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Vitamin N: The Essential Guide to a Nature-Rich Life

by Richard Louv

A complete prescription for connecting with the power and joy of the natural world right now, with 500 activities for children and adults; Dozens of inspiring and thought-provoking essays; and Scores of informational websites Down-to-earth advice. Vitamin N is a comprehensive and practical guidebook for the whole family and the wider community, including tips not only for parents eager to share nature with their kids but also for those seeking nature-smart schools, medical professionals, and even careers. It is a dose of pure inspiration, reminding us that looking up at the stars or taking a walk in the woods is as exhilarating as it is essential, at any age.

The High Conflict Couple: A Dialectical Behavior Therapy Guide To Finding Peace, Intimacy, And Validation

by Alan E. Fruzzetti

If you are part of a "high-conflict" couple, you need to get control of your emotions first, to stop making things worse, and only then work on building a better relationship. The High-Conflict Couple adapts the powerful techniques of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) into skills you can use to tame out-of-control emotions that flare up in your relationship. Using mindfulness and distress tolerance techniques, you'll learn how to deescalate angry situations before they have a chance to explode into destructive fights. Other approaches will help you disclose your fears, longings, and other vulnerabilities to your partner and validate his or her experiences in return. You'll discover ways to manage problems with negotiation, not conflict, and to find true acceptance and closeness with the person you love the most.

Surviving Linguistics: A Guide for Graduate Students (Second Edition)

by Monica Macaulay

A guide to graduate study in linguistics. Covers learning about graduate school and linguistics, writing for linguists, funding and publishing research, conference papers and posters, the dissertation, and finding a job after graduate school.

Work in Progress: Risking Failure, Surviving Success

by Michael D. Eisner Tony Schwartz

With candor and insight, the chairman and CEO of The Walt Disney Company describes his successes, his well-known failures, and the principles that have guided his career.

The F-Factor Diet: Discover the Secret to Permanent Weight Loss

by Tanya Zuckerbrot

A top nutritionist reveals the secret to permanent weight loss. To help her busy clients ditch the fad diets,Tanya Zuckerbrot spent more than a decade designing a healthful, delicious, sustainable diet that sheds pounds, boosts energy, lowers cholesterol, and reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The F-Factor Diet presents a fresh take on eating high-fiber carbs, and reveals the secrets to satisfying meals and lasting weight loss, including: - A simple three-stage program - A wide array of food choices - More than 75 delicious recipes-from appetizers through desserts-and a complete set of guidelines for those who don't want to cook - Journal pages and helpful hints to keep dieters on track

The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life

by Rosamund Stone Zander Benjamin Zander

Presenting twelve breakthrough practices for bringing creativity into all human endeavors, The Art of Possibility is the dynamic product of an extraordinary partnership. The Art of Possibility combines Benjamin Zander's experience as conductor of the Boston Philharmonic and his talent as a teacher and communicator with psychotherapist Rosamund Stone Zander's genius for designing innovative paradigms for personal and professional fulfillment. The authors' harmoniously interwoven perspectives provide a deep sense of the powerful role that the notion of possibility can play in every aspect of life. Through uplifting stories, parables, and personal anecdotes, the Zanders invite us to become passionate communicators, leaders, and performers whose lives radiate possibility into the world

Superconductors: Revolutionize Your Career and Make Big Things Happen

by Derek Loudermilk

The steady career path is a thing of the past: disruption is here to stay. You need to be able to keep learning, growing and reinventing yourself to stay valuable in the midst of this change. Those who succeed in this new world will be the ones who have skills that are always in demand and cannot be replaced. Creativity, charisma, confidence, constant learning, storytelling, adaptability and tribe building are the keys to having a thriving professional life and turning ideas into reality. Superconductors is your treasure trove of exclusive interviews and hands-on self-development exercises to inspire you and push you into action. Derek Loudermilk brings together some of the best minds to coach you on every skill, including entrepreneurs, podcasters, venture capitalist experts, human behaviour hackers, journalists and digital storytellers. Michael Margolis, Vanessa Van Edwards, Derek Muller, Jason Zook, Linda Rottenburg are just some of the people giving you original insights and advice to help you form your own path. If you're ambitious and you want to carve your place in this chaotic, but exciting, new world of work then you need to be a superconductor: you need to have the creative energy, the ability to build great networks and the charisma to make big things happen. Whether you want to live as a digital nomad, an entrepreneur or be a formidable force in your chosen industry, Superconductors gives you the unique insight and hands-on tools to be the best you can be.

Reinventing Your Life: The Breakthough Program to End Negative Behavior...and Feel Great Again

by Aaron T. Beck Jeffrey E. Young Janet S. Klosko

Two of America's leading psychologists, Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D., and Janet S. Klosko, Ph.D., show readers how to free themselves from negative life patterns. Written with compassion as well as clinical insight, this thought-provoking book guides readers through the process of identifying "life traps." For example, "Do you put the needs of others before your own? Are you drawn into relationships with people who are self-centered, cold to you, misunderstand you, or use you? Do you feel inadequate compared to people around you?" Followed by an engaging discussion that makes use of case studies, this book can help people change their lives by stopping the cycle of self-destruction.

VaVa Learns Confidence

by Renee Duane

In this cat tale, told by Va Va the cat, we get to experience the life lessons he learns while living and growing up with Durga, his older feline housemate and Mommy and Daddy, his human parents.

VaVa Learns About Safety: Vava Learns About Safety

by Renee Duane

Uh Oh, I fell in the pool! Va Va in his continuing journey from kitten to adult cat discovers the potential dangers that lurk in his environment. This third book in the Va Va lessons series warns little ones to consider the unwelcome consequences that may arise from hasty thoughtless actions.

Va Va Learns to be with His Feelings: Va Va Learns To Be With His Feelings

by Renee Duane

I'm feeling sad and I don't like it. With this awareness, Vava, the cat begins his quest to understand and accept his feelings. This fourth book in the Va Va Lessons series helps little ones to feel whatever it is they're feeling and allow those feelings to move so they can return to the causeless joy that resides within them.

Va Va Learns To Be a Bringer of Light: Vava Learns To Be A Bringer Of Light

by Renee Duane

It was while sitting on Katie's lap that I understood what it is to be a Bringer of Light. It's not hard, it's just... Book V of The Vava Lessons series, reveals how Vasishta, now a mature cat, learn to actualize the true meaning of his name. Vava's discovery will encourage readers to share their Light.

Breaking Up and Bouncing Back: Moving On to Create the Love Life You Deserve

by Samantha Burns

"Breaking Up & Bouncing Back tackles heartbreak in a whole new way, using neuroscience and modern dating advice to inspire you to become a smarter dater." — John Gray, New York Times bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus "In Breaking Up & Bouncing Back, the brilliant Samantha Burns will help you to transform your worst breakup pain into your biggest golden opportunity for growth. This book will support you to not just get through it, but to use this experience as a catalyst to thrive in life moving forward." — Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even AfterSamantha Burns, "The Millennial Love Expert," shows how to survive a soul-crushing breakup and bounce back to a healthy, happy dating life in this go-to guide for today's dating landscape. Burns teaches readers the critical coping and self-care survival skills to get them off the emotional roller coaster, to see the silver lining of their breakup, and to become smarter, more intentional daters. Her therapeutic tools assist in managing the devastation stemming from heartbreak, modifying thoughts and emotions, and practicing self-reflection in order to become empowered and open to rediscovering love. Some examples of Burns's kick-butt breakup tools include: Therapeutic exercises that track progressMeditation, mantras, and deep-breathing exercises to help stop obsessive thinking and control racing thoughtsCognitive behavioral therapy techniques to manage negative thinking and challenge dating fearsCore value questions for self-reflection and conversation with a future partner In a uniquely reader-friendly way, Burns explains the neuroscience of a breakup, supported with the latest psychological research by peers such as Dr. Helen Fisher, Dr. Sue Johnson, Dr. Stan Tatkin, and Brené Brown. Relatable, educating, and entertaining, Burns's guidance helps readers re-enter the dating market with more confidence and self-awareness, as well as a realistic vision of their perfect match.

Univers Holographique: Une Introduction

by Brahma Kumari Pari Simona

Lisez ce livre dans l'intention de comprendre les profondeurs de ce qui est expliqué. Ne considérez pas seulement comme «matériel de lecture». Au lieu de simplement lire le livre pour connaître l'Univers Holographique, continuez à contempler ce que l'autrice a dit jusqu'à ce que vous rencontriez et compreniez ce qui se dit sur l'Univers Holographique. Garder un esprit ouvert et clair (tout en visualisant ce qui est lu) vous aidera à expérimenter ce que l'autrice a vécu et/ou vous pourriez avoir d'autres expériences pertinentes. En conséquence, vous pourrez comprendre ce que l'autrice explique. Votre capacité à avoir des expériences dans l'Univers Holographique augmentera, car vous continuez à lire ce livre encore et encore jusqu'à ce que vous l'avez compris. Il y a des explications, dans cet livre, sur: 1. les différentes divisions et la nature de l'univers holographique. 2. comment tout se passe selon le Drame Mondial (registres akashiques). 3. comment les gens vivent dans deux types de mondes, le monde réel et le monde holographique, en même temps. 4. le film holographique de l'hologramme auquel nous participons. 5. comment les différents types de mondes existent. 6. comment les énergies quantiques matérialisent les corps physiques et le monde physique à travers l'Univers Holographique. 7. comment le processus de création se déroule à travers les vortex et les chakras. 8. comment les dimensions subtiles, les corps holographiques et les corps subtils sont créés. 9. comment l'aura est utilisée pendant les expériences. 10. comment les énergies quantiques de densités différentes matérialisent un type différent de monde réel dans lequel nous vivons. 11. comment l'Univers Holographique change quand le monde se transforme. 12. la méditation et la connaissance de Brahma Kumaris. 13. Expériences près de la mort. 14

Holografisk Univers: En Introduksjon

by Elisabet Norris Brahma Kumari Pari

Holografisk Univers: En Introduksjon av Brahma Kumari Pari Denne boken forklarer Det holografiske universet, innbefattet dets struktur, osv. Etter å ha lest denne boken, kommer du til å ha en bedre forståelse av Det holografiske universet, og din evne til å ha erfaringer i Det holografiske universet kommer til å styrkes. Ved å ha et åpent, klart sinn (mens du leser), kan du erfare det som forfatteren har erfart og forstå det som forfatteren forklarer. I stedet for å bare lese ordene, les den med hensikt om å forstå dybden av det som blir forklart. Fortsett å fundere på det til du erfarer og forstår det som blir sagt om Det holografiske universet. Fortsett å lese boken om og om igjen, helt til du forstår den slik at dine muligheter til å ha erfaringer i Det holografiske universet øker. I denne boken er erfaringene om Det holografiske universet basert på: 1. veiledningen fra Gud, 2. Brahma Kumaris’ kunnskap, 3. kvantemekanikk (ingenting i denne boken er i motsetning med kvantemekanikken), 4. undersøkelser, 5. forfatterens erfaringer, 6. kunnskap om chakraene og auraen, 7. de gamle hinduiske tekstene, osv. Det er forklaringer i denne e-boken om: 1. de forskjellige divisjonene og Det holografiske universets natur. 2. hvordan alt skjer ifølge Verdensdramatikken (akasha arkivene). 3. hvordan mennesker lever i two forskjellige verdener, Den virkelige verden og Den holografiske verden, samtidig. 4. Den holografiske filmen av hologrammet som vi deltar i. 5. hvordan forskjellige slags verdener eksisterer. 6. hvordan kvanteenergier materialiserer de fysiske legemene og den fysiske verden gjennom Det holografiske universet. 7. hvordan skapelsen skjedde gjennom virvlene og chakraene. 8. Nær Døden Erfaringer. 9. Den kosmiske bevisstheten. 10. hvordan subtile dimensjoner, holografiske legemer og subtile legemer er skapt. 11. hvordan auraen blir brukt i løpet av e

Ολογραφικό Σύμπαν: Μια Εισαγωγή

by Brahma Kumari Pari Christiana Tziortziou González

Διαβάζοντας αυτό το βιβλίο, για να κατανοήσετε καλύτερα το Ολογραφικό Σύμπαν και την αύξηση της ικανότητάς σας να έχετε εμπειρίες στο Ολογραφικό Σύμπαν. Κρατώντας ένα ανοιχτό, καθαρό μυαλό (ενώ οραματίζεστε αυτό που διαβάζετε) θα σας βοηθήσει να γνωρίσετε τι έχει βιώσει η συγγραφέας. Αντί απλώς να διαβάζετε τις λέξεις, διαβάστε αυτό το βιβλίο με την πρόθεση να κατανοήσετε τα βάθη αυτού που εξηγείται. Συνεχίστε να αναλογίζεστε μέχρι να βιώσετε και να κατανοήσετε αυτό που λέγεται για το Ολογραφικό Σύμπαν. Συνεχίστε να διαβάζετε το βιβλίο ξανά και ξανά μέχρι να το έχετε κατανοήσει, έτσι ώστε να αυξάνεται η ικανότητά σας να έχετε εμπειρίες στο Ολογραφικό Σύμπαν. Σε αυτό το βιβλίο, οι επεξηγήσεις του Ολογραφικού Σύμπαντος βασίζονται: 1. Στην καθοδήγηση από το Θεό, 2. Στη γνώση του πνευματικού κέντρου Μπράμα Κουμάρις (Brahma Kumaris), 3. Στην Κβαντική Μηχανική (τα πάντα σε αυτό το βιβλίο ‘συμβαδίζουν’ με την κβαντική μηχανική, 4. Στην έρευνα, 5. Στις εμπειρίες της συγγραφέος, 6. Στη γνώση για τα τσάκρα και την αύρα, 7. Στα αρχαία Ινδουϊστικά κείμενα, κλπ. Υπάρχουν εξηγήσεις σε αυτό το βιβλίο σχε�

You Say More Than You Think: Use the New Body Language to Get What You Want!, The 7-Day Plan

by Mariska Van Aalst Janine Driver

Now You're Talking!Do you want to be bulletproof at work, secure in your relationship, and content in your own skin? If so, it's more important than ever to be aware of what your body is saying to the outside world. Unfortunately, most of what you've heard from other body language experts is wrong, and, as a result, your actions may be hurting, not helping, you. With sass and a keen eye, media favorite Janine Driver teaches you the skills she used every day to stay alive during her fifteen years as a body-language expert at the ATF. Janine's 7-day plan and her 7-second solutions teach you dozens of body language fixes to turn any interpersonal situation to your advantage. She reveals methods here that other experts refuse to share with the public, and she debunks major myths other experts swear are fact: Giving more eye contact is key when you're trying to impress someone. Not necessarily true. It's actually more important where you point your belly button. This small body shift communicates true interest more powerfully than constant eye contact.The "steeple" hand gesture will give you the upper hand during negotiations and business meetings. Wrong. Driver has seen this overbearing gesture backfire more often than not. Instead, she suggests two new steeples that give you power without making you seem overly aggressive: the Basketball Steeple and the A-OK Two-Fingered Steeple. Happy people command power and attention by smiling just before they meet new people. Studies have shown that people who do this are viewed as Beta Leaders. Alpha leaders smile once they shake your hand and hear your name. At a time when every advantage counts--and first impressions matter more than ever--this is the book to help you really get your message across.From the Hardcover edition.

The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play (Tarcher Inspiration Cards Ser.)

by Neil Fiore

Learn how to overcome procrastination and enjoy guilt-free play! One of the most effective programs to combat procrastination, THE NOW HABIT has sold over 100,000 copies, has been translated into 11 languages, and is now revised and updated.Featuring a new introduction and a new section providing strategies to understand and deal with the role technology plays in procrastination today, THE NOW HABIT offers a comprehensive plan to help readers lower their stress and increase their time to enjoy guilt-free play. Dr. Fiore’s techniques will help any busy person start tasks sooner and accomplish them more quickly, without the anxiety brought on by the negative habits of procrastination and perfectionism.

Conócete a ti misma: Piedra angular en momentos de crisis

by Viviane Gamerro

Conócete y conocerás el mundo, cambia y cambiarás el mundo. Todos atravesamos momentos de crisis y nos resistimos al cambio. Todos nos guiamos por lo que hemos aprendido y por cómo se supone que debemos ser. <P><P>Este libro propone un enfoque diferente; para superar las crisis, y crecer con ellas, es necesario aceptar el cambio e iniciar un viaje interior para descubrir nuestra verdadera esencia. No es un camino fácil, pero es posible. Viviane Gamerro, licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad de Barcelona, te propone un reto y te da la solución: abandonar los clichés, abrazar el cambio, desaprender lo aprendido y descubrir a esa maravillosa persona que no es otra que tú misma. <P><P>Para ello, pregúntate con amor: ¿Realmente me conozco o creo que soy como me definen los demás? Es posible que te hayas visto a ti misma a través de los ojos ajenos, sin siquiera preguntarte si lo que reflejan es tu verdadero yo; que durante mucho tiempo corrieras tras lo que se suponía daba la felicidad, sin siquiera preguntarte si todo eso era lo que a ti te llenaba.

Sink Reflections: Overwhelmed? Disorganized? Living in Chaos? Discover the Secrets That Have Changed the Lives of More Than Half a Million Families...

by Marla Cilley

Fly Out of CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome)Into Order--One BabyStep at a TimeWith her special blend of housecleaning tips, humor, and musings about daily life, Marla Cilley, a.k.a. The FlyLady, shows you how to manage clutter and chaos and get your home--and your life--in order. Drawn from the lessons and tools used in her popular mentoring program, the FlyLady system helps you create doable housekeeping routines and break down overwhelming chores into manageable missions that will restore peace to your home--and your psyche. Soon you'll be able to greet guests without fear, find your keys, locate your kids, and, most of all, learn how to FLY: Finally Love Yourself.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Think and Grow Rich: A Guide to Success for Black Americans

by Napoleon Hill Dennis Kimbro

"An inspiring an powerful success guide."ESSENCEAuthor and entrepreneur Dennis Kimbro combines bestseeling author Napolean Hilll's law of success with his own vast knowledge of business, contemporary affairs, and the vibrant culture of Black America to teach you the secrets to success used by scores of black Americans, including: Spike Lee, Jesse Jackson, Dr. Selma Burke, Oprah Winfrey, and many others. The result is inspiring, practical, clearly written, and totally workable. Use it to unlock the treasure you have always dreamed of--the treasure that at last is within your reach.From the Paperback edition.

How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously: Based on the Proven Principles and Techniques of Debtors Anonymous

by Jerrold Mundis

<p>The classic guide, revised with up-to-the-minute information! <p>Out of the Red: <p> <li>Do this month's bills pile up before you've paid last month's? <li>Do you regularly receive past-due notices? <li>Do you get letters threatening legal action if immediate payment is not made? <li>Do the total amounts of your revolving charge accounts keep rising?</li> <p> <p>Whether you are currently in debt or fear you're falling into debt, you are not alone. Sixty million Americans--from doctors to secretaries, from executives to the unemployed--face the same problem and live under the same daily stress. Based on the proven techniques of the national Debtors Anonymous program, here is the first complete, step-by-step guide to getting out of debt once and for all. You'll learn: <p> <li>how to recognize the warning signs of serious debt <li>how to negotiate with angry creditors, collection agencies, and the IRS <li>how to design a realistic and painless payback schedule <li>how to identify your spending blind spots <li>how to cope with the anxiety and daily pressures of owing money <li>plus the three cardinal rules for staying out of debt forever, and much more!</li> <p> <p>This book is neither sponsored nor endorsed by Debtors Anonymous. A recovered debtor, the author is intimately familiar with the success of the Debtors Anonymous program.</p>

Quicksand: What It Means to Be a Human Being

by Henning Mankell

A stunning and poignant autobiographical look at the myriad experiences that shape a meaningful life, by the bestselling author of the Kurt Wallander mysteries. In January 2014, Henning Mankell received a diagnosis of lung cancer. Quicksand is a response to this shattering news—but it is not a memoir of destruction. Instead, it is a testament to a life fully lived, a tribute to the extraordinary but fleeting human journey that delivers both boundless opportunity and crucial responsibility. In a series of intimate vignettes, Mankell ranges over rich and varied reflections: of growing up in a small Swedish town, where he experiences a startling revelation on a winter morning as a young boy; of living hand-to-mouth during a summer in Paris as an ambitious young writer; of his work at a theater in Mozambique, where Lysistrata is staged in the midst of civil war; of chance encounters with men and women who changed his understanding of the world. Along the way, Mankell ponders the meaning of a good life, and the critically important ways we can shape the future of humanity if we are fortunate enough to have the choice. Vivid, clear-eyed, and breathtakingly beautiful, Quicksand is an invaluable parting gift from a great man.

The Road to Walden: 12 Life Lessons from a Sojourn to Thoreau's Cabin

by Kevin Dann

The acclaimed author of Expect Great Things: The Life and Search of Henry David Thoreau traverses on foot from Manhattan to Walden Pond, retracing Thoreau's steps and unlocking the practical principles of the mystic's life in the woods.When Henry David Thoreau launched his experiment in living at Walden Pond, he began by walking beyond the narrow limits of his neighbors, simply by putting himself at a mile remove from Concord's bourgeois epicenter - and a thousand-mile remove from stasis, complacency, and conformity. Kevin Dann emulates and extends Thoreau's experiment in radical self-education. Alternating between personal anecdotes from his spring 2017 walking pilgrimage and other "traveler" encounters and episodes told by Thoreau, Dann structures his book around 12 "injunctions"--distillations of seminal stories about overcoming convention and stasis. In this essential reading for every Thoreau enthusiast, naturalist and historian Kevin Dann brings to life an essential American icon in refreshing and modern way.

Like She Owns the Place: Give Yourself the Gift of Confidence and Ignite Your Inner Magic

by Cara Alwill Leyba

Can you imagine what life would be like if you could accept failure, cellulite, wrinkles, imperfection, screw-ups, and vulnerability? I’ll tell you what would happen: you would finally take that weight off your shoulders and build unshakeable, sustainable confidence. The truth is that confidence isn’t about living up to anyone’s expectations—it’s about affirming, every day, that you’re an effing boss. It’s not the result of being skinny, making a six figure salary, finding your dream partner, or drinking a green juice every day. It requires patience, dedication, forgiveness, bravery, and an incredible amount of self-compassion. You’ve probably read that “confidence is a choice,” and while that’s true, it’s more accurate to say that confidence is a series of repeated choices to accept yourself. To choose pride over insecurity. And to fearlessly show up in the world as the truest expression of yourself. It took me a long time to overcome all the BS. It took me a longer time to develop a rock-solid sense of inner-peace and become intimate with my intuition. To achieve real confidence that lasted longer than a sugar rush. My goal with this book is to share with you how I have arrived here, how I’ve helped my clients arrive here, and hopefully save you years of pain, shame, and uncertainty. Because, girl, I know how rocky this road can be. I’m going to show you how to block out all the noise around you, and how to free yourself from the opinions and judgment of others. I’m going to teach you how to trust your gut, reclaim your life, and rock what you’ve got. I’m going to show you how to own the place.

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