things."–Jeff McClelland (The Tick, Honcho, Black Terror)

Gregory Suicide

by Eric Grissom

Obsolete AI program Gregory wakes in a newly cloned body to a world now unfamiliar to him and is haunted by the memories of his past lives, each one ending in death by his own hand. On the path to discovering the truth about himself, Gregory slips into the trenches of two opposing forces who want to exploit him. In the end, he must take down an AI revolution before it wipes out humanity, and the key to doing so may only lie in the strange visions he has between life and death. • A Dark Horse Original takes us into a frightening future • Explore the dark possibilities of human cloning • Contains bonus sketches, designs, and commentary from the creators

La esencia de John Dumont: Segunda parte de El hombre que nunca lo fue

by Sara Grissom

Acompaña a Allison, la hija de John Dumont, en su aventura con los habitantes del planeta Haytar, en especial con Yrfo, su alienígena preferido. <P><P>John Dumont y su esposa fallecen en extrañas circunstancias. Después de sus muertes, Allison, la hija de John, descubre los secretos que inquietaban a su padre: su conexión con seres del planeta Haytar. En Haytar no hay atmósfera habitable como en la Tierra y sus habitantes se ven confinados a un mundo subterráneo. <P>A pesar de vivir en condiciones adversas, han sido capaces de crear una sociedad utópica, basándose en la armonía y bienestar del grupo, muy lejos del comportamiento individual de los humanos. <P>El deseo de vivir en la superficie de un planeta rico en biosferas, conduce a los haytares hasta la Tierra, colonizándola desde la época del faraón Keops, manteniendo estrechas relaciones con las personas más influyentes y poderosas de cada época. <P>John Dumont estableció una fuerte amistad con un haytar explorador, Yrfo, el cual se convierte en un ser importante en la vida de Allison. <P>Pero Yrfo regresa a su planeta, y dos años después, Allison recibe mensajes anónimos a través de un chat, el mismo que utilizaba su padre para comunicarse con Yrfo. <P> De nuevo, Allison Dumont iniciará una aventura junto a su pareja Mark Finsch. La última aventura de su corta vida.

El hombre que nunca lo fue

by Sara Grissom

A quien le gusten los cócteles literarios con la siguiente composición: Una parte de thriller, otra de ciencia ficción, un buen chorro de romanticismo, y unas gotas de agua fresca de lluvia, disfrutaran bebiendo esta novela a pequeños sorbos, igual que lo hice yo mientras lo escribía, sintiendo su sabor a aventura, a aromas de lugares muy lejanos, a recuerdos olvidados... descubriendo a Haytar, a Yrfo, a Allison Dumont, y a muchos otros. Año 2010, Venecia. Mientras dan un paseo en góndola, un matrimonio parisino, que disfruta de unas vacaciones en Venecia, muere asesinado al ser testigos de un extraño robo. El atraco se produce en la casa donde se hospedó Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, durante el carnaval de 1771. Año 2011, Toronto. Allison Dumont, hija de un astrofísico llamado John Dumont, ve cómo su vida cambia en tan solo un fin de semana con la muerte por accidente de tráfico de sus padres. Un día después, su casa es asaltada, llevándose los ladrones solamente el portátil y el contenido de un cajón del despacho de su padre. Los tres incidentes están relacionados y serán Allison, junto a su amigo de instituto Mark Finsch, quienes descubrirán los secretos que tan celosamente guardaba John Dumont. El lector podrá vivir historias desde Keops al año 2012, pasando por conspiraciones masónicas e intereses comerciales de gente poderosa. Las situaciones principales se desarrollarán en Puerto viejo (Costa Rica), Toronto, Washington, New York, pero también visitarán en algún momento: oeste de Canadá, Barcelona, Ámsterdam y Finnmark en el norte de Noruega.

A A Soul Fractured (The Soul Series)

by Shayna Grissom

The King of Hell was lost ages ago, and it has been the steward's task to sort the souls into their designated regions and maintain control of the world. Nora, the steward's stepdaughter, was an outcast, and in many ways, she still is. After a heated argument, Nora does something inexplicable, and she soon finds herself out of the castle and in a forest with soul-eating giants. It's then that Nora meets Aegis, an immortal, who suspects Nora is more than an ordinary girl.

The Night Dredes (The Dredes)

by Shayna Grissom

The island is all Destiny Sallows has ever known. It is her birthright to become the next matriarch and leader of her isolated family. The only catch is that she must marry Daniel, Mother insists on it. It's not that she dislikes Daniel, he's kind and clever. The problem is with her. Destiny suffers from a reoccurring night terror about a monster with green eyes. One glance in Daniel's eyes sends her spiraling into a severe panic attack. Mother calls them the night dredes. Mother says Destiny will get over them, but when the monsters come out, the night dredes come for them all.

The Disinformation War (Goldsmiths Press / Gold SF)

by S. J. Groenewegen

A poverty-stricken veteran of online social justice battles joins with a group of unlikely allies to fight in the war of disinformation before Britain becomes fully totalitarian.The lives of three strangers intersect to bring hope to a beleaguered near-future Britain lurching towards authoritarianism.Libby Seymour is a Civil Servant, military intelligence analyst, Union activist, believer in the equality of justice, and member of the MayGE Committee campaigning for a long-overdue General Election. A colleague tells her the police want a word about something she didn&’t do… and she goes on the run with the help of her occasional lover, ex-army doctor, now trauma therapist, Susan Church. Derek Hallett is a British Army officer with an impressive record in special operations. Newly promoted to Major General, he is stunned to be assigned to a secretive job in England. For commercial reasons, Jackson-Burgess (UK) Ltd steps back from administering four work camps designed to reduce poverty in Britain. He swore to the Crown to uphold the rule of law.Kayla Nettleton has two lives. Online, she&’s a veteran Cultural Warrior and defender of social justice through hacking. In real life, she&’s trapped with her family in a sink estate, and is swept up into the poverty eradication programme run by Jackson-Burgess. Together, the three unlikely allies spearhead a small resistance group to fight back in the Disinformation War.

The Monsters of Templeton

by Lauren Groff

In the wake of a disastrous affair with her older, married archeology professor at Stanford, brilliant Wilhelmina Cooper arrives back at the doorstep of her hippie mother-turned born-again-Christian's house in Templeton, NY, a storybook town her ancestors founded that sits on the shores of Lake Glimmerglass. Upon her arrival, a prehistoric monster surfaces in the lake bringing a feeding frenzy to the quiet town, and Willie learns she has a mystery father her mother kept secret Willie's entire life. The beautiful, broody Willie is told that the key to her biological father's identity lies somewhere in her family's history, so she buries herself in the research of her twisted family tree and finds more than she bargained for as a chorus of voices from the town's past- some sinister, all fascinating- rise up around her to tell their side of the story. In the end, dark secrets come to light, past and present day are blurred, and old mysteries are finally put to rest. A fresh, virtuoso performance that will surely place Groff among the best young writers of today.


by Jimm Grogan

En dépit de l'approche imminente d'envahisseurs redoutables, la guerre civile sur Azten continue de sévir. Un avocat endosse le costume d'agent gouvernemental afin de neutraliser un ennemi omnipotent, avant de devenir rapidement leur cible. La bataille pour la justice ne connaît pas de dénouement, et comme est sur le point de l'apprendre à ses dépens Claymore, un avocat navino pourvu de quatre bras, on ne peut faire confiance à personne lorsque l'on veut faire le bien. Ainsi, il décide d'attaquer l'organisation criminelle qui infiltre le gouvernement en qui il a foi, même s'il doit agir seul. À la suite de l'enlèvement de Shaylor, sa nièce, Claymore se met à enquêter sur une organisation obscure, conne sous le nom de Triple Dent. En investigant sur des cas de corruption et de rapts, il réalise que sa proie représente seulement une faction mineure d'un organisme colossal, à savoir Trident. S'en prendre à eux implique de tout mettre en jeu : sa propre vie ainsi que sa liberté. Derrière cette façade se cache Maître, dont les grands projets aboutissent à un conflit civil entre Trident et le gouvernement en vigueur. Les deux camps sont sous pression. S'ils ne parviennent pas à établir un compromis sous peu, leurs chances de venir à bout des forces alien extrêmement puissantes qui les menacent seront minces. Claymore doit découvrir comment neutraliser Trident, mais les meneurs influents de cet organisme criminel sont déjà à sa poursuite. En collaboration avec des agents secrets opérant pour le gouverment, ainsi qu'avec tous les alliés qu'il peut rencontrer, Claymore doit trouver le moyen de saboter leurs appareils de haute technologie tout en évitant de se faire capturer. S'ils l'attrapent, il sera trop tard.

El Día Libre de Hermione

by Jimm Grogan

En el planeta Bisbane, la segregación de género es aceptada como normal. La interferencia Humana está a punto de cambiar el status quo. Pocas culturas toman la desigualdad de género al grado visto en el planeta Bisbane. Las mujeres Bisbaníes son habitantes de ciudad, disfrutando altos niveles de educación y tecnología. Los hombres viven en tierra salvaje, cuidadosamente encerrados en reservas cercadas. Los dos sexos sólo interactúan cuando una mujer quiere un hijo, e incluso entonces necesita de un cuchillo. Hermione está lista para otro hijo. El primero, un hijo, pronto será reubicado en tierra salvaje. Ella espera por una hija, un miembro de familia más permanente con quien compartir su vida. Sin el dinero para una licencia de cazador, sin embargo, Hermione no puede acceder a las reservas y cazar un macho. La ayuda viene de una fuente inesperada —un macho humano cazando a un fugitivo de otro mundo. El humano está dispuesto a pagar por información que lo conduzca a la captura del criminal. Aunque Hermione encuentra desagradable lidiar con un macho humano, su dinero hace posible una licencia de cazador, y su tecnología de rastreo hace fácil localizar a un saludable macho Bisbaní. Aún así, Hermione no está segura de estar haciendo lo correcto, y podría tener razón.


by Jimm Grogan Christophe Demarcq

La suite riche en action de Négatif Zéro met en scène Tomek sur une planète séquestrée, Baktu, à la recherche de la créature terrifiante qui a enlevé son ami et en première ligne face à une invasion impériale. La suite de Négatif Zéro démarre tambour battant puisque notre intrépide concepteur de vaisseaux spatiaux se retrouve durant quelques minutes sous les feux de deux croiseurs d’élite appartenant à la flotte impériale Azten. Après avoir défié directement l’Empire Azten des Mondes Fédérés, Tomek se dirige vers la surface d’une planète confinée, Baktu. Coincé depuis presque un an sur cette planète où la technologie n’est guère évoluée, Tomek a trouvé un foyer. Il est même tombé sous le charme de Spri, une jeune baktie. Mais les Baktis ont préservé un secret à l’égard de cet étranger. Un mystère qui pourrait l’aider à retrouver la créature qui a enlevé son ami Claymore. Cette même confidence explique pourquoi la planète a été mise en quarantaine par le gouvernement Azten depuis près de deux siècles. Pendant que Tomek traque des monstres sur cette planète tranquille, une guerre civile a éclaté au sein de l’empire. Sans compter que l’organisation Trident n’a pas oublié leur ennemi juré. En outre, l’armada de Golanta fonce vers Azten, détruisant toute forme de résistance sur son passage… Baktu étant situé à la frontière de l’empire, comment les Baktis vont-ils gérer cette menace par leurs propres moyens ?

Négatif Zéro

by Jimm Grogan Christophe Demarcq

Négatif Zéro, un chasseur expérimenté se révèle lors d'une quête interplanétaire dans le premier tome d'une histoire palpitante écrite par Jimm Grogan. Tomek mène une vie en apparence calme en tant qu'ingénieur spatial pour l'Empire Azten interstellaire des Mondes Fédérés. Toutefois, personne ne sait que durant ses fréquents congés, il travaille bénévolement pour les forces de l'ordre de sa planète. Ainsi, il traque des criminels reconnus et les livre à la justice. Réputé pour se pencher sur des affaires dont personne ne veut volontairement s'occuper, Tomek utilise le nom de code "Négatif Zéro" pour se protéger lui, et ceux qu'il aime. Tomek se lance sur l'enquête de sa vie lorsqu'il poursuit les responsables de deux crimes majeurs : l'un concerne la mort de milliers d'agriculteurs, victimes d'une supposée peste, et l'autre, un tueur en série qui utilise une drogue mystérieuse pour obliger ses victimes à lui céder la possession de leurs biens avant de mourir. À mesure que Tomek lève le voile sur le mystère qui règne derrière ces agissements, il est convaincu que justice sera rendue. Mais la sombre organisation Trident nourrit d'autres projets lorsqu'ils découvrent qui est vraiment Négatif Zéro. Alors qu'ils resserrent leur étau sur lui, en utilisant des gardes impériaux corrompus comme hommes de main, Tomek doit se battre pour sa survie.

Zero Negativo

by Jimm Grogan Yan Laaf

Um caçador treinado encontra-se em uma corrida interplanetária no cativante romance de estreia de Jimm Grogan: Zero Negativo. Tomek vive uma vida aparentemente quieta como engenheiro de espaçonaves para o Império interestelar Azten de Mundos Confederados. Ninguém sabe, entretanto, que durante as frequentes "férias" de Tomek, ele é voluntário da polícia do seu planeta, rastreando criminosos condenados e entregando-os à justiça. Conhecido por assumir casos que ninguém mais assumiria, Tomek usa o codinome "Zero Negativo" a fim de proteger a ele e aqueles que ele ama. Tomek assume a investigação da sua vida quando ele rastreia aqueles responsáveis por dois grandes crimes: um em que milhares de fazendeiros morrem de uma praga suspeita, e outro em que o assssino em massa usa uma droga misteriosa para forçar as vítimas a entregarem seus bens antes de morrerem. Assim que Tomek desvenda o mistério por trás daqueles responsáveis, ele está confiante de que serão trazidos à justiça. Mas o sinistro grupo Tridente tem outros planos em mente quando eles eventualmente descobrem quem Zero Negativo realmente é. Enquanto eles chegam perto de descobrir sua localização, usando guardas imperiais corruptos como capangas, Tomek deve lutar pela sua vida se quiser sobreviver.

Cero Negativo

by Jimm Grogan Luis Renteria

Tomek vive una vida aparentemente tranquila como ingeniero de naves espaciales. Sin embargo, durante sus frecuentes "vacaciones", es voluntario de la fuerza policial de su planeta, rastrea a los criminales convictos y los entrega a la justicia. Bajo su alias "Cero Negativo", ya es reconocido por resolver casos que nadie más estaría dispuesto a asumir. Tomek lleva a cabo la investigación de su vida cuando rastrea a los responsables de dos crímenes importantes: uno en el que miles de agricultores mueren por una presunta plaga y otro en el que un asesino serial utiliza una droga misteriosa para obligar a las víctimas a entregar sus riquezas antes de morir. A medida que Tomek desentraña el misterio detrás de los responsables, confía en que serán llevados ante la justicia. Pero el siniestro grupo Tridente tiene otros planes en mente cuando descubren finalmente quién es Cero Negativo en realidad. Tomek debe utilizar todas sus destrezas ante la persecución y y colusión de las guardias imperiales corruptas, si es que quiere sobrevivir.

Tolkien in the Twenty-First Century: The Meaning of Middle-Earth Today

by Nick Groom

An original and thought-provoking reassessment of J. R. R. Tolkien&’s world, revealing how his visionary creation of Middle-Earth is more relevant now than ever before. What is it about Middle-Earth and its inhabitants that has captured the imagination of millions of people around the world? And why does Tolkien's visionary creation continue to fascinate and inspire us eighty-five years after its first publication? Beginning with Tolkien's earliest influence—and drawing on key moments from his life, Tolkien in the Twenty-First Century is an engaging and vibrant reinterpretation of the beloved author's work. Not only does it trace the genesis and inspiration for the original books, but the narrative also explores the later film and literary adaptations that have cemented his reputation as a cultural phenomenon. Delving deep into topics such as friendship, failure, the environment, diversity, and Tolkien's place in a post-Covid age, Nick Groom takes us on an unexpected journey through Tolkien's world, revealing how it is more relevant now than perhaps Tolkien himself ever envisioned.

Bad Glass: A Novel

by Richard E. Gropp

One of the most hauntingly original dark fantasy debuts in years--perfect for fans of Lost and Mark Danielewski's cult classic, House of Leaves. Something has happened in Spokane. The military has evacuated the city and locked it down. Even so, disturbing rumors and images seep out, finding their way onto the Internet, spreading curiosity, skepticism, and panic. For what they show is--or should be--impossible: strange creatures that cannot exist, sudden disappearances that violate the laws of physics, human bodies fused with inanimate objects, trapped yet still half alive. . . . Dean Walker, an aspiring photographer, sneaks into the quarantined city in search of fame. What he finds will change him in unimaginable ways. Hooking up with a group of outcasts led by a beautiful young woman named Taylor, Dean embarks on a journey into the heart of a mystery whose philosophical implications are as terrifying as its physical manifestations. Even as he falls in love with Taylor--a woman as damaged and seductive as the city itself--his already tenuous hold on reality starts to come loose. Or perhaps it is Spokane's grip on the world that is coming undone. Now, caught up in a web of interlacing secrets and betrayals, Dean, Taylor, and their friends must make their way through this ever-shifting maze of a city, a city that is actively hunting them down, herding them toward a shocking destiny.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Operation Dragon

by Bill Groshelle Brendan Cahill

A retro sci-fi pulp adventure set in the Pacific during World War II pitting humans against dinosaurs!Three American soldiers--a disgraced ex-cop, a mobster trying to escape his past, and an intelligence officer with mysterious motives--investigate a top-secret Japanese superweapon: a deadly force of trained dinosaurs! A mash-up of wisecracking noir and butt-kicking action!

The Brazen Woman (The\emerald Scarab Ser. #2)

by Anne Gross

Mademoiselle Lenormand, the infamous Parisian fortune-teller, has been given the impossible task: find the golem she’d conjured, and bring it back to the shadowy society of witches where it belongs. She must hold her tarot cards close to her chest to survive as the drums of war start to sound between England and her homeland. The entire fate of womankind rests upon her success. But for Mlle. Lenormand success is entirely dependent upon the quality of her repas. Suffice to say, the ship’s biscuit and salted pork is just not up to snuff.Napoleon Bonaparte curses the day he’d ever met that drat fortune-teller who stole his emerald. She had the gall to blame it all on a golem. Golem, indeed! There is no such thing! That slippery swindler Lenormand knew full well the emerald holds the only key to a peaceful world. “Find that woman and her accomplice,” he tells his minister of police. “I’ll hang them both by their fingernails until they give me what I want.”Elise Dubois, unwitting golem and 21st Century time-traveler, has one thing in mind: getting the heck out of the 19th Century and back to Tucson, Arizona. She clutches the emerald like it’s her only ticket, but so far it’s only dragged her into a marriage she doesn’t want and a nurse’s position with the British Army. She prays she’ll wake up from her nightmare before the war begins….…Okay, two. Elise has two things in mind: getting home, and Thomas, the sultry and sulking former barman of the Quiet Woman. But Thomas doesn’t count, does he?The Brazen Woman, Book Two of the Emerald Scarab Adventures, is a tale of hot pursuit on the high seas and passion on the battlefield. When magic and manipulation doesn’t help the situation, at least there’s rum and romance.

The Conjured Woman: A Novel (The Emerald Scarab Series #1)

by Anne Gross

In the early 19th Century, Adelaide Lenormand, a fortune teller popular with the Paris elite, conjures a golem for Napoleon Bonaparte during a dinner party. But something goes wrong. It looks nothing like the manservant she promised. Even worse, immediately after it arrives, the golem steals the Emperor’s Emerald Scarab from a chain around his neck and mysteriously disappears.Minutes later in London, Elise Dubois, an ER nurse from Tucson, is found sprawled in front of The Quiet Woman Public House. She’s wearing nothing but tattered shorts, a sports bra, and one pink running shoe. Gripped in her fist is an Egyptian jewel, the scarab.Now Bonaparte’s Minister of Police is breathing down Adelaide’s neck while her wealthy clients are abandoning her. The women of La Société d’Isis, so wickedly encouraging when she’d first launched her plot, remain silent to her pleas for help. Adelaide has no choice but to find the golem and restore her reputation.Troubled by nightmares of a wild-eyed French woman and worried she might be losing her mind, Elise tries to blend in at the pub. But blending in is not her forte. She knows the moment the opportunity arises she’ll stop at nothing to return to 21st Century Arizona, even if that means breaking the heart of the one man who understands her.The Conjured Woman is the first in the Emerald Scarab Adventure series aimed at lovers of hard-edged heroines. In a story of time travel, romance, and fortune, anything can happen.

Black Wolf (Forgotten Realms: Sembia #4)

by Dave Gross

The intrigue-filled Sembia series is designed for first-time readers of Forgotten Realms books. This fourth novel in the series continues the story of one of the characters introduced in The Halls of Stormweather, the anthology of short stories that serves as the introduction to the Sembia series.

Lord of Runes (Pathfinder Tales)

by Dave Gross

Count Varian Jeggare and his hellspawn bodyguard Radovan are no strangers to the occult. Yet when Varian is bequeathed a dangerous magical book by an old colleague, the infamous investigators find themselves on the trail of a necromancer bent on becoming the new avatar of a strange and sinister demigod-one of the legendary runelords. Along with a team of mercenaries and adventurers, the crime-solving duo will need to delve into a secret world of dark magic and the legacy of a lost empire. But in saving the world, will Varian and Radovan lose their souls?From bestselling author Dave Gross comes a fantastical tale of mystery, monsters, and mayhem in PATHFINDER TALES: LORD OF RUNES, set in the award-winning world of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

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