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Il desiderio del genio (Serie Sollevando il Velo #4)

by Susan Laine

Seguito di La via dei lupiSerie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 2Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione manifestò la presenza di esseri sovrannaturali che vivono sulla Terra. I residenti della città in rovina scoperta a Majlis al-Jinn sono però scomparsi da molto tempo; o così pensa il giovane archeologo Pip Butler, almeno fino a quando non libera accidentalmente un genio molto nudo chiamato Jinn. Anche se da tempo ha una timida cotta per il suo carismatico supervisore, Val Velde, Pip fa fatica a rifiutare le continue e provocanti attenzioni di Jinn. Ha a malapena il tempo di considerare che ha un potentissimo genio e tre gloriosi desideri a portata di mano, quando spietati mercenari fanno irruzione nello scavo per appropriarsi del reperto più prezioso: la lampada di Jinn. Così Pip, Val e Jinn devono lavorare insieme in una corsa contro il tempo per scoprire i segreti dell’antica città, liberare i loro colleghi tenuti prigionieri e tenere Jinn fuori dalle grinfie dei mercenari, il tutto mentre cercano di risolvere il loro groviglio amoroso.

An Island in the Stars

by Susan Laine

Sam, a geeky college freshman, has bigger problems than lusting after Marcus, sexy jock, college junior, and his big brother’s best friend. Chasing after a beanie caught in the winter wind turns into a tumble down the rabbit hole for them both—science fiction style. Sam and Marcus find themselves trapped on a tropical island in the middle of a strange ocean on an alien moon. The sole structure is a ruined temple devoted to the art of love. Flustered, confused, and unable to return home, they need to figure out a means of escape from a hostile jungle teeming with dangerous life-forms. In this tale where opposites attract and secret crushes are revealed, two very dissimilar young men discover they actually have a lot in common after all, but it will take their differences as much as their points of connection to survive on an island in the stars.

Lofty Dreams of Earthbound Men (Isleshire Chronicles)

by Susan Laine

Isleshire Chronicles: Book OneOn the night of the summer solstice, Obadai Bashim encounters Jules Sterling, a young engineering sage. Jules is on the run from a ripper, an assassin of the Theocracy who has already killed his master. Open atrocities by rippers are unusual in County Isleshire, where freedom and acceptance reign over prejudice. However, political instability between the Five Kingdoms and the Divine Theocracy has set the theocrats on a mission to crown religious doctrine over science, and the Sage's Guild is number one on their eradication list. If Obadai helps, he'll have a price on his head too, but he can't abandon Jules. Escaping the ripper's clutches is not enough. Jules has a mission of his own: to repair a faulty airship inn about to crash into the fortified township of Dunbruth. Luckily, Obadai has a few magickal secrets up his sleeve.

Love of the Wild (Lifting The Veil Ser.)

by Susan Laine

Sequel to Hunter's MoonLifting the Veil: Book FourTrying to jumpstart his waning career in travel and nature journalism, Jim Faulkner jumps out of a plane in the middle of the night to get the inside scoop on werewolves in Connor's Crossing, Wyoming. Unfortunately, he lands in a tree and gets stuck. His rescuer is a mysterious and solitary man living in a cabin in the woods. Although Jim feels an odd connection to Dakotah, Dak's silence is all but hostile. Jim won't give up though--he finds ways to be around Dak, both for the bond and his belief that Dak is a great source for wilderness information. As Dak continues to dismiss him, Jim is suddenly surrounded by progenitors--the most powerful werewolves in existence--who all seem to want Jim as their mate. After one abducts him, Jim has to fight for his freedom and for his one true mate. No matter how reluctant said mate is.

Skyships Over Innsmouth

by Susan Laine

Twenty winters have passed since the Cataclysm brought down society and robbed people of their memories. Humanity, vastly reduced in numbers since the initial chaos, has started anew in Canal City with the aid of library books and steam technology. The Scout and Ranger Corps was established to search for possible survivors and to replenish dwindling resources. Dev is the captain of the scout airship Smoke Sparrow, and Shay is the scholar of their newest expedition. Their destination is Innsmouth, Massachusetts, a small fishing town that is mentioned in obscure books but shows up on no maps. Might its secrets offer answers? But within the fog-covered, ruined hillside town by the bay lurk unspeakable dangers and horrors beyond imagining. The expedition team soon learns that Innsmouth is one town that should have been left forgotten.

Stealing Dragon’s Heart (Lifting the Veil #6)

by Susan Laine

A Lifting the Veil StoryNotorious master thief Finn Grayson is hired to break into a high-class skyscraper in New Shanghai and steal a priceless artifact known as the Shard. But someone's gotten to the Shard first--and the penthouse suite turns out to be a dragon's lair. Cameron Feilong, Guardian of the Earth Shard, is ancient enough to realize that he and his unbidden guest are being used like puppets on a string. Forming a shaky alliance is the only way for them to survive and to stop their ruthless foes. Unfortunately, Finn and Cam seem to be forever one step behind. To learn more about their clandestine enemy, they travel together from walled Asian cities, barren tundras, and underwater temples to secret paranormal clubs and legendary elvish cities rising high in the trees or buried deep under glaciers. Finn and Cam must learn to trust each other before it's too late, for bringing together the five Elemental Shards will spell the end of the world.

Wishing Wings (Isleshire Chronicles)

by Susan Laine

Sequel to Lofty Dreams of Earthbound MenIsleshire Chronicles: Book TwoTwo weeks after their encounter with a ripper, engineering sage Jules Sterling and Earth mage Obadai Bashim are surprised to learn Aelfric Fairburn, a bureaucrat from the Divine Theocracy, has arrived in County Isleshire to reward Jules for his courageous defeat of the ripper. Fairburn's visit couldn't come at a worse time, as Jules is in the field-testing phase of his dream project--flying. But the Virtuist Church of the Spirit Gods views man's pursuit of flight as heresy and a contemptuous abomination of the ultimate ambition of the faithful--ascension. But Fairburn's judgment is the least of Jules's problems. While he struggles to work out the kinks of his flying apparatus, a mysterious figure operates behind the scenes toward an unknown end. Once again, Jules and Obadai face a lethal foe.

The Witching Hour

by Susan Laine

When teenager Perry Green witnesses his adult neighbor, Seth Moore, crying in his car late one evening, Perry sets out to console the man he's spent many a year fantasizing about. But Seth's personal crisis takes a backseat when a magical grandfather clock sends the two of them back in time to witness a pivotal moment in his past. As Seth and Perry work to solve the problem, romance blossoms--or it would, if Perry could just convince Seth that love surpasses time itself.

The Wolfing Way (Lifting the Veil #1)

by Susan Laine

Lifting the Veil: Book OneKris Ellis thought that the time of arranged marriages was long past--but that was before the Great Unveiling revealed creatures of myth living among humans. Now a routine medical test has determined that Kris has a mate, a werewolf named Rafael King. Kris is fresh out of college and has plans for his life. None of them include being tied forever to someone he's never met. But then Rafe calls him, and Kris starts to reconsider. After all, what must it be like to wait for your soul mate for two hundred years? Rafe is patient, strong, and kind, not to mention attractive. True to what Kris has heard about mates, sparks fly the second they meet. But Kris and Rafe are very different, and the werewolf way of life is dangerous. Is the fight for love really worth it?

La luna del cacciatore (Serie Sollevando il Velo #2)

by Susan Laine Eledh Armata

Seguito di Il desiderio del genioSerie Sollevando il Velo. Libro 3Dieci anni fa, la Grande Rivelazione ha mostrato la presenza sulla Terra di creature sovrannaturali, ma non sono in tanti a sapere molto su di loro o a dare loro molta importanza, a parte quando si tratta di ricevere uno stipendio. Kieran Knight è un mercenario che dà la caccia alle creature mitologiche per denaro. La sua missione è rapire un certo Gabriel King per portarlo dal suo cliente. Ma il suo obiettivo non è un semplice cowboy: è un potente licantropo e il beta del suo branco e, come scopriranno presto, Gabriel e Kieran sono compagni. Kieran non sa praticamente nulla di come funzioni un accoppiamento, e non è neppure gay, ma ciò non vuol dire che non senta l'attrazione bollente che c'è tra lui e l'altro uomo. Per salvare Gabriel, mette in atto un piano di fuga, ma i suoi clienti non lasceranno andare il loro licantropo senza lottare.

La voie du loup (Le Grand Dévoilement #1)

by Susan Laine Bénédicte Girault

Le Grand Dévoilement, tome 1 Kris Ellis pensait que le temps des mariages arrangés appartenait au passé - mais c'était avant le Grand Dévoilement qui révéla que des créatures mythiques vivaient parmi les humains. Maintenant, un simple test médical de routine a pu déterminer que Kris avait un compagnon, un loup-garou nommé Rafael King. Kris est fraîchement diplômé de l'université et a des projets bien établis pour sa vie future. Aucun d'entre eux n'inclut d'être lié pour toujours à quelqu'un qu'il n'a jamais rencontré. Mais lorsque Rafe l'appelle, Kris est prêt à reconsidérer sa position. Après tout, qu'est-ce qui est pire que d'avoir attendu son âme sœur pendant près de deux cents ans ? Rafe est patient, fort et gentil, sans oublier qu'il est très attirant. Exactement comme ce que Kris avait entendu dire à propos des compagnons prédestinés, des étincelles éclatent à la seconde où ils se rencontrent. Mais Kris et Rafe sont très différents et la vie avec un loup-garou peut s'avérer dangereuse. Un combat pour l'amour en vaut-il vraiment la peine ?

Nach Art der Wölfe (Den Schleier heben #1)

by Susan Laine Claudia Richert

Buch 1 in der Serie - Den Schleier hebenKris Ellis dachte, die Zeit arrangierter Ehen wäre lange vorbei – aber das war, bevor die Große Enthüllung bewies, dass mythische Wesen unter den Menschen leben. Nun hat ein medizinischer Routintest gezeigt, dass Kris einen Gefährten hat, einen Werwolf namens Rafael King. Kris hat gerade seinen Collegeabschluss gemacht und hat Pläne für sein zukünftiges Leben. Für immer an jemanden gebunden zu sein, den er nie getroffen hat, gehört nicht dazu. Dann erhält er einen Anruf von Rafe und beginnt, seine Meinung zu ändern. Wie muss es sein, zweihundert Jahre auf seinen wahren Gefährten zu warten? Rafe ist geduldig, stark und freundlich, und nicht zu vergessen - verdammt attraktiv. Alles, was Kris über wahre Gefährten gehört hat, bewahrheitet sich. In dem Moment, als sie sich treffen, fliegen die Funken. Aber Kris und Rafe sind sehr verschieden, und nach Art der Wölfe zu leben, ist gefährlich. Ist ihre Liebe es wert, um sie zu kämpfen?

Kosmos (Fiction Without Frontiers)

by Adrian Laing

"Expect the unexpected at every turn of the page. Kosmos is a story like no other. Completely different, charming, and an enormous amount of fun." - Cemetery DanceRookie barrister George Winsome, young and arrogant, defends an old boy who thinks he&’s Merlin on a manslaughter charge. The riotous trial turns Merlin into a celebrity; money, greed and ambition take hold of George and his partner Heather until the secret of Merlin&’s past is revealed as the spirit of Saint Yves intervenes to ensure George and Heather follow their true paths. &‘Kosmos&’ is a modern-day jury trial, a feel-good love story and a spiritual journey involving Saint Yves, Nemesis and Merlin. FLAME TREE PRESS is the new fiction imprint of Flame Tree Publishing. Launching in 2018 the list brings together brilliant new authors and the more established; the award winners, and exciting, original voices.

Don't Know Where, Don't Know When (The Snipesville Chronicles #1)

by Annette Laing

<p>The first book in The Snipesville Chronicles series, thought-provoking and engaging novels for young readers in the times in which we now live, written by a real historian. <p>Hannah Dias, California Girl with Attitude, and Alex, her laid-back brother, move from exciting San Francisco to boring Snipesville, Georgia, and things don't improve when they meet Brandon, a dorky kid who is plotting his escape from the Deep South, and the weird Professor, a woman with a strange secret <p>Suddenly, Hannah, Alex, and Brandon are catapulted thousands of miles and almost seventy years to England during World War Two. <p>They fall into a world of stinging nettles, dragon ladies, bomb blasts, ugly underwear, stinky sandwiches, and painful punishments. <p>But they can't go home unless they find George Braithwaite, whoever he is, and whatever it is that he has to do with Snipesville. <p>Don't Know Where, Don't Know When is the first installment of The Snipesville Chronicles, a historical fiction series by a real historian.</p>

Ivy's Ever After

by Dawn Lairamore

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Ardendal there lived a spirited princess named Ivy, who had no interest in being rescued by Prince Charming, and an undersized dragon named Elridge, who was better at solving word puzzles than breathing fire. Sailing into this world on a ship made of whale bones came Romil, a handsome prince with dastardly designs on Princess Ivy and her kingdom. Ivy and Elridge, both disappointments to their families, join forces to try and thwart Romil's evil plot. In the process these traditional enemies become fast friends, discover hidden strengths, and earn the respect of all who know them. Full of humor and high adventure--and plenty of slightly skewed fairy-tale motifs--this frothy fractured fairy tale is sure to delight young readers.

Unmarked Vampire

by Belinda Laj Jacqueline Skewes

Julian Laurent is not like other vampires. He is yet to receive his racial mark from the Lord of Immortals and as a result, his time studying at the Damned Academy will not be easy. Not only will he have to deal with the scorn of the other vampires, angels, demons and half-bloods at the university, but he will also have to work things out with Mia, an ex-girlfriend he can't even remember. Julian thinks he knows the full extent of his problems but he soon realizes that there is much more at stake. The subverts are hunting him and want to kill him, and there is a dangerous power growing inside him -- the likes of which no one should have. Thanks to another vampire, Ray, he will soon discover what the racial mark really is: a tool used by the Immortal Lord Blake Night to keep the rest of the immortals under his power. Freeing the other students from the influence of the mark will not be at all easy, particularly since Julian feels that he is linked to Blake by some kind of invisible thread. The reality is worse than he could possibly imagine.

The Book of the Sword (Darkest Age, Book #2)

by A. J. Lake

From the book jacket: In The Coming of Dragons. Edmund and Elspeth received strange and powerful gifts that would lead them on a dangerous quest. Edmund has the vision of the Ripente - he can reach inside the minds of others and see what they see. Elspeth can draw upon the power of an enchanted sword and gauntlet when she is in danger. Now, the sword is speaking to Elspeth, leading her to a final showdown with an ancient god. But the journey they must take into the Snow Lands is a perilous one, filled with haunting ice spirits and terrifying dragons. These two unlikely heroes must decide whom they can trust and who means them harm. Elspeth's magical sword has brought them closer to their destiny than they realize, and it's up to them to succeed - at any cost.

The Coming of Dragons (Darkest Age, Book #1)

by A. J. Lake

Two eleven-year-olds named Edmund and Elspeth discover that they have been given fantastic gifts to use against the ancient and evil forces that have been awakened by powerful magic during the Dark Ages in Great Britain.

Hex in the City Episodio 1: Lo squartatore di San Francisco

by Dorian Lake

Riassunto : Un serial killer colpisce a San Francisco. Niente lo ferma : né la legge, né i rimorsi. Sfortunatamente per lui, Taylor, una strega dal passato burrascoso e con un bel caratterino, decide si intromettersi… All’incrocio tra generi, tra fantasy urbano, con i suoi vampiri, mostri e streghe, e detective, scoprirai un racconto senza tempi morti, in linea con le migliori serie americane.

Hex in the City - Episódio 1: O estripador de São Francisco

by Dorian Lake

Um assassino em série atua em São Francisco. Nada o detém: nem a lei, nem os remorsos. Infelizmente para ele, Taylor, uma feiticeira com passado incerto e caráter fogoso, decide intervir… Na interceção de géneros, entre a fantasia urbana, com vampiros, monstros e bruxas, e o suspense, descubra uma história sem tempos mortos, ao estilo das melhores séries televisivas americanas.

Isulka la magessa, Libro 1: La pietra di Iside

by Dorian Lake

Romanzo vincitore del “ Prix Imaginaire Découverte 2017 des Petits Mots des Libraires” Isulka è una magessa che vive ai margini della società, un po’ venale e, soprattutto, piena di debiti che per sopravvivere si esibisce in spettacoli di magia nei locali di cabaret parigini. Scipione è uno spadaccino veneziano come non ne esistono più ormai, una vera e propria reliquia del passato. Un uomo esiliato dalla Serenissima, tradito da coloro che considerava amici e in cerca di Vendetta. Entrambi vengono assunti da un gentiluomo inglese, che affida loro il compito di rubare un anello di rubini.

Isulka the Mageress, Book 1: The Stone of Isis

by Dorian Lake

Winner of the PRIX Imaginaire Découverte 2017 from Les Petits Mots des Libraires Isulka is a mageress and an outsider, a little crooked and in a lot of debt, making her living by putting on magic shows in the cabarets of Paris. Scipione is a Venetian duellist like none other, a relic of the past exiled from La Serenissima, betrayed by his brothers and out for Vendetta. Recruited by an English employer to pilfer a ruby ring, their mission quickly takes a perilous turn when they discover the true value of the jewel. The lure of profit will take them from Paris to Cairo, from low blows to cut-throats, in a high-speed chase with spies, criminals and an unsettling Egyptian cult…

Madness of Flowers

by Jay Lake

The battle has been fought and won, and all have been transformed by the struggle. Imago of Lockwood has become Lord Mayor of the City Imperishable, though at a price beyond his wildest imagination. Bijaz the Dwarf has been imbued with a godlike power and a responsibility he scarcely understands. And Jason the Factor, resurrected from death at the hands of his sister, the Tokhari sandwalker Kalliope, has become the sula ma-jieni na-dia, the fabled Dead Man of Winter. When a beautiful mountebank arrives in the City Imperishable, offering to lead an expedition to uncover the lost tomb of the Imperator Terminus, she stirs up the mob with promises of treasure and imperial power... but what will her quest unleash? Political intrigue, adventure, and all-out war await the principles and inhabitants of the City Imperishable. Through it all, the City may endure, but none will remain untouched by the Madness of Flowers...

Madness of Flowers

by Jay Lake

The battle has been fought and won, and all have been transformed by the struggle. Imago of Lockwood has become Lord Mayor of the City Imperishable, though at a price beyond his wildest imagination. Bijaz the Dwarf has been imbued with a godlike power and a responsibility he scarcely understands. And Jason the Factor, resurrected from death at the hands of his sister, the Tokhari sandwalker Kalliope, has become the sula ma-jieni na-dia, the fabled Dead Man of Winter. When a beautiful mountebank arrives in the City Imperishable, offering to lead an expedition to uncover the lost tomb of the Imperator Terminus, she stirs up the mob with promises of treasure and imperial power... but what will her quest unleash? Political intrigue, adventure, and all-out war await the principles and inhabitants of the City Imperishable. Through it all, the City may endure, but none will remain untouched by the Madness of Flowers...


by Jay Lake

Jay Lake's first trade novel is an astounding work of creation. Lake has envisioned a clockwork solar system, where the planets move in a vast system of gears around the lamp of the Sun. It is a universe where the hand of the Creator is visible to anyone who simply looks up into the sky, and sees the track of the heavens, the wheels of the Moon, and the great Equatorial gears of the Earth itself. Mainspring is the story of a young clockmaker's apprentice, who is visited by the Archangel Gabriel. He is told that he must take the Key Perilous and rewind the Mainspring of the Earth. It is running down, and disaster to the planet will ensue if it's not rewound. From innocence and ignorance to power and self-knowledge, the young man will make the long and perilous journey to the South Polar Axis, to fulfill the commandment of his God.

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