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Edged Blade

by J. C. Daniels

In the year since her life was torn apart, Kit Colbana has slowly rebuilt herself. There's a promise of hope in the relationship with the alpha of the local shapeshifters and she no longer comes screaming into wakefulness. Life's not perfect but then again, when was it ever?When her best friend Justin comes to her for help, there's little question as to what her answer will be. Witches are disappearing and Justin won't rest until he has answers. Soon, they learn that it's not just witches who've gone missing, but vampires and shifters, too.Unlikely alliances are forged as Kit and Justin found themselves drawn into a twisted web of lies and betrayal. As the clock counts down and the culprit behind recent disappearances is revealed, those Kit loves the most become the target of somebody who will kill to protect an ugly secret.Bonus story: HUNT ME, written by J.C. Daniels' alter-ego, Shiloh Walker

Edie the Garden Fairy: The Green Fairies Book 3 (Rainbow Magic #3)

by Daisy Meadows

Jack Frost's goblins are trying to prevent the Green Fairies from doing their jobs properly...believing that they are the only green creatures in the world! But Rachel and Kirsty are determined to create a nature garden, with the help of Edie the Garden Fairy!

Edmond Hamilton SF Gateway Omnibus: Captain Future and the Space Emperor, The Star Kings & The Weapon From Beyond

by Edmond Hamilton

Hamilton was one of space opera's early influencers, alongside 'Doc' Smith and Jack Williamson, and also spent some time at DC Comics, where he wrote such seminal titles as Superman and The Legion of Superheroes. This omnibus contains the opening volumes to three of his best loved series: Captain Future and the Space Emperor, The Star Kings and The Weapon From Beyond.

Egg And Spoon

by Gregory Maguire

In this tour de force, master storyteller Gregory Maguire offers a dazzling novel for fantasy lovers of all ages. Elena Rudina lives in the impoverished Russian countryside. Her father has been dead for years. One of her brothers has been conscripted into the Tsar's army, the other taken as a servant in the house of the local landowner. Her mother is dying, slowly, in their tiny cabin. And there is no food. But then a train arrives in the village, a train carrying untold wealth, a cornucopia of food, and a noble family destined to visit the Tsar in Saint Petersburg -- a family that includes Ekaterina, a girl of Elena's age. When the two girls' lives collide, an adventure is set in motion, an escapade that includes mistaken identity, a monk locked in a tower, a prince traveling incognito, and -- in a starring role only Gregory Maguire could have conjured -- Baba Yaga, witch of Russian folklore, in her ambulatory house perched on chicken legs.

Eight Keys to Eden

by Mark Clifton

Originally published in 1960, here is an enthralling science alien planet puzzle from Hugo Award winning writer Mark Clifton.When Eden, the Earth colony eleven light years away, goes silent and fails to answer any communications from the mother planet, Earth's government goes into a panic. Has something tragic happened on a world already proven to have no intelligent, dangerous lifeforms? Or, are the colonists purposely disregarding the messages for some reason of their own? What could be the real explanation for the mysterious silence of a disciplined, scientific colony?To learn the answer, Earth's leaders turn to the Extrapolators--the honored group of men and women with an almost superhuman ability to see to the core of any problem. Soon the Extrapolators assign a probationary Extrapolator, Calvin Gray, to the hazardous journey to Eden, where he will win full admission into the ranks to the Extrapolators if he solves whatever problems he finds there.But, even with his special Extrapolator training, Grey is not prepared for the extent ort nature of the disaster that has struck the colony Eden--thrown back to an almost subhuman state of existence without houses, tools, equipment, or clothing."Full of excitement. Richly rewarding. Genuinely mature philosophy tinged with gentle irony."--Galaxy magazine"Clifton was an innovator in the early 1950s and such an impressive innovator that his approach has become standard among science fiction writers. He used the common themes of science fiction--alien invasion, expanding technology, revolution against political theocracy, and space colonization--but unlike any writer before him, he imposed upon these standard themes the full range of sophisticated psychological insight."--Barry N. Malzberg, The Science Fiction

The Eighth Day

by Dianne K. Salerni David Mcclellan

In this riveting fantasy adventure, thirteen-year-old Jax Aubrey discovers a secret eighth day with roots tracing back to Arthurian legend. Fans of Percy Jackson will devour this first book in a new series that combines exciting magic and pulse-pounding suspense.When Jax wakes up to a world without any people in it, he assumes it's the zombie apocalypse. But when he runs into his eighteen-year-old guardian, Riley Pendare, he learns that he's really in the eighth day--an extra day sandwiched between Wednesday and Thursday. Some people--like Jax and Riley--are Transitioners, able to live in all eight days, while others, including Evangeline, the elusive teenage girl who's been hiding in the house next door, exist only on this special day. And there's a reason Evangeline's hiding. She is a descendant of the powerful wizard Merlin, and there is a group of people who wish to use her in order to destroy the normal seven-day world and all who live in it. Torn between protecting his new friend and saving the entire human race from complete destruction, Jax is faced with an impossible choice. Even with an eighth day, time is running out. Stay tuned for The Inquisitor's Mark, the spellbinding second novel in the Eighth Day series.

An einem fremden Ort

by Carol Radmann Eric Arvin

Ohne Kleider und ohne Gedächtnis erwacht Joe in einem Gerstenfeld. Er hat keine Ahnung, wie er dorthin gekommen ist, doch ehe er es sich versieht, befindet er sich auf der letzten großen Reise seines Lebens. Ein mysteriöser, faszinierender Fremder, der ihm irgendwie bekannt vorkommt, gibt ihm den Auftrag, Mut zu haben. Und so macht sich Joe zusammen mit seinem Seelenführer Baker auf, durch eine fantastische, wandelbare Landschaft, um sich seiner Vergangenheit zu stellen. Die Reise ist nicht ohne Herausforderungen. Manchmal ist es schwer für Joe, seine Vergangenheit erneut zu durchleben, aber wenn er Frieden finden will - und den Fremden, zu dem er sich so stark hingezogen fühlt - muss er seinen Weg bis zum Ende gehen, ganz gleich, wie oft er unterwegs in Versuchung gerät, die Suche abzubrechen.

El mar infinit (La Cinquena Onada #Volumen 2)

by Rick Yancey

Segona part de l’espectacular trilogia èpica «La cinquena onada». Després de la cinquena onada... Els Altres busquen supervivents al mar infinit. La Cassie Sullivan i els seus companys han sobreviscut a les quatre onades destructores dels Altres. Ara que la raça humana està pràcticament exterminada i la cinquena onada ho arrasa tot, s’enfronten a un dilema: esperar l’Evan Walker o bé fugir per buscar d’altres supervivents abans de caure en mans de l’enemic. Consumits, però no derrotats. Assetjats, però no sotmesos. Ara ja no és una guerra d'humans contra alienígenes. És la lluita de l'esperança contra la desolació. De la fe contra la por. De l'amor contra l'odi. I la humanitat és el camp de batalla. Saben com penses, saben com matar-te. Creuen que no tens cap oportunitat. Però no saben... que no estàs sol.

El retorn dels Escorpins (Secret Academy #3)

by Isaac Palmiola

Tercer volum de les aventures de l'Úrsula, en Lucas, en Martin i la Rowling, els alumnes de la Secret Academy. L'Úrsula torna a la Secret Academy esperant retrobar-hi en Lucas, però el seu amic ha desaparegut... Fora, en Martin i la Rowling han viatjat fins a un indret remot de Finlàndia: ella passarà els rituals d'iniciació dels Escorpins amb l'objectiu d'infiltrar-se com a agent doble i així trobar totes les respostes sobre el seu passat. I mentrestant, a Nova York, el doctor Kubrick trama un misteriós pla que només els alumnes de la Secret Academy podran aturar...

La elección final (Las tejedoras de destinos #Volumen 3)

by Gennifer Albin

Mientras el Gremio manipula a los habitantes de Arras, Adelice descubre que no está sola, y tendrá que dejar su pasado a un lado para luchar por el futuro de la humanidad. Deberá elegir entre una alianza inimaginable o una guerra mortífera que podría acabar con todos sus seres queridos. "Por eso el gremio debe temerme. Ya lo he dado todo, no tengo nada más que perder. Tengo el poder de salvar mundos, y lo haré. Seguramente el gremio estará al acecho, pero yo estoy preparada para enfrentarlos a todos." Autónoma, independiente, peligrosa. Trataron de controlarla. Ahora ella intentará destruirlos. Elección final cierra la trilogía de La tejedora de destinos. Mientras el Gremio manipula a los habitantes de Arras, Adelice descubre que no está sola, y tendrá que dejar su pasado a un lado para luchar por el futuro de la humanidad. Deberá elegir entre una alianza inimaginable o una guerra mortífera que podría acabar con aquellos a quienes ama. La crítica ha dicho sobre la obra: "Cautivador e intenso, el intricado debut de Albin con esta trilogía tiene el equilibrio adecuado entre misterio, romance y drama." Publishers Weekly "En el coventri hay pasillos torcidos y lugares oscuros que los lectores querrán visitar." The New York Times Books Review "La trilogía de Tejedoras de destinos es acerca del amor, el destino y saber en quién confiar."

Electric Candle (The Sleepless City #2)

by Elizabeth Noble

Sequel to Shades of SepiaThe Sleepless City: Book TwoWhen a vampire finds his soul mate, the bond is forever. It's love at first sight. Or is it? Flint, Ohio, Homicide Detective Jonas Forge has been a vampire for nearly two hundred years. He's fought wars, seen life go from the simple but hard colonial days to the modern, high-tech world. He's evolved with the times, adapting with each new era, blending into each new life. The one constant is his best friend and lover, Declan. Until Forge's soul mate tumbles, literally, into his life. Even though they're not fated to be together forever, Forge and Declan are perfectly happy. Despite the pheromone attracting him to his soul mate, Forge isn't thrilled with the guy, and the feeling seems mutual. While trying to adjust to his clumsy soul mate and equally awkward feelings, Forge is on the hunt for the serial killer who's leaving a trail of bodies, and who witnesses can't identify. But Forge better watch out. When his work collides with his love life, things really heat up.

Electrify His Heart (Microchips and Purity #1)

by Alana Ankh

Microchips and Purity: Book OneIt is the year 2441. A deadly virus has swept over the planet, short-circuiting cybernetic implants, killing billions. In the aftermath, the newly formed state of Eden is led by the one newborn that survived that dreadful day, Uriel Noah of the House of Zion--the Guiding Light. Unbeknownst to all, Uriel lives in a gilded cage, deprived of basic affection, used as a pawn, craving freedom and love. Cyborg Raze Hartman is the leader of the resistance. His kind--cyborgs with a high cybernetic coefficient--were hit hardest by the virus, the few survivors crippled and enslaved by the purist system. Struggling to keep his father alive, Raze resorts to investigating the Guiding Light, the symbol of cyborg oppression. What he finds changes his life, and Uriel's. After sneaking into a purist ceremony, Raze sees past Uriel's facade of strength and aloofness. He sees the lonely young man behind the mask of the Guiding Light. The instantaneous attraction between them is literally electric. But a chasm separates them, as wide as the difference between flesh and metal, and the secrets of Uriel's past may be the undoing of them all.

Elegy on Kinderklavier (Linda Bruckheimer Series In Kentucky Literature Ser.)

by Arna Bontemps Hemenway

<P>The stories in Elegy on Kinderklavier explore the profound loss and intricate effects of war on lives that have been suddenly misaligned. <P>A diplomat navigates a hostile political climate and an arranged marriage in an Israeli settlement on a newly discovered planet; a small town in Kansas shuns the army recruiter who signed up its boys as troops are deployed to Iraq, falling in helicopters and on grenades; a family dissolves around mental illness and a child's body overtaken by cancer. <P>The moment a soldier steps on an explosive device is painfully reproduced, nanosecond by nanosecond. <P> Arna Bontemps Hemenway's stories feel pulled out of time and place, and the suffering of his characters seem at once otherworldly and stunningly familiar. <P>Elegy on Kinderklavier is a disquieting exploration of what it is to lose and be lost.Arna Bontemps Hemenway's fiction has appeared in The Missouri Review, A Public Space, the Seattle Review, and Ecotone. Originally from Kentucky, he holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and has received scholarships from the Sewanee Writers' Conference and Truman Capote Literary Trust.

Elemental Desire

by Denise Tompkins

Only one woman can bring him to his knees...Seth is manager of Desire, the hottest nightspot in Atlanta. He's also an ifrit-a djinn born from primal fire-and it's his burning sexual energy that lures women to his club. At closing time, Seth takes his pick from throngs of gorgeous creatures incapable of resisting him. And one night he chooses Eden. Or does she choose him?Neither wants anything more than a few hours of mind-blowing sex. But Eden is a witch, a high priestess charged with keeping the elements in balance. Her magic binds Seth to her, and eventually it will snuff out his flame altogether.Seth's only hope is submission-to Eden's command, and to the emotions he tries so hard to master. But first, Eden must find the strength to wield her power in ways she never imagined....

Elemental Forces: Book Three of the Oracle of Light

by Cil Gregoire

Once again two worlds become inextricably entangled in an engrossing tale of mystery and adventure. On Earth Rahlys continues her training with Quaylyn, Melinda's dreams are haunted by the taint of Droclum, Jack Faulkner, an old marine buddy of Vince's, holds the key to solving a mystery, and Leaf, the youngest wizard, and the toddling twins, Crystal and Rock, charm their way into the hearts of all. On Aaia (Anthya's World) Rojaire still seeks his long-lost Kaylya and a secret valley hidden in the Crescent Mountains on the Devastated Continent consolidates the first steps toward revolution on a world that values population control over individual freedom. And somewhere... Brakalar still possesses the rune-covered chest containing the rod of destruction. Elemental Forces awakens one's sense of wonder and discovery on a spellbinding adventure that ranges from the boreal forest of the northern Susitna Valley and the rugged Bristol Bay coastline in Alaska to the swamps and highlands of southern Louisiana... and beyond.

The Elementalists: The Tipping Point Prophecy: Book One (The Tipping Point Prophecy #1)

by C. Sharp

A tale of dragons and disaster that &“masterfully blends fantasy, teen drama, and a strong message of environmentalism into a white-hot narrative&” (Kirkus Reviews). In small town Virginia, Chloe McClellan&’s sophomore year of high school is rapidly turning into an epic fail. First, she becomes the target of the queen of the It-Girls in gym. Then, she&’s struck by lightning . . . and that&’s when things really start to get weird. There are disconcerting gaps in her memory, and freaky weather seems to follow her everywhere. Either she&’s going insane, or her accident has awoken a terrifying creature from mythology, triggering the final countdown to the extinction of humankind. Rising sea levels, droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes—far below the earth&’s crust, imprisoned in ancient slumber, the elemental powers of the land grow restless . . . Chloe finds unlikely help from a trio of male classmates: the captain of the football team, a flighty stoner with a secret, and an enigmatic transfer student who longs for the sea. All the while, she struggles with the growing realization that dragons exist, and she and her friends may be the only ones who can stop them. In the first book in the epic new Tipping Point Prophecy series, global dragon mythology is reimagined against a backdrop of ecological disaster, high school angst, and the power of the human spirit when working in accord with the elements. &“A cautionary modern tale about climate change and pollution. The realistic, adolescent dramas buffeting [the] clever protagonist . . . are just as well-crafted as the passages on Chinese mythology and five-clawed, flying beasts.&” —Slate

The Elevator Ghost

by Glen Huser

An eccentric babysitter has a knack for telling stories that are eerily well suited to her young charges. When Carolina Giddle moves into the Blatchford Arms, no one knows what to make of her sequin-sprinkled sneakers and her trinket-crusted car. But the parents are happy there’s a new babysitter around, and Carolina seems to have an uncanny ability to calm the most rambunctious child with her ghostly stories. Armed with unusual snacks (bone-shaped peppermints, granghoula bars and Rumpelstiltskin sandwiches), candles to set the mood, and her trusty sidekick — a tarantula named Chiquita, Carolina entertains the children with some good old-fashioned storytelling and, at the end, a great Halloween party. Governor General’s Award winner Glen Huser brings his quirky sense of humor and horror to some time-honored motifs. The artistic Lubinitsky girls find out that artists must be wary of the power of their own creations. Holy terror Angelo Bellini discovers that no one can throw a tantrum like a double-crossed pirate. The Hooper kids, including UFO junkie Benjamin, learn about some eerie goings-on in the New Mexico desert. Timid Hubert and Hetty Croop are practically afraid of their own shadows, until they hear the story of a boy who finds the perfect weapon for overcoming his fear of the dark. And Dwight and Dwayne Fergus, two would-be Freddy Kruegers, finally meet their match in Carolina, and her story of the footless skeleton. As for Carolina Giddle herself, it turns out that she has a timeworn connection to the Blatchford Arms, and to the ghost who still haunts the building — especially its old-fashioned elevator. Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.3 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., how characters interact). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.5.9 Compare and contrast stories in the same genre (e.g., mysteries and adventure stories) on their approaches to similar themes and topics.

Elisha Magus (The Dark Apostle #2)

by E. C. Ambrose

Elisha, a barber-surgeon from the poorest streets of benighted fourteenth-century London, has come a long way from home. He was always skilled at his work, but skill alone could not protect him on the day that disaster left his family ruined and Elisha himself accused of murder. With no other options, Elisha accepted a devil's bargain from Lucius, a haughty physician, to avoid death by hanging--by serving under the sadistic doctor as a battle surgeon of the king's army, at the front lines of an unjust war. Elisha worked night and day, both tending to the wounded soldiers and protecting them from the physician's experiments. Even so, he soon found that he had a talent for a surprising and deadly sort of magic, and was drawn into the clandestine world of sorcery by the enchanting young witch Brigit--who had baffling ties to his past, and ambitious plans for his future. Yet even Brigit did not understand the terrible power Elisha could wield, until the day he was forced to embrace it and end the killing the king. Now, Elisha has become a wanted man--not only by those who hate and fear him, but by those who'd seek to woo his support. Because, hidden behind the politics of court and castle, it is magic that offers power in its purest form. And the players in that deeper game are stranger and more terrifying than Elisha could ever have dreamed. There are the magi, those who have grasped the secrets of affinity and knowledge to manipulate mind and matter, always working behind the scenes. There are the indivisi, thought mad by the rest of the magical world: those so devoted to their subject of study that they have become "indivisible" from it, and whose influence in their realm is wondrous beyond even the imaginations of "normal" magi. And then there are--there may be--the necromancers, whose methods, motives, and very existence remain mysterious. Where rumors of their passing go, death follows. But death follows Elisha, too. s always fought against the darkness of his world. Yet as he begins a journey to help rebuild the country he shattered, will he be able to overcome the darkness inside himself?

Elite: Nemorensis (Elite: Dangerous Ser.)

by Simon Spurrier

Set in the world of bestselling computer game ELITE, and launched to tie in with the latest version, ELITE: DANGEROUS - a game almost 20 years in the making. One of three very distinct - but subtly linked - novels written by major authors who are fans of the game, this novel will be a must-buy not only the 25,000+ people who funded the new game on kickstarter, but also for all of those fans of the original game. Two lovers steal a spaceship and go on the run, attacking at random and revelling in the fame and glory their violence brings them. Celebrated by the jaded youth of the Federation and urged on to ever more flashy acts of destruction, they know it won't be long before they are caught and killed. But someone is following the couple. Someone who knows why they are so obsessed with each other. Who knows where they are heading. Who knows why. Someone who knows more about them than they do themselves. And has another plan for their deaths...

Elite: Wanted (Elite: Dangerous Ser.)

by Gavin Deas

Set in the world of bestselling computer game ELITE, and launched to tie in with the latest version, ELITE: DANGEROUS - a game almost 20 years in the making. One of three very distinct - but subtly linked - novels written by major authors who are fans of the game, this novel will be a must-buy not only for the 25,000+ people who funded the new game on kickstarter, but also for all of those fans of the original game. When a routine bit of piracy goes wrong, the crew of the Song of Stone realise that there's a bounty hunter on their tail. One who might, finally, be able to outclass them. The Dragon Queen is feared across space, and for good reason. But even the bounty hunter doesn't realise what she's been hired to do. Or what is in the container she's been sent to retrieve. And she's not the only hunter in the game... Gavin Deas is the pseudonym used by Stephen Deas and Gavin Smith when writing together.

Elite: Docking is Difficult (Elite: Dangerous Ser.)

by Gideon Defoe

Set in the world of bestselling computer game ELITE, and launched to tie in with the latest version, ELITE: DANGEROUS - a game almost 20 years in the making. One of three very distinct - but subtly linked - novels written by major authors who are fans of the game, this novel will be a must-buy not only the 25,000+ people who funded the new game on kickstarter, but also for all of those fans of the original game. On what might be the worst planet in the universe, a young man dreams of the stars. Adventure! Lasers! Women! And the ultimate goal - to become Elite! Unfortunately, Misha has to do his chores first. And learn how to talk to Phoebe, the beautiful customs officer. And leave the planet. But the death of a famous author unexpectedly drags Misha and Phoebe into a system-wide conspiracy, complete with smuggling, international art thieves, multi-system corporations, canap?s and exploding pigs. This is Misha's chance to prove he has what it takes! After all, surely anyone can be Elite if they dream...

Elite Dangerous: Docking is Difficult (Elite: Dangerous)

by Gideon Defoe

Set in the world of bestselling computer game ELITE, and launched to tie in with the latest version, ELITE: DANGEROUS - a game almost 20 years in the making. One of three very distinct - but subtly linked - novels written by major authors who are fans of the game, this novel will be a must-buy not only the 25,000+ people who funded the new game on kickstarter, but also for all of those fans of the original game.On what might be the worst planet in the universe, a young man dreams of the stars. Adventure! Lasers! Women! And the ultimate goal - to become Elite!Unfortunately, Misha has to do his chores first. And learn how to talk to Phoebe, the beautiful customs officer. And leave the planet.But the death of a famous author unexpectedly drags Misha and Phoebe into a system-wide conspiracy, complete with smuggling, international art thieves, multi-system corporations, canapés and exploding pigs. This is Misha's chance to prove he has what it takes!After all, surely anyone can be Elite if they dream...

Elite Dangerous: Nemorensis (Elite: Dangerous)

by Simon Spurrier

Set in the world of bestselling computer game ELITE, and launched to tie in with the latest version, ELITE: DANGEROUS - a game almost 20 years in the making. One of three very distinct - but subtly linked - novels written by major authors who are fans of the game, this novel will be a must-buy not only the 25,000+ people who funded the new game on kickstarter, but also for all of those fans of the original game.Two lovers steal a spaceship and go on the run, attacking at random and revelling in the fame and glory their violence brings them. Celebrated by the jaded youth of the Federation and urged on to ever more flashy acts of destruction, they know it won't be long before they are caught and killed.But someone is following the couple. Someone who knows why they are so obsessed with each other. Who knows where they are heading. Who knows why.Someone who knows more about them than they do themselves. And has another plan for their deaths...

Elite Dangerous: Wanted (Elite: Dangerous)

by Gavin Deas

Set in the world of bestselling computer game ELITE, and launched to tie in with the latest version, ELITE: DANGEROUS - a game almost 20 years in the making. One of three very distinct - but subtly linked - novels written by major authors who are fans of the game, this novel will be a must-buy not only for the 25,000+ people who funded the new game on kickstarter, but also for all of those fans of the original game.When a routine bit of piracy goes wrong, the crew of the Song of Stone realise that there's a bounty hunter on their tail. One who might, finally, be able to outclass them. The Dragon Queen is feared across space, and for good reason. But even the bounty hunter doesn't realise what she's been hired to do. Or what is in the container she's been sent to retrieve.And she's not the only hunter in the game...Gavin Deas is the pseudonym used by Stephen Deas and Gavin Smith when writing together.

Ellie Featherbill All Alone: Book 3 (Magic Animal Friends #3)

by Daisy Meadows

Welcome to a magical world where animals talk and play - just like you and me!Best friends Jess and Lily love all animals. But when they follow a mysterious golden cat into Friendship Forest - a place where animals live in tiny cottages and sip dandelion tea at the Toadstool Cafe - their summer holidays suddenly become much more magical!It's Ellie Featherbill's birthday, and she's having a party at her houseboat home on Willowtree River. But Grizelda has a wicked plan to poison the river, and orders the Boggits to steal the Featherbills' barge - with Ellie still on board! Can Lily and Jess save the little duckling and stop the Boggits?

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