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The True Secret of Writing: Connecting Life with Language

by Natalie Goldberg

Sit. Walk. Write. These are the barest bones of Natalie Goldberg's revolutionary writing and life practice, which she presents here in book form for the first time. A whole new slant on writing that she developed since the publication of her classic Writing Down the Bones, True Secret workshops have been limited until now to small, intensive groups at a remote center in the rural Southwest. In The True Secret of Writing, Goldberg makes this popular seminar available to any reader. The True Secret is for everyone, like eating and sleeping. It allows you to discover something real about your life, to mine the rich awareness in your mind, and to ground and empower yourself. Goldberg guides you through your own personal or group retreat, illuminating the steps of sitting in silent open mind, walking anchored to the earth, and writing without criticism. Just as Goldberg cuts through her students' resistance with her no-nonsense instruction--"Shut up and write"--the True Secret cuts to the core of realizing yourself and your world. The capstone to forty years of teaching, The True Secret of Writing is Goldberg's Zen boot camp, her legacy teaching. Stories of Natalie's own search for truth and clarity and her students' breakthroughs and insights give moving testament to how brilliantly her unique, tough-love method works. Beautiful homages to the work of other great teachers and observers of mind, life, and love provide further secrets and inspiration to which readers will return again and again. In her inimitable way, Goldberg will inspire you to pick up the pen, get writing, and keep going. The True Secret of Writing will help you with your writing--and your life.

The True Secret of Writing

by Natalie Goldberg

Sit. Walk. Write. These are the barest bones of Natalie Goldberg's revolutionary writing and life practice, which she presents here in book form for the first time. A whole new slant on writing that she developed since the publication of her classic Writing Down the Bones, True Secret workshops have been limited until now to small, intensive groups at a remote center in the rural Southwest. In The True Secret of Writing, Goldberg makes this popular seminar available to any reader. The True Secret is for everyone, like eating and sleeping. It allows you to discover something real about your life, to mine the rich awareness in your mind, and to ground and empower yourself. Goldberg guides you through your own personal or group retreat, illuminating the steps of sitting in silent open mind, walking anchored to the earth, and writing without criticism. Just as Goldberg cuts through her students' resistance with her no-nonsense instruction--"Shut up and write"--the True Secret cuts to the core of realizing yourself and your world. The capstone to forty years of teaching, The True Secret of Writing is Goldberg's Zen boot camp, her legacy teaching. Stories of Natalie's own search for truth and clarity and her students' breakthroughs and insights give moving testament to how brilliantly her unique, tough-love method works. Beautiful homages to the work of other great teachers and observers of mind, life, and love provide further secrets and inspiration to which readers will return again and again. In her inimitable way, Goldberg will inspire you to pick up the pen, get writing, and keep going. The True Secret of Writing will help you with your writing--and your life.

Wild Mind: Living the Writer's Life

by Natalie Goldberg

Set your creativity free with a writing guide that &“wakes you up like a cross between morning coffee and a friendly Zen master&” (Jack Kornfield). Natalie Goldberg, author of the bestselling Writing Down the Bones, shares her invaluable insight into writing as a source of creative power, and the daily ins and outs of the writer&’s task. Topics include balancing mundane responsibilities with a commitment to writing; knowing when to take risks as a writer and a human being; coming to terms with success, failure, and loss; and learning self-acceptance—both in life and art. Thought-provoking and practical, Wild Mind provides an abundance of suggestions for keeping the writing life vital and active, and includes more than thirty provocative &“try this&” exercises as jump-starters to get your pen moving. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Natalie Goldberg, including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

by Natalie Goldberg

Natalie Goldberg's word-of-mouth hit has sold well over half a million copies. Goldberg, who has conducted writing workshops for both beginners and professionals all over the United States, sees writing as a practice that helps us comprehend the value of our lives. With insight, humor, and practicality, she inspires writers and would-be writers alike to take the leap into writing creatively and well.

The Women's Healthy Heart Program: Lifesaving Strategies for Preventing and Healing Heart Disease

by Nieca Goldberg

One out of every two women will die of heart disease. It is the single greatest health risk for women today--more than stroke and all cancers combined. In the course of her practice, and as chief of Women's Cardiac Care at New York's Lenox Hill Hospital, Dr. Nieca Goldberg has come to a startling realization: Women experience heart disease in a fundamentally different way than men do. The physiology of a woman's heart attack is not the same as a man's, the symptoms of heart disease and signs of impending heart attack differ for women, and once heart disease has been recognized, women often do not get the treatment and medications they require. Now here are detailed, age-specific programs that give women the facts and the guidance they need to recognize, treat, and prevent heart disease, including * how you can rate your risk of heart disease * the effects of menopause on your heart * risk factors you can change-starting today * a heart-healthy exercise plan that works for you * a complete guide to heart-healthy supplements * the truth about hormone replacement therapy and the heart * recovering from a heart attack or surgery. Authoritative, caring, and up-to-the-minute, this is the women's health book for the new millennium.

Roadsigns: On the Spiritual Path—Living at the Heart of Paradox

by Philip Goldberg

The essential guide to navigating the paradoxes of the spiritual path, whether you've been on it for 30 days or 30 years. Full of travel trips for those who think for themselves, this book helps readers come to grips with their spiritual dilemmas and arrive at fresh insights through the best kind of guidance—that which springs from their own self-awareness. Regardless of their chosen paths, readers will discover their personal spiritual truths with the aid of this guide.

Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage

by Philip Goldberg

A practical guide to surviving and thriving in a world gone madDo you ever feel torn between finding refuge and staying informed and engaged? Have you ever felt too stressed out to meditate? Too anxious to roll out your yoga mat or pray? The truth is, when the world gets chaotic and confounding, we need spiritual practice more than ever. That's when our souls need sustenance the most. That's when we really need to recharge and ground ourselves to take on the challenge. This concise, compassionate guide will help you access the silent sanctuary within you. It's filled with practical tools that provide spiritual support at a moment's notice, in whatever time you have, with whatever attention you can spare. Expert teacher Philip Goldberg draws on authoritative texts and masters from every spiritual path, especially the empirical methods of the Yoga tradition--as well as contemporary psychology, scientific research, and decades of interviews and personal experience. The result is a wide range of techniques to relieve the mind and body, refresh the spirit, and gird you for constructive action. You'll get insightful instruction in practices ranging from deep meditation to cognitive reframing to "spiritual space management," from silently communing with nature to actively engaging with spiritual companions. And you'll find detailed guidelines for creating a regular practice routine--along with an inventory of supplementary methods--that suits your personal needs and lifestyle. This breezy, thorough, pragmatic book will help you find refuge and healing from the crazy times we're living in--and it will prepare you for taking robust steps to help restore sanity in the world around you.

Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior

by Philip Goldberg Mark Goulston

Practical, proven steps show how to transform 40 common self-defeating behaviors, including procratination, envy, obsession, anger, self-pity, compulsion, neediness, guilt, rebellion, inaction, and more. .

Come trovare l'anima gemella

by Sarah Goldberg

Il motivo per cui non riesci a trovare l'amore è perché stai facendo degli errori nella ricerca dell’'anima gemella. Questo libro ti mostrerà il modo con cui troverai la felicità con la tua anima gemella. Esci nei bar per trovare l’anima gemella? SBAGLIATO. Stai guardando i profili online per trovare chi ti corrisponde? RIPROVA. Meriti di trovare la felicità e l'amore. Questo libro ti insegnerà come trovare l’ anima gemella per poter essere felice. Vedrai che: 1. È possibile trovare la vera anima gemella 2. A volte sabotiamo le nostre possibilità d’incontro dell’anima gemella 3. Il legame con un'anima gemella è talmente forte che lo riconoscerai facilmente 4. Eliminando il disordine dalla tua vita passata farai posto al vero amore 5. È possibile trovare l'amore su un sito di incontri come Hai bisogno di qualche altro motivo per acquistare questo libro? Eccone uno eccezionale: sto donando il 5% delle vendite dei miei libri a Reading Is Fundamental, la più grande e rispettata organizzazione no profit per bambini in America. Quindi, quando acquisti questo libro, stai supportando l'alfabetizzazione dei bambini! Non uscire con i perdenti. Inizia la ricerca del vero amore. Scopri come trovare l’anima gemella. Acquista questo libro adesso!

Encuentra tu pasión: Encuentra pasión, encuentra propósito y dale sentido a tu vida

by Sarah Goldberg

Encuentra tu pasión: Encuentra pasión, encuentra propósito y vive tu vida con ellos por Sarah Goldberg DEJA DE DESPERDICIAR TU VIDA. Comienza a vivir cada día con pasión. [Descripción: Find your passion: find passion, find purpose & live your purpose driven life] Vuelves a casa del trabajo y piensas: "¿Qué hice hoy con mi vida"? ¿Te sientes incompleto?, ¿A tu vida le falta pasión y propósito? Descubre HOY cómo encontrar tu pasión. Atención, lectores: he actualizado mi libro con más información y estrategias para ayudarte a encontrar tu pasión y encontrar propósito en tu vida. Estas estrategias van dirigidas a adultos, en especial, a los que acaban de recibirse de la universidad y están en sus 30 años. Espero que el nuevo material sea de su agrado. Son incontables las personas que transitan su vida sin un objetivo, un propósito, y sin pasión. ¿Sábes que termina ocurriéndoles a esas personas? Llegan al final de sus vidas llenas de amargura. No tienen una vida con propósito y están llenos de remordimiento por haber desperdiciado su preciado tiempo en la tierra. No dejes que te ocurra lo mismo a ti. En este libro aprenderás: 1. La diferencia entre pasión, deseo y necesidad (esto es muy importante) 2. Cómo superar los miedos y barreras que limitan tu habilidad de vivir apasionadamente. 3. Un plan de acción estructurado para incorporar la pasión a tu vida diaria. 4. Cómo explorar nuevos horizontes y comenzar el camino hacia la verdadera realización de tu vida. 5. Los conceptos que necesitas para guiarte en qué hacer para visualizar y conseguir la vida que deberías estar viviendo. ¿Necesitas más razones para comprar este libro? Aquí va una buena: Donamos el 5% de los ingresos por ventas de mis libros a Reading Is Fundamental (Leer es fundamental, en inglés), el más grande y respetado centro de alfabetización para niños de Estados Unidos. La compra de m

Banir A Desordem: Simplifique A Sua Vida Em Apenas Um Fim-De-Semana!

by Sarah Goldberg Sónia Camões

A desordem da sua casa ou apartamento está a deixá-lo louco? Precisa de se livrar de toda a tralha e simplificar sua vida IMEDIATAMENTE? Tem vergonha de receber os seus amigos (ou a sua mãe!) por causa do excesso de desarrumação em sua casa? Então este livro é para si! Junte-se às milhares de pessoas que descarregaram este best-seller para as ajudar a tornar as suas vidas mais simples em apenas um fim-de-semana! Veja, outrora eu tive uma casa desarrumada. É verdade! A minha casa era um desastre, com todo o material dos miúdos, do meu marido, e tralha aleatória por toda a parte. Deixava-me louca! Para ser honesta, até tinha vergonha quando cá tinha os vizinhos porque parecia que tínhamos tralha por todo o lado. Mas agora não! Eu decidi-me a tirar UM FIM-DE-SEMANA da minha vida e banir para sempre a desordem, e funcionou! Agora quero ajudá-lo a fazer o mesmo, porque é ÓPTIMO ter eliminado a desordem e ter limpado a minha casa de vez. Peguei na minha tralha toda e decidi-me a vende-la no eBay e agora até tenho dinheiro extra! Este livro conduz o leitor durante um fim-de-semana, da noite de sexta-feira à noite de domingo, e dá-lhe uma guia passo a passo para por a sua casa em ordem novamente. Pode parecer uma tarefa difícil, mas experimente--não tem nada a perder e tem todas as possibilidades de tornar a sua casa ou apartamento muito mais habitável! Além do mais, também tenho recomendações para soluções de armazenamento no final do livro -- São soluções topo de gama, prateleiras resistentes de armazenamento, prateleiras, suportes, etc, que vão ajuda-lo no começar o processo para uma vida livre de desordem! Não se envergonhe com a sua casa desarrumada. Comece hoje, compre este livro, escolha um fim-de-semana e elimine a desordem para sempre!

Fuera Trastos: Simplifica Tu Vida En Tan Solo Un Fin De Semana

by Sarah Goldberg Sara Del Cueto

¿Tu casa o tu piso están atestados de cosas y te está volviendo loca? ¿Necesitas deshacerte de toda esa basura y simplificar tu vida AHORA MISMO? ¿Te avergüenza que tus amigos (¡o tu madre!) vengan a casa porque lo tienes todo manga por hombro? Entonces este es tu libro. Únete a los miles de personas que ya se han descargado este libro superventas y que ya han conseguido simplificar su vida ¡en un solo fin de semana!Mira, yo también tuve una casa desastrosa hace tiempo. ¡Lo admito! Mi casa era un desastre con todas las cosas de los niños por medio, las de mi marido y los trastos que terminan apoyados en todas partes. ¡Me estaba volviendo loca! Pasaba una vergüenza terrible cada vez que venían los vecinos a casa, lo juro, me daba la sensación de que tenía cachivaches en todas partes.Pero eso se acabó. Decidí invertir UN FIN DE SEMANA de mi vida en deshacerme de los trastos inservibles para siempre. ¡Y funcionó! Ahora quiero ayudar a otros a que puedan hacer lo mismo, porque es MARAVILLOSO quitarse cacharros de encima y dejar tu casa como una patena. Además, puedes vender todo lo que te sobra en eBay y hacerte con un dinerito extra.Este libro te llevará, a lo largo de un fin de semana, desde la tarde del viernes a la tarde del domingo, de viaje y te guiará paso a paso hasta conseguir que tu casa vuelva a estar ordenada. Puede parecer una tarea complicada, pero no decaigas: no tienes nada que perder y las opciones de convertir tu casa en un lugar más vivible son muy elevadas.Además, al final del libro encontrarás recomendaciones sobre soluciones de almacenaje (cajas, cubos, estanterías, baldas, etc.) que te ayudarán en tu empresa de conseguir una casa libre de trastos.Que no te dé vergüenza tu casa atestada de cacharros. Empieza hoy, compra este libro, escoge un fin de semana y ¡fuera trastos!

Cómo lidiar con un adicto

by Sarah Goldberg Jose A Herrera

Si usted tiene a un ser querido con problemas de adicción, este libro le dará poderosas herramientas, excelentes recursos para lidiar con esa persona adicta y esperanzas en la pronta recuperación. La adicción al alcohol y el abuso de sustancias es un problema inmenso no sólo en los Estados Unidos, sino en todo el mundo actualmente. Una innumerable cantidad de familias y relaciones son destruidas a diario debido a la incapacidad de lidiar con la persona adicta, ¡especialmente cuando vive en su propia casa! Este libro no sólo le dará consejos concretos acerca de cómo lidiar con una persona adicta sino que también tiene útiles recursos para encontrar ayuda y soluciones, bien sea alcoholismo o adicción a drogas su problema. Con este libro, usted aprenderá: 1. Qué significa alcahuetear a una persona adicta y porqué usted podría estar saboteando sus propios esfuerzos para construir una relación sana con una persona adicta 2. La importancia de “las reglas del hogar” y cómo éstas pueden ayudarle a establecer sus propios límites efectivamente 3. Cómo el amor estricto puede ser determinante entre la adicción y la recuperación 4. Cómo y porqué enfocarse en usted mismo mientras lidia con una persona adicta en su vida 5. Útiles materiales adicionales para apoyarse aún más durante su experiencia ¿Necesita otra razón para comprar este libro? Aquí hay una: Yo dono 5% de las ganancias de ventas de mi libro electrónico a Reading is Fundamental, la asociación de alfabetismo infantil sin fines de lucro más grande en los Estados Unidos. El alfabetismo infantil es importante, y al comprar este libro, usted contribuye con esta causa. No deje que lidiar con una persona adicta sea más doloroso de lo que ya es. ¡Compre este libro y comience AHORA MISMO a recorrer su camino de éxito con la persona adicta de su vida!

Interacción social – Cómo superar la ansiedad social y aprender a relacionarse

by Sarah Goldberg Kristina Ilciukaite

¡Descubra las habilidades de conversación cruciales que necesita para comenzar a relacionarse de nuevo! ¿Tiene problemas con la interacción social? ¿Se siente incapaz de hacer frente a su ansiedad? ¡La solución está aquí! Yo también era como usted: sufría de ansiedad social extrema y carecía de las habilidades cruciales de conversación necesarias para superar la ansiedad social. Pude aprender estas habilidades de conversación y ahora, ¡estoy disfrutando de mi vida! En este libro aprenderá: 1. ¿Qué es la ansiedad social y cuáles son sus síntomas? 2. Cómo es vivir con la ansiedad social 3. Pasos para recuperarse de un trastorno de ansiedad 4. Maneras fáciles de desarrollar sus habilidades de conversación cruciales 5. Los mejores recursos disponibles para superar la ansiedad social ¿Necesita otro buen motivo para comprar este libro? Aquí está: el 5% de las ganancias de la venta de mis libros se destinan a Reading Is Fundamental, la organización sin fines de lucro más grande de los Estados Unidos dedicada a la alfabetización infantil. No deje que la ansiedad social lo destruya. ¡Descubra las habilidades de conversación cruciales que necesita para comenzar a relacionarse de nuevo!

Leaning into Sharp Points

by Stan Goldberg

Whether you're coping with a loved one who has received a terminal diagnosis, has a long-term illness or disability, or suffers with dementia, caregiving is challenging and crucial. Those who face this responsibility, whether occasionally or 24/7, are brushing up against life's sharpest point. In this book, Stan Goldberg offers an honest, caring, and comprehensive guide to those on this journey. Everyone wants to "do the right thing," and this book provides the often-elusive how-to; from bedside etiquette to advice on initiating difficult conversations, caring for oneself while caring for another, navigating rapid changes in your loved one's condition, and even offering "permission" for them to die. Goldberg's stories demonstrate how to address the most difficult topics and will facilitate more open and useful communication and caregiving.

Lessons for the Living: Stories of Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Courage at the End of Life

by Stan Goldberg

When Stan Goldberg was diagnosed with cancer, he chose to face his fear by helping others who were already in the process of dying: Stan signed up as a hospice volunteer and spent several years at the bedsides of the terminally ill. In this book, Stan shares the remarkable stories of people he met who were facing the end of life. Their stories shine a light on the human capacity for beauty, insight, forgiveness, and gratitude, as we see how people like us deal with anxiety and sadness with bravery and love. But what's especially remarkable is that the bravery and love aren't as much expressed in grand, dramatic gestures as they are in ordinary acts and small accomplishments: in simple efforts at kindness, in asking for and receiving forgiveness, in the abandonment of anger, and in learning to speak directly from the heart--and to listen in the same way. What Stan ultimately discovers--and shares here--are not lessons in dying, but rather, lessons in learning how to live.

Arise and Shine: How to Be the Light That Ignites Hope in a Dark World

by Allyson Golden

An empowering, encouraging message to be a light for Christ amid the darkness and pain in this world, by the inspirational Instagram writer of Words Are Golden.&“The practical guide you need to stop questioning your purpose and instead give the gift God has graciously placed within you.&”—Ashley Morgan Jackson, bestselling author of Tired of Trying When the darkness of the world feels overwhelming, we wonder, Where can I find light?And even more, How can I be the light?Pediatric nurse Allyson Golden faces the hardest realities of life—and death—every day. She longed to be a light for Christ in every patient&’s room, but she didn&’t know what that looked like when she could hardly find that light herself.As Allyson immersed herself in Scripture, she began to understand the transformative truth that we have no power to shine on our own, but the Light of the World shines through us—and no darkness can overcome it.In Arise and Shine, Allyson explores our deepest questions:• Can Jesus shine through me even when I doubt His presence?• Does shining God&’s light mean being cheerful all the time?• How can I hold on to God&’s light—and is that even a thing?• Why is it so hard to give my burdens to God?• Is the darkness ever going to go away?With practical action steps at the end of every chapter, Arise and Shine helps you renew your mind, recharge your spirit, and take a positive step forward, because nothing can dim the light inside of you.

Overcoming Destructive Anger: Strategies That Work

by Bernard Golden

Tools for breaking free from mindless anger and the suffering it brings.Uncontrolled anger can be devastating, yet many people with serious anger issues don’t know how to change their behavior. In Overcoming Destructive Anger, psychologist Bernard Golden, an anger management specialist, offers concrete tools for turning destructive anger into healthy anger. Dr. Golden draws on both compassion-focused therapy—a model for change that encompasses and expands on cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and practices in compassion and self-compassion—and theories of emotional intelligence. He teaches readers to recognize, sit with, and move beyond the triggers that cause destructive anger. Anger logs and other exercises, together with stories of people who were challenged by anger and able to overcome their outbursts, allow readers to explore the source of their anger and recognize its destructive potential. Emphasizing anger’s link to habits of thinking, feeling, and physical reactions, Dr. Golden offers multiple strategies for coping with current hurts as well as past wounds. And he directs readers to helpful websites, books, and films.Dr. Golden explains why destructive anger happens and how it can contribute to divorce, estranged families, job loss, addictions, and even imprisonment. Emphasizing the importance of making calm, constructive choices and cultivating self-empathy, this guide will free people with destructive anger—and those around them—to live more fulfilling lives.

The New Black Woman: Loves Herself, Has Boundaries, & Heals Every Day

by Marita Golden

Healthy Habits to Become the Strong Black Women“This book is gonna save some sisters’ lives. Hallelujah!” ―Patrice Gaines, author of Laughing in the Dark#1 New Release in CodependencyMarita Golden, a prominent interviewee of Oprah Winfrey, wrote this mental and physical health guide for women to learn who they are, to set healthy boundaries, and to jump into health related fitness practices to balance out their daily lives.Know Yourself. Jump start your relationship with yourself. Renowned author Marita Golden goes in-depth on how using meditation, silence, prayer, affirmations, and reflections allows for internal trust and confidence to blossom in your daily life. Set Boundaries. Setting boundaries can be difficult but they are necessary to living life as a strong woman in today’s world. Everyone else’s burdens are not yours to carry and no, you don’t have to fix everyone you come across! Learn how to set emotional boundaries, physical boundaries, and other boundaries to live freely.Inside, you’ll find:Healthy habits to reconnect with your inner self, your body, and those around youAn empowering book for women to learn how to take back their lives one day at a timeA mental health guide for women, black women affirmations, and reflection points to develop holistic wellnessIf you're looking for mental health books for young adults and/or the strong black women in your life, this book is for you! If you enjoyed Set Boundaries, Find Peace, How we Heal, This Is How You Heal, or You Are Your Best Thing, you’ll love The New Black Woman.

The Strong Black Woman: How a Myth Endangers the Physical and Mental Health of Black Women

by Marita Golden

Major Health Crisis Among Black Women Generated from Systemic Racism “Marita Golden’s The Strong Black Woman busts the myth that Black women are fierce and resilient by letting the reader in under the mask that proclaims ‘Black don’t crack.’” ―Karen Arrington, coach, mentor, philanthropist, and author of NAACP Image Award-winning Your Next Level LifeSarton Women’s Book Award#1 New Release in ReferenceMeet Black women who have learned through hard lessons the importance of self-care and how to break through the cultural and family resistance to seeking therapy and professional mental health care.The Strong Black Woman Syndrome. For generations, in response to systemic racism, Black women and African American culture created the persona of the Strong Black Woman, a woman who, motivated by service and sacrifice, handles, manages, and overcomes any problem, any obstacle. The syndrome calls on Black women to be the problem-solvers and chief caretakers for everyone in their lives―never buckling, never feeling vulnerable, and never bothering with their pain.Hidden mental health crisis of anxiety and depression. To be a Black woman in America is to know you cannot protect your children or guarantee their safety, your value is consistently questioned, and even being “twice as good” is often not good enough. Consequently, Black women disproportionately experience anxiety and depression. Studies now conclusively connect racism and mental health―and physical health.Take care of your emotional health. You deserve to be emotionally healthy for yourself and those you love. More and more young Black women are re-examining the Strong Black Woman syndrome and engaging in self-care practices that change their lives.Hear stories of Black women who:Asked for helpBuilt lives that offer healingLearned to accept healingIf you have read The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health, The Racial Healing Handbook, or Black Fatigue, The Strong Black Woman is your next read.

What the F*@# Should I Do with My Life?: Answers to Life's Big Question Plus 50 Jobs to Get You Off Your Mediocre A** (A What The F* Book)

by Zach Golden

Answering the Existential Question of What the F*@# to Do with Your Life with Spot-On Humor (and Profanity)If you've tried and failed to find your purpose in life, you're going to need expert help. From the author of What the F*@# Should I Make For Dinner?, this laugh-out-loud career guide will set you straight. Take a brief career quiz to find your perfect match, and get the inside scoop on a wide variety of crappy careers, plus tips on breaking in, leaving you with no excuse not to embark on a fulfilling vocation as: ElectricianTherapist T-Shirt Cannon OperatorDental HygienistMorticianLobbyist . . . And more. And don't worry: if that perfect career eludes or you fail at everything else, you can always be a realtor.

Radical Curiosity: Questioning Commonly Held Beliefs to Imagine Flourishing Futures

by Seth Goldenberg

A bold manifesto arguing that the most complex challenges we face today—as individuals, businesses, and a society—require us to ask deeper questions, not seek easier answers &“With this beautifully written book, Seth Goldenberg awakens the gifts we all possess: wonder, optimism, and the fearlessness to reverse destruction.&”—Bruce Vaughn, vice president of experiential creative product, AirbnbIn a world with an endless hunger for innovation, why is it so hard to create audacious change? According to thought leader Seth Goldenberg, the answer to this question stems from how we, as a society, view questions themselves. In Radical Curiosity, Goldenberg argues that because we value knowing above learning and prioritize doing over thinking, curiosity has become an endangered species. Only by rediscovering the power of questions can we hope to rewrite the commonly held &“legacy&” narratives that no longer serve us and to remake our organizations, our politics, and our lives. With this empowering book, Goldenberg introduces the practice of Radical Curiosity through the lens of seven narratives that are going through significant transformation: Learning, Cohesion, Time, Youth, Aliveness, Nature, and Value. Along the way, he unpacks principles intended to spark our own questioning, including: • Education is too big to fail, but maybe it should.• Time travel isn&’t reserved for DeLoreans.• Let us now praise rural communities.• Survival economics have made imagination a luxury good. Blending philosophy, business strategy, cultural criticism, and fascinating case studies, Radical Curiosity is a new way of solving our most complex problems—one focused not on technology or science but on the power of human inquiry. By asking us to relearn how we learn, reengage in dialogue, revive our youthful sense of wonder, and rethink what we value, it reignites the curiosity needed to imagine and build a better world.

Going Digital: Simple Tools and Techniques for Sharing and Enjoying Your Digital Photos and Home Movies

by Alex L. Goldfayn

Get digital prints that look better than film, create amazing photo and video DVDs, and even learn to use your camera phone to its maximum potential with this non-technical, easy-to-understand guide Imagine displaying your photos on your television in big-screen glory, set to your favorite music. Imagine digitizing your old home movies, editing out unwanted parts, and sharing them on DVDs. And imagine sharing photos and movies of your child's first steps moments after they happen -- online, over the cell phone, or even on an electronic picture frame half a world away. With today's technology, all that is possible -- and more! Going Digital will arm you with the tools and techniques you need to share your digital memories with friends and family -- online and offline, on the computer, and in the living room. Written in down-to-earth language for people with all levels of technological knowledge, it's a user-friendly guide that will change your life -- and your family's.

Undaunted: Overcoming Doubts and Doubters

by Kara Goldin

Don&’t let anyone crush your dreams! Whatever you want to achieve, no matter how hard it might seem, you owe it to yourself to read this book.Undaunted will inspire you to move past your fears and defy the doubters. It doesn&’t matter whether you feel confident; it matters what you actually do.Author Kara Goldin turned her unsweetened flavored water into one of the most successful beverage businesses of our time and has been named one of InStyle&’s Badass 50, Fast Company&’s Most Creative People in Business, Fortune&’s Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs and EY Entrepreneur of the Year for Northern California.Undaunted is a rare opportunity to gain insights and proven advice unlike anything you&’ll find in the conventional business press. Kara combines real honest stories from her life with observations that might just change how you think about your own.Whether you want to get healthy, start a company, break an addiction, find a new career or just grow in life, Undaunted will inspire you to just go for it and help you find the courage to get there.As she started to achieve her goals, Kara found herself being called &“fearless&”, &“confident&” and even &“unstoppable,&” but nothing could be further from the truth. In Undaunted she shares real stories about her own fears and doubts, the challenges she encountered and what she did to overcome them to eventually build a great business and a life she loves.Her secret? Be Undaunted. Deal with your fears. Move forward despite uncertainty. Turn criticism into motivation. Just go for it!Setbacks will come, but Kara shows you can learn from failures and frustrations and keep advancing toward your true purpose. What if not having &“the right&” credentials or vast industry experience was the secret to making things happen? And what if we didn&’t let our fear of failure stop us?Part autobiography, part business memoir and lots of insights on self-development, Undaunted offers inspiring stories that impart lessons that any reader can apply to their own path. While most motivational business and life books try to offer quick fixes, Undaunted focuses on long-term success, showing you how to take control of breaking down barriers and moving forward. Undaunted won&’t solve your problems and challenges. You will. But it will help you see through other&’s experiences that it&’s possible to do so.Accept your fears, but decide to be Undaunted.

Be Kind: Uplifting Stories of Selfless Acts from Around the World

by Sophie Golding

Kindness is all around us. From the smallest gestures to the greatest acts of altruism, our capacity to be kind has the power to heal the world. Filled with uplifting stories of selflessness, a host of joyful quotes and thoughtful ideas to spread the niceness, this little book goes to show that no amount of kindness is ever wasted.

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