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Son of the Shadows

by Nancy Holder

Jean-Marc de Devereaux, son of the magical House of the Shadows and its most powerful mage, loses a part of himself when a demon ravages his soul. Though an intense union with Isabelle De Bouvard--a powerful mage--enables Jean-Marc to recover his soul, the union costs his forbidden lover her powers. And the powers of darkness still call out to him. If Jean-Marc heeds that call and kills Isabelle, the world will fall to the evil unleashed by their worst enemy--Isabelle's twin sister. Somehow Jean-Marc must learn to control his deadly impulses and restore Isabelle's memories. And the only way to do that might be impossible. For he must open himself to that most treacherous of all human emotions--love. . . .

Spying Eyes (Sabrina the Teenage Witch #14)

by Nancy Holder

Sabrina is psyched when her aunts tell her about the next witch holiday: the All-You-Can-Cast Day, when she can cast all the spells she wants without worrying about all the usual rules. The next morning, all the spells will reverse and the day will begin again, with the mortals none the wiser. Bored by studying for her witch's license, Sabrina enjoys the chance to let out all her magical impulses and meddle in her friends' lives with no bad side effects. After her refreshing day of freedom, Sabrina is ready for normal life again until she discovers that one of her spells survived the night...but which one? Meanwhile, a team of government scientists has descended on Westbridge, searching for signs of magic. Can Sabrina throw the men in black off the trail...before they spy her spell?

Up, up, and Away (Sabrina The Teenage Witch)

by Nancy Holder

Sabrina, Harvey, Valerie, and Libby have one week to redo their lame science project about space. But before they have a chance to begin, Sabrina finds a puzzle with a spell that transports them to Paris in 1783. Suddenly Sabrina and the three mortals find themselves captive in the barn of two crazy French hot-air balloon inventors. Enter the balloonist's niece -- and admirer of Harvey -- who helps the teens escape. Along the trail, they learn the ups and downs -- literally -- of the hot-air balloon and discover a link between their project and the magic puzzle. But then -- zap! A storm brews with the foursome on board. Will they solve the puzzle and make it back to Westbridge before lightning strikes?


by Nancy Holder Mahlon F. Craft

War. Rage. Magic. Love. In May 1756 war is formally declared between the British and the French. During this highly dangerous time, Isabella Sevens is travelling with her father to the British stronghold Fort William Henry. In the forest, Wusamequin, the young and handsome medicine man, looks to avenge the death of his wife and child at the hands of British soldiers. When Wusamequin spots Isabella and her father, he alerts his warriors to capture them. But Wusamequin is quite taken with how bravely Isabella battles. He orders the warriors to spare her and her tfather, and they are dragged back to their village. However, many members of the Mohican tribe still want them to be killed. In a desperate plea to Wusamequin, Isabella vows to stay as his hostage if he lets her father go.

Eight Spells A Week (Sabrina The Teenage Witch # #17)

by Nancy Holder Diana G. Gallagher Ray Garton Mel Odom Mark Dubowski Cathy East Dubowski David Weiss Bobbi Weiss

Poor Sabrina! She breaks a mirror and prepares herself for seven years of bad luck...until the Quizmaster tells her otherwise. Witches get seven days of bad luck-right now! "Well, how bad could that be?" Sabrina wonders. But soon Sabrina realizes this week, of all weeks, is not going to be what she expected. Something else is at work here...something bigger than herself, her family...and her magic! Eight short stories-a different disaster each day! -by bestselling Sabrina, the Teenage Witch authors.

Tales of the Slayer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer #1)

by Nancy Holder Christie Golden Mel Odom Greg Rucka Yvonne Navarro Doranna Durgin

Into every generation, a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world, to find the vampires where they gather, and to stop the spread of their evil and the swell of their numbers. In our time, that girl is Buffy Summers. But Buffy is merely one Slayer in an eternal continuum of warriors for the Powers That Be. We've known of others: The Primal Slayer, who stalked the earth and the forces of darkness in fierce solitude...Nikki, the funky hipster whose demise at Spike's hands lent an urban edge to his wardrobe and a bigger bounce to his swagger. Slayers by nature have a limited life expectancy; for each one who falls, another rises to take her place. Tales of the Slayer, Vol. 1, chronicles Slayers past who have influenced -- and are influenced by -- the traditions and mythologies of yore. From ancient Greece, to aristocratic Slayers holding court in revolution-era France, to the legend of the Bloody Countess Elizabeth Bathory, to 1920's Munich, each girl has a personal history, a shared moral code, and a commitment to conquer evil, regardless of the cost....

The Burning (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: The Unseen Trilogy #1)

by Nancy Holder Jeff Mariotte

It's summertime in Sunnydale, and Salma de la Navidad, a friend of Buffy's, needs help. She and her family immigrated to America, and now she fears her brother, in an attempt to gain social acceptance, has stumbled into supernatural gang warfare.

Long Way Home (Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: The Unseen Trilogy #3)

by Nancy Holder Jeff Mariotte

Buffy and Angel find themselves launched into a frightening reality where fierce dragons and other fairy-tale monstrosities rule supreme. Once they locate each other, they rally the missing teens -- including Salma -- and attempt to make their way through the inter-dimensional portal back to Sunnydale. Little do they know that two unlikely allies have also come through to alternity: Spike and the rogue Slayer, Faith, both with their own respective -- and complicated -- MOs. Back in L.A., gang violence and vigilantism are at a fever pitch. The Slayerettes -- now an extended unit -- are holding down the fort, awaiting Buffy and Angel's return. But Slayer and Vampire are feeling moral conflict that rivals the physical strain of demon-slaying: each wonders if a reality exists where their love could have survived. And when one of the duo's charges is suddenly killed, the portal to Sunnydale is sealed. Now, before they can worry about ridding their own universe of supernatural chaos, they've got to find a way to get back to it....


by Nancy Holder Debbie Vigui

The Cursed Ones have declared war on the world, and seventeen-year-old Jenn Leitner and the rest of the Salamancan vampire hunters are determined to protect humanity. But heated arguments threaten to fracture the group. As their leader, Jenn knows she needs to unify the team, but she's preoccupied with getting revenge on the vampire who converted her sister. With her beloved Antonio--a vampire who fights for their cause--doting over her bloodlusting sister, can Jenn find the inner strength to trust his faithfulness to her, and to the team? And most importantly, can she trust her own inner strength? In Damned, each Salamancan hunter will be challenged and each will face a devastating loss. It is always darkest before dawn....


by Nancy Holder Debbie Vigui

Holly Cathers's world shatters when her parents are killed in a terrible accident. Wrenched from her home in San Francisco, she is sent to Seattle to live with her relatives, Aunt Marie-Claire and her twin cousins, Amanda and Nicole. In her new home, Holly's sorrow and grief soon give way to bewilderment at the strange incidents going on around her. Such as how any wish she whispers to her cat seems to come true. Or the way a friend is injured after a freak attack from a vicious falcon. And there's the undeniable, magnetic attraction to a boy Holly barely knows. Holly, Amanda, and Nicole are about to be launced into a dark legacy of witches, secrets, and alliances, where ancient magics yield dangerous results. The girls will assume their roles in an intergenerational feud beyond their wildest imaginations...and in doing so, will attempt to fulfill their shared destiny.

Crusade (Crusade Ser. #Bk. 1)

by Nancy Holder Debbie Viguié

Vampires—the Cursed Ones—have declared war on humanity. Most people are too afraid or unwilling to take a stand, but eighteen-year-old Jenn Leitner trains to become a vampire hunter, risking everything in the process. When Jenn falls for Antonio, a vampire fighting on the side of humanity, she discovers a love that transcends attraction and physical consummation. But the closer Jenn and Antonio become, the greater the danger. Together, they must fight for their love—and to bring light into the darkness the vampires have drawn over the face of the planet.

Legacy and Spellbound (Wicked #3 and #4)

by Nancy Holder Debbie Viguié

Holly Cathers is not the same person she was almost a year and a half ago. After discovering her connection to an ancient legacy of witches, Holly has accepted her destiny as a descendant of the House of Cahors. She is determined to end an inter-generational feud that has plagued her family for centuries. Holly will have to overcome unworldly obstacles as she battles to protect her loved ones -- including Jer, a member of the rival House of Deveraux and her one true love. A war of magical proportions is being waged, and Holly is at the center of it all. Lives will be lost, and sacrifices will have to be made....

Resurrection (Wicked #5)

by Nancy Holder Debbie Viguié

WHAT THE CAHORS witches thought was the end of their troubles was only the beginning. A threat more powerful and more frightening than anything they have faced has been watching and waiting. The Cahors witches must come together and find Jer and Eli as both the Deveraux and the Cahors family lines face eradication.


by Nancy Holder Debbie Viguié

Following the "globetrotting supernatural adventure" (Publishers Weekly) of Damned, the riveting conclusion to the Crusade trilogy pushes the power of love to its limits.Hope is in short supply, but courage runs deep as the Salamancan hunters recover from a devastating loss. Jenn knows she must rally her team against the Cursed Ones, but her focus is shattered. She's torn between passion for Antonio, who once fought by her side, and hate for the bloodthirsty vampire he's become. His volatility is tearing apart their team...and Jenn's trust. As the Cursed Ones amass new strength, Team Salamanca must strike together if they hope to survive, let alone defend humanity. Jenn wants to believe Antonio's loyal to their cause--and their love--but she's slowly losing her heart to Resistance fighter Noah. And if Antonio's not careful, he may just end up with a stake in his. This gripping conclusion to an epic trilogy pairs steamy romance with heart-stopping action, and delivers an ending as dramatic as it is unexpected.

Wicked 2: Legacy & Spellbound

by Nancy Holder Debbie Viguié

Special edition includes the third and fourth books in this captivating series Holly Cathers is not the same person she was almost a year and a half ago. After discovering her connection to an ancient legacy of witches, Holly has accepted her destiny as a descendant of the House of Cahors. She is determined to end an intergenerational feud that has plagued her family for centuries. Holly will have to overcome unworldly obstacles as she battles to protect her loved ones -- including Jer, a member of the rival House of Deveraux and her one true love. A war of magical proportions is being waged, and Holly is at the center of it all. Lives will be lost, and sacrifices will have to be made....

Witch and Curse (Wicked #1 and #2)

by Nancy Holder Debbie Viguié

After her parents are killed, Holly Cathers is sent to live with her cousins, Amanda and Nicole. Soon the three girls embark into a dark legacy of witches, secrets, and alliances. The first two books in the popular "Witches" series are now together in a single volume.

Angel: City Of

by Nancy Holder Joss Whedon

To distance himself from Buffy and the pain of love that can never be, Angel has moved to Los Angeles, ready to take on all the evil the City of Angels can throw at him. Alongside him in the fight against darkness is an unlikely ally - Cordelia Chase.

Queen of the Slayers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)

by Nancy Holder Joss Whedon

No vacation. No benefits. And the only retirement is an early death. With the closing of the Hellmouth and the awakening of hundreds of potential slayers, Buffy Summers thought she had overturned the Slayer's self-sacrifice and earned herself a much-deserved break. But the thrill of victory is short-lived. The Forces of Darkness are not ones to graciously accept defeat, and the collective rage unites disparate and powerful parties more eager than ever to reclaim dominance. Willow's magickal distribution of the slayer essence left girls across the world discovering their latent power. Giles races to reorganize the now much-needed Watchers Council, and the Scoobies relocate to Europe. And there in Rome, Buffy is drawn to the Immortal -- a charismatic, if inscrutable, figure. But then comes word that a number of the fresh slayers are being coerced to join an army of slayers -- governed by the mysterious "Queen of the Slayers", an awesome evil determined to claim the intoxicating slayer essence for herself. Xander is sent to Africa to learn more about the origin of the slayer essence. Instead, he returns to report that, alarmingly, there's not enough good in the world to counteract the overabundance of evil, and that the deciding apocalypse is drawing much too near. Alliances are formed and loyalties betrayed as it comes down to slayer versus slayer, leading to an ultimate battle of champions -- from Buffy's past and present. And then an unimaginable gift arrives...

Ancient Echoes (Gateway Essentials #310)

by Robert Holdstock

Jack Chatwin has visions, which leave tangible evidence - sounds and smells, which linger afterwards. What he sees are two primitive figures, with painted faces - Greyface and Greenface, a brother and sister. He calls them bullrunners. John Garth is a city dowser, searching for the mythical pre-Roman city of Glanum. He hopes to find an entryway to the elusive city beneath Exburgh, Jack's home town. And he thinks Jack's bullrunners may be connected to Glanum . . . Years later, Jack, now grown up, agrees to take part in experiments to investigate his bullrunners - until Greyface, the male, breaks free of Jack and takes corporeal form. The bullrunner kidnaps Jack's young daughter so Jack will force Greenface to follow her brother-husband, even against her own wishes. Though Greyface returns the daughter, he keeps a shadow of her, which takes on a life of its own. If Jack refuses to co-operate, the shadow will drain his daughter's vitality and personality - and her very future.The story of Jack's search for Greenface is interwoven with the connections between the bullrunners and the mystical city of Glanum in this resonant tale of ancient mythic wonder.


by Robert Holdstock

The triumphant return to the world of MYTHAGO WOOD, one of the greatest fantasy novels of the twentieth centuryAt the heart of Ryhope Wood, Steven and the mythago Guiwenneth live in the ruins of a Roman villa close to a haunted fortress from the Iron Age, from which Guiwenneth's myth arose. She is comfortable here, almost tied to the place, and Steven has long since abandoned all thought of returning to his own world. They have animals, protection and crops.They also have two children, a combination of human and mythago. Jack is like his father, an active boy keen to know all about `the outer world'; Yssobel takes after her mother, even to her long auburn hair.But this idyll cannot last. The hunters who protected Guiwenneth as a child have come to warn her she is in danger. Yssobel is dreaming increasingly of her Uncle Christian, Steven's brother, who disappeared into Lavondyss, and Jack wants to see 'the outer world' more than anything. Events are about to overtake them.

Berserker SF Gateway Omnibus: The Shadow of the Wolf, The Bull Chief, The Horned Warrior

by Robert Holdstock

From the vaults of the SF Gateway, the most comprehensive digital library of classic SFF titles ever assembled, comes this republication of a trilogy of early, pseudonymous adventure tales by Robert Holdstock, WORLD FANTASY AWARD-winning author of MYTHAGO WOOD.The Berserker books are raw, primeval stories of a young Norse warrior, cursed by the gods to a life of savage warfare. Possessed by an animal, ferocious rage - implacable, invincible - Harald Swiftaxe fights his way across the Celtic world in search of release from his curse and, finally, peace. The Berserker omnibus contains SHADOW OF THE WOLF, THE BULL CHIEF and THE HORNED WARRIOR.

The Bone Forest (Gateway Essentials #290)

by Robert Holdstock

Wondrous beings inhabit these woods - creatures born of mythic fable and the mortal subconscious: a snow woman beckons; a scientist succumbs to an age-old madness, tale-tellers weave extraordinary yarns of terrifying primal power. Explore a dark and secret place where daemons roam, where conjurers work their awesome pagan magic in eight stunning short stories of exhilarating imagination by the acclaimed author of Lavondyss and the World Fantasy Award-winning classic Mythago Wood.

The Broken Kings: Book 3 of the Merlin Codex (MERLIN CODEX #3)

by Robert Holdstock

The hill below the fortress of Taurovinda, stronghold of Urtha, High King of the Cornovidi, is coming alive: the Otherworldly realm of the Shadows of Heroes are claiming the land as their own. But this time their actions are driven by a force that is darker and older than even the oldest among the ghosts. Who or what is raising the Dead? Merlin, a temporary resident in the fortress, must answer that question if this time of kings and lovers is to be saved. Jason's wonderful ship, Argo, has returned, drawn back by her own guilty past, and a dreadful secret that she will reveal only to Merlin. Argo holds the key to the mystery. And Niiv, the bewitching, beautiful Northlands enchantress, is working her way even closer into Merlin's charms.This is a journey that will take Merlin back in history, and to a fabled island of legend. Love is in the air. But at a price.

The Bull Chief (Berserker)

by Robert Holdstock

In the Celtic tribal lands of Connacht, he came of age among the Druids and headhunters and the ghosts of the great Bronze Age people of Danann.He fought his savage, bloodthirsty way to the west, as a naked warrior who had rejected the tribal laws. And there Arthur, Warlord of the Britons, came to find him, to exploit his skill and invulnerability in the war against the Saxons.Yet Swiftaxe, the Berserker, wanted one thing only; to break the curse that condemned him to his life of frenzied violence and bloodlust.But until the might of the Saxons was destroyed, he would never be free . . .

Celtika: Book 1 of the Merlin Codex (MERLIN CODEX)

by Robert Holdstock

Merlin is almost young, and immortal, one of those born to walk the paths of the world, a man with charm carved into his bones, and enchantment running through his body thicker than blood . . .And this is a time of heroes, centuries before King Arthur is born, men and women who, though not gods themselves, are something more than mere mortals. For decades, Jason has been immured in his ship Argo in a lake in the far north, alive, but not, still traumatised by the murder of his sons by his enchantress wife Medea . . . until Merlin sees through the veil of enchantment and realises the boys were never killed; it was all a trick.Through the mists-shrouded isle of Alba to Greek Land, Merlin leads Jason and his Argonauts, some old, some new, on a quest to find the boys, journey filled with heroism and heartbreak, truth and treachery.

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