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Joining Forces: Empowering Male Survivors To Thrive

by Howard Fradkin

Joining Forces: Empowering Male Survivors to Thrive is an inspirational new book written to empower male survivors of sexual victimization to develop skills they can use to overcome the effects of trauma and learn to thrive in their lives. Male survivors often struggle to feel any sense of hope for the future, so this book is designed to inspire survivors and their allies with easily learned skills developed over the course of the author's 30-year career, and the real-life experiences of male survivors who have learned to thrive. Each chapter invites survivors to dare to dream that they can take another step in their healing process through leaving their isolation behind, challenging their dysfunctional beliefs and replacing them with healthier functional messages, practicing healing exercises, reading about the struggles and successes of men just like themselves, and learning how to build hope through the use of affirmations. This book is unique in that it is based on the experiences of over 750 male survivors who have participated in MaleSurvivor Weekends of Recovery. The tools taught during those weekends, plus many more developed through the clinical experiences of the author, are presented so that each survivor reading the book has an opportunity to use the skills as he faces the challenges of his recovery. Survivors and their allies learn they are not alone in their struggles. Including the writings of male survivors and their partners will help to end their isolation and help them know others have walked in their path, become stronger, and found a sense of freedom. They will read about how these men and their allies have learned to make healthier choices that have enhanced their relationships, their emotional functioning, their job performance, and their lives.

Heart, Self, and Soul

by Robert Frager

Heart, Self, and Soul is the first book by a Western psychologist to explore the rich spiritual tradition of Sufism as a path for personal growth. Western psychotherapy aims largely to help us eliminate neurotic traits formed in childhood and adapt to society. In contrast, the Sufi goal is ultimately spiritual: Yes, we need to transform our negativity and be effective in the world; but beyond that, we need to reach a state of harmony with the Divine. Full of stories, poetry, meditations, journaling exercises, and colorful everyday examples, this book will open the heart, nourish the self, and quicken the soul.

Come essere una persona umile

by Paula Fragoso

Ti potrai domandare: perché dovrei sforzarmi di essere una persona umile? L'umiltà porterà solo benefici alla tua vita; questo perché, a differenza di ciò che pensano in molti, l'umiltà non è debolezza, ma una virtù, un'eccellenza morale. A differenza dell'orgoglio e dell'arroganza, l'umiltà avvicina le persone a voi, apre le porte a nuove opportunità, aiuta a crescere e a diventare persone migliori. Impara lezioni efficaci per essere una persona umile.

Cómo ser una persona humilde

by Paula Fragoso

Puedes preguntarte, ¿por qué debo esforzarme por ser una persona humilde? La humildad sólo traerá beneficios a tu vida; porque, al contrario de lo que muchos piensan, la humildad no es debilidad, es una virtud, una excelencia moral. A diferencia del orgullo y la arrogancia, la humildad acerca a las personas a ti, abre las puertas hacia nuevas oportunidades, te ayuda a crecer y a convertirte en una mejor persona. Aprenda lecciones valiosas para ser una persona humilde.

¿Existe la felicidad?: Del running al sofathlón: cómo escapar del negocio de la felicidad para alcanzar el bienestar.

by Toño Fraguas

En un mundo en el que nos bombardean con la receta para ser feliz, Toño Fraguas desmonta con humor, ironía y la dosis justa de erudición, los tópicos contemporáneos en torno a la felicidad, y demuestra que el camino para alcanzarla, si es que existe, es personal e intransferible. ¿Cansado de comer alimentos macrobióticos?, ¿de destrozarte las rodillas todas las mañanas corriendo por el asfalto?, ¿de perseguir el liderazgo en tu empresa cuando no consigues ni hacerte escuchar en la reunión de la comunidad?, ¿de ligar poco a pesar de matarte en el gimnasio?, ¿de hacer viajes eternos en los que se supone que te vas a encontrar contigo mismo y lo único que consigues es gastarte una pasta, que te pierdan la maleta y volver con diarrea? En definitiva, ¿estás cansado de buscar la felicidad? ¿No será que a lo mejor la estás buscando en los sitios equivocados? ¿Y si tu felicidad consistiera en comer lo que quieres, viajar donde quieres y estar tirado en el sofá cuando tú quieres? Running, coaching, mindfulness, travelling, crafting, escaping... Del nutricionismo a la vida rural, de los gurús «inspiracionales» a los líderes de las redes sociales, del yoga a los yogures L. Casei Inmunitas, es evidente que la felicidad es un negocio. Y, además, está de moda. En un mundo en el que nos bombardean constantemente con la receta para ser feliz, como si fuera obligatorio serlo las veinticuatro horas del día, Toño Fraguas desmonta con humor, ironía y las justas dosis de erudición los tópicos contemporáneos en torno a la felicidad, y a la vez demuestra que el camino para alcanzarla, si es que existe, es personal e intransferible. Índice Preámbulo: (O lo que va antes de echarse a andar).Capítulo 1: El harakiri en tres sencillos pasos (O el inexistente camino de la felicidad).Capítulo 2: Filósofos griegos en una TED Conference (Los vendemotos).Capítulo 3: El running, esa droga de la felicidad (De la cinta del gimnasio a la rueda del hámster).Capítulo 4: Un neojipi llamado Fray Luis de León (O de los complicadísima que es una vida sencilla).Capítulo 5: Mochileros y aventureros, estáis perdidos (O dicho de otra manera: ¿hace falta huir?).Capítulo 6: Leche sin leche, hamburguesas sin carne y la diosa quinoa (¿Es comestible la felicidad?).Capítulo 7: Yoga, pilates... cuerpos, mentes y mindfulness (Hacia la felicidad por la flexibilidad).Capítulo 8: Hacer cosas con estas manitas (¿Se puede «fabricar» la felicidad?).Capítulo 9: Bueno, si a él le ayuda... (Sugestión, auto-engaño y el colmo: síndrome de Estocolmo).Epílogo: La Ecuación de la Felicidad (Un epílogo erótico-festivo).

Cancer Battle Plan: Six Strategies for Beating Cancer from a recovered

by David J. Frahm Anne E. Frahm

personal experience with the stratigies used to beat cancer when the doctors had given up on the case.

Mi viaje continúa...: El trayecto del ser espiritual (Mi viaje continúa #1)

by A. K. Frailey

Los personajes de libros y películas no son los únicos que tienen puntos de inflexión. Usted. Yo. El tipo en la fila de la tienda. La señora en la cafetería de la escuela. El repartidor de UPS. Usted sabe de que estoy hablando. Esos momentos que captan nuestra atención y nuestro corazón y nos hacen detenernos. Nos hacen pensar. Nos hacen sentir. Una mirada personal a mi experiencia de vida, que se centra en los temas de la maternidad, la viudez, las relaciones familiares, la práctica de la gratitud y el redescubrimiento de la alegría a pesar de los días oscuros y los horizontes nublados.

An Introduction to Coping with Depression for Carers (An Introduction to Coping series)

by Tony Frais

An indispensable guide offering insight and support to carers of people with depressionLooking after a person with depression can often leave carers emotionally and physically exhausted. This short, straightforward and easily understandable guide offers valuable advice on how carers can:- better understand the nature of depression and how it affects both patient and carer- have a clearer understanding of the treatment options for the patient, including medication and therapy- lessen the impact of the illness on the carer's life- find the help and support they need- maintain their own well-being whilst supporting the patient through to recovery and beyondAlthough aimed at the carer, this is a guide that is equally valuable to the patient themselves and to their wider family and friends in promoting a better understanding of the experience of depression.

Stolen: Is Social Media Stealing Your Identity?

by Jessica Fralin

How many hours do we spend scrolling Facebook newsfeeds, retweeting something on Twitter, or posing for the perfect selfie on Instagram, hoping what we post will get likes and comments from our friends and followers? To get those likes, we post what is--according to social media standards--pretty, popular, and acceptable. We hide the messy parts of life, play up the fun times, and even twist the truth a bit so we look a little better, smarter, and funnier. But what happens when people start holding us up to these unrealistic standards? What happens when you realize that who you are on social media isn't who you really are? Have we let social media steal our identity? In #Stolen, author Jessica Fralin uncovers our deep desire to be affirmed, valued, and loved and then points to the only place where that desire can be filled: in Christ not social media. She offers creative #FunFact, #GiveItATry, and #WhatDoYouThink callouts containing fun notes, activities, and ideas to discuss with your youth group and friends. As she tackles the issues and insecurities like popularity, body image, and cyberbullying, Jessica shows you how to find your identity in the one voice that really matters, not the million of voices online.

How to Marry a Divorced Man

by Leslie Fram

You may not be his first wife -- but you want to be his last! More than half of all American women between the ages of 18 and 54 will date or marry a divorced man during their lifetime. Entering a relationship with any man is daunting. But entering one with a divorced man means navigating a host of new and complicated problems. Will remnants of his past -- his guilt, the X, their children, the financial and legal fallout -- wreak havoc on your sanity and finances and sabotage your quest for love? In this reassuring book, Leslie Fram combines fundamental wisdom, guerrilla tactics, and humor to inform and empower the millions of women who are dating divorcés -- and the many more who someday will.

The New Yoga for Healthy Aging: Living Longer, Living Stronger and Loving Every Day

by Suza Francina

One in five Americans is now moving toward the age bracket of "sixty and beyond," and while many are calling sixty the "new forty," this milestone is the perfect time to take stock in good health. One form of exercise that is proven to prevent or alleviate a host of physical and mental ailments for the last 5,000 years is yoga. Now, under the guidance of a qualified and well-known Iyengar yoga teacher, who is also the author of The New Yoga for People Over 50, readers can reap the benefits of yoga with this gentle and clear guide written specifically with today's baby boomers in mind. Filled with clear instructions, including the use of yoga props and modified poses, plus crisp follow-along photographs, The New Yoga for Healthy Aging takes readers step by step through the asanas (poses) that can prevent or lessen ailments such as osteoporosis, hip fractures, chronic pain, arthritis, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. With heartfelt interviews and tips from some of America's most active yoga teachers and their older students—each sharing wisdom, insights and successes—readers will discover a source of inspiration that will help their practice evolve into more than just those moments they spend on the mat.

The Secret Cemetery

by Doris Francis Leonie Kellaher Georgina Neophytou

Burial sites have long been recognized as a way to understand past civilizations. Yet, the meanings of our present day cemeteries have been virtually ignored, even though they reveal much about our cultures. Exploring an extraordinarily diverse range of memorial practice - Greek Orthodox, Muslim, Jewish, Roman Catholic and Anglican, as well as the unchurched - The Secret Cemetery is an intriguing study of what these places of death mean to the living. Most of us experience cemeteries at a ritualized moment of loss. What we forget is that these are often places to which we return either as a general space in which to contemplate or as a specific site to be tended. These are also places where different communities can reinforce boundaries and even recreate a sense of homeland. Over time, ritual, artefact and place shape an intensely personal landscape of memory and mourning, a landscape more alive, more actively engaged with than many of the other places we inhabit.

Healing Ourselves Whole: An Interactive Guide to Release Pain and Trauma by Utilizing the Wisdom of the Body

by Emily A. Francis

Healing Ourselves Whole will give you the tools you need to clean your emotional house from top to bottom, complete with journal prompts and access to audio meditations for you to listen along to as you read. As a trained body worker, Emily Francis offers a refreshing perspective into healing trauma. She reveals unique knowledge of the body as a holder for memory, just like the mind. Emily will lead you on a path deep within yourself to rearrange the ways that pain and trauma have been holding you back from whole body, mind, spirit, and energy healing. You will experience the process of re-birth by healing your child and adolescent self and coming into the present to create the best adult self possible. This groundbreaking interactive book contains the tools that you will need in order to clean your emotional house from top to bottom. It includes a journal as well as access to audio meditations for you to listen along to as you read. The meditations will help you dig deep into past trauma and discover when and how trauma took root, learn to get in touch with various parts of the physical and energy body, and how to use them to let go of stored traumas. From this, you will learn to live from a new mindful and powerful space.

Recovery: The Lost Art of Convalescence

by Gavin Francis

&“An essential book for our times, full of wisdom, compassion and sound advice. Every patient needs a copy of this gem.&” –Katherine May, author of Wintering and EnchantmentA gentle, expert guide to the secrets of recovery, showing why we need it and how to do it betterFor many of us, time spent in recovery—from a broken leg, a virus, chronic illness, or the crisis of depression or anxiety—can feel like an unwelcome obstacle on the road to health. Modern medicine too often assumes that once doctors have prescribed a course of treatment, healing takes care of itself. But recovery isn&’t something that &“just happens.&” It is an act that we engage in and that has the potential to transform our lives, if only we can find ways to learn its rhythms and invest our time, energy, and participation.Drawing on thirty years of medicine, and on insights from practitioners, psychologists, and writers across history, physician Gavin Francis delivers a profound, practical, and deeply hopeful guide to recovery. Rejecting the idea that healing is passive, Recovery offers tools and wisdom for convalescence, and shows how tending to our bodies, environments, and perspectives can help us move through the landscape of illness—and come out the other side whole.

The Ragged Edge of Silence: Finding Peace in a Noisy World

by John Francis

John Francis's real and compelling prose forms a tapestry of questions and answers woven from interviews, stories, personal experience, science, and the power of silence through history, including practice by Native American, Hindu, and Buddhist cultures.

The Ragged Edge of Silence

by John Francis

By the author of Planetwalker, The Ragged Edge of Silence takes us to another level of appreciating, through silence, the beauty of the planet and our place in it. John Francis's real and compelling prose forms a tapestry of questions and answers woven from interviews, stories, personal experience, science, and the power of silence through history, including practice by Native American, Hindu, and Buddhist cultures. Through their time-honored traditions and his own experience of communicating silently for 17 years, Francis's practical exercises lay the groundwork for the reader to build constructive silence into everyday life: to learn more about oneself, to set goals and accomplish dreams, to build strong relationships, and to appreciate and be a steward of the Earth. With its amazing human interest element and first-person expertise, this book is energizing and universally instructive.

Heart Of The Soul: Emotional Awareness

by Linda Francis Gary Zukav

In THE SEAT OF THE SOUL, Gary Zukav brilliantly set forth his concepts, explaining how the expansion of human perception beyond the five senses leads to a new understanding of 'authentic power'. Then, in SOUL STORIES, he revealed how such concepts as intuition, harmony, sharing and forgiveness actually express themselves in other people's lives. And now, in THE HEART OF THE SOUL, Zukav, together with his coauthor and spiritual partner, Linda Francis, takes the next important step in showing us how to actually apply these crucial concepts in our daily lives. Zukav reveals how true emotional awareness can transform the human experience. Although it is challenging and difficult, because it means becoming aware of suppressed pain, it is also enormously rewarding. But first the determination to explore every aspect of consciousness, and to cultivate those that contribute the most to life, must replace the desire to bury painful emotions. Ultimately emotional awareness can free us from the compulsions, fixations, obsessions and addictions that block our spiritual development - among them anger, workaholism, perfectionism, obsessive eating, alcohol, drugs, sex - and allow us to live a fulfilling and meaningful life. THE HEART OF THE SOUL will be a revelation for readers - a soul tool with which we can forge a greater emotional awareness to enable us to use our emotions in the creation of authentic power. It is a book to read not once, but several times, for it is a life-changing work that can transform our lives for the better.

The Sisterhood of Widows: Sixteen True Stories of Grief, Anger and Healing

by Mary Francis

There are 13,455,127 widows in the United States and Canada. The Sisterhood of Widows is a powerful book of healing containing sixteen true stories from widows of all walks of life who reflect and comment about life after the death of their husbands. Their stories cover death from accidents, cancer, heart attacks, and even suicide. All are told in a truthful and sometimes painful manner. Emotionally every widow handles loss differently and yet there is a common bond they share that makes them part of a sisterhood. And each widows story provides guidance and insight into human nature and the journey of perseverance through grief.

The Happiest Mom: 10 Secrets to Enjoying Motherhood

by Meagan Francis Parenting Magazine

Full of honesty, humor, and practical insight, this is the essential guide for mothers who want to make parenting more joyful: &“Every mom needs this book&” (Jenna McCarthy, author of The Parent Trap). From the experts at Parenting magazine and popular mommy blogger Meagan Francis, The Happiest Mom combines the latest happiness research with the insight and experience of a mother of five. Francis demonstrates that motherhood doesn&’t have to be an obstacle to joy. Drawing on recent happiness research, conversations with hundreds of other moms, and her own experience as a mother, Francis shares her ten secrets to happy motherhood in this down-to-earth, funny, and accessible book. &“I found myself underlining passages and laughing out loud in recognition. This thoughtful, hilarious look at motherhood is a terrific resource for anyone who wants to be the happiest mother she can be.&” —Gretchen Rubin, author of The New York Times bestseller The Happiness Project &“Reading this book is like chatting with your girlfriend and getting all the support, advice, and laughs you need.&” —Brett Paesal, author of Mommies Who Drink

Changing Course: Inspiration, Ideas and Insights for Starting Again from the CEO Who Became a Cad die

by Neil Francis

For more than a decade, Neil Francis was a successful CEO. He grew his internet company from scratch, worked with some of the world's top businesses to deliver fantastic results and led the way in his industry. Then, at the age of 41, Neil's world collapsed. Out of the blue, a stroke brought his business career to a sudden halt.But Neil wasn't beaten. To aid his recovery, he took a job as a caddie at one of Scotland's top golf courses. And from this most unlikely of scenarios, he found remarkable insights and wisdom that, coupled with his vast business experience, will provide a sure foundation and rich support for anyone who is looking – or is forced – to change course in their life.In this intriguing book, Neil masterfully weaves together his insights on taking a new direction in life, distilled from conversations with some of the highly successful individuals for whom he caddied. To anyone changing course, or starting again, with the ambition of truly enjoying what they do in every area of their life going forward, Neil delivers a gem of a routemap – perceptive, enjoyable, challenging, readable and, above all, inspiring.

A Gift of Joy and Hope

by Pope Francis

'This is Christian hope: the certainty of walking towards something that exists, not something I hope might be there.' In response to the devastating loss the world faced during the pandemic, Pope Francis was inspired to write a book to help people find hope and meaning. God is joyful, he writes. And God's compassion is no less than the deepest expression of God's joy, and the heart of all Christian preaching. The liberating revolution of the Gospel is encapsulated here. We are not supposed to carry burdens heavier than those we already have, but to bear witness to a new, beautiful and surprising horizon: to share a joy that has been prepared for everyone. From the anxieties of the age to the importance of nature, A Gift of Joy and Hope encourages readers to look outside themselves to embrace authentic beauty, change attitudes that exclude others, overcome life's challenges with courage and, trust that joy and hope are still possible, even in challenging times; for joy has the last word - always.

A Gift of Joy and Hope

by Pope Francis

Pope Francis's third official book - already an international bestseller - on how to find joy in challenging circumstances.'This is Christian hope: the certainty of walking towards something that exists, not something I hope might be there.' In response to the devastating loss the world faced during the pandemic, Pope Francis was inspired to write a book to help people find hope and meaning. God is joyful, he writes. And God's compassion is no less than the deepest expression of God's joy, and the heart of all Christian preaching. The liberating revolution of the Gospel is encapsulated here. We are not supposed to carry burdens heavier than those we already have, but to bear witness to a new, beautiful and surprising horizon: to share a joy that has been prepared for everyone.From the anxieties of the age to the importance of nature, A Gift of Joy and Hope encourages listeners to look outside themselves to embrace authentic beauty, change attitudes that exclude others, overcome life's challenges with courage and, trust that joy and hope are still possible, even in challenging times; for joy has the last word - always. (P) 2022 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

A Gift of Joy and Hope

by Pope Francis

In this encouraging book, Pope Francis explores the meaning of true joy and offers an inspiring message: even in dark times, the light of hope can shine bright. The past few years have been extremely challenging, but even in dark times, the light of joy can shine bright. True joy, says Pope Francis, is not a fleeting sentiment or a short-term solution to suffering; it springs from a solid hope that nothing and no one can take away. A Gift of Joy and Hope is an invitation to embrace authentic beauty and a reminder to be open to encountering God, even in the midst of challenges. In this inspiring collection, Pope Francis encourages readers to change attitudes that exclude others; to reveal the deep dissatisfaction we all hide; and to overcome life&’s challenges with courage and faith. He also challenges readers to hope without pessimism or doubt, to hope even in the midst of anxiety, to recognize the beauty all around us, and to let God show us how to deal with your doubts and fears. This book aims to encourage readers to look outside themselves and believe that hope is still possible and that joy always has the last word.

A Good Life: 15 Essential Habits for Living with Hope and Joy

by Pope Francis

In this internationally bestselling book, Pope Francis shares fifteen rules for how to live a happy and fulfilling life. Life can be hard, but no matter what challenges you are facing, Pope Francis wants you to know you were created by God for this moment. There is always a way to find joy and to celebrate the wonder of the life we have been given. In this brand-new book, Pope Francis offers fifteen mindsets that allow readers to find hope and meaning in every circumstance. He encourages us to defend and protect the light that shines in us, to believe in the beautiful, to find meaning in the struggles, to work for peace, and to build something wherever we are. He also reminds us of the importance of gratitude, warns Christians against complacency, and encourages real, face-to-face connection over conversations merely on screens. He points us toward the light, and also opens up with powerful vulnerability about times he has faced the darkness himself, calling us all to meaningful prayer. None of us knows how many days are left before us. The wisdom in this heartfelt collection will encourage, inspire, equip, and ultimately help you to live a beautiful and meaningful life.

Life: My Story Through History

by Pope Francis

For the first time, Pope Francis tells the story of his life as he looks back on the momentous world events that have changed history—from his earliest years during the outbreak of World War II in 1939 to the turmoil of today. An extraordinary personal and historical journey, Life is the story of a man and a world in dramatic change. Pope Francis recalls his life through memories and observations of the most significant occurrences of the past eight decades, from the Holocaust to the fall of the Berlin Wall, Videla’s coup in Argentina to the moon landing in 1969, and even the 1986 World Cup in which Maradona scored the unforgettable “hand of God” goal.Here are the frank assessments and intimate insights of a pastor reflecting on the Nazi extermination of the Jews, the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the 2001 terrorist attack on America and the collapse of the Twin Towers, the great economic recession of 2008, the Covid-19 pandemic, the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, and the subsequent conclave that elected him Pontiff. The “pope callejero” recounts these world-changing moments with the candor and compassion that distinguishes him, and offers important messages on major crises confronting us now, including social inequalities, climate change, international war, atomic weapons, racial discrimination, and the battles over social and cultural issues.Translated from the Italian by Aubrey Botsford

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