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Más allá de las sombras (El Ángel de la Noche #Volumen 3)

by Brent Weeks

El asesino perfecto no tiene conciencia, sino una misión... Llega el desenlace de la trilogía épica «El Ángel de la Noche». El opresor ha muerto y su ejército ha sido vencido. La rebelión del pueblo de Cenaria ha triunfado, pero a un elevado coste. El país está en ruinas, y los supervivientes apenas podrían defenderlo. El hambre y la desesperación se adueñan del reino. Para evitar que estalle una guerra civil, Logan, el legítimo heredero, cede el trono a una de las nobles que encabezó la causa rebelde. Mientras, en el norte, se alza un nuevo rey dios. Su plan es una auténtica locura, aunque si logra sacarlo adelante nadie podrá pararle los pies jamás. Kylar ha de prepararse ante la contienda definitiva. Para salvar a sus amigos (e incluso a sus enemigos) deberá realizar lo imposible: asesinar a una diosa. Si fracasa, condenará a medio continente. Si triunfa, tal vez podría perder lo único por lo que le merecía la pena vivir. Es la última jugada. La partida está a punto de acabar. «Era el Ángel de la Noche, quizá el único hombre en el mundo al que deberíais temer.» Reseña:«Una de las más gratas sorpresas en lo que va de año. Un libro increíble.»Khardan, blog Un hacedor en el desierto

Al filo de las sombras (El Ángel de la Noche #Volumen 2)

by Brent Weeks

El asesino perfecto no tiene un nombre, sino mil rostros... La segunda parte de «El Ángel de la Noche», la trilogía de fantasía épica que dio a conocer a un nuevo autor del género, Brent Weeks. La partida ha empezado. Todas las piezas han tomado posiciones e inician sus movimientos. Todas menos una. Tras la muerte de Durzo Blint, su maestro, y de Logan, su mejor amigo y el legítimo heredero al trono, Kylar Stern siente que ya nada le ata a Cenaria, un país sometido a los caprichos del invasor: el rey dios Garoth Ursuul. Mientras los incendios y el pillaje se adueñan de la metrópoli, mientras miles de refugiados emprenden la huida y los resistentes se disponen a luchar, Kylar decide renunciar a su antigua vida. Sin embargo, la noticia de que Logan está vivo, oculto en la peor de las prisiones, coloca a Kylar en una difícil encrucijada: su talento como asesino podría salvar a un amigo y a un país, pero... ¿a qué precio? «Diles que el Ángel de la Noche camina. Diles que la Justicia ha llegado.» Reseña:«Al filo de las sombras no te dejará descansar ni un momento. Si te apetece quedarte despierto hasta más tarde que nunca devorando un gran relato de asesinos, Al filo de las sombras te encantará. Sin duda, recomendado.»Only the Best Sci-fi

Lores y damas: Una Novela Del Mundodisco (Mundodisco #Volumen 14)

by Terry Pratchett

Bienvenido a una nueva entrega del Mundodisco: una parodia, una novela sobre el amor y algunas actividades asociadas... Acomódate y disfruta. Mucha suerte. El Mundodisco es un planeta como otro cualquiera, solo que diferente. Es plano y se sujeta sobre cuatro elefantes que a su vez se sostienen sobre el caparazón de Gran A'Tuin, la tortuga más grande que jamás hayas visto. Ahora las hadas han vuelto. Yaya Ceravieja y su pequeño aquelarre se enfrentan a elfos de verdad. Con un acompañamiento completo de enanos, hechiceros, trolls y un orangután. Y montones de canciones y sangre por todas partes. Es la Noche de Verano. No es tiempo de soñar... Reseñas:«Una mezcla de la atmósfera épica de El Señor de los Anillos y el humor absurdo de Monty Python.»Quimera «Si no está familiarizado con la inigualable mezcla de malabarismos filosóficos y humor enloquecido que practica Pratchett, ahora tiene ocasión de ensanchar sus horizontes mentales.»Financial Times

Regimiento Monstruoso (Mundodisco #Volumen 31)

by Terry Pratchett

En Regimiento Monstruoso, una novela independiente pero que se sitúa en la trigésimo primera posición en la serie del «Mundodisco», se narra una de las historias de guerra más pacifistas (y divertidas) que se han escrito. Pequeño y montañoso, Borogravia está regido por una duquesa a quien nadie ha visto en décadas y por los rígidos preceptos del dios Nuggan, para quien todo es una Abominación (los estados vecinos son una Abominación, que las mujeres sepan escribir es una Abominación, como también lo son el ajo, los pelirrojos o el color azul celeste). Además, Borogravia está en guerra desde tiempos inmemoriales. Apenas quedan jóvenes que reclutar y, aprovechando la situación de emergencia nacional, Polly decide alistarse para buscar a su hermano Paul, desaparecido en combate. Para ello deberá cometer una Abominación blasfema: disfrazarse de hombre. Cortarse el pelo y llevar pantalones será fácil. Dominar el artede escupir, eructar, soltar tacos y andar con las piernas separadas y cierta chulería requerirá algo más de tiempo y un par de calcetines. Pronto, Polly y los otros reclutas se verán, sin apenas entrenamiento, adentrándose en territorio enemigo. Suerte que cuentan con el sargento más artero de todo el ejército, un vampiro adicto a la cafeína, el bueno, el Secreto y todas las artimañas del Regimiento Monstruoso. Reseña:«Con cada libro de la serie de "Mundodisco" que ve la luz, crece la maestría del autor Terry Pratchett. Un creador firmemente comprometido con la readiografía certera de nuestro mundo a través de un prisma repleto de humor y fantasía.»Qué leer

La misión del embajador (La espía traidora #Volumen 1)

by Trudi Canavan

La primera entrega de la apasionante trilogía que retoma las aventuras de Sonea dos décadas después de Crónicas del mago negro, la saga con la que Canavan ha cautivado a cientos de miles de lectores en todo el mundo. Como hijo del difunto Gran Lord Akkarin, salvador de la ciudad, y de Sonea, célebre maga negra de orígenes humildes, Lorkin quiere estar a la altura de este legado de heroísmo y aventuras y dejar su huella en el mundo. Por eso se presenta voluntario para asistir a Dannyl en su nuevo cargo de embajador del Gremio en Sachaka, un país que sigue gobernado por crueles magos negros. Cuando llega la noticia de que Lorkin ha desaparecido, Sonea está ansiosa por salir en su búsqueda, pero sabe que abandonar la ciudad le costaría el destierro de por vida. Además, su amigo Cery necesita ayuda. Casi todos los miembros de su familia han sido víctimas de asesinatos, los últimos de una oleada de muertes que asola a los líderesde los Ladrones. Y pronto Cery descubre indicios de que el misterioso Cazaladrones recurre a la magia... Tal vez un miembro del Gremio obedece a un impulso justiciero para eliminar a los Ladrones uno por uno, o tal vez vuelve a merodear un renegado por las calles de Imardin. Pero esta vez posee un control absoluto sobre sus poderes mágicos... y está dispuesto a usarlos para matar. Reseña:«Su lectura es totalmente adictiva.»Book Eater

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Big Bad Wolf #4)

by Charlie Adhara

Agent Cooper Dayton and his partner, Oliver Park, are going undercover—at a retreat for couples who need counseling. They do say the best cover story is one that’s close to the truth…Agent Cooper Dayton is almost relieved to get a phone call from his former boss at the Bureau of Special Investigations. It means a temporary reprieve from tensions created by house hunting with Oliver Park, his partner both in work and in life. Living together in a forever home is exactly what Cooper wants. He’s just not keen on working out the details.With a former alpha werewolf missing, Cooper and Park are loaned to the BSI to conduct the search at a secluded mountain retreat. The agents will travel to the resort undercover…as a couple in need of counseling.The resort is picturesque, the grounds are stunning and the staff members are all suspicious as hell.With a long list of suspects and danger lurking around every cabin, Cooper should be focusing on the case. But he’s always been anxious about the power dynamics in his relationship with Park, and participating in the couples’ activities at the retreat brings it all to the surface. A storm is brewing, though, and Cooper and Park must rush to solve the case before the weather turns. Or before any more guests—or the agents themselves—end up dead.Follow Agents Dayton and Park’s romance from the beginning. Read the first book in the Big Bad Wolf series, The Wolf at the Door, available now from Carina Press!This book is approximately 84,000 wordsOne-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you’re looking for with an HEA/HFN. It’s a promise! Publishing 2020 Debut Sampler

by Nino Cipri Kathleen Jennings K.M. Szpara Nghi Vo Publishing is proud to present a sneak peak of its 2020 debut authors.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Sensational (Spectacle #2)

by Jodie Lynn Zdrok

Eighteen-year-old Nathalie Baudin, ever-curious reporter at the Paris morgue, is no stranger to death—even discounting the supernatural visions that give her disturbing glimpses into the minds of killers. Paris, 1889.When the Exposition Universelle opens in Paris, Nathalie welcomes a much-needed break from the heartache of her friend's murder. The fair is full of sensational innovations, cultural displays, and marvelous inventions from around the world.But someone is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the guillotine with a gruesome display of their own: beheaded victims in some of the Exposition’s most popular exhibits.Haunted by the past and burdened with new secrets, Nathalie struggles to use her wits and her gift. Yet she and her friends must stop the killer before the macabre display features one of them...At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Black Leviathan

by Bernd Perplies

Melville’s Moby Dick unfolds in a world of dragon hunters in Black Leviathan, an epic revenge fantasy from German award-winning author Bernd Perplies.Beware! A shadow will cover you, larger than that cast by any other dragon of this world. Black as the lightless chasm from whence it was born at the beginning of time.In the coastal city Skargakar, residents make a living from hunting dragons and use them for everything from clothing to food, while airborne ships hunt them in the white expanse of a cloud sea, the Cloudmere.Lian does his part carving the kyrillian crystals that power the ships through the Cloudmere, but when he makes an enemy of a dangerous man, Lian ships out on the next vessel available as a drachenjager, or dragon hunter.He chooses the wrong ship. A fanatic captain, hunts more than just any dragon. His goal is the Firstborn Gargantuan—and Adaron is prepared to sacrifice everything for revenge.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Glitch Kingdom

by Sheena Boekweg

The teenage daughter of an executioner and the traitorous prince she can’t kill must reluctantly join forces to dethrone a paranoid queen after discovering they are trapped in a video game in Sheena Boekweg's fast-paced YA debut, Glitch Kingdom...Ryo was the golden boy, the prankster prince, but with one stroke of a pen he has lost everything. Dagney and Grigfen were happy as minor members of the court, but when their father, the king's executioner, is branded a traitor, they each must deal in death in order to survive.. McKenna, queen of the enemy realm, has inherited a mission of conquest by assassination, but worries she's not up to the role. But behind the crowns and masks hides a secret… All of these teens are actually players in the newest, shiniest, most immersive virtual reality video game, competing against each other for a highly coveted internship with a prestigious game developer. But now this life-changing opportunity has suddenly become a deadly trap. A glitch in the software has locked the players inside the game, and they’ll need to escape before the fantasy world corrupts around them. The only way out is to win.

In the Shadow of the Sun

by EM Castellan

EM Castellan's In the Shadow of the Sun is a sumptuous YA fantasy/romance novel set in 17th century Versailles.It’s 1661 in Paris, and magicians thrill nobles with enchanting illusions. Exiled in France, 17-year-old Henriette of England wishes she could use her magic to gain entry at court. Instead, her plan is to hide her magical talents, and accept an arranged marriage to the French king’s younger brother. Henriette soon realizes her fiancé prefers the company of young men to hers, and court magicians turn up killed by a mysterious sorcerer who uses forbidden magic. When an accident forces Henriette to reveal her uniquely powerful gift for enchantments to Louis, he asks for her help: she alone can defeat the dark magician threatening his authority and aid his own plans to build the new, enchanted seat of his power--the Palace of Versailles.

Upright Women Wanted

by Sarah Gailey

In Upright Women Wanted, award-winning author Sarah Gailey reinvents the pulp Western with an explicitly antifascist, near-future story of queer identity.“That girl’s got more wrong notions than a barn owl’s got mean looks.”Esther is a stowaway. She’s hidden herself away in the Librarian’s book wagon in an attempt to escape the marriage her father has arranged for her—a marriage to the man who was previously engaged to her best friend. Her best friend who she was in love with. Her best friend who was just executed for possession of resistance propaganda. The future American Southwest is full of bandits, fascists, and queer librarian spies on horseback trying to do the right thing.Praise for Upright Women Wanted"A good old-fashioned horse opera for the 22nd century. Gunslinger librarians of the apocalypse are on a mission to spread public health, decency, and the revolution."—Charles Stross "A dazzling neo-western adventure. . . . Gailey’s gorgeous writing and authentic characters make this slim volume a pure delight."—Publishers Weekly, starred reviewAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.


by Nino Cipri

“A magical anti-capitalist adventure.” —Annalee NewitzNino Cipri's Finna is a rambunctious, touching story that blends all the horrors the multiverse has to offer with the everyday awfulness of low-wage work. It explores queer relationships and queer feelings, capitalism and accountability, labor and love, all with a bouncing sense of humor and a commitment to the strange.When an elderly customer at a Swedish big box furniture store — but not that one — slips through a portal to another dimension, it’s up to two minimum-wage employees to track her across the multiverse and protect their company’s bottom line. Multi-dimensional swashbuckling would be hard enough, but those two unfortunate souls broke up a week ago.To find the missing granny, Ava and Jules will brave carnivorous furniture, swarms of identical furniture spokespeople, and the deep resentment simmering between them. Can friendship blossom from the ashes of their relationship? In infinite dimensions, all things are possible.At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Three Californias: The Wild Shore, The Gold Coast, and Pacific Edge (Three Californias #Bk. 2)

by Kim Stanley Robinson

FROM THE INTERNATIONALLY BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF RED MARS AND NEW YORK 2140Before Kim Stanley Robinson terraformed Mars, he wrote three science fiction novels set in Orange County, California, where he grew up. These alternate futures—one a post-apocalypse, one an if-this-goes-on future reminiscent of Philip K. Dick, and one an ecological utopia—form a whole that illuminates, enchants, and inspires--collected here as Three Californias.What if... there was a limited nuclear war that left the United States blockaded, fragmented, the few survivors living in the ruins of a once-great nation?What if... this goes on, and technology continues to accelerate, and power continues to be consolidated into corporate culture, a developer’s dream world gone mad: an endless sprawl of condos, freeways, and malls, and designer drugs?What if... a revolution happens, and the US addresses climate change in a responsible way. Is a future green Utopia all that great when you’re young and in love?This Tor Essentials edition of Three Californias includes an introduction by Francis Spufford, bestselling author of Golden Hill and Red Plenty.“[Robinson] invites us to share his characters’ intensely personal, intensely local attachment to what they have. The result may shame you into entertaining new hope for the future.”—The New York Times on Pacific EdgeAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Bent Heavens

by Daniel Kraus

“Kraus gets under your skin with brutal, elegant efficiency. Necessarily horrifying, devastatingly timely.”—Kiersten White, New York Times-bestselling author of The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein and SlayerFrom New York Times-bestselling author Daniel Kraus comes a breakneck, genre-defying YA thriller perfect for fans of Kiersten White, Neal Shusterman, and M. T. Anderson.Liv Fleming’s father went missing more than two years ago, not long after he claimed to have been abducted by aliens. Liv has long accepted that he’s dead, though that doesn’t mean she has given up their traditions. Every Sunday, she and her lifelong friend Doug Monk trudge through the woods to check the traps Lee left behind, traps he set to catch the aliens he so desperately believed were after him.But Liv is done with childhood fantasies. Done pretending she believes her father’s absurd theories. Done going through the motions for Doug’s sake. However, on the very day she chooses to destroy the traps, she discovers in one of them a creature so inhuman it can only be one thing. In that moment, she’s faced with a painful realization: her dad was telling the truth. And no one believed him.Now, she and Doug have a choice to make. They can turn the alien over to the authorities…or they can take matters into their own hands. On the heels of the worldwide success of The Shape of Water, Daniel Kraus returns with a horrifying and heartbreaking thriller about the lengths people go to find justice and the painful reality of grief.“Bent Heavens is the darkest, angriest alien horror story that I've ever encountered. Hell. Yes.”—Stephanie Perkins, New York Times-bestselling author of There's Someone Inside Your House


by Sarah Cannon

A group of gifted kids must band together to save their town and a fantasy world from horror-story monsters come to life in Sarah Cannon's imaginative middle-grade novel, Twist...Eli has a dream. He's going to be the next Stephen King, and he's just created his best monster yet!Neha has a secret. Her notebook is filled with drawings of a fantasy world called Forest Creeks, and it's become inhabited by wonderful imaginary creatures. But her new friends are in danger . . .Court has a gift, both for finding trouble and for stopping it. And when she accidentally ends up with one of Neha's drawings, she quickly realizes that the monsters raiding Forest Creeks are coming from Eli's stories.When these three creative kids come together, they accidentally create a doorway from Forest Creeks into the real world, and now every monster that Eli ever imagined has been unleashed upon their town! Praise for Sarah Cannon's Oddity: "This book grabbed me from page one. Wild, whacky, and yet utterly believable." —Sage Blackwood, author of Jinx"Readers will be hooked from the first page. . . . Featuring a diverse cast of characters, this fantasy is chock-full of adventure and agency, making it a must-buy and a must-read for most ­middle graders." —School Library Journal

The Queen of Raiders (The Nine Realms #2)

by Sarah Kozloff

Sarah Kozloff, author of A Queen in Hiding, continues the breathtaking and cinematic epic fantasy series The Nine Realms with book two, The Queen of Raiders, and all four books will be published within a month of each other, so you can binge your favorite new fantasy series.The soldiers of Oromondo have invaded the Free States, leaving a wake of misery and death. Thalen, a young scholar, survives and gathers a small cadre of guerilla fighters for a one-way mission into the heart of an enemy land.Unconsciously guided by the elemental Spirits of Ennea Mon, Cerulia is drawn to the Land of the Fire Mountains to join Thelan's Raiders, where she will learn the price of war.The Nine Realms Series#1 A Queen in Hiding#2 The Queen of RaidersAt the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

Arlo Finch in the Kingdom of Shadows (Arlo Finch #3)

by John August

“A thrilling adventure full of magic and wonder.” —Ransom Riggs, #1 New York Times–bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar ChildrenArlo Finch in the Kingdom of Shadows is a captivating fantasy-adventure story by master screenwriter John August.After a harrowing summer camp, Arlo Finch is back in Pine Mountain, Colorado, preparing to face a new school, new threats, and two new Rangers in Blue Patrol. Arlo is about to undertake his most dangerous journey yet: all the way to China to try to bring his father home.But when the mysterious Eldritch reveal their true agenda, Arlo must make an impossible choice: save his friends and family, or save the Long Woods. Both worlds will never be the same.

The Third Mushroom

by Jennifer L. Holm

"Believe in the unexpected" with this hilarious, heartwarming, and much-anticipated sequel to the New York Times bestseller The Fourteenth Goldfish! <P><P>Ellie's grandpa Melvin is a world-renowned scientist . . . in the body of a fourteen-year-old boy. His feet stink, and he eats everything in the refrigerator--and Ellie is so happy to have him around. Grandpa may not exactly fit in at middle school, but he certainly keeps things interesting. <P><P>When he and Ellie team up for the county science fair, no one realizes just how groundbreaking their experiment will be. The formula for eternal youth may be within their reach! And when Ellie's cat, Jonas Salk, gets sick, the stakes become even higher. <P><P>But is the key to eternal life really the key to happiness? Sometimes even the most careful experiments yield unexpected--and wonderful--results.

Lord of the World: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Ke Dong

"A few hundred years ago, there was a group of humans who were known as' Force Awakened ones'. They have the unimaginable power of ordinary humans and the ability to rule the world. However … Awakened ones are not united and in the end, they are separated into two factions. The group was called the Yang Awakened ones, also known as the Sky Sun Clan. The other faction was the Yin Awakened ones, also known as the Earth Yin Tribe. A hundred years ago, the Sky Sun and Earth Yin Tribes finally had an unprecedented, decisive battle. In the end, the Sky Sun Clan won, and the Earth Yin Tribe was completely wiped out. The world was eventually ruled by the Heavenly Sun tribe, who began to call themselves the Heavenly God race. After the war between Yin and Yang, the Earth Yin Tribe was demoted to the "Earth Devil Race" by the God of Heaven. Although the Earth demons had been killed and wounded in the great battle, the clan's most precious treasure, the "Earth Yin Saint (Demon) Codex", had been left behind and had set off a wave of bloodshed.

La sombra de la serpiente: Las Cronicas De Kane, Iii (Las crónicas de los Kane #Volumen 3)

by Rick Riordan

Genial, esto va de mal en peor. Apofis anda suelto sembrando el terror allí donde va. Solo nos quedan dos días... Y, mientras, todos nos dan la espalda. Un grupo de magos rebeldes, encabezados por Sarah Jacobi, nos han acusado a Sadie y a mí de haber provocado el caos y de que Set esté en libertad. Juran que acabarán con nosotros... De los dioses, mejor ni hablar: nadie sabe dónde se han metido, y los que quedan, como Ra, el mismísimo dios del sol, solo piensan en chupetear galletas, babear y tararear cancioncillas sin sentido... Nunca hemos estado tan solos y tan desesperados; solo nos queda una última oportunidad: capturar la sombra de Apofis. Se me olvidaba que nadie hasta ahora lo ha conseguido, así que, si sale mal, no estaremos aquí para contarlo.

Aventura en Os Meigales

by Joaquín Londáiz Montiel

Una novela inédita de Joaquín Londáiz, autor de la saga Elliot y los Superfieras. Como cada verano, Patty y Alex van a pasar sus vacaciones junto a sus abuelos en el pazo de Os Meigales, en Santiago de Compostela. Este año van a ser muy tranquilas, porque el abuelo Julián tiene una fisura en la pierna y no podrá organizar ninguna de las excursiones sorpresa que tanto les gustan a sus nietos. Sin embargo, Alex ya ha hecho planes: ha decidido investigar si es verdad que en las casas antiguas suelen morar espíritus. Aunque Patty no cree en semejante tontería, acompañará a su hermano al bosque; cuando estén a punto de volver a casa, verán cómo una luz fantasmagórica se desplaza lenta y parsimoniosamente entre los árboles# La aventura en Os Meigales acaba de empezar.

Fierce Competition! (DC Super Hero Girls)

by Erica David

Join Wonder Woman(TM), Batgirl(TM), and the rest of the DC Super Hero Girls(TM) in an all-new action-packed paperback series!When an athletic competition with the school's super-villains gets way out of hand, young Wonder Woman, Supergirl(TM), and Batgirl team up with a few of their fellow superpowered students to save the day after the school bell rings. This chapter book features humor and action-packed stories and art throughout.

Over Exposed: A Dystopian Fantasy Serial (Null Equation #1)

by Allyson Lindt

A hacker whose mind can’t be read is the hottest commodity on the market… and as good as dead. <P><P>Max and Taylor have spent the last decade running.From the people who killed their families. From an organization that wants to experiment on them… dead or alive. And from an epidemic that could drive Taylor mad and unleash his psychic abilities. As someone whose mind can’t be read, Max is his link to sanity. But even fugitives need to earn a living. <P><P>As one of the world’s most notorious hacker teams, Max and Taylor burrow their way in to digital closets to find the darkest secrets of their powerful targets, and expose them for all to see. The biggest drawback—a list of ruthless enemies who want to see them crash and burn. Literally, if possible.

The First 7 (The Last 8 #2)

by Laura Pohl

The thrilling conclusion to The Last 8 duology that follows the Last Teenagers on Earth as they head home to a now-hostile planet.Clover Martinez and The Last Teenagers on Earth are busy exploring the galaxy after leaving earth behind...even if they can't help but be a little homesick.So when their ship receives a distress signal from their former planet, they hope against hope that it means other survivors. But as soon as they arrive, they realize something's deeply wrong: strange crystal formations have popped up everywhere and there's some sort of barrier keeping them from leaving.Seeking the origin of the formations and the reason for the barrier, the group discovers a colony of survivors hidden in the mountains. But the survivors aren't who they seem...

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