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Showing 12,976 through 13,000 of 36,811 results

Remembering: What 50 Years of Research with Famous Amnesia Patient H.M. Can Teach Us about Memory and How It Works

by Donald G. MacKay

The psychologist who worked with a famous amnesiac patient for fifty years explains what his studies show about how memory functions and ways to keep the brain sharp.At age twenty-seven, Henry Molaison underwent brain surgery to remedy life-threatening epilepsy. This operation inadvertently destroyed his hippocampus, the engine in the brain for forming new memories. Henry--until recently, known only as Patient H.M.--suffered catastrophic memory failures for the rest of his life and he became the most studied amnesia patient in the history of the world. Dr. Donald MacKay's studies with Henry span fifty years. They reveal the profound importance of memory. Memory decline impacts everything that makes a normal human mind and brain worth having: creative expression; artistic endeavors; awareness; and the ability to plan, to comprehend, to detect and correct errors, to appreciate humor, to imagine hypothetical situations, and to perceive novelty in the world. His research also shows how to keep memories sharp at any age and how to offset the degradation that aging and infrequent use inflict on memory. Remembering summarizes other results of the revolution in scientific understanding of mind and memory that began with Henry. Importantly, it makes good on the promise that research with Henry would help others by focusing on what readers who wish to maintain the everyday functioning of memory, mind, and brain (their own or others') can learn from the still ongoing revolution that he inspired.

Numb: Find Healing In Feeling

by Kay Gackle

I feel numb.Kay Gackle has heard these words for years as a therapist. Then one day, Kay found she was saying these exact same words.The phrase feeling numb is a bit ironic. Is it a feeling if we "feel" nothing? Being numb can be considered a feeling the same as white is considered a color. The color white appears because it absorbs no color. White is literally the absence of color. In the same way, numb is the absence of feeling. The color white can be seen when it is against a background of other colors. Likewise, we recognize being numb against the knowledge of where other feelings would typically exist. We know that we would naturally feel in a certain way, but we just don't feel anything.In this book, we identify what being numb looks like in everyday life, how we get numb, and the problems and symptoms surrounding it. Not stopping there, we will journey together into a deeper understanding of feelings and begin to let ourselves feel again. Through other’s stories, engaging questions, and practical tools, we can find healing and move beyond being numb.

Telling: A Memoir of Rape and Recovery

by Patricia Weaver Francisco

She invites the reader into her life and into the questions raised by a crime with no obvious solutions or easy answers. We see the dimensions of a human struggle often kept hidden from view. While there are an estimated twelve million rape survivors in the United States, rape is still unspeakable, left out of our personal and cultural conversation. In Telling, Francisco has found a language for the secret grief carried by men and women who have survived rape.

Confucius for Christians: What an Ancient Chinese Worldview Can Teach Us about Life in Christ

by Gregg A. Ten Elshof

Shows how wisdom from an Eastern tradition can enrich the lives of Jesus followers everywhere This unique book explores ways of using resources from the Confucian wisdom tradition to inform Christian living. Neither highlighting nor diminishing the differences between Confucianism and Christianity, Gregg Ten Elshof reflects on questions and issues in the Christian life with the Confucian worldview in mind. In examining such subjects as family, learning, and ethics, Ten Elshof sets the typical Western worldview against the Confucian worldview and considers how each worldview lines up with the teachings of Jesus. Pointing to much that is good and helpful in the Confucian tradition, Ten Elshof shows how reflection on the teachings of Confucius can inspire a deeper and richer understanding of what it really means to live the Jesus way.

L'Aldilà è Meraviglioso: Nuove Avventure nel Flipside (volume #1)

by Richard Martini Roberto Felletti

L'autore del best-seller “Flipside” (due volte al primo posto nella classifica di genere di Amazon) con “L'Aldilà È Meraviglioso: Nuove Avventure nel Flipside” ci accompagna nell'aldilà e, anche per mezzo di interviste con alcuni scienziati, cerca di spiegare l'origine della coscienza, confronta le esperienze di pre-morte (NDE) con le sedute di ipnosi regressiva sulla vita tra le vite (LBL), riporta interviste fatte a persone che sostengono di parlare dall'aldilà. In questo libro, ci sono nuove sedute di ipnosi LBL con sorprendenti testimonianze di contatti con l'aldilà, che sperimentano la presenza di Dio e che cercano di comprendere quel viaggio che è la vita. Il Volume Uno comprende: una prefazione di Charles Grodin, interviste con scienziati che hanno studiato l'esistenza della coscienza al di fuori del cervello, tra cui il neuroscienziato Mario Beauregard (“Brain Wars”) e il Dott. Bruce Greyson (padre della ricerca sulle NDE) e la ricerca della Dott.ssa Helen Wambach, parallela a quella del Dott. Michael Newton (“Journey of Souls”). Inoltre, il libro comprende interviste con persone che hanno vissuto esperienze di pre-morte, tra cui David Bennett (“Voyage of Purpose”), Jeremy Kagan, il Dott. Rajiv Parti e Jeffry Martini. Ancora, il libro racchiude un'intervista con l'ipnoterapeuta, di formazione Michael Newton, Scott De Tamble, confronta le testimonianze del Dott. Eben Alexander (“Proof of Heaven”) e di Colton Burpo (“Heaven is for Real”). L'autore, in questa ricerca, esamina il suo stesso incredibile viaggio, includendo una sua seduta di ipnosi regressiva LBL. Nel libro sono anche riportate trascrizioni di sedute LBL di soggetti molto particolari che hanno ricordi dettagliati non solo delle loro vite precedenti, ma anche del mondo tra le vite, dove sostengono di avere scelto la loro vita attuale. Frutto di una ricerca approfondita, affascinante da lasciare senza fiato, “L'Aldilà È Meraviglioso: Nuove Avven

PTSD In cammino verso la guarigione: la storia di un soldato

by Bob Bray

La maggior parte dei libri sul disturbo da stress post traumatico (PTSD), non importa quanto sembrino solidali con chi ne soffre, rimangono aridi e impersonali. Questo stimolante libro è un’eccezione! L'autore Bob Bray ha percorso un sentiero difficile, affrontando il disturbo da stress post traumatico (PTSD) nella sua stessa vita. Il PTSD è un qualcosa che perdura da molto tempo. È stato conosciuto con molti nomi, quali nevrosi da guerra, sfinimento da battaglia o vento degli obici. Oggi questa nozione si è espansa oltre i campi di battaglia in cui le armi vengono utilizzate per annientare il nemico. Ora ci si riferisce al trauma emotivo sperimentato quando le persone vengono esposte a situazioni orribili al di là della loro capacità di comprensione. Arriva con uragani, incendi boschivi, inondazioni e attacchi terroristici come l'attentato di Boston. Questo libro è unico nel suo genere in quanto va oltre le osservazioni sintomatiche esteriori di medici e ricercatori. È una visione dall'interno di qualcuno che è stato sopraffatto, ma è anche sopravvissuto ed adesso comincia a rinascere dopo il PTSD. L'autore è uno scrittore avvincente che mostra le lotte interiori e le conseguenze esterne di coloro che hanno vissuto gli orrori della guerra. Per loro, troppo spesso, il tornare a casa non significa la fine della guerra.

Glória: Em Busca da Presença de Deus

by Bill Vincent

É hora de nos chegarmos ao abraço de Deus, entrando no Seu coração de amor e permitindo que Ele nos convença do pecado para que possamos ser limpos e perdoados. Deus está a realizar uma grande obra em todos nós. Não se concretizará sem um preço. Quero que todos entendam que alcançar a Glória de Deus tem um preço a pagar. Mas esse preço é altamente justificado. Este livro procura explicar como nos chegamos mais próximos de Deus e como isso nos transforma.

Autopublicação: Guia secreto para escrever e fazer marketing de um best-seller

by Adidas Wilson

Publicar seu próprio e-book nunca foi como dar uma volta no parque, mas têm sido bem mais fácil com o acesso aos serviços, plataformas e ferramentas. Com tantas opções para os editores independentes escolherem, os autores precisam se ajustar para atingir o máximo de audiência. Livro inclui: Introdução 1. Como fazer autopublicação 2. Promovendo o seu livro com Guest blogging 3. Guia de avaliações da Amazon 4. Como autores independentes podem ganhar Fãs 5. Como vender seu livro 6. Dicas de um livro de ideias best seller 7. Lista de e-mail 8. Landing page do seu livro 9. Escrevendo um e-book de não ficção 10. Qual o tamanho deve ter o seu e-book? 11. Encontrando o nicho como Autoeditor 12. Vídeo de marketing para o seu livro 13. Erros que os autores independentes cometem nas capas de livro 14. Por que autopublicações não vendem 15. Publicação Híbrida 16. Guia completo de Ghostwriting 17. Evernote uma ferramenta essencial para escritores 18. Editores e Subscrição de Livros 19. Encontre leitores que amam o seu trabalho 20. Kobo Writing Life 21. Escolhendo a melhor plataforma de publicação de e-book 22. Pronoun para autopublicação 23. Autopublicação na Amazon 24. Como fixar preço do seu e-book 25. Contagem de palavras do seu romance autopublicado 26. Antes de autopublicar um Folheto, Livro de Poesia ou Coleção de Poemas 27. Obtendo comentários de blogueiros para seu livro 28. Trailer de Livros 29. Dentro e Fora do Copyright 30. Enfrentando as Críticas 31. A Arte das palavras-chave do Kindle 32. É hora de ter um agente literário 33. Como começar uma Editora 34. Escreva uma Biografia convincente 35. Dê ao seu livro um título que venda

Gestione Dell'Ansia - Capire Come Superare Preoccupazione, Paura, Depressione e Attacchi di Panico

by Stephen Berkley

Una guida dettagliata per comprendere ed eliminare preoccupazioni, paura, depressione e attacchi di panico. Questa guida ti aiuterà a gestire la tua ansia e le migliori pratiche per superarla. L'uso di farmaci per combattere il problema ha molti effetti collaterali spiacevoli. Questo è il motivo per cui questa guida si concentra su tutti i rimedi e metodi naturali al fine di darti i migliori risultati senza effetti collaterali. Basato su una scienza solida e comprovata, questo libro ti insegnerà come: - Fermare attacchi di panico - Gestire stress e ansia - Affrontare situazione che si evitano comunemente - Usare metodi naturali per alleviare preoccupazioni, paura, depressione e ansia - Dormire meglio - Sentirsi più sani e con più energia - Chiarirsi le idee - Vivere la vita che vuoi Se vuoi essere il tuo 'io' migliore con poca o nessuna preoccupazione, paura e ansia, allora questo libro fa per te. -> Scorri fino alla parte superiore della pagina e fare clic su aggiungi al carrello per acquistare immediatamente Disclaimer: Questo autore e/o i detentori dei diritti non fanno alcuna rivendicazione, promessa o garanzia circa l'accuratezza, la completezza o l'adeguatezza dei contenuti di questo libro e declina espressamente la responsabilità per errori ed omissioni nei contenuti all'interno. Questo prodotto è solo per riferimento.

Criptovalute: Diventa Un Esperto Scegliendo Questo Manuale

by Steve Johnson

Questo manuale ti aiuterà ad iniziare i tuoi investimenti sulle valute digitali, sul forex, sulle opzioni e sul trading. Se stai cercando di uscire dalla vita frenetica ti serviranno soldi per supportarti e costruire abbastanza entrate passive per vivere i tuoi sogni. Questo libro ti fornisce le conoscenze su come investire e raggiungere la libertà finanziaria. Immagina un mondo dove le automobili sono controllate tramite accesso remoto, dove puoi davvero comunicare con un'altra automobile online per evitare incidenti e congestioni. Dove le automobili sono in grado di capire ciò che le circonda per guidarsi autonomamente ad una velocità ottimale in sicurezza. Dove tutti i dispositivi elettronoci hanno i loro profili online e possono essere attivati in remoto. Non sei a casa in tempo per registrare il tuo programma preferito? Vai online dall'ufficio e premi il pulsante di registrazione da lì. Prendi oggi la tua copia cliccando sul link all'inizio di questa pagina!


by Tasher

Αυτό είναι το Δεύτερο Βιβλίο της τριλογίας που γράφτηκε για να βοηθήσει αναγνώστες που βρίσκονται στην μετά – διαζυγίου περίοδο. Το Δεύτερο βιβλίο μοιράζεται απόψεις για τις βασικές σχέσεις με τους πρώην, επικεντρώνεται στα παιδιά και στην εκτεταμένη οικογένεια. Οι αναγνώστες μπορούν να βρουν απαντήσεις σε ερωτήματα όπως: πως να ξανά αρχίσω τη ζωή μου μετά το διαζύγιο, βοήθεια όσον αφορά τα παιδιά, το αντίκτυπο του διαζυγίου στα παιδιά, τρόπους για την διαχείριση της επιμέλειας, πως να αντιμετωπίσουμε τις χωριστές διακοπές και διαχείριση των οικονομικών μας. Βρείτε τρόπους να αγκαλιάσετε την καινούρια ελευθερία σας και κάντε τα λεμόνια που σας πέταξε η ζωή ένα Ζουμερό Σορμπέ Λεμονιού!

El Lugar Secreto del Poder de Dios

by Bill Vincent

Descripción del libro: Muchas personas han deseado ser una mujer poderosa o un hombre poderoso de Dios. El libro de Bill Vincent, El lugar secreto del poder de Dios, despertará con fuerza tu fe. Por medio de principios bíblicos, Bill describe muchas revelaciones para que los santos de Dios de hoy caminen en poder. El poder de Dios es el resultado de encontrar a Dios, es lo que se conoce como el lugar secreto. «Este libro representa la compilación de todas las lecciones que he aprendido y que han aumentado mi conocimiento del Señor. Él ha sido mi mejor amigo y todo esto se encuentra en el lugar secreto. Antes de encontrar esta revelación yo fluía en apenas o nada del poder de Dios. Todos quieren que alguien imponga las manos sobre ellos y así recibir el poder de Dios. Quizás haya una cierta verdad en la impartición real, pero esta no vendrá sin un precio. Este libro, aunque haya tardado en llegar, es necesario. Aprenderás a superar la religión, acercarte a Dios, encontrar el poder de Dios y experimentar el Cielo. Dios me ha dicho que este libro ha nacido para que Su gente encuentre el lugar secreto y descubra Su poder». Bill pasa mucho tiempo buscando el rostro de Dios con respecto a todas las ideas de vanguardia. El ministerio es más que ser tan solo un ministro. El primer capítulo te lleva hacia el lugar secreto. Descubrirás que si pasas tiempo con Dios abrirás las puertas a la provisión, la promoción, el aumento del conocimiento de Dios y mucho más. Bill tiene una forma personal de decir las cosas de muchas maneras distintas hasta que las entiendes. Aprenderás muchas cosas sobre el Cielo en la Tierra y sobre cómo convertirte en una fuente que Dios puede usar de una manera poderosa. El lugar secreto del poder de Dios es más que un libro, es aprender a ser guiado por el Espíritu Santo, a ser un libertador de aquellos que necesitan ser liberados y a aumentar la unción y el poder de Dios. Verdaderamente

“Pillole” per Scrittori depressi: consigli pratici

by Giselle Renarde

Quando soffri di depressione potresti non sapere a chi rivolgerti. Ci sono giorni in cui oscura le parole, e non riesci più a scrivere. Le persone intorno a te continuano a ripeterti che ti sono vicine. Allora perché ti senti così solo? Giselle Renarde è una scrittrice affetta da depressione cronica, e ha scritto questo manualetto rivolgendosi agli scrittori nella sua stessa situazione, nella speranza di poterli aiutare. “Pillole” per scrittori depressi: consigli pratici prevede: • attività specifiche per aiutarti nei giorni più difficili; • idee pratiche per spronarti a scrivere anche quando ti sembra impossibile formulare una parola in croce; • un testo scritto in toni personali, accessibili e confortevoli; “Pillole” per scrittori depressi: consigli pratici è stato scritto per te, con amore, cura e incoraggiamento.

How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life (Ancient Wisdom For Modern Readers Ser.)

by Marcus Tullius Cicero Philip Freeman

Worried that old age will inevitably mean losing your libido, your health, and possibly your marbles too? Well, Cicero has some good news for you. In How to Grow Old, the great Roman orator and statesman eloquently describes how you can make the second half of life the best part of all—and why you might discover that reading and gardening are actually far more pleasurable than sex ever was.<P><P> Filled with timeless wisdom and practical guidance, Cicero's brief, charming classic—written in 44 BC and originally titled On Old Age—has delighted and inspired readers, from Saint Augustine to Thomas Jefferson, for more than two thousand years. Presented here in a lively new translation with an informative new introduction and the original Latin on facing pages, the book directly addresses the greatest fears of growing older and persuasively argues why these worries are greatly exaggerated—or altogether mistaken.<P> Montaigne said Cicero's book "gives one an appetite for growing old." The American founding father John Adams read it repeatedly in his later years. And today its lessons are more relevant than ever in a world obsessed with the futile pursuit of youth.

The Love as a Way of Life Devotional: A Ninety-day Adventure That Makes Love a Daily Habit

by Elisa Stanford Gary Chapman

Start Developing the Best Habit of All. To become a person who consistently loves others, you first need to be a loving person. In this companion devotional to Love As a Way of Life, you'll find inspiration for letting love guide the way you respond to others in every situation. The daily readings capture God's wisdom and direction in practicing the seven traits of a loving person. Compelling stories and biblical illustrations will show you how to live out the characteristics of kindness, patience, forgiveness, courtesy, humility, generosity, and honesty. These ninety short devotionals--perfect for reading on your own, with your spouse, or with a friend over coffee--deliver the inspiration and encouragement you need to make love a lasting habit. Whatever your love language, you'll enjoy richer, more rewarding relationships as you embark on an exciting daily adventure in loving others.

How Memory Works--and How to Make It Work for You: G1196

by Robert Madigan

Do you wish you could recall the names of people you just met? What if birthdays, important errands, and online passwords rarely slipped your mind? Psychologist Robert Madigan is an expert in the "memory arts"--practical, proven methods for improving the ability to retain and use information. Like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, it's important to exercise memory in simple ways every day. That's where this science-based guide can help. Dr. Madigan explains how memory works and presents innovative mnemonic devices and visualization techniques that will help you sharpen your mental skills; avoid embarrassing lapses; and remember faces, appointments, facts, numbers, lists, and much more. Reclaim your brain--this book shows how.

El placer de verte bien

by Juan Pablo Salazar Grau Maríam Gutierrez Gomez

Una guía para darle balance a tu estilo de vida. Con una visión moderna y atrevida, estás páginas son un compendio de bienestar, salud y entrenamiento, una guía para darle balance a tu estilo de vida. El placer de verte bien es un libro dedicado al ejercicio a la alimentación adecuada y a todo lo que tu cuerpo necesita para llegar a su nivel óptimo. Dos expertos en acondicionamiento físico y nutrición comparten consejos, recetas y técnicas para llevarte hasta límites sorprendentes. El equilibro es la clave para sentirte bien. Vive al máximo, muévete y ama tu cuerpo. Ven, nosotros te decimos cómo hacerlo.

Rinnavation: Getting Your Best Life Ever

by Lisa Rinna Maureen O'Neal

GET READY TO "RINNAVATE" YOUR LIFE! Look better, feel better, live better, love better--the Lisa Rinna way! Whether she's interviewing celebrities on the red carpet, or "movin' what she's got" on Dancing with the Stars, Lisa Rinna always looks absolutely sensational. Now for the first time, the award-winning actress reveals her best-kept secrets for staying fit, managing weight, looking beautiful, feeling sexy, and living the best life possible. IN HER FUN "YOU CAN DO IT" GUIDE, YOU'LL DISCOVER:* How Lisa got that Dancing with the Stars body* How to lose weight fast--without counting calories* How to be "camera-ready" in just minutes* How to balance work and family while also finding time to take care of yourself* Plus: Lisa's instant "lip plumper," quick-fix tanner, everyday makeup advice, hairstyling secrets, and even super-hot sex tips!With surprising candor, down-to-earth humor, and irresistible charm, Lisa talks frankly about her self-esteem lows, her struggle losing baby weight, her Hollywood marriage, and her never-before-told experiences with cosmetic surgery. She reveals her emotional and spiritual journey from feeling unattractive and uninspired, to finding a new sense of purpose and enthusiasm. And she shows you how to positively transform your life--inside and out--by taking it one day at a time.

The Color of Life: A Journey toward Love and Racial Justice

by Cara Meredith James Meredith

Cara Meredith grew up in a colorless world. From childhood, she didn't think issues of race had anything to do with her. A colorblind rhetoric had been stamped across her education, world view, and Christian theology.Then as an adult, Cara's life took on new, colorful hues. She realized that her generation, seeking to move beyond ancestral racism, had swung so far that they tried to act as if they didn't see race at all. But that picture neglected the unique cultural identity God gives each person. When Cara met and fell in love with the son of black icon, James Meredith, she began to listen to the stories and experiences of others in a new way, taking note of the cultures, sounds and shades of life already present around her. After she married and their little family grew to include two mixed-race sons, Cara knew she would never see the world through a colorless lens again. A writer and speaker in an interracial marriage and mixed-race family, Cara finds herself more and more in the middle of discussions about racial justice. In The Color of Life, she asks how do we navigate ongoing and desperately-needed conversations about race? How do we teach our children a theology of reconciliation and love? And what does it mean to live a life that makes space for seeing the imago Dei in everyone? Cara's illuminating memoir paints a beautiful path from white privilege toward racial healing, from ignorance toward seeing the image of God in everyone she meets.

Loving through Your Differences: Building Strong Relationships from Separate Realities

by James L. Creighton

FIND HAPPINESS AND FULFILLMENT THROUGH — RATHER THAN DESPITE — YOUR DIFFERENCES Dr. James Creighton has worked with couples for decades, facilitating communication and conflict resolution and teaching them the tools to build healthy, happy relationships. He has found that many couples start out believing they like the same things, see people the same way, and share a united take on the world. But inevitably differences crop up, and it can be profoundly discouraging to find that one’s partner sees a person, situation, or decision completely differently. Although many relationships flounder at this point, Creighton shows that this can actually be an opportunity to forge stronger ties. In Loving through Your Differences, he draws on the latest research in cognitive science and developmental psychology to show how we invent our realities with our perceptual minds. He then provides clear, concrete tools for shifting our perceptions and reframing our responses. The result moves couples out of the fear and alienation of “your way or my way” and into a deep understanding of the other that allows for an “our way.” As Creighton shows, this way of being together, based on the reality of individuality rather than the illusion of sameness, sets the stage for long-term excitement, discovery, and fulfillment.

Feed Your Soul: Nutritional Wisdom to Lose Weight Permanently and Live Fulfilled

by Carly Pollack

DISCOVER LONG-TERM SATISFACTION AND VITALITY Countless diets, cleanses, and thirty-day challenges are geared to help people lose weight, heal their digestion, and have more energy. Yet these temporary protocols fall short when it comes to true transformation. Nutritionist Carly Pollack lived a vicious cycle of weight ups and downs until trial and error, and over a decade of formal study in health and healing, led her to the insights she has since shared with thousands. In Feed Your Soul, she presents her unique understanding of body science, brain wiring, and spiritual principles to facilitate real, lasting change. Carly helps you reframe your thinking to, for example, see comfort foods as the numbing toxins they truly are and focus on long-term goals rather than immediate gratification. This no-nonsense guide will show you how feeding your soul can change your life, your health, and your body.

The Dumb Things Smart People Do with Their Money: Thirteen Ways to Right Your Financial Wrongs

by Jill Schlesinger

You’re smart. So don’t be dumb about money. Pinpoint your biggest money blind spots and take control of your finances with these tools from CBS News Business Analyst and host of the nationally syndicated radio show Jill on Money, Jill Schlesinger.Do you have a “friend” who is super smart, has a great career, holds a graduate degree, has even saved a chunk of money for retirement, but who keeps making the same dumb mistakes when it comes to money? Is this “friend” you? After decades working as a Wall Street trader, investment adviser, and money expert for CBS, Jill Schlesinger reveals thirteen costly mistakes you’re probably making right now with your money without even knowing it. Drawing on heartfelt personal stories (yes, money experts screw up, too), Schlesinger argues that it’s not lack of smarts that causes even the brightest, most accomplished people among us to behave like financial dumb-asses, but simple emotional blind spots. So if you’ve made well-intentioned mistakes like saving for college for your kids before you’ve saved for your own retirement, or taken on too much risk when you invest, you’ve come to the right place. And if you’ve avoided uncomfortable moments such as sitting down to draft a will or planning long-term care for an aging parent, this is the book for you. By breaking bad habits and following Schlesinger’s pragmatic and accessible rules for managing your finances, you can save tens, even hundreds, of thousands of dollars, not to mention avoid countless sleepless nights. Practical, no-nonsense, and often counterintuitive, The Dumb Things Smart People Do with Their Money tells you what you really need to hear about retirement, college financing, insurance, real estate, and more. It might just be the smartest investment you make all year.Advance praise for The Dumb Things Smart People Do with Their Money “Common sense is not always common, especially when it comes to managing your money. Consider Jill Schlesinger’s book your guide to all the things you should know about money but were never taught. After reading it, you’ll be smarter, wiser, and maybe even wealthier.”—Chris Guillebeau, author of Side Hustle and The $100 Startup “A must-read, whether you’re digging yourself out of a financial hole or stacking up savings for the future, The Dumb Things Smart People Do with Their Money is a personal finance gold mine loaded with smart financial nuggets delivered in Schlesinger’s straight-talking, judgment-free style.”—Beth Kobliner, author of Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not) and Get a Financial Life

The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life

by Todd Herman

A top performance expert reveals the secret behind many top athletes and executives: creating a heroic alter ego to activate when the chips are down.There’s only one person in the way of you untapping your potential: You. There’s also one person who can move you out of the way so you can perform at your peak. That person is already inside you. You just need to unlock them. This other part of you is your Alter Ego. After twenty-one years of working with elite athletes, performers and leaders, Todd Herman has discovered how you can use your alter ego to achieve the seemingly impossible. It all clicked for Todd when he met Bo Jackson. When Herman met Bo Jackson, the professional athlete told him, “Bo Jackson never played a down of football in his entire life.” Bo explained that when he was young, he’d get into trouble because chaos caused by his anger issues. Then, he saw Friday the 13th and became fascinated by the cold, calculating nature of Jason Vorhees. In that moment, he resolved to stop being Bo Jackson, and start being Jason the moment he stepped on the field. In this transformative guide, Herman teaches you how to create and control an Alter Ego like Bo—and the thousands of other athletes, business leaders, entrepreneurs, and entertainers who have used this simple tool to change their lives. Herman also shares his own story: he knew that inside was a confident, self-assured, intelligent person who could help others get better results in their lives. When he started using superman’s classic trick—putting on a pair of glasses—he learned to trigger the specific traits he needed to achieve his goals.The Alter Ego Effect is not about creating a false mask—it’s about finding the hero already inside you. It’s a proven way of overcoming the self-doubt, negativity, and insecurity that hold you back, and empowering you to ultimately become your best self.

How to Keep Your Cool: An Ancient Guide to Anger Management (Ancient Wisdom For Modern Readers Ser.)

by Seneca James S. Romm

Timeless wisdom on controlling anger in personal life and politics from the Roman Stoic philosopher and statesman SenecaIn his essay “On Anger” (De Ira), the Roman Stoic thinker Seneca (c. 4 BC–65 AD) argues that anger is the most destructive passion: “No plague has cost the human race more dear.” This was proved by his own life, which he barely preserved under one wrathful emperor, Caligula, and lost under a second, Nero. This splendid new translation of essential selections from “On Anger,” presented with an enlightening introduction and the original Latin on facing pages, offers readers a timeless guide to avoiding and managing anger. It vividly illustrates why the emotion is so dangerous and why controlling it would bring vast benefits to individuals and society.Drawing on his great arsenal of rhetoric, including historical examples (especially from Caligula’s horrific reign), anecdotes, quips, and soaring flights of eloquence, Seneca builds his case against anger with mounting intensity. Like a fire-and-brimstone preacher, he paints a grim picture of the moral perils to which anger exposes us, tracing nearly all the world’s evils to this one toxic source. But he then uplifts us with a beatific vision of the alternate path, a path of forgiveness and compassion that resonates with Christian and Buddhist ethics.Seneca’s thoughts on anger have never been more relevant than today, when uncivil discourse has increasingly infected public debate. Whether seeking personal growth or political renewal, readers will find, in Seneca’s wisdom, a valuable antidote to the ills of an angry age.

The Having: The Secret Art of Feeling and Growing Rich

by Suh Yoon Lee Jooyun Hong

A guru from South Korea shares the groundbreaking solution to building your fortune using your emotion and opens the door to a new world full of hope and prosperity. When Wharton MBA Jooyun Hong went searching for the key to increasing wealth in a time of growing inequality, she did not expect to find herself studying under a famed and fascinating guru, known for advising the 1% of South Korea. She now shares what she learned from the guru in this life-changing narrative, and it starts with a simple emotion she calls Having. Suh Yoon Lee, a magnetic woman in her thirties, was identified as a guru at the age of six and set off on a course of study ranging from classical Asian texts to economics to an analysis of 100,000 case studies to reveal the true secrets of growing rich. A bestselling author and insightful thinker sought after by the richest people in the nation, Suh Yoon Lee retreated into seclusion, troubled by the impact her guidance to the wealthy may have on income disparity. When Jooyun wrote to the guru for an interview, Suh Yoon invited her to Lake Como, Italy. There, they started a conversation about how everyday people can achieve their financial goals more easily and quickly by living in synch with their true emotions. In destinations ranging from Paris to Kyoto, this philosophical journey lays out a framework for achieving an empowered relationship with money. The guru has found that almost everyone has the capacity to earn 3 to 7 million dollars—and some have a capacity for much more. As Jooyun applies the guru's practical but revolutionary insights to her everyday life—including journaling about the emotions that accompany spending money—she experiences a transformation of her mood, fulfillment, and ultimately, her net worth. By changing your emotions about money, you can make every purchase a step toward becoming your true self. Having is the power that attracts wealth, and this incredible series of lessons will guide you to claim that power in your own life. Learn to feel what you already have, and you'll be able to have so much more.

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