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The Growing Season: How I Built a New Life--and Saved an American Farm

by Sarah Frey

&“A gutsy success story&” (The New York Times Book Review) about one tenacious woman&’s journey to escape rural poverty and create a billion-dollar farming business—without ever leaving the land she loves The youngest of her parents&’ combined twenty-one children, Sarah Frey grew up on a struggling farm in southern Illinois, often having to grow, catch, or hunt her own dinner alongside her brothers. She spent much of her early childhood dreaming of running away to the big city—or really anywhere with central heating. At fifteen, she moved out of her family home and started her own fresh produce delivery business with nothing more than an old pickup truck.Two years later, when the family farm faced inevitable foreclosure, Frey gave up on her dreams of escape, took over the farm, and created her own produce company. Refusing to play by traditional rules, at seventeen she began talking her way into suit-filled boardrooms, making deals with the nation&’s largest retailers. Her early negotiations became so legendary that Harvard Business School published some of her deals as case studies, which have turned out to be favorites among its students. Today, her family-operated company, Frey Farms, has become one of America&’s largest fresh produce growers and shippers, with farmland spread across seven states. Thanks to the millions of melons and pumpkins she sells annually, Frey has been dubbed &“America&’s Pumpkin Queen&” by the national press. The Growing Season tells the inspiring story of how a scrappy rural childhood gave Frey the grit and resiliency to take risks that paid off in unexpected ways. Rather than leaving her community, she found adventure and opportunity in one of the most forgotten parts of our country. With fearlessness and creativity, she literally dug her destiny out of the dirt.

Move to Lose

by Chris Freytag

Lose weight, reshape your body, and feel better-in as little as just ten minutes a day! That's the promise of fitness expert Chris Freytag's cutting-edge program for fast weight loss and long-lasting results. <P> In Move to Lose, fitness expert Chris Freytag presents her "doable" weight-loss program aimed at real people with real lives. A mother of three and a businesswoman, she knows how tough it is to maintain an exercise program and a healthy diet. But with just ten minutes of exercise a day and some minor changes in diet and lifestyle, lasting weight loss is possible. Freytag provides practical tips, information, and guidance for maintaining a positive mind-set and incorporating healthy eating habits and exercise into day-to-day life, including ten-minute daily strength, flexibility, and aerobic exercise programs to rev up metabolism and help build fat-burning muscles. <P> Permanent weight loss is easier to achieve than you think, and no radical diets, gym memberships, or dangerous weight-loss supplements are necessary-just a commitment to move and lose.

El Reino Sobrenatural

by Elisabeth Frias Bill Vincent

Bill vivió una época en la cual la presencia de Dios alcanzó su vida y le trajo favores sobrenaturales, poder, revelaciones, visiones abiertas y encuentros con el Cielo. A muchos les satisface un pequeño toque de cielo. Hay cosas escondidas esperando ser descubiertas para un momento como este. ¿Por qué esperar morir para vivir experiencias celestiales? Le encantará este libro, El Reino Sobrenatural.

Beyond My Control: Forbidden Fantasies in an Uncensored Age

by Nancy Friday

The bestselling author of My Secret Garden exposes the wild and sexy fantasies that many of us have but are afraid to share. For over thirty years, Nancy Friday has written about eros, love, beauty, and seduction. Now she returns to the territory she pioneered during the sexual revolution--exploring our most taboo sexual desires. In a contemporary world where women are formidable partners in the erotic dance and no topic seems out of bounds, Friday breaks into a still-forbidden world of lust, power, and pleasure. Collecting fantasies from dozens of women and, for the first time, men, Friday explores the wildest corners of our imagination. Beyond My Control: Forbidden Fantasies in an Uncensored Age shows that our fantasies are not compensation for a "missing" sex life but are a critical component of our fullest selves, the secret desires that yearn to soar.

My Mother/My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity

by Nancy Friday

When Nancy Friday began her research for My Mother/My Self in the early 1970’s no work existed that explored the unique interaction between mother and daughter. Today psychotherapists throughout the world acknowledge that if women are to be able to love without possessing, to find work that fulfills them, and to discover their full sexuality, they must first acknowledge their identity as separate from their mother’s. Nancy Friday’s book played a major role in that acceptance. The greatest gift a good mother can give remains unquestioning love planted deep in the first year of life, so deep and anassailable that the tiny child grown to womanhood is never held back by the fear of losing that love, no matter what her own choice in love, sexuality, or work may be. Through candid self-disclosure and hundreds of interviews, Friday investigates a generational legacy and reveals the conflicting feelings of anger, hate, and love the daughter’s hold for their mothers–and why they so often “become” that mother themselves.

How to Be a Billionaire: Proven Strategies from the Titans of Wealth

by Martin S. Fridson

A comprehensive picture of the real strategies and tactics that built the great business fortunes of modern times. Packed with engaging accounts of titans, How to Be a Billionaire will show you principles that can increase your wealth and business acumen.

The Future of the Self: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Personhood and Identity in the Digital Age

by Jay Friedenberg

We live in the digital age where our sense of self and identity has moved beyond the body to encompass hardware and software. Cyborgs, online representations in social media, avatars, and virtual reality extend our notion of what it means to be human. This book looks at the progression of self from the biological to the technological using a multidisciplinary approach. It examines the notion of personhood from philosophical, psychological, neuroscience, robotics, and artificial intelligence perspectives, showing how the interface between bodies, brains, and technology can give rise to new forms of human identity. Jay Friedenberg presents the content in an organized and easy-to-understand fashion to facilitate learning. A gifted researcher, author, and classroom teacher, he is one of the most influential voices in the field of artificial psychology.

Recentering Seth: Teachings from a Multidimensional Entity on Living Gracefully and Skillfully in a World You Create But Do Not Control

by John Friedlander

• Reframes Jane Roberts&’s Seth teachings, recentering them in the awareness that all consciousness expands in all directions • Examines how we create our reality through our conscious beliefs but how no one controls spontaneous reality so you cannot simply will your desires into being • Synthesizes Sethian teachings with an eclectic variety of concepts, schools, and influences, from aura reading and interpersonal engagement to Buddhism and Theosophy to nondual awareness, multipersonhood, and communication theory The Seth books, channeled by the late Jane Roberts in the 1970s, galvanized a whole generation of spiritual explorers. The entity known as Seth turned familiar mystical concepts into a radically new framework and introduced little known truths, including a unique understanding of how we create our own reality with our conscious beliefs. But in important ways, the Seth information hit a temporary dead end, especially through confusion about just what creating your own reality means. After nearly 5 decades exploring Seth&’s ideas, along with many other spiritual approaches, John Friedlander, a member of Jane Roberts&’s original Seth classes in 1974, has reframed the groundbreaking Seth teachings, recentering them in the awareness that all consciousness expands in all directions. He synthesizes Sethian teachings with an eclectic variety of concepts, schools, and influences, from aura reading, healing, and interpersonal engagement as taught by Lewis Bostwick, to Buddhism, reincarnation, karma, and the Theosophical practice of the seven planes, to conscious dying, nondual awareness, multipersonhood, and communication theory. Sharing engaging discussions from his classes, the author examines how you do create your own reality, but that no one controls reality, which is spontaneous and surprisingly creative. By recentering Seth in the awareness that all consciousness expands in all directions Friedlander reveals many ways to support the meaningful engagement of life as it is, bringing more pleasure not just to what is easy, but even to your tensions and contradictions.

Family Inc

by Andrew Friedman

Does your work life "balance" feel anything but? Most people will probably tell you that you need to be more strict about separating your office and home lives, and WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T TAKE THE OFFICE HOME WITH YOU! To this, husband-and-wife authors Caitlin and Andrew Friedman say: Think again! In Family Inc. , they share how they were able to use the organizational strategies they'd relied on in their professional lives to bring the joy-and yes, the sanity-back into their home. Caitlin and Andrew Friedman met while working at a thriving midsize PR firm. Fifteen years of marriage, twins, a house, and three career changes later, they found themselves overwhelmed by their daily responsibilities. In this invaluable guide to making your household run more smoothly, the Friedmans take listeners step by step through a process of reenvisioning their domestic lives as well-run, successful business ventures. According to the Friedmans, by introducing such simple activities as family meetings, job descriptions, and regular "employee evaluations," it's amazing how simple and stress-free life suddenly can become. Using the tools offered in this audiobook, you will soon see tensions eased, household tasks completed, and family downtime rediscovered.

Delivering on the Promise: How to Attract, Manage and Retain Human Capital

by Brian Friedman

Business has long struggled with the notion of "human capital," but do companies really know the value of their people? All too frequently, companies lay off thousands of workers to boost share price while, at the same time, their annual reports promise that "people are our greatest asset!" Now, for the first time, human capital experts Brian Friedman, James Hatch, and David M. Walker show how companies can deliver on this promise. They reveal how Arthur Andersen's breakthrough five-stage framework, "Human Capital Appraisal," enables managers to measure, manage, and leverage their companies' investment in people. The authors describe specifically how managers can evaluate the current effectiveness of a firm's human capital strategies and the efficiency of its current Human Resources programs. They explain how to measure the amount of time and money management spends to recruit, develop, and manage human resources. Then they focus on how a firm can assess the return on this investment, minimize risk, and leverage the value of its human capital resources. Finally, the authors demonstrate how such leading companies as Colgate Palmolive, The Chicago Tribune, Mobil Oil, The Body Shop, Holy Cross Hospital, Hyatt Hotels, IBM, and British Petroleum are realizing the value of their people through human capital programs. This unique, proven, and proprietary methodology makes this invaluable book required reading for every chief executive, human resources director, and line manager.

How They Met: True Stories of the Power of Serendipity in Finding Lasting Love

by David Friedman

Find Hope With This Collection of True Stories of Lasting RomanceThe surprising beginnings of true love: You never know when it might happen: love might be right around the corner, down the block, or across the aisle from you on your next flight. Stories of how people met are endlessly fascinating and they remind us that we all need to be ready for anything, including meeting the love of your life when you least expect it.Healing stories of serendipitous romance: After a bad break up, composer and beloved songwriter David Friedman embarked on a decade-long journey collecting couple’s stories of “how they met” as a therapeutic project. What Friedman learned was utterly surprising?there was always an element of serendipity, planning had nothing to do with it. Along the way, what started out as a path to moving forward became a mission to better understand matters of the heart.Romantic biographies and real-life relationships: In this study of true romance, Friedman talks to people from every walk of life, from devout churchgoers to same sex couples to celebrities. Among others, How They Metshares the moving stories of how Lucie Arnaz met her famous mate, Lawrence Luckinbill, and the unexpected story of Kathie Lee and Frank Gifford’s friendship turning to romance.How They Met gives readers:Real life stories that will give hope to even the most heart broken.A truly diverse set of stories that shows the universality of true love.A close-up look at the romances and relationships of famous couples.This collection of true stories will have you believing that love will find YOU – perhaps when you least expect it!

We Can Be Kind: Healing Our World One Kindness at a Time

by David Friedman

A course in compassion, with affirmations and meditations, to make our lives better one act of kindness at a time. Recent years have shown us what it’s like to live in a less caring world. We need to start applying the Golden Rule again, as meaningful connections are increasingly elusive. David Friedman, creator of the hit song “We Can Be Kind,” offers a powerful reminder of how we need to treat each other, from children to family to coworkers— as well as strangers, neighbors, and those across the political aisle. Through story, meditation, and suggestions of kindness, Friedman encourages us to create new ways of building community. Through the practice of kindness, we become most fully connected, alive, and integrated. This guide to building compassion and empathy, from a beloved composer for Disney Films and Broadway, Daily Show regular, and Unity Church spiritual leader, shows us how.

Cooler Smarter: Practical Steps for Low-Carbon Living

by David Friedman Seth Shulman The Union of Concerned Scientists Margaret Mellon Jeff Deyette Brenda Ekwurzel

How can each of us live Cooler Smarter? While the routine decisions that shape our days--what to have for dinner, where to shop, how to get to work--may seem small, collectively they have a big effect on global warming. But which changes in our lifestyles might make the biggest difference to the climate? This science-based guide shows you the most effective ways to cut your own global warming emissions by twenty percent or more, and explains why your individual contribution is so vital to addressing this global problem. Cooler Smarter is based on an in-depth, two-year study by the experts at The Union of Concerned Scientists. While other green guides suggest an array of tips, Cooler Smarter offers proven strategies to cut carbon, with chapters on transportation, home energy use, diet, personal consumption, as well as how best to influence your workplace, your community, and elected officials. The book explains how to make the biggest impact and when not to sweat the small stuff. It also turns many eco-myths on their head, like the importance of locally produced food or the superiority of all hybrid cars. The advice in Cooler Smarter can help save you money and live healthier. But its central purpose is to empower you, through low carbon-living, to confront one of society's greatest threats.

The Need

by Ester Friedman

The Need is a story of life improvement

What You Really Really Want: The Smart Girl's Shame-Free Guide to Sex and Safety

by Jaclyn Friedman

In this empowering, accessible guide, Jaclyn Friedman-co-editor of Yes Means Yes -gives young women the tools to decipher the modern world’s confusing, hypersexualized, sometimes dangerous landscape so they can define their own sexual identity. Friedman decries the hypocrisy and mixed messages of our culture (we’re failures if we don’t act sexy, but we’re sluts if we actually pursue sex; we need to be protected from rapists lurking in bushes, but deserve “whatever we get” if we have a drink at a party and wear a skirt), and encourages readers to separate fear from fact, decode the damaging messages all around them, and discover a healthy personal sexuality. Educational and interactive, What You Really Really Want includes revealing quizzes, creative exercises, and reality-based advice about sex and sexuality today. With Friedman’s informed advice to guide them, readers will build new skills for safely expressing their sexuality with lovers and explore effective ways to talk about tricky issues with family and friends-and learn how to make the world a little safer for everyone else’s sexuality along the way.

50 Ways to Wear a Scarf

by Lauren Friedman

“A whimsical new TIY (tie-it-yourself) book full of drawings and directions showing how to create head wraps, neck knots and more.” —The Washington PostFrom the Audrey to the Paris, the Top Down, or the Easy Breezy, there are fifty scarf styles in this book for any occasion or mood. Jaunty illustrations break down each step so stylistas can wrap, loop, and get out the door looking perfectly polished. Teens, young professionals, and moms alike will love playing around with the looks, including unexpected belts, sarongs, and topknots. Vibrantly illustrated, 50 Ways to Wear a Scarf is perfect to take scarf shopping. Tres chic!“A beautifully illustrated guide.” —Glitter Guide“Fifty new ways to style our most essential piece.” —Refinery29 “What I found so unique about Lauren’s book is that she not only shows step-by-step instructions for creating each look; but also suggests, through meticulous illustration, what particular neckline/outfit the scarf might look good with . . . Create a mood. Want glamour, fun, mystery? You got it.” —Quintessential Style

Trying Hard is Not Good Enough: How to Produce Measurable Improvements for Customers and Communities

by Mark Friedman

The Results-Based Accountability (RBA) framework can be used to improve the quality of life in communities, cities, counties, states and nations, including everything from the well-being of children to the creation of a sustainable environment. It can help government and private sector agencies improve the performance of their programs and make them more customer-friendly and effective. RBA is a common sense approach that replaces all the complicated jargon-laden methods foisted on us in the past. The methods can be learned and applied quickly. And all the materials are free for use by government and non-profit organizations. In addition to providing practical methods, the book also makes a contribution to social theory by explaining the contribution relationship between program performance and community quality of life. As such it is a valuable tool for both program administrators and evaluators. A workshop DVD is also available from resultsleadership. org. The RBA framework has been used in over 40 states and countries around the world.

The Forgiveness Solution: The Whole-Body Rx for Finding True Happiness, Abundant Love, and Inner Peace

by Philip H. Friedman

Dr. Friedman emphasizes in The Forgiveness Solutionthat at the root of almost all emotional problems (depression, anxiety, guilt, anger, sadness, rage) is unforgiveness (grievances, judgments and attack thoughts)-- towards others, ourselves, our circumstances, God, anyone or everyone. The Forgiveness Solutionoffers a process whereby we are released from these feelings - and not just the thoughts that go with them - by: · giving up the beliefs that generate these emotions shifting our perceptions and learning to see things differently genuinely choosing and deciding to forgive developing positive, compassionate feelings toward the person or circumstance that we previously perceived as hurtful finding within us the capacity to feel an authentic sense of peace and contentment when thinking about the person or situation we previously perceived as hurting or harming us giving up the desire for retribution, punishment or harm interpreting - and then realizing - these experiences as opportunities for profound personal and spiritual growth Dr. Friedman writes in the Introduction, "Don't be daunted by the long list! My point is that the process of forgiveness is a profound one. It isn't something one dimensional, with a simple beginning and end. It is a thorough examination and repositioning of oneself that leads to lasting feelings of peace, love and joy and a sense of inner balance and calm. "

And Then We Grew Up: On Creativity, Potential, and the Imperfect Art of Adulthood

by Rachel Friedman

One of Publishers Weekly&’s Best Books of 2019 A journey through the many ways to live an artistic life—from the flashy and famous to the quiet and steady—full of unexpected insights about creativity and contentment, from the author of The Good Girl&’s Guide to Getting Lost.Rachel Friedman was a serious violist as a kid. She quit music in college but never stopped fantasizing about what her life might be like if she had never put down her bow. Years later, a freelance writer in New York, she again finds herself struggling with her fantasy of an artist&’s life versus its much more complicated reality. In search of answers, she decides to track down her childhood friends from Interlochen, a prestigious arts camp she attended, full of aspiring actors, artists, dancers, and musicians, to find out how their early creative ambitions have translated into adult careers, relationships, and identities. Rachel&’s conversations with these men and women spark nuanced revelations about creativity and being an artist: that it doesn&’t have to be all or nothing, that success isn&’t always linear, that sometimes it&’s okay to quit. And Then We Grew Up is for anyone who has given up a childhood dream and wondered &“what-if?&”, for those who have aspired to do what they love and had doubts along the way, and for all whose careers fall somewhere between emerging and established. Warm, whip-smart, and insightful, it offers inspiration for finding creative fulfillment wherever we end up in life.

Decoding Greatness: How the Best in the World Reverse Engineer Success

by Ron Friedman

National BestsellerFor readers of Outliers, Atomic Habits, and Deep Work, comes a game-changing approach to unlocking your greatness, using a secret strategy that&’s vaulted business titans and creative geniuses to the top of their profession.We&’ve long been taught there are two ways to succeed—either talent or practice. In Decoding Greatness, award-winning social psychologist Ron Friedman illuminates a powerful third path—one that has launched icons in a wide range of fields, from artists, writers, and chefs, to athletes, inventors, and entrepreneurs: reverse engineering. To reverse engineer is to look beyond what is evident on the surface and find a hidden structure. It&’s the ability to taste an intoxicating dish and deduce its recipe, to listen to a beautiful song and discern its chord progression, to watch your favorite film and grasp its narrative arc.&“Clear, concise, and backed by science&” (Daniel Pink, author of When), Decoding Greatness marries &“alluring stories and illuminating studies&” (Adam Grant, author of Think Again) of top performers—from Agatha Christie to Andy Warhol, Barack Obama, to Serena Williams—with groundbreaking research on pattern recognition and skill acquisition. You&’ll learn how to take apart acheivements you admire, pinpoint precisely what makes them work, and apply that knowledge to develop novel ideas and products that are uniquely your own.Bursting with unforgettable stories and actionable strategies, Decoding Greatness is an indispensable guide to learning from the best, upgrading your skills, and sparking breakthrough ideas.

The Grief Recovery Handbook: The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses (revised edition)

by Rusell Friedman John W. James

are you suffering from grief and pain from loss? This book will help you move through the pain and look forward

Secret Loves: Women with Two Lives

by Sonya Friedman Sondra Forsyth

Over a two-year period the authors interviewed 113 married women who are or have been involved in long-term, committed extramarital relationships. The authors present this "two-track lifestyle" with compassion, as a means women have found to survive in flawed marriages while still getting the love, intimacy, and sexual gratification they need to be whole. Because these women are determined to preserve their marriages, they guard their secret lives fiercely. The authors conclude that this phenomenon is probably much more widespread than most people imagine.

The Gentleman's Guide to Life: What Every Guy Should Know About Living Large, Loving Well, Feeling Strong, and Looking Good

by Steve Friedman

Whether you're a sensitive, bookish type or a beer-guzzling Cyber-jock--or just an average guy--The Gentleman's Guide to Life is a perfect and indispensable primer on looking, living, and feeling good, answering all your questions about clothes, career, fitness, love, and lust. How do I move up without selling out? How do I help my friends (and crush my enemies)? How do I feed and care for my boss? What kind of suit should I wear? What kind of shoes do I wear with the suit? Socks? Do I really need to take my vitamins? Is this impotence or lack of interest? How much sleep do I need? How can I bluff my way through a wine list? What is Cubism? How much should I tip? What CDs should I have to relax? To seduce? Do I like her? Do I really, really like her? What does she mean I don't listen? How do I propose (or ask for the ring back)? Am I the best man I can possibly be?

Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life

by Stewart D. Friedman

Managing Yourself

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