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Showing 33,676 through 33,700 of 79,586 results

Una detective magica (Magiche avventure di Arina #2)

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Leggete la prosecuzione del libro “La Bestia senza nessuna Bella". Le avventure magiche di Arina Solovyova continuano! Nel mondo magico di Miranda la quiete non è durata a lungo. Per colpa di un misterioso Bianconiglio è stato smarrito un cristallo magico di luce lunare, un artefatto che, di proprietà di re Oberon, esaudisce i desideri. Se qualche avido abitante del mondo magico se ne appropriasse potrebbero accadere molte disgrazie. Nel frattempo Miranda ha lasciato il suo lavoro di fata madrina e si è trasferita al Settore Ricerca Artefatti Magici. La maga è intenzionata a ritrovare il cristallo perduto, assieme alla sua assistente Arina Solovyova e al suo gattino magico Bertrand. Per riuscirci, tutti e tre si trasferiscono in un mondo molto simile all’Inghilterra dell’epoca vittoriana e finiscono nella città di Londinium. È là che devono aprire un’agenzia di investigazioni, risolvere il mistero del cane Baskerville e incontrare di nuovo il misterioso Bianconiglio. Come andrà a finire?...

La Detective Mágica

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Lea la continuación del cuento “La Bestia y sin Bella”: ¡Las aventuras mágicas de Arina Soloviova continúan!... La paz en el mundo mágico de Miranda reinó poco. Por culpa del misterioso Conejo Blanco, se pierde el cristal mágico de luz de luna. Es un objeto del rey Oberón, que hace cumplir cualquier deseo y si cae en las manos de un codicioso habitante del mundo mágico entonces ocurrirán muchas desgracias… Miranda, por su parte, había dejado su labor como hada madrina y se puso a trabajar en el Departamento de Objetos mágicos perdidos. La hechicera tiene la intención de encontrar el cristal perdido junto con su asistente Arina Soloviova y su gato mágico Bertrand. En este sentido, se trasladan a un mundo semejante al de la Inglaterra victoriana y llegan a la ciudad de Londinium. Allí abrirán una agencia de detectives, para resolver el secreto del perro de Baskerville y de nuevo toparse con el Conejo Blanco misterioso. ¿Dónde terminará esto?

The Druid's Prophecy (Avana #1)

by Annie Lavigne

✤ An incredible fantasy saga which takes the reader back two thousand years, to Ireland and Scotland where Celtic gods and magic still existed… ✤ A child of the Tuatha de Danann, the gods of the Land of Erin, is born into the kingdom of men. Half-goddess, half-mortal, Avana is the key to the gateway of the Shadows, and the Great Lord Zha’hor will hunt her for her blood. As a teenager, unaware of the secret of her birth and disappointed that she is refused training to become a druid, she runs away to Scotti. Destiny sends her to an instructress who is prepared to share the secrets of the Ancient Faith with her. In a fortress filled with spirited boys training to become warriors, the young Ulaid girl meets Valmir, a Connaughta and an enemy of her people, who will set her heart racing… As daughter of Lug, god of the Light, but also of the wicked Ess Enchenn, Avana must face her own Darkness. Rejected by her people for having tried to rescue her mother, will the child of the Light be able to resist the call of the Shadows? Meanwhile, a druid called Emroth, heartbroken at the departure of the one he loves, goes away to the Isle of Man to learn the secrets of elemental magic. Together with the mages, he will put his body and soul to the test in a quest to find the four elements which, when joined in a circle, will be the only hope for the people of the land of Erin if they are to survive the invasion of the Shadows. Let yourself be carried away by this Celtic saga in the form of a rite-of-passage novel where the characters must master their Darkness and find the Light within themselves. The author takes the reader into a fantasy world of light and shadows which reflects real human life where nothing is ever black and white, but rather a particular shade of grey. Women will easily identify with Avana, who may have lived two thousand years ago, but whose heart is filled with the same aspirations of any woman today:

Magical Detective

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Continue reading the sequel of “The Beast and no one Beauty” book. Magical adventures of Arina Soloviyeva continue! Peace in magical world of Miranda reigned not for long. Due to the guilt of White Rabbit, magical crystal of the moonlight – artifact of Oberon King, which fulfill wishes, disappeared. If someone greedy would have taken it, a lot of misfortune around would have occurred. Miranda, meanwhile, left the service of the fairy and was employed into the department on the search of magical artifacts. The sorceress is determined to find lost crystal, with her helper Arina and her magical cat Bertrane. With this purpose, they move d to the world, which was like Victorian England, and found themselves in the city Londinium. There they will open detective agency, guess the secret of Baskerville dog and meet enigmatic White Rabbit. How all this will end?

Viagem pelo Ventre Humano: Conto filosófico

by Patrick Loiseau

Às vezes, na busca por um título, uma luta silenciosa e oportuna entre a bússola e o sonho ... A bússola indica o norte da jornada a ser realizada enquanto o sonho se empenha em colocar paus (salutares) no rodas. Claro que para o bem maior da descoberta, o inesperado e alguma revelação ...   Nosso herói, embora bastante comum, experimentou essa jornada iniciática. Ele tomou o caminho de crianças em idade escolar, em busca de algum tipo de guru quimérico, e então ele fez vários encontros, alguns mais ricos que outros.   Mas sua jornada tem esse particular que não acontece na lua, em uma ilha misteriosa, em um balão flutuando à mercê do mundo ou mesmo no centro da terra ... Não! Esta viagem terá lugar no estômago humano, o estômago humano que afirmam conhecer tão bem, mas ainda tão estranho para nós mesmos, lugar paradoxal onde os seres discretos espreitam para operar as polias de nossos disfarces ontológicas ....  

La Corona del Potere

by Olga Kryuchkova

Il principe Čech e la sua numerosa tribù lasciano il proprio insediamento alla ricerca di una nuova patria. La capitale del nuovo principato, chiamato Čechia, diventa Říp. Da Říp, Čech governa le proprie terre e decide le sorti dei propri sudditi. Il giovane Krok e la sua famiglia decidono di lasciare Říp e di stabilirsi nelle terre ancora libere. Trovano il posto ideale vicino ad un ruscello. Un bel giorno il giovane Krok incontra nel bosco la bellissima Medulina, ma non sospetta che lei sia uno spirito del bosco.Tra Krok e Medulina scoppia l'amore. I genitori di Medulina, il dio del bosco Bor e la dea della generazione Didiliya, benedicono il loro matrimonio. La giovane famiglia darà alla luce tre figlie: Kazi, Teta e Libuše. Medulina già conosce il destino delle sue figlie. Tuttavia non è in grado di cambiare i loro destini, in quanto i fili epocali sono intrecciati dalle divine sorelle del Destino, le Sudenitsi. Nel frattempo Krok diventa voivoda di Budeč. Nei boschi appare il principe straniero Ladvik con il suo popolo, costretto a scappare dalle proprie terre natali prese d'assalto dai Sassoni. Ladvik è forte, furbo e adora il dio Velez. Velez favorisce in ogni modo possibile il suo fedele ammiratore. Ladvik e i suoi guerrieri devastano le terre di confine Čeche e lucane. Krok stringe un'alleanza bellica con il principe lucano Radoslav per contrastare il principe Ladvik. Gli alleati riescono a tenergli testa grazie agli sforzi congiunti. Ladvik subisce una pesante sconfitta e scappa nel cuore della foresta, per servire, sotto forma d'orso, lo stesso Velez.Tuttavia Velez non è contento che Krok e Radoslav si siano intromessi nei suoi piani. Velez cova la vendetta e trova un alleato in Chernobog. Medulina cerca di proteggere la famiglia dall'ira di Velez e salva il marito da morte certa. Bor e Didilya, unendo le forze, resistono ai sofisticati incantesimi di Velez e Chernobog, che si ritirano per un po'. Tuttavia Velez i

The Beast and Not a Single Beauty

by Olga Kryuchkova Elena Kryuchkova

Arina Solovyova is apparated to the wizardly world and meets fairy Miranda there. Miranda is trying to remove spells from her godson Henry (his face is disfigured by evil charms). Only the kiss of true love can remove the spell from the prince. Miranda and Arina organize together the marriage agency “Weddings and Roses” and advertise it via magic mirrors. Not only princesses of various origin rush to the agency, but swindlers, too. Work in the marriage agency is in full swing. At this point, Miranda’s magical license, allowing her to exercise magic, expires. The fairy tries to get money and decides to commit an unforgivable undertaking, as a result of which the royal ruby comes into the hands of zwergs (mountain dwarves-jewellers). Zwergs use it to ornate the necklace of the Goddess Freyja. King Richard, the father of Prince Henry, is extremely dissatisfied with the actions of Miranda. However, he helps her to renew the license. And he also asks the fairy to find him a decent wife. Fairy Chloe arrives in the castle as a contender for the king's heart. Soon, it turns out that it was she who cast a spell on Prince Henry in a fit of anger sixteen years ago…

Vicious Circle

by Elle E. Ire

Assassin meets innocent. Kicked out of the Assassins Guild for breach of contract, hunted by its members for killing the Guild Leader, and half hooked on illegal narcotics, Cor Sandros could use a break. Down to her last few credits, Cor is offered a freelance job to eliminate a perverse political powerhouse. Always a sucker for helping the helpless, she accepts. The plan doesn’t include Cor falling in love with her employer, sweet and attractive Kila, but as the pair struggles to reach the target’s home world, pursued by assassins from the Guild, Cor finds the inexplicable attraction growing stronger. There’s a job to do, and intimate involvement is an unwelcome distraction. Then again, so is sexual frustration.

Prince's Multifaceted Wife: Volume 4 (Volume 4 #4)

by Mu Yao

Three friends together through the ancient times the use of their own expertise justice for the people in order to solve the case first see dragon proud day ice hostage him threat him make dragon proud heart tied in her since then two people because of all sorts of case entangle together cut ceaseless reason is not clear

Rebirth of Old Leftover Lady: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Mo Xiang

Left female ye you of 30 years old a wake up back and forth to the rainy season of 18 years old may be god pity him let her rebirth back to the age of 18 years old with the advantage of predicting the future and the seventh sense ye you swear she will not live a life like the previous life she wants to change with the help of these abilities she reaped the affection she did not have in her previous life recovered the friendship forgotten by time and got the love that belongs to her

Graceful Divine Doctor: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Dan Yun

Le zi xi fell to the age of overhead song and wei dynasties p p when the song and the state of wei and hu battle the soldiers see le zi xi dress up differently le zi xi just caught the sword wound three princes yao yu account after some interrogation yao gave for le zi xi is a spy in the state of hu ready to treat her as a prisoner p p le zi xi with the help of their own experience to see yao in the sword toxic he proposed to help him cure yao yu in the comparison of li too doctor and le zi xi s opinion decided to leave le zi xi for him and the same soldiers in the arrow treatment p p arrow poison digestion le zi xi was left in prison camp fear the two states fought and song and wei triumphed p p back to the city yao and li too doctor to discuss the fate of le zi xi

Reincarnation for A Hundred Times: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Ze Wei

p p unit wang s door more than 100 private subordinates were killed by strangers for no reason is when the clouds there will be a ghost refining president masked man wei willing to use his technology will collect the dead body after practice as their own powerful puppet team and finally complete their final plan let his son very don t win in the process of molesting a woman lost his own life from now on let the unit wang more determined to follow the treasure wei stem of confidence the destroy world demon head xiao ba of the alien world also by the saint gu of the day of long dozen disappear escape and do not have a trace even this thing also specially let the true practitioners of the true world in order to sheng gu specially held a feast for her

Peerless Medical Consort: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Liu Li

Su xiaoyue a former life is a doctor in puzzling circumstances through the ancient times at that time she had been granted marriage by the emperor and she had a modern mind that did not accept this arrangement and the emperor luo xuan that betrothed with her is in get along with her be attracted by xiaoyue forthright disposition and not artificial deeply gradually fell in love with this special woman what kind of sacrifice will su xiaoyue make for the love between two people what would happen differently between them

Back to Ancient Times to Be Overlord: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Gu Shenghui

He ye dong in the modern comfortable comfortable comfortable day but somehow by what future or the past of their own to drag to a called big dream do not know is empty or history of the country to clean up the mess although have lovely wife beauty as soon as possible good farmland 100 mu high official is in wait for him but come from time to time assassinate from time to time the mysterious organization that come out still have from time to time the incident that appear is thrilling and soul-stirring let him have no way to be at peace at all when a bully is good afraid evil kyoto small overlord he s just protecting what he wants to protect and he really doesn t care about the town general and the marshal and all that but fate doesn t seem to allow him to say no

Revenger in Troubled Times: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Hua Xiuxie

She s guwanxiang she s gonna take back everything she s supposed to have even if it means becoming a demon so what what does it matter well even rabbits have teeth for eating cannibals what she wanted was not to be bullied her enemies she would go by herself one knife at a time to destroy even if it s death so what she s already been dead once dressed in red she became a ghost she vowed to blade the enemy

Be the Empress: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Qiang Fei

She used to be a fezzuci daughter of the state of wei with an enviable background and the enviable marriage of the son of the prime minister of the state of wei but she met blue prince this one let her ruin a life of man when she was reborn in the fire she became the long princess of the western country although she grew up in the mountains she was still unable to escape the whirlpool of power plot and was once again involved in the historical trend of the previous life once again see the enemy this time she want is to get back all she deserved but when she once again hands stained with blood by the people of the world in the name of the devil to kill the white shadow of the scoundrel as at the beginning will be waiting for her behind her please her favor

Ten Thousands of Swords Flies: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Heng Men

Obsessed with the sword die of sword rebirth vision i will use my sword to protect the person i love i will use my sword to clear all the obstacles in front of him no matter the front has any trouble my sword is my road persistent he walk on the path of the sword regardless of the hardships and difficulties swords broken things when the dark knight i again not afraid earth i use my blood go my kendo unify swords my heart is for honour

My Evil Sword: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Tang Xiao

Chen shixie as the most powerful person in the country threatens the existence of foreign countries when doing a task because he was besieged by foreign powers the last chen shixie could not only kill a few people desperately but finally he was swept down to the other world by the turbulence of space arrival of different world the evil chen found herself is the son of a general but this has been a general court of people crowding out finally there is no way to the evil father chen chen can only stopgap came to a remote place when the lords and the evil because of their similar chen in this a place to set up a world of city the city of peace

Return to the Prince's Mansion: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Shang ShangSang

Her good friend zhen xiuli was cross wind language concubine hua crescent cruel murder that she is very sad and indignant she felt that the chinese crescent death but the words of the cross wind more death but before she could get her revenge she was killed fortunately god has eyes let her die and later life let her have the opportunity to revenge she came to the palace to avenge but to him this culprit repeatedly put water he foppish unruly but take her helpless simply sullied the name of the court king she is still affectionate to him but he is still heartless attract bees and butterflies she should choose between hatred and love

World-fearing Power: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Xuan Mo

She s just been through it why throw all kinds of intrigue at her why are so many people trying to kill her all she wanted was to be free in ancient times but the side of the plot and trick is a dispute constantly the side of a man more than a hateful the waste wood lord to give up for her but finally is a use the general of the country wanted to give up everything for her but it turned out to be a great responsibility finally came a normal but her heart can not tolerate think she also is the ancient and puzzled female with billions of money in modern times why should with lead so tangled but she wants to tell them the woman also can self-improvement

Years in Mansion: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Yi YanHong

For many days i have been suffering so much that i couldn t help giving up my life open your eyes only to find it is a rebirth when rebirth does not change anything it is still the environment of growth the same rhythm in that case we can t just sit there more to live out a pattern to fresh the warlike factor that hides in the blood be excited so easily rise also give a lot of life and death to depend on the person of a lot of accident however and know originally destiny has different way she what kind of life style will choose to come again to face at the outset cruel treat oneself of all this is like a dream of the red house like autumn years with the river of time more and more far away

Blood Sword Dao: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Lan Yan

Death comes unexpectedly rebirth we are grateful in previous lives he had billions of dollars out of thin air reborn into the folk but frail death even regret also went alive alive who s stopping me the sword without the sword grasp no word secret book the front is brilliant or grave is the road or fog the continent countless years who will break the drowsily quiet who will guide the awakening of the ancient bloodline lian demon pet seance beast capture divine army hold demon implement god block kill god buddha block kill buddha two people different world for the king my life by i not the day to absolutely me i slanted against the day to change life see ling feng reborn strange world continent change the world

Interstellar Dreams: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Fang Wei

Fei yi once the king of the mercenaries even in the whole galaxy is also very famous but everybody did not anticipate fei yi can have so strong power not only because of his outstanding physical quality but also because he that had been hidden spirit it is with this spirit of terror he don t know how to cut to kill all the way of powerful masters and with the title of the king of this recruit mercenaries gradually began to spread throughout the galaxy just in the course of a mission fei yi is wanted for saint area federal fei yi to get a blessing had to go to the purple rose mercenary group for protection and in this process fei yi had to follow the colonel of the field step by step closer to aeris where there are many government troops in need of help and they set out without fear

Flame Blade Emperor: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Dao Dao

Each person on fireworks continent is born with a kind of ability according to ability different can be divided into 18 occupations but among them dao shi shi is the most common other occupation is extremely rare its outstanding is even rarer but zeri eventually became -- dao huang

Rebirth: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Lin Xiaozhai

Even on this small qian is murongwenhao loving wife but for even small qian murongwenhao including his parents can t stand even small qian s children are not willing to close to her the result is small three killed even small qian after the afterlife to lanxin lanxin willing to put his body to even small qian possession condition is even small qian and with cloud also good care of their parents and lived together for ten years when ten years more and more close to the covenant of lanxin found himself is not willing to give up their children murongwenhao also found lanxin like dead even small qian describe two world will be solved in this life in the end even xiaoqian is also how to choose blue jasmine

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