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Alimentazione intuitiva: 30 trucchi e strategie per un corpo e una mente sani oggi!

by The Blokehead

Grazie per aver acquistato il libro "Alimentazione intuitiva". Questo libro contiene consigli efficaci e strategie che vi possono aiutare ad ottenere un corpo e una mente sani attraverso l'alimentazione intuitiva. Verrete a conoscenza degli errori comuni commessi dalle persone che ricorrono al rimpinzarsi quando sotto stress, lutto o annoiate. Imparerete di più sull'alimentazione emozionale. Leggerete anche del perché la dieta non vi aiuterà mai a perdere peso.

The Amatuers Guide of Golf (Correct Times)

by Liza Molinari

Quite simply there are many golf books out there by golf guru’s, and professional golfers. They tell us how to play golf like the professionals, They tell us it’s a game of the mind.Then there’s the correct swing, or the correct stance. I have heard the suggestion, that you should hold a towel wedged between each arm and your sides and as you swing the club, the towels should remain in that position... Don’t get me wrong, there are great books out there, with loads of information but, to be honest, when I took up golf I just wanted to hit the ball! I just wanted to get it up in the air! I just wanted to look like a golfer and not a hacker! I just wanted to want to play again!

Armonologia: Guía Interior hacia Relaciones Saludables a Través de la Música

by Stephen John O'Connor

En Armonología-Guía Interior hacia Relaciones Saludables a través de la Música, se combinan el conocimiento espiritual de Stephen y su maestría musical en una nueva y fascinante exploración de las leyes de la música y nuestras relaciones interpersonales. A través de este nuevo concepto revolucionario, Stephen nos conduce a un nivel de comprensión que nunca antes había estado a nuestro alcance. Expuesto de manera sencilla, al aprender fácilmente de qué manera dos notas musicales pueden hacerse más armoniosas, puedes mejorar considerablemente el nivel y calidad de tus relaciones, lo cual te llevará a una vida más feliz y más saludable para ti y tus seres queridos. Es simple, pero profundo. El poder que contiene Armonología te ayudará a liberarte del círculo, a menudo constante, de la confrontación personal, y te ofrecerá nuevas formas de sanar relaciones pasadas así como de desarrollar otras nuevas y más saludables.

The Art of Being Human

by William McNamara

In THE ART OF BEING HUMAN, Father McNamara has taken a new, vital approach to effective socially oriented Christian living in tune with the needs and demands of our times. He takes for his theme the basic traditional truth: grace builds upon rather than destroys human nature, and develops this theme with extraordinary understanding and eloquence.The first chapter—“Becoming Human”—sets the tone of the book. For Father McNamara the sanctifying process is the humanizing process and the way by which one can cultivate “the art of being human” within oneself. He then probes into the very roots of the conditioning processes which daily shape our lives, and poses for the reader some incisive questions which demand reflection and inner search. Discussions on faith, hope, love, religion, mental prayer, and spiritual growth follow. The final chapters on leisure and leadership are especially provocative since they direct the reader’s attention to where the responsibility for the self-accomplishment of this “art” truly lies.Father McNamara has the knack of putting his finger directly on the problems of today’s living. THE ART OF BEING HUMAN does not pretend to have all the answers but it goes a long way toward taking the reader in the right direction.

The Reality Diet: Lose The Pounds For Good With A Cardiologist's Simple, Healthy, Proven Plan

by Steven Schnur

Developed by Dr. Steven A. Schnur, founder of the largest cardiology practice in south Florida, this breakthrough program is the only diet that keeps the fat off forever. Not a low-carb, low-fat, or high protein diet plan, The Reality Diet is rich with delicious foods from all food groups and high in one key fat-fighting ingredient-fiber. Fiber not only stops hunger, but it also significantly lowers the risk of heart disease, colon cancer, and a host of other conditions. <P> By following The Reality Diet you will: <P> - learn and apply the 2:90 Rule-the key to choosing nutritious carbs with the right fiber content<P> - enjoy mouthwatering meals using more than 200 quick, easy recipes designed by a top recipe developer and a registered dietician<P> - eat all the foods you love and have been told to avoid-pasta, rice, waffles, potatoes, bananas, watermelon, corn-on-the-cob<P> - lose 2 pounds a week and 30 pounds in 3 months<P> - learn proven strategies for maintaining your weight loss-for life <P> Flexible and forgiving, this program is for real people living in the real world. With eight weeks of Action plan menus for men and women, tips for eating in restaurants, as well as an effective exercise program, The Reality Diet is both a comprehensive weight-loss plan and a blueprint for lifelong health.

Autopublicar: La guía secreta para escribir y promocionar un best seller

by Adidas Wilson

Publicar tu propio libro electrónico nunca ha sido fácil, aunque ahora es más fácil gracias a la disponibilidad de servicios, plataformas y herramientas. Los autores tienen tantas opciones para autopublicar que deben asegurarse de posicionarse de manera en que puedan llegar a una audiencia más amplia. Este libro incluye: Introducción 1. Cómo autopublicar 2. Promueve tu libro a través de un blog 3. Una guía para las reseñas de libros de Amazon 4. Cómo los autores independientes pueden obtener súper fans 5. Cómo promocionar tu libro 6. Cómo crear ideas para libros best seller 7. Lista de correo electrónico 8. Página de inicio del libro 9. Escribe un libro electrónico no ficcional 10. ¿Qué tan largo debe ser tu libro electrónico? 11. Encuentra un sector de mercado para autopublicar 12. Video publicitario para tu libro 13. Errores que cometen los autores en las portadas de libros 14. Por qué los libros autopublicados no se venden 15. Publicación híbrida 16. Una guía al ghostwriting 17. Evernote, una herramienta esencial para los escritores 18. Editoriales y suscripciones 19. Encuentra lectores que amen tu trabajo 20. Kobo Writing Life 21. Elige la mejor plataforma para publicar un libro electrónico 22. Pronoun para autopublicar 23. Autopublica en Amazon 24. Cómo ponerle precio a tu libro electrónico 25. El número de palabras de tu novela autopublicada 26. Antes de autopublicar un librito de bolsillo, un libro de poesía o colección de poemas 27. Consigue que blogueros de libros critiquen tu libro 28. Tráileres de libros 29. Los detalles de los derechos de autor 30. Cómo enfrentarse a los críticos 31. El arte de las palabras clave en Kindle 32. Es hora de conseguir un agente literario 33. Cómo empezar una empresa editorial 34. Escribe una biografía de autor atractiva 35. Elige un título que venda 36. La tienda iBook de Apple 37. Conclusión

Des Canadiens à l'épreuve: Histoires d'échecs qui ont mené à la réussite

by Alex Benay

Avec des chapitres rédigés par : Robert Thirsk, astronaute Erica Wiebe, championne de lutte olympique Tom Jenkins, président de la société OpenText et du Conseil national de recherches du Canada Andy Nulman, cofondateur du Festival Juste pour rire … ainsi que d’autres Canadiens au sommet de leur secteur d’activité. Que signifie « échouer »? Pour certains Canadiens ayant brillamment réussi, il s’agit d’un rite de passage, d’un tremplin vers de plus grandes réalisations, voire une belle source d’inspiration. Le parcours de ces Canadiens qui ont obtenu la médaille d’or olympique, bâti des entreprises florissantes, fait avancer la médecine est jalonné de faux pas, de nombreuses tentatives infructueuses et parfois d’échecs. Des Canadiens à l’épreuve réunit le récit de dix experts issus des secteurs privé, public, à but non lucratif et universitaire qui, tout au long de leur vie, ont vécu des échecs et lutté pour réussir. Dans cet ouvrage, ils font valoir l’argument de poids suivant : la clé de la réussite pour le Canada et les Canadiens réside dans les leçons tirées d’échecs.

Preparing for Marriage: A Guide for Christian Couples

by Donald J. Luther

An effective resource for pastors and counselors to use in premarital counseling. This practical workbook helps engaged couples explore their expectations, potentially troublesome issues, and the meaning and challenges of marriage. Only one book per couple is needed.

La Pillola Dell'immortalità: È Ora Disponibile

by Sonia Lo Conte Richard Stooker

Cosa ci fa invecchiare? In un primo momento, questa potrebbe sembrare una domanda stupida. Invecchiare è un aspetto talmente insito nella natura umana da essere dato per scontato, semplicemente accade. Viviamo tuttavia in un mondo di causa ed effetto. Invecchiare è un effetto, allora, qual è la causa? Il pensiero comune riguardo ciò parte dal presupposto che il nostro corpo sia qualcosa di materiale, e tutto ciò che è materiale, alla fine, si indebolisce o si deteriora come le nostre auto, le nostre case, perfino i nostri computer. Questa teoria dell'invecchiamento è conosciuta come "teoria del logorio". Il nostro corpo, però, è diverso da oggetti simili perché è vivo e, in condizioni di salute ottimali, si rigenera per quanto possibile: i tagli si cicatrizzano, le ossa rotte si saldano e così via. Infatti, ogni giorno, milioni delle nostre cellule muoiono durante lo svolgimento delle loro funzioni, vengono semplicemente sostituite da altre nuove. Il nostro corpo può funzionare perfino bypassando un tessuto danneggiato in modo permanente, anche lo stesso cervello. Tuttavia, a un certo punto, il nostro organismo riesce sempre meno a ripararsi e a rigenerarsi. A 40 anni circa, cessiamo di ripararci del tutto e di processare tutte le proteine dalle nostre cellule morte e danneggiate. Come una città in declino che ha esaurito le entrate fiscali, i servizi, come la riparazione delle strade e la raccolta rifiuti, sono sempre più trascurati. La paura della morte e il desiderio di vivere (giovani) per sempre hanno ossessionato il genere umano fin dalla nascita della nostra specie. In un modo o nell'altro, abbiamo cercato la Fonte della Giovinezza per diventare immortali, eternamente giovani. Negli ultimi cento, centocinquant'anni circa, la durata media della vita delle persone - soprattutto nel mondo sviluppato - è aumentata sensibilmente. Il merito di ciò va principalmente a una maggior igiene, a

Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill Katherine Hurst

Think and Grow Rich is the wildly successful motivational book from personal development author, Napoleon Hill. Having sold over 30 million copies over the past 70 years alone, this groundbreaking volume reveals the secrets of hundreds of the world's most affluent people - exposing the thought-processes and success mindset that can help you too, to enjoy unlimited prosperity and abundance. The thirteen step program found in this book has everything you need to set you on the path to incredible wealth and success. Regardless of your current circumstances, education or business experience... once you begin to read this book, you'll have access to the truths and lessons that can teach any man or woman - young or old, rich or poor - to turn their dreams for an abundant life into a reality. With this book, the formula for everything you desire - to be applied in ALL areas of life - is in your hands. Simple, direct, but incredibly powerful too - this book has the potential to change your life for the better. Are you ready? The formula for prosperity - to be applied in ALL areas of your life - is within your reach.

The Science of Getting Rich

by Katherine Hurst Wallace D. Wattles

Better known as the timeless bestseller to have inspired 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne, this is THE original guide to creating wealth and a life you love.The Science of Getting Rich will show you how to overcome any emotional baggage or negative circumstances, to attract wealth and success - in all its form - into your life. Within the pages of this powerful book, Wattles goes directly to the source of the Law of Attraction, and in plain and easy-to-understand language, teaches you how to use it to maximum advantage. Regardless of your background or financial 'story' to date, this self-help classic will reveal to you the secrets for getting 'unstuck' from a life of wanting and lack, to unlock the incredible potential that lies within you, to create a life of unlimited abundance.This is an extraordinary book for the ordinary man or woman, looking to turn their dreams into a reality. Thousands have benefitted from the wisdom within the pages of this game-changing book, applying the lessons taught to their own lives, with astonishing effect. Are you ready to join them?

The Master Key System

by Charles F. Haanel Katherine Hurst

This is no ordinary book.The Master Key System is a phenomenon of its time; known as the inspiration behind many of today's self-help teachings, this book can teach you the secrets to using the universal laws, to better align with the universe and begin creating a life you can love.Make no mistake; this book is not to be approached as you would a novel, but as an on-going course. The road to success is nothing but a journey, after all.The powerful lessons in this book are delivered through 24 weekly parts. Easy-to-digest, concise and packed with practical exercises for easy absorption, this book provides the perfect companion for anyone looking to achieve big life transformation.Want to be successful? To earn more money? To fall in love? Or to enjoy improved health? Then The Master Key System is for you!So - are you ready to tap into the hidden powers within you, to become conscious creator of your reality? Let The Master Key System show you how...

The New Psycho-cybernetics: The Original Science of Self-improvement and Success that has Changed the Lives of 30 Million People

by Maxwell Maltz

Amazon; “With over 30 million copies sold since its original publication in 1960, Psycho-Cybernetics has been used by athletes, entrepreneurs, college students, and many others, to achieve life-changing goals--from losing weight to dramatically increasing their income--finding that success is not only possible but remarkably simple. Now updated to include present-day anecdotes and current personalities, The New Psycho-Cybernetics remains true to Dr. Maltz’s promise: ‘If you can remember, worry, or tie your shoe, you can succeed with Psycho-Cybernetics!’” In this book, Dr. Maltz discusses sound CBT and NLP techniques and provides exercises to help his readers develop positive self-images and overcome their anxious and depressive thoughts and feelings. The authors give the definitions of words, references for further reading, and places to go to obtain more psycho-cybernetic assistance.

Master Your Mind: Counterintuitive Strategies to Refocus and Re-Energize Your Runaway Brain

by Roger Seip Robb Zbierski

You’ll get there faster if you just slow down Master Your Mind offers a bit of perspective and a lot of insight for anyone seeking long-term success. Success in business is spelled M-O-R-E: better results, faster growth, more revenue, greater efficiency. Do more. Make more. Achieve more. And do it now. Eventually, ambition turns to stress, then to frenzy, then to emptiness as once-ambitious workers endlessly trudge the hamster wheel chasing the next promotion. While top-level performance is the holy grail of business at all levels, there is another, much better way to achieve it: slow down. Yes, you read that right—S-L-O-W. This is your permission to jump off of the hamster wheel. Slowing down is not a luxury, it is a necessity. A frenetic brain simply doesn’t perform at optimal levels. By maintaining a snail’s pace, you actually achieve better results—at rocket speed—because you’re firing on all cylinders. You’ll think of new things, approach old problems from new perspectives, and breathe a breath of fresh air into everything you do. This book shows you how to achieve this state of steady, sustainable fire, and how to get further by crawling than you ever did while attempting to fly. Learn how slowing down can lead to better, faster results Achieve optimal performance thought patterns Enhance your creativity and effectiveness Build energy, revenue, and good health in a self-sustaining way You know you’re capable of more, but the stress is eating away at your body, your brain, and your soul. Relax, take a deep breath, and buckle down. Clear your mind, and then put it to work. Stop juggling and start doing. Master Your Mind shows you how to supercharge your trajectory by taking it S-L-O-W.

Lucky in Love: Traditions, Customs, and Rituals to Personalize Your Wedding

by Eleni N. Gage

Every engaged couple wants two things: a meaningful wedding and a lifetime of happiness. This great gift book is a cross-cultural collection of marriage folklore that will help you achieve both. Create your own lucky traditions with nods to each other’s heritage, customs from places you’ve visited together, and auspicious rituals that just feel special. Whether you are just engaged or you’re days away from tying the knot, you’ll gain insight every step of the way. With this book as your guide, you can make your own luck in love.

Crafting Love: Sharing Our Hearts through the Work of our Hands

by Maggie Oman Shannon

“It is good to love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is well done.” –Vincent Van Gogh As the future unfolds before us, it seems people are getting busier, more distracted, and less connected to the physical and spiritual world. This can be especially problematic for our relationships, as love is something that just does not magically exist on its own. Love must be cultured, tended, and cared for as if it were a special garden unlike any other. Whether you desire to foster, encourage remembrance, or express gratitude for the love you feel toward the known and unknown in your life, it can be done through the practice of mindfulness and crafting. Crafting Love is filled with thematic chapters meant to inspire your own journey in your expression of love, whether you build an “I Love You…” notebook for your partner, Anytime Valentines for your friends and mentors, a Conversation Starter Table Cloth for your family, Portable Place Shrines for natural places and animals, an “I Am” Affirmation Mandala for yourself, or a Rhythm Painting for the Divine. With the help of a few uplifting friends along the way, Maggie Oman Shannon will help launch your exploration for your love of materials, love of the process, and love of everything and everyone around you through creating transcendent, one-of-a-kind projects with your own hands and heart.

Immortal for a Moment: Small Answers to Big Questions About Life, Love and Letting Go

by Natasha Badhwar

If you are in love, afraid of being in love or in love but don’t quite know with what, then this is the book for you. If you are unhappily married, happily unmarried, or vice versa, then this book is the distraction you need. If you have children, don’t have children, or ever plan to be a child yourself, then hang on to the monkey bars this book is. If you have one life, infinite loves and time management issues, then you are holding the essential field guide to sorting out the clutter. Or wreckage. Or whatever it is you call yourself.

Autoliderazgo y el Líder al Minuto: Aumente su efectividad con un autolidera

by Ken Blanchard

En este nuevo libro Ken Blanchard revela clara y profundamente cómo el poder, la libertad y la autonomía son el resultado de tener la actitud correcta y las destrezas necesarias para responsabilizarse del éxito personal. <P><P>El clásico best seller de Ken Blanchard El mánager al minuto, explora las habilidades necesarias para convertirse en un líder personal eficiente. Ahora, en este nuevo libro revela clara y profundamente cómo el poder, la libertad y la autonomía son el resultado de tener la actitud correcta y las destrezas necesarias para responsabilizarse del éxito personal. En esta cautivadora parábola de negocios, Ken Blanchard, el autor best seller #1 del New York Times junto a Susan Fowler y Laurence Hawkins relata la historia de Steve, un joven ejecutivo de publicidad que está a punto de perder su empleo. <P><P>Durante una serie de conversaciones con una maga talentosa llamada Cayla, Steve se da cuenta del poder de aceptar la responsabilidad por sus circunstancias y no hacerse la víctima. Compartiendo la sabiduría que ha aprendido del mánager al minuto, Cayla le enseña a Steve las tres habilidades del autoliderazgo. <P><P>Estas tres técnicas no solo le otorgan el poder para mantener su trabajo pero le muestran lo que necesita saber para continuar creciendo, aprendiendo y alcanzando objetivos.Durante veinticinco años, millones de gerentes en empresas Fortune 500 y pequeños negocios en todo Estados Unidos han implementado el método gerencial de Ken Blanchard, incrementando así la productividad, satifacción laboral y prosperidad personal. <P><P>Descubre en este nuevo libro de Ken Blanchard las nuevas técnicas de liderazgo y experimenta la rentabilidad que se obtiene de aplicar estas lecciones gerenciales. Durante veinticinco años, millones de gerentes en empresas Fortune 500 y pequeños negocios en todo Estados Unidos han implementado el método gerencial de Ken Blanchard, incrementando así la productividad, satifacción laboral y prosperidad personal. Descubre en este nuevo libro de Ken Blanchard las nuevas técnicas de liderazgo y experimenta la rentabilidad que se obtiene de aplicar estas lecciones gerenciales.

Fifty Nifty Ways to Help Your Child Become a Better Learner

by Philip E. Johnson

Parental involvement in children's learning can make a crucial difference in a child's life. But the question is "How?" How can parents be of most help to their child? An appropriate role for parents centers not so much on helping the child to learn the school curriculum, but rather on HELPING THEIR CHILD LEARN TO LEARN. The skills of learning are teachable and learnable. This handbook describes fifty proven, practical techniques and principles - which you can use or adapt - to help your child to greater success in school and in life beyond school.

Steroid Nation: : Juiced Home Run Totals, Anti-aging Miracles, and a Hercules in Every High School: The Secret History of America's True Drug Addiction

by Shaun Assael

They are the drugs that make millionaires, and cause careers to crash. They lurk at the cross-section of science and scandal, and the list of stars who've been laid high and low by them grows every day. In Steroid Nation, Shaun Assael traces the history of America's steroid-mania, and demonstrates why it is still such a stubborn, enduring phenomenon. Beginning his epic story in 1981 with Dan Duchaine, the godfather of America's steroid movement, Assael follows the drug as it journeys from the Venice Beach gyms christened by Arnold Schwarzenegger to NFL locker rooms to the world of MLB, which found itself paralyzed in the 2000s by a parade of perp walks and hand-wringing headlines. From Barry Bonds to Marion Jones, Lance Armstrong to A-Rod, Steroid Nation tells the story of wildly ambitious athletes who felt they couldn't compete without a chemical edge. Part detective story, part medical investigation, and part sociological examination, Steroid Nation is a groundbreaking work on the most compelling story in the sports world today.

TARGET Practice: 52 Weeks to Completing My Album

by Gerald Walker

Based on Gerald Walker's highly anticipated debut album TARGET, this devotional touches on 52 opportunities to equip readers for success in life and work. With intimate stories from his personal life Gerald Walker pens different stories on how he overcomes adversity. This deeply inspirational book is perfect for young entrepreneurs as well as anyone interested in the life of Gerald Walker. The "TARGET PRACTICE DEVOTIONAL" will provide you with Walker's own life-changing declarations to think and speak over your life every week of the year.

The Enlightened Gambler

by Marty Klein

So, you like gambling and you want to play? Well, if you want to play, you may have to pay! If you don't watch it you can get tossed around like a tumbleweed on a windy day. You might have to either lose your stubborn defiance or your shirt. So... which one you gonna choose? The Enlightened Gambler guides the reader through the author's world of gambling, seduced by the never ending excitement in the "land of uncertainty". . The book encourages readers to step past the superficial and take a more conscious view of the motivating drive in all of us to take risks. In a lighthearted, sometimes laugh-out-loud, self deprecating style, the author playfully and willingly exposes his own vulnerability to the seductive lure of gambling, but then points out ways to encourage winning attitudes, which he has developed over the years, while defusing old, toxic, loser mentality.

El Gran Tejedor de vidas: Cómo Dios nos va formando a través de los eventos de nuestra vida

by Ravi Zacharias

SPANISH EDITION: With inspiring stories and thought-provoking questions, Ravi Zacharias traces the multiple threads of our lives, describing how the unseen hand of God guides our joys, tragedies, and our daily humdrum to weave a pattern of divine providence and meaning.

Take the Leap: Change Your Career, Change Your Life

by Sara Bliss

A road map for landing your dream job.Take the Leap features inspiration and advice from more than sixty-five people who transformed their lives—and with this guide, so can you. These are game changers, rule breakers, and side hustlers who once stood where you are now, wondering if they should take a risk. They went from production assistant to million-dollar screenplay writer; attorney to surf instructor; mom to DJ; hairdresser to firefighter; real estate agent to award-winning chef. Do you want to go for that career you’ve always dreamed about? Launch a new company? Become a tech mogul? Live a life of adventure? Save the world? You’ll find wisdom from successful mentors like creative visionary and writer Simon Doonan, entrepreneur Barbara Corcoran, NFL player turned artist/activist Aaron Maybin, and wellness and beauty guru Bobbi Brown. This is a career guide for today’s ever-changing job market. Thinking about your own next chapter? Take the leap.

Seven Sundays: A Faith, Fitness, and Food Plan for Lasting Spiritual and Physical Change

by Myatt Murphy Alec Penix

A Biblically grounded, six-week plan to lead you on the path toward losing weight and getting healthier by focusing on the connections between spiritual and physical health.So many of the books within the diet and fitness space focus on vanity or superficial reasons for striving for personal health and wellbeing. Is it any wonder then that a motivation that’s so surface-level has such a slim chance of working long-term? But Alec Penix believes that all things are possible if you use faith as your bedrock. In Seven Sundays, celebrity trainer and devoted follower of Christ Penix explains the connection between faith and fitness, and both his own and shares his clients’ success stories. When our spiritual and physical bodies are built up simultaneously, we find ourselves more likely to stick with healthier, life-changing habits, appreciate what we have, be thankful for what we've gained (and lost), and feel content with how far we’ve traveled. Seven Sundays is a six-week program that shows you how easy it is to undergo your own total transformation. The book is organized as a day-by-day journey in the same manner as a daily devotional. Over the course of each week, you will work on the “6 Pillars of Purpose” that build up this strength. You will also enjoy “Faith-Full” foods and explore a new spiritual theme each week. Ultimately, you’ll undertake a meaningful journey that will finally connect your body and spirit. After Seven Sundays, the changes required to live a healthier life become easier because you will want to do them—for God, for others, and for yourself—rather than ever feel as if you have to do them. It’s designed to inspire you to look inside yourself and recognize that it’s not that you need to exercise, eat right, and be healthy, but that you deserve to exercise, eat right, and be healthy, and recognize your body as a spiritual vessel.

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