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Sobre las nubes: El sol está siempre brillando: cómo experimentar la vida desde un lugar de amor-

by Isha

Life can be filled with wonderful acts or with risk and pain, and it is up to us to which road we take. Learn how to wake up to magical days, bursting with happiness, confidence, and opportunities.

The Little Book of Trading: Trend Following Strategy for Big Winnings (Little Books. Big Profits Ser.)

by James E. Mcclellan Harold Dorn Michael W. Covel

The last decade has left people terrified of even the safest investment opportunities. This fear is not helping would-be investors who could be making money if they had a solid plan. The Little Book of Trading teaches the average person rules and philosophies that winners use to beat the market, regardless of the financial climate. The market has always fluctuated, but savvy traders know how to make money in good times and bad. Drawing on author Michael Covel's own trading experience, as well as insights from legendary traders, the book offers sound, practical advice in an easy to understand, readily digestible way. The Little Book of Trading: Identifies tools, concepts, psychologies, and philosophies that keep people protected and making money when the next market bubble or surprise crisis occurs Features top traders in each chapter that have beaten the market for decades, providing readers with their moneymaking knowledge Shows how traders who beat mutual fund performance make money at different times, not just from stocks alone Most importantly, The Little Book of Trading explains why mutual funds should not be the investment vehicle of choice for people looking to secure retirement, a radical realization highlighting the changed face of investing today.

Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe

by Dean Radin

The chief scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) turns a critical eye toward such practices as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition and psychokinesis. Are such powers really possible? Science says yes.According to noted scientist and bestselling author of The Conscious Universe, Dean Radin, magic is a natural aspect of reality, and each of us can tap into this power with diligent practice.But wait, aren't things like ESP and telepathy just wishful thinking and flights of the imagination? Not according to the author, who worked on the US government's top secret psychic espionage program known as Stargate. Radin has spent the last forty years conducting controlled experiments that demonstrate that thoughts are things, that we can sense others' emotions and intentions from a distance, that intuition is more powerful than we thought, and that we can tap into the power of intention (think The Secret, only on a more realistic and scientific level). These dormant powers can help us to lead more interesting and fulfilling lives. Beginning with a brief history of magic over the centuries (what was called magic two thousand years ago is turning out to be scientific fact today), a review of the scientific evidence for magic, a series of simple but effective magical techniques (the key is mental focus, something elite athletes know a lot about), Radin then offers a vision of a scientifically-informed magic and explains why magic will play a key role in frontiers of science.

BPM - Driving Innovation in a Digital World (Management for Professionals)

by Jan Vom Brocke Theresa Schmiedel

This book shows how business process management (BPM), as a management discipline at the intersection of IT and Business, can help organizations to master digital innovations and transformations. At the same time, it discusses how BPM needs to be further developed to successfully act as a driver for innovation in a digital world. In recent decades, BPM has proven extremely successful in managing both continuous and radical improvements in many sectors and business areas. While the digital age brings tremendous new opportunities, it also brings the specific challenge of correctly positioning and scoping BPM in organizations. This book shows how to leverage BPM to drive business innovation in the digital age. It brings together the views of the world's leading experts on BPM and also presents a number of practical cases. It addresses mangers as well as academics who share an interest in digital innovation and business process management. The book covers topics such as BPM and big data, BPM and the Internet of Things, and BPM and social media. While these technological and methodological aspects are key to BPM, process experts are also aware that further nontechnical organizational capabilities are required for successful innovation. The ideas presented in this book have helped us a lot while implementing process innovations in our global Logistics Service Center. Joachim Gantner, Director IT Services, Swarovski AG Managing Processes - everyone talks about it, very few really know how to make it work in today's agile and competitive world. It is good to see so many leading experts taking on the challenge in this book. Cornelius Clauser, Chief Process Officer, SAP SE This book provides worthwhile readings on new developments in advanced process analytics and process modelling including practical applications - food for thought how to succeed in the digital age. Ralf Diekmann, Head of Business Excellence, Hilti AG This book is as an important step towards process innovation systems. I very much like to congratulate the editors and authors for presenting such an impressive scope of ideas for how to address the challenging, but very rewarding marriage of BPM and innovation. Professor Michael Rosemann, Queensland University of Technology

Parting: A Handbook for Spiritual Care Near the End of Life

by Jennifer Sutton Holder Jann Aldredge-Clanton

At times we may be called to be companions on a journey we would rather not take--the journey of a loved one toward the end of life. For those who choose to serve as close companions of terminally ill relatives or friends, Parting offers the collective wisdom of people from many cultures and faith traditions as a "travel guide" for meaningful companionship--helping someone toward a peaceful transition from this life. Sections of the book discuss how to cross the bridge from ordinary conversation to spiritual reflection; how to provide comforts for the body, mind, and soul; and how to care for yourself while concentrating on the needs of another. Transcending any specific religion or culture, this handbook addresses universal spiritual needs.Designed for easy reading by weary travelers, this practical, pocket-sized guide prepares the spiritual companion for an enriching experience, even on the journey toward life's end. It is an indispensable tool for family members and friends, hospice workers, religious leaders, counselors, and medical providers.

Mente radiante: Aprende a usar tu mente

by Peter Fenner

Aprende a usar tu mente y descúbrete. Mente radiante es un conjunto de argumentos nítidos y razones comprensibles sobre la forma en que funciona nuestra mente y la libertad del espíritu. <P><P>Nuestro estilo de vida occidental hace que en muchas ocasiones nos cueste comprender y practicar la filosofía y las enseñanzas orientales. Este libro surge de la intención de hacer accesibles estas enseñanzas, de liberarlas de toda religiosidad y de mostrar a los lectores los principios y las potencialidades que podemos encontrar en ellas en nuestra vida diaria. Según el autor se puede aprender a vivir como un individuo único al mismo tiempo que liberado y capaz de identificarse con toda la existencia, en un estado que él llama de «mente radiante». <P><P>Peter Fenner cristaliza la sabiduría contemplativa de Oriente en una guía esclarecedora y accesible para vivir libres de la torpeza y de la ignorancia que nos impiden simplemente «ser» sin apellidos. Este libro te enseñará entre otras cosas:- A vivir aquí y ahora sin ser controlado por tus deseos inmediatos. - A profundizar en tu identidad única y con la naturaleza. - A usar la comunicación como un camino de apertura para ti y para otros. - A emplear herramientas para identificar tus fuentes conscientes e inconscientes de sufrimiento y aprender a trascenderlas.

Content and Consciousness Revisited: With Replies by Daniel Dennett (Studies in Brain and Mind #7)

by Carlos Muñoz-Suárez Felipe De Brigard

What are the grounds for the distinction between the mental and the physical? What is it the relation between ascribing mental states to an organism and understanding its behavior? Are animals and complex systems vehicles of inner evolutionary environments? Is there a difference between personal and sub-personal level processes in the brain? Answers to these and other questions were developed in Daniel Dennett's first book, Content and Consciousness (1969), where he sketched a unified theoretical framework for views that are now considered foundational in cognitive science and philosophy of mind. Content and Consciousness Revisited is devoted to reconsider the ideas and ideals introduced in Dennett's seminal book, by covering its fundamental concepts, hypotheses and approaches and taking into account the findings and progress which have taken place during more than four decades. This book includes original and critical contributions about the relations between science and philosophy, the personal/sub-personal level distinction, intelligence, learning, intentionality, rationality, propositional attitudes, among other issues of scientific and philosophical interest. Each chapter embraces an updated approach to several disciplines, like cognitive science, cognitive psychology, philosophy of mind and cognitive psychiatry.

Sex for One: The Joy of Selfloving

by Betty Dodson

For more than 20 years, Betty Dodson has been dedicated to taking the shame out of masturbation, showing it to be a healthy form of sexual expression. With warmth and intelligence, and informative line drawings, Dodson explains how anyone can learn to fully enjoy the pleasures of self-love, pointing out that masturbation is still the safest sex.From the Trade Paperback edition.

How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life

by Caroline Webb

In How to Have a Good Day, economist and former McKinsey partner Caroline Webb shows readers how to use recent findings from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience to transform our approach to everyday working life. Advances in these behavioral sciences are giving us ever better understanding of how our brains work, why we make the choices we do, and what it takes for us to be at our best. But it has not always been easy to see how to apply these insights in the real world - until now. In How to Have a Good Day, Webb explains exactly how to apply this science to our daily tasks and routines. She translates three big scientific ideas into step-by-step guidance that shows us how to set better priorities, make our time go further, ace every interaction, be our smartest selves, strengthen our personal impact, be resilient to setbacks, and boost our energy and enjoyment. Through it all, Webb teaches us how to navigate the typical challenges of modern workplaces--from conflict with colleagues to dull meetings and overflowing inboxes--with skill and ease. Filled with stories of people who have used Webb's insights to boost their job satisfaction and performance at work, How to Have a Good Day is the book so many people wanted when they finished Nudge, Blink and Thinking Fast and Slow and were looking for practical ways to apply this fascinating science to their own lives and careers. A remarkable and much-needed book, How to Have a Good Day gives us the tools we need to have a lifetime of good days.From the Hardcover edition.

Good Christian Sex: Why Chastity Isn't the Only Option-And Other Things the Bible Says About Sex

by Bromleigh Mccleneghan

Moving beyond the deep-seated cultural feelings of shame that have long fueled the conflict between Christianity and sex--and the belief that there is only one right and valid way to practice one's sexuality--this renowned University of Chicago pastor uses enlightening personal stories and examples from theology to show how sex is powerful and holy.For years, Christians have been told to adhere to one singular path when it comes to sex: abstinence and purity. Yet this limited focus ignores the reality that people's sexual and romantic lives differ widely, even among those who consider themselves devout believers. Church leaders have often refused to address the topic--or have preached in ways that are harmful to the emotional and spiritual growth of the faithful in the pews.Pastor McCleneghan is determined to reshape the issue--and fundamentally transcend this disconnect between sexuality and spirituality that has left many Christians feeling guilty and sinful. Written in her measured, non-judgmental voice, Good Christian Sex combines humorous personal anecdotes with theological research to transform how Christians think and talk about this basic human need, offering a new understanding that reconciles human love and religious faith.Breaking with outdated conventions, McCleneghan explains how the Bible and Christian tradition inform our beliefs about desire, pleasure, nudity, fidelity, premarital sex, and the variety of sexual practices, and encourages Christians to talk about their bodies, their sensuality, and their longings in a frank, positive, and realistic way. Warm, insightful, and honest, Good Christian Sex is a message of hope, that at last lifts the veil of shame felt by many religious people.

Confessions of the Pricing Man: How Price Affects Everything

by Hermann Simon

The world's foremost expert on pricing strategy shows how this mysterious process works and how to maximize value through pricing to company and customer. In all walks of life, we constantly make decisions about whether something is worth our money or our time, or try to convince others to part with their money or their time. Price is the place where value and money meet. From the global release of the latest electronic gadget to the bewildering gyrations of oil futures to markdowns at the bargain store, price is the most powerful and pervasive economic force in our day-to-day lives and one of the least understood. The recipe for successful pricing often sounds like an exotic cocktail, with equal parts psychology, economics, strategy, tools and incentives stirred up together, usually with just enough math to sour the taste. That leads managers to water down the drink with hunches and rules of thumb, or leave out the parts with which they don't feel comfortable. While this makes for a sweeter drink, it often lacks the punch to have an impact on the customer or on the business. It doesn't have to be that way, though, as Hermann Simon illustrates through dozens of stories collected over four decades in the trenches and behind the scenes. A world-renowned speaker on pricing and a trusted advisor to Fortune 500 executives, Simon's lifelong journey has taken him from rural farmers' markets, to a distinguished academic career, to a long second career as a n entrepreneur and management consultant to companies large and small throughout the world. Along the way, he has learned from Nobel Prize winners and leading management gurus, and helped countless managers and executives use pricing as a way to create new markets, grow their businesses and gain a sustained competitive advantage. He also learned some tough personal lessons about value, how people perceive it, and how people profit from it. In this engaging and practical narrative, Simon leaves nothing out of the pricing cocktail, but still makes it go down smoothly and leaves you wanting to learn more and do more--as a consumer or as a business person. You will never look at pricing the same way again.

¡Esta casa no es un hotel!: Manual de educación emocional para padres de adolescentes

by Irene Orce

Si has cogido este libro, probablemente sea porque te suena la frase del título. Quizás porque la has oído muchas veces en casa, o porque últimamente no paras de decirla. Si es así, estas páginas están escritas para ti. Y para todos los padres y madres -héroes anónimos- que se enfrentan todos los días con el titánico, desgastante y, en ocasiones, delirante desafío de intentar educar a sus hijos adolescentes.El objetivo de este libro es construir un puente entre ambos a través de reflexiones y herramientas útiles para lograr enterrar el hacha de guerra. Si no queremos que nuestra casa se convierta en un hotel, siempre podemos aprender a construir un auténtico refugio. Y el mejor modo de empezar es por los cimientos. ¿Qué dicen de nosotros nuestros hijos adolescentes? Y ¿qué vamos a hacer al respecto?Libro recomendado por La Akademia, proyecto de educación emocional gratuito para jóvenes, presente en 15 ciudades de España.«Padres conscientes, este es el libroque necesitáis leer para convertiros en el cambio que queréis ver en vuestros hijos adolescentes.»BORJA VILASECAdirector del máster en Desarrollo Personal y Liderazgo de la Universidad de Barcelona«Algunos padres están dispuestos a hacer cualquier cosa por sus hijos, menos dejarles ser ellos mismos.»BANKSY«Nuestros hijos adolescentes son un espejo donde vemos reflejadas nuestras luces y sombras.»TOLSTOI

Bodies, Boundaries and Vulnerabilities: Interrogating Social, Cultural and Political Aspects of Embodiment (Crossroads of Knowledge)

by Lisa Folkmarson Käll

This volume explores the interrelations between bodily boundaries and vulnerabilities. It calls attention to the vulnerability of bodies as an essential aspect of having boundaries and being bound to other bodies. The volume advances an understanding of embodiment as the central aspect of subjectivity, its identity formation and its relations to others and the world. The essence of embodiment is what connects us with others and in equal measure what distinguishes us from others. The collection also addresses the centrality of the body to political and cultural activity, targeting the role and constitution of norms in the regulation of bodies, and the construction of spaces that bodies inhabit, in constructing national and cultural identities. It raises questions of how bodies and boundaries materialize in co-constitutive relation to one another; how bodies are situated and come to embody various bodies and intersections between different categories of identity and systems of value, meaning and knowledge; how the regulation and policing of bodies and the boundaries between them come to constitute bodies as being weak, strong, vulnerable or resilient and as having more or less fixed or fluid boundaries. The chapters in the volume all demonstrate how individual human bodies are formed in relation to each other as they are regulated and distinguished from one another by larger collective bodies of nature, culture, science, nation and state, as well as by other human or non-human animal bodies.

Trump: The Art Of The Deal

by Tony Schwartz Donald J. Trump

President-elect Donald J. Trump lays out his professional and personal worldview in this classic work—a firsthand account of the rise of America’s foremost deal-maker. “I like thinking big. I always have. To me it’s very simple: If you’re going to be thinking anyway, you might as well think big.”—Donald J. Trump Here is Trump in action—how he runs his organization and how he runs his life—as he meets the people he needs to meet, chats with family and friends, clashes with enemies, and challenges conventional thinking. But even a maverick plays by rules, and Trump has formulated time-tested guidelines for success. He isolates the common elements in his greatest accomplishments; he shatters myths; he names names, spells out the zeros, and fully reveals the deal-maker’s art. And throughout, Trump talks—really talks—about how he does it. Trump: The Art of the Deal is an unguarded look at the mind of a brilliant entrepreneur—the ultimate read for anyone interested in the man behind the spotlight.

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Uncommon Thoughts on Common Things

by Robert Fulghum

Fifteen years ago, Robert Fulghum published a simple credo; a credo that became the phenomenal #1 New York Times bestseller All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. Now, seven million copies later, Fulghum returns to the book that was embraced around the world. He has written a new preface and twenty-five essays, which add even more potency to a common, though no less relevant, piece of wisdom: that the most basic aspects of life bear its most important opportunities. Here Fulghum engages us with musings on life, death, love, pain, joy, sorrow, and the best chicken-fried steak in the continental U. S. A. The little seed in the Styrofoam cup offers a reminder about our own mortality and the delicate nature of life . . . a spider who catches (and loses) a full-grown woman in its web one fine morning teaches us about surviving catastrophe . . . the love story of Jean-Francois Pilatre and his hot air balloon reminds us to be brave and unafraid to . . . life lessons hidden in the laundry pile . . . magical qualities found in a box of crayons . . . hide-and-seek vs. sardines and how these games relate to the nature of God. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten is brimming with the very stuff of life and the significance found in the smallest details. In the years that have passed since the first publication of this book that touched so many with its simple, profound wisdom, Robert Fulghum has had some time to ponder, to reevaluate, and to reconsider. And here are those fresh thoughts on classic topics, right alongside the wonderful new essays. Perhaps in today's chaotic, more challenging world, these essays on life will resonate even deeper as readers discover how universal insights can be found in ordinary events.

Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond

by Deepak Malhotra Max Bazerman

From two leaders in executive education at Harvard Business School, here are the mental habits and proven strategies you need to achieve outstanding results in any negotiation.Whether you’ve “seen it all” or are just starting out, Negotiation Genius will dramatically improve your negotiating skills and confidence. Drawing on decades of behavioral research plus the experience of thousands of business clients, the authors take the mystery out of preparing for and executing negotiations—whether they involve multimillion-dollar deals or improving your next salary offer.What sets negotiation geniuses apart? They are the men and women who know how to:•Identify negotiation opportunities where others see no room for discussion•Discover the truth even when the other side wants to conceal it•Negotiate successfully from a position of weakness•Defuse threats, ultimatums, lies, and other hardball tactics•Overcome resistance and “sell” proposals using proven influence tactics•Negotiate ethically and create trusting relationships—along with great deals•Recognize when the best move is to walk away•And much, much moreThis book gets “down and dirty.” It gives you detailed strategies—including talking points—that work in the real world even when the other side is hostile, unethical, or more powerful. When you finish it, you will already have an action plan for your next negotiation. You will know what to do and why. You will also begin building your own reputation as a negotiation genius.

La fuerza de un sueño: Entrena tus emociones para superar los límites

by Teresa Perales

Cuando con 19 años Teresa Perales sufrió una enfermedad que le obligó a partir de ese momento a moverse en silla de ruedas, podía haber decidido ver solo todas las cosas que aparentemente ya no podía hacer. Y, sin embargo, tomó el camino contrario; a pesar de los auténticos muros que se levantaban frente a ella, decidió a aprender a enfrentarse a las cosas de forma diferente a como lo hacía antes, negándose a asumir la excusa del autosabotaje que implica el «no puedo.»Esa actitud positiva le llevó a la práctica del deporte de élite, a batir varios récords del mundo de natación y a conquistar 22 medallas paraolímpicas. A partir de su propia experiencia personal, Teresa formula su famosa teoría del «espiralismo», que afirma que cada uno de nosotros es capaz de crear su propia espiral de optimismo y felicidad. La fuerza de un sueño nos enseña, a través de la experiencia vital de Teresa, la enorme fuerza transformadora que se esconde tras la frase «querer es poder.»

Escuelas creativas: La revolución que está transformando la educación

by Sir Ken Robinson

Un enfoque revolucionario sobre cómo educar. Robinson desarrolla en Escuelas creativas las ideas de su famosa charla TED «Cómo la escuela mata la creatividad» y ofrece soluciones innovadoras y revolucionarias para uno de los problemas más relevantes de nuestra sociedad: cómo transformar un sistema educativo que no funciona. En una época en la que los procesos de evaluación se estandarizan, las escuelas pasan por momentos difíciles y tanto estudiantes como educadores sufren una presión enorme, Robinson nos ofrece soluciones prácticas para terminar con el caduco sistema educativo actual heredado de la Revolución Industrial. Para lograrlo, propone darle a la educación un enfoque personalizado. Sugiere aprovechar el potencial de los recursos tecnológicos y profesionales disponibles y fomentar así la participación de los estudiantes para que pierdan el miedo a equivocarse, desarrollen su pasión por aprender y su creatividad, y estén preparados para afrontar los retos que les depare el futuro. Repleto de anécdotas, casos, investigaciones y consejos de profesionales pioneros en el tema, Escuelas creativas apasionará a cualquier interesado en la educación, porque le hará replantearse muchas ideas preconcebidas y le ayudará a reflexionar sobre cuál es realmente el verdadero sentido de la educación en el siglo XXI. Grandes autores e investigadores de la educación opinan...«Escuelas creativas es un libro maravilloso y ameno. Hace que te replantees el sentido auténtico de la escuela, el aprendizaje y la creatividad.»Malala Yousafzai, autora de Yo soy Malala, Premio Nobel de la Paz 2014 «"Capta mi interés." Robinson y Aronica convierten estas tres palabras en un lema para la educación del futuro. No hacemos la educación para los alumnos, sino con ellos. Espero que todos los profesores y padres lean este libro.»Seth Godin, autor de La vaca púrpura «Olvida la cháchara acerca de la irrupción de la tecnología y de la economía en la educación. Ken Robinson y Lou Aronica nos explican de forma clara los cambios necesarios si queremos una educación de calidad.»Howard Gardner, autor de Inteligencias múltiples «Ken Robinson es el mayor y más influyente defensor de la transformación global de la educación; su clarividencia, pasión y perspicacia han inspirado a millones de personas, yo incluido. Este libro no es una celebración de lo que se puede conseguir.»Richard Gerver, autor de El cambio y Crear hoy la escuela de mañana

The Meaning of Happiness: The Quest for Freedom of the Spirit in Modern Psychology and the Wisdom of the East

by Alan Watts

Deep down, most people think that happiness comes from having or doing something. Here, in Alan Watts’s groundbreaking second book (originally published in 1940), he offers a more challenging thesis: authentic happiness comes from embracing life as a whole in all its contradictions and paradoxes, an attitude that Watts calls the “way of acceptance.” Drawing on Eastern philosophy, Western mysticism, and analytic psychology, Watts demonstrates that happiness comes from accepting both the outer world around us and the inner world inside us — the unconscious mind, with its irrational desires, lurking beyond the awareness of the ego. Although written early in his career, The Meaning of Happiness displays the hallmarks of his mature style: the crystal-clear writing, the homespun analogies, the dry wit, and the breadth of knowledge that made Alan Watts one of the most influential philosophers of his generation.

Una nueva arca de Noé: Vivir con conciencia

by Osho

Ante una situación de crisis generalizada, Osho nos propone construir un «arca de Noé de la conciencia» para liberarnos de aquellos valores caducos que no nos dejan avanzar. Parece que día tras día la Humanidad se acerque cada vez más a lo que se ha denominado «la gran extinción»: el cambio climático se está acelerando a un ritmo alarmante; la globalización, por otro lado, no ha cumplido sus promesas de acercar a la gente y crear una sociedad más abierta, inteligente e inclusiva, todo lo contrario; y las instituciones públicas, que deberían velar por un mundo más justo, no hacen más que agravar esta situación de crisis. La presente edición está formada por una serie de charlas en las que Osho propone la creación de una suerte de «arca de Noé de la conciencia», que nos permitirá superar todos aquellos valores antiguos y caducos que nos han llevado a esta situación, y ser más conscientes de la realidad tal y como es. Osho también nos enseña que el único momento que podemos vivir es el ahora, solo así hallaremos la fuerza necesaria para superar estos tiempos tan difíciles.

Adán y Eva. Sexo alquímico

by Guillermo Ferrara

Cómo potencializar el encuentro amoroso y hacer de la experiencia erótica una explosión de sensibilidad. El maravillosos libro de teoría y ejercicios del autor del best seller El secreto de Adán.Adán y Eva: sexo alquímico es un sorprendente libro que descubre los secretos más hondos de la nueva sexualidad, define la esencia del sexo alquímico, en qué consiste y cómo se logra una entrega poderosa, explica la relación de los chakras con la sexualidad y responde de forma contundente a las preguntas secretas del sexo: ¿Por qué la humanidad perdió la inocencia sexual? ¿Es la mujer más poderosa sexualmente? ¿Atracción, sexo, deseo y amor, son lo mismo? ¿El sexo es el árbol de la vida? Entre otras, fundamentales para la comprensión de la sensualidad, el deseo y la magia del sexo alquímico.Con el tono frontal, ameno y revelador que lo caracteriza, Guillermo Ferrara señala, además, la importancia de amarnos con todas nuestras fuerzas, practicar respiraciones sexuales y yoga sexual; insiste en la necesidad de conocer nuestra naturaleza física y espiritual y nos dice cómo superar complejos y tabúes sexuales. Por sus rituales eróticos, la lúcida explicación de la danza de los amantes y la invitación a ser partícipe de la revolución energética derivada del encuentro íntimo, entre muchas otras prácticas, consejos y revelaciones, Adán y Eva: sexo alquímico es, sin duda, una invitación increíble a transformar tu vida.Guillermo Ferrara es un escritor sensible, contemplativo y profundamente amoroso. Preocupado por compartir la forma en que la meditación y los ejercicios espirituales nos pueden conducir a una vida de realización y plenitud, ofrece en este libro el camino para hacer de la existencia un centro vital también de armonía y proyección espiritual en el ámbito de la sexualidad y la convivencia en pareja.

El libro de la comprensión: Trazando tu propio camino hacia la libertad

by Osho

El camino hacia la libertad es incierto y está poblado de preguntas sin respuesta: ¿Quiénes somos realmente? ¿Nuestra existencia es trascendental o accidental? ¿Tenemos una misión?Osho nos propone el reto de llevar a cabo una revolución individual por la que concebiremos el mundo de una forma nueva y radical. Nos invita a cuestionar todo aquello que la sociedad, la política, la religión y la cultura nos han enseñado a creer, la única forma por la que lograremos hallar nuestra propia voz, enmendar nuestras escisiones internas y abrazar todos los aspectos de la experiencia humana. Con una visión pionera, Osho identifica, dilucida y ayuda a esclarecer los malentendidos que nos limitan, al mismo tiempo que nos empuja a emprender nuestro propio viaje a la felicidad.

El test de la golosina: Cómo entender y manejar el autocontrol

by Walter Mischel

Cómo entender y manejar el autocontrol Un niño recibe una golosina y una instrucción clara: se puede comer la golosina de inmediato, o esperar cinco minutos y comerse dos golosinas. ¿Qué hará? ¿Y qué indica su decisión acerca de su comportamiento futuro? Este sencillo experimento, ideado en los años 60 por el legendario psicólogo Walter Mischel, supuso una auténtica revolución y le convirtió en el primer experto mundial sobre autocontrol. Mischel ha demostrado que la capacidad de aplazar la recompensa es fundamental para una vida exitosa, y produce mejores resultados académicos, mejores funciones cognitivas y sociales, un estilo de vida más saludable y una mayor autoestima. Pero ¿nacemos con esa fuerza de voluntad o se puede aprender? En El test de la golosina, Mischel explica cómo se puede conseguir el autocontrol y aplicarlo a los retos de la vida cotidiana - desde la dieta hasta dejar de fumar, superar desamores, tomar decisiones importantes y planear la jubilación. Lleno de profundas implicaciones para las decisiones que toman las familias, el sistema educativo, los poderes públicos y la sanidad, El test de la golosina cambiará la manera en que vemos cómo somos y cómo podemos llegar a ser. Reseña:«Un libro brillante que cambiará profundamente tu opinión sobre la naturaleza humana.»Daniel Kahneman Premio Nobel y autor de Pensar rápido, pensar despacio

How to Get What You Want

by Wallace Wattles

In How to Get What You Want, a pamphlet by New Thought author WALLACE D. WATTLES, he explains in a short but practical way what the factors for success are, and how anyone can develop and attain it in their life. Success is not what other people may think you should achieve, but it is getting what you want, whether it is health, wealth, or a position in life. According to Wattles, the key to success lies in the person who succeeds, and not in external circumstances. This pamphlet offers the reader a shot in the arm and inspires, just as Wattles inspired Rhonda Byrne to create the successful film The Secret in 2006.

Perspectives on the Archaeology of Pipes, Tobacco and other Smoke Plants in the Ancient Americas (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology)

by Shannon Tushingham Elizabeth Anne Bollwerk

This volume presents the most recent archaeological, historical, and ethnographic research that challenges simplistic perceptions of Native smoking and explores a wide variety of questions regarding smoking plants and pipe forms from throughout North America and parts of South America. By broadening research questions, utilizing new analytical methods, and applying interdisciplinary interpretative frameworks, this volume offers new insights into a diverse array of perspectives on smoke plants and pipes.

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