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Poder, Política y Cambio: ¿Cómo puedo ayudar a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor?

by Osho

El poder no corrompe, asegura Osho, es el hombre corrupto quien encuentra en las circunstancias una manera de expresar lo que lleva dentro. Poder, política y cambio es un libro que plantea la problemática de una realidad que alcanza a la humanidad entera y que es posible cambiar. Si bien los regímenes de gobierno y la religión son los blancos más visibles de estas reflexiones, la ambición es parte intrínseca de cada persona, por lo tanto, es necesario partir del espíritu propio para cambiar al mundo. El hombre iluminado da, simplemente. No porque quiera sacar algo de ti; tú no tienes nada para darle. Él da porque tiene mucho, lleva una sobrecarga. Da porque es una nube cargada de lluvia, tan llena de agua que tiene que llover. No importa dónde, sobre qué: las piedras, el suelo fértil, los jardines, el mar; es igual. La nube sólo quiere descargarse.

¿Por qué estás triste?: Una historia sobre la depresión y su alivio

by Christel Guczka

Víctor espera ansioso las vacaciones para ir a la playa, pero en el mundo de los adultos las cosas no andan tan bien… los planes cambian. Luz, su nueva amiga, le enseña que los obstáculos se hacen pequeños cuando los enfrentamos. ¿De qué color te imaginas que son las emociones? Los días tienen muchas tonalidades. Quizá la tristeza llegue cierto día a tu vida y lo pinte todo de gris, pero recuerda que “tu mayor hazaña será la búsqueda de la alegría”.

Asesinos seriales mexicanos: Las entrañas de una realidad siniestra

by Ricardo Ham

En México la figura del asesino en serie ha sido negada históricamente, sin embargo, su presencia a lo largo y ancho del país no puede ocultarse, lo mismo al sur que al norte, e incluso exportando homicidas de antología. Nuestro territorio tiene una historia de más de 125 años de asesinos seriales. A lo largo de la historia, la imaginación del hombre ha creado seres a quienes temer: fantasmas, brujas, demonios, vampiros, hombres lobo, alienígenas o dioses que desatan toda su furia contra una sociedad entera; sin embargo, pese a todas las versiones existentes, estos extraños seres no dejan de ser sólo producto de nuestra imaginación. En la actualidad ha surgido una nueva bestia a la que tememos, pero al mismo tiempo seguimos con una extraña fascinación, se trata de los criminales que siempre siguen un mismo modelos para matar: los asesinos seriales.

La odisea de ser humano: ¿Es posible encontrar la felicidad en la vida ordinaria? (Life Essentials #Volumen)

by Osho

El hombre es un puente que une lo animal con lo divino, y la conciencia de esta dualidad de la naturaleza es lo que nos hace humanos, dice Osho en el libro que usted tiene en sus manos. Recuerda, la vida consiste en las cosas pequeñas; no hay cosas grandes. Las cosas pequeñas acumuladas se convierten en cosas grandes. Un único acto puede no parecer muy significativo como bueno o malo. Una sola sonrisa no parecerá importante, pero una sonrisa es parte de un largo proceso. Ciertamente, una sola flor no es la guirnalda, pero no habrá ninguna guirnalda sin flores que la compongan.

Lo primero de la mañana: 365 momentos inspiradores para comenzar el día conscientemente

by Osho

Pensamientos breves, polémicos y transgresores. Los 365 pensamientos compilados fueron seleccionados de las pláticas íntimas que, a lo largo de su vida, Osho mantuvo frente a personas de diversas condiciones sociales. Reunirlos en este libro y en su complemento, Lo último de la noche, fue idea del propio Osho. Los lectores hallarán pensamientos breves, polémicos y transgresores. Los temas que el místico contemporáneo aborda son diversos: el sufrimiento humano, el amor, lo religioso, la existencia, Dios, la mente, meditación occidental, la espontaneidad, el ego, la luz interior, la dicha, la verdad, entre otros. «Ambos libros se han planeado de tal forma que cada día tiene un tema particular, y los pasajes de la mañana y de la noche se complementan. Así que Lo primero de la mañana puede leerse solo o en conjunto con el libro nocturno»

Lo último de la noche: 365 momentos relajantes para entrar a la noche conscientemente

by Osho

Pensamientos breves, polémicos y transgresores. Los 365 pensamientos compilados fueron seleccionados de las pláticas íntimas que, a lo largo de su vida, Osho mantuvo frente a personas de diversas condiciones sociales. Reunirlos en este libro y en su complemento, Lo primero de la mañana, fue idea del propio Osho. Los lectores hallarán pensamientos breves, polémicos y transgresores . Los temas que el místico contemporáneo aborda son diversos: el sufrimiento humano, el amor, lo religioso, la existencia, Dios, la mente, meditación occidental, la espontaneidad, el ego, la luz interior, la dicha, la verdad, entre otros. «Estos libros se han planeado de tal forma que cada día tienen un tema particular, y los pasajes de la mañana y de la noche se complementan. Así que Lo último de la noche puede leerse solo o en conjunto con el libro matutino»

El poder del amor (Life Essentials #Volumen)

by Osho

Harto de que todas las religiones y las diversas sociedades impongan un modelo que va en contra de la forma natural de amar, Osho propone ampliar la visión respecto al amor. Para el conocido místico contemporáneo la finalidad es que cada quien logre amarse genuinamente, y a partir de eso sembrar amor en el entorno. Esta publicación pertenece a la serie Life Essentials , de la cual Vergara ha publicado ocho títulos más. Dicha serie se enfoca en las dudas existenciales más significativas para el hombre. Cada libro incluye discusiones atemporales , para la búsqueda personal de significado y propósito en la vida. La pertinencia de este libro resulta incuestionable dadas las condiciones del mundo moderno : violencia, guerra, múltiples manifestaciones de odio alrededor del mundo.

In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction

by Gabor Mate

In this timely and profoundly original new book, bestselling writer and physician Gabor Maté looks at the epidemic of addictions in our society, tells us why we are so prone to them and what is needed to liberate ourselves from their hold on our emotions and behaviours.For over seven years Gabor Maté has been the staff physician at the Portland Hotel, a residence and harm reduction facility in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside. His patients are challenged by life-threatening drug addictions, mental illness, Hepatitis C or HIV and, in many cases, all four. But if Dr. Maté’s patients are at the far end of the spectrum, there are many others among us who are also struggling with addictions. Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, work, food, sex, gambling and excessive inappropriate spending: what is amiss with our lives that we seek such self-destructive ways to comfort ourselves? And why is it so difficult to stop these habits, even as they threaten our health, jeopardize our relationships and corrode our lives?Beginning with a dramatically close view of his drug addicted patients, Dr. Maté looks at his own history of compulsive behaviour. He weaves the stories of real people who have struggled with addiction with the latest research on addiction and the brain. Providing a bold synthesis of clinical experience, insight and cutting edge scientific findings, Dr. Maté sheds light on this most puzzling of human frailties. He proposes a compassionate approach to helping drug addicts and, for the many behaviour addicts among us, to addressing the void addiction is meant to fill.I believe there is one addiction process, whether it manifests in the lethal substance dependencies of my Downtown Eastside patients, the frantic self-soothing of overeaters or shopaholics, the obsessions of gamblers, sexaholics and compulsive internet users, or in the socially acceptable and even admired behaviours of the workaholic. Drug addicts are often dismissed and discounted as unworthy of empathy and respect. In telling their stories my intent is to help their voices to be heard and to shed light on the origins and nature of their ill-fated struggle to overcome suffering through substance use. Both in their flaws and their virtues they share much in common with the society that ostracizes them. If they have chosen a path to nowhere, they still have much to teach the rest of us. In the dark mirror of their lives we can trace outlines of our own.—from In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

Creencia, Duda y Fanatismo: ¿Es esencial tener algo en que creer? (Life Essentials #Volumen)

by Osho

¿Es esencial tener algo en que creer? Un hombre de verdadera confianza no tiene creencias, sino que confía porque ha llegado a entender lo hermosa que es la vida. Y ha llegado a entender que la vida es atemporal, eterna. Ha llegado a entender que en su interior está el reino de Dios. Se convierte en rey, y no en el sentido ordinario de la palabra, porque el reino que viene de fuera no es más que un reino de sueños.

The Divorce Hacker's Guide to Untying the Knot: What Every Woman Needs to Know about Finances, Child Custody, Lawyers, and Planning Ahead

by Ann E. Grant

The best guide for protecting yourself through divorce Family law attorney Ann Grant presents the practical information every woman needs to protect herself as she navigates through a divorce. Feelings of loss, grief, and rage are common during divorce. But one of the most debilitating feelings experienced by women going through divorce is paralyzing impotence. Grant will help you take back your power and rights concerning finances, home, children, and work life. With compassion, insight, and tough-minded realism, she breaks down the process and provides step-by-step assessments, checklists, and inspiring stories of successful lives post-divorce. Her goal is to give you insider information that will not only make your divorce “successful” but also establish your life firmly and confidently on a positive, fresh new standing.

Cohering the Integral We-Space: Engaging Collective Emergence, Wisdom and Healing in Groups

by Olen Gunnlaugson Michael Brabant

This anthology has been designed as a resource for advancing new perspectives, practices and knowledge of the we-space as a group process that brings about distinct forms of individual and social transformation. On the whole, the practices of each we-space lineage engage and co-create our lives from a place of depth and real meeting. This brings forth new insight and collective forms of intelligence that are making new inroads into understanding what it means to come together and participate in the co- creation of our lives, reality and culture. May the emerging wisdom you discover between these pages serve your collective work and practice and benefit others for generations to come.

Freeing the Soul From Fear

by Robert Sardello

Fear comes at us from politics, war, work, relationships, strangers, movies, and television. It keeps us from behaving intelligently, since the mind's first reaction to fear is to ignore danger, hoping it will go away. When fear takes over, it drives us to extremes of manic happiness or fits of rage; it pushes us to destroy relationships instead of letting relationships help us defeat it.

The Wellness Book: The Comprehensive Guide to Maintaining Health and Treating Stress-Related Illness

by Herbert Benson Eileen M. Stuart Michael P. Goldberg

The Wellness Book shows readers how to create and control their own well being. Use of the book, in combination with modern medical treatments, will aid in prevention and treatment of a number of illnesses and, according to USA TODAY, “legitimizes the mind/body connection in traditional medicine.” <P><P>Millions of readers are familiar with the work of Dr. Herbert Benson and the Mind/Body Medical Institute from his mega-bestselling book The Relaxation Response . With more than 5 million copies in print, it is a classic in the field of mind/body medicine. In The Wellness Book, Dr. Benson has created the definitive resource that shows readers how to maintain health and treat stress-related illnesses, including high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, chronic pain, Parkinson’s Disease, infertility, insomnia, anxiety, symptoms of HIV and cancer, menopause, and more.

Made for These Times: A Start-Up Guide to Calling, Character, and Work That Matters

by Justin Zoradi Katelyn Beaty

In fearful, uncertain times, how can we find significance in something greater than ourselves?Award-winning social entrepreneur Justin Zoradi was once haunted by this question as a young person daunted by the world's needs, yet wanting to make a difference. But when some friends from across the world invited him to join them, Justin said yes - and felt a small spark ignite within. That spark led to the founding of These Numbers Have Faces, a social enterprise investing in the next generation of African leaders.Made For These Times is a field guide to help you find your own spark as you remember who you were made to be. Through 26 power-packed microchapters, you will learn how to bolster ambition with character, dig deep to find your grit, and rise up to the challenges of today.Along the way, Justin weaves together compelling narrative, historical anecdotes, practical tips, and a six-part road map to equip you to join God in the work he is already doing. The result is a hope-filled blueprint for fighting back against fear and building a life of purpose.A life of significance isn't about what you are doing, it's about who you are becoming. In these trying times, God is calling you to be brave. Made For These Times is a rallying declaration that we cannot rely on the heroes of the past to engage the challenges of today. It's your turn – let this book be the spark you’ve been waiting for.

You're Not Lost: An Inspired Action Plan for Finding Your Own Way

by Maxie McCoy

A tough-loving guide to figuring out your next steps and believing in yourself enough to take them If there's one phrase women’s leadership expert Maxie McCoy hears over and over again in talking to young women, it's "I'm so lost." Not only do they doubt the direction their lives are going—they don’t even know where to start making changes. This book provides a straight shot of encouragement to change that. You're Not Lost is the manifesto for a generation of women who don't have the self-confidence to trust their instincts and go for it. This compelling guide gets to the root of the problem, showing you how to drop the panic-inducing, big-picture obsession over "Where am I going with my life?" and instead shines a spotlight on the small yet impactful decisions that will take you from lost to found. With step-by-step advice, thought-provoking exercises, and real-life stories from Maxie and other inspirational women who have been there and succeeded, this book is an energizing action plan for getting to the amazing career and life you deserve.

WorkParty: How to Create & Cultivate the Career of Your Dreams

by Jaclyn Johnson

First, we leaned in. Now we stand up. Jaclyn Johnson—the founder and CEO behind Create & Cultivate, the fastest growing online platform and conference for millennial women in business— offers a rallying cry for a new generation of women who are redefining the meaning of work on their own terms: WorkParty. Women who want it all and more, and guess what? They can have it.Jaclyn suffered a massive blow in her early twenties. She was on an upward career climb and confidently moved across the country for a job—and then, was abruptly let go. Attempting to turn that closed door into an open window, she launched a company with a trusted business partner. Soon after, she discovered said business partner had made detrimental decisions to the company without her knowledge. Before she knew it, she was in the throes of a brutal business partner break up. She was only twenty-four. Determined to bounce back, Jaclyn overhauled the mess that was her life and by the time she was in her early thirties, she had sold a company and launched the much-buzzed about Create & Cultivate platform—and advised and invested in multiple million-dollar projects at the same time. So, how did she do it? In WorkParty, Jaclyn shows how she turned distrust into determination, frustration into fuel, and heartache into hard work—and how you can, too. With stories from leading female entrepreneurs including Christene Barberich (co-founder of Refinery29), Alli Webb, (creator of Drybar), Morgan Debaun (founder of Blavity), Jen Gotch of, Rebecca Minkoff, and Kendra Scott, you will learn the tips and tricks from the best in the business while cultivating the passion and happiness you need to succeed. By embracing failure and reconciling your femininity with being a boss, you’ll join the movement that is WorkParty—and have fun along the way.

Three Simple Rules: Uncomplicating Life in Recovery

by Michael Graubart

Recovery is hard, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.If sobriety were easy, everybody who wanted to be sober would be. And especially for those who are just starting out in Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or another Twelve Step program, the prospect of trying to change drinking, using, or other harmful behaviors can seem overwhelming. The good news is there are just three key things we need to focus on. Trust God. Clean house. Help others. Three Simple Rules offers a new take on this valuable slogan and explains how these rules can help anyone find fulfilling recovery. Author Michael Graubart also knows that those six short words are packed with meaning and may not sound so straightforward. Luckily, you don’t have to figure it out on your own. Michael uses wit and wisdom gained in more than twenty years of Twelve Step recovery to explain what worked for him so you can figure out what works you. In Michael’s experience, if you follow the Steps, and focus on the three simple rules, you’ll be changed by the process.

The Job Hunting Handbook

by Harry Dahlstrom

The Job Hunting Handbook is a complete job-search program you can read in about an hour or so and get started on your job hunt today. It's upbeat, motivational and written in a friendly conversational style. Learn how employers hire so you can survive the four cuts. Just fill-in-the-blanks to craft a resume with all the right stuff.

Reclaim Regret

by Kathryn J. Hermes FSP

This book by bestselling author Sr. Kathryn Hermes can help you reshape past regret and disappointment in the context of your life stoary. Real-world examples, powerful meditations, and Sr. Kathryn’s own experiences can transform a feeling of midlife stagnation into spiritual liberation. Learn about God’s four promises to you through sacred scripture and prayer; they will help you forgive yourself, encounter God’s love and healing, and embrace spiritual freedom.

The Red Bandanna: A Life. A Choice. A Legacy.

by Tom Rinaldi

What would you do in the last hour of your life?<P><P> The story of Welles Crowther, whose actions on 9/11 offer a lasting lesson on character, calling and courage<P> One Sunday morning before church, when Welles Crowther was a young boy, his father gave him a red handkerchief for his back pocket. Welles kept it with him that day, and just about every day to come; it became a fixture and his signature.<P> A standout athlete growing up in Upper Nyack, NY, Welles was also a volunteer at the local fire department, along with his father. He cherished the necessity and the camaraderie, the meaning of the role. Fresh from college, he took a Wall Street job on the 104th floor of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, but the dream of becoming a firefighter with the FDNY remained.<P> When the Twin Towers fell, Welles’s parents had no idea what happened to him. In the unbearable days that followed, they came to accept that he would never come home. But the mystery of his final hours persisted. Eight months after the attacks, however, Welles’s mother read a news account from several survivors, badly hurt on the 78th floor of the South Tower, who said they and others had been led to safety by a stranger, carrying a woman on his back, down nearly twenty flights of stairs. After leading them down, the young man turned around. “I’m going back up,” was all he said. <P> The survivors didn’t know his name, but despite the smoke and panic, one of them remembered a single detail clearly: the man was wearing a red bandanna. <P> Tom Rinaldi’s The Red Bandanna is about a fearless choice, about a crucible of terror and the indomitable spirit to answer it. Examining one decision in the gravest situation, it celebrates the difference one life can make. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Tom Peters Seminar: Crazy Times Call for Crazy Organizations (Vintage Original Ser.)

by Tom Peters

This volume brings together the best of the Tom Peters seminars, complete with visual materials. The Tom Peters Seminar demonstrates Peters' unconventional analysis that challenges outdated corporate structures and demonstrates that in the 1990s, "imagination is the source of value in the economy." Peters' bold ideas vault business thinking beyond change--toward invention and revolution.

The Professional Service Firm50

by Tom Peters

Transform white collar departments into "professional service firms" whose sole, powerful asset is knowledge.Peters discusses making the most of presentations, working with outsiders on market analysis, how to imporve brainstorming meetings, how to develop relationships with clients and get the most out of them. 50 of Tom Peters's trademark insights on how to get the most our of your department.

The Project 50: Fifty Ways to Transform Every "Task" into a Project That Matters! (Reinventing Work Series)

by Tom Peters

The common denominator/bottom line for both the professional service firm/PSF and the individual/Brand You is: the project. And for the cool individual in the cool professional service firm there is only one answer: the cool project.A seminar participant said: "Reward excellent failures. Punish mediocre successes." So, how many of you are at work -- right now -- on "mediocre successes"? At work on projects that won't be recalled, let alone recalled with fondness and glee, a year from now? We don't study professional service firms. (Mistake.) And we don't study WOW Projects. (Worse mistake.) There is, of course, a project management literature. But it's awful. Or, at least, misleading. It focuses almost exclusively on the details of planning and tracking progress and totally ignores the important stuff like: Is it cool? Is it beautiful? Will it make a difference? My No.1 epithet: "On time . . . on budget . . . who cares?" I.e., does it matter? Will you be bragging about it two--or ten--years from now? Is it a WOW project?So, then: Step #1 . . .the organization . . .the professional service firm/PSF 1.0. Step 2 . . .the individual . . .the pursuit of distinction/Brand You. And: Step #3 . . . the work itself . . . the memorable project/WOW Projects. The Project50 is a simple and handy guide that provides 50 easy steps to help the modern businessperson choose the right project, find the right team, develop strategies for success, and ultimately know when it's time to move on.See also the other 50List titles in the Reinventing Work series by Tom Peters -- The Brand You50 and The Professional Service Firm50 -- for additional information on how to make an impact in the professional world. From the Hardcover edition.

Quantum Healing (Revised and Updated): Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine

by Deepak Chopra

THE LANDMARK BESTSELLER--NOW COMPLETELY REVISED AND UPDATED More than twenty-five years ago, Quantum Healing helped transform Deepak Chopra into a cultural phenomenon. Now Dr. Chopra, hailed by Time as "the poet-prophet of alternative medicine," returns to this groundbreaking work, adding the latest scientific research as well as expanded thoughts on the connection between body and mind. Inspired by the unexplained recovery of patients in his own practice who had been given just a few months to live, Dr. Chopra began his search for answers. After returning to his native India to explore humanity's most ancient healing tradition, Ayurveda, he combined those insights with Western medicine, neuroscience, and physics. What he discovered--a "network of intelligence" in the human body with the potential to defeat cancer, heart disease, even aging itself--forms the basis of Quantum Healing. In this new edition, Dr. Chopra once again offers a fascinating intellectual journey and a deeply moving chronicle of hope and healing. Praise for Quantum Healing "Quantum Healing didn't set out to cure cancer or Alzheimer's or any other intractable disease. It set out to see the human body, and human existence in general, through wiser eyes. As a scientist I'm passionate about genes and the brain; as a person I'm totally fascinated by the origins of consciousness. Quantum Healing galvanized my intuition that these areas do not have to be separated."--Dr. Rudolph Tanzi, from the new foreword "Deepak Chopra illuminates our true innate capacity for healing, growth, and evolution. With the wisdom of an experienced doctor, girded by science, he guides us to reclaim our natural power towards thriving. Chopra's work is paradigm-changing for medicine and helpful beyond measure for every human being seeking to evolve, flourish, and know our true nature."--Lisa Miller, Ph.D., author of The Spiritual Child and director of clinical psychology, Teachers College, Columbia University

The Nerdist Way: How to Reach the Next Level (In Real Life)

by Chris Hardwick

WELCOME YOUR NEW NERD OVERLORD Attention, Nerds: You don't have to be a stereotypical geekwad to appreciate the tenets of Nerdism and to make your innate talents for over-analysis and hyper-self-awareness work for you instead of agin you. Join Nerd superstar Chris Hardwick as he offers his fellow "creative-obsessives" the crucial information needed to come out on top in the current Nerd uprising. As a lifelong member of "The Nerd Herd," Chris Hardwick has learned all there is to know about Nerds. He's studied them, lived with them, and has endeavored to milk their knowledge nectar and isolate its curative powers for what ails you. Thus, he has founded a philosophical system (and blog) called The Nerdist, and here he shares his hard-earned wisdom about turning seeming weaknesses into world-dominating strengths. From keeping your heart rate below hummingbird levels to ignoring your brain, Hardwick reveals the secrets that can help you accomplish what you want by tapping into your true nerdtastic self. Remember, success is the most satisfying--and legal--form of vengeance there is. And you can achieve it...when you follow the Nerdist Way.

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