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Showing 12,726 through 12,750 of 36,762 results

No Death, No Fear: Comforting Wisdom for Life

by Thich Nhat Hanh

With hard-won wisdom and refreshing insight, Thich Nhat Hanh confronts a subject that has been contemplated by Buddhist monks and nuns for twenty-five-hundred years--and a question that has been pondered by almost anyone who has ever lived: What is death? In No Death, No Fear, the acclaimed teacher and poet examines our concepts of death, fear, and the very nature of existence. Through Zen parables, guided meditations, and personal stories, he explodes traditional myths of how we live and die. Thich Nhat Hanh shows us a way to live a life unfettered by fear.

Short Cuts To Happiness: How I found the meaning of life from a barber’s chair

by Tal Ben-Shahar

Even a New York Times-bestselling happiness expert can need advice!In his trailblazing Harvard courses, internationally bestselling books, and lectures and videos, positive psychologist Tal Ben-Shahar has shared his essential, scientifically backed tools for finding fulfillment the world over. But even the happiness expert needs a boost from time to time! Tal found his not in a guru or fellow psychologist, but rather in his longtime neighborhood barber, Avi-a man with a gift for making his clients look and feel great with wisdom beyond his years.Tal's visits to Avi soon grew into a friendship deeper than most. Between snips, the two men talked about everything from family and starting a business to the meaning of life and the power of music. Two years of their revelatory barbershop talk have been distilled into these gems of inspiration-perfect to give, receive, and share, even between haircuts.'A charming read to remind you that wisdom about happiness is often right around the corner.' - Adam Grant, New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take and Originals, and co-author of Option B with Sheryl Sandberg'When a happiness expert like Ben-Shahar turns to someone else for advice, you know the advice has got to be good. Short Cuts to Happiness offers accessible, universal wisdom that puts a life of meaning and fulfilment within reach and sets a very high bar for my next trip to the barber!' - Colin Beavan, author of No Impact Man and How to Be Alive

Dime qué comes y te diré qué sientes: 7 pasos para liberar la gordura emocional y transformar tu vida (Atria Espanol)

by Alejandro Chabán

¿Quieres bajar de peso? Primero pierde tu peso emocional.Alejandro Chabán tenía sobrepeso de niño, sufrió de anorexia y bulimia de adolescente y trató desesperadamente de tener un cuerpo saludable. Luego de haber probado diferentes dietas y ejercicios, y a pesar de haber bajado de peso, él descubrió que en su mente seguía siendo gordo, aunque su cuerpo se veía diferente. Estos sentimientos lo llevaron a desarrollar técnicas para aceptar y transformar al gordito que todos llevamos dentro y, en 2012, a fundar Yes You Can!®, un programa que ha ayudado a miles de personas a establecer un estilo de vida saludable con sabor latino. En Dime qué comes y te diré qué sientes, Alejandro comparte los siete pasos esenciales que lo ayudaron a cambiar sus pensamientos y transformar su cuerpo. Inspirado en anécdotas personales y testimonios, Alejandro explica en detalle qué significa tener sobrepeso emocional, cómo se conectan el bienestar físico con las emociones y cómo identificar mejor los obstáculos emocionales que sobrecargan la mente y el cuerpo. Estos pasos, basados en técnicas prácticas de pensamiento positivo, meditación, aceptación y compromiso, te ayudarán a llevar una vida más feliz y saludable. Ahora por fin podrás cuidarte de la manera que mereces.

Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life

by Gisele Bündchen

Supermodel and philanthropist Gisele Bündchen shares personal stories, insights, and photos to explore lessons that have helped shape her life.Gisele Bündchen's journey began in southern Brazil, growing up with five sisters, playing volleyball, and rescuing the dogs and cats around her hometown. In fact, she wanted to become either a professional volley player or a veterinarian. But at the age of 14, fate suddenly intervened in in the form of a modeling scout, who spotted her in São Paulo. <P><P>Four years later, Gisele's appearance in Alexander McQueen's memorably rain-soaked London runway show in the spring 1998 launched her spectacular career as a fashion model, and put an end to the "heroin chic" era of fashion. Since then, Gisele has appeared in almost 400 ad campaigns and on over 1200 magazine covers. She has walked in more than 470 fashion shows for the most influential brands in the world. Gisele has become an icon, leaving a lasting mark on the fashion industry. <P><P>But until now, few people have gotten to know the real Gisele, a woman whose private life stands in dramatic contrast to her public image. In Lessons, she reveals for the first time who she really is and what she's learned over the past 37 years to help her live a meaningful life--a journey that takes readers from a childhood spent barefoot in small-town Brazil, to an internationally successful career, motherhood and marriage to quarterback Tom Brady. <P><P>A work of great openness and vulnerability, Lessons reveals the inner life of a very public woman. <P><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

Performing Under Pressure: The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most

by J. P. Pawliw-Fry Hendrie Weisinger

Nobody performs better under pressure. Regardless of the task, pressure ruthlessly diminishes our judgment, decision-making, attention, dexterity, and performance in every professional and personal arena. In Performing Under Pressure, Drs. Hendrie Weisinger and J.P. Pawliw-Fry introduce us to the concept of pressure management, offering empirically tested short term and long term solutions to help us overcome the debilitating effects of pressure. Performing Under Pressure tackles the greatest obstacle to personal success, whether in a sales presentation, at home, on the golf course, interviewing for a job, or performing onstage at Carnegie Hall. Despite sports mythology, no one "rises to the occasion" under pressure and does better than they do in practice. The reality is pressure makes us do worse, and sometimes leads us to fail utterly. But there are things we can do to diminish its effects on our performance. Performing Under Pressure draws on research from over 12,000 people, and features the latest research from neuroscience and from the frontline experiences of Fortune 500 employees and managers, Navy SEALS, Olympic and other elite athletes, and others. It offers 22 specific strategies each of us can use to reduce pressure in our personal and professional lives and allow us to better excel in whatever we do. Whether you're a corporate manager, a basketball player, or a student preparing for the SAT, Performing Under Pressure will help you to do your best when it matters most.

Las cosas son lo que tú quieres que sean: Consejos para una vida creativa

by Adam J. Kurtz

Del autor de Esto no es (solo) un diario, un manual de consejos para todos los creativos y aspirantes a artista, con altas dosis de inspiración y optimismo. ¿Crees que eres la primera persona que se siente así? ¿Que nadie ha intentado crear una obra maestra, emprender una carrera creativa o simplemente dar un primer paso artístico sin dudar de todo? Pues deja que Adam J. Kurtz te diga algo: ha pasado, y él lo ha vivido en primera persona. De aquí nace esta guía de sabios, empáticos y honestos consejos sobre el arte de crear. Consejos que podrás compartir con quien los necesite o colocar en un lugar apropiado, gracias a sus páginas extraíbles. Páginas, todas, en las que el autor imprime su sello personal con el fin de que no tires la toalla. Porque vale la pena. Adam J. Kurtz sabe de lo que habla. Y va a darte un empujoncito para que sigas tu propio viaje creativo, te lleve a donde te lleve. Reseñas:«En todo lo que hace Adam J. Kurtz hay ingenio y sabiduría, sus palabras son cálidas y maravillosas.»Alanis Morissette «Consejos divertidos, irónicos, directos.»Adweek «Da optimismo y esperanza.»NYLON «Consejos de alguien que sabe de lo que habla.»Teen Vogue «Tratar de hacer arte, ya sea profesionalmente o no, requiere fe y una enorme capacidad de superación. Las cosas son lo que tú quieres que sean de Adam J. Kurtz te recuerda que eres algo más que todas tus dudas, y que, por supuesto, no estás solo en tan incierto camino.»BuzzFeed «Este brillante libro es, además de un canto a la vida, un manual de consejos para ayudar a personas creativas a dar sentido al rechazo, al fracaso, a los comienzos en falso, a la fama, a la felicidad y a las alianzas.»Debbie Millman, responsable del podcast Design Matters

Finals que mereixen una història: El que vam perdre en el foc, renaixerà en les cendres

by Albert Espinosa

Relats per somiar despert i curar l'ànima adormida «Soc un enamorat dels relats, les històries petites de tres a vuit pàgines, que et fan pensar, riure, plorar o emocionar-te. Un bon relat et pot alegrar un mal dia perquè les històries petites de vegades resumeixen un sentiment gran que tenim dins i es converteixen en la millor medecina. »M'encantaria que aquests relats fossin terapèutics i us ajudessin a afrontar alguna emoció estancada. Voldria que us sentíssiu acompanyats, cuidats i estimats a cada pàgina. Tots els personatges pertanyen al meu món. Són persones grogues. [...] »Aquestes històries jo les he pensat com si fossin pel·lícules; és per això que abans de cada relat trobareu uns pòsters bellíssims i increïbles sobre com podria ser el cartell d'aquest possible film.»Albert Espinosa

Finales que merecen una historia: Lo que perdimos en el fuego, renacerá en las cenizas

by Albert Espinosa

Relatos para soñar despierto y sanar el alma dormida. «Me encantan los relatos, las historias pequeñas de tres a ocho páginas, que te hacen pensar, reír, llorar o emocionarte. Un buen relato puede alegrarte un mal día porque las historias pequeñas en ocasiones resumen un gran sentimiento que reside en nuestro interior y que se convierte en nuestra mejor medicina. »Me encantaría que estos relatos fueran terapéuticos y os ayudaran con alguna emoción estancada. Desearía que os sintierais acompañados, cuidados y queridos en cada página. Todos los personajes pertenecen a mi mundo. Son personas amarillas. [...] »Estas historias no dejan de ser casi como películas, es por ello que antes de cada relato encontraréis unos bellos e increíbles pósters sobre cómo podría ser el cartel de ese film.»Albert Espinosa

Yo debería ser flaca: Un mapa para navegar y sanar la lucha con el peso, el cuerpo y la vida

by Camila Serna

Haz una pausa y llénate de argumentos para eliminar poco a poco las falsas creencias que han rodeado el ideal del cuerpo femenino. Esta es la oportunidad de iniciar un camino de reconciliación, aceptación y amor propio. Muchas mujeres enfrentan a diario una lucha con la comida y viven intranquilas con la relación que tienen con su cuerpo. Para ponerle fin a esta insatisfacción, y luego de librar su propia batalla, la coach de nutrición integrativa Camila Serna usa su experiencia para estimular a otras personas a tomar la decisión de aceptarse y sanar su mente. Este no es un libro de dietas ni de consejos para comer de una manera determinada. Escrito en un tono irreverente y mordaz, Yo debería ser flaca es una reflexión necesaria para aquellas que viven en un conflicto permanente con sus emociones, quieren reconciliarse con su cuerpo y volver a creer en sí mismas.

La filosofía de ser niños

by Christopher Phillips

Cómo liberar la creatividad, la curiosidad y la razón a través de la sabiduría de los más jóvenes. La niñez es nuestra plataforma de despegue, el periodo de la vida en el que el aprendizaje es más intenso, y adquirimos el conocimiento crítico y las habilidades que nos permitirán adaptarnos. Filósofos de todas las épocas han señalado que, con el paso del tiempo, los seres humanos tendemos a encogernos mental y emocionalmente. Desvirtuamos nuestra naturaleza -caracterizada por la curiosidad, la empatía, la razón, el asombro y el deseo de experimentar y entender- y, de esta manera, se va volviendo borroso nuestro sentido de identidad. Comenzamos nuestras vidas con un estallido moral, intelectual y creativo. Siguiendo las evidencias científicas que así lo demuestran, Christopher Phillips advierte que la niñez no es simplemente un estado de desarrollo, de transformación -de llegar a ser-, ni la adultez un momento de plenitud o acabamiento. Si aprovechamos las cualidades propias de la niñez, no estaremos condenados a volvernos seres desanimados y frágiles, sino que creceremos y viviremos guiados por el asombro, la curiosidad, la imaginación, el sentido de juego y la compasión. Explorando y explotando la filosofía de ser niños, podremos desarrollar ilimitadamente nuestro potencial. Vinculando filosofía, ciencias sociales, investigación neurocientífica y anécdotas personales, este libro propone una aproximación radicalmente distinta al tema de la frontera entre niñez y adultez, para mostrarnos que la forma como los niños ven y viven el mundo puede ser una clave para un desarrollo pleno, para alcanzar eso que los griegos llamaban areté o excelencia.

Soul Breathing

by Carrie L'Esperance

An exploration of the multidimensional interplay between body, mind, and spirit• Identifies the frequencies that support life and the dissonant frequencies incompatible with life, such as the imbalances of EMFs• Explains how to cultivate higher consciousness by building a strong light body• Includes techniques and exercises for psychic cleansing, physical and emotional detox, chakra and aura strengthening, and oracular dreamingCivilization has reached a critical threshold in time unlike any other. Whether life continues to evolve or devolve depends upon our ability to reach higher states of consciousness en masse. This requires calling upon the transformative power of the soul--a power not handed to us, but earned. We are living proof that the physical and spiritual realms of existence work together in unity. Yet for many of us our natural soul light and inner spiritual intuition are suppressed due to the distractions of day-to-day living and the electromagnetic pollution of our screen-filled technological world.In this exploration of the multidimensional interplay between the body, mind, and spirit, Carrie L’Esperance reveals how we can restore the flow of spiritual light in everyday living through the art of self-mastery. She explains how technology has severely reduced humanity’s natural abilities and spiritual power. She shows how EMFs and wi-fi toast our energetic bodily systems and suppress our immune systems, blocking the ethereal frequencies of light and suppressing our creative intuition and higher powers. Detailing the spiritual bio-geometry of light and the holographic principle, she explores how the cells of our bodies receive light’s deeper vibratory frequencies to support conscious evolution and soul development as well as explaining near-death and out-of-body experiences. She identifies the dissonant energies that endanger mind/body health and reveals new advances in brain science that allow us to transcend the malign influences that hamper human evolution. She provides exercises and techniques for spiritual alignment and receptivity, including psychic cleansing, physical and emotional detox, chakra and aura strengthening, and oracular dreaming.Preparing us for the new cosmology and the greater community of worlds that is being revealed, L’Esperance shows that when we are properly connected with our soul’s intelligence and cultivate the reception of higher frequencies of consciousness, then we are able to soul breathe, to absorb more pranic energy, the electromagnetic force and cosmic radiation that is the sustaining element of all life and consciousness.

Practicing the Here and Now

by Herb K

With Practicing the Here and Now: Being Intentional with Step 11, you’ll learn to use prayer and meditation to work all the steps, so you can make contact with the Higher Power in a way that is yours and yours alone.Step Eleven Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. How do we unlock and experience the teachings of Step Eleven? Herb K. helps us realize that working—and living—this vital recovery “maintenance Step” doesn’t have to be as challenging as commonly thought. With Practicing the Here and Now, you’ll find guidance on using prayer and meditation to help you be present throughout each day, staying in contact with your Higher Power for ongoing inspiration and sustenance. By opening the connection to your Higher Power with what Herb K. calls “Intentional Consciousness,” prayer and meditation can help you fully experience the cumulative power of the Twelve Steps to deepen and sustain your recovery journey.

Cómo El Secreto cambió mi vida (How The Secret Changed My Life Spanish edition)

by Rhonda Byrne

Desde la publicación de la primera edición hace una década, El Secreto, el best seller de Rhonda Byrne, ha creado infinidad de lectores que han compartido historias reales sobre cómo sus vidas han mejorado de forma milagrosa. Cómo El Secreto Cambió Mi Vida reúne una selección de las historias más poderosas, inspiradoras y reconfortantes en un libro inspirador. Cada relato es un ejemplo verídico del camino para triunfar en todas las facetas de la vida: dinero, salud, relaciones, amor, familia, profesión y muchas más. Los protagonistas de Cómo El Secreto Cambió Mi Vida nos demuestra una y otra vez que todo el mundo puede gozar de la vida con que sueña.EL FENÓMENO MUNDIAL QUE HA TRANSFORMADO MILLONES DE VIDAS Durante la última década, El Secreto, de Rhonda Byrne, ha sido un best seller que ha ejercido un innegable y poderoso impacto en millones de lectores de todo el mundo. Ahora, por primera vez, Rhonda Byrne presenta una recopilación de las historias reales más inspiradoras e impactantes sobre el poder de El Secreto que le han enviado personas como tú a lo largo de una década. Cómo El Secreto Cambió Mi Vida habla de personas normales y corrientes que han transformado por completo su situación económica, salud, relaciones, amor, familia y profesión al aplicar las enseñanzas de El Secreto. Y de cómo tú también puedes mejorar tu vida con la ley más poderosa del Universo.

An Indulgence a Day

by Andrea Norville Patrick Menton

Stress may be a state of mind—but so is bliss. In this deliciously indulgent little volume, you will learn how to leave the everyday madness behind—and embrace the sweeter side of life. This book features 365 simple, surprisingly affordable ways to ways to stay happy, reduce anxiety, and treat yourself right, including:Take a sick day for sexTest drive a car you can’t affordMake your own sugar body scrubHave dessert for dinnerGet your car detailedEat your favorite “kid” foodFinding “me” time just got easier for you—because this book keeps the meltdown away!

The Entitlement Cure: Finding Success in Doing Hard Things the Right Way

by John Townsend

Today we live in a culture that says, “Life should be easy and work well.” This attitude, called entitlement, influences our most important institutions: family, business, church, and government. Its devastating effects contribute to relational problems, work ethic issues, and emotional struggles.It comes down to this: People are not getting to where they want to go, because they don’t know how to do life the hard way. Entitlement keeps them from tackling challenges and finding success.But whether readers are struggling with their own sense of entitlement or dealing with someone who acts entitled, The Entitlement Cure will equip them to turn away from a life of mediocrity to a life of engagement, satisfaction, and joy.Drawing from his experience as a counselor and leadership consultant, renowned psychologist and New York Times bestselling author Dr. John Townsend explores strategies for fighting entitlement, such as:Take a meaningful risk every weekFind ways to minimize regretGrasp the value of keeping inconvenient commitmentsUnderstand why saying “I don’t know” is the first step toward success.In a culture that encourages shortcuts and irresponsibility, The Entitlement Cure provides principles and skills to help you both navigate life with those around you who have an entitlement mindset and identify areas in your own life where you are stuck in “easy way” living. Dr. Townsend will show you how to become successful, resolve obstacles in life, and help those around you.Ultimately, The Entitlement Cure provides practical tools for a life of success that works for anyone.

The 21-Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom

by Michelle Singletary

Financial Peace and Freedom in 21 Days In The 21-Day Financial Fast, award-winning writer and The Washington Post columnist Michelle Singletary proposes a field-tested financial challenge. For twenty-one days, participants will put away their credit cards and buy only the barest essentials. With Michelle’s guidance during this three-week financial fast, you will discover how to: Break bad spending habits Plot a course to become debt-free with the Debt Dash Plan Avoid the temptation of overspending for college Learn how to prepare elderly relatives and yourself for future long-term care expenses Be prepared for any contingency with a Life Happens Fund Stop worrying about money and find the priceless power of financial peace As you discover practical ways to achieve financial freedom, you’ll experience what it truly means to live a life of financial peace and prosperity. Thousands of individuals have participated in the fast and as a result have gotten out of debt and become better managers of their money and finances. The 21-Day Financial Fast is great for earners at any income-level or stage of life, whether you are living paycheck-to-paycheck or just trying to make smarter financial choices.

The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant: Twelve Keys to Successful Living

by Terry Felber

A fantastic adventure of personal growth - set in 16th century Italy. Readers will meet and join young Julio, who is taken on a quest into adulthood - as his grandfather reveals mysterious family secrets. Woven through the story are 12 principles of success including: Work Hard and God will Prosper You Be Meek Before God, but Bold Before Men Live Debt-Free and Below Your Means Set Aside the First 10% to Honor God The Legend of the Monk and the Merchant will change the way you think about your career, wealth, and success.

The Power of Respect: Benefit from the Most Forgotten Element of Success

by Deborah Norville

Want respect from others? Scientific research says, try giving it.There is power in respect. And it comes with multiple benefits. In business:Higher salesLower employee turnoverLess exposure to lawsuitsAt home:A stronger marriageHealthier family dynamicsMore polite childrenIn your personal life:More self-respect and confidenceCloser friendshipsHigher standing in the communityRespect, a lost value in our world today, is the latest subject of research for Inside Edition anchor and best-selling author Deborah Norville. Citing scientific studies and using stories based on personal interviews, Norville makes a compelling case for the Power of Respect--the simple act of treating people as though they really matter.In The Power of Respect Norville details the specific dollar savings in business and dramatic improvements in student test scores that are directly attributable to respect. She says, "Now that I've seen the research done by some of the greatest minds in the field, I am stunned to see the impact of being respected and giving respect. I am also mystified. Why wouldn't someone want to put it to work?" Respect tips, sprinkled throughout the text, and Respect Reminders, at the end of each chapter, add to the clarity of the message and help reinforce the personal benefits. Start practicing this most overlooked ingredient of success and find out what it means for you!

Re-evaluating Creativity: The Individual, Society and Education

by Lili Hernández-Romero

This book proposes a groundbreaking approach to the study of personal creativity, linking this to the analysis of the chakras, or centers of energy, of the subtle system suggested by the Eastern philosophy called Sahaja Yoga. It argues that creativity is to be re-learnt through a process of self-review, a self-examination which is underpinned by the author’s concept of the outsider to the self, a pervasive condition characterized by a tendency to be connected to the outer world at the expense of the inner world. The author analyses creativity from three different but interrelated aspects –the individual, society and education - and maps out a route that may take the individuals into an understanding of blockages in their creative process. It also examines aspects that have contributed to sustain the condition of the outsider to the self, hindering people’s creativity. It argues that the traditional education system is both constricting and releasing factor of creativity. Finally, through the use of auto-ethnography, the author reveals a process of blocked and unblocked creativity. This book is a key read for all those interested in psychology, sociology, education and cultural studies.

Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Approach To Building Cooperative Capacity

by Frank J. Barrett Ronald E. Fry

This book provides a concise introduction to and overview of the growing discipline and practice of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). If you are intrigued by the prospect of mobilizing rapid, positive change with multiple stakeholders in a human system that is important to you, this book is for you.

Black American Money

by Boyce D. Watkins

Black American Money How black Power Can Thrive in a Capitalist Society

Una nueva realidad: El manual para alcanzar una vida abundante

by Maria José Flaqué Moll

La autora del best seller Soy una mujer holística regresa con el libro que todos sus seguidores estaban esperando: un manual práctico para vivir una vida en abundancia. Más de 10,000 ejemplares vendidos de Soy una mujer holística y una inmensa comunidad de seguidoras alrededor del mundo convierten a María José en una de las influencers de espiritualidad y bienestar más exitosas de los últimos tiempos. ¿Crees que la realidad que vives es la que realmente te mereces? O por el contrario, ¿sientes que vives en modo automático tus relaciones, tu trabajo y tu diario vivir? Ha llegado el momento de los cambios, de abrirte al mundo y de recibir toda la abundancia que el universo ha preparado para ti. Y lo mejor, es más sencillo de lo que creías. . Muchas personas viven en modo automático: se despiertan, van al trabajo y terminan el día sintiéndose cansados y ansiosos. Nada sale como esperan y eso los lleva a preguntarse: ¿esto era todo? La mala noticia es que los cambios no llegan si no los deseas realmente; la buena, es que puedes vivir en abundancia y está al alcance de todos. Una nueva realidad es posible y este libro es la herramienta indispensable para crear, pensar y construir la vida que sueñas. Con la ayuda de ejercicios, meditaciones y el estilo único de María José Flaqué que ha cautivado a miles de lectores alrededor del mundo, descubrirás qué es lo que realmente deseas, aprenderás a vivir con los miedos e incertidumbres normales de la vida cotidiana y descubrirás que es posible sentirte amada, plena y satisfecha cuando decidas empezar a disfrutar una vida próspera, abundante con todo lo que mereces.

Black American Money 2

by Boyce Watkins

One of the greatest challenges for the African American community is a severe lack of power. Like caged animals in the zoo, millions of black people in America and across the world often feel that our lives are controlled by other people or that opportunities only enter our lives when they are created by our oppressors. This debilitating mindset can lead to hopelessness, depression and decision-making that is driven by fear rather than desire. Instead of believing that we possess the ability to improve our lives, we simply wait and hope that White Americans will one day have a change of heart. Black American Money is written to kill the victim mentality and help us to see the world for what it really is. There is no power for the victim, the beggar, or the one who simply prays, hopes and waits for their oppressor to give them what they need. According to Finance PhD and noted scholar Dr Boyce Watkins, the world is never going to be nicer to black people and whites are never going to give us enough opportunity to sustain the masses. Instead, they will only volunteer enough crumbs to keep us under control and offer superficial congratulations for meaningless accomplishments within the pre-approved context of white supremacist institutions. It is only through proactive positioning, extensive preparation and institution building that black people can ever have any true power in America and beyond. Through a series of compelling essays and thought-provoking analysis, Dr Watkins hits the nail on the head in ways that only he can do. This book will shape your thinking, rivet your mindset and lead you to a whole new way of seeing racial inequality in America and beyond. This book will make you a champion.

What Color Is Your Parachute? 2019: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers

by Richard N. Bolles

<p>With more than 10 million copies sold in 28 countries, the world's most popular job-search book is updated for 2019, tailoring Richard Bolles's long-trusted guidance with up-to-the-minute information and advice for today's job-hunters and career-changers. <p>In today's challenging job-market, the time-tested advice of <i>What Color Is Your Parachute?</i> is needed more than ever. Recent grads facing a tough economic landscape, workers laid off mid-career, and people searching for an inspiring work-life change all look to career guru Richard N. Bolles for support, encouragement, and advice on which job-hunt strategies work—and which don't. This revised edition combines classic elements like the famed Flower Exercise with updated tips on social media and search tactics. Bolles demystifies the entire job-search process, from writing resumes to interviewing to networking, expertly guiding job-hunters toward their dream job.</p>

Way of Aikido, The: Life Lessons from an American Sensei

by George Leonard

An insightful and inspiring book for the spiritual seeker, "The Way of Aikido" offers a new way of facing life's challenges.

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