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The Inquisition: A Critical And Historical Study Of The Coercive Power Of The Church [2nd Ed.]

by Elphège Vacandard Father Bertrand L. Conway

In this penetrating study of the Inquisition, Elphège Vacandard delves into the Catholic Church's dark past."The history of the Inquisition is still to be written. It is not our purpose to attempt it; our ambition is more modest. But we wish to picture this institution in its historical setting, to show how it originated, and especially to indicate its relation to the Church's notion of the coercive power prevalent in the Middle Ages. For as [Henry Charles] Lea [author of three large volumes entitled "A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages" published in 1888] himself says: "The Inquisition was not an organization arbitrarily devised and imposed upon the judicial system of Christendom by the ambition or fanaticism of the Church. It was rather a natural--one may almost say an inevitable--evolution of the forces at work in the thirteenth century, and no one can rightly appreciate the process of its development and the results of its activity, without a somewhat minute consideration of the factors controlling the minds and souls of men during the ages which laid the foundation of modern civilization."We undertake this study in a spirit of absolute honesty and sincerity. The subject is undoubtedly a most delicate one. But no consideration whatever should prevent our studying it from every possible viewpoint."

A Leatherneck Looks At Life

by 2nd Lt. Cornelius Vanderbreggen Jr.

The story of a WWI marine's journey to finding everlasting peace, which he finally finds in Jesus.

Language, Logic And God

by Frederick Ferré

"THIS BOOK is an attempt to fill the present striking need for an introduction to contemporary linguistic philosophy as it bears on theological discourse. Wherever I have gone, recently, among educated Christians in Britain and America, I have encountered profound curiosity--and a good deal of anxiety--concerning modern methods in philosophy as they relate to the logical nature and validity of theological affirmations. Similarly I have found many of my students in contemporary philosophy and in the philosophy of religion becoming deeply absorbed in the issues raised by a critical examination of theological speech. From both groups, the intellectually alert Christians and the thoughtful graduate and undergraduate students of philosophy and religion, I have been heavily bombarded with appeals for direction to some book which would (1) set forth the central issues and arguments concerning theological discourse for readers who have familiarity with traditional philosophy but who are relatively untrained in contemporary philosophical practices and (2) place into perspective the present state of philosophical and theological discussion in this area of burgeoning interest. To my frustration, I have had to answer such requests with the admission that no such book exists and with the promise that I would try, some day, to provide that book myself. In preparing this volume, therefore, I have done my best to keep those promises in mind."

Mr. Jones, Meet the Master: Sermons And Prayers Of Peter Marshall

by Dr Peter Marshall

A posthumous collection of sermons and prayers of pastor Peter Marshall of the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C.In Mr. Jones, Meet the Master, Peter Marshall is addressing you. His practical sermons and heart-felt prayers will give insight, courage, and inspiration as you encounter the difficulties of everyday life. These are words to read, re-read, and treasure in your heart. They contain practical guidelines for Christian living.-Print ed.

The Secret of The Kingdom

by Mika Waltari

Against a background of the strife-torn land of Judea two thousand years ago, Mika Waltari has written what is certainly his most important novel.Seeking the meaning to his life in the study of philosophy, the young Roman. Marcus Manilianus, discovers in an Alexandrian library a vast number of predictions, all tending to confirm his own feeling that the world is about to enter upon a new era. Two chance encounters with Jews who proclaim the coming of a world leader whom they call the Messiah or King, cause Marcus to resolve to make a visit to the Holy City of the Jews. He arrives outside Jerusalem in time to see crowds--some curious, some shocked--staring up at three crosses on a nearby mound. Above the center cross, an inscription had been fixed: JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS.The quest that ensues leads Marcus through all parts of Jerusalem and into contact with men and women of all stations of life who had known this remarkable man. And by degrees, wonderful if strange things are revealed to him of Jesus' teaching, and he experiences the odd sensation of almost believing in the destiny of this crucified Roman among the alien Jews, Stands alone on the borderline of two worlds, feelings he belongs to neither, and it becomes vital to him to find "the way, "the Kingdom," to again knowledge and certainty, not merely belief.What follows, as Marcus pursues his search for the promised secret of the Kingdom, bring to a climax as exciting and deeply moving a novel as Mika Waltari, certainly one of the world's outstanding historical novelists, has ever written. It is a story of a time long past, yet it deals with a theme as modern as today: the dilemma of modern man and his culture in gaining and retaining a faith. And always present throughout the novel is the splendor, the irony and humor which have so delighted millions of readers of other Waltari novels from The Egyptian to The Etruscan.

Radiant Glory: The Life Story of Martha Wing Robinson

by Gordon P. Gardiner

Radiant Glory: The Life of Martha Wing Robinson by Gordon P. Gardiner is the only existent biography of Martha Wing Robinson (1874-1936), a relatively unknown woman from the Mid-West who was healed of several severe maladies under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie, and was then led by God into the Pentecostal outpouring in 1906. Gordon P. Gardiner spent over 20 years writing this detailed account of Martha Wing Robinson's life, drawing from personal remembrances as a boy and young man in Illinois, as well as numerous interviews with Martha Wing Robinson's closest associates, sheaves of correspondence, and notes and dictations of her talks. It pays special attention given to her writings and talks after her tremendous experience in 1907, right up to her death in 1936.

Seedtime and Harvest: The Neville Reader: A Collection Of Spiritual Writings And Thoughts On Your Inner Power To Create An Abundant Life; Includes- Prayer: The Art Of Believing; Feeling Is The Secret; Freedom For All; Out Of This World; Seedtime And Harvest; Resurrection; Law And The Promise

by Neville Goddard

Originally published in 1956, Seedtime and Harvest focuses on key mystical messages that run through Biblical Scripture, showing how familiar Biblical stories and passages provide insight into the metaphysical principles that form the foundation of physical experience. The tale of Cain and Abel, Jacob's ladder dream, and many other passages are explored to spark deeper understanding of consciousness and empowerment. Neville intersperses his interpretive insights into scripture with real-life examples of the workings of spiritual law, helping to show how the Bible can provide important guidance to students no longer comfortable with a literal reading and offering insight to those who seek to reconcile their love of the Christian Bible with non-sectarian truths about being and self-hood.

The Life of Elijah

by Arthur W. Pink

The life of Elijah has gripped the thought and imagination of preachers and writers in all ages. His sudden appearance out of complete obscurity, his dramatic interventions in the national history of Israel, his miracles, his departure from earth in a chariot of fire all serve to that end. 'He comes in like a tempest who went out like a whirlwind,' says Bishop Hall; 'the first that we hear from him is an oath and a threat'. Judgment and mercy were mingled throughout Elijah's astonishing career.It is fitting that the lessons which may be drawn from Elijah's ministry should be presented afresh to our generation. History repeats itself. The wickedness and idolatry rampant in Ahab's reign live on in our gross 20th century's profanities and corruptions. False prophets occupy large spheres of influence and truths dear to our evangelical forefathers have been downtrodden as the mire of the streets. A. W. Pink clearly felt called to the task of smiting the ungodliness of the age with the rod of God's anger while at the same time encouraging the faithful remnant. With these objects he undertakes the exposition of Elijah's ministry and applies it to the contemporary situation.

War In Heaven: A Novel

by Charles Williams

In War in Heaven Williams gives a contemporary setting to the traditional story of the Search for the Holy Grail. Examining the distinction between magic and religion, this eerily disturbing book graphically portrays a metaphysical journey through the shadowy crevices of the human mind."Reading Charles Williams is an unforgettable experience."--SATURDAY REVIEW" of the most gifted and influential Christian writers England has produced this century."--TIME"Charles Williams's firm conviction that the spiritual world is not simply a reality parallel with that of the material one, but is rather its source and its abiding infrastructure, is explicit in both the manner and matter of all he wrote. Hence the unique contribution offered by his novels to the materialistic age in which these characters live and behave and their plots unfold."--OWEN BARFIELD"Charles Williams took the form of the thriller and used it to create an extraordinary genre that has sometimes been called 'spiritual shockers.' His books are immensely worth reading, even if you consider yourself unspiritual and immune to shock."--HUMPHREY CARPENTER"...satire, romance, thriller, morality, and glimpses of eternity all rolled into one."--THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Awakened Millionaire: A Manifesto for the Spiritual Wealth Movement

by Joe Vitale

The Awakened Millionaire is a practical manifesto guiding you to new dimensions of personal wealth, spiritual growth, and as a result, global transformation. Crafted by Dr. Joe Vitale, a famed millionaire, best-selling author, and star of the blockbuster movie "The Secret," you'll discover a controversial formula that accomplishes what few believe possible: combining money and spirituality together to bring you more of both, while transforming you into a force for good in a world that desperately needs it. This book is a call to action, pushing you to wake up, stand up, and transform yourself into a powerful expression of your passion, your wealth, and your desire to make a difference. It is an invitation to become a true Awakened Millionaire, starting today. While most consider money and spirituality a blasphemous duo, Dr. Vitale shatters these social norms and shows you the true nature of money empowered with soulful purpose. At turns inspirational, motivational, and conversational, this page-turner ultimately narrows in on practical steps anyone can use to see instantaneous results, regardless of your past failures, current financial situation, or future goals. But his mission is not to simply transform you. Dr. Vitale's mission is to create a swarm of Awakened Millionaires transforming the world with every action they take, while enjoying personal luxury and soulful fulfillment new levels of money and spiritual growth can give them.

Blueprint to Business: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Taking Action, Committing to the Grind, And Doing the Things That Most People Won't

by Michael Alden

Essential reading for any would-be entrepreneur Blueprint to Business is the ultimate guide to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Bestselling author and CEO Mike Alden puts aside the rainbows and sunshine, gets real about what it takes to 'make it,' and gives you the real-world guidance you need to hear. Through anecdotes and advice, he shares his experiences along with those of other top founders and entrepreneurs to give you a realistic picture of what it takes to build a business. It's a bit of tough love, a healthy dose of reality, and a tremendously motivating guide to striking out on your own; from motivation and commitment to business licenses and the IRS, this guide is your personal handbook for the biggest adventure of your career.

The 30 Secrets Of Happily Married Couples

by Paul Coleman

A completely revised and updated blueprint for happier marriages!It's better--and easier--to change your relationship than it is to change your partner. Based on Dr. Paul Coleman's experience with thousands of couples, this groundbreaking guide shows you thirty proven ways to do just that. In this comprehensive all new edition, Dr. Coleman offers fresh insights for a happy marriage, such as:Don't expect miracles overnight.Stop judging and start accepting.Tap into the power of small talk.Encourage each other's dreams.Reduce conversation killers.Eliminate the seven sexual myths.With The 30 Secrets of Happily Married Couples on your bedside table, you can make your marriage stronger and happier--whether you've been married for five days or fifty years!

Citadel of God: A Novel of Saint Benedict

by Louis De Wohl

The streets of Rome are crowded as Theoderich, the "barbarian" Gothic king, makes his triumphal entry into the conquered city. Suddenly a boy rushes into the street and attempts to stab the king with his stylus. Kicked aside by the king's guard, he is rescued and carried to safety by a young man. The boy is Peter, adopted son of the noble Roman philosopher, Boethius. His rescuer is Benedictus, a student, who becomes Peter's tutor, and tries to curb the boy's reckless determination to succeed at all costs.So begins this vivid story which follows Benedictus through a disillusioning experience with a beautiful woman of Rome, his years as a hermit and his work in establishing religious communities that were truly citadels of God in the decadence of sixth-century Rome.Peter, meanwhile, has dedicated himself to overthrowing the Goths--partly to further his own ambition and partly to win the beautiful Rusticiana, who has promised to marry him if he succeeds. Sweeping from Rome to Ravenna, Byzantium and Monte Cassino, the story reaches its climax in a dramatic fulfillment of Benedictus's long-ago promise to Peter: "We shall meet again when you need me."Here, as in all his novels about great saints of the Church, Louis de Wohl weaves an intricate colorful tapestry of violence, love and piety to tell with historical accuracy the story of St. Benedict and the tempestuous era in which he lived.

The Joyful Beggar: A Novel of St. Francis of Assisi

by Louis De Wohl

A surging, panoramic novel about the brash young officer who became...FRANCIS OF ASSISISet against the tempestuous background of 13th Century Italy and Egypt, here is the magnificent and inspiring story of Francis Bernardone...the brash, pleasure-loving young officer who was to become immortalized as St. Francis of Assisi.ACTION...PAGEANTRY...INTRIGUE...In this magnificent and stirring novel, Louis de Wohl turns his famed narrative skill to the story to the soldier and merchant's son who might have been right-hand man to a king...and who became instead the most beloved of all saints."COLORFUL"--Ft. Worth Star-Telegram"HIGH ADVENTURE"--Atlanta Journal and Constitution"Joins Mr. de Wohl's other historical novels in the charmed 'winner circle.'"--Catholic Weekly

Touching the Invisible

by Norman P. Grubb

How can I have Christ's power in my everyday life?Until we know how to recognize God's voice, we are unsure of His will, uncertain in our prayers, and ineffective in our Christian service. Norman Grubb opens the reality of living secretly with God, whose invisible resources become more real than the visible world around us. The answers here have revolutionized the lives of thousands, providing practical help for those who desire a life of power; the heritage of all who are "hidden with Christ in God."

St. Bernadette Soubirous: 1844-1879

by John Joyce Abbé François Trochu

ST. BERNADETTE SOUBIROUS is a two-fold story: that of the apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary at Lourdes, France in 1858, as well as of the 14-year-old peasant girl--raised in dire poverty and unable to read--to whom Our Lady appeared. But more, it is also the story of St. Bernadette's hidden life as a seemingly ordinary nun in her convent at Nevers, where she reached such holiness that after her death, God saw fit to preserve her body incorrupt--as it remains to this day!Beautifully set forth in this book are St. Bernadette's childhood and life at home, her character--honest, intelligent and straightforward--her description of Our Lady, the events surrounding the 18 apparitions, the opposition of the civil authorities, and the shrine and miraculous spring at Lourdes. Also described are Bernadette's life in the convent, where she suffered a martyrdom in body and in soul.

Pardon and Peace

by Alfred Wilson C.P.

Laymen's Guide to getting the full spiritual and mental benefits from Confession.Father Alfred Wilson, a pastor of souls and popular spiritual writer, wrote that the psychological benefits of Confession are of a piece with its moral benefits-and can only be fully enjoyed when the penitent approaches the sacrament in the proper spirit. In Pardon and Peace, originally published back in 1946, Father Wilson captivated audiences with insights like these:--Find yourself confessing the same sins over and over? Here's the reason--and helpful advice.--Types of inaccurate confession.--If your examination of conscience tends to be a lengthy ordeal then here's what you're doing wrong.--Two chief considerations for weighing the gravity of a sin.--Three conditions that must be present for a sin to be mortal.--Four guidelines for confessing venial sins.--Common excuses for avoiding Confession.--How to confess a sin of impurity.--"Nothing to tell"? You might not be searching properly."Answers all your questions, and not only that, any others you could possibly think of about Confession."--Caryll Houselander"A clear, sound, eminently sensible exposition of the why and how of one of Christ's often-neglected sacramental gifts. Both Catholics who seldom approach this sacrament and Catholics for whom it is an established part of their spiritual lives will find a lot that is helpful and inspiring here, as will priests and catechists."--Russell Shaw, Author, Why We Need Confession"An intelligent and compassionate explanation of the Sacrament of Reconciliation and of all aspects of penance and the forgiveness of sin. Very helpful for younger Catholics, for older Catholics, and questioning non-Catholics."--Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR, Author, Arise from Darkness

The Ultimate Intention

by Devern F. Fromke

Scores of pastors and leaders testify: "THIS CHANGED MY LIFE AND MINISTRY."The author considers these critical questions:In the beginning, before God created Adam (mankind), what was His original purpose and plan for him?What could have happened in the Garden of Eden if Adam had not sinned and God's redemptive plan had not become necessary?We know that when God created Adam he received natural life, but how did God plan for Adam to receive Divine (uncreated life)? What is the difference between God's creating and begetting work?It is evident that God has given the Cross a central place in His redemptive working; what is the difference between the work of the Cross and the way of the Cross?Since God, in the fullness of time, will put on display His Divine masterpiece before all the universe, how can we fully cooperate with him if we do not understand His Ultimate Intention?

St. Maria Goretti: In Garments All Red

by Godfrey Robert Poage C.P.

MARIA GORETTI was not yet 12 years old when she was faced with that momentous decision in July of 1902: Sin or death. Maria's answer to her assailant was clear: "No! No! It is a sin! God does not want this!" Alessandro stabbed Maria 14 times, and little Maria became another virgin martyr in the line of St. Agnes and St. Cecilia.Here is the beautiful true story of Maria's virtuous life that led to her heroic choice, of the Goretti family's terrible poverty, Maria's First Holy Communion, her great maturity in shouldering adult responsibilities, her forgiveness of her murderer, her lingering death, then finally her public elevation to sainthood in 1950--in the presence of her mother, her family and the largest crowd ever before seen at a canonization--over half a million people.A contemporary classic, this is truly a book for all--because people of any age will be inspired by St. Maria Goretti's purity and love of God--which triumphed over her love for life and even over the anonymity of death.

Saint Joan: The Girl Soldier

by Louis De Wohl

This book combines a world-famous Catholic novelist, Louis de Wohl, with one of the most thrilling and dramatic saints' lives in history, St. Joan of Arc. De Wohl uses his famed narrative skill to tell young people about the brave teenage French girl who had visions and led armies in battle, but also about how her entire life testifies to the amazing power of God's grace.It's all here: how Joan, a humble maiden in an insignificant town, was told by St. Michael the Archangel, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret to lead the French in battle against the English; how she finally succeeded in convincing the French of the truth of her mission; how she met with fantastic success but was betrayed, captured, and imprisoned; and finally, how she suffered through a politically motivated trial for heresy and was burned at the stake.De Wohl is interested not solely in the external details of Joan's life, but in Joan's all-encompassing love for God, which informed all her courageous actions from beginning to end. You'll not only thrill to Joan's heroism; your heart will delight in her example of loving surrender to God's will. Every detail of her life will ring out to you as a joyful witness to the grace of God.

Acting Professionally (8th Edition)

by Robert Cohen James Calleri

This vital resource will steer you through the hugely competitive industry of stage, film and TV acting, offering wise advice on everything from writing an eye-catching résumé to finding an agent. It will give you a clear understanding of how acting careers are built and sustained, and how actors must position themselves in an environment overseen by directors, agents, casting directors and acting unions. Praised for its honest and critical understanding of the industry, the text has retained its status as the leading book in its field since the first edition published in 1972. Acclaimed industry professional authors Robert Cohen and James Calleri offer vast insight and experience as professors, directors, playwrights and casting directors, making the text essential reading for all students and lecturers of Acting at universities, drama schools and conservatories, as well as anyone interested in pursuing and developing their career in acting.

The Dream Chaser: If You Don't Build Your Dream, Someone Will Hire You to Help Build Theirs

by Tony A. Gaskins Jr.

The Dream Chaser shows you how to step out of the day-to-day grind and start creating the life you want. Does your daily effort at work build your dream, or someone else's? Do you do your job for the paycheck or the fulfillment? It's possible to have both, and this book shows you how to get there. The key is in following your passion and purpose. You have a natural-born talent--whether you know it or not--that can make the world a better place. You have a unique story and vision that can lead you to the life you love. Purpose-minded entrepreneurs are changing the world every day, living and working with passion and excitement. This book shows you how to stay focused on your goals, build a solid hands-on strategy, leverage your talents and abilities, and build a business that benefits the world. Your ideal life is not going to appear out of the blue. You have to actively build it yourself; but first you need to realize just what you're capable of, and then you need to set yourself up for success. This guide shows you how to begin that journey of a lifetime.

The Spear: A Novel

by Louis De Wohl

This panoramic novel of the last days of Christ ranges from the palaces of imperial Rome to the strife-torn hills of Judea--where the conflict of love and betrayal, revenge and redemption, reaches a mighty climax in the drama of the Crucifixion. For this is the full story of the world's most dramatic execution, as it affected one of its least-known participants--the man who hurled his spear into Christ on the Cross.Among his many successful historical novels, Louis de Wohl considered The Spear the magnum opus of his literary career."Exceptionally excellent piece of work!"--Chicago Sun-Times"A brilliant and panoramic picture of the events and personalities surrounding the Crucifixion."--Catholic Messenger"This novel tells from a new and fascinating angle the age-old story of the men and women who were sublimely affected by knowing the Messiah, Jesus Christ...It is a magnificent novel."--Boston Herald"Told with the clarity and vitality one has come to expect from Louis de Wohl, and holds the reader's interest all the way through...Richly drawn, against a background of mighty drama."--Cincinnati Enquirer

The End of The Search: Discovery And Encounter With The Divine

by Marchette Chute

With elegant simple language, Ms. Chute sets the tone for the entire book with her interpretation of the Act of the Apostles in everyday terms. She describes "the rest of the Letters" and their authors, showing how of the move from the shadow of truth into the light of full understanding...led by their desire in search of an encounter with the Divine. Chute unlock the mystery of the Book of Revelation by giving the reader a sense of John's view of God and His relationship to man. John's summation of the Book of Revelation can be said in nine words: God is Light.God is Love. Rather like a mathematician with a single idea, John's writings are about the destruction of the darkness by the light. The Book of Revelation is a record of the destruction of darkness--now the search is ended and we may encounter the Divine. In plain language, John writes a story of mental warfare--light, which is full knowledge of God; and darkness, which is the ignorance of God. When the mental warfare is ended, we have peace. We abandon human endeavor and now know: The Kingdom of God is With You.A real and uplifting interpretation of the Book of Revelation.

Something to Live By

by Dorothea S. Kopplin

"This is a book of help and comfort for all ages...a simple, sincere and honest philosophy of living, gleaned from the world's finest inspirational writings."A book in the form of, essentially, a long letter of guidance and inspiration to help the children she believed she would soon leave, Something to Live By was born in Dorothea S. Kopplin's mind some 20 years ago prior to first publication of this book in 1945, when doctors told her she would not live long enough to be able to nurture her children as she would have wanted to.With this book, she created an uplifting collection of beautiful poems and quotes, inspiring them to live a harmonious life. Mrs. Kopplin's writings tell us about her strong bonding with her children: her parenting was full of happiness, courage, fortitude, love, sorrow, family bonding, forgiveness and above all a deep understanding of human life. She had fathomed the depths of spirituality as well as deciphered that materialism is not the only way to happiness in life. She believed in the power of the Almighty not just through reading of the scriptures but by service to humanity.In short, the book, apart from being educational, is inspiring and motivating.

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