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by Virginia Gamba

El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos es inclasificable: mezcla de sorprendente relato autobiográfico con tratado de estrategia, valioso manual de autoayuda para jóvenes necesitados de motivación y esperanzas y, a la vez, cautivante y minucioso mapa histórico de un cambio de siglo. Con humor y desenfado Virginia Gamba desafía todas las reglas y nos regala una sucesión de relatos a veces conmovedores, a veces hilarantes, que simplemente no pueden abandonarse. Fragmentos de una vida extravagante y bohemia, pero regada también de esfuerzo, desilusiones y tropiezos, de una mujer de este lado del mundo que se abrió camino en un universo de hombres, contra todos los prejuicios y las convenciones de su época. "Me pasaron cosas ridículas, divertidísimas, trágicas, emotivas, inspiradoras, frustrantes, espantosas, fuertes y leves. Algunas pude cambiarlas y otras no. Conocí gente que me ayudó y gente que me quiso arruinar. Muchas veces pensé que había llegado al fin de algo cuando en verdad sólo estaba iniciando algo nuevo. Este libro es un recuento de algunas de las anécdotas que recuerdo y que más influyeron en mi experiencia como mujer, como latinoamericana y como especialista en seguridad (...) Es mi esperanza que los lectores que me acompañen en esta aventura parcial de vida encuentren el consuelo de pensar que si una persona como yo pudo desempeñarse, sobrevivir y divertirse con lo que le tocó vivir, ellos también pueden hacerlo porque la esperanza siempre,pero siempre, derrota a la experiencia."

No Bull Information: A Humorous Practical Guide to Help Americans Adapt to the Information Age

by John Gamble

"No Bull Information"---NBI---will help you to flourish in our information-dense world. You begin by sharpening your information sensors. I show you how to spot, avoid, and help to correct information absurdities. Meet Arnbi---your guide on the road to better information. Arnbi has much advice to offer. Usually these are called ARMBisms such as: Too bad, but "simple" is a square peg that seldom fits into the round hole that is our modern world. Facts are necessary but they must be put into context (PUTFiC). Lies, damn lies, and statistics---cute, but it's not that simple. Winning World War II is a major cause of the heath care financing crisis of 2013. In a matter of hours, you will be able to use principles explained in NBI, take better control of the bull-laden world around you, and take action to improve everything from supermarket pricing to politicians' clichés. You can begin on your way to check out in a supermarket

Please Unsubscribe, Thanks!: How to Take Back Our Time, Attention, and Purpose in a World Designed to Bury Us in Bullshit

by Julio Vincent Gambuto

Atomic Habits meets The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k in this life-changing guide to freeing yourself from the automated behaviors, values, and relationships that keep you from being happy. When the pandemic essentially brought the world to a standstill, author Julio Gambuto came to understand a powerful truth: in the pre-pandemic world, Americans were exhausted, lonely, unhappy, wildly overworked and overbooked, drowning in sea of constantly being on the go and needing to buy more, more, more. But when that pressure disappeared, people rediscovered what was important to them. They quit jobs that made them unhappy and moved their families to suburbs. Simple things like outdoor walks replaced gym memberships; home cooking and backyard gardens replaced takeout; less commuting meant more time for family and creative projects; and for perhaps the first time in a long time, people were being honest. Honest about what they wanted, what they believed in. Honest about the problems they were facing within their families, friend groups, workplaces, towns, and society overall. That honesty, he noticed, had the potential to make the ground shift. It created a capacity for change. But he also knew that it likely wouldn&’t last, because the most powerful forces running our world would not allow it to. They wanted control over our clicks, our conversations, our dollars, our work, our votes—our lives. The only way that we could beat those systems, would be to resist the calls to keep moving, and to &“go back to normal.&” In order to change, we had to unsubscribe. Now, in Please Unsubscribe, Thanks!, Gambuto gives us a radical blueprint for the ways we can take a deep breath, renew and commit to a life that we really want, individually and collectively, from unsubscribing to emails and automated subscriptions to reevaluating the presence of people and ideas and habits that no longer serve us or make us happy. Infused with the practical advice in James Clear&’s Atomic Habits and the humor of Sarah Knight&’s The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, Please Unsubscribe, Thanks! helps us focus on where we find joy in our lives and encourages us to toss out what doesn&’t bring us joy in this modern world.

Conócete a ti misma: Piedra angular en momentos de crisis

by Viviane Gamerro

Conócete y conocerás el mundo, cambia y cambiarás el mundo. Todos atravesamos momentos de crisis y nos resistimos al cambio. Todos nos guiamos por lo que hemos aprendido y por cómo se supone que debemos ser. <P><P>Este libro propone un enfoque diferente; para superar las crisis, y crecer con ellas, es necesario aceptar el cambio e iniciar un viaje interior para descubrir nuestra verdadera esencia. No es un camino fácil, pero es posible. Viviane Gamerro, licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad de Barcelona, te propone un reto y te da la solución: abandonar los clichés, abrazar el cambio, desaprender lo aprendido y descubrir a esa maravillosa persona que no es otra que tú misma. <P><P>Para ello, pregúntate con amor: ¿Realmente me conozco o creo que soy como me definen los demás? Es posible que te hayas visto a ti misma a través de los ojos ajenos, sin siquiera preguntarte si lo que reflejan es tu verdadero yo; que durante mucho tiempo corrieras tras lo que se suponía daba la felicidad, sin siquiera preguntarte si todo eso era lo que a ti te llenaba.

Bolt Action: Armies of Germany

by Warlord Games

Hitler's Nazi German blitzkrieg swept across Poland, Norway, Denmark, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, North Africa, and Russia with Panzers, Stukas, Fallschirmjaeger, infantry, and artillery. This book provides Bolt Action players with all of the information they need to field the military forces of Nazi Germany. Detailed army lists allow players to construct German armies for any theatre and any year of the war, including the early campaigns in Poland and France, the dusty tank war in the North African desert, the bloody battles on the Eastern Front, and the final defence of Normandy, occupied France and Germany itself. With dozens of different unit types including Fallschirmjager, Waffen-SS, and the dreaded Tiger tank, players can assemble a huge variety of troops with which to battle their opponents.

When Your Baby Dies Through Miscarriage or Stillbirth

by Louis A. Gamino Ann Taylor Cooney

Adjusting to the loss of a baby through miscarriage or stillbirth

Overcome AI: How to Build a Secure Financial Future in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

by Scott Gamm

YOUR GUIDE TO SURVIVING AND THRIVING IN THE AI ECONOMY.No one can be completely sure what the future of work is going to look like, but it will likely be completely transformed by artificial intelligence. That means an uncertain future for Millennials, including the need to switch jobs, change occupations and learn new skills. Taking steps towards financial freedom and early retirement now, on your own terms, will put you in the driver's seat for what could be a bumpy road ahead. In OVERCOME AI, Wall Street expert Scott Gamm sets out a practical roadmap to financial freedom and early retirement. Discover:Why retiring early will become a necessity, not just a goal.How much money you'll need to live well without a steady 9-5 job.The importance of reducing or eliminating debt.How to invest in the stock market.How to use alternative retirement savings vehicles.OVERCOME AI is full of actionable investing information that can be applied within minutes of reading. This is truly the first book to provide a clear plan for wealth-building and financial security in the automation era.

The Interventionist

by Joani Gammill

Inspiring stories from the frontlines of the battle against addiction by Dr. Phil's leading interventionist and recovering addict Joani Gammill."Exuding the same passion and purpose as the author herself, Joani Gammill's The Interventionist is a heartfelt game changer and long overdue. You deserve to read it." --Dr. Phil McGraw, host of CBS's nationally syndicated show Dr. Phil Inspiring stories from the frontlines of the battle against addiction by Dr. Phil's leading interventionist Joani Gammill.Joani Gammill, an average suburban mom on the outside, was secretly addicted to multiple forms of opiates and amphetamine for years, and almost died as a result. Through the life-changing intervention staged by Dr. Phil on his show, Gammill not only committed to getting help for her addiction, but she also went on to become a professional interventionist, helping thousands of others in distress.In The Interventionist, she intertwines her experiences with depictions of her often harrowing and always inspiring interventions of the addicts and families she's worked with over the years. In each chapter she recounts details of a client's unique battle with addiction and the devastation that led to a loved one's request for her help.Gammill's intriguing story--and the equally captivating stories of the brave people who come to her for help--demonstrates how it is possible to emerge from the seemingly hopeless world of out-of-control drug use and not only regain one's sanity, but actually discover that life clean and sober can be more meaningful than it ever was before.About the author Joani Gammill, RN, BRI I, appears regularly on the Dr. Phil show where she leads interventions that have inspired millions of his viewers. Before her career as an interventionist, she worked as a registered nurse in medical facilities, then in a state-run drug-and-alcohol-rehabilitation center.

Painkillers, Heroin, and the Road to Sanity: Real Solutions for Long-term Recovery from Opiate Addiction

by Joani Gammill

Recovery from prescription painkiller or heroin addiction can feel impossible, with low numbers of people sustaining recovery. But there is hope. With guidance from those in long-term recovery, along with new approaches to treatment, a healthy, drug-free life is possible.Recovery from prescription painkiller or heroin addiction can feel impossible, especially considering that those who have gone through typical twenty-eight-day treatment programs often experience relapses and sometimes even fatal overdoses. But there is hope.In Painkillers, Heroin, and the Road to Sanity, recovering addict and prominent interventionist Joani Gammill offers a radically effective approach for those struggling with opiate addiction, sharing sometimes controversial tips that have worked for others who are in long-term recovery. Gammill examines the science behind the low numbers of people sustaining recovery from the disease of opiate addiction. Tapping the pioneering work of treatment professionals whose new approaches are changing the way we think about opiate addiction, she offers practical steps for creating a realistic and effective recovery plan.Gammill affirms that recovery from opiate addiction is a process, not an event. This honest and trustworthy guide reveals that, although it may not happen in one detox or treatment experience, a healthy, drug-free life is possible.

The Gift of Anger: And Other Lessons from My Grandfather Mahatma Gandhi

by Arun Gandhi

Discover ten vital and extraordinary life lessons from one of the most important and influential philosophers and peace activists of the twentieth century—Mahatma Gandhi—in this poignant and timely exploration of the true path from anger to peace, as recounted by Gandhi’s grandson, Arun Gandhi. In the current troubled climate, in our country and in the world, these lessons are needed more than ever before.“We should not be ashamed of anger. It’s a very good and a very powerful thing that motivates us. But what we need to be ashamed of is the way we abuse it.” —Mahatma Gandhi Arun Gandhi was just twelve years old when his parents dropped him off at Sevagram, his grandfather’s famous ashram. To Arun, the man who fought for India’s independence and was the country’s beloved preeminent philosopher and leader was simply a family member. He lived there for two years under his grandfather’s wing until Gandhi’s assassination. While each chapter contains a singular, timeless lesson, The Gift of Anger also takes you along with Arun on a moving journey of self-discovery as he learns to overcome his own struggle to express his emotions and harness the power of anger to bring about good. He learns to see the world through new eyes under the tutelage of his beloved grandfather and provides a rare, three-dimensional portrait of this icon for the ages. The ten vital life lessons strike a universal chord about self-discovery, identity, dealing with anger, depression, loneliness, friendship, and family—perfect for anyone searching for a way to effecting healing change in a fractured world.

Thumbs Up!: 5 Steps to Create the Life of Your Dreams

by Arun Gandhi Joey Reiman

Welcome to the Age of InspirationJoey Reiman was told he may never move his hand again after a horrible, paralyzing accident in 1975. Refusing to accept this prognosis and give in to negative thoughts, all Reiman wanted was to do was move his thumb. "If I could just raise my thumb," he thought, "the rest will follow." With this seed of what he now calls optimalism-believing that optimism creates optimal outcomes-Reiman did it. He gave himself a thumbs up.Now Reiman, the world's leading purpose branding expert and motivational speaker, will share his belief system with you. In Thumbs Up!, Reiman shows how five simple pointers will ultimately help you activate your dreams into actions. The secret to success is right at your fingertips. Your digits will guide you to:Give the world a thumbs upPoint to your purpose in lifeGive your middle finger to fearMarch forth to take actionRemember the little things that matterThumbs Up! is an epic contribution in picking up those who have been down, focusing people on looking up and rising up to all they imagined to be, and determining that a life of purpose begins in the palm of one's hand. Start your journey of life here and Reiman will help you realize that deeper love, more meaningful work, better health, greater wealth, and richer faith are all within your grasp.

Self-Restraint V. Self-Indulgence

by M. K. Gandhi

Those who believe in self-restraint must not become hypochondriacs. The letters that come to me show that many correspondents brood over their ill-success the exercise of self-restraint. Like everything else that is good, self-restraint too requires an inexhaustible store of patience. There is absolutely no reason to despond, and there must be no brooding. There should be no conscious effort to drive away evil thoughts. That process is itself a kind of indulgence. The best prescription perhaps is non-resistance, i.e., ignoring the existence of evil thoughts and a continuous preoccupation with duties that lie in front of one. This presupposes the existence of some kind of all-absorbing service requiring the concentration of mind, soul and body upon it. “Idle hands some mischief still will ever find to do”, is never so applicable as in this case. Evil thoughts, much more evil deeds are impossible when we are thus preoccupied. Strenuous labour in accordance with one’s physical capacity is, therefore, absolutely necessary for those who will obey the law of self-restraint which is indispensable for individual as well as universal progress. M. K. Gandhi

Strio ane Strijivan ni Samasyao

by Mahatma Gandhi

ગાંધીજીમાં સ્ત્રીનું હૃદય હતું. તેથી સ્ત્રીઓ પોતાના દિલની વાત વિના સંકોચે તેમને કહી શકતી હતી. ગાંધીજીમાં હિંદની સ્ત્રીઓએ પોતાના સાથી અને તારણહારનાં દર્શન કર્યાં છે. સ્ત્રીઓનો આવો અખૂટ વિશ્વાસ સંપાદન કરવાથી ગાંધીજી તેમની પાસેથી મહાન કામો કરાવી શક્યા. સ્ત્રીપુરુષના સંબંધો વિશે કંઈક વિચિત્ર અને ચોખલિયા વિચારો હિંદુ સમાજમાં તે કાળે પ્રવર્તતા હતા. ગાંધીજીએ તેમાં ક્રાન્તિકારી ફેરફારો કર્યા. પવિત્ર અને તંદુરસ્ત વાતાવરણમાં તેઓ કેમ રહી શકે, સમાનતા અને સ્વતંત્રતા કેવી રીતે જાળવી શકે, અને સ્વચ્છ અને પવિત્ર સામાજિક જીવન કેવું હોય તેનું ઉત્તમ દૃષ્ટાંત આશ્રમ જીવન દ્વારા ગાંધીજીએ રાષ્ટ્રને ચરણે ધરીને સ્ત્રીઆલમની ઉત્તમ સેવા કરી છે. ગાંધીજી પાસે સ્ત્રીનું —માતાનું હૃદય હતું. તેથી જ એક સત્યનિષ્ઠ અને લોકોત્તર સમાજસેવક તરીકે તેમણે સ્ત્રીઓને દોરવણી આપી. ગાંધીજીનાં આ લખાણોનો સંગ્રહ ગુજરાત અને ખાસ કરીને ગુજરાતની સ્ત્રીઓ વધાવશે એવા વિશ્વાસ સાથે તે ગુજરાતની પ્રજા સમક્ષ રજૂ કરું છું.

All the Joy You Can Stand: 101 Sacred Power Principles for Making Joy Real in Your Life

by Debrena Jackson Gandy

As a successful writer, keynote speaker, consultant, and seminar leader, Debrena Jackson Gandy has helped thousands of African-American women access their inner power and live life more joyfully and boldly. All the Joy You Can Stand: 101 Sacred Power Principles for Making Joy Real in Your Lifeis the eagerly anticipated follow-up to her best-seller,Sacred Pampering Principles. This engaging, thought-provoking book features 101 Power Principles that will help you tap into what brings you joy in your life and give you the spiritual tools to manifest the desires of your heart, including how to: Discover Your Sacred Self; Strengthen Your Gratitude Muscles; Integrate Renewal Into Your Life; Be a Sensuous Woman; Free Your Creative Genius; Cultivate Your Intuition; Become a Spiritual Gardener; Be the Architect of Your Life; Expand Your Joy Threshold. Using insightful stories from her own life, as well as the lives of her readers, friends, and seminar and lecture participants, Debrena Jackson Gandy has written an uplifting and transformational get-real guide for women who want to develop their spiritual strength and actualize their divine potential. Whether it's freeing your spirit by learning to release and forgive, or discovering how to more gracefully move through life's cycles and seasons, here are proven answers for some of life's most difficult questions. Prepare to be challenged and to ask yourself, "How much joy can I stand?" For as Debrena says, the more joy you can stand, the more joy God gives you.

30 Days to a Happy Employee

by Dottie Gandy

It's not more money, bigger offices, better benefits, or flextime. Recent surveys reveal that the number one reason employees quit their jobs is that they don't feel valued on a human level. Growing employment opportunities and the lure of Internet companies have brought this prob- lem to near crisis level. Now, Dottie Gandy, a former regional director with the Franklin Covey Company, provides a simple, principle-based solution that will work to solve the problem in any business. In this clear, straight-foward book, she gives us a step-by-step plan that managers can implement immediately and which yields compelling results, including: A strong sense of loyalty and commitment among employees A new corporate culture built on a foundation of trust and designed to weather storms A renewed sense of mission that can have a substantial impact on the bottom line

The Champion Mindset: Access Your Power to Create Leveraging the Law of Attraction

by Ginny Gane

Are you struggling to make the Law of Attraction work for you? Maybe you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction (LOA), but have you identified the way it can help you? Grounded in the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, Ginny Gane shares a simple approach to help you live your dream life now. If you have learned the basics of LOA, but are still searching for how to really see results in your life, A Champion Mindset will help you leverage what you already know to live the life of love and freedom you desire. You have the power to purposefully create the kind of life you dream of and the techniques taught within these pages will get you there. Learn the skills that will ultimately empower you to take control of your experience and truly uncover and be all that you want to be.

Hidden Treasure

by Gangaji

An inspiring book from one of our greatest living spiritual teachers. Just as the life stories of the Buddha and Christ have served those on the spiritual path for millennia, our own lives can serve as important teaching stories. In Hidden Treasure, one of the great spiritual teachers of our time, Gangaji, uses the telling of her own life story to help readers unveil the truth in their own. Antoinette (Toni) Roberson Varner was given the name Gangaji by her teacher Sri H. W. L. Poonja in 1990. Before that meeting, she had pursued many paths to enlightenment. Raised in the 1950s in the racially divided South, she married young and had a daughter. Following the dissolution of her first marriage, she moved to Northern California and immersed herself in the spiritual culture that was flourishing there; but her efforts to achieve lasting fulfillment ultimately fell short. In the wake of her disillusionment, she made a final prayer for help. The answer to her prayer came unexpectedly, taking her to India and to the meeting that would change everything. On the banks of the River Ganges, she met Poonja, also known as Papaji, who opened her mind to the eternal presence of being. In this life-changing book, Gangaji guides readers in recognizing that while their life stories follow universal patterns of human suffering, by uncovering and speaking the truth of these stories, they can open the doorway to the possibility of living freely and in truth. Hidden Treasure invites readers to discover the fulfillment that can exist for anyone, right here, right now. .

Life Ke Kadawe Sach: लाइफ के कड़वे सच

by Shwetabh Gangwar

“लाइफ के कड़वे सच” यह किताब नज़रियों का संकलन है। यह किसी एक बकैती के बारे में कत्तई नहीं है। यह किताब आपको उपदेश देने के लिए नहीं है। यह आपको सोचने के लिए, उत्साहित करने के लिए लिखी गई है, और इसीलिए मेरी फक्कड़ वाली भाषा, किताब का शीर्षक और यह लंठई भरा नज़रिया अपनाया गया है। हालांकि किताब में उपदेश बहुत हैं, पर मैं चाहता हूं आप एक बार इस पर सोचें ज़रूर। ज़रूरी बात यह है कि यह किताब आपको हर उस फालतू की चीज़ से मुक्त करना चाहती है जिसे आप ख़ुद से अनजाने ही चिपकाए घूम रहे हैं और घुट भी रहे हैं- चाहे वह ख़ुशी पाने के तरीक़े हों या फिर आपकी ज़िंदगी से जुड़े लोग। ऐसी चीज़ें हर मामले में टांग अड़ाकर खड़ी होती हैं। चूंकि यह किताब आपको आज़ाद कराने को लेकर है, तो यह आपकी ज़िंदगी से जुड़े कई मसलों पर बात करेगी। जब भी आप किसी बात से असहमत हों, तब उस मुद्दे को विस्तार से लिख डालें कि ऐसा क्यों है, आपके तर्क के पीछे वजहें क्या हैं और ऊपरवाले से प्रार्थना करें कि अपने तर्क को पढ़ते वक़्त ऐसा न लगे कि आप इसलिए असहमत हैं क्योंकि आपके जज़्बातों को ठेस पहुंच रही है।

The Creative Curve: How to Develop the Right Idea, at the Right Time

by Allen Gannett

Big data entrepreneur Allen Gannett overturns the mythology around creative genius, and reveals the science and secrets behind achieving breakout commercial success in any field. We have been spoon-fed the notion that creativity is the province of genius -- of those favored, brilliant few whose moments of insight arrive in unpredictable flashes of divine inspiration. And if we are not a genius, we might as well pack it in and give up. Either we have that gift, or we don’t. But Allen shows that simply isn’t true. Recent research has shown that there is a predictable science behind achieving commercial success in any creative endeavor, from writing a popular novel to starting up a successful company to creating an effective marketing campaign. As the world’s most creative people have discovered, we are enticed by the novel and the familiar. By understanding the mechanics of what Gannett calls “the creative curve” – the point of optimal tension between the novel and the familiar – everyone can better engineer mainstream success. In a thoroughly entertaining book that describes the stories and insights of everyone from the Broadway team behind Dear Evan Hansen, to the founder of Reddit, from the Chief Content Officer of Netflix to Michelin star chefs, Gannett reveals the four laws of creative success and identifies the common patterns behind their achievement.

The Multi-Hyphen Method: The Sunday Times business bestseller

by Emma Gannon

For fans of Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies, Tim Ferris's 4-Hour Work Week and the author and entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk'It was a pleasure to read... the way we all work is going to change in the coming years' Richard BransonThe world of work is changing - so how do you keep up?You have the ability to make money on our own terms, when and where you want - but where do you start?If you've been itching to convert your craft into a career, or your side-hustle into a start up, then The Multi-Hyphen Method is for you.In The Multi-Hyphen Method award-winning blogger / social media editor / podcast creator, Emma Gannon, teaches that it doesn't matter if you're a part-time PA with a blog, or a nurse who runs an online store in the evenings - whatever your ratio, whatever your mixture, we can all channel our own entrepreneurial spirit to live more fulfilled and financially healthy lives.The internet and our phones mean we can work wherever, whenever and allows us to design our own working lives. Forget the outdated stigma of being a jack of all trades, because having many strings to your bow is essential to get ahead in the modern working world. We all have the skills necessary to work less and create more, and The Multi-Hyphen Method is the source of inspiration you need to help you navigate your way towards your own definition of success.

The Multi-Hyphen Method: The Sunday Times business bestseller

by Emma Gannon

The Multi-Hyphen Method is an essential new business book for the digital age.The internet and our phones mean we can work wherever, whenever and allow us to design our own working lives. In The Multi-Hyphen Method Emma Gannon teaches that it doesn't matter if you're a part-time PA with a blog, or a physio who runs an online jewellery store in the evenings - whatever your ratio, whatever your mixture, we can all channel the entrepreneurial spirit. Today, the stigma of being a jack of all trades is being dispelled and having more strings to your bow is essential to getting ahead in the modern working world and Emma Gannon's book is the ultimate guide in helping us navigate our way towards success.(P)2018 Hodder & Stoughton Limited

Sabotage: How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Get Out of Your Own Way

by Emma Gannon

We all have a relationship with self-sabotage, a tendency to put barriers in the way of our progression and our happiness - at home and at work, both on and offline. Sabotage is a book about challenging these behaviours, digging a little deeper into why that unhelpful voice can creep up on us. Procrastination, jealousy, inner critic: how can we overcome these obstacles? How do we stop getting in our own way?Exploring real-life stories of success and setbacks from leading cultural voices, Emma Gannon searches for experiences, solutions and ways to look differently at what's really holding us back. This is the handbook you need to slay your own sabotage.

Sabotage: How to Silence Your Inner Critic and Get Out of Your Own Way

by Emma Gannon

We all have a relationship with self-sabotage, a tendency to put barriers in the way of our progression and our happiness - at home and at work, both on and offline. Sabotage is a book about challenging these behaviours, digging a little deeper into why that unhelpful voice can creep up on us. Procrastination, jealousy, inner critic: how can we overcome these obstacles? How do we stop getting in our own way?Exploring real-life stories of success and setbacks from leading cultural voices, Emma Gannon searches for experiences, solutions and ways to look differently at what's really holding us back. This is the handbook you need to slay your own sabotage.(P) 2020 Hodder & Stoughton Ltd

The Success Myth: Our obsession with achievement is a trap. This is how to break free

by Emma Gannon

"Highly comforting" Alain de Botton, Founder of The School of Life"This book changed how I think" Annie Macmanus, author of The Mess We're In"You will not be able to put this book down" The IndependentOUR OBSESSION WITH ACHIEVEMENT IS A TRAP. THIS IS HOW TO BREAK FREE.Emma Gannon was thriving in her portfolio career, enjoying a happy personal life and to anyone looking in, she was undoubtedly a success... She was also burned out and confused at why she felt unhappy, yet was still striving for more.After taking a deep look at her own journey, and interviewing many other successful people on her podcast Ctrl, Alt, Delete, she realised that our overly celebrated and traditional version of success is making us lonely, unfulfilled and dispirited. Now she has worked out a way to do things differently, and here Emma shares her hard-won lessons, including:• how to set goals that are ambitious but not overwhelming• why the 'tick-box' moments in life often feel anticlimactic• and how to break free from comparison and the endless pursuit of moreA manifesto to craft work (and life) on your own terms, The Success Myth will give you the belief and tools to walk away from 'having it all', uncovering your individual path to fulfilment.

Starting Over

by Mary Lee Gannon

Whether you are recently fired or laid off, an empty-nester who is re-entering the workforce, an entrepreneur who is looking for a way to network, a person seeking his or her first job, going through a divorce or simply someone who is setting new life goals, in STARTING OVER: 25 RULES WHEN YOU'VE BOTTOMED OUT Gannon, a successful executive who once lost everything, gives you the strategies, tactics, and suggestions to pull yourself together when all you've worked for has vanished and you need to regroup and plunge ahead.Here are 25 Simple Rules that are proven and practical strategies for success including:Rule #1 - Begin with the End in Mind and Sketch that Vision on Paper. Instead of thinking about the things that worry you, start repeatedly seeing yourself at the End of your dream. Make a list of these goals - review and update frequently and before you know it you will have accomplished them. This Chapter ends with "Ten Key Questions to Help You Begin with the End in Mind".Rule #2 - Find a Mentor in an Offbeat Place. Seek mentors who have not had it easy, those who have mounted insurmountable odds. They don't have to be CEO's - just someone who is interested in helping you. Someone who has done what you want to accomplish. This Chapter holds "Five Steps on How to Find the Right Mentor for You."Rule #3 - Surround Yourself with People Who Possess Your Weaknesses as Their Strength and Give the Glory Away. This Chapter includes a four point list on "How to Fill in Your Weakness Gaps".Mary Lee Gannon is living proof that one can turn his or her life by embracing new challenges and her remarkable road and keys to success are chronicled in STARTING OVER: 25 RULES WHEN YOU'VE BOTTOMED OUT.

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