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Showing 79,251 through 79,275 of 79,581 results

Devil Path: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Liu Zichen, a vagrant youth, was raised by an old beggar. He didn't know his background. With the growth of his age, his talent gradually awakened, but the old beggar who raised him suddenly disappeared. Liu Zichen relied on his talent to communicate with Yin and Yang for two times, exchanging information for others to earn money. But one day, he was asked to investigate with Chuangjia group Liu Zichen finds that the murderer's technique of this bizarre murder seems not to be human's, and then gradually involves a series of conspiracies and calculations. In the more in-depth investigation, he finds that someone tries to open the way between human and another interface to destroy the world, so he has to face the struggle to protect the whole interface.

Disdaining The World: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

to look down on the world

Draconic Mage God: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

n addition to the five superpowers, there are many second-class forces and independent strongmen, including peace loving elves and a small number of dragons!The various races in the mainland have lived and multiplied with each other for thousands of years. However, recently, the major forces are ready to move. They are not satisfied with the current situation. A new round of fighting is about to start and another bloodbath is about to come.Luo Ke, a little practicing magician, looks at how he can turn things around and master his own destiny.

Eight-Coin Divine Sword: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

A young man who is filled with hatred, joined the top ten sects to start a training journey. He entered Xianling mountain and met yaozun. He went back to his family and was handed down by his grandfather. Kill the gods fist technique, life taking sword technique, all kinds of mastery.Get to know the daughter of the demon king. Help to participate in the recommendation conference of the devil king as the husband of the devil, and win the position of the great devil king at one stroke. From then on, carp leaped into the dragon's gate and became one of the most powerful forces in the cultivation world.Finally, he fought with the leader of the evil cult of human head and snake body, and Nalan Xiaoyun defeated his opponent with eight coins divine sword, becoming a god respected by everyone.

Eight-year Memory: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

eight years of recollection

Enchantress On Campus: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

She is the daughter of a rich family. She has experienced family changes since childhood. She lives with her mother, and she does not laugh at men on the surface. In fact, she is extremely fragile, optimistic, cheerful and contradictory. He is also a proud son of nature, with high value and excellent temperament. All of them are the objects of attention, but he is the opposite of her. She is very sensitive to everything All things are interested. They love to fight against injustice and meddle in their own business. They are extremely domineering and unruly. They often don't care about other people's feelings when they do things. However, they are gentle and polite. It seems that everything is just a small thing in his eyes. When she is suffering from death and face, will her frozen heart be broken and heavy by his gentleness See the day?From the initial friction and collision to the final acceptance, how many troubles will they experience?The secrets between friends and desperate concessions, those who have done wrong but struggled, there are not only extraordinary tacit understanding between them, but also unwilling to let go but have to deviate from the feelings.In the process of chasing each other, they are always inexplicably angry, but in the end, they are unable to resist the determination to be together.

Fate Of Rising: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Pang Jiezhong is a rare talent in the mainland. But he didn't have excellent skills and was born badly. But after getting the blood devil sword of the artifact, it changed.It's easy to get the first place in the big ratio of schools.She has an indissoluble relationship with two beauties of the school.He went out to practice and entered the prison of the demon sect by mistake, so he became a partner with the demon sect. After avoiding the crisis again and again, he finally fought against the master of the demon sect. This war, earth shaking. Pang Jiezhong won the victory, leaving endless legends and spreading them all over the world.

Fight Against Heaven: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Lingtian suffered misfortune when he was a child and was exiled. Entering the longevity forest, it was an accident. Fortunately, she was saved by Du Xueer who passed by and entered tulip Earl's house.After hard training, the strength is getting stronger and stronger. Go out and meet Li Xianer. Join the first floor.Learn the heart formula of Xinghe training and become stronger and stronger.Under constant efforts, I finally know that doushen Pavilion is his biggest enemy.Lingtian practices and deals with doushen Pavilion at the same time. In the final World War I, kill the doushen Pavilion, leaving the name of the star God of doushen.

Flame Never Falling: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

An unexpected magic event led to the invasion of the human world. Facing the evil and bloodthirsty race of kerdems, human beings fight back for their own survival.In the war with the Kremlins, a human army called the flame regiment was a terror to the flame regiment. But in one expedition, the flame regiment was ambushed by the Kremlin. For the survival of human beings, for the honor of their parents. Chen Yukong led the children of the flame regiment to pick up the flags of their fathers to fight against the invasion of the Kremlin army.In the final battle, Chen Yukong used his life to destroy the space passage of the kerdems into the human world, bringing the dawn of victory for human beings to defeat the kerdems.

For the Future: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

master the future

Gate of Rebirth: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Xiao Yitian fell down the cliff seriously, but unexpectedly found that he had crossed the kumuhai islands in Wuxiu continent. Inadvertently, found that their body into the position of fetal gas is the only person to practice. His soul is very strong, and he is recommended to the mainland by a small tribe. From then on, we began to go to the peak of martial arts and create the supreme myth.

Genius Wizard of Another World: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Chen Nan, born in a small village, was taken by Jack the magician to Zhongzhou to study magic when he was young. Chen Nan learned a lot from Jack. Once Jack asked him to go to Shenshan to look for secret silver, which was used to refine magic wands. Chen Nan went there according to his orders, but was caught by the Dragon Emperor accidentally.The Dragon Emperor put a blood curse on him to help them complete their rejuvenation mission.Chen Nan knew that the people of the Dragon nationality were cruel and unruly, and did not want to help tyranny. So I went to the forest of Warcraft with baba'an, the leader of dwarves, to find the queen of elves to help him touch the blood curse. Then they went to dwarven city in the West desert.The Dragon Emperor's people want to capture the dwarf city as a stronghold and gradually occupy the rest of Tianxing continent. There was a fierce fight here. In the end, Chen Nan beat back the Dragon warriors and killed the Dragon Emperor's shadow with powerful light magic "pop fall". He also became a powerful God of Dharma.

Guard In Wasteland: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

After being defeated by human beings, the once mighty Samkes were forced to hide in a Samke wasteland. Chen Jianshan, regarded as a disgrace by his family, has gained a desolate territory in the samk wasteland.Face the fierce Samkes. Chen Jianshan had to struggle for survival. After defeating the Samkes again and again, Chen Jianshan became the guardian of the wasteland to protect the peace of mankind.

Hunting God: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Xiao Luo is a declining aristocrat. He failed to join the army, but unexpectedly met a magician and began a new chapter in his life. Enter the forest of Warcraft, kill the fire dragon, change the physique, and become the double cultivation of devil fighting.The family's ancient mind method has the power of swallowing.After rejuvenated, he was unexpectedly recognized by the holy dragon and became a close disciple of the great mage mentor and douhuang. He also met two beautiful princesses.All the impossible miracles appeared to him.With his own power, Xiao Luo has built up a huge Tianlong empire from the savage tribes and strengthened his power, leaving numerous legends on the road and becoming the existence admired by all people.

Infinite Holy Lord: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

This is a heaven of saints. There is no magic, no force. It is really powerful to the top of the sky.The ranks of saints are divided into saints, saints, great saints, generals, kings, kings, saints, kings and emperors.How can a little prince who has lost his family survive all kinds of hardships, kill the God of the sea and become the great emperor who saves the people? In this book, let's see how ye Chen changes his life against the sky and becomes the only true God!

King of the Border: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

king of the border

Land of Freedom In Deep Space: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

With the continuous exploration of the universe, more and more civilizations and races begin to contact with human beings. In 5040, the anjiros launched a surprise attack on humans.Although human beings finally resisted the attack of the ankero, a large number of planets fell. Zhu Zhixin, who was once the leader of a resistance organization, was captured by the ankero people and sent to kuerka to become a slave miner.The tragic experience of human slaves inspired Zhu Zhixin's anger and revenge. At last, under Zhu Zhixin's leadership, the slaves fought back and opened up a land of human freedom in the occupied area of the anjiro people.

Legend Of Dark Stars: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

When the devil is resurrected, the channel of the devil kingdom is opened, with the intention of destroying the whole continent.The magic genius demon is quiet, the fighting spirit demon Li demon, the Shenwu Prince Li Jing, and the only remaining dragon knight on the mainland, Lu Xingchen. Can they save the whole continent?A green and astringent love makes a city hooligan transform into a hero of saving the world. A life-saving adventure makes him possess the sacred dragon, the ancestor of the dragon, snatch the map of the fairy princess, search for the legendary treasure and create a legend.

Legend of Divine Furnaces: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

time furnace legend

Legend Of Dragon Blood: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Ye Shengyu, a freshman physics student, accidentally fell off a cliff on his way to spring outing He actually crossed, came to the fire wolf planet. This planet is based on cultivation. So he led a dream of cultivating life, and to the top, beat the evil spirit.

Legend Of Dragon God: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

In the Martial Fighting Continent, you can be lecherous, greedy, shameless and hypocritical, but you can never be ambitious and do not want to be a strong man. Being weak is the biggest crime in the world. If you don't have any strength, you will be despised even if you have any background.Longyang, the third young master of an ordinary cultivation family, was born in a bad family, with a low talent. However, he challenged himself step by step, surpassed himself, and gradually grew up to become a powerful God of martial arts, named Dragon God, and left endless legends with beauties.

Legend Of Everlasting Night: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Lin took part in the blood ring sea and accidentally obtained ancient weapons.On the way, he was chased and killed by unknown people in black. He fled to the death to turn away from life valley. At the critical moment, he started to eat. He had to inherit ancient weapons. After the forest woke up, he learned that he was provoked by his enemy's home in the blood ring sea. In order not to disturb the teachers, I decided to leave. On the way, those who meet the shadow are pursuing and killing, and escape with the help of the strength of the red flaming tiger. He was seriously injured and saved by lengyichen of the dark moon empire. When the forest was healed, he met the man who killed the mercenary regiment. Knowing his father's whereabouts, he went to kill the mercenary regiment. But it happened to save Lin Zimo who was besieged by Jinyan mercenary regiment.Brothers meet each other with deep feelings. After that, Lin ran went to the frightening Cangguan to save his father.

Legend of The Holy War: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

Young master Yang was looked down upon since he was a child. He lived in a remote yard of Yang's mansion with his grandfather. Suddenly one day, there was a big change in the family. He was surrounded and killed by unidentified people. Only Yang Lin was saved by his grandfather. At the critical moment, his grandfather sacrificed himself to let Yang Lin escape into the fog forest, which was whole A forbidden area on the top of the earth, where people can't come out, and people can't go in. Those who go after Yang Lin are killed. Those who go after Yang Lin try to go into the fog forest. Without exception, they are killed one by one. However, Yang Lin, who goes into the fog forest, gets a chance to live because of his unique ability. From then on, his fate has changed greatly and gradually realized Finally, he killed the holy mountain again and found the enemy who slaughtered his Yang family. In the process, he became the master of the holy mountain.

Legend of Martial God: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

The unicorn, which came from the sky, was killed by the demon family and the demon family, and then turned into a human youth Ling Tian. He met Lin Feng in the arena. They killed the slaveholders together and were taken by the mysterious man in black to dig graves. Lingtian came to wushenmen after many years and became a disciple of wushenmen. During this period, he fought against the four kings of the demon family and stabbed the immortal who had lived for 600 years. At the same time, he also suffered a lot, which is quite outstanding in wushenmen with his strength. Because he accidentally injured Li Feifei, the twelve close door female disciples of the old patriarch, and angered those old guys, he was sent to xingmen as a poor miner.Lingtian proved to win the admiration of wushenmen with his own efforts, and then he was sent to the Bohai Sea to eliminate the deep-sea blue whale. When he arrived at the fishing village in Bohai Sea, he met Gu Ling, the woman of the head of the human race. From her words, he learned that the demon race was quietly planning to conquer the land of Wushen. Lingtian stops the plot of the demon family, kills the leader of the demon family, Emperor Xuantian, and the leader of the demon family, the ancestor of Ming River, and revenges for many years.

Legend of Mercenary: Volume 1 (Volume 1 #1)

by Zhenyinfang

The reconstruction of the city of dragon has become a news on the golden continent. People have said that there are many strange buildings in the city of dragon. What cornices, what Diaolianghuadong, what restaurants need to take off shoes when entering, what strange long robes and big sleeves clothes Of course, there is also a legend about the Lord of the dragon city and his wife.According to the legend, the lady of the city Lord is a puppet and a doll. Some people say that she is actually a dead person after resurrection. In short, she can't move or talk, can eat or drink, and can walk with the help of others. Although she looks like this, the Lord of dragon city loves her very much. It's said that he speaks a lot to the woman who can't speak every day.

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