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This Is Me: Loving the Person You Are Today

by Chrissy Metz

An inspirational book about life and its lessons from the Golden Globe and Emmy nominated star of NBC’s This Is Us.<P><P>When This Is Us debuted in fall 2016, a divided America embraced a show that celebrates human connection. The critically acclaimed series became America’s most watched—and most talked about—network show, even building on its fan base in the drama’s second season. <P>As Kate Pearson, Chrissy Metz presents a character that has never been seen on television, yet viewers see themselves in her, no matter what they look like or where they come from. Considered a role model just for being her authentic self, Chrissy found herself on magazine covers and talk shows, walking red carpets, and as the subject of endless conversations on social media “I don’t know what you’ve been through to play her,” she is often told by fans, “but it was something.” <P>In This is Me, Chrissy Metz shares her story with a raw honesty that will leave readers both surprised but also inspired. <P> Infused with the same authenticity she brings to her starring role, Chrissy’s This is Me is so much more than your standard Hollywood memoir or collection of personal essays. She embraces the spirit of Shonda Rhimes’ Year of Yes, and shares how she has applied the lessons she learned from both setbacks and successes. A born entertainer, Chrissy finds light in even her darkest moments, and leaves the reader feeling they are spending time with a friend who gets it. <P>Chrissy Metz grew up in a large family, one that always seemed to be moving, and growing. Her father disappeared one day, leaving her mother to work a series of menial jobs and his children to learn to live with the threat of hunger and the electricity being cut off. When her mother remarried, Chrissy hoped for “normal” but instead experienced a form of mental pain that seemed crafted just for her. The boys who showed her attention did so with strings attached as well, and Chrissy accepted it, because for her, love always came with conditions. <P>When she set out for Los Angeles, it was the first time she had been away from her family and from Florida. And for years, she got barely an audition. So how does a woman with the deck stacked against her radiate such love, beauty and joy? This too is at the heart of This is Me. With chapters that alternate from autobiographical to instructional, Chrissy offers practical applications of her hard-won insights in a series of “Bee Mindful” interstitials. There she invites you to embrace gratitude in “Say Thank You” or to be honest with your partner and yourself in “The Shrouded Supreme.” Blending love and experience, Chrissy encourages us all to claim our rightful place in a world that may be trying to knock us down, find our own unique gifts, and pursue our dreams. <P><B>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

The Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette: A Manual of Politeness from a Gentler Time

by Cecil B. Hartley

What should you do if you find a bug on your plate? How do you ask someone to dance? What's the least offensive way to enjoy your cigar? These and other questions of social decorum are answered in this classic etiquette book. Published just before the Civil War, this volume offers enduring advice for courtesy-challenged men. Common-sense suggestions for socializing, exercise, flirting, dining, and dressing reveal that the basics of proper behavior haven't changed all that much ― and in situations where they have, today's gentlemen may find something worth learning from their predecessors.Suggestions for the best way to behave, as well as how not to behave, include conduct in the street ("Avoid striking your umbrella against those which pass you"); making calls ("No man in the United States, excepting His Excellency, the President, can expect to receive calls unless he returns them"); and dating ("Any lover-like airs or attitudes, although you may have the right to assume them, are in excessively bad taste in public"). These and other etiquette tips provide intriguing glimpses of nineteenth-century society in addition to a wealth of timeless counsel on behaving with sincerity, dignity, and kindness in our own day and age.

The Power of Awareness

by Neville Goddard

Take an internal journey that will transform your daily life!Increase your mindfulness with ten easy exercises, devised by a prominent leader of the spiritual movement known as New Thought. Neville Goddard (1905–72) wrote ten inspirational books and was a popular speaker on metaphysical themes. In this, his most important work, he focuses on:• Consciousness• The truth that sets you free• Attitude• Subjective control • Free will• Faith • DestinyBy exploring these and other related subjects, you can cultivate a positive philosophy through which all things are possible "the effortless way."

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind: The Original Classic (abridged) (Dover Empower Your Life)

by Joseph Murphy

Change your life by changing your beliefs! This user's guide to the mind explains how to control the force of subconscious thought with the techniques of autosuggestion and visualization. Learn how to attain self-confidence, create harmonious relationships, accumulate wealth, overcome fears, banish bad habits, promote physical healing, and achieve well-being and happiness. Dr. Murphy's techniques have helped readers all over the world. Inspiring examples throughout this book attest to the effectiveness of his methods.

How to Live on 24 Hours a Day with the Human Machine (Dover Empower Your Life Series)

by Arnold Bennett

Leave your everyday concerns behind and start focusing on your true desires! Achieve your full potential with proven techniques on: • Time-saving • Reflection • Concentration • Study and more One of the first self-help books ever published, this classic of personal time management has inspired millions to make the most of "the daily miracle": the fresh allowance of time that comes with each new day. This edition features a bonus offering of Bennett's The Human Machine, a guide to improving social relationships.

The Art of Public Speaking

by Dale Carnegie J. Berg Esenwein

A pioneer in the field of self-help, Dale Carnegie distilled his experiences as a salesman and lecturer in his first guide to successful speech-making, The Art of Public Speaking. This predecessor to his bestseller, How to Win Friends and Influence People, was co-written with J. B. Esenwein. Its direct, practical advice for emphasizing ideas for easy comprehension and high impact ranges from finding an appropriate rhythm to conquering stage fright.Avoiding the use of tricks and shortcuts, the authors suggest methods for developing one's thoughts in order to form an original, authentic manner of speaking. They advise speakers to practice their presentation skills, offering useful tips for speech-making in both personal and professional situations. First published in 1915, this classic continues to encourage people from all walks of life to overcome their self-consciousness and increase their effectiveness and comfort as public speakers.

The Art of Worldly Wisdom

by Joseph Jacobs Baltasar Gracián

"Think with the few and speak with the many," "Friends are a second existence," and "Be able to forget" are among this volume's 300 thought-provoking maxims on politics, professional life, and personal development. Published in 1637, it was an instant success throughout Europe. The Jesuit author's timeless advice, focusing on honesty and kindness, remains ever popular. A perfect browsing book of mental and spiritual refreshment, it can be opened at random and appreciated either for a few moments or for an extended period.

Codependencia: Rompa el Ciclo & Libérese

by James Christiansen

Codepencdencia puede separar familias y debilitar amistades. ¿No desea mas codependencia en su vida? Obtenga este libro y comience a conquistar la codependencia HOY. La codependencia cuestiona la vida de incontables personas alrededor del mundo y llegar a la raiz del problema es increiblemente importante para poder evitar los mismos errores que suceden en las relaciones codependientes. Hay pasos claros que deben ser llevados a cabo para vencer a la codependencia y este libro le ayudara a explicarle como dar esos pasos en su vida. En este libro aprendera: 1 ¿Que es la Codependencia? 2. ¿Signos de la Codependencia? 3. ¿Cual es el Costo de la Codependencia? 4. ¿Como Romper el Ciclo de la Codependencia? 5. Los Beneficios de ser Independiente. ¿Necesita otra razon para comprar el libro?, aqui tiene una muy importante: dono el 5% de los beneficios de las ventas de mis libros a "Leer es Fundamental", la organizacion sin fines de lucro mas grande y respetada de America, dedicada al alfabetismo Infantil. Ayudeme a apoyar al alfabestismo infantil a traves de la compra de este libro. Su vida PUEDE ser mejor. Usted PUEDE cambiar la dinamica de su relacion y romper por si mismo el negativo sumidero de la codependencia. Compre este libro y tome los primeros cinco pasos positivos hacia su nueva vida.

Al Este - Una novela

by Peri Hoskins

"...en una palabra: extraordinario.” V. Scipione, Agente Literario norteamericano. "Su forma de escribir es magnífica… Si hay algún escritor que me recuerde a Hoskins, ese sería John Steinbeck. Pero en vez del norte de California y el Valle de Salinas, descubrimos Australia y Nueva Zelanda.” - R. Simmons, de Readers’ Favorite. "... El resultado es una historia en la carretera donde se producen descubrimientos y conexiones entre personas, elevándolas a un nuevo nivel de introspección y crecimiento, de forma que ‘Al Este’ se convierte en una novela altamente recomendable para lectores a los que les gustan las historias introspectivas y las aventuras, y a los que consideran la experiencia de viajar por carretera como un estímulo a la hora de tomar decisiones.” - D. Donovan, Crítico autorizado, Midwest Book Review "Este es un libro que termina haciendo que me cuestione mi propia vida y hacia dónde se dirige- que me haga preguntarme cómo podría yo cambiar mi rutina por algo mucho más excitante.” - Christine Frayling, Asociación de libreros de Nueva Zelanda. "Qué captura tan extraordinaria de una humanidad desnuda y sin adulterar, con todos sus matices, sus luces y sus sombras. Lo leí en muy poco tiempo, no podía dejar de hacerlo… De verdad, de verdad que disfruté de la lectura muchísimo.” - Teresa Herleth Lleva una vida ordenada. Trabaja duro. Paga tus impuestos. Poda tu césped. Sé un buen ciudadano. Vince Osbourne ha llevado una vida ordenada durante treinta años. Ya es hora de ponerse en marcha. Frente a él se encuentra el enorme continente australiano, un futuro incierto y un pasado sin resolver. Al tiempo que recorre los enormes y cambiantes paisajes del país, Vince aprende a apreciar su belleza, sus peligros y, sobre todo, a sus gentes. Encuentros con jóvenes amantes, viejos amigos, bellas mujeres, aborígenes, un pescador sin rumbo por el desierto y un vapuleado ex

Uhrautumisen Voima

by Gabriel Agbo

Uhrautumiset ovat tehokkaita. Erittäin tehokkaita! Rikkain mies, vahvin mies, kaikkein siunatuimmat miehet ja naiset, viisaimmat, mahtavin kuningas, kaikkein vaikutusvaltaisimmat profeetat olivat uhrautuvia miehiä ja naisia. He antoivat kaiken, riskeerasivat kaiken kansansa vuoksi, inhimillisyyden ja Jumalan vuoksi saavuttaakseen tavoitteensa ja urotyönsä, josta jopa ikuisuus olisi ylpeä. Jos haluat tulla mahtavaksi, sinun täytyy ensin tulla uhrautuvaksi mieheksi/naiseksi. Kaikki on mahdollista niille, jotka pystyvät maksamaan hinnan. Tulet huomaamaan näiden hyvin paljastavien lukujen - Uhrautumisen Voima, Uhraa Vain Omasi, Kuljen Egyptin Kautta, Maksan Hinnan, Seuraa Minua! Tulimme Sinun Vuoksi, Minä suojelen Sinua, Keitä Viimeinen Ateria, Pelastamisen Voima, Ylistäminen, Rukous ja Paasto. Emme ole vain keskustelleet Raamatun suurten miesten ja naisten uhrauksista ja kuinka heidän tekonsa tekivät heistä suuria, vaan myös sellaisista ihmisistä kuin Israelin 'Yoni' Netanyahu; nuori israelilainen, joka johti kommandoyksikköä pelastamaan juutalaiset panttivangit, joita pidettiin Entebben lentokentällä heidän koneensa tultua kaapatuksi ja ohjatuksi Ugandaan vuonna 1976. Katselimme myös joitakin meidän sotasankareita, erityisesti Erikoisjoukkojen - kuten SEAL, Delta -yksikkö. Nämä miehet antoivat kaikkensa, riskeerasivat jatkuvasti kaiken, myös elämänsä puolustaakseen kansaansa ja inhimillisyyttä. He uhrasivat elämänsä suojellakseen muita. Jeesus sanoi, että suurin uhraus ihmiselle on, että antaa oman henkensä toisten vuoksi. Me osoitamme kunnioituksemme heille. He opettavat meille mitä uhrautumisen pitäisi olla. Jeesus kertoi, että mikä uhraus on suurempi kuin mies, joka antaa henkensä ystäviensä vuoksi? Me ylistämme heidän rohkeuttaan ja äärimmäistä isänmaallisuutta. Tässä, me opimme uskon uhrauksista, ystävällisyydestä, isänmaallisuudesta, rukouksesta, paastoamisesta ja ylistämisest�

Healing from Anxiety

by Kouassi Koffi Jean-Paul Richard Laurent Lacherez

Laurent Lacherez, NLP therapist (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and author of the best-sellers L'anxiété, comment s'en sortir and L'Art de l'âcher prise, offers you now, Healing from Anxiety, to succeed in your life. As soon as anxiety appears, you lose your full ability to act in the desired direction and you feed worry at the expense of intent. In order to regain the upper hand on anxiety, I have developed this book to offer you reflections and solutions divided into three main themes: 1. Get out of the vicious circle Understanding how you are trapped in anxiety and how it works is the first step to getting out of this vicious circle. 2. Counterattacking Anxiety Learn to better manage your fears. By giving less importance to your anxieties, you will develop more realistic ideas and a philosophy of life that will restore your confidence. 3. From paralysis to action Taking control of your life will make it easier for you to feel good about yourself and others. You increase your confidence and take action more easily by adapting to situations.

Come guarire dall'ansia

by Margaret Petrarca Laurent Lacherez

Dal momento in cui l'ansia entra a far parte della vostra vita, perdete la piena capacità di agire nella direzione sperata e finite con l'alimentare l'inquietudine a discapito dei vostri intenti. Per riprendere il sopravvento sull'ansia, ho redatto questo libro per offrirvi riflessioni e soluzioni suddivise secondo tre temi principali: 1. Il circolo vizioso dell'ansia Capire come l'ansia vi abbia messo in trappola e conoscere il suo funzionamento sono le prime tappe indispensabili per uscire dal circolo vizioso in cui siete entrati. 2. Invertire la rotta dell'ansia Imparate a gestire meglio le vostre paure. Dando meno importanza alle vostre angosce, svilupperete idee più realistiche e una filosofia di vita che riporterà la fiducia in voi stessi. 3. Dalla paralisi all'azione Riprendendo pieno possesso della vostra vita, vi sarà più facile sentirvi bene con voi e con gli altri. Abbiate più fiducia in voi stessi e passate all'azione più facilmente adattandovi alle situazioni.

Die Kraft Des Opfers

by Christine Wilhelm Gabriel Agbo

Opfer sind mächtig. Sehr kraftvoll! Der reichste Mann, der stärkste Mann, die gesegnetesten Männer und Frauen, der weiseste, der größte König, die mächtigsten Propheten waren alle Männer und Frauen des Opfers. Sie gaben alles, riskierten alles für ihr Volk, die Menschheit und für Gott, um ihre Ziele und Leistungen zu erreichen, auf die sogar die Ewigkeit stolz sein wird. Willst du ihre Geheimnisse wissen? Gut. Wenn du groß werden willst, musst du zuerst ein Mann / eine Frau des Opfers werden. Ihnen sind alle Dinge möglich, die den Preis bezahlen können. Du wirst diese hoch aufschlussreichen Kapitel finden - die Kraft des Opfers, opfere nur deine, ich werde durch Ägypten gehen, ich werde den Preis zahlen, folge mir! Wir sind für dich gekommen, ich werde dich bewahren, die letzte Mahlzeit kochen, Kraft zum Sparen, Lob, Gebet und Fasten. Wir haben nicht nur über die großen Opfer großer Männer und Frauen in der Bibel diskutiert und darüber, wie ihre Taten sie großartig machten, sondern auch Menschen wie Yonatan 'Yoni' Netanjahu von Israel; der junge Israeli, der die Kommandoeinheit führte, um die jüdischen Geiseln zu retten, die auf dem Flughafen von Entebbe festgehalten wurden, nachdem ihr Flugzeug 1976 entführt und nach Uganda umgeleitet worden war. Wir betrachteten auch einige unserer militärischen Helden, besonders die der Sonderoperationen SEALs, Delta-Kraft. Diese Männer geben ihr Bestes; ständig riskieren alles, einschließlich ihrer Leben, um ihre Menschen und die Menschheit zu verteidigen. Sie opfern ihr Leben, um andere zu schützen. Jesus sagte, dass das größte Opfer für einen Mann ist, sein Leben für andere zu geben. Wir grüßen sie!

13 Anime

by Jessica Catani Sara De Miguel

Se ascoltassimo di più le persone che si avvicinano alla morte, impareremmo a vivere meglio. È curioso come, ogni volta che qualcuno mi chiede cosa faccio ed io rispondo che sono psicologa di cure palliative, automaticamente si cambi discorso. Quasi nessuno mi chiede del mio lavoro, quasi nessuno vuole sentir parlare di malattia, né tantomeno di morte, quando l’unica cosa certa nella nostra vita è che moriremo. Mi chiamo Sara e il mio più grande insegnamento in questi anni è stato che se ascoltassimo di più le persone che si avvicinano alla morte, le aiuteremmo a morire meglio. E, soprattutto, che se ascoltassimo di più le persone che si avvicinano alla morte, impareremmo a vivere meglio.

Sanar de la Ansiedad: Para tener éxito en vuestra vida

by Maria-Noel Irurtia Laurent Lacherez

Desde que aparece la ansiedad, usted pierde la plena capacidad de actuar en la dirección deseada y cultiva la inquietud en detrimento de la intención. Con el fin de ayudarlo a retomar las riendas de su vida por sobre la ansiedad, he elaborado este libro que ofrece reflexiones y soluciones repartidas en tres capítulos principales: 1. Salga del circulo vicioso Comprender como usted ha caido en la trampa de la ansiedad y su funcionamiento es la primera etapa, indispensable para abandonar el circulo vicioso. 2. Cambie las cosas Aprenda a gestionar mejor sus miedos. Concediendo menos importancia a vuestras angustias, usted desarrollará ideas mas realistas y una filosofía de vida que le devolverá la confianza. 3. De la parálisis a la acción Retomando vuestra vida en mano, le será más fácil sentirse bien consigo mismo y con los demás. Aumentará vuestra confianza y pasará a la acción más facilmente adaptandose a las diferentes situaciones.

Awakened Imagination: Includes The Search

by Neville Goddard

"Imagination is the way, the truth, the life revealed."A leader in the New Thought movement, Neville Goddard (1905–72) wrote ten inspirational books and was a popular speaker on metaphysical themes. In Awakened Imagination, he expounds upon his belief that Christ is within each of us and can help us achieve our desires through imaginative effort. His powerful philosophy is illuminated by quotations from Yeats, Blake, and the Bible as well as accounts of his personal experiences. Read this book to discover:• How to cultivate your imagination• How to achieve your goals• How to attain your desiresThis edition of Neville Goddard's self-help classic includes another of his popular works, The Search.

Influencer Fast Track: From Zero to Influencer in the Next 6 Months!: 10X Your Marketing & Branding for Coaches, Consultants, Professionals & Entrepreneurs, First Edition (Influencer Marketing & Branding #1)

by Gundi Gabrielle

YOU = INFLUENCER!! - Have a passion project you want to share with world? - Something amazing you always wanted to do, but don't know how to reach an audience? <P><P>Then let this little book walk you through SassyZenGirl's proven 7-STEP FORMULA to go from ZERO (followers) to INFLUENCER STATUS in just a few months!

Advent Conspiracy: Making Christmas Meaningful (Again)

by Rick McKinley Chris Seay Greg Holder

An updated and revised version of a book that has impacted thousands of churches: Are you tired of how consumerism has stolen the soul of Christmas? This year, take a stand! Join the groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be—a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us, not a retail circus that depletes our pocketbooks and defeats our spirits. Advent Conspiracy shows you how to substitute consumption with compassion by practicing four simple but powerful, countercultural concepts: Worship Fully—because Christmas begins and ends with Jesus. Spend Less—and free your resources for things that truly matter. Give More—of your presence: your hands, your words, your time, your heart. Love All—the poor, the forgotten, the marginalized, and the sick in ways that make a difference. Find out how to have a Christmas worth remembering, not dreading. Christmas can still change the world when you, like Jesus, give what matters most—your presence.This updated and revised version, with some all-new content, will share stories of the impact this movement has made around the globe as well as giving individuals and churches even better, more practical help in planning the kind of Christmas that truly can change the world.New introduction, new chapter and changes throughout.

The Golden Thread: Experiencing God’s Presence in Every Season of Life

by Darlene Zschech Joyce Meyer

“I know your faith will be lifted and increased with this new treasure.”~Chris TomlinDo you feel like you are barely holding on?Let the golden thread of God's presence be the calm on the other side of chaos.It could be that He is weaving a brilliant new beginning in the middle of your mess.Join beloved worship leader Darlene Zschech as she traces God’s goodness through her recent transitions—moving to a new city, starting a church. The songwriter of “Shout to The Lord” urges us to maintain joy in the middle of it all.Rather than seeing her many life changes as a zigzag of unrelated events, Darlene and her family have learned to trace God’s goodness through every crisis—even as she faced the battle for her life, cancer.Your heart will be encouraged, and your faith will soar right along with Darlene’s.

The Book of Freedom (Mastery Trilogy/Paul Selig Series)

by Paul Selig

The third work in channeler Paul Selig's acclaimed Mastery Trilogy guides readers to the knowledge of their true selves."The crown jewel of the mastery trilogy--the most important spiritual work of our time."--Aubrey Marcus, New York Times bestselling author of Own the Day, Own Your Life, founder and CEO of OnnitThe channeled literature of Paul Selig--who receives clairaudient dictation from unseen intellects called the Guides--has quickly become the most important and celebrated expression of channeling since A Course In Miracles rose to prominence in the 1970s.Selig's previous trilogy of channeled wisdom--I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation, and The Book of Knowing and Worth--won a large following around the world for its depth, intimacy, and psychological insight. The first two books of his new Mastery Trilogy, The Book of Mastery and The Book of Truth, likewise attained popularity and praise. Now, Selig continues the "Teachings of Mastery" with the widely anticipated third volume in the series: The Book of Freedom, which shows readers how to find full expression as the Divine Self through surrender and acquiescence to the true nature of their being.

The Integral Vision: A Very Short Introduction (Shambhala Pocket Library)

by Ken Wilber

A pop-culture presentation of the Integral Approach from visionary genius Ken Wilber, designed as an easy introduction to his work.What if we attempted to create an all-inclusive map that touches the most important factors from all of the world’s great traditions? Using all the known systems and models of human growth—from the ancient sages to the latest breakthroughs in cognitive science—Ken Wilber distills their major components into five simple elements, ones that readers can relate to their own experience right now. With clear explanations, practical exercises, and familiar examples, The Integral Vision invites readers to share in the innovative approach to spiritual growth, business success, and personal relationships.This book has been adapted from the 2009 graphic edition.This book is part of the Shambhala Pocket Library series.The Shambhala Pocket Library is a collection of short, portable teachings from notable figures across religious traditions and classic texts. The covers in this series are rendered by Colorado artist Robert Spellman. The books in this collection distill the wisdom and heart of the work Shambhala Publications has published over 50 years into a compact format that is collectible, reader-friendly, and applicable to everyday life.

Essential Oils for Mindfulness and Meditation: Relax, Replenish, and Rejuvenate

by Heather Dawn Godfrey

A hands-on guide showing how essential oils can support and enhance meditative and mindful practices • Details safe and effective methods to incorporate essential oils into your mindfulness or meditation practice • Explains the many ways essential oils benefit the mind, such as how odors can immediately draw your attention to the present moment, trigger a specific state of consciousness, or provide a way to regain composure quickly • Provides the latest scientific research on the emotional, psychological, physiological, and neurological effects of essential oils on the mind, body, and nervous system • Includes an easy-to-follow chart to help you choose the right essential oil for you For millennia, the spiritual power of odor--such as from incense or frankincense--has been used to symbolize intention, stimulate awareness of our spiritual self, and accentuate rite and ritual. Drawing on this power, as well as their healing qualities, essential oils can provide the perfect complement to meditation or mindfulness practice. Outlining the practice and benefits of meditation and mindfulness in combination with the use of essential oils, Heather Dawn Godfrey explains how these practices hone and sustain a conscious awareness of “being” in the present moment, focusing attention on what you are sensually experiencing and leaving no space for regrets, traumas, fears, anxiety, or anticipation. Providing the latest scientific research on the restorative, rehabilitative, and psycho-emotional healing effects of essential oils, she explains how the sensory experience of odors can immediately draw your attention to the present moment, trigger a specific state of consciousness, such as a deeper meditative state, or offer a way to regain composure quickly when dealing with life’s ups and downs. She shows how many essential oils naturally reduce stress and anxiety, promote a peaceful attitude, support concentration, regulate breathing, and stimulate serotonin and GABA pathways in the brain, making them ideal aids to mindfulness and meditation. Explaining methods to incorporate essential oils into your practice, Godfrey introduces readers to the “Gem” essential oils--a group of oils specifically selected for attaining and maintaining a state of mindfulness, as well as a broad spectrum of therapeutic properties--and she provides an easy-to-follow chart to help you select the oil that is right for you. Offering a hands-on practical guide to integrating essential oils into mindful and meditative practice, the author shows how each of us has the ability to self-generate a calm, tranquil, and worry-free state of mind.

Learning to Love

by Eileen Caddy David Earl Platts

An insightful guide for consciously bringing compassion and love into your life • Explores feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and past experiences that block us from loving and receiving love • Includes deceptively simple yet profound exercises, meditations, and visualizations to support the exploration of your inner world • Explains how these principles and techniques originated in Roberto Assagioli’s system of psychosynthesis, enriched by the Findhorn experience of living in community Every person is born with the capacity to love. Over time, however, many of us have built barriers within ourselves as a reaction to painful experiences, and following these, we often develop fears, beliefs, and behaviors that keep these barriers firmly in place. The primary lesson in life is to learn to love, and this starts right on our doorstep. Often it is self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness that hold us back from experiencing all the love around us. Only when we start to love and accept ourselves with all that we are can we love others freely and fully. Learning to love requires an intention to change and a willingness to take action. Once we understand how to work with our doubts and fears and learn how to change our beliefs and behavior, our barriers will melt away and we spontaneously open up to connect deeply and harmoniously with the full flow of the river of life. In this simple yet insightful guide, Eileen Caddy and David Earl Platts detail the down-to-earth practicalities of exploring feelings, attitudes, beliefs, and past experiences that block us from loving and from receiving love. They show how bringing more love into our lives is not a mystery but often a journey back to ourselves and our core values. The authors examine the feelings of acceptance, trust, forgiveness, respect, opening up, and taking risks, among others, within a framework of compassionate understanding and non-judgment. Deceptively simple yet profound exercises, meditations, and visualizations support the reader in examining their inner world and implementing these vital concepts into their lives. The teachings in the book are based on popular workshops that Eileen, co-founder of the Findhorn Foundation Community, and David facilitated for years in and outside Findhorn. Many of the underlying principles and techniques originate in the system of psychosynthesis, devised by Roberto Assagioli. Learning to Love invites you to make a free and informed choice to bring more love into your life, and then helps you implement this choice step-by-step with confidence and joy.

Shine From Within: A Teen Girl's Guide to Life

by Amanda Rootsey

Shine from Within is exactly what teenage girls are looking for to help them navigate their teens with a positive, fresh take on self image and overall wellbeing. Amanda Rootsey brings a wealth of experience from her own teenage years and from her work mentoring teenage girls.This book is fun and relatable. If you’ve been looking for an inspirational gift for your daughters, grand-daughters, nieces, or a special teen girl, Shine From Within is the perfect choice.Every teenager deserves to be validated, accepted and to have strong self-esteem to ensure they build positive, healthy relationships with their peers, family and friends.This book is packed full of practical advice. It includes:* Steps to gain more self-confidence* Fun, inspiring breakout quotes* Relatable mini-stories from real teens* Tips for job interviews* Self-care tips using eco-friendly, natural ingredients* Fashion advice for every body shape* Etiquette for different social situationsShine From Within will help any teenager to navigate through these years with confidence and joy.

Five Minutes of Peace

by Freeman-Smith Llc

This year-long daily devotional—designed to strengthen your faith with Bible verses, brief messages, and thoughtful quotes—encourages you to carve out a few minutes of peace in the presence of God.“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” —John 14:27 If you feel like you can’t get a moment of peace in your hectic life, you aren’t alone—but even just five minutes spent with God every day can renew your spirit. With these 365 daily devotionals, you can embark on a year-long process of finding comfort in Him. So today, find a quiet place to open your mind and your heart to the peace of God, which transcends all understanding.

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