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Showing 12,026 through 12,050 of 36,748 results

Ichigo-ichie: Haz de cada instante algo único

by Héctor García Francesc Miralles

Hay que valorar cada momento como un bello tesoro, si lo dejamos escapar sin disfrutarlo la ocasión se habrá perdido para siempre. Después de marcar tendencia en todo el mundo con su ensayo pionero Ikigai: Los secretos de Japón para una vida larga y feliz, publicado en 42 idiomas, y El método Ikigai. Despierta tu verdadera pasión y cumple tus propósitos vitales, Héctor García (Kirai) y Francesc Miralles nos descubren un nuevo concepto de origen ancestral que va a transformar la vida de millones de lectores. Este nuevo libro sobre el mindfulness y el concepto de ICHIGO-ICHIE (una oportunidad en la vida), algo parecido al carpe diem, es un ensayo inspirador que nos enseña cómo hacer para: - Liberarnos del pasado y del futuro, haciendo de cada instante algo único. - Integrar en nuestra vida el zen que Steve Jobs aprendió de un maestro japonés, y que fue la clave de su éxito. - Hacer de las sincronicidades un instrumento de magia consciente. - Crear encuentros inolvidables en el ámbito profesional y en el personal. - Mejorar nuestras relaciones con una nueva clase de mindfulness. - Abrir compuertas al flujo creativo cada vez que lo necesitemos.

El método Ikigai: Despierta tu verdadera pasión y cumple tus propósitos vitales

by Héctor García Francesc Miralles

Ikigai es la innovadora filosofía que está revolucionando el mundo. ¿Sabes ya cuál es tu ikigai, cuál es tu «razón de ser»? Tras descubrir las claves de la motivación y la longevidad con Ikigai: los secretos de Japón para una vida larga y feliz (éxito de ventas traducido a más de 30 idiomas), Héctor García (Kirai) y Francesc Miralles vuelven a esta cultura milenaria para desarrollar un libro práctico que empodere nuestros propósitos vitales para hacerlos realidad a partir de hoy mismo. Ikigai significa «razón de ser» o «pasión de nuestra vida» en japonés, pero ¿cómo encontrarlo? Y si ya hemos encontrado nuestro ikigai, ¿cómo potenciarlo para que inspire todos los aspectos de nuestra existencia? Para conseguirlo, este libro propone 35 rutas, con ejercicios prácticos, para llevar el tren de nuestros proyectos hacia el destino elegido, permitiendo a la vez que, en el camino, la felicidad y bienestar surjan de forma natural desde nuestro interior. UN VIAJE A NUESTRO PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO Para recoger estas inspiraciones reveladoras de Japón nos subiremos al tren, el medio de transporte por excelencia de este país, y viajaremos por las siguientes estaciones: El futuro: Tokio. Presentamos el poderoso efecto Shinkasen y otras herramientas para acelerar nuestros éxitos en la vida. ¿Es posible conseguir en un mes aquello que nos hemos propuesto hacer en un año? El pasado: Kioto. Los buenos momentos nos dan felicidad y autoestima; los malos, lecciones que pueden ser muy útiles para nuestro futuro. ¿Cómo convertir nuestras experiencias en faros que iluminen nuestra vida? El presente: Ise. Una vez aprendemos del pasado y proyectamos nuestro futuro, el presente es el vehículo en el que se decide, momento a momento, nuestra existencia. ¿Cómo podemos vivirlo con lucidez y plenitud? Reseñas:«Si hygge es el arte de no hacer nada, ikigai es el arte de hacer algo y de hacerlo con la máxima atención y alegría.»The New York Post «Una receta refrescante y simple para la felicidad.»Stylist «Olvídate de hygge. Ahora es todo ikigai.»The Times «Ikigai te ayuda a mirar al futuro sin importar como te sientas ahora. Te ayudará a sentar las bases para tener una vida más plena y feliz.»BBC

Riding through Katrina with the Red Baron's Ghost: A Memoir of Friendship, Family, and a Life Writing

by J. Malcolm Garcia

The first book that J. Malcolm Garcia ever bought would impact his life in a way that the then twelve-year-old could have never imagined. The Day the Red Baron Died plunged Garcia into the intrigue and excitement of the World War I German flying ace's life and death. Garcia was enraptured and brimming with questions. His mother encouraged the curious boy to write to the book's author, Dale M. Titler. When the author replied, a friendship began that shaped Garcia's life. In Riding through Katrina with the Red Baron's Ghost, Garcia chronicles his relationship with Titler. It was that connection that brought Garcia to New Orleans only two weeks after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city and its citizens. Not having heard from his friend in years, Garcia made the split-second decision to go to New Orleans to try to find the man who meant so much to him. A harrowing account of New Orleans directly after Katrina?told in Garcia's award-winning journalistic style?Riding through Katrina with the Red Baron's Ghost tells a personal story of a thirty-year bond that defined a young man, as well as the universal story of the horror and devastation Katrina left in its wake.

Somewhere In Between: A TRU Journey Through Sex, Drugs, Alcohol & Everything In Between

by Julia Garcia

Somewhere In Between takes you on a young woman's journey traveling through the world of sex, drugs, alcohol & everything in between. It's a unique collection of personal stories, journal entries and powerful, self-expressive photography, which were all created to help her cope with the loss of loved ones, her parents divorce, family addictions, and her own personal battles with illicit sex, drugs & alcohol.

Free and Fully Alive: Reclaiming the Story of Who You Were Created to Be

by Karrie Garcia

A dynamic, practical guide to embracing your past and discovering a deeper connection to yourself, God, and others so you can reclaim who God created you to be.Many of us yearn for a sense of purpose, but we wonder how we can overcome the trauma and mistakes of our past. We keep doing and doing for God, hoping to erase our story so we can find our true calling.Free and Fully Alive is a powerful reminder that our stories hold the key to our true purpose, and it's who we are in those stories, not what we do, that is the secret to living the abundant life God promises.As author Karrie Garcia draws on her own experiences and her expertise as a life coach, she shows us why God's redemptive purpose for our lives doesn't begin once we're free from pain, and as we are vulnerable with God, ourselves, and others, we find that we are already who God created us to be.A vibrant guide to getting unstuck, Free and Fully Alive equips you to:Ditch the behavior modification strategies and focus on true heart transformationStop chasing external achievements when what you long for is internal changeSilence that inner critic and find the voice of truth through the Word of GodRealize that God's love for you has nothing to do with all you accomplish todayUnderstand that your past does not disqualify you from God's purpose Feel fully alive in the story you're living. You are meant to be here. In fact, that's the greatest purpose of all.

Wealth Warrior, The \ La clave de la riqueza eres tú (Spanish edition): Aprende a invertir con éxito y transforma tu relación con el dinero

by Linda Garcia

Una guía accesible para aprender a invertir, tomar el control de tus finanzas, empoderarte y despertar a la guerrera de la riqueza que llevas dentro.Linda García creció, como muchos de nosotros, en un hogar donde la escasez y las deudas eran el pan de cada día. Desde muy joven, se las arregló para cubrir apenas los gastos más básicos. Sin embargo, gracias al generoso consejo de un compañero del trabajo, Linda hizo su primera inversión, y su vida cambió: doscientos dólares se convirtieron en siete mil, y estos, al cabo de varios años, en cien mil.Como orgullosa latina, García entiende que crear riqueza puede significar algo más que entrar en ámbitos financieros históricamente vedados a las comunidades latinas y de color, y, en particular, a las mujeres. Quizás primero sea necesario llegar a la raíz de nuestras heridas monetarias: los factores y experiencias que limitan nuestra capacidad de sentirnos merecedores de riqueza y capaces de construirla. En este manual de inversión, la autora nos enseña a establecer un presupuesto, crear un "fondo de oportunidades" y pagarnos primero a nosotros mismos. Nos muestra cómo analizar una empresa, elegir las acciones adecuadas y crear un plan para multiplicar el dinero.Entre otras cosas, aprenderemos: Qué significa invertir, a dónde va nuestro dinero y cómo leer las gráficas de las acciones. Cómo evaluar empresas, elegir los primeros valores y comprar las primeras acciones.Tácticas para liberarse de la mentalidad de escasez y hacer crecer las acciones para crear una riqueza que nos cambie la vida.Complementado con un glosario accesible de términos bursátiles, La clave de la riqueza eres tú es una guía perfecta para generar la riqueza que te mereces.----An accessible guide to learn how to invest, take control of your finances, empower yourself and awaken the wealth warrior within you.Linda Garcia grew up, like many of us, in a home where scarcity and debt were normal. From a very young age, she managed to cover only the most basic expenses. However, thanks to the generous advice of a co-worker, Linda made her first investment, and her life changed: one hundred dollars became ten thousand, and these, after several years, became one hundred thousand.As a proud Latina, García understands that building wealth can mean more than stepping into financial arenas historically kept from communities of color, Latinex communities, and, especially, women. It may first require getting to the root of our money wounds—the factors and experiences that limit our capacity to feel deserving of wealth and capable of building it. In this investing playbook, she guides you on how to establish a budget, create your “opportunity fund,” and pay yourself first. She shows you how to analyze a company, choose the right stocks for you, and create a plan to multiply your money.Among other things, You’ll learn:What it means to invest, where your money goes, and how to read stock charts.How to assess companies, pick your first stock, and buy your first shares.Tactics to break free from a scarcity mindset and grow your stocks to create life-changing wealth.Complete with an accessible glossary of stock market terms, Wealth Warrior is a true primer on how to generate the wealth you deserve!

El poder de comprender tu interior

by Mario García

Guía práctica de autoconocimiento para despertar y vivir una vida plena. ¿Cómo funciona nuestro mundo interno? ¿Qué mecanismos nos alejan de la paz interior? ¿Quiénes somos verdaderamente? ¿Cuál es el propósito de nuestra vida? ¿Podemos gestionar nuestros pensamientos y emociones? ¿Es posible estar verdaderamente presentes, viviendo el instante desde la paz y la armonía? El poder de comprender tu interior no te da solo la teoría. Está repleto de prácticas para que pases a la verdadera experiencia. No pretende ofrecerte «recetas milagrosas» que siempre terminan fracasando. Te ofrece un método sólido y accesible para ir a lo más profundo y verdadero de ti, comprender quién eres, cómo funcionas y cómo puedes gestionar tu mundo interno. La finalidad es que comprendas de manera clara y rigurosa los principios que rigen tu interior. Este manual práctico es un viaje de autoconocimiento. Un viaje hacia dentro que hay que recorrer sin prisa y disfrutando del paisaje de nuestro interior. Es una aventura que nos lleva a reconectar con nuestra verdadera esencia. Así que respira, léelo con calma y permite que la transformación vaya sucediendo.

La fuerza de ser altamente sensible: Descubre si lo eres y aprende de tu poder creativo

by Meritxell Garcia

¿Sabías que el 30% de la población es Persona Altamente Sensible (PAS)? Aprende claves y trucos para que este rasgo de la personalidad se convierta en un superpoder. ¿Tienes un olfato fino y oyes el mínimo ruido? ¿Te agobias en lugares con mucha gente? ¿Observas sutilezas que pasan desapercibidas para la mayoría? ¿Te molestan las etiquetas de la ropa?. Si has respondido afirmativamente, es posible que seas una persona altamente sensible (PAS): tu cableado neurológico es distinto, percibes más información que el resto de la gente a través de los sentidos, y muchas veces, este alud de estímulos te satura. Cuando entiendas cómo funciona tu maquinaria PAS, descubrirás que la alta sensibilidad puede jugar a tu favor si sabes cómo hacerlo. Este libro te enseña cómo sacar partido de tu naturaleza sensible y creativa, descubrir tu potencial y brillar y construir una vida plena acorde con tu personalidad.

The Style Strategy: A Less-Is-More Approach to Staying Chic and Shopping Smart

by Nina Garcia

From Nina Garcia—fashion judge on Bravo’s hit Project Runway and the New York Times bestselling author of The One Hundred and The Little Black Book of Style—comes Style Strategy: a perfect primer on achieving the best fashion look possible, with a strong emphasis on saving money in the process.

Redesigning 50

by Oz Garcia

When you reach middle age, what does it take to turn back the hands of time and regain the youthful vitality of your younger years? Top nutritionist and health authority Oz Garcia offers definitive guidance in his information-packed Redesigning 50. You'll discover what Oz calls "the New 50": a fitter, healthier, better-looking middle age than you ever imagined possible. Oz explains how to take advantage of the finest that science and artistry can offer--without going under the knife. Drawing on the foremost expert opinions in health and beauty, Oz offers the latest information about diet and nutrition, exercise, skin and body care, hormones, stress reduction, dental and cosmetic treatments, and the new nutraceuticals--giving readers the tools to look younger and feel better than they have in years. You'll learn how to implement "the New 50 Fusion Plan," Oz's simple yet powerful fusion of "efficiency foods" with the healthy dietary traditions of Japan and the Mediterranean. You'll learn safe detox plans from experts Adina Niemerow and Roni DeLuz, hair how-to from Joel Warren and Edward Tricomi of Warren-Tricomi and Frédéric Fekkai, culinary insights from renowned chef David Bouley, spa secrets from the Golden Door and others, beauty advice and makeup tips from Bruce Dean, skin-care savvy from Dr. Nicholas Perricone and rejuvenation techniques from Dr. Lisa Zdinak and Dr. Lisa Airan, exercise insights from David Barton of David Barton Gyms, and fitness assessments from Suzanne Meth of Equinox Fitness Clubs, among others. Oz pulls it all together with his decades of experience into an enlightened, effective approach to antiaging. Hundreds of Oz's clients--women and men from across the country--have found success under his supervision. The powerful results are documented in candid accounts, from the busy company executive to the harried parent. Their antiaging success stories inspire and motivate readers to begin their own journey. The result? Middle age has never looked or felt so good!

Ansiedade : Liberte-se Da Ansiedade E Da Depressão

by Por Tamar Garcia

Por um lado, se você for uma pessoa que está vivendo com um ente querido que tenha um transtorno de ansiedade, o seu apoio para a recuperação dele é vital, por isso você deveria sempre fazê-lo sentir que você estará lá e que você é alguém em quem ele possa confiar. Use as técnicas deste livro para mostrar o seu amor e apoio por alguém que talvez sinta-se sozinho e isolado durante os períodos de ansiedade. Ser ansioso de tempos em tempos é a resposta natural do ser humano ao se sentir em perigo. No entanto, preocupação constante é algo a ser discutido, principalmente se já estiver sendo um impasse em sua vida. Lembre-se que a ansiedade pode impedir-lhe de viver a sua vida normalmente e pode arruinar relacionamentos. O que você está esperando? Não espere mais! Role para cima e clique no botão comprar agora para começar a sua jornada em direção a vida dos seus sonhos!

Volver a correr: El running y el potencial para una vida plena. El año en que todo se detuvo. Y la emoción de regresar.

by Santiago García

El nuevo libro de Santiago García, referente del running en la Argentina, propone una guía para retomar esta disciplina que no para de crecer, tras la pausa impuesta por la pandemia y el confinamiento, atento a las ansiedades de esta época. ¿Cómo que volver a correr? ¿Cuándo dejamos de hacerlo? En 2020 el mundo sufrió un frenazo; los relojes se detuvieron y durante un tiempo hubo que parar. Poner en pausa nuestro bienestar físico y emocional. Nunca habíamos tenido que esperar tanto para hacer lo que más amamos. La vuelta fue un proceso accidentado pero imprescindible para quienes no imaginamos una vida sin correr. Y entonces nuestros pies se encontraron otra vez frente a la línea de largada, nuestro corazón latiendo con fuerza: por lo que estaba por venir, sí, pero también por todo lo que atravesamos para regresar. Volver significa entonces muchas cosas: volver a entrenar y a competir, recuperar la fuente de nuestra salud, energía y felicidad, reencontrarnos con los amigos para fundirnos en un abrazo y también reconectar con nosotros mismos. Fortalecido por la experiencia, Santiago García, el mayor referente del running en la Argentina, narra los aprendizajes de esta etapa difícil, de cara a los tiempos que vienen, para los que vuelven y, como siempre, para los que quieren empezar. Cada uno sabe el camino que ha recorrido hasta aquí, nos dice García. Llegó el momento de salir, de viajar, de ser felices. Llegó la hora de volver a correr.

Godsfield Companion: The guide to principles, practices and more

by Thimela Garcia

A comprehensive guide to chakras, their associated features and how strengthening and healing each chakra can lead to improved health, energy and wellbeing.Chakras specialist Thimela A. Garcia provides easy-to-follow practices to help open up your chakras, optimise the flow of energy and boost your wellbeing.CONTENTSChapter 1: What are Chakras?Including Introduction to chakras, The history of chakras and Morning ritualChapter 2: The Energy BodyIncluding The aura and the seven bodies, How to protect your aura and Awakening kundalini energyChapter 3: The ChakrasIncluding Aspects of the Chakras, The five elements and A detailed guide to all seven chakrasChapter 4: Energy Healing Including Colour therapy, Crystal healing and Energy and aura-cleansingChapter 5: Chakras in Daily LifeIncluding Meditation, Yoga and Positive affirmations

Godsfield Companion: The guide to principles, practices and more

by Thimela Garcia

A comprehensive guide to chakras, their associated features and how strengthening and healing each chakra can lead to improved health, energy and wellbeing.Chakras specialist Thimela A. Garcia provides easy-to-follow practices to help open up your chakras, optimise the flow of energy and boost your wellbeing.CONTENTSChapter 1: What are Chakras?Including Introduction to chakras, The history of chakras and Morning ritualChapter 2: The Energy BodyIncluding The aura and the seven bodies, How to protect your aura and Awakening kundalini energyChapter 3: The ChakrasIncluding Aspects of the Chakras, The five elements and A detailed guide to all seven chakrasChapter 4: Energy Healing Including Colour therapy, Crystal healing and Energy and aura-cleansingChapter 5: Chakras in Daily LifeIncluding Meditation, Yoga and Positive affirmations

Cómo escribir un libro asombroso (y súper vendible)

by Victor Hernandez Garcia Michael Rogan

¿Quieres aprender a escribir un libro asombroso y super vendible… y además ganar dinero con él? ¿Quieres convertir tus ideas creativas y tu experiencia en una fuente confiable e inagotable de dinero? ¿Buscas una guía sin mentiras y súper sencilla para convertir las palabras que tienes en la mente en un texto que las personas pagarán por leer? Bien, pues en “Cómo escribir un libro asombroso (y súper vendible)”, descubrirás: • Las tres claves para encontrar una idea para escribir un asombroso libro de no ficción • Consejos de investigación para las personas que odian investigar • La guía definitiva para crear un título sorprendente y súper vendible • Cómo escribir libros que la gente ame …¡Y muchísimo más! Cada capítulo incluye pasos fáciles de seguir que te ayudarán a impulsar tu escritura sin tener que tomar ni un solo curso en línea de US$2,000. Empieza ahora mismo tu viaje hacia la excelencia en la escritura de libros de no ficción con “Cómo escribir un libro asombroso (y súper vendible)"

Soy mujer y estas son mis reglas: Una guía para sacar partido a tu naturaleza cíclica

by Yolanda García

Ser mujer es mucho más de lo que nos han hecho creer. Aprende cómo funciona tu cuerpo y tus ciclos para reconectar con tu esencia y potenciar tu rendimiento y tu salud. Este libro es una poderosa herramienta de autoconocimiento y empoderamiento para mujeres de todas las edades. Disfrútalo y compártelo.Convertirse en una mujer sana y plena implica abrazar una naturaleza cíclica que durante siglos ha permanecido invisibilizada, por lo que hemos crecido desconectadas de nuestro cuerpo. Las mujeres no somos lineales, pero nos pasamos la vida luchando para adaptarnos a una sociedad que nos exige serlo y que anula nuestra esencia. El baile hormonal al que estamos sometidas conlleva cambios en todas las áreas (afectiva, social, física, intelectual...), pero conocer y acompañar esos cambios nos permitirá gozar de salud y bienestar. Yolanda García nos invita a descubrir cómo es nuestra biología y cómo impacta en nuestras esferas vitales, a conocer y abrazar a las cuatro mujeres que habitan en nosotras, como la luna abraza sus cuatro fases y la naturaleza sus cuatro estaciones. Con Soy mujer y estas son mis reglas verás que el ciclo es más que el sangrado, descubrirás cómo debería ser tu menstruación, aprenderás a gestionar tu ciclicidad para aprovechar lo mejor de cada etapa, y comprenderás la salud femenina de un modo holístico.

The Mindfulness Edge

by Tim Gard Matt Tenney

The one habit that can improve almost every leadership skill There is a simple practice that can improve nearly every component of leadership excellence and it doesn't require adding anything to your busy schedule. In The Mindfulness Edge, you'll discover how a subtle inner shift, called mindfulness, can transform things that you already do every day into opportunities to become a better leader. Author Matt Tenney has trained leaders around the world in the practice of mindfulness. In this book, he partners with neuroscientist Tim Gard, PhD, to offer step-by-step, practical guidance for quickly and seamlessly integrating mindfulness training into your daily life--rewiring your brain in ways that improve both the 'hard' and 'soft' skills of leadership. In this book, you'll learn how mindfulness training helps you: Quickly improve business acumen and your impact on the bottom line Become more innovative and attract/retain innovative team members Develop the emotional intelligence essential for creating and sustaining a winning culture Realize the extraordinary leadership presence that inspires greatness in others The authors make a compelling case for why mindfulness training may be the 'ultimate success habit.' In addition to helping you improve the most essential elements of highly effective leadership, mindfulness training can help you discover unconditional happiness and realize incredible meaning--professionally and personally.

The Harvard Business School Guide to Finding Your Next Job

by Robert S. Gardella

Offers a road map for planning and conducting your search for the job. This book covers the elements of the job search process - from creating a resume to dealing with emotional side of job loss, from choosing references to staying motivated, and from using various search strategies to negotiate job offers.

Green Fashion

by Miguel Angel Gardetti Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu

This book details the crux of green fashion, addressing various environmental aspects and discussing the importance of sustainable fashion in the apparel industry. It addresses various important topics such as Relationship marketing in green fashion, Animal Ethics and Welfare in the Fashion and Lifestyle Industries, Green Flame retardants, etc.

Radiant Glory: The Life Story of Martha Wing Robinson

by Gordon P. Gardiner

Radiant Glory: The Life of Martha Wing Robinson by Gordon P. Gardiner is the only existent biography of Martha Wing Robinson (1874-1936), a relatively unknown woman from the Mid-West who was healed of several severe maladies under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie, and was then led by God into the Pentecostal outpouring in 1906. Gordon P. Gardiner spent over 20 years writing this detailed account of Martha Wing Robinson's life, drawing from personal remembrances as a boy and young man in Illinois, as well as numerous interviews with Martha Wing Robinson's closest associates, sheaves of correspondence, and notes and dictations of her talks. It pays special attention given to her writings and talks after her tremendous experience in 1907, right up to her death in 1936.

Spiritual Transformation Through Chronic Illness

by Kathleen Gardiser

The following core qualities are unconditional expressions of the soul and form the basis of this course. When self-esteem is based on these qualities, it never wavers. In each person they are interconnected; if one quality stands out it pulls the others along. For instance, true assertiveness cannot be expressed without love, wisdom comes from a calm mind, and joyful people are forgiving.

Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul

by Bud Gardner Mark Victor Hansen Jack Canfield

Being a writer can be a lonely and frustrating experience. The stories in this book--by a wide range of professional writers, novelists, journalists, freelancers, poets, and screenwriters--will give readers insight into the human trials, tribulations, and triumphs of writers, and writers a source of inspiration and commiseration. Whether readers are beginning writers, seasoned pros, or wannabes, the stories of purpose, passion, endurance, and success contained in Chicken Soup for the Writer's Soul will inform, entertain, uplift, and inspire them. In its pages, they will learn important lessons on: the importance of perseverance, the value of being yourself, the process of discovering your own voice, the need for mentors and allies, and the power of following your heartfelt dreams. Contributors include: Sue Grafton, Steve Allen, Dave Barry, Agatha Christie, Art Linkletter, Terry McMillan, and more.

No Point B: Rules for Leading Change in the New Hyper-Connected, Radically Conscious Economy

by Caleb Gardner

Our future depends on changing the way we change. But because technology has forever altered our relationship with what&’s coming next, the tomorrow we envisioned is too often totally different by the time it arrives—there is no linear path from where we are to where we are going. How can leaders manage disruption when disruption never stops coming?No Point B is a paradigm-shifting look at transforming change into something we do, not for some vague brighter future, but as a practice for making a better world right now. Drawing upon his vast experience in business leadership and social activism, author Caleb Gardner shows how the simple idea of embracing constant change as a core competency for living in a complex world could revolutionize our relationship with modernity and transform our approach to effective leadership. Through stories from his career advising everyone from Fortune 100 CEOs to politicians and political leaders, and advice from experts in sociology, psychology, and management, No Point B proposes nine principles for mobilizing the next generation of effective change leaders, including: focusing on effective communications to navigate our reality-distorting media,building adaptive capability and tackling cross-disciplinary problems, andnever resting on our assumptions about how to best navigate the world. The only way we&’ll make significant progress on building a better world is by recognizing better is a process of constant adaptation, not an end point.No Point B is the ultimate playbook for a new generation of leaders striving to dig in and give their companies and communities a better future, today.

Start Where You Are: Life Lessons in Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

by Chris Gardner Mim E. Rivas

“Gardner is encouraging us all to start where we are and dare to make our lives bigger and stronger, more satisfactory, and better. Chris Gardner is a knockout!”—Maya Angelou Chris Gardner’s astonishing memoir—the phenomenal New York Times bestseller, The Pursuit of Happyness, which inspired the film of the same name starring Will Smith—served as a shining beacon of hope for countless people. In Start Where You Are, “a book that teaches you how to transform the impossible into the possible” (Sidney Poitier), Gardner offers indispensible life lessons in getting from where you are to where you want to be.

Permission to Dream

by Chris Gardner Mim Eichler Rivas

In the spirit of The Last Lecture, The Secret, and The Alchemist, this small book presents BIG ideas for turning your “one day” into today, including the generational transfer of a dream and a powerful blueprint for a masterpiece life—from the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir and major motion picture The Pursuit of Happyness.On a winter’s day, Chris Gardner set off with his nine-year-old granddaughter Brooke to find the harmonica of her dreams. The search sends them North “beyond the wall” into a foreboding Chicago neighborhood and, soon, on a harrowing adventure that will change both of their lives—and ours. Chris is still mourning the loss of his girlfriend to brain cancer. Her question haunts him: “Now that we know how short life can be, what will you do with the time you have left?” After five years, he feels an urgency—what he calls, “Atomic Time” in which every second counts—to find an answer, but is stuck. Even while giving Brooke permission to aspire to one day become President of the United States, he knows it’s time to reclaim his own permission to dream.Lost, Chris and his granddaughter board a bus, reminding him of earlier rides through dark times when dreams of a better life kept him alive. As the two wind through a changing cityscape, Chris reflects on past lessons that offer powerful guidance for dreaming your way to monumental success. At its heart, this book lays out a blueprint for building a dream-come-true life—even during uncertainty. Gardner delivers the secrets to achieving a prosperous career—from a method for identifying your ultimate dream to a playbook for becoming world class at it. His tools include the “new 3 R’s”—or the Rep, the Rap and the Rolodex—which reveal how to earn a stellar reputation, develop a rap for marketing yourself, and amass a Rolodex of rewarding relationships. No matter how much wealth you achieve, Chris notes, true success comes from enriching the lives of others—so all can still have access to the American Dream. Toward the end, Brooke observes that in Atomic Time it’s never too late for anyone to reinvent themselves and change their fortune. Chris, hearing her, realizes what his next pursuit will be—to go back to high school and give permission to dream to the next generation of problem solvers and change makers. A true fable, Permission to Dream is a timeless and timely manifesto for turning dreams into action—beginning right now.

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