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Deserts of Fire: Speculative Fiction And The Wars Of Iraq, Afghanistan, And The Middle East

by Douglas Lain

In 1987, the New York Times published their first front-page review of a science fiction anthology for a collection called In the Field of Fire, themed around the war in Vietnam. "Vietnam was science fiction," the reviewer wrote, and writing about it through that lens found meaning in a war few understood.This idea, that speculative fiction is a vital tool to understanding the inexplicable, is just as relevant nearly thirty years later. Deserts of Fire is a war-inspired anthology for the new millennium, because for many, the recent wars in the deserts of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Middle East are just as slippery to grasp and difficult to understand as Vietnam was two generations earlier.Inside Deserts of Fire are stories from a variety of bestselling and award-winning authors that start with the simple and modest ambition of making the reader feel strange about the recent past. Because when there are too many explanations, the truth won't be found by merely choosing one side or the other. But rather, the truth is in the existence of the confusion itself.

In the Shadow of the Towers: Speculative Stories Of A Post-9/11 World

by Douglas Lain

In the Shadow of the Towers compiles nearly twenty works of speculative fiction responding to and inspired by the events of 9/11, from writers seeking to confront, rebuild, and carry on, even in the face of overwhelming emotion.Writer and editor Douglas Lain presents a thought-provoking anthology featuring a variety of award-winning and best-selling authors, from Jeff VanderMeer (Annihilation) and Cory Doctorow (Little Brother) to Susan Palwick (Flying in Place) and James Morrow (Towing Jehovah). Touching on themes as wide-ranging as politics, morality, and even heartfelt nostalgia, today's speculative fiction writers prove that the rubric of the fantastic offers an incomparable view into how we respond to tragedy.Each contributor, in his or her own way, contemplates the same question:How can we continue dreaming in the shadow of the towers?

In the Shadow of the Towers: Speculative Fiction in a Post-9/11 World

by Douglas Lain

In the Shadow of the Towers compiles nearly twenty works of speculative fiction responding to and inspired by the events of 9/11, from writers seeking to confront, rebuild, and carry on, even in the face of overwhelming emotion. Writer and editor Douglas Lain presents a thought-provoking anthology featuring a variety of award-winning and best-selling authors, from Jeff VanderMeer (Annihilation) and Cory Doctorow (Little Brother) to Susan Palwick (Flying in Place) and James Morrow (Towing Jehovah). Touching on themes as wide-ranging as politics, morality, and even heartfelt nostalgia, today’s speculative fiction writers prove that the rubric of the fantastic offers an incomparable view into how we respond to tragedy. Each contributor, in his or her own way, contemplates the same question: How can we continue dreaming in the shadow of the towers?

The Bloody Eye

by T. H. Lain

Far beneath the earth, a sinister ritual takes place. A corrupt cleric seeks the Eye of Gruumsh, a relic sacred to the hideous god of the orcs. Against him stand a scullery maid, a paladin, a priest of the god Pelor, and a half-orc barbarian. Will they be enough?

City of Fire

by T. H. Lain

The fourth novel based on the new edition of the Dungeons & Dragons game. In the sands of a great desert, a once-heroic paladin has turned to evil and enlisted an army of gnolls to help retrieve a powerful relic, reputed to be kept in the vaults of the City of Fire. If they find it, the world will never again be at peace. Can a party of four stop an army of hundreds?

The Death Ray

by T. H. Lain

This title chronicles the latest adventure of various iconic characters from the Dungeons & Dragons core rulebooks. This series of novels is designed to bring readers closer to the feeling of actually playing a D & D adventure. This tenth title in the novel line features the iconic characters of the fighter and the wizards, both of whom appeared in the kickoff title for the line, The Savage Caves.

The Living Dead

by T. H. Lain

Hunting parties from an elven village are mysteriously disappearing. Similar mysteries plague a dwarven settlement on the far side of the mountains. Each side blames the other. Only a band of tried and true heroes can root out what sinister force manipulates these normally peaceful people. But can they conquer that evil before the tribes go to war?

Oath of Nerull

by T. H. Lain

The third Dungeons & Dragons novel based on the new edition of the D & D (r) game. Featuring iconic characters that appear throughout the latest edition of the D & D game, this series will attract new players and readers to the various worlds featured in the Wizards of the Coast, Inc. book publishing line. The familiar characters and D & D-related content will also make this series very approachable for current players. The wizard or sorcerer who wins the well-known Duel Arcane will be awarded the Golden Wand, a magical device that holds incredible power. Magic users come from far and wide to compete in the contest. Some are drawn to glory, others to the competition. Still more come for other, darker reasons, driven by an oath to a merciless death god. And some oaths cannot be broken.

Plague of Ice (D&D Retrospective)

by T. H. Lain

This title chronicles the latest adventure of various iconic characters from the Dungeons & Dragons core rulebooks. This series of novels is designed to bring readers closer to the feeling of actually playing a D&D adventure. This seventh title in the novel line features the iconic characters of the fighter and the rogue, both of whom appeared in the kickoff title of the line, The Savage Caves. Frigid cold and ice sweep across the realm at the height of summer. Arctic monsters prowl the flash-frozen landscape. To unlock the mystery, a small band of heroes must traverse the depths of a ruined, ice-clogged city that now houses only unearthly creatures and deadly traps. Will they find the key to salvation?

Return of the Damned (D&D Retrospective)

by T. H. Lain

This title chronicles the latest adventure of various iconic characters from the Dungeons & Dragons core rulebooks. This series of novels is designed to bring readers closer to the feeling of actually playing a D & D adventure. This ninth title in the novel line features the iconic characters of the fighter and the wizard, both of whom appeared in the kickoff title for the line, The Savage Caves.

The Savage Caves (D&D Retrospective)

by T. H. Lain

The first book in a series featuring characters from the D&D core rules. Featuring the iconic characters that appeared throughout the latest edition of the D&D game, this new series will attract new players and readers to the various worlds featured in the Wizards of the Coast book publishing line. The already familiar characters and D&D-related content will also make this series very approachable to current players.

The Sundered Arms (D&D Retrospective)

by T. H. Lain

This title chronicles the latest adventure of various iconic characters from the Dungeons & Dragons core rulebooks. This series of novels is designed to bring readers closer to the feeling of actually playing a D&D adventure. This eighth title in the novel line features, among others, the iconic character of the rogue, who appeared in two previous titles, The Savage Caves and Treachery's Wake. Andaron's Delve, a great dwarven stronghold ravaged by war, has for ages lain abandoned. Now, smoke once again pours from the immense furnaces, and goblins and beasts guard the ancient entrance. Evil is rekindled in the heart of the mountain and strives to forge anew Andaron's sundered arms. This time, it's about survival.

Treachery's Wake (D&D Retrospective)

by T. H. Lain

A ship lies wrecked on an ice-bound coast. Desperate to recover a magic item from its cargo, a wizard enlists the help of the Thieves' Guild. They soon discover that the shipwreck was no accident. The artifact's trail leads to frozen wilderness, savage brigands, and foes that no one expected. The heroes can fulfill their contract . . . but can they survive the consequences?

Brush with Catastrophe (The Aloysius Tales #2)

by Tara Lain

2nd EditionAn Aloysius TaleSammy Raphael is a crappy witch, and on top of that, he can’t seem to get a boyfriend. Where other supernaturals can bring down lightning and manifest wealth, Sammy can paint. Granted, the “prophetic” paintings he creates at night always come true, but they never predict anything important. Sammy feels like a total loser with a worthless ability. One night he paints a gorgeous guy who turns out to be his secret crush, the human Ryder, but Ryder’s changed so much he’s almost unrecognizably beautiful. Then Sammy paints an angel who turns out to be a witch. But is that witch also a devil—a devil who can bring down Sammy’s whole community and everyone he loves? And why the hell does Ryder keep changing? Aloysius, the black cat familiar, always backs a winner. So why is he backing Sammy?First Edition published by Loose Id, 2012.

Cataclysmic Shift (The Aloysius Tales #3)

by Tara Lain

An Aloysius TaleAloysius, the magical black cat and powerful witch’s familiar, isn’t afraid to go into battle to protect his master, but the outcome of the fight turns his feline world upside down. A direct hit of magic steals not only his memories and power, but even the body he’s lived in for several centuries. When he wakes up naked on the floor of a veterinarian’s office, it isn’t as the cat Aloysius, but as the sixteenth-century French gentleman Alain Bellarose. And when Alain sees sexy and enigmatic veterinarian Luke Elliott, he decides he’ll make the best of his time as a human. Luke is a man with secrets who generally prefers the company of animals—though the flamboyant boy who washes his face with the side of his hand and tries to lick his own privates might prove an exception. Meanwhile, Witch Master Killian Barth and his secret weapon, Sammy, struggle without Aloysius’s power to draw on. Two evil females are circling, and seeing the coven’s weakness, they’re about to move in for the kill. When Alain’s memories return, he’s faced with the ultimate dilemma: protect his community or stay with the man he loves.

Driven Snow (Pennymaker Tales #2)

by Tara Lain

A Pennymaker TaleYoung Snowden "Snow" Reynaldi is brilliant, beautiful, and alone. Though he's shy, weird, and tolerated by the NorCal University students because he's a renowned whiz at chess and helps put the school on the map, that doesn't keep him from dreaming of the object of his desires: Riley Prince, championship quarterback. When Riley needs a physics tutor, Snow jumps at the chance, and their relationship heats up--but Riley has to come out of the jock closet to get anywhere. Meanwhile, Snow's one true friend and mentor, Professor Kingsley, marries a woman who secretly wants the chess tournament glory and money for herself. Soon after, the professor collapses and Snow finds himself underwater--literally. In a car! Seven frat brothers from Grimm College rescue Snow just in time for his life to get even worse, and Snow discovers the one relationship he always wanted slipping away. With evil looming at every turn, Snow must survive if only to prove he's the fairest of them all and regain the trust of his handsome prince.

Hidden Powers (Superordinary Society #1)

by Tara Lain

Superordinary Society: Book OneJazz Vanessen is weird—and not just because he’s a werewolf. For most of his life, he’s felt different from his alpha male brothers and friends. Since he’s adopted, he can’t even blame it on family. Now eighteen, Jazz meets his idol, the social activist Lysandra Mason, and her breathtaking nephew, Dash Mercury. When Dash is around, even stranger things start to happen, including Jazz falling hopelessly in lust. Not only is Jazz having visions, making people disappear, and somehow turning invisible, but somebody’s following him and threatening to reveal his pack’s secrets to the world. Together with Dash and Jazz’s equally amazing friends—Carla, BeBop, Khadija, and Fatima—they discover the danger is even more lethal than they thought, and Jazz’s weirdness may save all their lives.

The Pack or the Panther (Tales of the Harker Pack)

by Tara Lain

Tales of the Harker Pack: Book OneCole Harker, son of an alpha werewolf, is bigger and more powerful than most wolves, tongue-tied in groups, and gay. For twenty-four years, he's lived to please his family and pack--even letting them promise him in marriage to female werewolf Analiese to secure a pack alliance and help save them from a powerful gangster who wants their land. Then Cole meets Analiese's half-brother, panther shifter Paris Marketo, and for the first time, Cole wants something for himself. When Analiese runs off to marry a human, Cole finally has a chance with Paris, but the solitary cat rejects him, the pack, and everything it represents. Then Cole discovers the gangster wants Paris too and won't rest until he has him. What started as a land dispute turns into World War Wolf! But the bigger fight is the battle between cats and dogs.

Pouvoirs secrets (Sociéte SuperOrdinaire #1)

by Tara Lain

Société SuperOrdinaire, Tome 1Jazz Vanessen est étrange – et pas seulement parce qu’il est un loup-garou. Durant la majeure partie de sa vie, il s’est senti différent de ses frères et amis Alphas. Puisqu’il a été adopté, il ne peut même pas rejeter la faute sur sa famille. À maintenant dix-huit ans, Jazz rencontre son idole, la militante sociale Lysandra Mason, et son époustouflant neveu, Dash Mercury. Lorsque Dash est dans les parages, des choses encore plus étranges commencent à se produire, notamment le fait que Jazz en tombe irrémédiablement amoureux. Non seulement Jazz a des visions, fait disparaître des gens ou se rend invisible, mais quelqu’un le traque et menace de révéler les secrets de sa meute au monde entier. Avec Dash, et leurs amis tout aussi incroyables – Carla, BeBop, Khadija, and Fatima – ils découvrent que le danger est encore plus mortel qu’ils le pensaient et que l’étrangeté de Jazz pourrait leur sauver la vie.

Rising Magic (Superordinary Society #2)

by Tara Lain

Superordinary Society: Book TwoEven as a baby mage, Dash Mercury dreamed of going to Arcantaria, the barely whispered about school for superwizards. When he’s invited at eighteen, making him the youngest student in Arcantaria history, Dash is less excited because he has to leave behind the only good friends he’s ever had—Carla, BeBop, Khadija, Fatima, and most of all, the guy he loves, werewolf mage Jazz Vanessen. At Arcantaria, the other students treat Dash like dirt until he manages to join the exclusive Olympus Club… a group with an agenda. A scary one. No one—not even the students—knows where Arcantaria is located, so Jazz is desperate when he picks up danger vibes from Dash. He and his friends set out to find the school and break in. When they realize what the club is training Dash to do—and the dire consequences if he succeeds—they know the human race is in danger, and they’ll have to step up and save it. But first they have to save themselves.

Rome and Jules (Dreamspun Beyond #15)

by Tara Lain

Two werewolf households, both alike in dignity…. Rome Siracusa, youngest son of the alpha of the nouveau-riche Siracusa pack, wants to be a faithful son and pack member, but he’s got two big secrets. One, he’s blessed with enhanced hearing, vision, strength, and the ability to shift at will. Second, he’s gay, a fact he can’t admit to his deadly homophobic father. Rome crashes a party at the mansion of his pack’s greatest enemy, the ancient, pure-blooded Havillands. Jules, the gay son of the drunkard alpha, is being married off to a rich entrepreneur. Smitten and moved by the beautiful male’s plight, Rome tries to find a way to save Jules—while digging himself deeper into pack politics and navigating his own arranged marriage. Secrets climb out of the caves as the werewolf gods speak through the mouths of their children, and the two great families clash, suffocating the hopes of star-crossed lovers.

Sinders and Ash (Pennymaker Tales Ser. #1)

by Tara Lain

2nd EditionA Pennymaker TaleHousekeeper Mark Sintorella (Sinders) works diligently at a resort hotel while designing clothes anonymously, hoping to get into fashion school. Then his carefully planned life is upended with the arrival of Ashton Armitage, son of the fifth richest man in America--and the most beautiful guy Mark has ever seen. Ash must find a wife or he'll lose his grandfather's inheritance, and he settles on Bitsy Fanderel. But secretly Ash is gay, and the guy who cleans the fireplaces sets his heart ablaze. Further stirring the pot is the little elf of a man, Carstairs Pennymaker, who has Mark wearing his own designs and masquerading as a girl to impress the fashion investors in the hotel. When the clock strikes twelve, two beautiful princesses line up for the wedding--but one isn't a woman. Will the slipper fit? Only Mr. Pennymaker knows for sure.First Edition published by Amber Quill Press, LLC, 2012.

Sinders & Ash (Pennymaker Tales #1)

by Tara Lain

Mark Sintorella (Sinders) arbeitet fleißig als Putzmann in einem Ferienhotel, während er heimlich Kleider entwirft und hofft, eines Tages auf eine Modeschule gehen zu können. Dann wird sein sorgfältig geplantes Leben durch die Ankunft von Ashton Armitage auf den Kopf gestellt. Ash ist der Sohn des fünftreichsten Mannes von Amerika – und der schönste Mann, den Mark jemals zu Gesicht bekommen hat. Ash muss eine Frau finden, um das Erbe seines Großvaters nicht zu verlieren. Er entscheidet sich für Bitsy Fanderel. Doch Ash ist insgeheim schwul und als er den jungen Mann sieht, der die Asche aus seinem Kamin fegt, fängt Ashs Herz Feuer. Richtig in Gang gebracht wird die Sache schließlich durch Carstairs Pennymaker, einen Elf von einem Mann, der Mark überredet, sich als junge Frau zu verkleiden und seine eigenen Kreationen vorzuführen, um potenzielle Mode-Investoren zu beeindrucken, die in dem Hotel zu Gast sind. Als die Uhr Mitternacht schlägt, bewerben sich zwei wunderschöne junge Prinzessinnen um Ashs Hand – aber eine von ihnen ist keine Frau. Wird ihr der Schuh passen? Nur Mr Pennymaker weiß, wie dieses Märchen ausgeht.

Spell Cat (The Aloysius Tales #1)

by Tara Lain

An Aloysius Tale <P><P>When Killian Barth, history professor, meets Blaine Genneau, quantum physicist, they ignite their own big bang. But Killian can’t pursue a physics professor—or a human. As the most powerful male witch in ten generations, Killian must bolster his dying race by reproducing—despite the fact that he’s gay. <P><P>Even a fling with Blaine is out of the question, because Killian has been told sex with humans drains his power. But if that’s true, why can young human Jimmy Janx dissolve spoons with the power of his mind? If Killian can sort through the lies he’s been fed, he’ll still face his biggest obstacle—convincing rational scientist Blaine to believe in magic. <P><P>With his ancient and powerful cat familiar, Aloysius, on his shoulder, Killian brings the lightning against deceit and greed to save Blaine from danger and prove love is the greatest power of them all.

Winter's Wolf (Tales of the Harker Pack #3)

by Tara Lain

Tales of the Harker Pack: Book ThreeWinter Thane was raised on the two cardinal rules of werewolf existence: don't reveal yourself to humans under penalty of death, and there's no such thing as a gay werewolf. It's no surprise when his father drags him from his wild life in remote Canada back to Connecticut to meet his old pack in hopes it will persuade Winter to abandon his love of sex with human males. Of course Dad's hopes are dashed when they come face-to-face with the gay werewolves in the Harker pack. Winter takes one look at FBI agent Matt Partridge and decides bird is his favorite food. Partridge is embroiled in an investigation into drug dealing and the death of a fellow agent. He can't let himself get distracted by the young, platinum-haired beast, but then Winter proves invaluable in the search for clues, a move that winds them both up in chains and facing imminent death. Winter quickly learns his father's motives are questionable, the pack alphas are a bunch of pussies, humans aren't quite what they seem, and nothing in the forests of Connecticut is pure except love. Winner: GLBT - Contemporary Romance 2015 Rainbow AwardsBest Gay Paranormal Romance Runner-UpBest Gay Book Runner-Up

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