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GQ How to Win at Life: The expert guide to excelling at everything you do

by Charlie Burton

From the magazine synonymous with looking sharp and living smart comes the definitive handbook of skills for the modern man.Based on interviews with the world's foremost authorities - including Richard Branson, Jamie Oliver, Tracey Emin, Andy McNab, Tom Daley, Alastair Campbell, Dynamo and many others - step-by-step illustrated guides show you how to win at fashion, sport, food and drink, work, romance, travel and the unexpected.You will learn: How to master sushi etiquette How to neutralize a crisis How to fold a suit for crease-free travel How to give a killer foot massage How to win big at the casino How to dance without looking like your dad How to get quality sleep on a night flight How to ace the job interview How to survive a kidnapping ... plus dozens of other insider techniques.

The Age of Overwhelm: Strategies for the Long Haul

by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky

Whether we are overwhelmed by work or school; our families or communities; caretaking for others or ourselves; or engagement in social justice, environmental advocacy, or civil service, just a few subtle shifts can help us sustain. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, bestselling author of Trauma Stewardship, shows us how, offering concrete strategies to help us mitigate harm, cultivate our ability to be decent and equitable, and to act with integrity. The Age of Overwhelm aims to help ease our burden of overwhelm, restore our perspective, and give us strength to navigate what is yet to come.

Apartment Therapy: The Eight-Step Home Cure

by Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan

From not enough space and too many things to not knowing what color to paint the living room walls, many of us struggle with our homes. Now Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, frequent makeover expert on HGTV’s Mission: Organization and Small Spaces, Big Style, shares the do-it-yourself strategies that have enabled his clients and fans to transform their apartments into well-organized, beautiful places that suit their style and budget. Week by week,Apartment Therapywill guide you to treat common problems, eliminate clutter, and revamp even the tiniest space. Here is an eight-step process that includes: A therapeutic questionnaire to help you get in touch with your personal taste and diagnose your home’s physical, emotional, and energy flow issues A prescription with recommendations for each room based on your needs and lifestyle–including tips on how to use color, lighting, and accessories A treatment plan, including regular maintenance schedules to ensure the ongoing health of your space Illustrations of floor plans and decorative examples that allow you to visualize concepts before you begin With surprising ease and without elaborate professional help,Apartment Therapywill help you clear a path through disorder and indecision–to reveal a home you’ll love. From the Trade Paperback edition.

The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling

by Stephen Cope

From the director of the Institute for Extraordinary Living at the famed Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health comes an incisive and inspiring meditation on living the life you were born to live. In this fast-paced age, the often overwhelming realities of daily life may leave you feeling uncertain about how to realize your life's true purpose--what spiritual teachers call dharma. But yoga master Stephen Cope says that in order to have a fulfilling life you must, in fact, discover the deep purpose hidden at the very core of your self. In The Great Work of Your Life, Cope describes the process of unlocking the unique possibility harbored within every human soul. The secret, he asserts, can be found in the pages of a two-thousand-year-old spiritual classic called the Bhagavad Gita--an ancient allegory about the path to dharma, told through a timeless dialogue between the fabled archer, Arjuna, and his divine mentor, Krishna. Cope takes readers on a step-by-step tour of this revered tale, and in order to make it relevant to contemporary readers, he highlights well-known Western lives that embody its central principles--including such luminaries as Jane Goodall, whose life trajectory shows us the power of honoring The Gift; Walt Whitman, who listened for the call of the times; Susan B. Anthony, whose example demonstrates the power of focused energy; John Keats, who was able to let his desire give birth to aspiration; and Harriet Tubman, whose life was nothing if not a lesson in learning to walk by faith. This essential guide also includes everyday stories about following the path to dharma, which illustrate the astonishingly contemporary relevance and practicality of this classic yogic story. If you're feeling lost in your own life's journey, The Great Work of Your Life may provide you with answers to the questions you most urgently need addressed--and may help you to find and to embrace your true calling.Advance praise for The Great Work of Your Life "Stephen Cope is a national treasure. He is an incredibly rare combination of brilliant spiritual thinker, elegant prose stylist, and empathic, grounded teacher. The dharma stories threaded throughout The Great Work of Your Life are moving and instructive. Keep a pen and paper handy as you read this remarkable book: It's like an owner's manual for the soul."--Dani Shapiro, author of Devotion "I am moved and inspired by The Great Work of Your Life, the clarity and beauty of the lives lived in it, and the timeless dharma it teaches."--Jack Kornfield, author of A Path with HeartFrom the Hardcover edition.

Uma vida à sua medida: O segredo para tornar realidade os seus sonhos com a Lei da Atração

by Sandrina Ribeiro de Sousa Mafalda Lempicka

O segredo para ver todos os seus sonhos realidade encontra-se dentro destas páginas. Há muito tempo que se pregunta como atrair mais dinheiro? Existem facetas da sua vida que gostaria mudar para poder ter uma felicidade mais plena? Está cansado de sentir que não tem nenhum controlo sobre as suas circunstâncias? Gostava de ter pensamentos mais positivos? Está farto de sentir-se mal? O poder da mente é simplesmente maravilhoso. Os pensamentos são uma verdadeira fonte de criação que, até agora, a humanidade não soube usar. Tudo o que tem e tudo aquilo que até agora não conseguiu ter, depende de como usa a sua capacidade criativa. Esta se encontra no seu interior, está aí para si! Deve saber que não estamos à mercê das circunstâncias, a sorte não é algo que se reparta aleatoriamente, pode aceder a ela e colocá-la no seu caminho. Com este livro aprenderá a trabalhar conscientemente com a Lei da Atração, tomará de uma vez por todas as rédeas da sua vida e será o que sempre sonhou Ser. Aprenda a usar o poder do agora, o poder da intenção, manifeste a realidade que deseja. Somos como um grande íman que atrai até nós tudo o que temos e o que carecemos isso é o que dita a Lei da Atração. Já é hora de que decidamos o que queremos e o que não queremos atrair. Está preparado para encontrar a felicidade?

A Sua Maravilhosa Estrela

by Mafalda Lempicka Sandrina Ribeiro Sousa

Conhece os fundamentos e o funcionamento da Lei da Atração, mas os seus resultados são irregulares ou não termina por aplicar a Lei como gostaria. Talvez esteja a falhar o seu método? Existe alguma forma mais eficaz para manifestar o que deseja? Existem várias ferramentas para atrair com êxito o que desejamos que forme parte da nossa vida. Neste livro, apresento-lhe todas as ferramentas que fui recolhendo ao longo de muitos anos de estudo e prática sobre a Lei da Atração. Assim como não há duas pessoas iguais também não existe um só método com o qual toda a gente se sente cómodo ao trabalhar com a lei da atração. Descubra as práticas mais afins a si, aquelas que lhe permitirão focalizar a sua energia criativa e lançá-la adequadamente para que o universo responda. Com este libro alcançará de uma vez por todas os seus objetivos, atrairá sem nenhuma dificuldade todas as bondades e as coisas maravilhosas que o universo tem guardadas para si.

Chaos Magic

by Juan Miguel Dominguez Alejandro Salazar

CHAOS MAGIC The art thata everybody uses ye nobody talks about. INDEX 1.- Pop Present. 2.- A little bit of history about Chaos Magic. 3.- The 7 principles of Kibalyon. 4.- Conscience Levels. 5.- Our minds never rest. 6.- Exercise one: Bring attractive people to your life for sexual encounters. 7.- Exercise two: Games of chance. 8.- Exercise 3: Others ways to earn money. 9.- The almost-inverse sigil. 10.- Exercise four: others less-conventional ways to earn money using the quantic method and earning money through chance games. 11.- Exercise five: How to create a business / company and make it successful quickly. 12.- The art of the Mental Transmutation. 13.- A Method to get out of any emotional well with another exercise Pop Present Every day, more millionaires and famous people are discovering their fascination for the hidden sciences. The society (a slave of itself and of others) has no idea of these powerful exercises. To no one, it was ever profitable to give away their brain. This exclusive part of society, the participants of some kind of occultism, utilize psychic engineering´s mechanism to manipulate results, a random event, a person, a soccer game, a sexual encounter, a destiny, all of it to earn money, a lot of money, on any way possible. There are a few people who openly admit it, supposedly because its efficiency lays on the others not finding it out. Besides, it’s not good to go around telling everybody that magic is your favorite hobby. It won’t help you on your resume neither on gatherings with your family and friends. Magic is a subtle power that acquires its maximum worth on its maximum silence.

El mundo es una escuela - 13 lecciones que aprendimos con nuestros hijos mientras dábamos la vuelta al mundo

by Bruno Palvarini Cláudia Quezado Felipe Luísa Megi Bedulla

Bruno, Cláudia, Felipe y Luisa cuentan las historias de sus viajes a lugares increíbles. Diez años aprendiendo y enseñando en la mejor escuela que existe: la vida.

Snapchat, Login, Filtres, Lentilles, Mises à jour, Support, Téléchargement, App, Apk, ++, Guide

by Josh Abbott Erick Bolivar Sanchez Rosario

Un guide détaillé sur l'utilisation, la compréhension et le clavardage maître Messagerie et spécificités Réglages Comment configurer SnapChat SnapChat Emojis/Bitmojis/Bitmojis Spécificités de la sieste Créer des histoires BEAUCOUP PLUS ! Faites défiler jusqu'en haut de la page et cliquez sur Ajouter au panier pour acheter instantanément Clause de non-responsabilité : Cet auteur et ou le(s) titulaire(s) des droits ne font aucune réclamation, promesse ou garantie quant à l'exactitude, l'exhaustivité ou l'adéquation du contenu de ce livre, et décline expressément toute responsabilité en cas d'erreurs ou d'omissions dans le contenu de ce livre. Ce produit est destiné à un usage de référence uniquement.

“Never Cook Bacon Naked”: And Other Words of Wisdom for the Home Cook

by Doreen Chila-Jones

We have all done it: ruined an entire dinner; burned a piece of toast; served raw chicken to our guests. Cooking can be a daunting, frustrating, and hopeless pursuit . . . and when you are in a pickle, it's time for a little pep talk from some of the biggest cooking and non-cooking experts—people like Julia Child, Thomas Keller, Alice Waters, Truman Capote, Maya Angelou, and many others who, at one time or another, have also scorched their lunch. But remember, as the cookbook author Alana Chernila likes to say, “Homemade food is the opposite of perfection.”

Mundos invisibles

by Elsa Lucia Arango

De la autora de EXPERIENCIAS CON EL CIELO, un nuevo libro paraconectarnos con la esperanza. ¿Qué nos espera después de la muerte? ¿Qué tan reparador es hablar de ella? ¿Es posible comunicarnos con los seres queridos que ya no están? ¿Es posible creer en la reencarnación? Estos son algunos de los interrogantes que busca resolver la doctora Elsa Lucía Arango, en Mundos Invisibles, la continuación de Experiencias en el cielo, que a la fecha ha vendido más de 20,000 ejemplares.En este libro ahondará en muchos temas y ayudará aún más a todas aquellas personas que atraviesan un duelo. Además, reúne testimonios conmovedores de personas que a raíz de la publicación de su primer libro, han compartido experiencias para comprobar que aquellos que mueren siempre nos acompañan.

Why Courage Matters: The Way to a Braver Life

by John Mccain Mark Salter

"Courage," Winston Churchill explained, is "the first of human qualities ... because it guarantees all the others." As a naval officer, P.O.W., and one of America's most admired political leaders, John McCain has seen countless acts of bravery and self-sacrifice. Now, in this inspiring meditation on courage, he shares his most cherished stories of ordinary individuals who have risked everything to defend the people and principles they hold most dear. "We are taught to understand, correctly, that courage is not the absence of fear but the capacity for action despite our fears," McCain reminds us, as a way of introducing the stories of figures both famous and obscure that he finds most compelling--from the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to Sgt. Roy Benavidez, who ignored his own well-being to rescue eight of his men from an ambush in the Vietnam jungle; from 1960s civil rights leader John Lewis, who wrote, "When I care about something, I'm prepared to take the long, hard road," to Hannah Senesh, who, in protecting her comrades in the Hungarian resistance against Hitler's SS, chose a martyr's death over a despot's mercy. These are some of the examples McCain turns to for inspiration and offers to others to help them summon the resolve to be both good and great. He explains the value of courage in both everyday actions and extraordinary feats. We learn why moral principles and physical courage are often not distinct quantities but two sides of the same coin. Most of all, readers discover how sometimes simply setting the right example can be the ultimate act of courage. Written by one of our most respected public figures, Why Courage Matters is that rare book with a message both timely and timeless. This is a work for anyone seeking to understand how the mystery and gift of courage can empower us and change our lives.

Ask Dr. Nandi: 5 Steps to Becoming Your Own #HealthHero for Longevity, Well-Being, and a Joyful Life

by Partha Nandi

The star of the award-winning TV show, Ask Dr. Nandi, which reaches over eighty-five million US households, empowers readers to become their own health hero.Dr. Partha Nandi delivers passionate, empathetic, and trusted health advice daily to over eighty-five million US households, is seen in ninety countries worldwide, and his Facebook videos have been watched by more than 1.5 million viewers. In a sound bite culture, Ask Dr. Nandi disrupts the status quo by engaging viewers with in depth discussions on the health and wellness topics that matter to their lives. A health hero means being an advocate for yourself and your family, in sickness and in health. It’s about building the confidence to gain knowledge and use that knowledge to make tough decisions. In Ask Dr. Nandi, Dr. Nandi gives readers the necessary tools to become empowered and take ownership of his or her health choices. Whether addressing bullying or prostate cancer, community and purpose or fitness and nutrition, Dr. Nandi tackles the tough questions, stimulates conversations, creates a new awareness of options and resources, and guides readers to confidently make the choices that are best for them.

The Happy Human: Being Real in an Artificially Intelligent World

by Gopi Kallayil

Gopi Kallayil, author of The Internet to the Inner-net and one of Google's best and brightest, uses stories from his high-tech work life and his personal life to explore what it means to be truly happy--and what makes us truly human.Happiness is a multimillion-dollar industry, catering to our deep desire to live a joyful life and to a belief that, as human beings, we deserve to be happy. Gopi Kallayil believes in reversing that equation. He holds that what we truly deserve is to be human, and that the key to happiness lies in being 100 percent who we are, reveling in our authentic selves, even if--maybe especially if--that means falling on our faces. Which Gopi has done. Many times. But he's also had spectacular success.This book explores the qualities that make us human and have helped to make Gopi successful and happy in both his personal life and his professional career. Told with Gopi's candor and humor, his deep compassion and his love of the absurd, The Happy Human spans the period from his first job as a software programmer in South China to his current position as an executive at Google in Silicon Valley. Each chapter captures an event in Gopi's life where he dug deep and found the means to express himself from a place of radical confidence: Singing live at Burning Man, even though he sings off-key and was terrified. Participating in a triathlon, with an open-water swim, when he had only swum in a pool. (Lifeguards pulled him into their boat to save him.) Speaking at Toastmasters International and being willing to be awful--which he admittedly was--before finally, years later, becoming one of their top speakers. He also weaves in accounts of others who have dreamed big and acted on their dreams. Gopi's stories and practices help us find happiness by embracing not only our own selves but the entire human experience, inspiring us to expect miracles daily, to use every fall as a chance to bounce, to go for what we want on every front, to live our lives full-out.

Life Unscripted: Using Improv Principles to Get Unstuck, Boost Confidence, and Transform Your Life

by Jeff Katzman Dan O'Connor

Learn to collaborate with others, think on your feet, and celebrate mistakes using the skills of improv theater So many of us go through life following scripts we didn’t write for ourselves—scripts designed by our family, shaped by our friends, and influenced by the expectations of the people we meet. Using practical self-help skills rooted in improv principles and depth psychology, we can live more authentic, fulfilled, and empowered lives.

Tongue Tied: Untangling Communication in Sex, Kink, and Relationships

by Stella Harris

“My favorite thing when I'm working with clients is when their eyes go wide with the ‘ah-ha’ moment that they really can have the sex life of their dreams. It's my hope that with this book, you can as well.”—Stella Harris Sex is still a touchy subject despite recent sex-positive advances. We live in a culture that vilifies people who are sexually adventurous and frames our kinks as shame-inducing perversions. Many people have never been able to talk openly about sex with their partner(s). But, you can get what you want out of the bedroom—if you ask for it. Why should anyone settle for mediocre sex?! Whether addressing sexual frustration with your partner, trying out new fantasies, or negotiating the terms of a BDSM scene, Stella Harris believes that communication skills are vital to sexual fulfillment. Tongue Tied gives readers straightforward advice on how to conquer their fears, identify their needs, and feel positively empowered. Harris charmingly takes readers through all aspects of communication, from basic interpersonal skills to negotiation advice for expert-level kink play. Learn how to have fun, embrace silly moments, support your loved ones, and take personal responsibility for your desires. An incredible guide full of exercises, tools, and personal examples, Tongue Tied is a must-read for people of every experience level and relationship status.

Making Sense of "It": A Guide to Sex for Teens (and Their Parents, Too!)

by Alison Macklin

Maybe you learned about sex in school—anatomy, STIs, and pregnancy, right? You might think you’ve learned all there is to know, but there’s so much more to sex than just “doing it.” What about masturbation, is that OK? Are you dirty for having sexual fantasies? What about kissing, giving a blowjob, or taking the pill, is it safe? What if you touch someone’s penis, can you get pregnant? If you douche after sex, you won’t get pregnant… right? Making Sense of “It” goes beyond the basics of the birds and the bees to give teens a realistic, no-holds barred, nonjudgmental guide on everything to do with sex and sexuality. With this book, teens can learn about it all from the best contraception methods to what to expect at a clinic, even to the signs of an unhealthy relationship. Alison Macklin draws on her years of experience at Planned Parenthood to address everything teens want to and should know in a straightforward, open-minded, and sex-positive manner. Even better, “Conversation Starters” in each chapter give teens and parents a chance to test their knowledge and useful tips to help talk about sex in a way that works for them. In a world where teens are bombarded with bad information on social media, and are made to feel ashamed of something so natural, Making Sense of “It” offers trustworthy, gender-neutral advice on how to be safe, informed, and honest about “it”.

Body System: Human Cells (Bridges Ser.)

by Gary Rushworth

NIMAC-sourced textbook

The Spirituality of Imperfection: Storytelling and the Search for Meaning

by Katherine Ketcham Ernest Kurtz

I Am Not Perfect is a simple statement of profound truth, the first step toward understanding the human condition, for to deny your essential imperfection is to deny yourself and your own humanity. The spirituality of imperfection, steeped in the rich traditions of the Hebrew prophets and Greek thinkers, Buddhist sages and Christian disciples, is a message as timeless as it is timely. This insightful work draws on the wisdom stories of the ages to provide an extraordinary wellspring of hope and inspiration to anyone thirsting for spiritual growth and guidance in these troubled times.Who are we? Why so we so often fall short of our goals for ourselves and others? By seeking to understand our limitations and accept the inevitably of failure and pain, we being to ease the hurt and move toward a greater sense of serenity and self-awareness. The Spirituality Of Imperfection brings together stories from many spiritual and philosophical paths, weaving past traditions into a spirituality and a new way of thinking and living that works today. It speaks so anyone who yearns to find meaning within suffering. Beyond theory and technique, inside this remarkable book you will find a new way of thinking, a way of living that enables a truly human existence.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Letters to an Incarcerated Brother: Encouragement, Hope, and Healing for Inmates and Their Loved Ones

by Hill Harper

A compelling, important addition to Hill Harper's bestselling series, inspired by young inmates who write to him seeking guidanceAfter the publication of the bestselling Letters to a Young Brother, accomplished actor and speaker Hill Harper began to receive an increasing number of moving letters from inmates who yearned for a connection with a successful role model. With disturbing statistics on African-American incarceration rates on his mind, Harper set out to address the specific needs of inmates. Harper's powerful message from the heart provides advice and inspiration in the face of despair along with encouraging words for restoring a sense of self-worth. Uplifting and insightful, Letters to an Incarcerated Brother provides the hope and inspiration inmates and their families need.

The Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart (Artist's Way)

by Julia Cameron

In the Vein of Gold: A Journey to Your Creative Heart, Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way, draws from her remarkable teaching experience to help readers reach out into ever-broadening creative horizons. As in The Artist's Way, she combines eloquent essays with playful and imaginative experiential exercises to make The Vein of Gold an extraordinary book of learning-through-doing. Inspiring essays on the creative process and more than one hundred engaging and energizing tasks involve the reader in "inner play," leading to authentic growth, renewal, and healing.


by Piers Steel

Una propuesta ágil e interesante sobre cómo ser más eficientes y no dejar para mañana lo que podemos hacer hoy. ¿Pierdes el tiempo en internet en lugar de terminar el trabajo atrasado? ¿Dices que tienes que ponerte a dieta sin falta pero siempre es a partir de mañana? ¿Te quedas viendo la televisión hasta tarde en lugar de acostarte a una hora decente? Si has respondido afirmativamente a estas preguntas, este es tu libro. Avalado por una década de investigaciones y escrito con una buena dosis de humor, humanidad y ciencia, Procrastinación nos explica por qué dejamos para mañana lo que, efectivamente, podríamos hacer hoy, analiza los mecanismos que activan este tipo de conducta y nos da las claves para poder vencer estos patrones destructivos que afectan a la felicidad de nuestro día a día. No lo dejes para más tarde. Lee este libro. Hoy. Reseñas:«Una entusiasta e inspiradora guía sobre la procrastinación. Todo lo que siempre quisiste saber sobre ella y nunca alcanzaste a leer.»Kirkus Review «Además de ofrecer consejos útiles para evitar la procrastinación, es una lectura fascinante.»Montreal Gazette «Procrastinación te enseñará a decir no a las excusas que te impiden hacer mejor tu trabajo y vivir mejor tu vida. Aprenderás algunos detalles sorprendentes acerca de la procrastinación así como las técnicas para saber cortar a tiempo la tentación. De modo que... no lo dejes para más tarde; leéte este libro. Hoy.»Daniel H. Pink, autor de Drive y A Whole New Mind

Tenemos que hablar

by Elisabeth G. Iborra Bruno Valente

La guía definitiva para entender a tu pareja (y para hacerte entender por ella). «No entiendo a las mujeres.» «Todos los hombres son iguales.» «¿Por qué no venimos con un manual de instrucciones?» «¿Qué quieren decir cuando dicen, por ejemplo, "No eres tú, soy yo"?» Este libro responde a todas esas eternas preguntas y a cientos de otras, pero, sobre todo, responde al típico «¿Y tú qué crees?», que le lanzas a un amiga o a una amigo cuándo no comprendes qué te está pasando con otra persona, sea en el estadio de la relación que sea. De la etapa del conocimiento a la ruptura, pasando por las interacciones sexuales, las vacaciones o los clásicos conflictos de la convivencia, Elisabeth Iborra responde a los «¿Y tú qué crees?» de los hombres, mientras que Bruno Valente despeja las dudas de las mujeres, para que todos los lectores sean capaces de comprender de una vez qué pasa por la cabeza del sexo opuesto cuando se expresa o se comporta de determinada manera. Y, lo mejor de todo, más allá de la base psicológica y antropológica de las respuestas, verás que con Tenemos que hablar te lo vas a pasar en grande, porque el humor es la vaselina de la vida.

El libro de la generosidad

by Mónica López

"Un amable viaje de autoconocimiento, una experiencia que permite entender cómo el bienestar se fortalece, precisamente, logrando la felicidad de quienes te rodean" El camino que debemos recorrer para volver a confiar y vivir mejor es la generosidad. Si las personas son generosas y basan sus interacciones con el mundo desde la colaboración y la ética del bien común, nos sentiremos más seguros, agradecidos, esperanzados, optimistas y felices. Estas palabras de la psicóloga Mónica López definen la tesis principal de este libro, y para lograrlo, nos propone que seamos nosotros los protagonistas. ¿Cómo? Leer El libro de la generosidad es ser protagonista de un deslumbrante recorrido por historias ajenas y personales; la autora comparte ejercicios, cuestionarios, datos, recetas, citas y un amplio listado de instituciones chilenas donde ayudar y entrenar nuestra generosidad. La psicóloga Mónica López Hernando, referente de la psicología positiva en Chile, nos invita a cultivar nuestra empatía en este libro dinámico e interactivo.

Opción B

by Sheryl Sandberg Adam Grant

Basado en su propia experiencia, Sheryl Sandberg, directora de operaciones de Facebook y autora del bestseller Vayamos adelante, firma junto con Adam Grant, profesor de Wharton y autor de Originals, un libro práctico e inspirador sobre la superación. Después de la repentina muerte de su marido, Sheryl Sandberg creyó que ni ella ni sus hijos podrían volver a ser felices. «Estaba en "la nada"», escribe, «en un vacío inabarcable que inunda el corazón y los pulmones, y merma la capacidad para pensar e incluso para respirar.» Su amigo Adam Grant, psicólogo en Wharton, le explicó que hay unos pasos concretos que podemos dar para recuperarnos y reponernos de las experiencias que nos destrozan la vida. No nacemos con una cantidad determinada de resiliencia, sino que ésta es un músculo que todos podemos desarrollar. Opción B combina la experiencia de Sheryl con las reveladoras investigaciones de Adam sobre cómo hallar fuerzas cuando afrontamos la adversidad. Desde el instante demoledor en el que encuentra a su marido desplomado en el suelo del gimnasio, Sheryl nos abre su corazón -y su diario- para describir la profunda pena y desolación que siguió a la muerte de Dave. Opción B, sin embargo, va más allá de la terrible pérdida de Sheryl y explora cómo un amplio abanico de personas ha superado todo tipo de reveses, desde una enfermedad o la pérdida del empleo a una agresión sexual, desde los desastres naturales a la violencia de la guerra. Todas estas historias muestran la capacidad del espíritu humano para perseverar... Y recobrar la alegría y la felicidad. La resiliencia proviene tanto de nuestro interior como del apoyo que recibimos de los demás. Incluso después de una tragedia devastadora, es posible crecer al encontrar un sentido más trascendente y dar más valor a nuestras vidas. Opción B nos enseña a ayudar a otras personas que se hallan en un momento de crisis, a desarrollar compasión por nosotros mismos, a criar hijos equilibrados, y a engendrar familias, comunidades y empresas resilientes. Y muchas de estas lecciones pueden aplicarse a nuestra lucha diaria para sobreponernos a cualquier contingencia que el futuro nos depare. Dos semanas después de perder a su marido, Sheryl debía prepararse para una actividad conjunta entre padres e hijos. «Quiero a Dave», se lamentó. Un amigo le respondió: «La opción A no es posible», pero le prometió ayudarla a encontrar la mejor Opción B. Todos vivimos algún tipo de Opción B. Y este libro nos ayudará a que sea la mejor opción posible. Reseñas:«Recomiendo este libro inspirador a todas las personas del mundo. Nadie puede evitar la tristeza, la pérdida o los reveses de la vida, así que la mejor opción es encontrar nuestra Opción B.»Malala Yousafzai, Premio Nobel de la Paz «Sheryl escribe sobre su propia experiencia desgarradora con una sinceridad poco habitual. Después, junto con Adam, convierte esta historia personal en una guía práctica y alentadora para cualquiera que intente desarrollar la resiliencia en su vida, comunidad o empresa. Ya es muy difícil llegar a los lectores. Pero lo es todavía más ayudarlos a dar pasos concretos hacia un futuro mejor. Opción B consigue ambas cosas.»Bill y Melinda Gates, copresidentes de la Fundación Bill & Melinda Gates

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