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Showing 11,076 through 11,100 of 36,775 results

Overcoming Sexual Problems: A Self-help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (Overcoming Ser.)

by Vicki Ford

Experienced sex therapist Vicki Ford provides a guide to understanding sexual problems including impotence and loss of sexual desire, premature ejaculation and lack of orgasm. The links between mind and body are explained, and how they tend to go wrong. She sets out simple and effective techniques based on CBT that can restore confidence and bring about a mutually satisfying sex life for both partners. - Suitable for both singles and couples- Practical exercises to develop responsiveness and an understanding of your body - Looks at the impact of aging, disability, religion, infidelity, abuse, infertility, childbirth, bereavement, medication and addiction - Specific techniques for specific problems- Contains a complete self-help program and monitoring sheets- Based on clinically proven cognitive behavioural therapy

My Friend the Bully

by Rifka Schonfeld Yoel Judowitz

Bullying, teasing, and other forms of harassment is a painful reality children deal with both in and out of school, and those on the receiving end often suffer in silence. If left unaddressed, this can damage a child s self-esteem, hamper his ability to learn and grow, and generate feelings of fear, shame, depression, and anxiety. My Friend the Bully tackles this difficult topic in an effective, informative, positive way.

My Friend the Worrier: Conquering Anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

by Rifka Schonfeld Yoel Judowitz

In My Friend, the Worrier, we are introduced to Shimon, a boy who struggles with anxiety. Shimon’s excessive worrying escalates into obsessive habits and eventually balloons out of control. Things get so bad that Shimon can barely make it through the school day. Follow Shimon’s progress when he (along with parents, friends, and specialists) learns how to subdue the “monster” that makes his life a cycle of anxiety.

My Friend the Volcano: Learning to Overcome Oppositional Defiant Disorder

by Rifka Schonfeld Yoel Judowitz

My Friend the Volcano is the third in a series of acclaimed books by Rifka Schonfeld for children going through difficult times. A great resource for anyone dealing with children who suffer from Oppositional Defiant Disorder or anger management issues.

Gold by Moonlight: Sensitive Lessons From A Walk With Pain

by Amy Carmichael

Originally published in 1935, Gold by Moonlight was not written by the well for the ill, but by one who knows the sensitive lessons that come from a walk with pain.This book is for all who are walking in the difficult places of life. It is a literary signpost pointing toward the peace and comfort that only comes from the Lord.A spiritually rich book, full of courage for anyone who suffers."Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the adversities of life? Then this encouraging and comforting book is just for you. Written by Amy Carmichael who has known pain and suffering herself and has an amazing capacity to guide a weary soul back into God's presence."--Prayer TrayIllustrated throughout with beautiful photographs.

Albert Schweitzer: The Man and His Mind [5th Revised Edition]

by George Seaver

The definitive biography of one of the titans of our time, together with a full appreciation of his revolutionary thought and writings, is now revised to include new materials on the eighth decade of Dr. Schweitzer's life and work at Lambaréné.The book tells two exciting stories: the outward events of Schweitzer's life--his childhood in Alsace, his career in Strasbourg, his organ studies and recitals, his decision to become a medical missionary in Africa, and his long labors there; and a review of his great intellectual and spiritual contributions--his upsetting of Biblical criticism, his profound insights into Christ, St. Paul, Bach and Goethe, his philosophy of civilization and reverence for life."Seaver's book is without equal in opening to us simply and clearly a view of the life and mind of Schweitzer of Lambaréné, Africa, Europe and the World."--Christian Century"Mark this down as a great biography of a man whom many regard as our greatest living contemporary."--Living Church"Step by step Seaver leads the reader to look at life with Schweitzer, in order to understand his attitude toward Greek eudaemonism, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, and finally the building up of his affirmation [Reverence for Life]...Those of us who seek to understand the meaning of Schweitzer's life and thought and 'realized fellowship with the living Christ's must master this tiny book, so filled with spiritual reality."--EDWARD H. HUME"Dr. Seaver's excellent work should appeal not only to Schweitzer's many admires, but to those anxious to find a way out of the baffling labyrinth of current world conditions."--Christian Century"This swift yet fundamental survey of one whole trend in the intellectual life of man is a remarkable piece of work. It proves that Schweitzer is one of the great thinkers of our time."--JOHN HAYNES HOLMES

Light Through an Eastern Window

by Bishop K. C. Pillai

First published in 1963, this book by Bishop K. C. Pillai was written on the urging of many of his listeners to put his teachings into book form, "so that more Christians may be encouraged to trust in the Word of God, and believe more deeply through understanding." He explains in his Introduction that he was unable to put all of his teachings into one book at this time due to time constraints, but with this volume intends to "touch upon some of the portions of the Bible which my listeners tell me have been the most interesting and inspiring."A wonderful book for any reader who seeks to know and understand the Word of God...

Power Through Constructive Thinking (Plus Ser.)

by Emmet Fox

Originally published in 1932 by the renowned New Thought spiritual leader Emmet Fox, this book is intended to teach the principles of life-building through constructive thought.“All power lies is creative thought. Thought is the key to life; for as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. People are beginning to understand today something of the power of thought to shape the individual’s destiny—they know vaguely that thoughts are things—but how the Great Law of thought is to be applied they do not know.“This book shows that your destiny is really in your own hands, because it is impossible to think one thing and produce another, and that by the selection of correct thought a harmonious and happy life is produced. It shows that weak and fickle thinking produces a drifting and wasted life, and that positive thinking produces success and happiness. It shows that fear is the ultimate cause of Tap-Root of all sickness, failure, and disappointment. And it shows the only possible method of overcoming fear.”

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination [Fifth Edition]

by Loraine Boettner

First published in 1941, this is the Fifth Edition of Loraine Boettner’s 1932 publication The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination and is widely considered to be one of the 20th-century’s most reasoned explanations of the sovereignty of God and the Reformed interpretation of salvation.“THE purpose of this book is not to set forth a new system of theological thought, but to give a restatement to that great system which is known as the Reformed Faith or Calvinism, and to show that this is beyond all doubt the teaching of the Bible and of reason.”—Loraine Boettner, Introduction“Whoever really wants to know what Calvinism teaches cannot do better than to read this book from cover to cover”.—United Presbyterian magazine

Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Therese of Lisieux

by Fr. François Jamart Walter Van De Putte

Over a century ago, there lived a Carmelite nun, Thérèse of Lisieux. Although she was young and seemed to have no authority, she taught “a Little Way very straight and short” which would lead people to perfection. Others had declared that sanctity was hard to attain, but she said that it was easy. Thérèse maintained that in order to become holy, it was not necessary to engage in manifold practices, to perform rigorous penances, or to receive extraordinary graces. What was needed was simply that we acknowledge our “nothingness” and approach God with love and confidence. “Sanctity,” she proclaimed, “is an interior disposition which makes us humble and little in God’s arms, conscious of our weakness and trusting even to audacity in the goodness of our Father.”Thérèse did not reveal new truths, nor did she teach new means for attaining perfection. Her doctrine was not a revelation of a new kind of sanctity, but a new way of revealing sanctity to us. What she teaches flows from the knowledge of God as He is revealed in the Gospel; she invites us to return to evangelical simplicity. The Church has endorsed her doctrine at the highest level: in 1999, Pope John Paul II declared her a Doctor of the Church.In the Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, he presents her teachings in their original beauty, simplicity, and practicality. According to the judgment of the Carmelite nuns of Lisieux, this work “represents the pure doctrine of Thérèse—without deviation.”Since this book first appeared in French in 1958 and in English in 1961, it has established itself as a classic. Although many fine studies on St. Thérèse have appeared in more recent years, the Complete Spiritual Doctrine of St. Thérèse of Lisieux is still an indispensable guide to the Little Way.

A Rocking-Horse Catholic

by Caryll Houselander

“I was received into the church,” states Caryll Houselander at the very beginning of this work “when I was six years old. Strictly speaking, therefore, I am not a ‘cradle’ Catholic, but a rocking-horse Catholic.”This autobiography, first published in 1955, takes the reader from the author’s Catholic childhood and school days through a period outside the church while she tried to make her living as an artist, to a return to the church. This return was brought about by her insight, so central to all her books into the presence of Christ and others.A theologian in every sense of the word except the formal academic one, Caryll Houselander understood the central importance of one’s image or concept of God.“Caryll Houselander: artist, odd ball, mystic, friend, and in the end, suffering servant. In the midst of her last illness, she clung to life, loved life with a passion that did not want to die. ‘I honestly long,’ she said, ‘to be told ‘a hundred percent cure’ and to return to this life and celebrate it with gramophone records, giggling and gin.’”—Mitch Finley, Our Sunday VisitorAs a classic in spirituality, the work of Caryll Houselander is very close to the top of the list.

The Royal Secret: The Mystery Of The Burning Bush Explained

by I. Edward Clark

A fascinating book on Symbolism and Astrology of Freemasonry first published in 1923.“Away back in 1887, when the city of Alpena was located in the heart of one of the lumber districts of Michigan, Hopper Lodge, U. D. (now No. 386), of that city was pleased to honor me with membership in due and ancient form.“In those days, or at least in that Lodge, there was no horseplay; and I was so impressed with the work that I resolved to master all the lectures, which I did. The part which interested me the most was the one which I could learn the least about. I would have sacrificed a five-dollar note to learn why Pythagoras sacrificed a hecatomb, and would have given as much to anyone who would explain the mystery surrounding the 47th Problem of Euclid, as depicted on the lecture chart. When inquiry failed me, I made diligent search and finally discovered the KEY OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID, through the knowledge of which I was enabled to penetrate the allegorical veil, just as Pythagoras did five hundred years before the Christian era.“On the night of my initiation I was told that Freemasonry was founded on the Bible, and all its secrets were hidden therein. In my research work I discovered that the true secrets of Freemasonry were written in the stars and the book of nature, and a knowledge of astronomy and astrology was necessary to lift the allegorical veil. Upon obtaining this knowledge I discovered that the Bible was founded upon the same law as Freemasonry, i.e., the stars and the book of nature.”—Author’s Foreword

Out of This World: Thinking Fourth-dimensionally

by Neville Goddard

First published in 1949, this spiritual classic by Neville Goddard captures the same intensity of thought and conviction which made Goddard famous amongst progressive thinkers.In this volume we see not only a profound religious feeling, but also a sense of the dignity and responsibility of human life. Our own feeling about the results of his experiments as a whole is that they are not just an addition to our existing knowledge, but require a revolution in our whole way of thinking about the world.A wonderful read!

Crime and Immorality in the Catholic Church

by Emmett McLoughlin

The stories in this book, which was first published in 1962, centre on the actions of some priests during the 1950s, echoing stories from today’s front pages. However, former Franciscan priest and bestselling author of People’s Padre and American Culture and Catholic Schools, Emmett McLoughlin focus in Crime and Immorality in the Catholic Church is less on the priesthood, and more on the parishioners.To investigate his theory that the Catholic religion promotes criminal behavior rather than preventing it, he conducted a survey of all the prisons in the country in 1960. In every state, the percentage of Catholic inmates was greater than the state’s percentage of Catholics in the population, even using the church’s inflated figures. He then performed a similar survey of institutionalized mental patients, exploring the theory that Catholic beliefs drive people crazy, and came up with the same results.A courageous, thought-provoking book.

My Nameday: Come for Dessert

by Helen McLoughlin

MY NAMEDAY—COME FOR DESSERT, which was first published in 1962, is an invitation to parents to celebrate the family’s namedays. It contains the names, feasts, and symbols of our Blessed Mother and the saints, prayers of the liturgy, and appropriate desserts for the celebration of the sanctoral cycle of the Church year in the home.A nameday commemorates the feast of the saint whose name we received at baptism. To the Church’s mind, the day of the saint’s death is his real feastday, and that is the day usually assigned as his feast—his birthday into heaven. In some countries and in most religious orders it is customary to observe namedays instead of birthdays.On a child’s nameday, “My Nameday—Come for Dessert” is a popular way to entertain. It is economical, festive and meaningful, and permits the family to splurge on a fabulous dessert without inflicting lasting wounds on the budget. It can be a “little evening”—a time for a party and a prayer for the child in the company of his friends, a time for pleasant conversation for the grown-ups who accompany them.

A Right Conception of Sin: Its Relation to Right Thinking and Right Living

by Richard S. Taylor

“The power of the atonement does not, through faith, take us to heaven in our sinful condition, but changes our condition from sinfulness to holiness in order that we may be prepared for heaven.“The atonement does not change the nature of sin, but proposes to change the nature at man. It does not take the deadliness out of sin, but takes sin out of man. Therefore we believe the following three facts essential to God’s plan of redemption:“1. Repentance which leads to saving faith is a condition of salvation, and the attitude of repentance—renunciation and hatred of all sin—must be retained if salvation is to be retained.“2. If at any time practice of sin is resumed, or the means of grace carelessly and continually neglected, or faith in Christ as personal Saviour cease to be active, such sin, either of commission or omission, will again separate the soul from God, and if unrepented of, will ultimately cause the loss of all the benefits once known, and the eternal damnation of the soul.“3. The pardon of all sin through faith and repentance, victory over outward sin, and purging of the nature of all sinfulness, in this life, are three privileges made possible by the blood, and constitute the absolute requirements for entrance into heaven.” (Richard S. Taylor)It is of extreme importance that all Christians have a correct conception of sin. Right living and right thinking will come only to the Christian who understands what the New Testament means by sin. Let this become cloudy, or let it become a matter of indifference, and Christianity will have received a grievous hurt.

Immortality: Immortality

by Loraine Boettner

In this concise, comprehensive, and hope-filled study of death and immortality, which was first published in 1956, author Loraine Boettner addresses a wide range of existential questions, including what happens at death, prayers for the dead, burial versus cremation, soul sleep, annihilation, purgatory, and eternal life.“ enriching, wholesome and comforting book.”—The Evangelical Christian“It is doubtful if any monograph on this subject has ever been published that treats it in a more convincing and challenging manner.”—The Southern Presbyterian Journal“...well written, carefully documented, Scripturally sound, logically presented, and most helpful.”—Sunday School Board, Southern Baptist Convention

Change Your Life Through Prayer

by Stella Terrill Mann

First published in 1945, this book by Christian author Stella Terrill Mann is a series of case histories of experiments with prayer, with suggested programs whereby the reader may make his own experiments and change his own life through prayer.“This book has come to you. Since nothing can come to you except that which belongs to you or that which you need for your growth, accept it as an answer to a need, and do not let the book go until it gives you a blessing.”—Stella Terrill Mann, Preface“This book really did change my life….If you could read only one book on prayer, I would unhesitatingly urge you to choose this one.”—Marjorie Holmes, bestselling author of I’ve Got to Talk to Somebody, God

Heralds of God: A Practical Book On Preaching

by James S. Stewart

This classic book on evangelical preaching by Scottish minister James S. Stewart, which was first published in 1946, has inspired generations of preachers to strive for greater effectiveness in their proclamations.The pages contained within this book were originally addressed as lectures in the Universities of Edinburgh and St. Andrews to Divinity students and ministers, and it is the author’s hope that they will “have something to say to the wider circle of those who Sunday by Sunday are hearers of the Word of God, ‘loving the habitation of His house and the place where His honour dwelleth,’ and perhaps even to the critic in the back pew.”A practical and inspiring read.

Canadian Failures: Stories of Building Toward Success

by Alex Benay

The Hill Times: Best Books of 2017 Successful Canadians write about failure, and how it got them where they are today. What does it mean to fail? To some of the most successful Canadians, it was a rite of passage, a stepping stone to greater things, or even a brilliant source of inspiration. Olympic golds, successful businesses, pioneering medical advances — all came about after a series of missteps and countless attempts. Canadian Failures gathers ten experts from the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors and academia, all of whom have grappled with failures and success throughout their lives. Their powerful argument: that Canada, and Canadians, must be willing to learn from failure if we hope to succeed. With Chapters By … astronaut Robert Thirsk Olympic gold medalist, wrestler Erica Wiebe Chair of OpenText and of the National Research Council, Tom Jenkins co-founder of the Just for Laughs comedy festival, Andy Nulman … and others at the top of their fields.

The Canadian UFO Report: The Best Cases Revealed

by Chris A. Rutkowski Geoff Dittman

The Canadian UFO Reports is a popular history of the UFO phenomenon in Canada, something that has captured the imaginations of young and old alike. Drawn from government documents and civilian case files - many previously unpublished - the book includes a chronological overview of the best Canadian UFO cases, from the very first sighting of "fiery serpents" over Montreal in 1662 to reports from the past year. There are chapters on the government’s involvement with UFOs, UFO landing pads, media interest, and even UFO abductions. What were the "ghost airplanes" seen over the Parliament Buildings in 1915, or the flying saucers seen by military officers over Goose Bay Air Force Base, Newfoundland, in the 1940s and 1950s? Was a prospector burned by a UFO in Manitoba in 1967? Did a UFO crash off the coast of Nova Scotia? Was Quebec invaded by UFOs in 1973? Find out here.

Tyranny of Niceness: Unmasking the Need for Approval

by Evelyn Sommers

"I've got to stop being so nice." How often has Dr. Evelyn Sommers heard that from her clients over the years? The Tyranny of Niceness identifies and confronts our most fundamental social dysfunction - niceness. For over 15 years, Sommers, a Toronto psychologist, has treated many twisted lives created by being nice. She interweaves the case histories of her clients with her own observations to present a frightening, yet hopeful, picture of a society that promotes silence and obedience over individuality and honesty. Through her stories and analysis, we see that letting go of niceness, without being rude or uncivil, means a new way of relating to others and a new honesty with oneself.

Dads Under Construction: Adventures in Fatherhood

by Neil Campbell

Many men today feel set adrift from the notion of themselves as "father." Times have changed, and the old, familiar, traditional models of parenting no longer work. Society has not yet evolved a strong and workable new model of parenting, or, in particular, of fathering. Dr. Neil Campbell believes the answer to the question "what is an involved father?" can be found within the experiences and stories of our own lives. In this book, he takes us into his life, first as a son, then as a father, sharing some of the profound insights he learned along the way.

Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life

by Nick Vujicic

Life Without Limits is an inspiring book by an extraordinary man. Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his disability to live not just independently but a rich, fulfilling life, becoming a model for anyone seeking true happiness. Now an internationally successful motivational speaker, his central message is that the most important goal for anyone is to find their life's purpose despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in their way. Nick tells the story of his physical disabilities and the emotional battle he endured trying to deal with them as a child, a teen, and a young adult. "For the longest, loneliest time, I wondered if there was anyone on earth like me, and whether there was any purpose to my life other than pain and humiliation." He shares how his faith in God has been his central source of strength and explains that once he found his own sense of purpose--inspiring others to make their lives and the world better--he found the confidence to build a rewarding and productive life without limits. Nick offers practical advice for realizing a life of fulfillment and happiness by building trust in others, developing supportive relationships, and gaining strength for the journey. He encourages the reader by showing how he learned to accept what he could not control and focus instead on what he could. "I do believe my life has no limits! I want you to feel the same way about your life, no matter what your challenges may be. As we begin our journey together, please take a moment to think about any limitations you've placed on your life or that you've allowed others to place on it. Now think about what it would be like to be free of those limitations. What would your life be if anything were possible?"--Nick Vujicic, from Life Without LimitsFrom the Hardcover edition.

The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea

by Bob Burg John David Mann

An engaging book that brings new relevance to the old proverb “Give and you shall receive” The Go-Giver tells the story of an ambitious young man named Joe who yearns for success. Joe is a true go-getter, though sometimes he feels as if the harder and faster he works, the further away his goals seem to be. And so one day, desperate to land a key sale at the end of a bad quarter, he seeks advice from the enigmatic Pindar, a legendary consultant referred to by his many devotees simply as the Chairman. Over the next week, Pindar introduces Joe to a series of “go-givers:” a restaurateur, a CEO, a financial adviser, a real estate broker, and the “Connector,” who brought them all together. Pindar’s friends share with Joe the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success and teach him how to open himself up to the power of giving. Joe learns that changing his focus from getting to giving—putting others’ interests first and continually adding value to their lives—ultimately leads to unexpected returns. Imparted with wit and grace, The Go-Giver is a heartwarming and inspiring tale that brings new relevance to the old proverb “Give and you shall receive. ” .

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