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Too Busy Not to Pray

by Bill Hybels

For over two decades Too Busy Not to Pray has stood as a classic on prayer, helping Christians all over the world slow down to draw near to God.During those years, the world certainly hasn't slowed down. If anything, the pace, intensity and number of distractions have only increased. Brokenness and pain seem to have increased as well, with news of civil war, poverty, broken families and sex-trafficking touching us daily. The urgent need for prayer is clear, but busyness still keeps many of us from finding time to pray.Two truths haven't changed in all these years: God is the same powerful, just, holy God he's always been; and true prayer—prayer that changes us and allows us to participate in God's work in the world—can't happen on the fly. So Bill Hybels once again offers us his practical, time-tested ideas on slowing down to pray. Revised throughout and including a new introduction and new chapter on prayer and compassion for the world, this twentieth-anniversary edition of Too Busy Not to Pray calls both young and old to make prayer a priority, and broadens our vision for what our eternal, powerful God does when his people slow down to pray.

How To Be Happier

by Paul Jenner

How happy are you? How To Be Happier encourages you to answer this question - honestly! - and suggests practical steps you can take to lead a more fulfilling and contented life. Banish the thoughts that make you unhappy and accept all the positive parts of who you are; learn the principles of happy eating and exercise your way to a healthier lifestyle; meditate for inner happiness; and practise great sex to boost your happy chemicals. With tips and anecdotes and a happiness plan to help you put into practice what you have learned, this book is an enjoyable way to reach what you have always strived for.NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of how to achieve happiness.FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBERQuick refreshers to help you remember the key facts.TRY THISInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: CBT self-help techniques to improve your life

by Christine Wilding

Understand CBT is the best-selling guide to this hugely successful therapeutic model. It will give you a solid grounding in all the key ideas and techniques, as well as showing you how they can be applied in practice. Whether you need to get to grips with the essentials for a course, or just want to apply these proven techniques to your own life, this book is packed with practical examples and exercises to help you every step of the way.NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the authors' many years of experience.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of CBT.FIVE THINGS TO REMEMBERQuick refreshers to help you remember the key facts.TRY THISInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

Be More Confident: Teach Yourself

by Paul Jenner

Be More Confident: Teach Yourself brings the social networking strategies of the business and professional world to your personal life, allowing you to overcome shyness, win friends and make an impact in every social situation. It uses proven techniques, interactive tools, case studies and motivational advice to help you communicate, socialise and relate to others with real panache. If you've always been a little shy, it will give you step-by-step guides to becoming popular and confident, with practical tips on everything from body language to great conversation openers. Covering work, home, relationships and every other area of your daily routine, this is an aspirational but achievable manual that will help you to feel better not only about yourself, but about the way in which you talk to people, make friends, and make an impression.NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the author's many years of experience.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of confidence building.THINGS TO REMEMBERQuick refreshers to help you remember the key facts.TRY THISInnovative exercises illustrate what you've learnt and how to use it.

IQ Workout: Bullet Guides

by Mac Bride

IQ Workouts is exactly what it says on the cover - a series of puzzles and quizzes to test every part of your brain. It covers numerical, visual, verbal, logical, and creative thinking - and also offers chapters on doing a mind map and testing your memory. It's laid out in bullet points so you can find the information and games you need at a glance. It has lots of extra advice on how to get ahead at work and really boost your brain power. Problem solved.

Use Philosophy to be Happier: 30 Steps to Perfect the Art of Living

by Mark Vernon

Happiness. We all want it - but how can we get it? Author Mark Vernon has solved the problem by collecting the wisdom of the greatest minds in history and making their thinking on the important things in life accessible and, above all, practical. Full of everyday examples to make sometimes high-blown philosophy entertaining and relevant, this book shows you how you can crack the secret to living The Good Life.

Overcoming Depersonalisation and Feelings of Unreality, 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques

by Anthony David Emma Lawrence Dawn Baker

Depersonalization Disorder is when a person experiences a feeling of being detached from life around them and sometimes emotionally numb. It is often a symptom of another disorder such as anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder and particularly panic disorder, or of an illness like epilepsy or migraine, but also occurs in its own right and among users of certain drugs. CBT is an effective treatment.PRAISE FOR THE SERIES: 'The best consumer-friendly CBT-based books&All are very thorough.' Observer 'The Overcoming series just keeps getting better and better.' The Psychologist

Overcoming Grief 2nd Edition: A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques

by Sue Morris

Grief is a natural and healthy reaction to loss but it can be extremely debilitating and result in a downward emotional spiral, impacting on such aspects of life as relationships and work. Relentless grief can cause a host of physical problems due to the sufferer not looking after themselves properly, for example not eating, becoming over-reliant on alcohol, experiencing disrupted sleep. It can also lead to serious emotional and psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, health anxiety and panic attacks. This self-help book will prove invaluable to the recently bereaved, guiding them through the painful process of bereavement. Topics covered: Dealing with expected or unexpected deathChallenging unhelpful thoughtsEstablishing a routine and tackling avoidanceReturning to workPractical aspects such as dealing with the funeral, birthdays, etc.Planning a new future

Overcoming Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder

by Kevin Meares Mark Freeston

Up to 44 in every 1000 adults suffer from a condition known as Generalised Anxiety Disorder. This is much more than the normal worrying we all do - it can be a debilitating disorder leading to significant personal and social problems and sometimes financial loss. Using established and proven CBT techniques, expert clinicians Kevin Meares and Mark Freeston help readers to understand that it is their propensity to worry, not the multitude of problems they worry about, that is the root of the problem. The user-friendly, step-by-step approach explains why they worry, how to recognise what feeds it and develop effective methods of dealing with it.

Green Mountain Opium Eaters: A History of Early Addiction in Vermont

by Gary G. Shattuck

The green mountains, lush valleys and riotous fall colors of idyllic nineteenth-century Vermont masked a sinister underbelly. By 1900, the state was in the throes of a widespread opium epidemic that saw more than 3.3 million doses of the drug being distributed to inhabitants each and every month. Decades of infighting within the medical profession, complicit doctors and druggists, unrestricted access to opium and bogus patent medicines all contributed to the problem. Those conflicts were compounded by a hands-off legislature focused on prohibiting the consumption of alcohol. Historian Gary G. Shattuck traces this unusual aspect of Vermont’s past.

Cracking the Code to a Successful Interview: 15 Insider Secrets from a Top-Level Recruiter

by Evan Pellett

Cracking the Code to a Successful Interview is a groundbreaking new scientific, proactive, cutting-edge, hands-on, proven approach to job interviews by an award-winning, highly decorated recruiter. This REAPRICH eight-step interview method will give you a proactive way to take control of your interview. You will learn the secret, never-before-published "questions behind the questions." These are the questions that every manager unconsciously needs answered in order to hire you.

Anxiety Rebalance: All The Answers You Need to Overcome Anxiety and Depression

by Carl Vernon

Anxiety Rebalance is Carl Vernon's personal experience of overcoming 15 years of crippling anxiety. In this online best-seller, Carl combines a compelling account of his experience with the answers he found, including the 10 key actions that helped him achieve balance. The response from his readers (of his original self-published edition) has been extraordinary, and his solutions will become as much as a life manual as Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway and Sane New World.'Throughout the fifteen years I battled with anxiety and depression I was constantly looking for a cure - until I realised I was looking for answers that didn't exist. Don't waste another minute.' Dealing with anxiety requires ONE thing: BALANCECarl's step-by-step guide teaches you: The truth about anxiety and depression - by exposing them for what they really are. How to instantly reduce your stress and anxiety, and feel immediate relief. How to control all anxiety-related symptoms and disorders including panic attacks, social anxiety, OCD and agoraphobia. Why BALANCE is the only real solution for overcoming anxiety and depression, Plus the 10 actions you need to take to achieve lifetime change.Where do you come on the ReBalance scale?

Il passerotto nello specchio

by Iperbole10 Rita CAPT KUNAL NARAYAN UNIYAL Laurence Mitry

Un deliberato atto di disobbedienza, e l'uomo è entrato per sempre in guerra col suo più grande avversario, il suo ego. Più cede all'ego, più paga col suo sé divino. Il suo materialismo, la forsennata ricerca del potere e l'indifferenza, lo alienano, lo isolano. Schiavo del suo ego, l'uomo si compiace nel suo falso orgoglio, nella sua vanagloria, nella sua falsa sicumèra. La ricerca non ha mai fine. La sete non è mai placata. Lo spirito sempre tormentato. Il cuore perennemente in tempesta. Oscure nubi sovrastano la saggezza ma la creazione umana ha sete di motivazioni. Per questo, il Signore misericordioso ha tracciato il suo gran disegno. Noi tutti, possediamo un regno interiore. Nel momento in cui iniziamo il nostro viaggio interiore, il buio inizia a diradarsi fino a divenire un'alba di infinita saggezza. Ogni vacuo vocìo si placa la calma si schiude. La gioia del cuore, quella vera, conduce alla pace, all'armonia, all'equilibrio.

Super-food. Achieve a healthy diet for both body and mind.

by Henry Osal Georgia Louise Snelgrove

SUPER-FOOD is a brief guide about different foods that we can easily find in any supermarket and that will help us to keep a healthier lifestyle, as well as keeping our mind in form. This guide is accompanied by some suggestions about these foods, both through simple recipes or by mixing them with other, equally healthy, products. Food that, once incorporated into our daily diets and along with moderate exercise, will help us to achieve fuller health, with positive perspectives of life and helping us to use our bodies and mind to the maximum. Looking after yourself has never been this great and easy.

Auteurpreneur en pyjama: Développer votre plateforme d'auteur dans le confort de votre foyer

by Geraldine Solon Julie Martineau

Nous vivons probablement à la meilleure époque pour être un auteur, mais avec les milliers de livres publiés chaque jour, comment votre livre se démarquera-t-il du reste ? Que vous soyez un auteur publié par une maison d’édition traditionnelle ou autopublié, vous devez participer activement au marketing de votre livre. Bien que les auteurs aient aussi besoin de cultiver une présence en personne pour développer une relation solide avec leurs lecteurs, Auteurpreneur en pyjama décrit comment ils peuvent créer leur plateforme médiatique dans le confort de leur foyer à l’aide des outils en ligne -- notamment les médias sociaux comme Facebook et Twitter -- qui leur permettent d’augmenter leur visibilité. Nous vivons à l’ère numérique, où les supports électroniques prennent souvent le pas sur le papier, où les smartphones, tablettes et liseuses sont devenus indispensables et où votre plateforme peut être réalisée pratiquement en appuyant sur un bouton ! Auteurpreneur en pyjama est une petite mine de ressources pour vous aider à créer votre plateforme d’auteur sans quitter votre domicile.

La tua buona stella: 15 strumenti per lavorare con la Legge dell'Attrazione

by Mafalda Lempicka Nicoletta Natoli

Conosci i fondamenti e il funzionamento della Legge dell’Attrazione ma i tuoi risultati sono irregolari o non la riesci ad applicare come ti piacerebbe. Forse sbagli il tuo metodo? Esiste una maniera più efficace per ottenere quello che desideri? Ci sono diversi strumenti per attrarre con successo quello che vogliamo che faccia parte della nostra vita. In questo libro ti presento tutti quelli che ho raccolto durante molti anni di studio e di messa in pratica della Legge dell’Attrazione. Nello stesso modo in cui non esistono due persone uguali, non esiste un unico metodo di attrazione con cui tutti lavorino a proprio agio. Scopri gli esercizi che ti sono più affini, quelli che ti permetteranno di focalizzare la tua energia creativa e di sprigionarla adeguatamente affinché l’universo risponda. Con questo libro raggiungerai finalmente tutti i tuoi obiettivi, attrarrai senza alcuna difficoltà tutte le cose buone e belle che l’universo ha in serbo per te.

The 80/20 Principle and 92 Other Powerful Laws of Nature: The Science of Success

by Richard Koch

In a brand new Preface, bestselling author Richard Koch describes a paradigm shift in business, whereby intuition is more important than analysis, ideas and product trump strategy, and influence is superior to control. In this essential companion to his bestselling The 80/20 Principle - the radical power law that helped thousands of people achieve more by doing less - Koch illuminates 92 other universal principles and laws to promote the science of success in an increasingly challenging business environment.

10 étapes vers le succès

by Henry Osal Sophia Bisstouane

LE SUCCÈS est difficile à définir. J’aime dire que le succès est une affaire individuelle. Chaque personne possède et construit son propre succès. À travers mon expérience en tant que coach international, j’ai travaillé avec des gens qui malgré leur richesse et célébrité se sentaient malheureux. En travaillant ensemble, nous avons réussi (en vérité, ils ont réussi tous seuls) à trouver ce chemin vers le BONHEUR. Dans ce bref et agréable manuel, je vous amène à réfléchir et à vérifier que ce chemin n’est pas si compliqué. Il est à la portée de tous. Il ne dépend pas de l'argent, il relève de la persévérance et de l'enthousiasme. Voulez-vous être heureux ? Voulez-vous réussir ? CECI EST VOTRE MANUEL. COMMENÇONS ENSEMBLE À PARCOURIR CE CHEMIN.

Owning it: Your Bullsh*t-Free Guide to Living with Anxiety

by Caroline Foran

With honesty, humour and a bullsh*t free perspective, Owning It is a no-frills account of anxiety from the front line.Through the filtered lens of social media, it may seem like life's a peach, but for lots of people - journalist and author Caroline Foran included - anxiety is always bubbling beneath the surface. Here, she chronicles her experiences. From being unable to cope with the thought of venturing outside, to walking away from her fast-paced job, to the different, and sometimes controversial, treatments available - from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to acupuncture to medication - Caroline shows us how she eventually found a way of owning her anxiety so that it doesn't own her.With extensive research and help from the experts, Owning It is written with honesty and a bullsh*t-free perspective; consider it your ultimate, practical guide that aims to get you feeling good again.


by Celia Rodríguez Alex Ossa

WARNING: reading this book plants the knowledge necessary to change your life and be happy. Do not read if you don’t want to master your fears and make important changes. Do you dare? In CHANGE, Achieve Your Dreams, Conquer Your Fears you will learn how you can change your current situation through coaching techniques. Coaching is a simple method, easy to apply and within reach of everybody. You will learn why it is scary to make changes, and how to make them. You will learn exercises to help you make better decisions, discover who you are and what you want. By making better decisions, you will achieve a higher success rate. Through a simple coaching technique, you will discover what to do to leave your comfort zone. It will help you in any area of your life and in any situation you want to overcome. Each chapter is accompanied by exercises to help you understand the content better and initiate change while you read the book, conquering your fears and changing things you don’t want in your life. This book has additional free content. Instructions to access it are included inside.


by Henry Osal Martina Ullrich

SUPERFOODS ist ein kleiner Ratgeber über eine Reihe von Nahrungsmitteln, die wir leicht in jedem Supermarkt finden und die uns dabei helfen, einen gesunderen Lebensstil zu bewahren und dabei auch die geistige Fitness zu verbessern. In ihm finden sich auch Anregungen zur Verwendung dieser Nahrungsmittel, sei es durch einfache Rezepte oder in Kombination mit anderen, vergleichbar gesunden Produkten. Diese Superfoods, aufgenommen in unsere alltägliche Ernährung und ergänzt durch moderate sportliche Betätigung, verschaffen uns ein erfüllteres Leben und positivere Perspektiven durch die maximale Ausschöpfung der Möglichkeiten von Körper und Geist. Es war noch nie so angenehm und einfach, auf seine Gesundheit zu achten.

The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women

by Dawn Dais

Dawn Dais hated running. And it didn't like her much, either. Her fitness routine consisted of avoiding the stairs in her own house, because who really has the energy to climb stairs? It was with this exercise philosophy firmly in place that she set off to complete a marathon.The Nonrunner's Marathon Guide for Women is a fun training manual for women who don't believe that running is their biological destiny but who dream of crossing the finish line nonetheless. Revised in 2013, it now includes a new chapter on using technology as a training aid.Dais's book features a realistic training schedule and is chock-full of how-to's, quizzes, and funny observations, which she felt were lacking in the guides she had consulted. She also integrates entries from her journal, sharing everything would-be marathoners need to know about the gear, the blisters, the early morning workouts, the late-night carb binges, and-most important of all-the amazing rewards.Anyone can do a marathon. This book just makes the experience a little more bearable and a lot more fun.

Stories I Love to Tell

by Gene Edwards

America’s beloved storyteller will guide and thrill your imagination with these classic tales. Join Gene Edwards as he recounts his favorite stories from more than 50 years of travel and ministry.Considered the “Paul Harvey” of Christian writers, Gene Edwards is one of America’s most beloved authors. Stories I Love to Tell, his new book, is a compilation of tales that continue to move audiences. From stories about a chance meeting with Helen Keller at the Garden Tomb in the Holy Land to an astounding Jonah experience inside a whale to stories about a child growing up in a one-room shack, Gene knows how to spin an old-fashioned yarn.During the last four decades, Gene has amassed an enthusiastic, dedicated readership. Stories I Love to Tell will delight and entertain devoted fans as he relays story after astonishing story. You will want to grab a hot drink and huddle around the fireplace as America’s seasoned storyteller transports your imagination to another time and place.

The Digital Mystique

by Sarah Granger

In The Digital Mystique, Sarah Granger-a nationally recognized expert on online culture and social technology-shows us how digital media is shaping our lives in real time. Whether it's how we raise our children, communicate in love and partnerships, support causes, or establish friendships and trust, Granger pinpoints the best ways to seize digital opportunities to make our lives richer and fuller.While the Internet era is one that is frequently criticized as undermining our health, privacy, concentration, and ability to sustain real-world relationships, Granger takes a more optimistic and empowering view. She shares real-life stories and surprising facts about our lives-both online and off-to shed new and fascinating light on the positive effects of the digital media revolution, showing us how we can personally learn, grow, and thrive by engaging in our digitized world.The Digital Mystique includes the following chapters:Connecting Is Just the Beginning.YOUFriending Is TrendingLove in the Time of MessagingThe Kids Are OnlineThe Senior MomentThe Passion of the WebThere's No Business Like E-BusinessCommunity Is the KeyThe Difference a Tweet MakesWhat We Leave BehindA Stitch in Digital Time

Nimble: Make Yourself and Your Company Resilient in the Age of Constant Change

by Baba Prasad

"Nimble shows how we can anticipate and adapt to an increasingly chaotic world--and become better leaders, strategists, and innovators along the way."--Adam Grant, bestselling author of OriginalsCutting-edge insights for succeeding in times of chaotic changeToday's world is best described by one word: turbulence. Every leader today knows they need to be nimble, agile and resilient--but how? In this engaging and insightful new book, management strategist and Wharton Fellow Baba Prasad sheds new light on the subject, and offers practical advice for executives, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who'll need the skills to face the unpredictability, risk, and deep uncertainty that lies ahead.Filled with vivid examples and insights from around the world and throughout history - from the Brazilian rainforest and the "frugal innovation" of 19th century Indian engineers to Ericsson, Lego, Burt's Bees, and Zara--Nimble reveals what sets the most nimble leaders and organizations apart from the competition, presenting five types of agility that help individuals and companies not just survive but thrive in times of great change:Analytical agility: Understanding the real problemOperational agility: Driving leadership through actionInnovative agility: Finding creative solutions when you need them mostCommunicative agility: Solving problems togetherVisionary agility: Going beyond the here and nowIt is possible to embrace change and uncertainty without sacrificing innovation and growth. Nimble shows you how.

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