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The Bonds of Love (Vic and Matt #7)

by J. M. Snyder

A Vic and Matt NovelVic Braunson has a special kind of problem -- his lover, Matt diLorenzo, somehow imbues him with enhanced superpowers every time they have sex. It's something Vic has learned to live with in the years they've been together, and something he won't let stand in the way of their relationship. Matt hates the powers, particularly when they put Vic in danger, but what can they do?When Vic stops an armed robbery at a local convenience store, his picture appears in the morning paper. Later that day, Matt gets a phone call at work from Jordan Dubrowski, a guy he knew in high school. Jordan was his first, in every way -- it was through him that Matt discovered his ability to transfer superpowers to his lovers. Jordan had a taste of those powers, and after reading about Vic's role in the hold up, he's decided he wants them back.But Matt is in love, and Vic won't let him go without a fight. Still, Jordan will stop at nothing to get what he thinks rightly belongs to him.

Family Bonds (Crypt Coffee #3)

by Gareth Vaughn

Sequel to Night TerrorIt’s January and Professor Sean Sanderson has a little time off, though it’s anything but relaxing. Between a Guild initiation and a birthday, he’s stressed, and that’s before he and Dane, his Decrypter boyfriend, learn a werewolf has been murdered. The local Packs are at each other’s throats about the death and don’t want either Sean or Dane getting involved, which they’d be glad to do ... if the werewolf in question hadn’t reappeared as a violent ghost.Just when they have their hands full trying to dodge around Pack politics and track down a werewolf ghost before he hurts anyone, Dane’s parents show up at his coffee shop. They have no idea their son is a Decrypter, and they have no intention of leaving until they spend some quality family time together.

Saving Tirnan

by Alex Morgan

Captain Andrew secures his cruise ship in the safe waters of a tropical island to escape a hurricane. While he and his crew prepare to leave, Andrew gets a visit from a mysterious, handsome merman who convinces him the island may contain a paradise beyond his wildest dreams.Afterward, Captain Andrew and the crew of theDiamonddiscover the volcano on El Paradiso, the tropical paradise where Tirnan and the merpeople live, is about to erupt. Suddenly the world’s attention is focused on the tiny spec of land.Can Andrew and his crew race against time to keep the merpeople’s presence a secret when scientists and reporters from all over the globe are descending on El Paradiso?

Flame and Snow

by Jessica Payseur

Generations ago, shifters -- many with magic powers -- were accepted throughout Emylnor. But a war with the nearby dragon nation bred concern, and though Emylnor's forces beat back the invasion, the shifters retreated into hiding.Akton is a weasel shifter who seems to have no magical talents. When he is hunted, Talfryn joins the fight, finally able to flex his salamander flame powers. But while they make a good team, the thrill quickly wears off when they uncover recruitment orders. A shifter named Basil is building an army.Someone has to warn Queen Ylenia before Basil can launch Emylnor into another war. When Akton and Talfryn volunteer to deliver the information to her, they have no intention of getting deeply involved with the fight -- or each other. But to stop Basil, they need to learn to trust each other completely, and fast. Or all of Emylnor will burn ...

Another Dimension

by Wayne Mansfield

Julian James is a Grade C citizen in a world where the Archons, a reptilian race of aliens, control the planet. Most citizens are permitted one day off per week and it’s one such day that Julian meets Taal, a visitor on reconnaissance from another dimension.This chance meeting fills Julian with feelings he’s never had before. He takes an instant liking to this handsome visitor and the attraction is mutual. He manages a few more meetings with Taal and the two men plot Julian’s escape to the beauty and freedom of Taal’s dimension.But things rarely go to plan. Julian’s been smart, but has he been smart enough to outwit the all-seeing, all-powerful Archon overlords and their human puppets? There is no such thing as a small risk. Taal and Julian’s escape plan will either end in spectacular happiness or abysmal disaster. Many citizens wouldn’t even try it. But Julian isn’t just any citizen.

The Most Loved of All (Strange, Strange World #2)

by Tinnean

Sequel to Destiny’s EndDuring the War to End All Wars, Roddy Sayer survived his trip down the Ruzizi with his beloved, Charlie Pearson. He survived the sinking of the Konigin Marie Christine he and Charlie engineered. But now it’s 1922, his beloved is dead after working on a dig in Egypt to unearth royal tombs, and Roddy is alone, with odd, erotic dreams of an Egyptian prince ensnared by the machinations of a high priest. Is he losing his mind?Thomas Fortescue-Smythe, who flirted with Roddy and made advances toward him before, finds him again. Tommy persuades Roddy to come to his family home in England, and eventually, to share his bed and his body.But when Roddy sees an Egyptian man and knows it is the same man who was the high priest in his dreams, can he keep himself and Tommy safe?

The Italian Word for Kisses

by Matthew J. Metzger

It’s no secret Tav and Luca are going out. After the accident, it’s also no secret that new kid Jack Collins has a raging case of homophobia, and is not best pleased about having given the kiss of life to a gay guy. Either Luca quits swimming, or Jack is going to make him.Tav favours the tried-and-true method of knocking Jack’s teeth down his neck, only he can’t really afford another school suspension. Luca favours just ignoring him, only ignoring a penknife being held to your throat at New Year’s Eve is downright stupid.Thing is, Luca suspects Jack is a victim of something himself. And time is running out for Luca to get through to Jack, before Jack gets rid of him.

A Soldier's Horizon

by T. A. Creech

Selati, a big construct forced to work in the cobalt mines of Ilmare, is terrified of the overseers. Danger dogs his every breath, somehow the leader of his ragged work crew, and he finally has enough when the mine itself almost kills him. Humans or no humans, he refuses to let his crew die down in the dark. As his crew takes their stand in their bid for freedom, rescue comes. Freedom in the light and a whole new life awaits.It’s a duty Aleledai takes great pride in, saving his fellow Caniean. Humans might have created them to mine and nothing more, but like all things, the Caniean are not the mindless beasts humans intended to work to death for resources. Selati’s rescue is probably his greatest accomplishment, because something about this one becomes everything Aleledai was missing, that made freedom perfect.Humans don’t let go of their things easily, though and war is coming, no matter what the Caniean want. The price of freedom is always high. Aleledai only hopes the price isn’t everything he’s found worth living for.

Brightest Gold

by Olivia Sitter

Ever since their youth, Jorrah has hunted down shining tokens of affection. A ring, a flower, a lock of hair—so long as the trinket glows with the light of love, Jorrah will go to any length to add it to their collection. Their obsession leads them in pursuit of lovers, stopping short once gifted a bright object for their hoard.A wicked and alluring person stalks Jorrah wherever they go, showing up whenever they begin to settle into a new abode. Uprooting themself repeatedly to avoid the dark presence, Jorrah travels in constant search of a place to call their own.When they find a home, the past rears from the shadows yet again, refusing to be left behind. Jorrah realizes they must choose whether to continue running forever… or confront the darkness to protect what’s most precious to them.A fantasy for asexual, genderqueer, and dragon loving people.

Come Whatever Storms

by J. M. Snyder

In the near future, a deadly flu-like virus decimates the Earth's population. The few who remain struggle to survive without electricity, fresh food, or any other amenities they once took for granted.John “Court” Courtland and his best friend Ronnie Densch are two such survivors. Court has never known a time when Ronnie wasn't in his life. They grew up together. But it's only as they begin to move forward in the post-apocalyptic chaos of Virginia that Court realizes he's in love with Ronnie. Always has been, and always will be, even if he never lets himself admit it out loud.Ronnie is a private, inscrutable man who lets no one close to him except Court. With winter coming on, Ronnie wants to move farther south to warmer weather, and Court follows without question. Along the way, they're joined by other survivors, a ragtag bunch all looking for guidance. As they travel, they hear faint radio signals from Fort Sumter, South Carolina, where a rebuild effort is underway.The world Court once knew has changed, leaving behind a dangerous and lawless landscape. But come whatever storms, he knows he can weather them with Ronnie by his side. Will Sumter turn out to be everything Court hopes for and more? And will he find the courage to tell Ronnie how he really feels before it’s too late?

In the Land of Men

by Wayne Mansfield

In the years after the Final War, the Council of Women decide to secede from men. They create a world of their own away from men, where they can raise their children without fear. Once a year men may visit briefly to procreate. Boys are sent to the Land of Men when they reach puberty.At eleven, Bergman was sent across the sea and placed with his fathers, Spencer and Harris. Years later, he meets Hastings at the Beach Festival, an annual event for young men. It’s love at first sight for Bergman.But the course of true love never runs smoothly. In time Hastings desires a son, a subject Bergman paid little thought to. Yet their son Taylor brings great joy to their lives.Life is further complicated when Hastings is chosen to travel to the Land of Women to father children. He wants to accept, but Bergman can’t understand why he would consider going. Isn’t he happy with what he already has? If he goes, what will that do to their relationship? To their future? Is this a betrayal, or is it something else?


by Rick R. Reed

A novel about reincarnation and loveChristmas, 1983: Robert is a young man tending to his soul mate Keith, who is dying from AIDS. Robert tries valiantly to make this a special Christmas, but loses the fight late Christmas night.Christmas, 2007: Robert ventures out and finds a young girl about to fling herself into the waters of Lake Michigan. He rescues her, and the two form a bond forged from familiarity, and even love. Neither understands it, since Jess is a lesbian and Robert is gay. But there's more ...Jess begins having strange dreams, reliving key moments she couldn't know about in Keith and Robert's life. They begin to wonder if their feelings might be rooted in something much more mystical than a savior/victim relationship.As the two move toward each other, Robert's younger lover Ethan plots the unthinkable. His crystal meth-addled mind becomes convinced there's only one way to save himself: Robert's destruction.There's a murder attempt ... salvation ... redemption ...And a new love is born.

The Sarran Plague

by A. C. Katt

On far away Sarran, the Warriorpair Jonal and Tonas, along with the rest of the planet's males, lost their Fem when the Zyptz unleased a toxin that killed only females. Sarrans mates in Triad, two males with one female, and without fems, their civilization stared extinction in the face.But the Sarrans are tough and smart. They searched the galaxy for a genetically compatible species and found Earth. They were told the Earthen fems were an inferior species, with many unable to establish the psychic link essential to the triad bond, but they had to try.En route, from as far out as the asteroid belt, they heard fem voices calling to the mates. Success! But their joy is short-lived, because the human fems are in pain -- they are dying. The Zyptz found Earth before the Sarrans and unleashed their toxin.Admirals Jonal and Tonas are determined to obtain a fem at almost any cost, and rush to save Anya, because they've already mated with her in their minds.

Djinn Book 2: Where There's Smoke (Djinn #2)

by A. R. Moler

After Dale Edinger’s eccentric aunt passed away, she left him with a house full of clutter mixed with magical items and a djinn named Riadh. With his own history and a set of rules that make it impossible for him to be freed, Riadh now belongs to Dale. But when your skills at magic are one step above non-existent, you need a teacher.Now Dale’s on the hunt for a teacher so he’ll not only learn how to wield magic, but will also be able to protect Riadh. Unfortunately, his options are limited. Who poses the greater risk -- a dragon with uncertain motives, or a big city mage who'd like to add Riadh to his own collection of possessions?


by Rick R. Reed

When Leon first saw him singing in a dive bar, he was mesmerized. But he didn't know he'd be going home with the dangerously sexy lead singer that night. He couldn't have predicted he'd fall in love. But then, Leon never expected his love to be reciprocated ...So, why, three years after that fateful night, is Leon perched at the edge of a bridge, ready to make a fatal leap?Superstar is the story of a groupie and the rock star he loves. It's the tale of a man on the edge, both literally and figuratively ... and it's a timeless story of love found and lost, set to a driving beat. It's a story about promises made, promises broken, and dreams unfulfilled. And, ultimately, it's about realizing that love can come along when one least expects it -- and in the unlikeliest of places.

Under Five

by Michael War

Mike is good looking, charming, and has no trouble attracting men ... as long as his clothes stay on. But the moment they come off, something always seems to go terribly wrong.When his sister takes him to a faith healer to fix the problem, he is provided with a spell and left with a lot of doubts.But after meeting Kevin, Mike decides to give the spell a try ...

The Most Magical Halloween

by Casper Graham

Darwin Watson and Kellan Houghton own paranormal agency. They handle cases together and spend a majority of their waking hours with each other. When a supernatural murder occurs, they’re introduced to Endymion Vano by one of their mutual friends. Their attraction to Endymion leads them to finally confess their feelings for each other, as well.The three men deal with supernatural cases back-to-back while getting to know one another as potential lovers. The cases grow in intensity, and one involves a painful betrayal from someone close to Darwin, Kellan, and Endymion. None of the men expect it, but they have to work together to survive, especially since the betrayal comes on Halloween night, when the barriers between the worlds are at their thinnest.Will they find their happy ending on the magical Halloween night? Or will Halloween spell the end for all three?

The Invisible Gay

by Elliot Arthur Cross

When Kegan Kemp moves into his new dorm room at Prescott University, he’s planning on starting an exciting new life full of fun and adventure. After one day, though, he realizes he only left the dramas of high school for the dramas of college. He’s rooming with the attractive, mostly straight Evan, who has boundary issues, and is smitten by Randall, an upperclassman who seems more interested in just being friends than something more.Griffin Herbert is a brilliant young science student from a broken home. He moves into the same dormitory as Kegan, who is his new lab partner. While Griffin plans on peaceful studying, he finds himself smitten by his ruggedly good-looking roommate. A winner of several science competitions, Griffin is picked out in chemistry class to work on a special project.While Kegan works on moving out of the Friend Zone with Randall, Griffin grows obsessed with his research. Once he discovers the correct chemical process to reverse the polarity of light, Griffin injects himself with his serum, effectively turning himself invisible to the naked eye. Prescott University is plunged into terror as the voyeuristic invisible man slowly deteriorates into madness and seeks revenge on those he believes have wronged him. Kegan’s burgeoning friendship with Randall is put in jeopardy with Griffin running loose, campus security goes on lockdown, and paranoia sets in. Can Kegan manage to win Randall’s heart while simultaneously struggling against an invisible genius driven mad by his own creation, or will Griffin prove unstoppable?


by Alex Morgan

In the 22nd century, Earth has been harvested by a race of aliens known as the Xini. In the aftermath, all the planet’s resources have been stripped. Dakota sets out from Dallas in search of his lover, Grayson, who vanished on his way to St. Louis after the invading fleet departed.Dakota faces unknown dangers in the devastated plains of northern Texas and southern Oklahoma as scavengers -- human beings reduced to shells after the Harvesting -- roam the earth attacking anything that moves in an effort to survive.He finds a group of survivors struggling in what little remains of Oklahoma City, led by the tough, handsome Colonel Welch. While Mother Nature unleashes a fury of natural disasters to purge herself of the Xini rape, Dakota must decide whether to stay with the colonel and help him make the colony viable, or continue onto St. Louis to find Grayson.


by J. M. Snyder

Biker gangs known as regulators rule the streets of a war-torn city with hate and pain -- their cruelty is etched into every inch of Dae's battered body. He has never known anything but hurt from the hands of men ... until he meets Coby.When the new regulator rides into town and takes an interest in him, Dae is unwilling to believe that anyone who is a regulator can be a gentle, caring lover.Is Coby strong enough to protect Dae and his sister Delia when there's hell to pay in the form of McBane?

The Sound of the Sea

by Wayne Mansfield

Liam’s life could be better. He’s recovering from a divorce and a bitter custody battle, which he loses. He dearly loves his six-year-old son, Lucas, but seeing him every second weekend is never enough. His one salvation is the sea. When he’s sitting on the sand, watching the waves rolling in, he feels at peace, calmed and restored.One day, the waves are particularly high, and the sea particularly rough. He’s surprised to see someone swimming in such choppy seas. When Liam calls out to the man, asking if he needs help, the man simply waves back. Liam thinks he must be an idiot. Little does he know the person he sees is no man, which he discovers two days later.When they meet, Liam is both horrified and fascinated. His curiosity produces a strange attraction that changes their lives irreversibly forever.

Buried Secrets

by Ginna Wilkerson

When Emelia Behrends is caught in bed with her girlfriend Taylor by her strict Southern Baptist mother, she thinks nothing worse could ever happen. But when she’s sent to a small town in Kentucky to live with her aunt, stranger things do indeed happen. An incident in the gym locker room starts tongues wagging, and soon the popular crowd are spreading rumors.Thankfully, Emelia meets would-be witch Hillary and the two band together as misfits and friends. Then Mariah enters the picture, and Emelia is instantly attracted. Mariah is entranced with Emelia’s beautiful smile and silky red hair, but she harbors deep secrets that might make all the difference between romance and tragedy.The mystery begins to unravel when the topic of the Salem witch trials is introduced at school. Who is Mariah, and where did she really come from? And will Mariah’s buried secrets mean another love lost for Emelia?

Sorcerer's Lover

by Shawn Lane

When Warin, a sorcerer, needs a large amount of coins to rescue his sister from her abductor, he chooses to abduct someone himself. And he selects the man he has been lusting after ever since sharing a secret, sensual moment at court months earlier -- Benedict, the beautiful and illegitimate son of the king.At first, Benedict is reluctant to give into forbidden desires, but he cannot resist the enigmatic sorcerer’s pull. Yet when he surrenders to his lust, he’s also not sure whether it’s of his own free will or because of a spell Warin cast on him.As the men grow closer, however, they realize that when the ransom is paid, Benedict must be released and Warin must flee from punishment. Will they be able to end their passionate affair and separate, or will they fight to stay together, even if it means facing the king’s wrath?

Vitia ex Virtus

by Feral Sephrian

Glen and his boyfriend Aiden live a mostly peaceful life in New York City, but then Aiden’s abusive ex, Stephan, comes back into the picture. After an odd encounter with a Catholic priest, Glen begins acting strangely.He attributes it to stress at first, but then things get even worse. Glen experiences mental blackouts, and when he comes to, he finds he has been up to no good. A stolen wallet here, a violent loss of temper there, and an unsettling trend of nightmares plague him.Glen prays he isn’t losing his mind and hopes he can regain control of himself, but when Stephan slips back into old habits and goes after Aiden, the darkness in Glen’s soul takes over again. Can Glen subdue his inner demons before they consume him, or is it already too late?

Bad Idea

by Erica Yang

Riva Corley needs a girlfriend. Not because she wants one, but because her boyfriend, Benton, is pushing her to kiss a girl in front of him. Afraid of losing Benton, Riva agrees to try, but she never expects to find a girl she actually likes and wants to kiss for her own reasons.Daisy Mejia has stayed closeted for all of high school so far -- it seems pointless to come out for a kiss that's destined to go nowhere. Daisy also has no desire to put on a show for Riva's boyfriend. But she's had a crush on Riva Corley forever, and Daisy can't pass up this chance.Before long, what starts out as a bad idea begins to look more like a relationship. Soon, Daisy must decide how much trouble she'll put up with, and Riva has to figure out what it means when she's falling for another girl.

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