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Yoga Mind: Journey Beyond the Physical, 30 Days to Enhance your Practice and Revolutionize Your Life From the Inside Out

by Suzan Colón

Suzan Colon, yoga teacher and former senior editor at O, The Oprah Magazine, digs deep into the spiritual philosophy behind yoga and distills thirty essential components to enrich your practice and revolutionize your life from the inside out.We live in an increasingly stressful world, and we know about the hazardous effects stress can have on our health. But meditating and mindfulness can sometimes seem elusive, unattainable, and impossible to fit into our busy days. Even the word “yoga” usually makes many people think of complicated, twisty poses—but that’s not everything. In its complete sense, yoga is a collection of life lessons for wellness and well-being and a spiritual technology from ancient times that is now more relevant, and necessary, than ever. In Yoga Mind, Suzan Colon shares thirty essential components to increase self- awareness and inner balance to use throughout your day—in traffic, on the train, at your job, and home. She outlines how we can use yoga to cultivate resilience in challenging times, reduce stress, and enrich our relationships with family, work, and ourselves. This guide contains a 30-day program designed to create subtle yet powerful shifts in awareness and attitude that lead to real, lasting change. Whether you’re a hardcore yogi or a beginner to the practice, Yoga Mind can help you unite your body, mind, and heart to become your best self and cultivate lasting happiness in your life.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Stories of Angels, Divine Intervention, Answered Prayers and Messages from Heaven

by Amy Newmark

Miracles, answered prayers, cases of divine intervention—they happen every day—strengthening our faith, giving us hope, and proving that good things do happen to good people!Miracles are all around us—we just have to look to see them. These powerful stories will deepen your faith and show you that good things do happen to good people. From guardian angels to divine messengers, from miraculous healing to messages from heaven, from mysterious dreams that come true to divine coincidence, you’ll be in awe as you read these 101 stories of true wonder and inspiration. These stories are written by real people—ordinary people who have had extraordinary experiences—who are just as surprised that these things happened to them as we are to read about them.

Urban Tantra, Second Edition: Sacred Sex For The Twenty-first Century

by Barbara Carrellas Annie Sprinkle

If you think sexual and spiritual bliss can't be found in today's fast-paced world, you haven't experienced Urban Tantra. Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Urban Tantra, acclaimed sex educator Barbara Carrellas radically updates the ancient practice of Tantra for modern sexual explorers desiring to discover new frontiers. With a juicy mix of erotic how-to and heart-centered spiritual wisdom, this updated edition includes a brand-new introduction, up-to-date references and resources, a new take on the possibilities and responsibilities of Tantra in today’s world, plus new and cutting-edge information to reach an expanded community—added information on multi-partner play, more intersections for Tantra and BDSM, practices for asexuals and aromantics, expanded practices for trans and gender nonconforming people, and more. With more than one hundred easy-to-follow techniques for expanded orgasmic states and solo and partner play (as well as more adventurous practices), this in-depth guide reveals the delicious worlds of ecstasy available to all, no matter one's gender, sexual preference, or erotic tastes. Urban Tantra expands the notions of pleasure and opens new heights of intimacy and sexual fulfillment.

The Power of Meaning: Crafting A Life That Matters

by Emily Esfahani Smith

In a culture obsessed with happiness, this wise, stirring book points the way toward a richer, more satisfying life.Too many of us believe that the search for meaning is an esoteric pursuit—that you have to travel to a distant monastery or page through dusty volumes to discover life’s secrets. The truth is, there are untapped sources of meaning all around us—right here, right now.To explore how we can craft lives of meaning, Emily Esfahani Smith synthesizes a kaleidoscopic array of sources—from psychologists, sociologists, philosophers, and neuroscientists to figures in literature and history such as George Eliot, Viktor Frankl, Aristotle, and the Buddha. Drawing on this research, Smith shows us how cultivating connections to others, identifying and working toward a purpose, telling stories about our place in the world, and seeking out mystery can immeasurably deepen our lives.To bring what she calls the four pillars of meaning to life, Smith visits a tight-knit fishing village in the Chesapeake Bay, stargazes in West Texas, attends a dinner where young people gather to share their experiences of profound loss, and more. She also introduces us to compelling seekers of meaning—from the drug kingpin who finds his purpose in helping people get fit to the artist who draws on her Hindu upbringing to create arresting photographs. And she explores how we might begin to build a culture that leaves space for introspection and awe, cultivates a sense of community, and imbues our lives with meaning.Inspiring and story-driven, The Power of Meaning will strike a profound chord in anyone seeking a life that matters.

Team Chemistry: The History of Drugs and Alcohol in Major League Baseball (Sport and Society)

by Nathan Michael Corzine

In 2007, the Mitchell Report shocked traditionalists who were appalled that drugs had corrupted the "pure" game of baseball. Nathan Corzine rescues the story of baseball's relationship with drugs from the sepia-toned tyranny of such myths. In Team Chemistry , he reveals a game splashed with spilled whiskey and tobacco stains from the day the first pitch was thrown. Indeed, throughout the game's history, stars and scrubs alike partook of a pharmacopeia that helped them stay on the field and cope off of it: In 1889, Pud Galvin tried a testosterone-derived "elixir" to help him pile up some of his 646 complete games. Sandy Koufax needed Codeine and an anti-inflammatory used on horses to pitch through his late-career elbow woes. Players returning from World War II mainstreamed the use of the amphetamines they had used as servicemen. Vida Blue invited teammates to cocaine parties, Tim Raines used it to stay awake on the bench, and Will McEnaney snorted it between innings. Corzine also ventures outside the lines to show how authorities handled--or failed to handle--drug and alcohol problems, and how those problems both shaped and scarred the game. The result is an eye-opening look at what baseball's relationship with substances legal and otherwise tells us about culture, society, and masculinity in America.

Cutting: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Mutilation

by Steven Levenkron

<P> A seminal work on treating self-mutilation, revised and updated with illuminating case studies and newly available resources. <P> Nearly a decade ago, Cutting boldly addressed a traumatic psychological disorder now affecting as many as two million Americans and one in fifty adolescents. More than that, it revealed self-mutilation as a comprehensible, treatable disorder, no longer to be evaded by the public and neglected by professionals. Using copious examples from his practice, Steven Levenkron traces the factors that predispose a personality to self-mutilation: genetics, family experience, childhood trauma, and parental behavior. Written for sufferers, parents, friends, and therapists, Cutting explains why the disorder manifests in self-harming behaviors and describes how patients can be helped.

A Creative Guide to Exploring Your Life: Self-Reflection Using Photography, Art, and Writing

by Graham Ramsay Holly Sweet

An award-winning psychologist and professional photographer join forces in writing this unique creative guide to exploring and understanding your life: who you are, what you value, and what you wish to achieve. A Creative Guide to Exploring Your Life brims with imaginative exercises and examples that use the power of photography, art, and writing as tools for self-discovery. It provides clear and accessible guidance on how to explore different parts of your identity: take a photograph of yourself in a role you don't typically play, draw a visual timeline of your life and consider its key turning points; explore your sense of place in history by writing about a major historical event that has changed your life. Exercises are accompanied by searching questions for self-reflection, and are complemented by examples of each exercise to provoke ideas and inspiration. Featuring additional guidance for teachers, counselors, and other professionals running the exercises in group settings, this book offers a dynamic and enjoyable way for you to explore different aspects of your life.

Chakra Healing for Vibrant Energy: Exploring Your 7 Energy Centers with Mindfulness, Yoga, and Ayurveda

by Michelle S. Fondin

Tap into your body’s vital source of energy and wellness Positioned along the spinal axis, from the tailbone to the crown of the head, the seven main energy centers of the body are called chakras. Author Michelle Fondin explores and explains each one in the seven chapters of this book, demystifying their role in facilitating healing, balance, personal power, and everyday well-being. She offers meditations and visualizations, yoga postures, breathing exercises, and Ayurvedic dietary practices to learn about and work with the chakras. You may choose to follow the healing practices for seven days, devoting one day to each chakra; for seven weeks, focusing on each chakra for a week at a time; or at your own pace, spending as long as you need on each chakra. Whether you are experiencing an illness brought on by imbalance, feeling sluggish because of seasonal changes, or simply wishing to deepen your study of the subtle body, you will find healing and rejuvenation while discovering the power of these vibrant energy vortices, your chakras.

Power Of Personal Storytelling: Spinning Tales to Connect with Others

by Jack Maguire

You're stuck in an endless, dull conversation. As the speaker drones on, your mind wanders, until you hear the words, "I remember once when I was.." Your ears perk up. You become engrossed. An anecdote unfolds, and suddenly, the speaker is alive and excited and you know just what he means. He has used the age-old technique of storytelling to powerfully get his point across, capturing your attention through a well-told narrative of personal experience that invited you to relate to his message on an intimate level. In The Power of Personal Storytelling, professional storyteller Jack Maguire explains how to mine your memories to communicate more effectively, enhance personal and professional relationships, and understand yourself better so that you can better understand others. Step by step, he illustrates how shaping and expressing true stories about our lives and those of the people we've known can: * connect us more vitally with others; * develop our creativity; * strengthen our humor, courage, and confidence; and * render our lives more memorable. Whether you're a teacher or a salesman, a minister or a parent, personal storytelling can help improve the key relationships in your life while investing your memories with more meaning.

Hockey Confidence: Train Your Brain to Win in Hockey and in Life

by Isabelle Hamptonstone MSc.

Confidence affects how we deal with stress and how we fulfill our potential to achieve the results we desire. In sports and in life, confidence is the underlying factor determining mental and physical performance, leading to overall success. This book by experienced mental performance specialist Isabelle Hamptonstone contains a collection of powerful techniques and tips to help hockey players overcome lack of confidence.Clear instructions and illustrative case studies show how training the brain to develop and sustain hockey confidence can upgrade results and help players make smarter, quicker decisions under pressure. Hamptonstone shares step-by-step guidelines gleaned from her years of research working with the giants in the game of hockey. Some of the greatest hockey players in the world have used these very same steps to change their game and their lives. Added to this base of personal knowledge, the book references inspiring moments of mental performance by Wayne Gretzky, Doug Lidster, Scott Niedermayer, Shane Doan, Darryl Sydor, Jarome Iginla, and Mark Recchi. This pragmatic and positive book is a game-changing guide and valuable resource for anyone interested in high-performance hockey, as well as a valuable tool for self-development.

I Could Use a Nap and a Million Dollars: Biblical Alternatives To Stressed-out Living

by Jessie Clemence

Humorous, heartfelt observations on life from an everymom trying to follow GodToo often, women wonder if the abundant life Jesus promised is buried somewhere beneath the piles of dirty laundry or the layers of crumbs and abandoned toys on the floor of the minivan. Overwhelming to-do lists--pay the bills, go to work, parent the children, volunteer at church, bake four dozen cupcakes before bed--can feel like weights around their necks.Jessie Clemence knows the struggles of women everywhere who are just trying to get through the million stresses--small and large--that come with living day to day. This funny, warm, and honest book speaks directly to them, and offers real hope.With hilarity and wit sure to make every mom chuckle in recognition, Jessie discusses what the Bible says about reactions to daily frustrations and God's expectations for Christians' lives. For any overwhelmed woman wanting a new way of handling life's crazy moments, God is waiting to offer abundant life, peace, and joy--all found through seeking Him.I Could Use a Nap and a Million Dollars will give readers a respite, time to laugh out loud, and a new focus on the God who can turn their stresses into blessings.

What Does Childhood Taste Like?

by Jack Maguire

What Does Childhood Taste Like? was among the first "brain games" books to treat the human brain like a muscle; through interactive lessons, author Jack Maguire teaches readers how to take care of their minds as they do their bodies. Whether you are a writer looking to maximize creativity, an executive honing your decision-making skills, or a retiree keeping your memory strong, this book has exercises for you. A must for anyone concerned about mental fitness.

Whatever It Takes: Stories From A Life Behind The Scenes In The Music And Television Worlds

by Stephen Stohn Christopher Ward Martin Gero

This book will change the way you think about success. Producer of television’s iconic Degrassi franchise Stephen Stohn tells stories from behind the scenes and of making it in the music and television world in this star-studded, rock ’n’ roll trip through a Canadian show business explosion. Stohn, who has been at the heart of the entertainment industry for over forty years, shares a lifetime of experience and unique insights into how dreams are turned into reality. “Whatever It Takes” — both a mantra and Degrassi’s theme song — has been heard millions of times all over the world. It embodies a philosophy of struggle and self-belief leading to accomplishment, as well as the story of an exploring mind, an adventurous pursuit of experience, ringing failures, and the willingness to see things in a different way.

Ikigai esencial: La sabiduría milenaria japonesa que dará sentido a cada día de tu vida

by Ken Mogi

La sabiduría milenaria japonesa que dará sentido a cada día de tu vida. «Estar inmerso en el momento presente y obtener placer de ello, prestando atención al mismo tiempo al más mínimo detalle es la esencia del arte de la ceremonia del té. Es extraordinario que Sen no Rikyu, el creador de esta ceremonia en el siglo XVI, llegara a esta conclusión en la era Sengoku, cuando los señores de la guerra, los samuráis, libraban entre sí interminables batallas y seguramente era una época muy estresante.» Occidente siente una fascinación permanente por el modo de vida japonés, y ello supone acceder a la filosofía, la cultura y el patrimonio de ese extraordinario país. Ikigai es un término japonés para referirse a los placeres y el sentido de la vida. Todo el mundo, de acuerdo con la cultura japonesa, tiene ikigai, y este se encuentra mediante la búsqueda, profunda y concentrada, en uno mismo. Es la «razón para levantarse cada mañana», para encontrar el placer, la satisfacción personal en las actividades cotidianas, sea en el trabajo o en el ocio. Una de las razones de la longevidad del pueblo japonés, junto con su alimentación, la práctica de ejercicio moderado y su espiritualidad. Ikigai esencial combina percepciones de los saberes científicos de Ken Mogi sobre el funcionamiento del cerebro, lo cual confiere al libro una perspectiva cognitiva fascinante.

7 Steps to Attain Perfection: One seeking to know Jesus Christ in truth and in Spirit

by John Molokwu

7 Steps To Attain Perfection, an embodiment of rudimentary guiding principles capturing the essence of being Born Again, was conceived out of a nurtured desire spanning 11 years of tuning and fine-tuning its contents to equip a believer with necessary steps taking them on a purposeful journey through life's unpredictable experiences. It begins the moment someone takes the decisive step to accept Christ as their Lord and Saviour to fulfilling their calling in God's vineyard. 7 Steps To Attain Perfection is equipped with biblical citations, anecdotes, and metaphorical connotations meant to expose your thoughts to new possibility of attaining perfection in Christ Jesus. It relates to every believer's struggle for acceptance and respect in a world of perverseness, deceitfulness, slothfulness, and actus reus. 7 Steps To Attain Perfection remains a great privilege for me having been inspired to tap from the wealth of wisdom, knowledge and understanding endowed by the Holy Spirit flowing through the ‘Still Small Voice' as I listened in the Spirit and penned down the Words as the Spirit gave me inspiration. Anyone applying the teachings in this book will transform their life through becoming changed for the better according to John 15:1-5.

Prophesy and Heal the Sick: How to Grow in Prophecy, Words of Knowledge, Healing, and Power Evangelism.

by Matthew Helland

You Can Grow in Prophecy, Words of Knowledge, Healing, Power Evangelism and More! This book gives you the biblical foundation and practical steps to grow in these vital ministries. Subjects covered include: Raising up a New Generation of Prophets, The Three Prerequisites of Prophetic Ministry, How to Hear God’s Voice, How to Prophesy, Prophetic Activations, Prophetic Guidelines, Creating the Future, How to Grow in Words of Knowledge, How to Make God’s Love Tangible, How to Heal the Sick and How to Grow in Power Evangelism. “This comprehensive manual is the most practical and useful book I have read on the subject of ministering prophecy, healing and words of knowledge.” - Norman Wilke, SpiritLife Church, I.P.H.C. “This is a must-read book for living out the fullness of the Spirit in our generation.” - Dr. A.D. Beacham, Jr., Bishop I.P.H.C “I used to joke that my ministry was a non-prophet ministry. However, that all changed once I spent a couple of hours with Matthew Helland. If you want to discover how to tap into the power of prophecy, read this book!” - Daniel King, Evangelist

¡Evoluciona! Y pide lo que quieras

by Joan Riudavets

Imaginemos únicamente todo lo bueno que seamos capaces de imaginar, pues seguro que vamos a experimentar transformaciones evolutivas que nos van a maravillar. En un mundo convulso, se nos presenta la evolución que ha de dar paso a una transformación de los hombres y mujeres que habitan nuestra madre tierra. Transformación colectiva que va a dar lugar a la utopía de un mundo renovado y mejor. Un mundo en el que los individuos serán sabios y en los que sólo se originarán pensamientos bondadosos y benevolentes, capaces de imaginar todo lo bueno y hacerlo realidad. Pues así se construyen las bondades de los hombres y mujeres que se habrán convertido en seres humanos: con pensamientos amorosos, bondadosos y sabios. Cuando seamos todos ya seres humanos, nuestros pensamientos florecerán de una imaginación sin igual. Cada individuo será capaz de pensar y crear todo lo bueno que pueda imaginar.

Lesbian S/M Safety Manual

by Pat Califia

This is a book written for lesbians by lesbians about how to practice S/M in a safe way. This includes emotional as well as physical safety.

Descubre la Reina que hay en ti: Guía de trabajo profesional

by Luz Navas Torres

Actualiza el cuento de tu vida y crea un nuevo final El coraje de ser tú misma Ya es hora de que gobiernes tu vida y reines soberanamente Descubre la reina que hay en ti es toda una liberación personal y profesional. Una expresión escrita de mi propio viaje iniciático como mujer y los muchos roles que he interpretado desde pequeña. Deseo de corazón que el recorrido que hagas en este libro suponga también para ti un viaje hacia tu propio centro. Para que puedas descubrir la realeza que aguarda silenciosa en tu interior. Fruto de su trayectoria personal y sentimental, así como laboral en relación con muchas mujeres a las que lleva entrenando desde hace años. La autora ha recogido y creado para ti, querida lectora, una completa guía práctica de desarrollo personal donde puedes tener el valor de ser tú misma. Escrito para mujeres y muy recomendable para hombres. Esta obra está llena de ejercicios prácticos y de una perspectiva tan amplia en los conceptos habituales que supone un antes y un después para quien se arroja a experimentarlo. Además, este libro cuenta con un capítulo especial donde Ruth Morales, autora de Cambio de Realidad, expresa en Ella es la clave por qué la mujer necesita volver a su centro y reconectar con su esencia primaria. Incluye el Programa de Empoderamiento Femenino: Reinas Conectadas. La mujer representa la pieza clave en la que podemos apoyarnos para promover el cambio en las relaciones sentimentales.

There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem

by Wayne W. Dyer

In this inspiring new book, bestselling author Wayne W. Dyer puts forth the powerful notion: namely that our ultimate purpose is to fulfill a spiritual destiny. In There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, Dyer shows us that there is an omnipresent spiritual force right at our fingertips that contains the solution to our problems -- from ill health, to financial worries, to relationship difficulties. Drawing from various spiritual traditions, especially from the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, Dyer helps us unplug from the material world and awaken to the divine with.The first part of the book provides the essential foundations for spiritual problem solving, and explains the basic principles needed to understand and access the world of spirit. In these chapters, you'll read the words of Pantanjali, a Yogi mystic whose teachings and practices deeply affected Dyer and informed his realization that the spiritual force is everywhere.The second half, organized around the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi, contains specific suggestions to help readers put spiritual problem-solving into practice. The prayer embodies the fundamental message of this book. St. Francis's legacy is one of love, harmony, and service -- putting our collective energies toward what we are for instead of what we are against. Each of these last seven chapters begins with a line from this prayer; Dyer then goes on to offer specific and practical suggestions for applying the teaching to everyday problems. These suggestions include affirmations, writing exercises, guided meditations, and other strategies for putting St. Francis's words and the wisdom of this book into practice. Profound and thought-provoking, yet filled with pragmatic advice, There's A Spiritual Solution to Every Problem is a book about self-awareness and tapping the healing energy within all of us. As Dyer writes, "Thinking is the source of problems. Your heart holds the answer to solving them."

You'll See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation

by Wayne W. Dyer

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, psychotherapist, lecturer, and world-famous author of the phenomenal bestseller, Your Erroneous Zones, now takes us to new plateaus of self-awareness in his most powerful book yet. You'll See It When You Believe It will show you how, by tapping the truly amazing power that lies within you, you can direct the course of your own destiny. Using examples from his own highly successful experiences, Wayne Dyer will convince you that, with his proven techniques, you can make your most impossible dreams come true. Believe that you have the power to: Make your life anything you wish it to be; Set real goals and achieve them; Turn obstacles into opportunities; Rid yourself of guilt and inner turmoil; Develop a strong inner-confidence; Dramatically improve relationships; Choose a life of abundance; Spend every day doing the things you love to do.

Your Sacred Self: Making the Decision to Be Free

by Wayne W. Dyer

Bestselling author Wayne W. Dyerreveals a three-step plan for finding joyand taking strength from ourselves.In this liberating and enriching book, Wayne W. Dyer teaches us: To tap into the power of our higher selves To live each day, regardless of what we do, with a greater sense of peace and fulfillment To develop a sense of satisfaction with ourselves and othersTo move from our insatiable need for more to an awareness of abundanceStep by step, Your Sacred Self will help you understand your place in the world and develop a sense of satisfaction with yourself and others.

50 Top Tools for Employee Wellbeing: A Complete Toolkit for Developing Happy, Healthy, Productive and Engaged Employees

by Debbie Mitchell

In a world of political and economic uncertainty where stress and unhappiness are on the rise, improving employee wellbeing has never been more important. But with budgets being squeezed and the constant need to do more with less, this can seem like an insurmountable task. 50 Top Tools for Employee Wellbeing shows that interventions don't need to be expensive or time-consuming. It contains practical tools for immediately improving staff wellbeing, resulting in happier, more engaged and more productive employees. Each tool in the book includes guidance on when to use it, how to get the most out of it and - most importantly - how to measure its impact to show what's working and where efforts are best focused. Addressing all the key areas of the subject, from career development and workplace culture to physical, mental and financial wellbeing, this is a complete resource for improving your workforce's wellbeing.

Living Your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life (Second Edition)

by Judith Hanson Lasater

<P>If you think that you have to retreat to a cave in the Himalayas to find the enlightenment that yoga promises, think again. In this second edition of Living Your Yoga, Judith Hanson Lasater stretches the meaning of yoga beyond its familiar poses and breathing techniques to include the events of daily life--all of them--as ways to practice. <P>This edition includes three new chapters (Relaxation, Empathy, and Worship), a full index, and new interior and cover designs. Using the time-honored wisdom of the Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad Gita to steer the course, she serves up off-the-mat practices to guide you in deepening your relationships with yourself, your family and friends, and the world around you. <P>Inspiring and practical, she blends her heartfelt knowledge of an ancient tradition with her life experiences as a daughter, sister, partner, mother, friend, and yoga practitioner and teacher. The result: a new yoga that beckons you to find the spiritual in everyday life.

The Fifth Trimester: The Working Mom's Guide to Style, Sanity, and Success After Baby

by Lauren Smith Brody

The Fifth Trimester is your new best friend: a brilliant, tells-it-like-it-is guide that helps moms cope with the demands of the real world after the baby arrives The first three trimesters (and the fourth—those blurry newborn days) are for the baby, but the Fifth Trimester is when the working mom is born. No matter what the job or how you define work, you're going to have a lot of questions. When will I go back? How should I manage that initial "I want to quit" attack? Flex-time or full-time? How can I achieve 50/50 at home with my partner? What's the best option for childcare? Is it possible to look like I slept for eight hours instead of three? And . . . why is there never a convenient space to pump? Whether you're in the final stages of pregnancy or hitting the panic button on your last day of leave, The Fifth Trimester is your one-stop shop for the honest, funny, and comforting tips, to-do lists, and take-charge strategies you'll need to embrace your new identity as a working parent and set yourself up for success. Based on interviews with 700+ candidly speaking moms in wildly varied fields and incredible expert advice, The Fifth Trimester tackles every personal and professional detail with the wit, warmth, and inspiration you need to win when you head back to work. Like What to Expect When You're Expecting and The Happiest Baby on the Block, this is an indispensable guide every new mom needs on her shelf.

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