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Unforgettable You

by Daisy Fuentes

EVERYBODY WANTS TO BE NOTICED AND ADMIRED; THEY WANT TO BE UNFORGETTABLE.For more than two decades, women have approached model, fashion designer, and international TV personality Daisy real for her take on what makes a person more desirable, more billable, and more bankable than others. What exactly is that "it" factor? Revealing tips that she has learned from her life in and out of the spotlight and from other celebrities and experts, Daisy shows you how to perceive yourself honestly and accurately. Only then can you feel and look absolutely irresistible, with a head-turning walk and a million-dollar smile. Unforgettable You helps you to become the very best version of yourself. Daisy breaks her approach down to easy-to-follow areas on which to focus your improvements: inner reflection, etiquette, relationships, sex, spirituality, and beauty. By the end of this book, you'll know Daisy better, but most important, you'll know yourself better and you will be armed with all the tools you need to be unforgettable--from the inside out.

Gana las competiciones en línea: una guía para promotores

by David Fuentes

¡Bienvenido al mundo de la comping en línea! Este libro es el compañero ideal para cualquiera que esté comenzando en el marketing promocional. Brindará una visión informativa e intuitiva del mundo de las promociones en línea y lo ayudará a ejecutar sus propias campañas exitosas. Este es el tercer libro de la serie "Gana competencia en línea" que se centra en ti, el promotor. Ahora, habrá incluidos algunos consejos acerca de la competencia, aunque después de todo es un libro de compilación, es aquí donde tú, el promotor, estarás en el centro del escenario. Ganarte un nuevo negocio sobre tus competidores o simplemente ganar mayor exposición para tu marca y para tu compañía; vamos a ponerte de la mejor forma posible. No es necesario que seas un experto en marketing o un fanatico de las relaciones públicas para entender mis libros. Están escritos en español sencillo sin jergas y esta completo de información inteligente; tu eres ahora un afortunado promotor, podras continúar con el desarrollo de tus campañas... Con esta Edición hecha en el Reino Unido puedes: • Aprender lo que se necesita para convertirte en un promotor de primera clase. • Establecer promociones usando las redes sociales. • Trabajar al máximo en publicidad ... ¡Y mucho, mucho más! Autor: David Fuentes Diseño de portada: Thomas Phipps

Ganar Competiciones en Línea: El Cielo es el Límite

by David Fuentes

Bienvenido a mi segundo libro en la serie "Ganar Competiciones en Línea", una continuación bienvenida de "Ganar Competiciones en Línea: Una Guía para los Competidores". Este libro está repleto de aún más consejos y sugerencias para los principiantes. Me he expandido en el mismo formato, dividiendo la necesidad de conocer la información en trozos más grandes pero no menos jugosos, simplemente esperando que le metas los dientes.

¿Qué me pasa, doctor?: Cómo distinguir un transtorno pasajero de un problema de salud mental

by José Carlos Fuertes Rocañín

Verdades, malentendidos, confusiones y prejuicios sobre las enfermedades mentales. A pesar de una intensa labor de divulgación en los últimos años, la enfermedad mental sigue siendo incomprendida: cuando queremos insultar a alguien le llamamos neurótico, hablamos de depresión y la confundimos con la tristeza, a veces hemos de tratar con «gente insoportable» y nos ayudaría saber que el problema se debe a que padecen trastornos de la personalidad... Para arrojar luz en este apasionante mundo se ha escrito este libro que, huyendo de tecnicismos innecesarios, pasa revista a estos temas y a otros que, sin ser estrictamente psiquiátricos, hacen sufrir o cuando menos preocupan a muchas personas como son las relaciones con los hijos, los problemas legales del enfermo mental, o la autoestima y la necesidad de autoconocimiento. José Carlos Fuertes Rocañín es especialista en psiquiatría, miembro de varias sociedades científicas, autor y coautor de más de una treintena de libros sobre psiquiatría clínica, estrés laboral, depresión, drogodependencias y otros temas relacionados con la salud mental y con la comunicación en la práctica sanitaria. En la actualidad compagina su consulta privada con la coordinación del Plan Provincial de Drogas y Salud Mental de Burgos y es miembro del consejo asesor del Observatorio Español de Drogas.

21 Days to Awaken the Writer Within: Find Joy in Creative Writing and Discover Your Unique Voice (21 Days #6)

by Lisa Fugard

Studies have shown it takes only 21 days for a new habit to take root. If there's a spiritual interest you've always wanted to take advantage of, the answer is only 21 days away with the 21 Days to Mastery Series.How do you sustain your ideas and overcome self-doubt in your talents? How do you transmit your ideas so that the world will take notice? What techniques can you use to create discipline and make your writing sessions a joy? We live in exciting times in publishing: anyone with an idea and a computer can reach a worldwide audience, but how do you separate yourself from the thousands competing to be heard? 21 Days to Master Awakening the Writer Within is a warm, comforting guide to stepping into your new life as an empowered author. You'll learn how to generate more ideas, build confidence in your writing and take your manuscript to completion.

Soupelina's Soup Cleanse: Plant-based Soups And Broths To Heal Your Body, Calm Your Mind, And Transform Your Life

by Elina Fuhrman

Move over, juicing and bone broth! Soup cleanses are taking over the spotlight. Unlike sugary smoothies and juices, soups heal digestive issues and provide necessary fiber. Journalist Elina Fuhrman turned to plant-based soups while fighting an aggressive breast cancer, originating the first "soup cleanse. " Now, she shares the recipes for soups that provide extra energy, and nutrients, as well as help you increase mental acuity and reduce inflammation. With customizable three- and five-day cleanses, a one-day reset, 60 mouth-watering recipes, ingredient lists, strategies, gorgeous photographs--and expert advice from health and wellness professionals--Soupelina's Soup Cleanse shares everything you need for a healthy, healing detox. Whether you're looking to reclaim your health, get leaner, or just enjoy some delicious nourishing meals, Elina's healing soups will forever change the way you think about food.

Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

by Joel Fuhrman

When Mehmet Oz, Dean Ornish, or any of New York's leading doctors have a patient whose life depends on losing weight, they call on Joel Fuhrman, M.D. In EAT TO LIVE, Dr. Fuhrman offers his healthy, effective, and scientifically proven plan for shedding radical amounts of weight quickly, and keeping it off. Losing weight under Dr. Fuhrman's plan is not about will power, it is about knowledge. The key to this revolutionary diet is the idea of nutrient density, as expressed by the simple formula, Health = Nutrients/Calories. When the ratio of nutrients to calories is high, fat melts away and health is restored. Losing 20 pounds in two to three weeks is just the beginning. The more high-nutrient food Dr. Fuhrman's patients consume, the more they are satisfied with fewer calories, and the less they crave fat and high-calorie foods. Designed for people who must lose 50 pounds or more in a hurry, EAT TO LIVE works for every dieter, even those who want to lose as little as 10 pounds quickly. No willpower required--just knowledge!

The Electronic Dream

by John Fuhrman

The author tells you how to use the educational resources of an organization to ensure your success when you duplicate your efforts as an e-commerce professional.

From Pain to Purpose: How to Return to Purpose After Experiencing Trauma or Loss

by Jessika Fuhrmaneck

A survivor of abuse and cancer shares the tools she used to move beyond healing and rediscover her purpose in this spiritual self-help guide.Jessika Fuhrmaneck is a survivor of abuse, exploitation, cancer, and divorce. At the end of it all, she had complex PTSD and felt utterly lost. She spent years in recovery programs to bring her back to a place of mental and emotional wellbeing. But after all the recovery, therapy, and healing, Jessika was still disconnected from her life’s calling. Jessika spent a year discovering how to return to her God-given purposes.Through persistence and prayer, Jessika discovered actionable steps that got her back on track with her calling. Now she shares her journey and process with other survivors of trauma and loss. For anyone feeling lost in the fog of psychological pain, From Pain to Purpose offers a path back to clarity and light.

The Best Oral Sex Ever - Her Guide to Going Down

by Yvonne K. Fulbright

Just because she's going down doesn't mean he's having all the fun. "Sexpert" author Yvonne K. Fulbright gets real with women in this bold book on giving and getting oral sex. This guide tackles the dirty taboos and awkward assumptions that keep fellatio from being seductive and satisfying.You will enjoy giving oral sex as much as men enjoy getting it when you learn:Breathing techniques to last longerPositions he'll love, like "The Starfish" and "Deep-Throating"How to give (and receive) multiple orgasms from oral sexHow to talk about what they feel is right and wrongArmed with sexy self-confidence and an arsenal of tongue-twisting tips, you will discover exactly how delightful the plunder down-under can be.

The Best Oral Sex Ever - Her Guide to Going Down

by Yvonne K Fulbright

Just because she's going down doesn't mean he's having all the fun. "Sexpert" author Yvonne K. Fulbright gets real with women in this bold book on giving and getting oral sex. This guide tackles the dirty taboos and awkward assumptions that keep fellatio from being seductive and satisfying.You will enjoy giving oral sex as much as men enjoy getting it when you learn:Breathing techniques to last longerPositions he'll love, like "The Starfish" and "Deep-Throating"How to give (and receive) multiple orgasms from oral sexHow to talk about what they feel is right and wrongArmed with sexy self-confidence and an arsenal of tongue-twisting tips, you will discover exactly how delightful the plunder down-under can be.

The Best Oral Sex Ever - His Guide to Going Down

by Yvonne K. Fulbright

Eating out has never been so hot. Sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright exposes the facts and fantastic tricks oral sex aficionados live by in her brazen how-to for men. This guide gives you the tools you need to thrill her every night, including:Making cunnilingus the evening's main course or the first stop in a night of multiple orgasmsTechniques from the sacred "Flutter of the Butterfly" to modern Oral Sex AcrobaticsHow to overcome any woman's oral sex hangupsHow to broach the subject of wanting to give her oral sex--even when it makes her nervous Packed with the most erotic ideas for pleasuring her, this men's manual will send you running for the covers.

The Best Oral Sex Ever - His Guide to Going Down

by Yvonne K Fulbright

Eating out has never been so hot. Sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright exposes the facts and fantastic tricks oral sex aficionados live by in her brazen how-to for men.This guide gives you the tools you need to thrill her every night, including:Making cunnilingus the evening's main course or the first stop in a night of multiple orgasmsTechniques from the sacred "Flutter of the Butterfly" to modern Oral Sex AcrobaticsHow to overcome any woman's oral sex hangupsHow to broach the subject of wanting to give her oral sex--even when it makes her nervous Packed with the most erotic ideas for pleasuring her, this men's manual will send you running for the covers.

The Best ORAL SEX Ever His Guide to Going Down

by Yvonne K. Fulbright

Eating out has never been so hot. Sexologist Yvonne K. Fulbright exposes the facts and fantastic tricks oral sex aficionados live by in her brazen how-to for men. This guide gives you the tools you need to thrill her every night, including: Making cunnilingus the evening's main course or the first stop in a night of multiple orgasms Techniques from the sacred "Flutter of the Butterfly" to modern Oral Sex Acrobatics How to overcome any woman's oral sex hangups How to broach the subject of wanting to give her oral sex--even when it makes her nervous Packed with the most erotic ideas for pleasuring her, this men's manual will send you running for the covers.

Chocolate & Vicodin: My Quest for Relief from the Headache That Wouldn't Go Away

by Jennette Fulda

The humorous and touching memoir of a woman who's been seeking relief from a headache for more than two years. Jennette Fulda was riding high on the success of her first book, Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir, until one fateful day in February 2008, when she developed a headache--and it never went away. So she dealt with it the best way she knows how: by writing about it. And eating lots of chocolate. In Chocolate and Vicodin, Jennette explores her change of identity from "the girl who lost hundreds of pounds" to "the girl who lives with constant pain," and all she's had to endure to try and make the pain stop--from a bevy of expensive, time-consuming tests, which have taught her interesting facts (for example, that an MRI does indeed cost more than a European vacation--and doesn't last nearly as long), to tons of medications prescribed by her doctors to hilarious, sometimes insane advice she's received from her blog readers. While nothing's been able to grant her relief, she has gained a new perspective. Instead of dwelling on the "invisible tiara of nails" she may very well wear for the rest of her life, she's instead learned how to live with the pain, sharing with readers not only how she's managed to get by, but to laugh--and thrive--in spite of it.

Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir

by Jennette Fulda

After undergoing gall bladder surgery at age twenty-three, Jennette Fulda decided it was time to lose some weight. Actually, more like half her weight. At the time, Jennette weighed 372 pounds.Jennette was not born fat. But, by fifth grade, her response to a school questionnaire asking "what would you change about your appearance" was "I would be thinner." Sound familiar?Half-Assed is the captivating and incredibly honest story of Jennette's journey to get in shape, lose weight, and change her life. From the beginning-dusting off her never-used treadmill and steering clear of the donut shop-to the end with her goal weight in sight, Jennette wows readers with her determined persistence to shed pounds and the ability to maintain her ever-present sense of self.

The Five Powers: A guide to personal peace and freedom

by Stephen Fulder

'In a direct and lovely way, Stephen, a meditation teacher and a peacemaker in Israel and Palestine shows us how to steady our hearts, how to live and embody trust and wisdom in an uncertain world.' - Jack Kornfield, author of A Path With Heart'This book is not only a deeply wise and practical guide for spiritual awakening, it is also gorgeous! Highly recommended for all who seek the blessings of inner freedom.' - Tara Brach, the Author of Radical AcceptanceTRUST + ENERGY + MINDFULNESS + CALM + WISDOMIt can all feel a bit too much. We find ourselves occupied, morning to night, with reacting, responding and coping with uncontrollable and often challenging circumstances. How can we rise above stress, anxiety and frustration? How do we perform a restart? Is it possible to radically transform our daily life? And how might we invite deeper meaning and freedom into our lives? For many, the gateway to the Buddhist teachings is Mindfulness. And Mindfulness is indeed one of the Five Powers that are regarded as the original teachings of the Buddha: 1. Trust 2. Energy3. Mindfulness4. Calm5. WisdomHow do these Five Powers help us to discover personal peace and freedom? We begin with Trust, a leap of faith, letting go of the sides and getting into the stream of life. But in order to swim well, we also need Energy to overcome resistance and keep going. Mindfulness brings our awareness to where we are on the path in each moment, to notice life in its rich detail. Inner freedom expands, amplified by the peaceful power of Calm. We focus on what is right in front of us, we listen intently, we are patient with life. And Wisdom provides our inner knowing, our compass. With stunning artwork throughout by the acclaimed artist Alessandro Sanna, The Five Powers is a guide for those who seek the freedom to be themselves, to love fully and to dance with the unexpected and embrace the everyday.

The Five Powers: A guide to personal peace and freedom

by Stephen Fulder

MINDFULNESS + TRUST + ENERGY + SERENITY + WISDOMIt can all feel a bit too much. We find ourselves occupied, morning to night, with reacting, responding and coping with uncontrollable and often challenging circumstances. How can we rise above stress, anxiety and frustration? How do we perform a restart? Is it possible to radically transorm our daily life? How can we invite deeping meaning and freedom into our lives? For many, the gateway to the Buddhist teachings is Mindfulness. And Mindfulness is indeed one of the Five Powers that are regarded as the original teachings of the Buddha: 1. Trust 2. Energy3. Mindfulness4. Serenity5. WisdomWhat do the Five Powers feel like on our journey and how do they help us climb? Any transformation begins with Trust, a leap of faith, letting go of the sides and getting into the stream of life, no longer trying to control where it will take us but instead experiencing every moment. We need Energy to overcome resistance and keep going, to be energised instead of drained by life. And of course Mindfulness brings our awareness into where we are on the path, to notice the rocks and flowers along the way, the important stuff. Inner freedom expands, amplified by Serenity. We focus on what is right in front of us, we listen intently, we are patient with life. And Wisdom provides our inner knowing, our compass. The Five Powers work together to help us on our way to remembering why we are here, to let go of our stories and grasp the big picture - we see how the world and ourselves make each other. Life lives through us. The Five Powers is the perfect guide and inspiration for those seeking happiness, contentment, and love in daily life. Its teachings will help readers to dance with the unexpected, to embrace the everyday and climb the mountain.(p) 2019 Octopus Publishing Group

What's Beyond Mindfulness?: Waking Up to This Precious Life

by Stephen Fulder

A life-changing guide to the incredible benefits of living with a radical, hopeful and dharma (Buddhist practice)-based perspective that includes mindfulness but goes way beyond it. A uniquely practical and accessible exploration of Buddhism in everyday life that will have appeal to people of any faith and of none."A deeply nurturing and illuminating book." - Jon Kabat-Zinn If mindfulness is the gate to the awakened life, this book describes the garden that lies beyond: a magical, rich and fulfilled way of living that comes when we act according to Buddhist principles. Mindfulness - or the practice of paying attention to the present moment - is a part of this, but only one part. This book reveals exactly how radical, exciting and life-changing the full picture of Buddhist ideas about concepts such as compassion, joy, detachment and liberation can be. Its key aim, however, is to do this in a way that appeals to everyone, whether they are interested in Buddhism or not. Written in simple, straightforward language, the book contains 50 essays covering every aspect of modern life, ranging from the mundane to the spiritual. Topics include how to be fulfilled at work, how to relate to money, what mindfulness really means, how to find the magic of the moment, what being authentic means, how to age wisely, how to be friends with your own body, how to step off the treadmill of daily life, what the concepts of emptiness, unity and enlightenment really mean ... and much, much more. This book will imbue your life once more with the sense of magic and mystery that you felt as a child; it will allow you to put down the burdens of anxiety, joylessness, restlessness or a judging mind - it will do all this by enabling you to shift your experience of the world in a truly profound way.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things

by Robert Fulghum

Fifteen years ago, Robert Fulghum published a simple credo; a credo that became the phenomenal #1 New York Times bestseller All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Now, seven million copies later, Fulghum returns to the book that was embraced around the world. He has written a new preface and twenty-five essays, which add even more potency to a common, though no less relevant, piece of wisdom: that the most basic aspects of life bear its most important opportunities. Here Fulghum engages us with musings on life, death, love, pain, joy, sorrow, and the best chicken-fried steak in the continental U. S. A. The little seed in the Styrofoam cup offers a reminder about our own mortality and the delicate nature of life . . . a spider who catches (and loses) a full-grown woman in its web one fine morning teaches us about surviving catastrophe . . . the love story of Jean-Francois Pilatre and his hot air balloon reminds us to be brave and unafraid to . . . life lessons hidden in the laundry pile . . . magical qualities found in a box of crayons . . . hide-and-seek vs. sardines and how these games relate to the nature of God. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten is brimming with the very stuff of life and the significance found in the smallest details. In the years that have passed since the first publication of this book that touched so many with its simple, profound wisdom, Robert Fulghum has had some time to ponder, to reevaluate, and to reconsider. And here are those fresh thoughts on classic topics, right alongside the wonderful new essays. Perhaps in today's chaotic, more challenging world, these essays on life will resonate even deeper as readers discover how universal insights can be found in ordinary events.

From Beginning to End: The Rituals of Our Lives

by Robert Fulghum

FROM BEGINNING TO ENDWhy "rituals"?My thinking was set in motion by those who, knowing I was a parish minister for many years, have asked me for advice about ceremonies and celebrations. They wanted words to use at graduations, funerals, and the welcoming of children. They inquired about grace at family meals, the reaffirmation of wedding vows, and ways to heal wounds suffered in personal conflict. People requested help with the rituals of solitude, such as meditation, prayer, and contemplation. . . .Rituals do not always involve words, occasions, officials, or an audience. Rituals are often silent, solitary, and self-contained. The most powerful rites of passage are reflective--when you look back on your life again and again, paying attention to the rivers you have crossed and the gates you have opened and walked on through, the thresholds you have passed over.I see ritual when people sit together silently by an open fire.Remembering.As human beings have remembered for thousands and thousands of years.FULGHUMFrom the Paperback edition.

It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It

by Robert Fulghum

In his first phenomenal best-seller, EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN, Robert Fulghum reminded readers everywhere of some plain and still-true truths. Now, picking up where he left off, Fulghum turns our eyes to show-and-tell, weddings, his own ten commandments, and more insightful and unique observations on what our world is and was. . . . From the Paperback edition.

Maybe (Maybe Not): Second Thoughts from a Secret Life

by Robert Fulghum

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERI once began a list of the contradictory notions I hold:Look before you leap.He who hesitates is lost.Two heads are better than one.If you want something done right, do it yourself.Nothing ventured, nothing gained.Better safe than sorry.Out of sight, out of mind.Absence makes the heart grow fonder.You can't tell a book by its cover.Clothes make the man.Many hands make light work.Too many cooks spoil the broth.You can't teach an old dog new tricks.It's never too late to learn.Never sweat the small stuff.God is in the details.And so on. The list goes on forever. Once I got so caught up in this kind of thinking that I wore two buttons on my smock when I was teaching art. One said, "Trust me, I'm a teacher." The other replied, "Question Authority."[signature]FulghumFrom the Paperback edition.


by Robert Fulghum

"Uh-oh" is more than a momentary reaction to small problems. "Uh-oh" is an attitude -- a perspective on the universe. The #1 Bestseller by the author of ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN. From the Paperback edition.

Fear Less Live More: Everything I’ve learned from testing my limits

by Aimee Fuller

'Full of wisdom' - Dr Xand van Tulleken'Raw, relatable and uplifting' - Wayne Bridge'A must-read' - Jade Jones OBE'A brilliant book' - Jenni FalconerHarness your fears and supercharge your life with this inspirational guide.As someone who has lived outside her comfort zone, Aimee Fuller has a lot to say about fear. A former professional snowboarder who spent years riding on the fine edge of progression at the top of her sport, she made history as the first woman to land a double backflip in competition and competed in two Winter Olympics. In 2019, Aimee fronted the documentary Running in North Korea, which shows her running her first-ever marathon in one of the most isolated countries in the world. Through testing her own resilience, she has discovered that while it is scary to step outside your comfort zone, it can also be a prerequisite for growth.In this bright and insightful book, Aimee gives an honest account of her experiences with fear and how, when the worst happens, she manages to pick herself back up again with purpose and an even greater thirst for life. Encouraging you to get up close and personal with your fears, Aimee shows you:-What fear is, both physically and mentally-How to recognise it in yourself-How to be mindful of fear without letting it take control-How to reframe fear and build a healthy relationship with it-What to do when things go wrongDrawing on her training as a professional athlete, Aimee provides confidence-building tools that can be applied to any aspect of life, like goal-setting, maintaining consistency, celebrating your strengths, learning from failure, taking comfort in choice, owning your decisions and visualising success. Fear Less, Live More is for anyone who wants to be the driver of their own life.

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