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Devil or Angel and Other Stories

by Matthew Hughes

From the award-winning author of Majestrum, Template, and The Other, this collection of short stories ranges from the thoughtful to the whimsical. Most of them appeared first in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction and Asimov's. Others were written for the bespoke anthologies: Songs of the Dying Earth, Old Mars, and Welcome to the Greenhouse; one is published here for the first time.Praise for Matthew Hughes:"Criminally underrated" - George R.R. Martin"Heir apparent to Jack Vance" - Booklist"Hughes's boldness is admirable"- New York Review of Science Fiction"Hughes effortlessly renders fantastic worlds and beings believable"- Publishers Weekly"A towering talent"- Robert J. Sawyer

The Devil's Duology: The Devil's Metal and The Devil's Reprise

by Karina Halle

This two-book bundle puts fans in the front row in a battle for souls! It’s sex, drugs, rock n’ roll . . . but so much more in Karina Halle’s shocking novels. In The Devil’s Metal, Dawn Emerson writes for Creem Magazine because it knows rock better than any other music rag out there. She follows the band Hybrid because their fans are the most devoted, the most obsessive, the most fanatical. To get the article that will make her career, she’ll get on a tour bus that is on its way straight to hell, driven by charismatic guitarist Sage Knightly, who gives Dawn the backstage pass that could be her last. The Indie Bookshelf called it “an absolute trip that will leave you feeling like you were right there on the tour bus.” In The Devil’s Reprise, Dawn and Sage are reunited on his first solo tour. But the only thing more daunting than making a deal with the devil is discovering that you might not be able to pay it back.

The Devil's Intern

by Donna Hosie

Seventeen-year-old Mitchell discovers a time-travel device that will allow him to escape his internship in Hell's accounting office and return to Earth, but his plans to alter the circumstances of his own death take an unexpected turn when his three closest friends in Hell insist on accompanying him back to the land of the living.

The Devil's Intern

by Donna Hosie

It's been four years since seventeen-year-old Mitchell Johnson was hit by a bus and inexplicably ended up in the Underworld. Hell is miserable, but Mitchell knows things could be worse. After all, he has the coveted job of The Devil's intern--plus three close friends who keep him from dwelling too much on his untimely demise. Still, he'd rather be living. So when Mitchell discovers that his boss is in possession of a legendary time-travel mechanism called a Viciseometer, he starts forming a plan. With a device like that, Mitchell realizes, he could escape Hell, revisit his death, and prevent it altogether. Getting his hands on the device turns out to be easy. But preventing his friends from accompanying him--and protecting them from whatever it is that's stalking them through time--is going to be impossible.

Devin Rhodes is Dead

by Jennifer Wolf Kam

Told in alternating "Before" and "After" chapters, Kam's novel focuses on the events leading up to and just after Cass's best friend Devin's body is found at the bottom of a local ravine. Part realism, part ghost story, and part coming-of-age tale, this young adult novel will draw you in and keep you turning pages until the dramatic conclusion.

Diagnosis: Attraction

by Rebecca York

Dr. Matt Delano's life is turned upside down by his intense connection to a beautiful amnesiac. No medical test could ever detect what Dr. Matt Delano experiences while taking the pulse of his beautiful amnesia patient. For a few shocking moments, he feels more deeply connected to Elizabeth Forester than he thought humanly possible. And to his shock, a scorching sexual heat flares between them. As a professional, the handsome doctor tries to stay away from Elizabeth, but finds it impossible. He'll risk his life to help her regain her memory and discover who's trying to kill her-and why. Only then can he try to solve the more baffling mystery of their powerful bond: What's turned two loners into passionate soul mates?

Diamond Wings: Book 25 (Secret Kingdom #25)

by Rosie Banks

A brand-new adventure awaits Ellie, Summer and Jasmine in the Secret Kingdom! With Queen Malice in charge of the Secret Kingdom, the beautiful winged horses that look after the diamond trees are in trouble... Can the girls free their flying friends and find the magical royal diamond before the kingdom loses its sparkle forever?

Die eiland 'n distopiese jeugroman

by Jen Minkman Petro Ebersöhn

"Ek loop aan see toe. Die branders borrel en skuim oor my kaalvoete. Seemeeue skree bokant my kop. Die eindelose oppervlakte van die water strek tot aan die horison, watter kant toe ek ookal kyk. "Ons wereldjie is klein... Ons is op ons eie, en ons het net die Krag diep binne-in ons om op staat te maak. "As ek hiervandaan in 'n westelike rigting sou loop, sou ek by 'n versperring kom: die muur. Daaragter is Dwase. Volgens ons voorouers mag ons nie oor die muur klim nie. "Die Dwase glo nie in hulle eie Krag nie. In plaas daarvan glo hulle aan iets buite hierdie wereld, wat hulle gaan red. "Niemand wil met sulke idiote meng nie." Leia woon op die eiland, 'n wereld waar kinders hulle ouers verlaat wanneer hulle tien jaar oud word, om na hulleself om te sien. Oor hierdie eiland is 'n muur gebou waaroor niemand nog ooit geklim het nie. Die Dwase wat aan die ander kant woon, is nie vatbaar vir rede nie. Hulle glo in illusies. Dit is volgens die Boek, al wat die Oostelike Eilandbewoners se voorgeslagte aan hulle nagelaat het. Maar dan spoel 'n vreemde man op die strand uit, en Leia ontmoet 'n Dwaas van aangesig tot aangesig. En haar lewe is nooit weer dieselfde nie. Is dit wat sy en haar vriende omtrent die eiland glo, regtig waar? Of is almal in hulle wereld inderdaad Dwase?

Die Golwe

by Jen Minkman Petro Ebersohn

My eerste herinnering aan my oupa is van 'n oomblik wat ons gedeel het. Ek sit op sy knie en kyk uit oor die hawe. Oupa rook 'n pyp. "Kyk, Walt, daar is ons skepe. En eendag gaan daar een wat selfs mooier is, op die horison verskyn. 'n Magtige skip wat ons almal gaan kom haal." "Waarheen, Oupa?" vra ek nuuskierig. Hy bly stil. "Niemand weet presies nie," sê hy uiteindelik. "Maar dit maak nie dat dit minder fantasties is nie. Eendag gaan daardie skip inkom. En Annabelle sal op die voordek staan met ope arms om ons aanboord te verwelkom." Die godin met die swart hare wat in die wind waai, soos uitgebeeld teen die grootste muur in ons tempel. "Hoekom vaar ons nie self na haar toe nie?" wil ek weet. "Omdat sy belowe het sy sal kom," antwoord Oupa. "En ons maak staat op daardie belofte. Dit is net die Ongelowiges wat dink hulle kan alles self doen. Hulle glo glad nie in die godin nie." Walt woon in Hoophawe, 'n eilandgemeenskap wat hulle vertroue plaas in redding van die anderkant van die see af. Die dorpsmense wag geduldig, bou skepe om uit te vaar om hulle godin te verwelkom, en besoek elke week vroom die tempel. Gruwelstories omtrent die Ongelowiges wat aan die anderkant van Tresco woon, word vertel om hulle kinders bang te maak. Maar alles is nie soos dit lyk nie. Walt het vrae wat niemand kan beantwoord nie, en wanneer sy beste vriend en neef, Yorrick, in 'n ongeluk sterf, grawe hy dieper om die waarheid uit te vind omtrent die oorsprong van die Hoophawegemeenskap... en die geheime van die tempel. Keer terug na die wêreld van Die Eiland, en ontdek hoe Walt se lewe was voor en nadat hy Leia ontmoet het!

The Dire Earth: A Novella

by Jason M. Hough

Jason M. Hough goes back to the beginning with this eBook exclusive novella, the prequel to the New York Times bestseller The Darwin Elevator. An indispensable introduction to a trilogy wrought with action, imagination, and mystery, The Dire Earth is sure to thrill new readers and diehard fans alike. In the middle of the twenty-third century, an inexplicable disease engulfs the globe, leaving a trail of madness and savagery in its wake. Dutch air force pilot Skyler Luiken discovers he is immune to the disease when he returns from a mission to find the world in chaos, but he soon realizes that he's not the only one to have endured the apocalypse. Elsewhere, the roguish Skadz, the cunning Nigel, and the tough-as-nails Samantha each make their way toward the last remaining bastion of sanity: Darwin, Australia, home to a mysterious alien artifact that may hold the key to the survival of the human race. Praise for The Darwin Elevator "A hell of a fun book."--James S. A. Corey, New York Times bestselling author of Abaddon's Gate "[Jason M.] Hough's first novel combines the rapid-fire action and memorable characters associated with Joss Whedon's short-lived Firefly TV series with the accessibility and scientific acumen of [James S. A.] Corey's 'Expanse' series."--Library Journal (starred review) "Newcomer Hough displays a talent for imaginative plotting and realistic dialogue, and the brisk pacing and cliffhanger ending will keep readers enthralled and eagerly awaiting the next installment."--Publishers Weekly "Jason M. Hough does a great job with this huge story. The world of Darwin and the Elevator is deliciously complex and satisfying. Skyler, Tania, and all the other characters are delightfully drawn and fun to spend time with. . . . The story unfolds with just the right balance of high adventure, espionage, humor, and emotional truth. . . . As soon as you finish, you'll want more."--Analog "A debut novel unlike any other . . . This is something special. Something iconic. The Darwin Elevator is full of majesty and wonder, mystery and mayhem, colorful characters and insidious schemes."--SF Signal "Fun, action-packed and entertaining . . . a sure contender for science fiction debut of the year!"--Pat's Fantasy Hotlist "The best part about alien stories is their mystery, and Jason Hough understands that like no other. Full of compelling characters and thick with tension, The Darwin Elevator delivers both despair and hope along with a gigantic dose of wonder. It's a brilliant debut, and Hough can take my money whenever he writes anything from now on."--Kevin Hearne, New York Times bestselling author of The Iron Druid Chronicles "Claustrophobic, intense, and satisfying . . . I couldn't put this book down. The Darwin Elevator depicts a terrifying world, suspends it from a delicate thread, and forces you to read with held breath as you anticipate the inevitable fall."--Hugh Howey, New York Times bestselling author of Wool

Dirty Magic: Prospero's War: Book One (Prospero's War #1)

by Jaye Wells

MAGIC IS A DRUG. BE CAREFUL HOW YOU USE IT.The Magical Enforcement Agency keeps dirty magic off the streets, but there's a new blend out there that's as deadly as it is elusive. When patrol cop Kate Prospero shoots the lead snitch in this crucial case, she's brought in to explain herself. But the more she learns about the investigation, the more she realises she must secure a spot on the MEA task force. Especially when she discovers that their lead suspect is the man she walked away from ten years earlier - on the same day she swore she'd given up dirty magic for good.

Dirty Magic (Prospero's War #1)

by Jaye Wells

MAGIC IS A DRUG. CAREFUL HOW YOU USE IT.The Magical Enforcement Agency keeps dirty magic off the streets, but there's a new blend out there that's as deadly as it is elusive. When patrol cop Kate Prospero shoots the lead snitch in this crucial case, she's brought in to explain herself. But the more she learns about the investigation, the more she realizes she must secure a spot on the MEA task force. Especially when she discovers that their lead suspect is the man she walked away from ten years earlier - on the same day she swore she'd given up dirty magic for good. Kate Prospero's about to learn the hard way that crossing a wizard will always get you burned, and that when it comes to magic, you should never say never.

Disenchanted & Co. (Disenchanted & Co.)

by Lynn Viehl

In the Provincial Union of Victoriana, a steampunk America that lost the Revolutionary War, Charmian "Kit" Kittredge makes her living investigating crimes of magic. While Kit tries to avoid the nobs of high society, she follows mysteries wherever they lead. Unlike most folks, Kit doesn't believe in magic, but she can't refuse to help Lady Diana Walsh, who claims a curse is viciously wounding her while she sleeps. As Kit investigates the Walsh family, she becomes convinced that the attacks are part of a more ominous plot--one that may involve the lady's obnoxious husband. Sleuthing in the city of Rumsen is difficult enough, but soon Kit must also skirt the unwanted attentions of a nefarious deathmage and the unwelcome scrutiny of the police chief inspector. Unwilling to surrender to either man's passion for her, Kit struggles to remain independent as she draws closer to the heart of the mystery. For the truth promises to ruin her life--and turn Rumsen into a supernatural battleground from which no one will escape alive.


by Erica O'Rourke

In this inventive romantic thriller, Del has the power to navigate between alternate realities--and the power to save multiple worlds.Every time someone makes a choice, a new, parallel world is spun off the existing one. Eating breakfast or skipping it, turning left instead of right, sneaking out instead of staying in bed--all of these choices create alternate universes in which echo selves take the roads not traveled. Del knows this because she's a Walker, someone who can navigate between the worlds, and whose job is to keep the dimensions in harmony.But Del's decisions have consequences too. Even though she's forbidden from Walking after a training session goes horribly wrong, she secretly starts to investigate other dissonant worlds. She's particularly intrigued by the echo versions of Simon Lane, a guy who won't give her the time of day in the main world, but whose alternate selves are uniquely interested. But falling for Simon draws Del closer to a truth that the Council of Walkers is trying to hide--a secret that threatens the fate of the entire multiverse."O'Rourke brilliantly builds an intricate and complex alternate science-fiction universe that contains beautiful imagery and visualization. A definite page-turner." --School Library Journal


by Erica O'Rourke

In this inventive romantic thriller, Del has the power to navigate between alternate realities—and the power to save multiple worlds.<P> Delancey knows for sure that there is more than one universe. Many more. Because every time someone makes a choice, a new, parallel world is spun off the existing one. Eating breakfast or skipping it, turning left instead of right, sneaking out instead of staying in bed—all of these choices create alternate universes in which echo selves take the roads not traveled. Del knows all of this because she’s a Walker, someone who can navigate between the worlds, and whose job is to keep the dimensions in harmony.<P> But Del’s decisions have consequences too. Even though she’s forbidden from Walking after a training session goes horribly wrong, she secretly starts to investigate other dissonant worlds. She’s particularly intrigued by the echo versions of Simon Lane, a guy who won’t give her the time of day in the main world, but whose alternate selves are uniquely interested. But falling for Simon draws Del closer to a truth that the Council of Walkers is trying to hide—a secret that threatens the fate of the entire multiverse.

Divampante Fulgore

by E. J. Stevens Carmelo Massimo Tidona

Finalista al PRG Reviewer's Choice Award come Miglior Serie Urban Fantasy. Bruciamo la casa... Le cose non stanno andando bene negli uffici della Private Eye. Jinx sta avendo problemi di natura demoniaca, la città è invasa da imp piromani, e i poteri di fuoco fatuo di Ivy sono fuori controllo, e attraggono l’attenzione sia della Corte d’Inverno che della Corte d’Estate. E venne una regina delle fate... È il peggior momento possibile perché la Dama Verde riscuota un favore, ma Ivy è vincolata dal suo accordo con la glaistig. Peccato non ci siano scappatoie dagli accordi fatati. Ivy deve liberare la città dagli imp, impedire a Jinx di uccidere il suo unico contatto valido con l’Inferno, e rispettare il suo patto con la Dama Verde... il tutto con gli assassini sidhe alle calcagna. Solo un’altra giornata di lavoro per Ivy Granger, detective psichica. "Adoro assolutamente questa serie!" - My Urban Fantasies "Fortemente raccomandata agli amanti dell’urban fantasy." - Rabid Reads "La serie di Ivy Granger è fantastica!" - Book Bite Reviews Divampante Fulgore è il terzo romanzo della serie urban fantasy dedicata a Ivy Granger da E.J. Stevens. La premiata serie Ivy Granger Detective Psichica è nota per l’azione mozzafiato, i bizzarri personaggi e gli orrori soprannaturali. Fate un viaggio a Harborsmouth, dove incontrerete vampiri succhiasangue, fate psicotiche, gargoyle sarcastici, streghe irritabili e la nostra pungente eroina preferita.

Divergent Official Illustrated Movie Companion

by Kate Egan

The #1 New York Times bestselling novel Divergent is soon to be a major motion picture in theaters March 2014!With never-before-seen photos; personal interviews with the directors, actors, and writers; and exclusive extras, this lush, oversize volume is a true behind-the-scenes look at the filming of Divergent.

Divergent Thinking: YA Authors on Veronica Roth's Divergent Trilogy

by Debra Driza Elizabeth Wein Leah Wilson Dan Krokos Maria Snyder

Veronica Roth's Divergent trilogy (Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant) has captured the hearts and thoughts of millions of readers. In Divergent Thinking, YA authors explore even more of Tris and Tobias' world, including: What Divergent's factions have in common with one of psychology's most prominent personality models The biology of fear: where it comes from and how Tris and the other Dauntless are able to overcome it Full-page maps locating all five faction headquarters and other series landmarks in today's Chicago, based on clues from the books Plus a whole lot more, from why we love identity shorthand like factions to Tris' trouble with honesty to the importance of choice, family, and being braveWith a dozen smart, surprising, mind-expanding essays on all three books in the trilogy, Divergent Thinking provides a companion fit for even the most Erudite Divergent fan.Contributor list:Elizabeth WeinMaria V. Snyder and Jenna SnyderV. ArrowJennifer Lynn BarnesMary BorsellinoRosemary Clement-MooreDebra DrizaJulia KarrDan KrokosElizabeth NorrisJanine K. SpendloveBlythe Woolston

Divided (Dualed Sequel)

by Elsie Chapman

The hunter becomes the hunted. . . . West Grayer is done killing. She defeated her Alternate, a twin raised by another family, and proved she's worthy of a future. She's ready to move on with her life. The Board has other plans. They want her to kill one last time, and offer her a deal worth killing for. But when West recognizes her target as a ghost from her past, she realizes she's in over her head. The Board is lying, and West will have to uncover the truth of the past to secure her future. How far will the Board go to keep their secrets safe? And how far will West go to save those she loves? With nonstop action and surprising twists, Elsie Chapman's intoxicating sequel to Dualed reveals everything.Praise for Dualed:"A gripping, thought-provoking thriller that keeps your heart racing and your palms sweaty. . . . The kind of book Katniss Everdeen and Jason Bourne would devour." --Andrew Fukuda, author of the Hunt series "Full of unexpected turns. . . . Fans of the Divergent trilogy will want to read this imaginative tale." --VOYA "A fast ride from first to final pages, Dualed combines action and heart." --Mindy McGinnis, author of Not a Drop to Drink "Intense and swift, Dualed grabbed me by the throat and kept me turning pages all the way to the end. Romance and action fans alike will love it." --Elana Johnson, author of the Possession series "Stylish, frenetic, and violent, . . . the textual equivalent of a Quentin Tarantino movie."--Publishers Weekly "A double dose of intensity and danger in this riveting tale of survival, heartache, and love."--Kasie West, author of Pivot Point "This thought-provoking survival-of-the-fittest story will leave you breathless for more." --Ellen Oh, author of Prophecy "Clever suspense--here, stalking is a two-way street." --Kirkus Reviews

Divine Intervention: Stories

by Robert Sheckley

This volume contains eleven stories not previously collected together and not included in any of the other classic Sheckley compendiums published by Open Road.In &“Sarkanger,&” Gregor and Arnold of the AAA Ace Interplanetary Decontamination Corporation take on an extermination job on Sarkan. Things get surprisingly complicated when the target vermin start arguing about who should be wiped out. The ten other stories in this collection are &“At the Conference of the Birds,&” &“The Destruction of Atlantis,&” &“Dial-a-Death,&” &“Divine Intervention,&” &“Love Song from the Stars,&” &“Message from Hell,&” &“The Necessary Thing,&” &“Robotvendor Rex,&” &“There Will Be No War after This One,&” and &“Wormworld.&”From the very beginning of his career, Robert Sheckley was recognized by fans, reviewers, and fellow authors as a master storyteller and the wittiest satirist working in the science fiction field. Open Road is proud to republish his acclaimed body of work, with nearly thirty volumes of full-length fiction and short story collections. Rediscover, or discover for the first time, a master of science fiction who, according to the New York Times, was &“a precursor to Douglas Adams.&”

Do Nada

by Ana Bowlova Ana Claudia Antunes

Versão em português de "Out Of The Blue", primeiro conto de ficção científica da autora. "Do Nada" se passa em um futuro virtual, onde não há água, não a partir de uma fonte limpa disponível no planeta Terra. A NASA envia algumas pessoas especialmente qualificadas para o espaço em busca de vida fora do planeta azul. A única coisa é que, no futuro, tudo é controlado por robôs. Então, como escapar de uma rede de dados virtuais quando alguém já está emaranhado como uma inteligência artificial? O que aconteceria se acabasse água limpa em nosso planeta? Nós, certamente precisaríamos encontrar outras formas de obter acesso ao ingrediente mais vital de vida. Um astronauta, vira a vida da Ann de cabeça para baixo quando ele se envolve em uma missão potencialmente perigosa: Ele tem que encontrar vida em outro lugar no espaço exterior. A protagonista então se encontra em um dilema crucial. Será que ela valoriza a sua vida ou ela vai dar um passo enorme e arriscar-se quando ou se ela seguir o homem dos seus sonhos para viajar a um dos lugares mais inóspitos da terra e ajudá-lo em sua busca, bem como salvar a bilhões de seres vivos? Quando ela decide fazer a viagem ao longo de galáxias, Ann reúne inúmeras experiências inesperadas, em incontáveis aventuras e em apenas um único número, ela tem de enfrentar uma verdade insuportável de trações a traições, mas nem isso a impede de prosseguir com o seu esquema, mesmo envolta em dilemas. Toda a sua vida foi um mero espelho do que passou em um mundo que não existe mais. Um mundo virtual que, apesar de todas as adversidades ainda insiste em se recriar. Será que finalmente ele cessa (ou desfalece)? Ou, como um buraco negro, vai manter seu curso, devorando todas as fontes de existência e transformando a vida em um evento fictício, usando, inventando e invertendo novos dados a partir de uma humanidade há muito tempo extinta?

Doctor Who: Engines of War

by George Mann

"I've had many faces. Many lives. I don't admit to all of them. There's one life I've tried very hard to forget-the Doctor who fought in the Time War." The Great Time War has raged for centuries, ravaging the universe. The Daleks and the Time Lords deploy ever more dangerous weapons in desperate attempts at victory, but there is no end in sight. On the outer rim of the Tantalus Eye, scores of human colony planets are now overrun by Dalek occupation forces. A weary, angry Doctor leads a flotilla of Battle TARDISes against the Dalek stronghold but in the midst of the carnage, the Doctor's TARDIS crashes to a planet below: Moldox. As the Doctor is trapped in an apocalyptic landscape, Dalek patrols roam amongst the wreckage, rounding up the remaining civilians. But why haven't the Daleks simply killed the humans? Searching for answers, the Doctor meets 'Cinder', a young Dalek hunter. Their struggles to discover the Dalek plan take them from the ruins of Moldox to the halls of Gallifrey and set in chain events that will change everything. And everyone.

Doctor Who: Silhouette

by Justin Richards

"Vastra and Strax and Jenny? Oh no, we don't need to bother them. Trust me." Marlowe Hapworth is found dead in his locked study, killed by an unknown assailant. This is a case for the Great Detective, Madame Vastra. Rick Bellamy, bare-knuckle boxer, has the life drawn out of him by a figure dressed as an undertaker. This angers Strax the Sontaran. The Carnival of Curiosities, a collection of bizarre and fascinating sideshows and performers. This is where Jenny Flint looks for answers. How are these things connected? And what does Orestes Milton, rich industrialist, have to do with it all? This is where the Doctor and Clara come in. The Doctor and his friends find themselves thrust into a world where nothing and no one are what they seem. Can they unravel the truth before the most dangerous weapon ever developed is unleashed on London?

Doctor Who: The Crawling Terror

by Mike Tucker

"Well, I doubt you'll ever see a bigger insect."Gabby Nichols is putting her son to bed when she hears her daughter cry out. 'Mummy there's a daddy longlegs in my room!' Then the screaming starts... Alan Travers is heading home from the pub when something rushes his face - a spider's web. Then something huge and deadly lumbers from the shadows... Kevin Alperton is on his way to school when he is attacked by a mosquito. A big one. Then things get dangerous.But it isn't the dead man cocooned inside a huge mass of web that worries the Doctor. It isn't the swarming, mutated insects that make him nervous. It isn't an old man's garbled memories of past dangers that intrigue him. With the village cut off from the outside world, and the insects becoming more and more dangerous, the Doctor knows that no one is safe. Not unless he can decode the strange symbols engraved on an ancient stone circle, and unravel a mystery dating back to the Second World War.

Doctor Who: The Blood Cell

by James Goss

"Release the Doctor - or the killing will start." An asteroid in the furthest reaches of space - the most secure prison for the most dangerous of criminals. The Governor is responsible for the worst fraudsters and the cruellest murderers. So he's certainly not impressed by the arrival of the man they're calling the most dangerous criminal in the quadrant. Or, as he prefers to be known, the Doctor. What does impress the Governor is the way the new prisoner immediately sets about trying to escape. And keeps trying. Finally, he sends for the Doctor and asks him why? But the answer surprises even the Governor. And then there's the threat - unless the Governor listens to the Doctor, a lot of people will die. Who is the Doctor and what's he really doing here? Why does he want to help the Governor? And who is the young woman who comes every day to visit him, only to be turned away by the guards? When the killing finally starts, the Governor begins to get his answers...

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