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by Diego Sasturain

En El Tridente, de Diego Sasturain, la primera persona atrapa y conduce por el desfiladero de temas: el misterio, la locura, las sectas. Temas que proyectan otros: el delirio, la digresión, un secreto. Constancias del vuelo de la imaginación se convierten, gracias al autor, en ejemplos presocráticos. Todo se desprende con timidez y una rara hondura, una especie de honestidad vocal, en este relato de peripecias descansadas. A poco de ir acumulando afirmaciones, se empieza a sentir la magia. La magia la establecen la introspección y una inteligencia que se ha puesto en marcha. Una inteligencia muy atenta: no quiere deslumbrar, quiere abrirse paso, ir conociéndose de a ratos, reírse, aprender a hacer un asado. El narrador ya ha sabido pasarle la pelota al protagonista. Lo deja solo frente a la parrilla. Sabe cómo cada pedacito de tradición le juega a favor, y los descarta. Después, divirtiéndose con la circunstancia, empieza a cocinar la carne. Con esa misma perfecta vocación, con ese mismo elegante desgano, Diego Sasturain ha escrito esta novela extraordinaria.

The Trigger

by Arthur C. Clarke Michael Kube-McDowell

A &“thought-provoking, suspenseful&” political sci-fi thriller from the authors of 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Wars: The Black Fleet Crisis (Library Journal). In the near future, a team of scientists who intend to create an anti-gravity device inadvertently develop something far more powerful—a mechanism that can render guns and bombs virtually harmless. Their creation, &“The Trigger,&” causes nitrate-based bombs and explosives to detonate automatically. The idealistic scientists who envision the benevolent use of their great invention soon discover that even protective weaponry comes with its own moral trade-offs. Soon, every faction of the gun industry is involved—politicians, manufacturers, lobbyist, military—and the scientists must fight to keep the weapon out of violent hands. While negotiating this tricky territory, they realize that not even those with the best intentions can be trusted. There are no easy answers in this thriller that &“lend[s] the familiar issue of gun control new urgency and excitement&” (Publishers Weekly).


by Robert J. Sawyer

On the eve of a secret military operation, an assassin's bullet strikes President Seth Jerrison. He is rushed to the hospital, where surgeons struggle to save his life--and where Professor Ranjip Singh is experimenting with a device that can erase traumatic memories.Then a terrorist bomb detonates. In the operating room, the president suffers cardiac arrest. He has a near-death experience--but the memories that flash through Jerrison's mind are not his own. The electromagnetic pulse generated by the bomb amplified and scrambled Professor Singh's equipment, allowing a random group of people to access one another's minds.One of those people can retrieve the President Jerrison's memories--including classified information regarding the upcoming military mission, which, if revealed, could cost countless lives. But the task of determining who has switched memories with whom is a daunting one--particularly when some of the people involved have reason to lie...


by Robert J. Sawyer

The president of the United States is shot in the head by a would-be assassin. Rushed to hospital and barely saved from death, he discovers that he has new memories - memories that are not his own.A scientific experiment has gone awry, and a small group of people now remember each other's lives. And when one of those people's lives involved access to the most secret and dangerous information in the world, everything will change.

Trinity: Book 1

by Zack Satriani

When insectoid aliens attack, three kids from different planets must work together to save their universe.Dray is a born warrior who kicks major butt, but her father dismisses her because she's a girl. Keller can hack any computer and pilot any spaceship but his smart mouth gets him into trouble, especially with Dray. Ayl has only known the safety and harmony of his underwater world and is in for a rude awakening when he ends up with a kinetic shotgun in his hand, facing down a hive-mind insectoid alien that wants to eat him.Fast-paced with cool gadgets, this accessible action-adventure will thrill fans of Dr Who and Star Wars.This is the first book in the series: read on with THE ASSASSIN and THE INVASION.

Trinity Rising: The Wild Hunt Book Two

by Elspeth Cooper

The future holds nothing but blood and death ...... and Teia fears there is nothing she can do about it. Her clan is riding to war, but her secret, untrained gift of foretelling has shown her they are riding to their doom. If she cannot turn them from their course, her only hope of saving them will be to betray them to their sworn enemies.Gair is mourning his past ...... but there is no time to dwell on his grief or hunger for revenge. Pursuing an artefact from the Founding Wars, he travels deep into the hostile southern deserts. As religious tensions erupt into bloody violence around him, he must make an impossible choice: save innocent lives or sacrifice them in the hope that thousands more can be saved later.And all the while, his grip on his powers is failing.

Trinity Rising: The Wild Hunt Book Two (The\wild Hunt Ser. #2)

by Elspeth Cooper

The future holds nothing but blood and death ...... and Teia fears there is nothing she can do about it. Her clan is riding to war, but her secret, untrained gift of foretelling has shown her they are riding to their doom. If she cannot turn them from their course, her only hope of saving them will be to betray them to their sworn enemies.Gair is mourning his past ...... but there is no time to dwell on his grief or hunger for revenge. Pursuing an artefact from the Founding Wars, he travels deep into the hostile southern deserts. As religious tensions erupt into bloody violence around him, he must make an impossible choice: save innocent lives or sacrifice them in the hope that thousands more can be saved later.And all the while, his grip on his powers is failing.

Trinity Rising: The Wild Hunt Book Two (The Wild Hunt #2)

by Elspeth Cooper

The future holds nothing but blood and death . . .. . . and Teia fears there is nothing she can do about it. Her clan is riding to war, but her secret, untrained gift of foretelling has shown her they are riding to their doom. If she cannot turn them from their course, her only hope of saving them will be to betray them to their sworn enemies.Gair is mourning his past . . .. . . but there is no time to dwell on his grief or hunger for revenge. Pursuing an artefact from the Founding Wars, he travels deep into the hostile southern deserts. As religious tensions erupt into bloody violence around him, he must make an impossible choice: save innocent lives or sacrifice them in the hope that thousands more can be saved later.And all the while, his grip on his powers is failing.Read by Allan Corduner. Allan Corduner trained at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School and has appeared on stage in PASSION at the Donmar Warehouse, SERIOUS MONEY in the West End and TITANIC on Broadway, and on screen in YENTL and TOPSY-TURVY, amonst many other roles. He is a highly experience voice actor and memorably narrated the voice of Death when reading THE BOOK THIEF. He has read Elspeth Coopers' WILD HUNT novels for Orion.(p) 2012 Orion Publishing Group

Trinity Rising: The Wild Hunt Book Two (The Wild Hunt #2)

by Elspeth Cooper

This sequel to Songs of the Earth by Elspeth Cooper continues the story of a young man who has been sentenced to death, and then exiled, for his magical abilities. As Gair struggles with grief over the loss of the only home he had known, and his beloved, he is walking into a conflict that's greater and more deadly than he or his mentor ever anticipated. A storm of unrest is spreading across the land and they are going to be caught up in it—at a moment when Gair's hold on his magic, his greatest defense and most valuable tool, is starting to slip….At the Publisher's request, this title is being sold without Digital Rights Management Software (DRM) applied.

A Trip to Venus

by John Munro

Prof. John Munro (1849-1930) was the author of Heroes of the Telegraph (1891), The Story of Electricity (1896) and A Trip to Venus (1897). "In plain English, at 4 a. m., a ray of light had been observed on the disc of the planet Mars in or near the "terminator"; that is to say, the zone of twilight separating day from night. The news was doubly interesting to me, because a singular dream of "Sunrise in the Moon" had quickened my imagination as to the wonders of the universe beyond our little globe, and because of a never-to-be-forgotten experience of mine with an aged astronomer several years ago."


by Brian Froud Wendy Froud

The internationally acclaimed artists & authors are your personal guides to the enchanted world of Trolls in this book of troll tales and culture. Not since Brian Froud&’s conceptual design work with Jim Henson on the classic films The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth has he created a faerie world with such imagination, dimension, depth, and detail. Trolls opens a new realm in the celebrated faerie worlds of famed artists Brian and Wendy Froud, renowned for their vast and personal knowledge of faeries, goblins, and other folk. Through their art, sculptures, and stories, the Frouds take you on a wonderous adventure into the world of trolls. Trolls live through the telling of tales and the passing on of stories, weaving them together, then letting them flow separately again, as streams, rivers, tree roots, and branches do. Stories, as they are collected, are tied to a troll&’s tail: &“A tale for the asking, the giving, the keeping.&” Trolls includes stories of stone and bone, wood and feather, along with tale fragments, snippets of stories to be told in full down the road or ones that have been lost and are to be remembered again. Interspersed among the stories are troll customs, philosophies, and practices: How many kinds of trolls are there? Where do they live, and what do they like to eat? Why do some trolls father together while others seek solitude? Troll lore is interwoven with a vast treasure of artifacts and symbols of their world, from the wind knot to the Petrified Parsnip Poetry Pen, from the witch&’s cursing bundle to the elusive Earthling Gift. Your journey through Trolls will reveal many mysteries, wonder, and enchantments, and there are no better guides for your adventure than Brian and Wendy Froud.

El Trono de la Luna Creciente

by Saladin Ahmed

Un debut inolvidable, una novela fantástica repleta de acción y aventura, cuya exótica ambientación mágica bebe del universo de Las mil y una noches. En los Reinos de la Luna Creciente, la lucha por el poder entre el tiránico califa y un misterioso ladrón que se hace llamar el Príncipe Halcón se acerca a su punto culminante. En medio de la rebelión que está gestándose, una serie de asesinatos de origen sobrenatural asola el corazón del reino. Solo un reducido y variopinto grupo de héroes será capaz de dar con la verdad e intentar parar la matanza. Con los sesenta ya cumplidos, el doctor Adoulla Makhslood está cansado de la caza de los monstruosos gul. Le gustaría poder disfrutar al fin de unos momentos de tranquilidad para saborear una buena taza de té. Pero cuando encuentran asesinado al sobrino del amor de su vida, se ve obligado a reanudar la caza. Cuenta con la ayuda de su aprendiz, Raseed bas Raseed, cuya valentía y destreza con la espada son superadas únicamente por su fe, y de la intrépida Zamia Badawi, que ha heredado el don de su tribu que le permite transformarse en león. Los tres se verán inesperadamente unidos en una carrera contrarreloj para destapar un complot que no solo amenaza con arrasar la legendaria ciudad de Dhamsawaat, sino que podría dejar el mundo entero en ruinas. **Ganadora del premio Locus a la mejor primera novela.**Finalista de los premios Nebula y Hugo a la mejor novela, y del British Fantasy Award al mejor debut. Reseñas:«Si te encanta la fantasía inteligente, no te pierdas este libro.» «Te llamarán la atención los combates con espadas, pero lo que te marcará es el mensaje de humanidad en el corazón de esta magnífica fantasía.»NPR Books

Trouble at Trident Academy

by Debbie Dadey Tatevik Avakyan

In this start to a new series starring Shelly the mermaid, a classroom conflict is no fun--even when school is 20,000 leagues under the sea.It's MerGirl Shelly Siren's first day at a new school, and she is nervous from the tip of her head to the end of her sparkling mermaid tail. How will she ever fit in at the prestigious Trident Academy? Everyone there is so smart and so pretty and so rich. At least she and her best friend, Echo, are in the same class, but so is Pearl, a spoiled know-it-all who only wants to make trouble for Shelly; Rocky, a MerBoy who loves to tease everyone; and Kiki, a shy MerGirl who's new to Trident City. At first Shelly and Echo have lots of fun: eating lunch together, trying to make grumpy Mr. Fangtooth smile, and joining after-school clubs. But when Shelly and Echo have an argument about their very first school assignment, Pearl gets involved and makes matters worse. Will Shelly and Echo fix their friendship?

Trouble on Titan

by Arthur K. Barnes

When the Queen of the Spaceways meets the King of the Interplanetary Wilds, there's a checkmate in the stalking of Saturn's most dangerous game!

The Trouble With Magic

by Patricia Rice

"Felicity Malcolm Childe's gift for experiencing visions through touch has always felt more like a curse than a blessing, so she covers herself from head to toe. Only the maddeningly handsome Ewen Ives provokes tingles of pleasure rather than pain, but he is already betrothed. Her last hope is to go to Scotland to find the ancient book of spells that could free her from the burden of this gift. "

The Troupe

by Robert Jackson Bennett

Vaudeville: mad, mercenary, dreamy, and absurd, a world of clashing cultures and ferocious showmanship and wickedly delightful deceptions. But sixteen-year-old pianist George Carole has joined vaudeville for one reason only: to find the man he suspects to be his father, the great Heironomo Silenus. Yet as he chases down his father's troupe, he begins to understand that their performances are strange even for vaudeville: for wherever they happen to tour, the very nature of the world seems to change. Because there is a secret within Silenus's show so ancient and dangerous that it has won him many powerful enemies. And it's not until after he joins them that George realizes the troupe is not simply touring: they are running for their lives.And soon...he is as well.

The Troupe

by Robert Jackson Bennett

George Carole ran away from home to join the Vaudeville circuit. Sixteen years old, uncommonly gifted at the piano, he falls in with a strange troupe - even for Vaudeville.Under the watchful eye of the enigmatic figure of Silenus, George comes to realise that the members of the troupe are more than they appear to be. And their travels have a purpose that runs deeper than entertainment.George must uncover the mysteries of Silenus's company before it is too late. He is already entangled in their web of secrets and, if he doesn't learn where they are taking him, he may never find his way out.

The Trust

by Venona Keyes Shira Anthony

Eight years ago, Jake Anders was a college kid from the wrong side of the tracks. Then Trace Michelson recruited him into The Trust, a CIA-backed agency whose "executives" eliminate rogue biotechnology operations. Trace was everything Jake ever wanted in a man: powerful, brilliant, and gorgeous. But Jake never admitted his attraction to his mentor, and Trace always kept Jake at arm's length. Now Trace is dead and Jake is one of The Trust's best operatives, highly skilled and loyal to the organization. But the secret agent has his own secret: six years ago, before he was assassinated, Trace designed a Sim chip containing his memories and experiences--and now that chip is part of Jake. It's just data, designed to augment Jake's knowledge, but when Sim becomes reality, Jake wonders if Trace is still alive or if Jake really is going crazy like everyone claims. He doesn't know if he can trust himself, let alone anyone else. To learn the truth about Trace and the chip, Jake embarks on a dangerous mission--except he's not the only one looking for the information. Some of the answers are locked in his head, and unless he finds the key, he'll be killed for the technology that's become a part of him. Now, more than ever, Jake wishes Trace were here to guide him. Too bad he's dead... right?


by C. C. MacApp

To disobey the orders of the Council of Four was unthinkable to a Space Admiral of the old school. But the trouble was, the school system had changed. A man, a fighter, an Admiral had to think for himself now, if his people were to live.


by Samit Basu

Aman Sen is smart, young, ambitious and going nowhere. He thinks this is because he doesn't have the right connections--but then he gets off a plane from London to Delhi and discovers that he has turned into a communications demigod. Indeed, everyone on Aman's flight now has extraordinary abilities corresponding to their innermost desires.Vir, a pilot, can now fly.Uzma, an aspiring Bollywood actress, now possesses infinite charisma.And then there's Jai, an indestructible one-man army with a good old-fashioned goal -- to rule the world!Aman wants to ensure that their new powers aren't wasted on costumed crime-fighting, celebrity endorsements, or reality television. He wants to heal the planet but with each step he takes, he finds helping some means harming others. Will it all end, as 80 years of superhero fiction suggest, in a meaningless, explosive slugfest?Turbulence features the 21st-century Indian subcontinent in all its insane glory--F-16s, Bollywood, radical religious parties, nuclear plants, cricket, terrorists, luxury resorts, crazy TV shows -- but it is essentially about two very human questions. How would you feel if you actually got what you wanted? And what would you do if you could really change the world?

Turn to Darkness (Offspring #7)

by Jaime Rush

The next installment in the Offspring series. Shea is used to taking care of herself. She has special powers, and she knows how to use them. She's pushed away the ugliness of her past, just like she pushed away Greer, the only man who had ever reached beyond her defenses. All Greer wants is to love Shea, though that comes at a high price for him: as a shapeshifter, once he takes her as his mate, he'll never be able to let go. So maybe it's for the best that she's made it clear she is not interested in anything romantic. But when Shea's traumatic past combines with a new danger, nothing will stop Greer from protecting the woman he loves, even if it means losing any chance he has of a future with her.

Turning Point

by Alfred Coppel

Alfred Coppel was a science fiction writer in the middle of the 20th century. He wrote adventurous stories for numerous pulp magazines. Other works by Coppel can be found under his pseudonym Robert Cham Gilman. This is one of those stories.

Turnover Point

by Alfred Coppel

Alfred Coppel was a science fiction writer in the middle of the 20th century. He wrote adventurous stories for numerous pulp magazines. Other works by Coppel can be found under his pseudonym Robert Cham Gilman. This is one of those stories.

Turtle Recall

by Terry Pratchett Stephen Briggs

For every Pratchett fan, the must-have, fully updated guidebook to Discworld!The Discworld, as everyone knows, is a flat world balanced on the backs of four elephants that, in turn, stand on the shell of the giant star turtle, the Great A'Tuin, as it slowly swims through space.It is also a global publishing phenomenon, with sales of about 85 million books worldwide. The publication of Snuff brought the Discworld canon to thirty-nine books--not including the various guides, maps, diaries, and other side projects. That's a lot of Discworld to keep track of--more than most people can manage with just one head--but fear not: help is at hand!If you're looking for the ultimate authority on probably the most heavily populated--certainly the most hilarious--setting in fantasy literature . . .If you need a handy guide to Discworld locales from Ankh-Morpork to Zemphis . . .If you want help telling Achmed the Mad from Jack Zweiblumen . . . If your life depends on being able to distinguish the Agatean Empire from the Zoons . . .Look no further than Turtle Recall: The Discworld Companion . . . So Far--now fully updated and completely up to Snuff!

The Twelve: A Novel (Book Two of The Passage Trilogy) (Passage Trilogy #2)

by Justin Cronin

The end of the world was only the beginning. In his internationally bestselling and critically acclaimed novel The Passage, Justin Cronin constructed an unforgettable world transformed by a government experiment gone horribly wrong. Now the scope widens and the intensity deepens as the epic story surges forward with . . . THE TWELVE In the present day, as the man-made apocalypse unfolds, three strangers navigate the chaos. Lila, a doctor and an expectant mother, is so shattered by the spread of violence and infection that she continues to plan for her child's arrival even as society dissolves around her. Kittridge, known to the world as "Last Stand in Denver," has been forced to flee his stronghold and is now on the road, dodging the infected, armed but alone and well aware that a tank of gas will get him only so far. April is a teenager fighting to guide her little brother safely through a landscape of death and ruin. These three will learn that they have not been fully abandoned--and that in connection lies hope, even on the darkest of nights. One hundred years in the future, Amy and the others fight on for humankind's salvation . . . unaware that the rules have changed. The enemy has evolved, and a dark new order has arisen with a vision of the future infinitely more horrifying than man's extinction. If the Twelve are to fall, one of those united to vanquish them will have to pay the ultimate price. A heart-stopping thriller rendered with masterful literary skill, The Twelve is a grand and gripping tale of sacrifice and survival. PRAISE FOR JUSTIN CRONIN'S THE PASSAGE Named one of the Ten Best Novels of the Year by Time and Library Journal, and one of the Best Books of the Year by The Washington Post * Esquire * U.S. News & World Report * NPR/On Point * St. Louis Post-Dispatch "Magnificent . . . Cronin has taken his literary gifts, and he has weaponized them. . . . The Passage can stand proudly next to Stephen King's apocalyptic masterpiece The Stand, but a closer match would be Cormac McCarthy's The Road."--Time "Read this book and the ordinary world disappears."--Stephen King"[A] big, engrossing read that will have you leaving the lights on late into the night."--The Dallas Morning NewsFrom the Hardcover edition.

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