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Showing 12,776 through 12,800 of 36,712 results

La felicidad en esta vida: Cómo el amor de Dios nos sostiene, nos levanta y nos guía

by Jorge Bergoglio

Una colección de homilías y discursos que reúne la sabiduría del papa Francisco para encontrar la felicidad. «La felicidad no se compra. Y si lo haces, acabas dándote cuenta de que en realidad se ha esfumado.Sean capaces de buscar la verdadera felicidad.»FRANCISCUS «Todas las personas de todos los tiempos y de cualquier edad buscan la felicidad. Dios ha puesto en el corazón del hombre y de la mujer un profundo anhelo de felicidad, de plenitud. ¿No notan que sus corazones están inquietos y en continua búsqueda de un bien que pueda saciar su sed de infinito?» Para el papa Francisco, el aprecio por nuestra existencia cotidiana es un compromiso espiritual. La alegría es un atributo divino, y crearla a nuestro alrededor es una parte esencial de la fe. Cada homilía y discurso de este libro, escrito en un lenguaje cálido y accesible, es una lección de vida que guiará a los lectores en la búsqueda del amor y la felicidad en este mundo tan caótico. En esta recopilación de enseñanzas, el papa Francisco reflexiona sobre la dignidad de la mujer y sus derechos, habla sobre cómo el amor al deporte puede sacar lo mejor de cada uno y explica por qué luchar contra la discriminación es clave para amar al prójimo. Además, comparte historias personales y anécdotas de su vida, nos da mensajes reconfortantes de esperanza y expone cómo los problemas familiares pueden hacer de nosotros mejores personas. En definitiva, el pontífice traza en este libro el camino de la auténtica autorrealización y alegría.

Sentir el bosque: La experiencia del shinrin-yoku (baño de bosque)

by Álex Gesse

Una invitación a conectarte con la naturaleza: los baños de bosque. Vivimos abstraídos en ciudades, escenarios urbanos y paisajes grises. Con el paso del tiempo, hemos olvidado el impacto que nos puede causar la ausencia de naturaleza. Álex Gesse nos invita a probar los baños de bosque, una técnica japonesa que nos ayuda a reconectar con la naturaleza y con sus efectos beneficiosos para el cuerpo y el espíritu. En este libro, el autor -guía experimentado en baños de bosque- nos relata una veintena de experiencias reales de shinrin-yoku, que han de servir de inspiración e ilustración de lo que podemos encontrarnos en un viaje al interior del bosque, un paseo relajado, sin prisa, sin presiones, como una pausa extraordinaria fuera de nuestra rutina, y que nos conducirá a reencontrarnos con nosotros mismos. Además, nos dice, podemos buscar la naturaleza y su poder sanador allí donde estemos: en la oficina, en casa, en las calles de nuestra ciudad... Allí donde más lo necesites. «Todos tus sentidos están para ser despertados, para conectarte con el bosque, y cuando se liberan, las emociones se despiertan, las conversaciones se desenvuelven y un nuevo mundo surge a tu alrededor, permitiéndote encontrar la armonía con el bosque y, en definitiva, hallar tu equilibrio interior.»

Ghostly Adventures

by Christopher Balzano

There are certain towns that we all associate with ghost stories and sightings. But creepy encounters happen everyday all throughout this country-in towns that you may never have heard of, to normal people, just like you! With Ghostly Adventures, you can travel to these terrifying towns and share in the scare. Let ghost guru, Christopher Balzano, be your guide through the jaw-dropping true tales that happen all around the U.S., in places like:the Boston hotel where old Mr. Parker returns to check on his guests the lost village of Dudleytown, Connecticut, where all residents vanished without a tracethe Summerwind Mansion in northeast Wisconsin, whose secret compartment housed a man's corpse for yearsTerrifying true tales and frightening facts come together to create hours of eerie entertainment that you can read on your own or out loud with friends. With Ghostly Adventures, you can stop just wondering about ghosts and get to know them yourself!Christopher Balzano: is a teacher and folklorist. He has been investigating the unknown for twelve years and is currently running the Massachusetts Paranormal Crossroads website. His writing has appeared in The Haunted Times, Mystery Magazine, as well as Unexplained Paranormal Magazine. His investigations have been covered by The Boston Globe, The Boston Herald, The Standard Times, and Worchester Magazine. Balzano lives in Boston, MA.

Five Lessons: A Master Class

by Neville

In this unparalleled master class, Neville Goddard provides his most direct, exquisitely clear lessons on using your mind to create the life you want. Features a bonus chapter by historian Mitch Horowitz.In 1948 the modern mystic Neville Goddard presented a groundbreaking series of lessons to Los Angeles students, which many consider the teacher's clearest, most penetrating explanation of his methods of mental creativity.This special lesson plan, augmented with a bonus chapter by historian Mitch Horowitz, recreates Neville's master class, preserving his words exactly as students heard them at the time.These five lessons, plus a question-and-answer section, are the plainest and most direct description of the master's techniques, now in a handsome signature edition with revealing and useful bonus material.

Start Where You Are: A Guide to Compassionate Living

by Pema Chodron

Start Where You Are is an indispensable handbook for cultivating fearlessness and awakening a compassionate heart. With insight and humor, Pema Chödrön presents down-to-earth guidance on how we can "start where we are"--embracing rather than denying the painful aspects of our lives. Pema Chödrön frames her teachings on compassion around fifty-nine traditional Tibetan Buddhist maxims, or slogans, such as: "Always apply only a joyful state of mind," "Don't seek others' pain as the limbs of your own happiness," and "Always meditate on whatever provokes resentment." Working with these slogans and through the practice of meditation, Start Where You Are shows how we can all develop the courage to work with our inner pain and discover joy, well-being, and confidence.

The Power of Love: Sermons, reflections, and wisdom to uplift and inspire

by Michael Curry

The text of the celebrated 2018 royal wedding sermon, plus four other sermons touching on themes of love, commitment, and social justice, by the presiding bishop of the Episcopal ChurchTwo billion people watched Bishop Michael Curry deliver his sermon on the redemptive power of love at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (now the Duke and Duchess of Sussex) at Windsor Castle. Here, he shares the full text of the sermon, plus an introduction and four of his favorite sermons on the themes of love and social justice. The world has met Bishop Curry and has been moved by his riveting, hopeful, and deceptively simple message: love and acceptance are what we need in these strange times.

Morning Altars: A 7-step Practice To Nourish Your Spirit Through Nature, Art, And Ritual

by Day Schildkret

Return to the earth with beautiful photographs and inspirational text. “Morning altars” are colorful mandalas that combine nature, art, and meditation. Incorporating the natural world into the everyday encourages positive well- being, even with the simplest of the earth’s gifts, such as leaves, flowers, berries, feathers, and stones. These stunning pieces of art are a peaceful and creative avenue to express gratitude for nature, to practice mindfulness, and to add meaning to daily life. In this book, Day Schildkret guides readers through the creation of morning altars, a seven- step process that includes wondering and wandering, place meditation, clearing space, creating, gifting, walking away, and sharing his art with others. Since his first morning altar, Schildkret has built hundreds more. His work has been warmly received on social media and he teaches workshops on altar building, all with the intention of sharing the positivity and beauty they have brought to his life.

The Crystal Code: A Modern Guide to Crystal Healing

by Tamara Driessen

De-stress, recharge, and tune into your intuition with this indispensable guide to unlocking the power of crystals and creating positive change in your life.More than just sparkly decorations, crystals are ancient objects that possess holistic healing benefits to manifest harmony, health, and connection with ourselves on a deeper level. For crystal healer Tamara Driessen, they've been part of her life since she bought a hunk of rose quartz when she was eight years old. Ever since, she's used crystals to guide and heal herself, and later, others in one-on-one client sessions and sold-out monthly workshops in London. She sees these glittering stones as cosmic technology, absorbing, transforming, and transmitting energy. Within this book she teaches us about the unique properties of 70 potent crystals--each beautifully photographed--and how to work with them, whether you're looking to quiet your mind, enliven your heart, or cleanse your living space. Find out what crystal you can use to: * Boost confidence (peacock ore) * Calm anxiety (pure white celestite) * Feel more centered and in control (purple amethyst) * Get over your ex (rosy pink kunzite)She also includes best practices for cleansing your crystals (for the purest connection possible), programming them (so they know what you want help with), and charging them outdoors (to give them an energy boost from the elements). And whether you're a modern mystic, a newbie collector, or just crystal curious, once you've discovered which crystals are calling to you, Tamara's meditations and rituals for releasing negative energy will help you follow your intuition and shift or center your priorities.

The Crystal Code: Balance Your Energy, Transform Your Life

by Tamara Driessen

Learn how to destress, recharge, and heighten your intuition by harnessing the power of crystals in this indispensable modern guide to the basics of ancient, elemental self-care. Rose quartz, amethyst, tourmaline, and many other eye-catching crystals have captivated people for centuries—for healing, protection, or divination. Crystal healer Tamara Driessen sees these glittering stones as cosmic technology for navigating today’s hectic world, whether it’s boosting your confidence (Peacock Ore), conquering anxiety (Celestite), finding your center (Amethyst), or even getting over your ex (Kunzite).In The Crystal Code, she brings her insight and experience to help you harness the earth’s energy to manifest harmony, health, and connection with ourselves on a deeper level. With Driessen as your guide, you’ll learn about • Seventy empowering crystals (and where to find them)• Techniques to detox from social media and tune in to your body • Ways to activate your intentions with crystal grids • New and full moon rituals • Proper crystal care • And much more Loaded with vivid photographs, The Crystal Code also includes a comprehensive index to the colors and meanings of crystals. And Driessen’s mindful meditations and crystalized self-care rituals will help you follow your intuition, respect your body, and center your priorities. Whether you’re a modern mystic, a new collector, or just crystal curious, this stylish, down-to-earth book will help you unlock the powers of these mystical stones to quiet your mind, enliven your heart, and transform your life.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: 101 Stories of Caring and Compassion

by Amy Newmark

Small gestures can make a big difference in someone’s day, even someone’s life. This collection of 101 uplifting, true stories, written by Canadians and for Canadians, will help you see the beauty in the small, meaningful gestures Canadians share with one another. From random acts of kindness to doing what’s right, this book shows how the positive attitudes and the good deeds of Canadians can not only change their country, but the world.This book shines a bright light on the widespread goodwill of the Canadian people as everyday heroes demonstrate acts of kindness, compassion and commitment to their fellow countrymen. The stories in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Canadian Acts of Kindness will uplift you, inspire you, and brighten your day.

The Last Addiction: Own Your Desire, Live Beyond Recovery, Find Lasting Freedom

by Sharon Hersh

In an age of tell-all addiction memoirs and reality television programs, we gulp down the stories of others in the hope that we, too, can be overcomers-even as we continue to love a person, substance, activity, or ideology too much. As Sharon Hersh writes, "We all suffer from the same condition." In The Last Addiction, she explores why we are prone to addiction-to make one thing in our lives more central than it should be-and how we can break free of our compulsions.This is not a book of "self-help" answers or "how-to" steps. It is a book about falling down and getting up again, about realizing that we need more than ourselves to be saved. The truth is, we're not as bad as we think we are-and we are worse than we ever dreamed. When we live between those two realities, we are ready to let go of the last idol: the belief that we can save ourselves.The Last Addiction invites you to see your own story more clearly as you better understand your longing for intimacy. It invites you to love boldly and receive love in return. It invites you to the freedom of redemption.From the Trade Paperback edition.

Comunicación láser: Herramientas para una comunicación afectiva

by Gustavo Rey

Primer libro del comunicador y periodista Gustavo Rey. Con más de treinta años de experiencia en medios de comunicación, el autor se ha posicionado como uno de los referentes más importantes en el área de comunicación personal y empresarial. Este libro es una caja de herramientas donde el lector podrá encontrar distintas alternativas para conocerse y comunicarse mejor de acuerdo a las diversas situaciones planteadas. Con una narración ágil, dinámica y entretenida Gustavo Rey nos habla desde la experiencia personal y nos transmite los conceptos más importantes de los referentes de la comunicación. Con más de 30 años de experiencia en el área de la comunicación, como periodista, docente, speaker y coach, Gustavo Rey nos presenta Comunicación láser. Herramientas para una comunicación afectiva, un texto ágil, dinámico y lleno de experiencias que nos permitirá adquirir las más diversas herramientas para mejorar nuestra comunicación y a nosotros como personas. Desde cómo preparar una presentación laboral a cómo afrontar una charla de pareja; cómo escuchar y cómo hablar; cómo planificar una clase o simplemente cómo interpretar las emociones y las reacciones de los otros; este libro aporta conocimientos basados en la experiencia personal del autor y presenta los grandes conceptos de la comunicación como disciplina. Al decir del autor, «las mejores prácticas se basan en buenas teorías y nada alimenta más una buena teoría que las prácticas que hacemos». Comunicación láser es un libro interactivo donde el lector entablará una relación con el autor, podrá realizarse preguntas y navegar a través de códigos QR a videos que enriquecerán su experiencia. ¿Cómo comunicarnos de una manera efectiva y afectiva? Esa es la pregunta central que autor y lector intentarán responder.

Tu momento estelar: Tú tambien puedes vivir ese instante mágico que cambiará tu destino y la vida te responderá cuál es tu por qué.

by Luz María Doria

De la autora de La mujer de mis sueños <P><P> ¿Cómo se crea ese momento mágico en el que logras el gran negocio, abres tu propia empresa, te anuncian que eres el elegido para la posición de tus sueños o alguien cree en tu gran idea? <P><P> Luz María Doria, autora, conferencista y productora de televisión, parte de su propio sueño hecho realidad: publicar su primer libro (La mujer de mis sueños), para explicar en Tu momeno estelar la importancia de no dejarse vencer por el miedo ni las inseguridades, e ir detrás de lo que uno siempre ha querido. El libro, amenamente escrito, cuenta con prólogo de Eugenio Derbez, el popular actor mexicano que vive su momento estelar en Estados Unidos. <P><P> En estas páginas, Luz María investiga historias de éxito y analiza el proceso detrás de los mismos. Narradas en un lenguaje coloquial, haciendo gala de su inteligencia y sentido del humor, se vale no solo de sus propias vivencias, sino también de inspiradores testimonios de triunfadores —algunos famosos y otros no tanto— para descifrar el camino que lleva al éxito. <P><P> ¿Es el éxito la consecuencia del esfuerzo y la estrategia? ¿Se puede manipular el destino? ¿Cómo se desarrolla el arte de hacer de tripas corazón y triunfar en la vida? De la mano de Luz María Doria, en Tu momento estelar, encontrarás estas y otras respuestas que cambiarán la manera en que percibes hoy tu futuro.

I Had It All the Time: When Self-Improvement Gives Way to Ecstasy

by Alan Cohen

Quit Fixing Yourself and Get on with the Life You Came to Live!If you are among the millions of people who have devoted years of time, bundles of money, and buckets of effort to finding the teacher, training, or technique that will fix what’s not working in your life, you will find welcome relief in this dynamic, heartful, and humorous array of illuminating insights.Whether you are a newcomer or veteran on the path of self-improvement, I Had It All the Time will awaken you to a life so magnificent that you will laugh at the notion of improving what love made whole.

The Magical Book of Affirmations: 405 Powerful Affirmations to Accelerate Your Breakthrough to Success

by Jack Canfield Ram Ganglani

. . . I'm elated to be associated with this magnificent book by Ram Ganglani. Especially because it is inspired by my guru, Jack Canfield. Jack is an inspiration to the world. Let positive affirmations and this book be your best friend! - Raageshwari Loomba, Actor, singer, Tibetan yoga expert, motivational speaker ‘This book is full of timeless truths and universal wisdom that you can apply to achieve greater success in every area of your life.’ ~ Brian Tracy, Author of The Power of Charm ‘Uplifting affirmations are a golden key to your success and happiness in life. Use these precious affirmations every day and the results will uplift you!’ ~ Ron Kaufman, The New York Times bestselling author of Uplifting Service ‘Jack Canfield and Ram Ganglani deliver a solid book that packs a powerful punch! Get ready to take the first step on the path toward a flourishing career and fulfilling personal life.’ ~ Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 Leadership Award Winner Allow these magical affirmations to turn your life around. Take charge, make a change, you can do it! Jack Canfield and Ram Ganglani tell you how to stay inspired, change your life, and find success! Use this thoughtfully compiled volume to accelerate your growth and fulfil your desires.

The Lazy Gourmet: Magnificent Meals Made Easy

by Robin Donovan Juliana Gallin Joanne Weir

The Lazy Gourmet is for anyone who dreams of dazzling guests with fabulous home-cooked fare, but fears that such a feat would require Thomas Keller's talent, Martha Stewart's ingenuity, Gandhi's patience, and Charles Manson's free time. The goal of The Lazy Gourmet is to conquer the misguided belief that preparing an elegant meal requires spending hours-or days-in the kitchen. With the help of an army of volunteer testers-regular people with no culinary training-Robin Donovan and Juliana Gallin developed this collection of recipes that can be prepared using readily available ingredients and common kitchen appliances, and without any previous cooking experience or training. With our recipes, anyone can prepare delicious and sophisticated, yet surprisingly simple dishes that will impress fussy in-laws, placate implacable bosses, and seduce sexy strangers through the proven method of knocking their socks off at the dinner table.As the lazy gourmets themselves like to say, "Cooking a great meal can be just as easy as cooking a crappy meal!" So relax! Stop fretting over elaborate recipes and cumbersome techniques and start cooking the Lazy Gourmet way.

How to Contact your Angels

by Karen Paolino

Angels are everywhere and this perfect guide will show you how to invite them into your life. Whether you're struggling to find a parking space or require the protection of a loved one - these heavenly messengers are on hand to help. Angel Therapist and Clairvoyant Karen Paolino teaches you the many ways to communicate with these divine beings, from meditation to affirmations to angel card readings. You will learn how to prepare yourself to interact with the angels and how to keep them as part of your everyday life. "How to Contact Your Angels" is also your complete source of information on the angelic structure, their individual roles as messengers as well as heartwarming real-life examples of angel miracles.

The Night Side of Nature: Or Ghosts And Ghost Seers (The Paranormal)

by Catherine Crowe

Contents: dweller in the temple; waking and sleeping, and how the dweller in the temple sometimes looks abroad; allegorical dreams, presentiment, etc. ; warnings; double dreaming and trance; wraiths; dopplegangers or doubles; apparitions; future that awaits us; power of will; troubled spirits; haunted houses; spectral lights and apparitions attached to certain families; apparitions seeking the prayers of the living; the poltergeist of the Germans and possession; miscellaneous phenomena.

Death and its Mystery: Before Death, Proofs Of The Existence Of The Soul (The Paranormal)

by Camille Flammarion

This is an OCR edition without illustrations or index. It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from GeneralBooksClub. com. You can also preview excerpts from the book there. Purchasers are also entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Volume: 2; Original Published by: The Century co. in 1922 in 386 pages; Subjects: Death; Soul; Parapsychology; Psychical research; Family & Relationships / Death, Grief, Bereavement; Body, Mind & Spirit / Parapsychology / ESP (Clairvoyance, Precognition, Telepathy); Body, Mind & Spirit / Parapsychology / General; Philosophy / Movements / Humanism; Religion / Theology; Social Science / Death & Dying;

Poltergeist Over England: Three Centuries Of Mischievous Ghosts (The Paranormal)

by Harry Price

An extensive study of poltergeist phenomena which covers many historical cases researched from Price's own extensive occult library such as the Tedworth Drummer, Hinton Ampner, Willington Mill and the Bealings Bells as well as featuring cases with which Harry Price had personal involvement, namely Stella C, Eleonore Zungun, the Battersea poltergeist house & Borley Rectory.Harry Price begins by introducing readers to poltergeists, explaining what poltergeists actually are, the historical background around poltegeists, and what they do, before discussing specific poltergeist cases. With 12 photographs and accompanying explanatory commentaries, showing various places of poltergeist sightings, as well as a photograph of a poltergeist subject, this ebook will leave you full of knowledge and intrigue surrounding poltergeist phenomena.The Paranormal, the new ebook series from F&W Media International Ltd, resurrecting rare titles, classic publications and out-of-print texts, as well as new ebook titles on the supernatural - other-worldly books for the digital age. The series includes a range of paranormal subjects from angels, fairies and UFOs to near-death experiences, vampires, ghosts and witchcraft.

Cámbiame: Atrévete a Cambiar Por Fuera Para Cambiar Por Dentro

by Varios Autores

Descubre todos los entresijos de Cámbiame, el programa estrella de Tele 5 que mejora la autoestima: los estilistas, los looks al detalle y los cambios más sorprendentes. Y aplica tú mismo los trucos y consejos de los coaches. «Necesito que me tomen en serio», «No quiero parecer un vagabundo», «Quiero ser una estrella del Pop», «Necesito dejar de ser un adefesio»... Estos son algunos de los sueños que pretenden hacer realidad los aspirantes de Cámbiame, el programa de cambio de imagen de Tele 5 presentado por Marta Torné. Los artífices de la transformación son los expertos en moda y cool hunters Pelayo Díaz, Cristina Rodríguez y Natalia Ferviú, capaces de profetizar las tendencias y los must have de la próxima temporada. Gracias a este libro ahora podrás aplicar tú mismo todos los trucos y consejos de los estilistas sin tener que pasar por la temida cinta transportadora. Los mejores cambios de look de los expertos están recopilados aquí, con detallados paso a paso, para mejorar la vestimenta, el peinado o los complementos. Aprenderás que la actitud que proyectas en los demás, el potencial que ocultas y tu personalidad son determinantes para potenciar al máximo tu imagen y conseguir todo lo que te propongas. Con Cámbiame vas a sentir la magia de un estilismo profesional que te cambiará por fuera y por dentro.

How to Be a Person in the World: Ask Polly's Guide Through the Paradoxes of Modern Life

by Heather Havrilesky

By the author of the popular advice column Ask Polly, featured weekly on New York Magazine's The Cut, this is a collection of brand new, impassioned, and inspiring lettersShould you quit your day job to follow your dreams? How do you rein in an overbearing mother? Will you ever stop dating wishy-washy, noncommittal guys? Should you put off having a baby for your career? Heather Havrilesky, the author of the weekly advice column Ask Polly, featured in New York magazine's The Cut, is here to guide you through the "what if's" and "I don't knows" of modern life with the signature wisdom and tough love her readers have come to expect. How to Be a Person in the World is a collection of never-before-published material along with a few fan favorites. Whether she's responding to cheaters or loners, lovers or haters, the depressed or the down-and-out, Havrilesky writes with equal parts grace, humor, and compassion to remind you that even in your darkest moments you're not alone.From the Hardcover edition.

Inner Witch: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Craft

by Gabriela Herstik

The ultimate guide to witchcraft for every woman craving a connection to something bigger, using the tools of tarot, astrology, and crystals to discover her best self.In these uncertain times, witchcraft, astrology, tarot, crystals, and similar practices are seeing a massive resurgence, especially among young women, as part of their self-care and mindfulness routines. Gabriela helps readers take back their power while connecting to something larger than themselves. She covers: * Witchcraft as a feminist call to action * Fashion magick * Spells for self-love * Cleansing your space * Holidays of the witch * How to create a spellbook / grimoire * Witchcraft as self-careWhether the reader is looking to connect with her green thumb, banish negative energies, balance her chakras, energetically fight the patriarchy, or revitalize her sense of self, Inner Witch has something to offer. After all, empowered women run the world--and the ones who do are usually witches.

Ask Polly's Guide to Your Next Crisis

by Heather Havrilesky

“Every crisis has a message for you, if you look for it. Every crisis carries with it some kind of a gift that will make you feel more whole.” From beloved advice-columnist Heather Havrilesky comes a new collection of treasured questions and answers for those of us who have a crisis looming, who are still looking to find our joy, and who are hiding from injustice and doubt. Why doesn’t anything feel fun? Am I too anxious to ever find love? Why won’t my former friends forgive me? And, why should I keep going? To all of these questions and more, Havrilesky offers her customary wit, grace, candor, and wisdom. These are the pep talks we all need to hear to lay our egos aside and draw on the strengths we didn’t know we had. A Vintage Shorts original. An ebook short.

Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team

by Peter Docker David Mead Simon Sinek

Start With Why has led millions of readers to rethink everything they do – in their personal lives, their careers and their organizations. Now Find Your Why picks up where Start With Why left off. It shows you how to apply Simon Sinek’s powerful insights so that you can find more inspiration at work -- and in turn inspire those around you. I believe fulfillment is a right and not a privilege. We are all entitled to wake up in the morning inspired to go to work, feel safe when we’re there and return home fulfilled at the end of the day. Achieving that fulfillment starts with understanding exactly WHY we do what we do. As Start With Why has spread around the world, countless readers have asked me the same question: How can I apply Start With Why to my career, team, company or nonprofit? Along with two of my colleagues, Peter Docker and David Mead, I created this hands-on, step-by-step guide to help you find your WHY. With detailed exercises, illustrations, and action steps for every stage of the process, Find Your Why can help you address many important concerns, including: * What if my WHY sounds just like my competitor’s?* Can I have more than one WHY?* If my work doesn’t match my WHY, what should I do?* What if my team can’t agree on our WHY? Whether you've just started your first job, are leading a team, or are CEO of your own company, the exercises in this book will help guide you on a path to long-term success and fulfillment, for both you and your colleagues. Thank you for joining us as we work together to build a world in which more people start with WHY. Inspire on!-- Simon

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