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El regalo de las hadas

by Barbara Schinko

Una fantástica historia de hermanas, amor y aventura. Mavie de quince años, hija del gobernador que vive en la pequeña isla de Dalin, tiene una relación tensa con su hermana un poco mayor, Stella. Cuando Stella conoce a un príncipe de las Bellas Artes y desaparece rápidamente, depende de Mavie recuperarla. Junto con Sorley, un chico de quince años con sus propios secretos, se pone en camino hacia el Hada, ayudada por su abuela, una ex pirata, y la tripulación de la abuela. Pero Hada resulta ser tan tramposa como su gente. ¿Podrán Mavie, su hermana y sus amigos encontrar el camino de vuelta?

O Reino do Meio: Dois Irmãos (O Reino do Meio #2)

by Phoenix Grey

Will Galvan não é mais um noob no Reino. Na verdade, ele não é mais Will Galvan. Surgido como Azure e ainda indeciso quanto à sua classe, o novo herói está pronto para enfrentar a causa da maldição em Crescent Island. Mal sabe ele que as decisões no jogo podem ter consequências no mundo real, incluindo a morte. Mas mais importante do que tudo isso, o mistério de Uden é revelado. Ele é um cara legal? Um cara mau? Um cara legal que por acaso também é um idiota? Leia mais para descobrir! A aventura aguarda nesta mistura de rastreador de masmorras e LitRPG de vida cotidiana.

Un Amour Viking

by Amaya Evans

Lauren, une fille qui vend des sandwichs pour gagner sa vie, reçoit un jour une commande pour le bâtiment de la tour d’en face où se tient son petit charriot de nourriture. La fille qui l’aide s’en va faire quelques courses, et à ce moment, elle se retrouve seule et décide de prendre la commande comme il s’agit, à première vue, d’une réunion d’employés qui resteront tard et qui sont de bons clients. Quand elle arrive dans le bâtiment, elle se dirige vers les bureaux du sous-sol et quand elle sonne à la porte, elle voit qu’il n’y a personne. Elle décide de laisser les sandwichs sur un bureau et de sortir, mais elle aperçoit une étrange machine et par curiosité, elle se glisse à l’intérieur, celle-ci se ferme, et disparait, initiant un voyage qui la transporte à travers le temps à l’époque des vikings. Là-bas, elle rencontre Hulrik, un guerrier viking qui, en revenant d’une excursion dans des terres étrangères, la trouve dans un bois, inconsciente, et la ramène chez lui. Au fils des jours, les deux tombent amoureux, mais le plus grand obstacle pour que leur amour se concrétise est que Lauren n’est pas prête à changer sa vie indépendante pleine de commodités typiques du futur, pour une époque primitive, même lorsqu’il s’agit d’être à côté de l’homme qu’elle aime.

Lazos Fracturados (Tierras Fracturadas #2)

by Greg Alldredge

La vida es barata. Las ciudades estado de Zar y Perdition luchan entre sí por el control de una isla que las separa. Zar lucha por la libertad de todos, mientras que Perdition refuerza el status quo. El Director de Perdition ha enviado a su hijo menor, Ollie, en una misión especial a la ciudad enemiga de Zar para poner fin a la guerra. A Zorra, una hija de Zar, se le pide que haga el máximo sacrificio para traer la paz a la tierra. Antes de que se celebre un armisticio, golpea la muerte. ¿Podrán Zorra y Ollie superar sus diferencias y traer paz a sus ciudades? ¿Quién está involucrado en una lucha en espiral por el control del liderazgo de la ciudad? Los dos adolescentes trabajan duro para traer estabilidad mientras sus dos islas se adentran en la edad oscura empapada de sangre. Todas estas preguntas, y más, se responderán solas mientras deambulamos por la oscura fantasía de Las tierras fracturadas y nos acercamos a la emocionante conclusión de esta impresionante obra de ficción inmersiva. Hay momentos en los que se necesita un gran sacrificio. Cuando la vida o el destino de nadie están asegurados. En las islas de las Tierras Fracturadas, los restos de poderosas batallas aún marcan el campo. El peligro se acerca rápidamente. La familia, la amistad y la lealtad importan poco cuando la búsqueda del control impulsa la ambición. La vida misma se convierte en un juego sin puntuación con solo ganadores y perdedores. En Lazos Fracturados, el autor Greg Alldredge nos lleva a un nuevo corazón audaz de fantasía oscura y nos deja conmocionados, emocionados y ansiosos por más. Para los fanáticos de Game of Thrones, este segundo libro de una serie de fantasía épica está garantizado para hacer que la mente se acelere y el corazón lata, y seguramente atrapará a los lectores desde la fantástica primera página hasta la última.

O país de novembro: Contos fantásticos

by Jorge Jaramillo Villarruel

Um ladrão de órgãos seduz a sua vítima antes de lhe roubar o coração; uma doença mental que conseguiu chegar à presidência de um país; o quarto de outro homem torna-se um reino de aranhas, onde o equilíbrio de poderes é delicado; um cientista deseja ver o mundo através dos olhos de sua esposa, e os toma emprestados. O país de novembro reúne vinte contos de fantasia, ficção científica, terror e bizarrices, do ganhador do prêmio René Avilés Fabila 2014, Jorge Jaramillo Villarruel.

Tempo Precioso (As Crônicas de Kerrigan Sequência Livro 6 #6)

by W. J. May

O aguardado livro final da Sequência da série As Crônicas de Kerrigan, da autora best seller do USA TODAY, W.J. May. O CAPÍTULO FINAL! O palco está montado, os jogadores estão prontos e a batalha está prestes a começar… Após anos de luta, Rae Kerrigan e seus amigos se encontram no final da linha. Somente uma pessoa impede que eles consigam tudo que sempre desejaram: paz, segurança, a chance de uma vida normal. Mas no caso de Rae, essa ‘vida normal’ poderia incluir um pouco mais do que ela esperava. Após descobrir que está grávida, Rae se vê no jogo de gato e rato mais perigoso de todos. As apostas nunca foram tão altas, os riscos nunca foram tão grandes e quando a gangue se prepara para lutar contra Samantha Neilson de uma vez por todas, algumas escolhas difíceis terão que ser feitas. O que significará ter um bebê que não somente é um híbrido, mas tem três conjuntos de tatuagens separados? Ela deveria contar a Devon, sabendo que os dois estão prestes a entrar em batalha e arriscar perder tudo? Ela pode manter isso em segredo, mas casar com ele ao mesmo tempo? E à medida que o dia do julgamento se aproxima…em quem ela pode realmente confiar. LEIA TODA A SÉRIE: Série Prequela: Christmas Before the Magic Question the Darkness Into the Darkness Fight the Darkness Alone in the Darkness Lost in Darkness Série As Crônicas de Kerrigan Um Raio de Esperança Nebulosa Escura Castelo de Cartas Chá Real Sob Fogo Fim à Vista Escuridão Oculta Entrelaçados Marca do Destino Força & Poder O Último Em Pé Raio de Luz As Crônicas de Kerrigan Sequência Uma Questão de Tempo O Pêndulo do Tempo Segunda Chance Falha no Tempo Nosso Tempo Tempo Precioso As Crônicas de Kerrigan: Gabriel Living in the Past Present for Today Staring at the Future Kerrigan Crônicas Stopping Time A Passage of Time Ticking Clock

O Dia Da Sua Chegada

by Isabel Komorebi

* Amor * Estrelas * Poesia * Metafísica « Adormeço com um pensamento, com uma certeza. Para mim, o amor não está na terra, O amor está nas estrelas. »   «  Num mundo sem fôlego, um rapaz e uma garota se cruzam, abrem seus corações, se valorizam. Eles nunca deveriam ter se conhecido, mas o universo decidiu que sim. Porque a garota tem uma mensagem para o rapaz. Uma mensagem do futuro, uma mensagem de amor. Ele aceitará ouvi-la e se oferecerá à promessa trazida pela noite? » « O amor é o grito do amanhecer. O amor é o hino da noite. "Victor Hugo Le Monde. Ele. Ela. A Noite. Tenho observado ele há muito tempo. Ele, o rapaz sempre de lado. Aquele que não quer ser notado. Aquele que quer ser ignorado. Aquele que não quer falar. Ele nunca olha para a frente, o rapaz com os olhos constantemente colados ao chão. A vida e o tempo parecem deslizar sobre ele como um dia chuvoso. Cinza, triste, melancólico. *** Ele me fala sobre sua infância. Ele nem sequer retém as lágrimas, ele não tem vergonha de largar a dor à minha frente. No entanto, fui avisada que os homens se retraíam, que não gostavam de mostrar as suas mágoas, que isso os fazia sentir fracos, inferiores. Isso é uma tolice. Como abrir seu coração e falar sobre o seu sofrimento seria um sinal de fraqueza? O coração precisa se levantar. Ele precisa ser preenchido, precisa de amar. Ele não esquece, não substitui. Nunca. Mas ele pode crescer. Ainda. Novamente. Outra vez. Para acolher. Para se preencher. Para se fortalecer. Para exaltar. O coração crescer. Novamente. Outra vez. Para amar. Para amar sem limites. Para amar até o infinito, eternamente. Ele: O rapaz destroçado. Ela: A garota vestida de cores que veio das estrelas A noite: a promessa de algo diferente, mais poderoso, maior.

O Reino do Meio: A Liga dos Aventureiros (O Reino do Meio #3)

by Phoenix Grey

Por que Uden quis vir para o continente? A vida no reino é difícil quando você tem aluguel para pagar. Azure explora várias maneiras de ganhar dinheiro, mas rapidamente descobre que as missões de recompensa são onde está o verdadeiro saque. O único problema é que a maioria das missões de recompensa é classificada como Muito Difícil, o que provou ter o risco de morte. Siga Azure enquanto ele é roubado, finalmente aprende mágica, faz novos amigos e inimigos e conhece um personagem que vira o Reino de cabeça para baixo.

O Reino do Meio: O Deus da Terra (O Reino do Meio #7)

by Phoenix Grey

Matando monstros. Poções para beber. Completando missões. E resolvendo mistérios. Azure e sua gangue descobrem a identidade do Guardião e começam sua missão final para coletar todas as Pedras da Benção. Haverá mais do que alguns soluços ao longo do caminho, porém, soluços literais. Uma missão para beber tem Azure e sua gangue testando sua coragem contra um bando de anões bebendo cerveja. Quem tem a maior tolerância ao álcool? Descubra nesta emocionante edição da série LitRPG mais vendida, O Reino do Meio.

A Noite Das Garotas

by Charlie Daye

Eles tinham uma rotina ... Todo fim de semana, eles atingiam seu ponto habitual, o Club Sapphire. Pediram as mesmas bebidas e saíam com as mesmas pessoas. Buscando algo diferente, Courtney convence Ariana a experimentar uma nova boate no distrito de warehouse. Era privado e apenas por convite, por um bom motivo. Depois de entrar sorrateiramente, eles têm a melhor noite de suas vidas. Se elas pudessem se lembrar do que aconteceu na noite de sexta-feira passada.

An Absolutely Remarkable Thing: A Novel (The Carls #1)

by Hank Green

In his much-anticipated debut novel, Hank Green--cocreator of Crash Course, Vlogbrothers, and SciShow--spins a sweeping, cinematic tale about a young woman who becomes an overnight celebrity before realizing she's part of something bigger, and stranger, than anyone could have possibly imagined. <P><P>The Carls just appeared. Coming home from work at three a.m., twenty-three-year-old April May stumbles across a giant sculpture. Delighted by its appearance and craftsmanship--like a ten-foot-tall Transformer wearing a suit of samurai armor--April and her friend Andy make a video with it, which Andy uploads to YouTube. The next day April wakes up to a viral video and a new life. <P><P>News quickly spreads that there are Carls in dozens of cities around the world--everywhere from Beijing to Buenos Aires--and April, as their first documentarian, finds herself at the center of an intense international media spotlight. <P><P>Now April has to deal with the pressure on her relationships, her identity, and her safety that this new position brings, all while being on the front lines of the quest to find out not just what the Carls are, but what they want from us. <P><P>Compulsively entertaining and powerfully relevant, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing grapples with big themes, including how the social internet is changing fame, rhetoric, and radicalization; how our culture deals with fear and uncertainty; and how vilification and adoration spring from the same dehumanization that follows a life in the public eye. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Productions of Time: The Wrong End Of Time, The Ladder In The Sky, And The Productions Of Time

by John Brunner

"One of the most important science fiction authors. Brunner held a mirror up to reflect our foibles because he wanted to save us from ourselves."--SF SiteFor each generation, there is a writer meant to bend the rules of what we know. Hugo Award winner (Best Novel, STAND ON ZANZIBAR) and British science fiction master John Brunner remains one of the most influential and respected authors of all time, and now E-Reads is pleased to re-introduce many of his classic works. For readers familiar with his vision, it's a chance to re-examine his thoughtful worlds and words, while for new readers, Brunner's work proves itself the very definition of timeless.In THE PRODUCTIONS OF TIME, Murray Douglas has beaten his alcohol addiction, needs a new acting job and can't be choosy. Then he ends up in an isolated country estate with every move being recorded by what appear to be alien instruments, every deviant desire and weakness constantly prodded and encouraged and self destruction the order of the day, every day. What is the goal of the production? Who (or what) will ever see the show? Will he (or anyone) survive the ordeal? The show must go on...

Year's Best Fantasy 3 (Year's Best Fantasy Series #3)

by David G. Hartwell Kathryn Cramer

The door to fantastic worlds, skewed realities, and breathtaking other realms is opened wide to you once more in this third anthology of the finest short fantasy fiction to emerge over the past year, compiled by acclaimed editor David G. Hartwell. Rarely has a more magnificent collection of tales been contained between book covers -- phenomenal visions of the impossible-made-possible by some of the field's most accomplished literary artists and stellar talents on the rise. Year's Best Fantasy 3 is a heady brew of magic and wonder, strange journeys and epic quests, boldly concocted by the likes of Ursula K. Le Guin, Michael Swanwick, Tanith Lee, and others. Step into a dimension beyond the limits of ordinary imagination . . . and be amazed!.

A Broken Queen (The Nine Realms #3)

by Sarah Kozloff

Sarah Kozloff, author of Queen of Raiders, continues her breathtaking and cinematic epic fantasy series The Nine Realms with book three, A Broken Queen, and all four books will be published within a month of each other, so you can binge your favorite new fantasy series. <P><P> Time can heal all wounds, but not all wounds are visible. Barely surviving her ordeal in Oromondo and scarred by its Fire Spirit, Cerulia is taken to a recovery house in Wyeland to heal from the trauma. In a ward with others who are all bound to serve each other, she discovers that not all scars are visible, and dying can be done with grace and acceptance. While she would like to stay in this place of healing, will she ever be able to leave the peace she has found to re-take the throne?

Death and Relaxation

by Devon Monk

"Monsters, gods, and murder... Police Chief Delaney Reed can handle the valkyries, werewolves, gill-men and other paranormal creatures who call the small beach town of Ordinary, Oregon their home. It's the vacationing gods who keep her up at night. With the famous rhubarb festival right around the corner, small-town tensions, tempers, and godly tantrums are at an all-time high. The last thing Delaney needs is her ex-boyfriend reappearing just when she's finally caught the attention of Ryder Bailey, the one man she should never love. No, scratch that. The actual last thing she needs is a dead body washing ashore, especially since the dead body is a god. Catching a murderer, wrestling a god power, and re-scheduling the apocalypse? Just another day on the job in Ordinary. Falling in love with her childhood friend while trying to keep the secrets of her town secret? That's gonna take some work"--

Deadly Quicksilver Lies: A Garrett, P.I. Novel (Garrett Files Ser. #7)

by Glen Cook

The return of the bestselling Garrett series. Someone has barged in on Garrett, the hardboiled human detective in a fantasy world, with tales of sex, intrigue and murder. The mystery and danger come full force when a rich woman wants Garrett to find her missing daughter--or does she want him as a hitman? Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. . . .

Petty Pewter Gods: A Garrett, P.I. Novel (Garrett, P.I. #8)

by Glen Cook

Garet , P. I. , is on the case There are some new gods in the town of TunFaire, but temple real estate on the Street of Dreams is at a premium. So the big gods on the block issued a challenge-find the "key" to the one temple still available. When two rival pantheons try to hire Garrett, he knows he is in for it. . . .

Dragon Wing: The Death Gate Cycle, Volume 1 (Death Gate #1)

by Margaret Weis Tracy Hickman

Preeminent storytellers Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman have redefined epic fantasy. Since the publication of their Dragonlance series, millions of readers have enjoyed their imaginative world-building, rich characterization, and intricate storylines. Now these bestsellingauthors bring their talents to one of the most innovative fantasy creations ever in Dragon Wing, the first volume in The Death Gate Cycle.From the Paperback edition.

Scarred Mate (Werewolves of Manhattan #3)

by A. C. Katt

Alpha Marc Thierry was used to the North Woods of Minnesota, so his elevation to third on the loup garou council necessitated a move to a Gramacy section of New York City. On Monday nights, his housekeeper is off and Marc doesn’t like casseroles. He orders Chinese and gets a musical voice on the line that calls to him.To his delight and surprise, the guy on the phone delivers his food and is his destined mate.Unfortunately for Marc, Colin Callahan thinks the only reason Marc could want him is biological -- he has to like his mate. Colin has a scarred face and thinks no-one could love him as he is.Can Marc convince him otherwise?

The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson & the Olympians #3)

by Rick Riordan

When Percy Jackson receives an urgent distress call from his friend Grover, he immediately prepares for battle. He knows he'll need his powerful demigod allies, Annabeth and Thalia, at his side; his trusty bronze sword, Riptide; and... a ride from his mom. The demigods race to the rescue, to find that Grover has made an important discovery: two new powerful half-bloods whose parentage is unknown. But that's not all that awaits them. The Titan lord, Kronos, has set up his most devious trap yet, and the young heroes have just fallen prey. Hilarious and action-packed, this third adventure in the series finds Percy faced with his most dangerous challenge so far: the chilling prophecy of the Titan's curse.

The Night Is Alive: Book 10 in Krewe of Hunters series (Krewe of Hunters #10)

by Heather Graham

MIDNIGHT IN SAVANNAH... It's a city of beauty, history...hauntings. And one of the most haunted places in Savannah is a tavern called The Dragonslayer, built in the 1750s. The current owner, Gus Anderson, is a descendant of the original innkeeper and his pirate brother, Blue. Gus summons his granddaughter, Abigail, home from Virginia, where she's studying at the FBI Academy. When she arrives, she's devastated to find him dead. Murdered. But Abby soon learns that Gus isn't the only one to meet a brutal and untimely end; there've been at least two other victims. Then Captain Blue Anderson starts making ghostly appearances, and the FBI's paranormal investigation unit, the Krewe of Hunters, sends in Agent Malachi Gordon. Abby and Malachi have a similar ability to connect with the dead...and a similar stubbornness. Sparks immediately begin to fly-sparks of attraction and discord. But as the death toll rises, they have to trust each other or they, too, might find themselves among the dead haunting old Savannah!


by Lydia Kang

Hana isn't supposed to exist. She's grown up hidden by her mother in a secret room of the bioship Cyclo until the day her mother is simply gone—along with the entire crew. Cyclo tells her she was abandoned, but she's certain her mother wouldn't leave her there to die. And Hana isn't ready to die yet. She's never really had a chance to live. <p><p> Fenn is supposed to die. He and a crew of hired mercenaries are there to monitor Cyclo as she expires, and the payment for the suicide mission will mean Fenn's sister is able to live. But when he meets Hana, he's not sure how to save them both. <p> As Cyclo grows sicker by the day, they unearth more secrets about the ship and the crew. But the more time they spend together, the more Hana and Fenn realize that falling for each other is what could ultimately kill them both.

Rowley Jefferson's Awesome Friendly Adventure

by Jeff Kinney

From the imagination of Rowley Jefferson comes an adventure of epic proportions. Join Roland and his best friend, Garg the Barbarian, as they leave the safety of their village and embark on a quest to save Roland’s mom from the White Warlock. Will our heroes survive? Find out in Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Adventure! <p><p> And don’t miss Rowley Jefferson’s first book, the instant #1 bestseller, Diary of an Awesome Friendly Kid: Rowley Jefferson’s Journal! <p> <b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Glass Slipper

by Eleanor Farjeon

More than anything, Ella wants to go to the ball at the Royal Palace. But Ella is the slave of the household, waiting on every wish and whim of her horrible stepsisters. They call her Cinderella for the ashes that cling to her face, hands and hair. How can Ella go to the Royal Palace? Then, on the evening of the ball, something wonderful happens. Ella’s Fairy Godmother comes to her rescue. Now her dreams may come true at last . . .

Hawkmistress! (Darkover)

by Marion Zimmer Bradley

Romilly uses her power to communicate with and control animals to aid the battle to depose the usurper of the throne of Darkover

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