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La guerre spirituelle

by Jed McKenna Laura Dinraths

Les armes et les bombes sont des jouets pour enfants. Une véritable guerre est lancée, et vous y êtes invité. C’EST UNE INVITATION que vous pouvez accepter ou décliner. C’est une invitation à mener une guerre à nulle autre pareille ; une guerre où la perte compte comme un gain, le renoncement comme la victoire, et où l’ennemi que vous devez affronter – un ennemi d’une supériorité inimaginable – est vous-même. Dans La guerre spirituelle, la métaphore de la guerre apparaît rarement. Le livre nous expose plutôt la réalité vivante d’une femme très normale – une épouse et une mère à la carrière exigeante et au style de vie effréné – et ce qui se produit lorsqu’elle reçoit une invitation qu’elle ne peut refuser, bien malgré elle. Et nous rencontrons une autre femme, une femme qui a accepté cette invitation, s’est battue et a gagné. Lors des derniers chapitres de ce livre, nous participons à son eulogie, prononcée par Jed. La guerre spirituelle livre une accusation accablante et irréfutable de son propre public et de son propre genre, mettant en examen la spiritualité et la religion. Un crime terrible a été commis contre l’humanité, un crime d’oppression et d’assujetissement dépassant de loin 1984 d’Orwell. Nous sommes les victimes de ce crime, mais aussi ses auteurs. Notre motif est la peur, notre pêché l’ignorance, et les chaînes avec lesquelles nous nous asservissons sont nos croyances. « Croire signifie refuser de savoir ce qui est vrai. » -Friedrich Nietzsche La guerre spirituelle est un livre destiné à ceux qui veulent savoir ; à ceux qui veulent échapper à leur asile sombre et expérimenter une spiritualité directe et authentique ; à ceux pour qui il est temps de voir, de penser, de savoir, et, enfin, de laisser tomber leurs jouets.

Come Diventare Uno Scrittore Felice Senza Spendere Un Soldo

by Prasenjeet Kumar Dino De Maio

Da Prasenjeet Kumar, l’autore di bestseller # 1 della serie “Autopubblicazione SENZA SPENDERE UN SOLDO” un vero e proprio manuale per vivere felicemente la professione di scrittore. Da come trovare la fonte d'ispirazione alla necessità di essere indulgenti con se stessi e lasciar da parte la critica a favore dei sogni, lo scrittore ci mostra come diffidare di corsi di scrittura creativa, editor e agenti letterari e dar sfogo alla propria creatività senza timori. Nella logica del SENZA SPENDERE UN SOLDO ci insegna a come farci creare una splendida copertina per il nostro libro a soli 5 dollari e ci invita a non diventare schiavi del controllo delle vendite. Passa poi a parlare della promozione che è necessaria, ma non deve diventare un'ulteriore fonte d'angoscia e di come stare alla larga dai truffatori in rete e fuori. Ci parla poi dei miracolosi risultati che si ottengono con il cosiddetto Effetto Composto ovvero di come tanti piccoli passi portino alla lunga ai risultati sperati. Alla fine della lettura avrai imparato molti segreti importanti sull'arte dello scrivere ma, soprattutto, se li metterai in pratica potrai diventare UNO SCRITTORE PIÙ FELICE!

Μπορούμε να ζήσουμε 100 χρόνια;

by Henry Osal Μαίρη Κεραμίδα

«Συμβουλές για έναν τρόπο ζωής που οδηγεί σε μεγαλύτερη ικανοποίηση και βοηθάει στην αύξηση του προσδόκιμου ηλικίας με φυσικό τρόπο».

Toi aussi polyglotte

by Roberto Coppola Alexandra Froger

Ce livre recueille les conseils des grands polyglottes et examine les méthodes les plus efficaces d'auto-apprentissage des langues étrangères, selon mon expérience de formateur et de traducteur. Un chapitre entier se consacre au développement d'une méthode personnelle « parfaite » pour atteindre l'objectif d'apprendre à parler, lire et écrire en quatre langues étrangères sur deux ans. L'étude d'une langue étrangère ressemble beaucoup à l'étude d'un instrument de musique. Prenons le piano, par exemple. Il est nécessaire d'avoir des connaissances de la « grammaire » musicale et nous devons acquérir la dextérité nécessaire pour déplacer nos dix doigts sur le clavier avec précision et sans bavure. L'objectif principal est d'apprendre à jouer du piano plutôt que d'apprendre la théorie de la musique. La théorie est un outil d'apprentissage, pas sa fin. Jusqu'à il y a quelques années, l'étude du piano débutait avec le solfège. Une pratique ennuyeuse qui durait plusieurs mois et qui empoisonnait la vie de tous les débutants. Désormais, l'étude du piano et de tous les instruments de musique a beaucoup changé, tout comme l'étude des langues étrangères. Le changement didactique a diminué l'intérêt pour la grammaire et a, en même temps, accru l'attention portée à la pratique. La conscience de la spécificité de l'étude des langues n'est pas une technique académique. C'est une prémisse indispensable, un principe qui doit guider tous nos efforts dès la toute première leçon. Nous devons toujours nous concentrer sur le progrès de notre savoir-faire, c'est-à-dire notre capacité à parler, lire et écrire. Contenu : Préface 1-Éclaircissons-nous les idées 2-Les grands polyglottes du passé 3-Ce qui est encore valide et ce qui ne l'est plus 4-Les grands polyglottes du présent 5-De la langue à ta langue 6-Les méthodes infaillibles 7-La méthode par

Le meilleur de Bernard Levine

by Bernard Levine El Ferkouss Asma

Les mots de Bernard sont collectionnés, accrochés aux murs et collés dans les scrap-books par une audience en constante reconnaissance.

Emprendedor. PERSIGUE TUS SUEÑOS (Nuevos Entornos)

by Gabriel Masfurroll Lacambra

<P>El libro es la consecuencia del encuentro de dos anhelos: el de edebé que quiere dar apoyo a su iniciativa de introducir el talento emprendedor en sus materiales para el aula, y el de Gabriel Masfurroll que quiere compartir la satisfacción de la aventura de emprender que ha guiado su vida personal y profesional. <P>En primer lugar, el libro aporta credibilidad. En él el autor reflexiona sobre las capacidades emprendedoras (iniciativa, esfuerzo, riesgo, toma de decisiones?); orienta sobre los factores del éxito emprendedor (un buen equipo, trabajo duro, una buena comunicación, amor a lo que haces, el apoyo de la familia?), advierte de los riesgos (acomodarse en el éxito?)? Y lo hace a través de experiencias vividas personalmente en su trayectoria profesional y, también, mostrándonos los sentimientos que le han acompañado en este recorrido, su mundo interior. Además, es un libro que anima a emprender, que transmite ilusión ??tú quieres, tú puedes?-, pero dejando bien claro el esfuerzo y el sacrificio que comporta. No obstante, ?es un reto que vale la pena? y nos propone ejemplos de emprendedores que han partido de la nada, como él mismo. <P>Es un libro empapado de valores, enraizado en el mundo real -tremendamente real- en el que nos habla de humildad, de honestidad, de retorno a la sociedad? En definitiva de valores muy necesarios para la formación de los jóvenes, y no tan jóvenes, para convivir en la sociedad actual y aspirar a un mundo mejor. <P>Biografía Gabriel Masfurroll es un emprendedor multifacético. Empresario, escritor, filántropo, deportista, dedicado a apoyar a nuevos emprendedores... <P>Como empresario, en 2010 empezó una nueva etapa profesional con la creación de Wings 4 Business ( Masfurroll es considerado el pionero en la creación de cadenas hospitalarias privadas en España, pues en 1997 fundó USP Hospitales, de la que fue Consejero Delegado y Presidente hasta 2010. Desde 1980 ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en destacados hospitales españoles y en las mejores cadenas hospitalarias norteamericanas y británicas. Su experiencia como nadador de alta competición en su juventud le enseñó que el éxito no llega solo, que hay que trabajar duro, ser tenaz y aprender de los fracasos. Su notoriedad en el ámbito directivo del deporte llegó en varias etapas: como directivo del F.C. Barcelona, como Chairman del Advisory Board de la NFL en España y actualmente es vicepresidente de la Fundación F.C. Barcelona. <P>La filantropía es otro de los ámbitos a los que destina tiempo y esfuerzo. Fue en 1984 fundador y secretario del Patronato de la Fundación Catalana del Síndrome de Down (, y es fundador y Presidente de Fundación Alex (, una entidad que lleva el nombre de su segundo hijo, Alex, que nació con síndrome de Down y murió a los 3 años de edad, y que está destinada a impulsar proyectos a favor de la infancia y las personas con capacidades diferentes. Desde 2011 es Patrono de la Fundacion Junior Achievement ( para fomentar el emprendimiento en las escuelas, de la que también es Presidente del Consejo Asesor en Catalunya. También es presidente de la Fundación Laureus España (

Guia do Iniciante para Desenvolvimento Psíquico

by Katrina Bowlin-MacKenzie Nelson Leonel De Benedetti

Já quis fazer um curso de Desenvolvimento Psíquico, mas não tem tempo, ou não consegue encontrar um curso por perto? A autora deste livro tem ministrado aulas há quase trinta anos. O livro é escrito informalmente e começa com o aprendizado do Tarô, com as Propriedades das Pedras, O Pêndulo, Os Chacras, A Aura, Meditação e Cura. Incluído no capítulo final são Afirmações Diárias e como construir um Quadro de Manifestação. Neste livro está toda a informação de um curso de desenvolvimento psíquico para iniciantes, para que você possa aprender no seu próprio ritmo. Publicado pela primeira vez em Julho de 2009 Esta é a versão recém-editada e renovada

Plano Alimentar da Dieta Pós-Cirurgia Bariátrica

by Michelle Border Cassia Pereira

Você tomou a decisão de assumir o controle de sua saúde e ter o seu peso controlado. Você sabe que com a cirurgia bariátrica não vai ser fácil. Não importa o que digam, isto não tornará o caminho mais fácil. Mas antes de dar o salto, é hora de se inteirar sobre que tipo de refeições que você terá que preparar para você mesmo no decorrer de todas as fases de recuperação. Você vai ter uma reunião com um nutricionista indicado pelo seu médico. Tenha sempre em primeiro lugar os conselhos do seu nutricionista. Porque cada corpo é diferente, você pode ter diferentes tipos de dieta da que está escrita aqui. Este livro é para ser usado principalmente para ajudar a ter ideias de comidas e menus para que você possa usar durante o pós-operatório sem ser chato. As duas primeiras fases da dieta pós-cirurgia bariátrica não são das mais agradáveis, mas você pode usar alguns truques para tornar a sua comida mais divertida. Apenas porque teve a cirurgia bariátrica isto não significa que você terá de suportar uma comida insípida ou sem gosto para o resto de sua vida. Existem muitas maneiras de comer de forma deliciosa e saudável e ainda perder peso.

Come diventare organizzati in pochi passi

by Tara Dristall John Dristall Francesca Orelli

Questo libro vi aiuterà ad organizzarvi attraverso la semplicità. Non avete bisogno di complicati sistemi di gestione del tempo oppure un organigramma pieno con ogni impegno possibile e immaginabile descritto nei minimi dettagli. Avete bisogno di un sistema di base che vi consenta di finire un lavoro senza diventare matti con l'organizzazione. Gli autori danno alcuni suggerimenti pratici per organizzare gli aspetti principali della vostra vita come: • L'organizzazione della vostra scrivania e delle vostre carte • Come dominare il vostro computer e il vostro smartphone anziché finire dominati da loro • Come gestire le vostre finanze • Alcuni suggerimenti veloci per pulire la vostra casa • L'organizzazione e la programmazione del vostro tempo • Diventare organizzati come famiglia Gli autori hanno anche incluso un piccolo qui all'inizio di ogni capitolo, così potrete mettervi alla prova e vedere dove siete e dove dovete migliorare. Questo libro vi aiuterà ad individuare subito i dettagli, a liberarvi dalla pressione del superlavoro e a trovare la giusta soddisfazione nella vostra vita.

The Green Burial Guidebook: Everything You Need to Plan an Affordable, Environmentally Friendly Burial

by Elizabeth Fournier

Funeral expenses in the United States average more than $10,000. And every year conventional funerals bury millions of tons of wood, concrete, and metals, as well as millions of gallons of carcinogenic embalming fluid. There is a better way, and Elizabeth Fournier, affectionately dubbed the “Green Reaper,” walks you through it, step-by-step. She provides comprehensive and compassionate guidance, covering everything from green burial planning and home funeral basics to legal guidelines and outside-the-box options, such as burials at sea. Fournier points the way to green burial practices that consider both the environmental well-being of the planet and the economic well-being of loved ones.

Gebet des Jehoshaphat

by Gabriel Agbo Jessica Kallweit

Jede Schlacht kann gewonnen werden! Jede Schlacht, der wir als Gruppe oder Individuum entgegen treten, kann in drei Kategorien eingeordnet werden- Kriege, Krankheiten und Hungersnöte. Kriege repräsentieren beides, physische und spirituelle Gegner, Schlachten und Konflikte, denen wir täglich gegenüber treten. Krankheiten beinhalten alle Gebrechen, Infektionen: heilbare und unheilbare Krankheiten. Schlieβlich beinhalten Hungersnöte oder Dürren alle ökonomischen und finanzielle Mängel und andere Schwierigkeiten. In diesem Buch zeigen wir effektiv, dass es möglich ist durch diese Schwierigkeiten zu gehen und immer siegreich zu sein. Hier wirst du etablierte und getestete Regeln finden, die dich permanent auf die Siegerseite bringen werden. Sie sind tatsächlich getestet, heilig, universal und ewig. Sie können nicht versagen! Hier wirst du gut gefüllte und starke Kapitel finden: Gebet des Jehoshaphat, Gott des Himmels und der Erde. Es ist unser Erbe. Krieg, Krankheiten und Hungersnot, Sehe wie sie uns belohnen. Wirst du sie nicht aufhalten? Habe keine Angst oder sei entmutigt: Es ist nicht dein Kampf. Marschiere hinaus und nehme deine Position ein und Die Kraft des Gebets. Wir haben auch mächtige Gebetspunkte eingesetzt, die sofortige Resultate am Ende jedes Kapitels bringen werden.

Aprire Un’Impresa Di Pulizie Domestiche

by Amber Richards Giulia Casti

Hai mai pensato di aprire un’impresa di pulizie tutta tua? Hai mai desiderato essere il capo di te stesso, e di decidere tu i tuoi orari? In questo libro, l’autrice Amber Richards racconta di come, per tre anni, ha gestito la sua impresa di pulizie. Racconta la sua esperienza e da al lettore consigli per lei molto preziosi. Con grande onestà e trasparenza parla dei suoi fallimenti e dei suoi successi: questo libro è ricco di informazioni e strategie che provengono da qualcuno che ha lavorato in questo ambito in prima persona. Il libro esplora questo argomento in lungo e in largo: dai consigli per il marketing, ai consigli sui prodotti da utilizzare. Lo stile di vita delle persone al giorno d’oggi è sempre più frenetico, ed è per questo che la domanda per i servizi di pulizie è in rapidissima crescita. Può essere un lavoro molto redditizio, e se non vuoi fare le pulizie puoi assumere dei dipendenti che lo facciano al posto tuo. Questo libro è perfetto per chiunque stia considerando, o è semplicemente curioso di sapere come avviare un’impresa di pulizie casalinghe. È perfetto anche per coloro che hanno già un’impresa, ma che vogliono espanderla. Il libro offre inoltre molti spunti creativi per aiutare il lettore a decidere verso quale direzione vuole guidare l’impresa, idee di marketing e idee di brainstorming per avviare l’impresa dei tuoi sogni.

Comment faire de parfaites bougies de soja dans des pots - Je vous révèle mes fournisseurs favoris

by Amber Richards Valérie Turgeon

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé si vous pouviez fabriquer des bougies de soja de qualité exceptionnelle à la maison ? Des bougies faites à partir de cire de soja, bien aromatisées qui brûlent correctement ? D'être capable d'impressionner votre famille et vos amis en leur offrant des cadeaux que vous avez fabriqués avec amour ? Ce livre est pour les débutants souhaitant apprendre à faire des bougies de soja dans des pots. Amber Richards a fait ses propres bougies de soja dans des pots et avait son entreprise de bougies durant des années. Ce livre donne les techniques pour faire des bougies de soja en pot d'excellentes qualités. L'auteure révèle également ses fournisseurs de bougies favoris, un aspect essentiel pour bien des personnes qui veulent tenter de se lancer dans cette expérience. Ce livre électronique ne traite pas des aspects commerciaux de la fabrication de bougie, mais porte sur la procédure pour faire des bougies dans des contenants. Apprenez-en davantage à propos de la bonne technique pour faire brûler une bougie et des qualités d'une excellente bougie. Agréable et relaxante, la fabrication de bouges est une activité qui vous apportera la fierté de pouvoir dire « C'est moi qui ai fait cette bougie ! »

Die Krag van Opoffering

by Gabriel Agbo Leonie van der Wath

Opofferinge is kragtig. Baie Kragtig! Die rykste man, die sterkste man, die mees geseënde mans en vroue, die verstandigste, die grootse koning, en die magtigste profete was almal manne en vroue van opoffering. Hulle het hulle alles gegee en het gewaagd opgetree vir hulle mense, mensliewenheid en vir God om hulle verpligtinge en doelwitte te bereik sodat almal in ewigheid op hulle trots kon wees. Wil jy hulle geheim weet? Goed. As jy wil uitblink moet jy eers ‘n man/vrou van opoffering word. Alles is moonlik vir dié wat die prys kan betaal. Dié boek bevat die volgende hoofstukke – Die Krag van Opoffering, Offer Jou Enigste, Ek Reis deur Egipte, Ek Sal Die Prys Betaal, Volg My! Ons Het Vir Jou Gekom, Ek Sal Jou Bewaar, Berei Daardie Laaste Ete Voor, Die Krag Om Te Bewaar, Loof, Vas en Gebed. Ons bespreek nie net die groot opofferings van noemenswaardige mans en vroue uit die Bybel nie en hoe hulle optrede hulle belangrik gemaak het nie maar ons bespreek ook mense soos Yonatan Yoni Netanyanhu van Israel. Hy is die jong Israeli wat die komando eenheid gelei het om die Joodse gyselaars te red by Entebbe lughawe toe hul vliegtuig in 1976 gekaap is en in Uganda moes land. Ons kyk ook na militêre helde – soos die “SEALs” en “Delta Force. Hierdie mans gee voordurend hulle allerbeste om ander te beskerm en om die mensdom te red. Hulle offer hul lewens op om ander te beveilig. Jesus het gesê groter opoffering is daar nie, dan iemand wat sy lewe vir ‘n ander gee. Ons bring hulde aan hulle! Hulle leer ons wat opoffering behoort te wees. Jesus het juis gevra, wat se opoffering kan groter wees as wat iemand sy lewe vir sy vriende gee? Ons prys hulle vir hulle dapperheid en uitmuntende patriotisme. Hier sal ons leer van opofferings van geloof, goedheid, patriotisme, gebed, vas en loof. Wanneer jy meer doen as wat van jou verwag word, is daar onmiddelik ‘n onsigbare bonatuurlike mag wat reageer en na jou toe haas.

The Crazy, Wonderful Things Kids Say: Tales from the Singing Pediatrician

by Arnold L. Tanis

Hey, doctor, I want to tell you something!" For 54 years, kids have shared with pediatrician Arnold Tanis stories, questions, and bold pronouncements about their childhood worlds. In between treating them, the good doctor wrote many of them down. Three generations of patients offer memorable and downright funny observations and opinions about all sorts of things: shots, school, their brothers and sisters, growing up, and even Dr. Tanis himself and whether he can sing as well as he thinks he does. The parents also chime in, both to complain about all their kids put them through and to celebrate how well they eventually turn out. A tireless, lifelong advocate of child safety, Dr. Tanis's impact on his patients and their families spans decades. This book is a testament to his career and a memorable glimpse of the warm and sometimes crazy world of a singing pediatrician.

Καταπολεμήστε το άγχος με 10 τρόπους

by Camille Levy Νικολέττα Γιαλελή

Το άγχος δεν είναι κάτι αναπόφευκτο. Η καταπολέμηση των πιο επιβλαβών συνεπειών του εξαρτάται κυρίως από την κατάσταση του μυαλού, τον υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής και τη συνεχή σχετική επαγρύπνηση. Αυτό το βιβλίο προσεγγίζει 10 τρόπους που επιτρέπουν, εύκολα και γρήγορα, να περιορίσουμε τις επιπτώσεις του στην καθημερινότητά μας.

Chacras: Cómo despertar su energía interna a través de la meditación de chacras

by Jen Solis Oscar Daniel Brash Arias

Este libro contiene una visión general detallada de una verdad que durante mucho tiempo se nos ha ocultado en occidente. Aunque la ciencia moderna ha dado resultados, no se puede decir lo mismo acerca del bienestar mental. Los antiguos sabios conocían una verdad más profunda que les permitía llevar una vida más plena en términos de bienestar emocional y psicológico. Vamos a enseñarle cómo aprovechar ese conocimiento para lograr la calidad de vida que siempre ha deseado. Probablemente usted llegó a pensar que eso no era posible, que no merece la felicidad, pero no es así. La verdadera felicidad, la iluminación y la claridad de propósito son posibles. Mejor aún, usted merece un destino maravilloso. Le mostraré técnicas secretas para canalizar su energía interior y conseguir su propósito.

Heroin User's Handbook

by Francis Moraes

<P>Heroin is a fascinating drug to most people.It is often referred to as the "hardest drug." By this logic, people might start with alcohol, work up to marijuana and maybe LSD. Then they reach to cocaine or methamphetamine. And finally, at the end of the journey is heroin. But like most things about heroin, this is more myth than reality. <P>For non-users, this mythic power is exciting. And writers for the last century have been more than willing to pander to such readers in pulp and art novels all the way up to television crime novels. But it is rare for the most people to get a real look at what is, after all, the very core of what heroin is about for its users. <P>To users, the interest is obvious. But ignorance of the the details of drug use among heroin users is rife - usually based on what the author calls "old junkie tales." The difference between such folklore and the truth is often the difference between life and death. <P>The Heroin User's Handbook reveals the largely hidden world of heroin use based upon actual work with users and countless scholarly books and articles. And it does it in an extremely readable, non-technical manner - even while providing detailed and accurate information. <P>The book discusses all aspects of heroin use: the acquisition of drugs, the administration of them, health risks, legal issues, social aspects, and addiction and detox. It provides the non-heroin world with a detailed look inside a very rarefied subculture. But it also provides the those in the heroin using world life-saving information.

The Fruit of the Spirit: Becoming The Person God Wants You To Be

by Thomas E. Trask Wayde I. Goodall

Nothing Beats the Taste of Fresh FruitWould you like true fulfillment in your life? Health in your relationships? Victory over anxiety and conflict? You can have them—if you let God’s Spirit grow His fruit in your heart.In The Fruit of the Spirit Tom Trask and Wayde Goodall take you for a close look at love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, and the rest of the fruit of the Spirit. Here is a passionate and illuminating look at what happens to your thoughts, emotions, and actions when you live each day in intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Drawing from the storehouse of God’s Word, Trask and Goodall sow seeds of insight into your heart that both convict and encourage. They show how you can cooperate with God’s work in your life. They offer true-life examples of the difference you, too, can make when you let the Holy Spirit reproduce the character of Jesus within you.Your witness for Christ is as good as the fruit your relationship with Him produces. The Fruit of the Spirit points you toward a lifestyle that makes the gospel you proclaim attractive to others because they can see its results.

Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness

by Dr Qing Li

The definitive guide to the therapeutic Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku, or the art and science of how trees can promote health and happinessNotice how a tree sways in the wind. Run your hands over its bark. Take in its citrusy scent. As a society we suffer from nature deficit disorder, but studies have shown that spending mindful, intentional time around trees--what the Japanese call shinrin-yoku, or forest bathing--can promote health and happiness.In this beautiful book--featuring more than 100 color photographs from forests around the world, including the forest therapy trails that criss-cross Japan--Dr. Qing Li, the world's foremost expert in forest medicine, shows how forest bathing can reduce your stress levels and blood pressure, strengthen your immune and cardiovascular systems, boost your energy, mood, creativity, and concentration, and even help you lose weight and live longer.Once you've discovered the healing power of trees, you can lose yourself in the beauty of your surroundings, leave everyday stress behind, and reach a place of greater calm and wellness.

Positive Psychology for Overcoming Depression: Self-help Strategies to Build Strength, Resilience and Sustainable Happiness

by Miriam Akhtar

An updated version of the groundbreaking 2012 book that was the first of its kind to explain how using the evidence-based practices of Positive Psychology – the "science of happiness" – can help people beat the blues and live a happier, more fulfilled life.According to the World Health Organization, 350 million people worldwide currently suffer from depression. This book is aimed at anyone suffering mild to moderate episodes who would like to help themselves get better using natural anti-depressants. After all, happiness is not a spectator sport. The text explains key strategies to help you not only overcome depression but also reduce the chances of it occurring or recurring. As such, it acts as both prevention and cure. As you practise the simple yet highly effective exercises, you will find your mood lifting, your confidence, resilience, positivity and strength growing, and your outlook becoming more optimistic. These strategies come from a combination of the author's professional knowledge and practice, and her background as someone who has suffered from depression herself. Miriam begins by explaining the core principles of Positive Psychology – what it takes to feel good, function well and flourish. She then goes on to focus on how the scientifically-grounded techniques of Positive Psychology, such as learning to savour positive events, practising gratitude, playing to your strengths and learning optimism, can help to prevent visits from the dreaded 'black dog' and, ultimately, allow the sun to shine on your life once more.

Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases

by Larry Burk Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos Bernie Siegel

An exploration of dreams as a spiritual source of healing and inner guidance for your health and well-being • Shares stories--confirmed by pathology reports--from subjects in medical research projects whose dreams diagnosed illness and helped heal their lives • Explores medical studies and ongoing research on the diagnostic power of precognitive dreams, including Dr. Burk’s own medical research • Includes an introduction to dream journaling and interpretation techniques Your dreams can provide inner guidance filled with life-saving information. Since ancient Egypt and Greece, people have relied on the art of dreaming to diagnose illness and get answers to personal life challenges. Now, dreams are making a grand reappearance in the medical arena as recent scientific research and medical pathology reports validate the diagnostic abilities of precognitive dreams. Are we stepping back into the future as modern medical tests show dreams can be early warning signs of cancer and other diseases? Showcasing the important role of dreams and their power to detect and heal illness, Dr. Larry Burk and Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos share amazing research and true stories of physical and emotional healings triggered by dreams. The authors explore medical studies and ongoing research on the diagnostic power of precognitive dreams, including Dr. Burk’s own research on dreams that come true and can be medically validated. They share detailed stories--all confirmed by pathology reports--from subjects in medical research projects whose dreams diagnosed illness and helped heal their lives, including Kathleen’s own story as a three-time breast cancer survivor whose dreams diagnosed her cancer even when it was missed by her doctors. Alongside these stories of survival and faith, the authors also include an introduction to dream journaling and interpretation, allowing the reader to develop trust in their dreams as a spiritual source of healing and inner guidance.

A Mind at Home with Itself: How Asking Four Questions Can Free Your Mind, Open Your Heart, and Turn Your World Around

by Stephen Mitchell Byron Katie

Internationally acclaimed, bestelling author Byron Katie’s most anticipated work since Loving What IsWe live in difficult times, leaving far too many of us suffering from anxiety and depression, fear and anger. In her new and most anticipated work since Loving What Is, beloved spiritual teacher Byron Katie provides a much-needed beacon of light, and a source of hope and joy.In A Mind at Home with Itself, Byron Katie illuminates one of the most profound ancient Buddhist texts, The Diamond Sutra (newly translated in these pages by Stephen Mitchell) to reveal the nature of the mind and to liberate us from painful thoughts, using her revolutionary system of self-inquiry called “The Work.” Byron Katie doesn’t merely describe the awakened mind; she empowers us to see it and feel it in action. At once startlingly fresh and powerfully enlightening, A Mind at Home with Itself offers us a transformative new perspective on life and death.In the midst of a normal American life, Byron Katie became increasingly depressed and over a ten-year period sank further into despair and suicidal thoughts. Then one morning in 1986 she woke up in a state of absolute joy, filled with the realization of how her own suffering had ended. The freedom of that realization has never left her. Its direct result, The Work, has helped millions of people all over the world to question their stressful thoughts and set themselves free from suffering.

Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy

by Mo Gawdat

Mo Gawdat is a remarkable thinker and the Chief Business Officer at Google’s [X], an elite team of engineers that comprise Google’s futuristic “dream factory.” Applying his superior skills of logic and problem solving to the issue of happiness, he proposes an algorithm based on an understanding of how the brain takes in and processes joy and sadness. Then he solves for happy.In 2001 Mo Gawdat realized that despite his incredible success, he was desperately unhappy. A lifelong learner, he attacked the problem as an engineer would: examining all the provable facts and scrupulously applying logic. Eventually, his countless hours of research and science proved successful, and he discovered the equation for permanent happiness. Thirteen years later, Mo’s algorithm would be put to the ultimate test. After the sudden death of his son, Ali, Mo and his family turned to his equation—and it saved them from despair. In dealing with the horrible loss, Mo found his mission: he would pull off the type of “moonshot” goal that he and his colleagues were always aiming for—he would share his equation with the world and help as many people as possible become happier. In Solve for Happy Mo questions some of the most fundamental aspects of our existence, shares the underlying reasons for suffering, and plots out a step-by-step process for achieving lifelong happiness and enduring contentment. He shows us how to view life through a clear lens, teaching us how to dispel the illusions that cloud our thinking; overcome the brain’s blind spots; and embrace five ultimate truths. No matter what obstacles we face, what burdens we bear, what trials we’ve experienced, we can all be content with our present situation and optimistic about the future.

Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony

by Lewis Thomas

This magnificent collection of essays by scientist and National Book Award-winning writer Lewis Thomas remains startlingly relevant for today’s world. Luminous, witty, and provocative, the essays address such topics as “The Attic of the Brain,” “Falsity and Failure,” “Altruism,” and the effects the federal government’s virtual abandonment of support for basic scientific research will have on medicine and science.Profoundly and powerfully, Thomas questions the folly of nuclear weaponry, showing that the brainpower and money spent on this endeavor are needed much more urgently for the basic science we have abandoned—and that even medicine’s most advanced procedures would be useless or insufficient in the face of the smallest nuclear detonation. And in the title essay, he addresses himself with terrifying poignancy to the question of what it is like to be young in the nuclear age. “If Wordsworth had gone to medical school, he might have produced something very like the essays of Lewis Thomas.”—TIME “No one better exemplifies what modern medicine can be than Lewis Thomas.”—The New York Times Book Review

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