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Segredo do ar

by M.G. Ferrey

Um conto original de MG Ferrey que desvenda um segredo de Aquorea... Quando Anadir saiu de brco naquele dia, estava longe de adivinhar que a sua vida iria mudar para sempre. neste conto original de MG Ferrey, ficamos a saber como os avós de Ara se conheceram e apaixonaram...

Do outro lado

by Mafalda Santos

Uma distopia viciante, uma história de amor destruída pelo multiverso. Para ler sem parar. E se não existisse apenas uma realidade? Uma história de amor, um vírus mortal, uma mentira avassaladora. Gabriel e Sara conheceram-se e imediatamente apaixonaram-se. Viveram uma semana de amor até que Sara desapareceu. E com ela a rua dela, o prédio onde vivia, tudo. Gabriel procura-a, desesperado. Terá sido um sonho? Uma psicose? Estará louco? Todos lhe dizem que sim, mas a verdade é bem mais inacreditável: a realidade onde vive não é a única. Não há um Universo, há multiverso. No mesmo tempo, no mesmo mundo, mas noutra realidade bem mais doentia, está Sara, à espera de Gabriel, que desapareceu.

Escola para boas mães

by Jessamine Chan

Nomeado para a Carnegie Medal for Excellence Nomeado para o prémio de Melhor Romance de Estreia do The Center for Fiction Uma das leituras recomendadas por Barack Obama Bestseller do New York Times Frida Liu está exausta. Depois de ser abandonada pelo marido com uma filha pequena, vê-se obrigada a conciliar o trabalho a tempo parcial com a educação da pequena Harriet. Mas por mais que ame a filha e por muito que se esforce, nada parece ser suficiente. E tudo piora quando Frida tem um dia muito mau e se vê obrigada a deixar a menina sozinha em casa por algumas horas. O Estado tem vigiado mães como Frida: mulheres que deixam os filhos sem supervisão, que se distraem com outros afazeres enquanto as crianças brincam, que cometem erros. Depois do que aconteceu, Frida perde a guarda de Harriet e é inserida num programa de reabilitação que visa formar mulheres para se tornarem boas mães. Perante o risco de perder Harriet para sempre, Frida tem de provar que consegue corresponder aos padrões de exigência da Escola para Boas Mães - que consegue aprender a ser boa, mesmo quando o julgamento parece injusto e o sucesso parece impossível.


by Serhij Zhadan

Prémio Hannah Arendt 2022 Prémio EBRD 2022 Uma obra literária que captura o espírito do tempo, escrita por um autor de culto para uma inteira geração. Uma viagem de sobrevivência numa cidade do leste da Ucrânia transformada em palco de guerra.Um jovem professor procura trazer para casa o seu sobrinho de treze anos que se encontra num internato. Terá para isso de cruzar a cidade. Uma aventura perigosa de ida e volta, que durará um dia inteiro. A cidade está transformada num cenário de guerra e a escola um dos seus epicentros. Com uma arte narrativa, descrita pela crítica como «Jazz verbal», que transforma palavras em poderosas imagens, Zhadan descreve com rigor e inesperada poesia como a guerra transforma uma paisagem outrora familiar numa realidade apocalíptica, onde a destruição e o medo imperam. Os elogios da crítica: «Porventura mais do que qualquer outro escritor da era pós-soviética, Serhij Zhadan aborda a experiência da convulsão nacional e pessoal.» — The Times Literary Supplement «Internato é uma pequena obra-prima.» — Literatur Spiegel«O bardo da Ucrânia de leste, onde tudo se está a desintegrar.» — The New York Times «Zhadan tece as suas palavras — subtis, dolorosas, acutilantes — com um sentido delicado da melodia.» — Die Zeit «Neste romance, o talento literário de Serhij Zhadan brilha como uma estrela sobre a paisagem urbana pintada pelo silêncio e pelo rumor da guerra.» — Literary Hub«Um romance que permitirá ao leitor sentir o cheiro da guerra.» — SRF «Com o sentido lírico de um poeta, Zhadan revela sem pejo um país devastado e um povo determinado a sobreviver.» — Publishers Weekly

Ganandrya - A Maldição de Sangue

by A.R. Ruano

Um bruxo e um vampiro, juntos, a combater forças do mal, numa nova obra Ya que deixará todos os leitores a chorar por mais. Bruxos e vampiros não convivem. Bruxos e vampiros são a antítese uns dos outros. Uns são aristocratas, os outros são perigosos. Os bruxos são o espelho da sociedade: ricos, brilhantes, cultos; os vampiros estão no fim da cadeia, são vergonhosos, animalescos. Mas será que é mesmo assim?Quando Andreas ruma a Ganandrya, uma vila vampírica, para iniciar uma investigação científica relacionada com maldições, conhece Bernart, e ele parece tudo menos perigoso. Na verdade, é o oposto: parece vulnerável, triste e misterioso. Além disso, as cicatrizes nos braços, que tenta esconder, contam uma história que Andreas está determinado a conhecer. Sem o esperar, Andreas dá por si envolvido num mistério maior do que poderia imaginar - e num amor que o deixará completamente rendido.

Legacy of Foggy Village

by Mezoon Alnaqbi

An epic tale of valour and bravery that tests the friendship of two strong lads. Hot-headed Akihiro wishes he can own the purple card some day and be the best fighter in their village. In his pursuit of becoming the ultimate, he is faced with countless challenges in terms of friendship, loyalty and begrudging trust in his new trainer's methods before he is able to become the man he dreamt of being. Hiroushi finds a brother in Akihiro that he'd never had. Little does he know that his selfless trust and affection for Aki will one day test his own limits and may even threaten to take his life.

The Elephant and The Butterfly

by Darlene G. Dandan

Set in a forest far, far away, a unique friendship blossoms between an elephant and a butterfly, despite their big differences. One day, a great storm came and ravaged through the forest, causing immense destruction! Looking at the devastation, the duo took it upon themselves to save their home and their friends. Discover how the elephant and the butterfly survived and how they learned to rely on each other’s unique strengths and create a bond that will last forever!

La novia de Johnny Storm ve la vaca y llora

by Ignacio Alcuri

Más de 50 cuentos y reflexiones con humor que conforman un libro literariamente sólido y muy ágil de leer. Una pastilla de información que lo hará olvidar los problemas durante unos segundos. Laboratorios Ignacio Alcuri presenta la octava entrega de sus fármacos caseros. Una serie de cuentos cortos acerca de las temáticas más variadas (desde las primeras citas hasta el fútbol uruguayo, desde Dios hasta el Globo de la Muerte) que provocarán en su organismo una importante descarga de hormonas responsables de la felicidad, la risa, la salud mental y el correcto funcionamiento del intestino grueso*.*Los resultados pueden variar. Ante cualquier duda consulte a su librero de confianza.

Vandalia: La nave de los mundos perdidos

by Helen Velando

La tripulación de Vandalia lucha contra las secuelas de la rara enfermedad del olvido para salvar a la humanidad. Ya no soy joven, al menos no en términos terrestres,tengo más de cinco mil años y mi nombre esVandalia. Soy una nave con una misión: cruzar eluniverso intentando encontrar los antídotos contralas secuelas de la rara enfermedad del olvido,o los seres humanos ya no serán los mismos.Ahora nos dirigimos a un remoto lugar dondeprobablemente podamos hallarlos. Es uno de lospeligrosos mundos perdidos.

El centro del universo

by Federico Ivanier

Una aventura intergaláctica llena de desafíos y personajes fantásticos. Alejo jamás podría haberse imaginado un día así. Lo que arranca como una simple mañana más termina convirtiéndose en una aventura intergaláctica cuando unos alienígenas cazarrecompensas lo persiguen por la ciudad y por otros lugares inverosímiles. Con la ayuda de amigos inesperados, enfrentándose a enemigos con capacidades sorprendentes, Alejo se halla cara a cara con el secreto que puede revolucionar el Universo entero# o destruirlo. Un secreto que tiene mucho más que ver con él mismo de lo que Alejo piensa. Sin poder parar un instante, Alejo deberá aprender a confiar en los demás y a tomarse las cosas con un poco más de humor, si quiere sobrevivir. Y hasta para encajar mejor en el mundo. Porque, después de todo, ¿quién dijo que es fácil ser el Centro del Universo?

Super Pocha, tierra adentro (7)

by Helen Velando

Súper Pocha y Rodríguez nos presentan un nuevo desafío al que deberán enfrentarse usando sus originales y divertidos métodos. Súper Pocha y Rodríguez, nuestros queridos superhéroes, tienen que enfrentarse a un nuevo desafío. En una localidad rural del interior del país, llamada Paso del Capincho, han desaparecido ovejas misteriosamente. La policía no encuentra explicación y tampoco pistas, aunque corre el rumor de que podría tratarse de un lobizón.Todo indica que es un nuevo caso para nuestros superhéroes, que tendrán que adentrarse en el campo para resolver el misterio que tiene en vilo a toda la comunidad.

El libro de los mitos III

by Pedro Peña

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La crisis de los 38

by Ignacio Alcuri

Una novela ágil y de adictiva lectura que nos llevará por el mundo de Santiago alguien que de un día para el otro quiere rehacer su vida mientras asciende un nuevo papa en el mundo, un joven fanático de los videojuegos y con aparentes poderes sobrenaturales. Santiago parece tener la vida perfecta: un empleo público, una relación sin ataduras y un amigo con el que puede juntarse en el momento que se le ocurra. Sin embargo, un día comenzará a replantearse su existencia y decidirá que sería mejor dedicarse a las cosas que realmente le gustan. ¡Si tan solo supiera cuáles son! Intentará cambiar de empleo, de rutina física y hasta de parejas sexuales. Todo mientras el mundo parece estar más preocupado por el nuevo papa, un adolescente capaz de mover objetos con su mente, fanático de los videojuegos y las películas de Steven Seagal.

Pretty Plastic

by Amy Spector

Three months after his run-in with the vampire Marcus Gråsson, Christopher’s ankle has healed but his life is anything but perfect. There are people watching the house. Flora’s worried about the scarecrow. And after an unexpected tragedy strikes, Christopher will need to figure out how to deal with the loss without tearing a rift between his brother and himself.When Victor accepts a job with Pretty, a prestigious private hospital, to work alongside the handsome Austen Poole, Christopher ends up with one more thing to worry about. While it might seem like a dream job, there’s something not quite right in paradise, and when Vic starts acting strangely, Christopher will stop at nothing to get his man back.When striving for perfection, you sometimes need to get your hands a little dirty.

The Whiskey Den

by Amy Spector

Bad things happen for a reason.Adam Neive’s expiration date is closer than he would like, and it’s only a matter of time before he loses his position as a Ganymede counter-boy. When a friend helps him secure a part-time job at a whiskey bar, his only thought is to escape the looming shadow of the brothels. He never expected another run-in with the witch Sebastian.Fourteen months after being booted from his coven, Sebastian has become convinced his brother’s death is connected to the wolves of The Whiskey Den. He just needs Adam’s help to discover how. But things are not always as they seem, and justice is more elusive than expected.When an announcement from the House of Witches changes everything, Adam will need to choose between life within the safety of the king's Monastery and the uncertainty of the city. While Sebastian will have to decide if his family's honor and the life he thought he had lost forever is worth more than the life he's only begun to realize he wants.

Body of Work

by Amy Spector

Life with Vic isn't exactly what Christopher Minnick was expecting. His boyfriend has given him a new lease on life -- literally -- but he doesn't have a job, Jessie thinks he's a ghost, and there are only so many closets on hand for shoving Jonathan into. Now, with Lee back in the limelight, things just might become more than Christopher can handle.Lee Hellstrom is hitting the big screen after more than three decades and, with the much younger Grant Cooper at his side on the red carpet, he plans to make a lasting impression. The only problem is that not all the attention Lee has drawn is good.When Lee goes missing, it's up to Christopher, Vic, and Grant to save the old man from a most horrible of fates.Christopher's life may not have been perfect, but his death is a pain in the ass.

Cold Fingers

by Amy Spector

Christopher Minnick is at a bad place in his life. Turning thirty and newly out of the hospital, the last thing he wants to do is attend a birthday dinner, even one thrown in his honor.When he is introduced to a friend's godson, things just might be starting to look up.Or are they?Victor Polidori seems like the perfect man. He’s clever, attractive and interested. But, even as Christopher finds himself falling in love, there are some things that just don’t add up. And when bodies start disappearing, Christopher knows he must get to the bottom of it.Will Christopher find his happily ever after or is it true what they say? All the good ones are either married or straight.Or they're necrophiliacs.

A String of Stories: From the Heart to the Future

by Ann Chiappetta

A demon deer and a ghost cat. Sibling rivalry and sexual awakening. Self-image and self-confidence. The chance for an offworlder to breathe free at last on a new planet. Those are just some of the diverse themes of these remarkable stories. Some endings are happy, some are sad, and some are intriguingly open-ended. But once you step inside the author’s world, you cannot emerge unmoved.

The Real-Life Unicorn from Space (The Adventures of Glitterstar #1)

by Andrew D Frenz

There are billions of planets across the universe. Have you ever stopped to think - what if unicorns really do exist - on one of those planets in a distant galaxy? Clara has. <p><p>Clara is a normal girl living a normal life, except for one thing: Clara is a true believer in unicorns. When her dad explains that there are no unicorns on Earth, Clara becomes convinced that they must live on a distant planet. She sets out to find a real-life unicorn, and in doing so, stumbles upon an adventure that will change her life forever.

Secondhand Shadow

by Elizabeth Belyeu

From the pen of Shelly Greene writing as Elizabeth Belyeu ...It's supposed to be a symbiotic relationship: the Shadow serves and protects the human Lumi, the Lumi feeds and cares for the Shadow. But when Damon’s Lumi died young and severed the bond between them, he declined to go with her like a good little Shadow. Yes, it hurts. Yes, he's cold and hungry all the time. And yes, his own people call him an abomination. But for the first time, Damon's life is his own, and he’s never going back.Or so he thinks, until he meets Naomi, a pregnant college student, and bonds to her as his new Lumi. Which has never happened to a Shadow before.Naomi has enough problems on her plate, juggling college and a crappy survival job, preparing for a baby, and getting over her cheating ex-husband. The last thing she needs is a dark, brooding fellow like Damon depending on her physically and emotionally, and hating her for it. But a vigilante among Damon's people has his sights set on Naomi -- and they both know Damon is her only chance for survival.

Once Bitten (Shadow Guild: The Rebel)

by Linsey Hall

Vampires aren't real, right? <p><p> People say I'm a weirdo. Sure, my idea of a party is a mini box of wine and hanging out with a feral raccoon, but it works for me. <p><p> When I’m accused of murder, things get crazy. One, I learn that I have magic. Two, there’s a secret magical city hidden right in London itself. And three, my only hope is a vampire who’s sexy as sin and scary as the devil himself. He's called the Devil of Darkvale, and he all but owns Guild City. <p><p> Some say I should just quit and turn myself in. Not a chance. I’m going to solve this murder myself, which means surviving in a new world of witch parties, magical guilds, and a vampire with a tortured past. The vampire and I are like colliding stars, and the heat is irresistible. I should avoid him, but if I want to save my own life, he’s my only hope.

Cursed Prince

by C. N. Crawford

My heart hasn't beat in a 1,000 years. I haven't uttered a word in prison, and the guards keep their distance. If they get too close, they die - until at last, my magic binds my soul to another. <p><p> Unfortunately, the person destined to save me is a night elf - the enemy of my kind. And yet, when I see her in the cell across from mine, an ember starts to burn in my chest. When we escape together down the palace walls, it’s almost like I can feel again. <p><p> As we journey to find the magic that will save us both, attraction simmers between us. But I keep my secrets close. Because, if she finds out what I am, she will find a way to kill me, even if it means sacrificing herself to do it.

Mines (Trails Ser. #4)

by April D Brown

Klapit mine abandoned to the ghosts. Shelpit mine nearly empty after half a generation. The orphans are now adults, struggling to find a future in Shells. <P><P>Corandra feels her ancestors have cursed her. Which seems to be proven when she digs up a box in a forbidden location that brings a devastating illness to the villa. <P><P>Rusty fears her future as the dig leader is at stake because the mine she found as a child is now empty. With no practicable skill, she has no guaranteed place among the villa. <P><P>Ambrena's foster sister/mother Tanna fears Tanna's daughters will replace her as apprentice healer in the villa. Leaving her alone, adrift, without a purpose. <P><P>Rusty and Ambrena believe they have been truly banished when they are sent together to find Corandra's mother, to bring their wayward fellow orphan sister home to Shells.

Beyond Tragedy: A Story of Shanann Watts

by Vonda Knox

When Shanann opened her eyes the world was foggy. Something was terribly wrong yet she wasn’t certain what had happened. Her grandmother, who had passed long ago, was standing in her kitchen surrounded by brilliant light and an indescribable fragrance. With great love Gran handed Nico to Shanann and she marveled over her precious newborn son as her three-year-old daughter CeCe happily danced around the room. <P><P>Longing to go with Gran, Shanann moved towards the light until she suddenly realized that her older daughter, four-year-old Bella, was not with them. Shanann was greatly comforted when Gran took Nico and CeCe into a place of safety and love, yet all faded into confusion and a desperate urgency when they left and she was consumed by her need to find Bella. Shanann was quite surprised, yet very comforted when she discovered Speaks With Stars, a Native American man, drumming by his fire in her front yard, a place his people had known for centuries before Shanann and her husband Chris, purchased their home in Frederick, Colorado. <P><P>Speaks With Stars let Shanann know that she was not alone and that he would be by her side. With his guidance and wisdom Shanann came to realize that she and her three children had been brutally murdered, and she now must reconcile herself to the events that were thrust upon her physical life, and the new journey of self-realization and wonder that had begun.

Mortal Terms (The Good Necromancer #4)

by Michael La Ronn

Pop! Pop! That's the sound of a gang gunfight in front of my house. Never a dull moment in the hood. Rrrring! That's the sound of a real estate agent calling to offer me a boatload of money for my historic house. Half a million dollars and I'll never have to hear another shooting again. No, I’m not taking the money. The only way I’m leaving my house is in a body bag. "Say what???" Speaking of bodies, that's what the police are saying when the dead body in front of my house vanishes in broad daylight…in front of hundreds of people. Coincidence? Of course not. But I'm not solving any supernatural problems today. Why, you ask? I'm taking my grandson Malcolm to the zoo, that’s why. The world is just going to have to find another necromancer to solve its problems for a change. …Don't see it? Me either. Sheeeeet, here we go again. Scroll up and buy your copy of Mortal Terms today! V1.0

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