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En busca del equilibrio

by Wayne W. Dyer

Imagina una balanza en la que uno de sus dos extremos, de tan cargado, toque el suelo, y el otro ­donde están tus deseos­ quede frágilmente suspendido en el aire. Lo que pesa son tus pensamientos. Para recuperar el mismo equilibrio que caracteriza al resto de nuestro universo, debes aligerar todos esos pensamientos hasta que se adecuen a tus deseos. Como el autor indica, en nuestro interior disponemos de los medios para lograr todo lo que queramos, siempre que identifiquemos y revisemos dónde está el exceso de lastre. Para ello, a través de los nueve principios ofrecidos en esta obra, aprenderás a armonizar tu vida y tus aspiraciones. Wayne W. Dyer fue profesor de psicología del asesoramiento en la St. John's University de Nueva York y actualmente se dedica a pronunciar conferencias, impartir cursos y a escribir. Entre sus obras publicadas cabe destacar Tus zonas erróneas, posiblemente el libro de autoayuda más leído del mundo.

Hacia la paz interior (Jet Ser.)

by Thich Nhat Hanh

Hacia la paz interior ofrece métodos prácticos para integrar los pequeños acontecimientos de la vida cotidiana en la búsqueda de la armonía. En lo pequeño está lo grande. Desde las técnicas respiratorias hasta el arte de la sonrisa, pasando por el trabajo, el ocio, las relaciones sociales y familiares, el dinero y la política, el gran maestro zen Thich Nhat Hanh nos enseña lo importante que es el aquí y ahora, y propone una amplia gama de actividades y actitudes que pueden cambiar nuestra vida llevándonos a la realización personal.

El paraíso es tu casa: Un manual para ser feliz de puertas adentro

by Diana Quan

No hay nada como el hogar. De nosotros depende que sea como queremos. Y si bien es cierto que inevitablemente acaba siendo una manifestación de nuestra personalidad, también lo es que con una preparación adecuada, una estrategia relativa a los objetivos claros, tenacidad, rigor y buena voluntad, podemos cambiar el estilo del lugar donde vivimos. Y, al mismo tiempo, nos cambiaremos también un poco a nosotros mismos. De hecho, no hay ninguna transformación que introduzcamos en nuestro entorno que no nos afecte de manera directa, así como a nuestras actividades cotidianas. Este libro habla precisamente de todo esto y de mucho más. Concebido como una guía, encontraremos en él información para saber qué dice de nosotros nuestro hogar; orientación sobre los cambios que podemos hacer para transformarlo a fin de obtener el mayor bienestar; las características de cada estancia para saber cuáles generan vitalidad, relax o concentración e inspiración; consejos para sanar o mejorar nuestro estado de ánimo a través del sitio en que vivimos, con elementos tan sencillos como la luz, las plantas y los colores; técnicas para conseguir llenar de positividad nuestra vivienda; detalles prácticos sobre los mejores materiales para crear un hogar saludable; ideas para conseguir que en él reinen siempre la armonía y la tranquilidad.

Anatomía del espíritu: La curación del cuerpo llega a través del alma

by Caroline Myss

Combinando diversas creencias para discutir la salud y la anatomía, la autora de Las siete moradas trata en este libro los sacramentos cristianos, los chakras hindús y el árbol de la vida del Kábala para determinar las siete regiones de energía que posee el cuerpo humano. Tarde o temprano, todos los seres enfermamos y el dolor reduce nuestra capacidad para el trabajo el placer, llegando incluso a arrebatarnos la vida. Sin embargo, pocas son las personas conscientes de que la enfermedad aparece cuando malgastamos nuestra energía, permitimos que nos la roben o la encarrilamos hace objetivos erróneos. Comprenderlo así nos abre el camino de la autocuración, un milagro posible si interpretamos las dolencias del cuerpo como lo que de verdad son: expresiones de un malestar espiritual que tiene curación.

La Armonía es el Camino: "Si siempre haces lo que siempre has hecho, siempre tendrás lo que siempre has tenido"

by Sylvia Langford

Una invitación desde lo simple a tomar conciencia: "Si siempre haces lo que siempre has hecho, siempre tendrás lo que siempre has tenido".Este libro no contiene fórmulas mágicas ni recetas para alcanzar la felicidad. La Armonia es el Camino solo pretende ofrecer un espacio de reflexión a todos aquellos que se acerquen con ánimo de buscar algo distinto. Porque el verdadero cambio de paradigma en este mundo se encuentra en nuestro interior y depende de cada uno.¿Te sientes angustiado? ¿Consumes medicamentos para tu día a día? ¿Te deprimes con facilidad? ¿Buscas evadir tus problemas? Son algunas de las más de sesenta preguntas que Silvia Langford responde en estas páginas, partiendo todo de un simple concepto, hacerse cargo de lo que nos ocurre. La pareja, los hijos, la educación, el trabajo y la familia son algunos de los temas que trabaja la autora, tanto de la perspectiva psicológica como educativa y de formación personal y espiritualLa armonía no es una meta, no es un fin. Surge cuando logramos encontrar nuestra propia paz interior. Este libro quiere ser una reflexión para invitarte a encontrar y seguir tu propio camino.La crítica ha dicho:«La Armonía es el Camino, de Sylvia Langford, es un libro de autoayuda y guía para el crecimiento que no contiene fórmulas mágicas ni recetas para alcanzar la felicidad. La Armonía es el Camino solo pretende ofrecer un espacio de reflexión a todos aquellos que se acerquen con ánimo de buscar algo distinto».(Terra, 30 de noviembre 2012)«Creo que no es tan difícil que hagamos un "switch", que paremos, que nos regalemos estos dos minutos para lo que quiero o no es lo que quiero y las dos respuestas son igual de válidas...»(Entrevista programa "Conversando en positivo", Radio Universidad de Chile, 24 enero 2013).

A Magia da Ordem na Cozinha

by Roberta Schira

Roberta Schira, uma das mais importantes críticas gourmand da Itália, liga neste livro duas das suas grandes paixões: comida e psicologia. Aqui, explica que a ordem e a organização produzem uma mudança importante dentro de nós. A cozinha é a divisão mais importante da casa em todas as civilizações do mundo e, ao longo da história, tem conquistado uma importância cada vez maior. É um espaço fundamental na vida das famílias. Organizá-la significa torná-la funcional para quem a utiliza, mas também envolve melhorar o nosso relacionamento com a comida e com os outros habitantes da casa a partir das nossas emoções. «Um valioso guia em que o autor nos ensina a fazer as pazes com uma das divisões mais importantes da casa. A transformação é conseguida pouco a pouco, dia a dia: das instruções básicas para ordenar uma despensa digna do seu nome às operações de limpeza que propõem eliminar o que não é utilizado pelo menos uma vez por mês.» Corriere della Sera «Organizar uma cozinha e fazer dela uma divisão funcional tem influência em tudo: no amor, na convivência# e na dieta.» Fine dining lovers «No meio de tanta publicidade ligada ao gourmet há necessidade de um pouco de reflexão e introspecção. É isso que a crítica gastronómica Roberta Schira convida os seus leitores a fazerem. A Magia da Ordem na Cozinha, consegue, no entanto, encontrar uma chave completamente nova: a verdadeira mudança, o autêntico processo de autoconsciência começa no frigorífico, muitas vezes vazio, e nos armários, porque "a desordem na cozinha indica problemas e desconfortos.» Il Giornale «A Magia da Ordem na Cozinha, a partir da organização do frigorífico e da despensa, ajuda-nos a purificar as nossas emoções, evitando tentações de comer pouco e mal.» Starbene «Definitivamente, a cozinha é um lugar de excelência para a alma. Nesse sentido, Roberta tem toda a razão [...] e ler estelivro de coração aberto pode converter-se no modo mediterrânico para reencontrar o essencial: a alegria de desfrutar das pequenas coisas autênticas e que realmente importam. Capaz de nos iluminar verdadeiramente, A Magia da Ordem na Cozinha é um manual para ler e reler.» Mondo Padano


by Carolyne Faulkner

Um guia inspirador para alcançar a felicidade e o bem-estar - na vida, no trabalho e nos relacionamentos -, que revela como trilhar o caminho do sucesso através da astrologia. O futuro não está escrito nas estrelas, mas podemos usar as estrelas para escrever o nosso futuro. Em Signos, a astróloga Carolyne Faulkner revela como a antiga sabedoria das estrelas nos dá o poder para tirarmos o máximo proveito da vida. O método de Faulkner leva-nos a descobrir as qualidades, boas e más, associadas à nossa carta astral - a posição dos planetas e estrelas no momento do nascimento - e, usando esse conhecimento, ajuda-nos a tomar decisões e estabelecer ou desenvolver relacionamentos. Fácil de usar, este guia mostra como interpretar a sua carta astral, encontrar o equilíbrio e reconectar-se consigo mesmo. «Uma nova constelação, uma verdadeira guru da astrologia.»Vogue

Discorso inverso in teoria e pratica

by Joshua Schmude Sanda Adamić

Discorso inverso in teoria e pratica” è stato scritto in un periodo di 4 anni e spiega come un individuo può usare la propria mente dell'inconscio per prevedere l’esito di una gara di cavalli, o qualsiasi cosa d’altro che desidera. Scritto da Joshua Schmude, uno studente di David Jones Oates ed un analista certificato del discorso inverso, il libro guida il lettore verso una ricerca spirituale, scoprendo i poteri nascosti che risiedono all’interno della loro anima. Tradotto da: Sanda Adamić

Transforme seu hábito Transforme sua vida

by John S. Lawson Maíra Soccol Pereira

Pilote seu próprio navio, retome o controle e elimine a procrastinação que o impediu de alcançar seus objetivos - um hábito de cada vez. A sua vida é um ciclo constante de decisões ruins que você não consegue mudar? Seja com exercícios, consumo de comida, limpeza ou objetivos gerais? Você tem problemas com procrastinação e em executar as tarefas exigidas de você todos os dias? E se eu te dissesse que há uma maneira simples de substituir seus hábitos ruins por hábitos saudáveis que irá te levar 10 passos mais próximo dos seus objetivos em questão de minutos? Há uma maneira de executar tarefas sem muito esforço? Uma maneira simples de superar a procrastinação e transformar isso em um momento positivo? Em "Transforme Seus Hábitos, Transforme Sua Vida", isso é exatamente o que você vai aprender. Você nunca mais terá sentimentos de remorso, procrastinação e culpa com esses passos que o levarão aonde você quiser! Neste guia comprovado, você aprenderá: estratégias sobre como criar hábitos novos, positivos e poderosos em sua vida, como fortalecer sua força de vontade para superar as tentações, como quebrar um hábito ruim de forma eficaz e decisiva, saberá mais sobre hábitos ruins e como lidar com eles, como conseguir um parceiro responsável para ajudar a mantê-lo sob controle. Irá aprender e entender o mecanismo por trás do que causa um hábito, o que fazer e o que não fazer na hora de quebrar um hábito ruim e aprender os problemas relacionados com as resoluções de ano novo que dificultam a quebra de um hábito e por que elas não funcionam. Dê o passo final em direção ao seu sucesso clicando no botão "Compre Agora" no topo da página hoje mesmo!

La Mamá Feliz

by Doreen Wong Monica Sarro

¿Eres miedosa o estás frustrada como mamá? ¿Has perdido la alegría de la maternidad? Si estás luchando, La Mamá Feliz contiene principios y consejos para ayudarte a superar tus retos y permitir a tus hijos prosperar. Si eres una mamá casi perfecta, te empoderará para ir de fortaleza a fortaleza. Doreen Wong usa sus 37 años de experiencia como mamá para inspirarte a acoger la maternidad como vocación. La Mamá Feliz te guiará, paso a paso, para convertirte en la mejor mamá que puedes ser. También te retará a ver cómo serás capaz de influir en las generaciones por venir. La Mamá Feliz es para mamás que no solo quieren ser una mamá mediocre o “suficientemente buena”. Es para mamás que quieren ser una gran mamá, que cría a sus hijos para llevar vidas significativas y con propósito. Sin importar la edad que tengan tus hijos, Doreen te reta a pensar, actuar y ser diferente de la mamá promedio. Al hacerlo, te convertirás en una más feliz—y mejor—mamá.

Αντικείμενα του Σεξ: Καλό ή Κακό;

by Gabriel Agbo Eirini Vlas

Οι πωλητές των παιχνιδιών-αντικειμένων του σεξ κερδίζουν δισεκατομμύρια το χρόνο. Τα προϊόντα τους είναι παντού διαθέσιμα. Φαίνεται είναι της μόδας αυτή η τεχνητή ικανοποίηση των σεξουαλικών επιθυμιών. Και διαρκώς εφευρίσκονται καινούρια αντικείμενα. Εδώ όμως θέλουμε να δούμε τις πνευματικές και ψυχολογικές επιπτώσεις στους χρήστες. Τα αντικείμενα του σεξ έχουν ιστορία χιλιάδων χρόνων. Ήδη αρχαίοι πολιτισμοί είχαν αντικείμενα από διάφορα υλικά που χρησιμοποιούσαν για τον αυνανισμό. Κάποιοι λάτρευαν και τους αντίστοιχους θεούς. Επομένως μπορούμε δικαίως να πούμε ότι ο πρωταρχικός λόγος δημιουργίας τους ήταν η λατρεία δαιμονικών θεών. Είναι όμως τα αντικείμενα του σεξ στο σχέδιο του Θεού; Το βιβλίο αυτό θα σας ανοίξει τα μάτια στον αλλόκοτο αυτό κόσμο.

Basic Motivation and Human Behaviour: Control, Affiliation and Self-expression

by Velibor Bobo Kovac

This book explores how and why humans are motivated to act in the ways that they do. The chapters examine the origins of a given action rather than their superficial appearance, which can often be misleading. Kovac integrates the existing knowledge of the field of motivation into a greater theoretical framework by adopting both analytical and holistic perspectives. This theoretical framework suggests that all human behaviour evolves from the three fundamental underlying tendencies connected to the concepts of control, affiliation and self-expression that are further modified by the mechanism of balanced dual tension. These tendencies are conceptualised as systems of interrelated psychological needs that guide and govern a variety of human actions. As such, this book should be useful to upper-level students and researchers of cognitive and social psychology and all scholars interested in human motivation.

Coping and the Challenge of Resilience

by Erica Frydenberg

This book addresses how best to meet everyday challenges. The author focuses on how to think and act differently about what we do as we face challenges, and how to assess each situation as one of challenge rather than threat or harm because we have the strategies to cope. Spanning eleven chapters, the book examines the best ways to provide the core skills for life, to children, adolescents and adults, and how that is best achieved through the contemporary theories of coping. Coping has traditionally been defined in terms of reaction; that is, how people respond after or during a stressful event. More recently, coping is being defined more broadly to include anticipatory, preventive and proactive coping. This book provides case studies of resilient adults in a range of settings, highlighting how coping resources have helped them to overcome adversity. Researchers, students of psychology and social work, practitioners and those interested in the self-help field will find this book invaluable.

Creativity and Education (Creativity, Education and the Arts)

by Anne Harris

This book advances an environmental approach to enhancing creativity in schools, by interweaving educational creativity theory with creative industries environmental approaches. Using Anna Craft's last book Creativity and Education Futures as a starting point, the book sets out an up-to-date argument for why education policy should be supporting a birth-to-workplace approach to developing creative skills and capacities that extends across the education lifespan. The book also draws on the voices of school teachers, students and leaders who suggest directions for the next generation of creative teachers and learners in a rapidly evolving global education landscape. Overall, the book argues that secondary schools must find a way to make more room for creative risk, innovation and imagination in order to adequately prepare students for creative workplaces and publics.

Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Across Cultures: Theory and Practices (Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management)

by Elias G. Carayannis Igor N. Dubina

The aim of this volume is to further develop the relationship between culture and manifold phenomena of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship in order to promote further and better understanding how, why, and when these phenomena are manifested themselves across different cultures. Currently, cross-cultural research is one of the most dynamically and rapidly growing areas. At the same time, creativity, inventiveness, innovation, and entrepreneurship are championed in the literature as the critical element that is vital not just for companies, but also for the development of societies. A sizable body of research demonstrates that cultural differences may foster or inhibit creative, inventive, innovative and entrepreneurial activities; and each culture has its own strengths and weaknesses in these regards. Better understanding of cultural diversity in these phenomena can help to build on strengths and overcome weaknesses. Cross-cultural studies in this field represent a comparatively new class of interdisciplinary research. This is a field where cultural, sociological, psychological, historical, economic, management, technology and business studies closely intersect. In this book, a global team of researchers representing Europe, Asia, and the Americas review, analyze, structure, systematize and discuss various concepts, assumptions, speculations, theories, and empirical research which focus on the effect of national cultures on creativity, invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. They argue that national culture is not only an extremely important determinant of innovation and business development, but also demonstrate that some aspects relating to these phenomena may be universal among all cultures, thereby identifying those factors that may easily be transferred across cultures from those that are unique to their specific context.

Responsible Drinking: A Moderation Management Approach For Problem Drinkers

by Frederick Rotgers Marc F. Kern Rudy Hoeltzel

Based on extensive scientific literature supporting moderation as a resolution for drinking problems, Responsible Drinking is the only book with research-based techniques that will help non-alcoholic readers overcome their drinking problems. This revolutionary workbook by the leading voices of the Moderation Management treatment approach starts by providing readers with definitive tools to help them discover whether they are problem drinkers or alcoholics. Readers whose problems are less severe than alcohol dependence are then helped to make an informed decision about whether to pursue moderation or to turn to abstinence. <p><p> For readers who identify themselves as problem drinkers, the workbook goes on to help them then learn to moderate their drinking and develop a healthier lifestyle. By adopting goals specific to their needs, readers make a commitment, examine the negative effects of alcohol use, identify their own triggers, and learn to take control of their behavior. Inspirational words of more than fifty individuals who have faced and overcome the same problems offer guidance and support. Resources are also provided to help any reader who chooses to pursue abstinence as an objective at any stage of the program.

Aprendiz de sabio: Una guía insuperable para mejorar tu vida

by Bernabé Tierno

Todos queremos vivir mejor. Todos queremos ser más felices. Si aprendemos a ser un poco más sabios no hay ninguna duda de que lo podemos conseguir Todos poseemos los recursos necesarios para encontrar un camino más satisfactorio, saludable, enriquecedor, estimulante, armonioso y que nos proporcione más felicidad. <P><P>Sin embargo, a menudo actuamos en contra de nuestro propio bienestar y nos negamos a aceptar el daño que nos estamos haciendo. Bernabé Tierno nos explica en este libro que adoptar una actitud de aprendiz de sabio significa abrir la mente y aceptar que obedeciendo a nuestra experiencia y a nuestro sentido común lograremos vivir mejor. <P><P>A través de sencillos consejos que son aplicables en todas las edades y etapas de nuestra vida, nos ayuda tomar un camino dirigido a alegrarnos la vida en lugar de amargárnosla.

Cómo estudiar con éxito: Una guía para potenciar el éxito del estudiante

by Bernabé Tierno

Las claves para que estudiantes de todos los niveles aprovechen al máximo y superen con éxito el reto de su formación. El psicólogo y pedagogo Bernabé Tierno nos brinda los métodos más eficaces para desarrollar nuestras aptitudes y adquirir los hábitos de estudio más eficientes. Con esta finalidad, expone las técnicas para obtener el mayor rendimiento de la memoria, la importancia del entorno y de la organización para lograr un nivel óptimo de concentración, o el valor de fortalecer la autoestima y la motivación del estudiante. <P><P>También ofrece las claves para perfeccionar la capacidad de síntesis, la utilidad de saber confeccionar esquemas y diagramas o los aspectos a tener en cuenta a la hora de enfrentarse a los exámenes. Una obra de consulta imprescindible para estudiantes, pero también una extraordinaria herramienta para padres y profesores que deseen allanar el camino de los que están atravesando esa etapa crucial de nuestra vida que es el aprendizaje. Una obra fundamental para quienes atraviesan con dificultad esa etapa crucial de nuestra vida que es el aprendizaje.

Rewire: Change Your Brain to Break Bad Habits, Overcome Addictions, Conquer Self-Destructive Behavior

by Richard O'Connor

We humans tend to get in our own way time and time again--whether it comes to not speaking up for ourselves, going back to bad romantic partners, dieting for the umpteenth try, or acting on any of a range of bad habits we just can't seem to shake. In Rewire, renowned psychotherapist Richard O'Connor, PhD, reveals exactly why our bad habits die so hard. We have two brains--one a thoughtful, conscious, deliberative self, and the other an automatic self that makes most of our decisions without our attention. Using new research and knowledge about how the brain works, the book clears a path to lasting, effective change for behaviors that include: Procrastination Overeating Chronic disorganization Staying in bad situations Excessive worrying Risk taking Passive aggression Self-medication Bringing together many different fields in psychology and brain science, Dr. O'Connor gives you a road map to overcoming whatever self-destructive habits are plaguing you, with exercises throughout the book. We can rewire our brains to develop healthier circuitry, training the automatic self to make wiser decisions without having to think about it; ignore distractions; withstand temptations; see ourselves and the world more clearly; and interrupt our reflexive responses before they get us in trouble. Meanwhile, our conscious minds will be freed to view ourselves with compassion at the same time as we practice self-discipline. By learning valuable skills and habits--including mindfulness, self-control, confronting fear, and freeing yourself from mindless guilt--we can open ourselves to vastly more successful, productive, and happy lives. The book even demystifies how to overcome what Dr. O'Connor calls the "undertow" (the mysterious force that sabotages our best efforts when we're just on the edge of victory) for long-lasting change. Offering a valuable science-based new paradigm for rewiring our brains, Rewire is a refreshing guide to becoming a healthier, happier self.

The Little Book of Talent: 52 Tips for Improving Your Skills

by Daniel Coyle

The Little Book of Talent is a manual for building a faster brain and a better you. It is an easy-to-use handbook of scientifically proven, field-tested methods to improve skills--your skills, your kids' skills, your organization's skills--in sports, music, art, math, and business. The product of five years of reporting from the world's greatest talent hotbeds and interviews with successful master coaches, it distills the daunting complexity of skill development into 52 clear, concise directives. Whether you're age 10 or 100, whether you're on the sports field or the stage, in the classroom or the corner office, this is an essential guide for anyone who ever asked, "How do I get better?""The Little Book of Talent should be given to every graduate at commencement, every new parent in a delivery room, every executive on the first day of work. It is a guidebook--beautiful in its simplicity and backed by hard science--for nurturing excellence."--Charles Duhigg, bestselling author of The Power of Habit "It's so juvenile to throw around hyperbolic terms such as 'life-changing,' but there's no other way to describe The Little Book of Talent. I was avidly trying new things within the first half hour of reading it and haven't stopped since. Brilliant. And yes: life-changing."--Tom Peters, co-author of In Search of ExcellenceFrom the Hardcover edition.

Your One Word: The Powerful Secret to Creating a Business and Life That Matter

by Evan Carmichael

"Evan's content is always inspirational. It'll make you want to go out and run through a brick wall to achieve your goals." --Lewis Howes, New York Times bestselling author of The School of GreatnessIn this bold and empowering guide, entrepreneur and social media sensation Evan Carmichael shares the secret to turbo-charging your path to success on your own terms. With thought-provoking questions and inspiring, instructive examples, Your One Word will help you nail down your personal mottos - the word that captures your purpose and passion. With this operating philosophy in hand, you will then learn how to leverage this powerful tool to create the business and future of your dreams.Aimed at entrepreneurs as well as intrapreneurs, managers, and anyone else who wants to achieve success in a powerfully meaningful way, Your One Word more than just a useful tool. It's also an inspiring and enlightening read.From the Hardcover edition.

A Fool's Guide To Actual Happiness

by Mark Van Buren

If this guy can find actual happiness, so can you—and you’ll have fun along the way. A refreshing new voice—without pretense, and with a real gift for clear expression.Let's face it: we all have a motivating drive to become "better." what we have and who we are never seem to be good enough. This feeling that something is wrong or needs to be fixed causes us to continuously run around, chasing after what we feel will finally fulfill us. But what if these very conditions that we are constantly trying to escape from could be used as a way to awaken ourselves—to connect with the peace already within us? A Fool’s Guide to Actual Happiness offers a realistic roadmap for working toward inner peace without needing to be someone you’re not. With humor and refreshing simplicity, Van Buren shows how everything life throws at you, good and bad, can be used as a means to cultivate compassion, wisdom, and loving-kindness. This book allows you to explore who you are—warts and all—and gives you tools to love and accept what you find.

A Sloth's Guide to Mindfulness

by Ton Mak

It's OK to slow down. Take a pause and focus on your breath. Let the other animals run around, you do you. Follow a serene and smiley sloth through a series of light meditations and daily reflections with this unexpected and snuggable guide. From simple breathing exercises and guided visualizations to the benefits of chewing your leaves slowly and staying present while hanging from a tree, this little illustrated book of mindfulness will help readers discover the path to a peaceful, philoslothical life. With playful advice and delightfully charming illustrations, this no-sweat approach to enlightenment is a sweet reminder to take it slow and smile.

Aging Well with Diabetes: 146 Eye-Opening (and Scientifically Proven) Secrets That Prevent and Control Diabetes (Bottom Line #0)

by Bottom Line Inc.

Diabetes is epidemic in the United States, especially if you're over the age of 50. Even if you're already being diligent about your health, a diagnosis can feel like an overwhelming extra burden. The editors of Bottom Line Inc. present Aging Well with Diabetes, the first book for mature men and women looking to prevent and control diabetes with insight from over 500 of the world's top health experts! It provides easy access to the trusted collection of information that Bottom Line is known for, and offers breakthroughs on a vast array of topics, including: Foods that fight diabetes Weight loss and exercise essentials Heart health and blood pressure secrets Natural treatments and the right tests Whether you're hoping to get better control of your diabetes, or facing the first shock of a diagnosis, Bottom Line is here to help you confidentially tackle diabetes.

Más allá de la materia: Un salto cuántico en tu crecimiento espiritual

by Félix Torán

Más allá de la materia es un riguroso trabajo sobre la relación entre ciencia y espiritualidad, una obra que te invita a reflexionar abriendo las puertas de esa otra realidad. <P><P>«Más allá de la materia te ayudará a descubrir que en ti hay algo más que lo meramente material. En tu interior reside una dimensión eterna e infinita que te está llamando, y este libro te ayudará a escucharla. Gracias a un modelo abstracto al que llamaremos "plano superior", podrás integrar esa dimensión espiritual y transformar positivamente la forma en la que experimentas todos los aspectos de tu vida. Se trata de un libro que te invitará a reflexionar y llegar a tus propias reveladoras conclusiones en lo que al despertar de la consciencia se refiere. Tras su lectura y reflexión, experimentarás un auténtico salto cuántico en tu interior.»Félix Torán

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