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Showing 13,076 through 13,100 of 36,763 results

Mailchimp Pour Les Débutants: Le Guide Du Marketing Par Email Pour Les Auteurs Indépendants

by Adam Netherlund Leslie Pierobon

En tant qu'auteur indépendant, vous avez peut-être entendu parler des newsletters et songé à en créer une. Mais comment s'y prendre ? De nos jours, il existe énormément de possibilités -- AWeber, Constant Contact, iContact, Vertical Response et tant d'autres -- mais l'une des plus populaires est MailChimp.Si vous avez déjà pensé à essayer MailChimp mais ne saviez pas vraiment par où commencer, ce livre est pour vous. Suivez de simples instructions étape par étape qui vont vous aider à facilement envoyer votre première campagne et à entrer en contact avec vos fans.Dans ce court guide conçu pour ceux qui débutent avec MailChimp, vous découvrirez :- comment créer un compte ainsi que votre première liste ;- comment créer différents types de formulaires d'inscription ;- comment créer votre première campagne ;- comment analyser les statistiques ;- des idées pour créer votre mailing list (spécifiques à l'auto-édition) ;- des conseils généraux et les choses à faire/ne pas faire lors de la création de vos campagnes ;- les possibilités offertes par les plugins Wordpress, les applications mobiles, les formulaires pour tablettes et pour Facebook.Le marketing par e-mail n'est ni difficile ni onéreux, alors détendez-vous et commençons à vous ouvrir à de nouvelles compétences.

How to Discover Why God Made You

by Os Hillman

I will never forget the first time a board member said to me, "Os, I think you know what your natural gifts and talents are, but I do not think you know why God made you." I was taken aback by the phrase, "why God made you." I have heard people talk about purpose and destiny, "but why God made me" had a little different meaning to it. Could one really know this? I pursued her comment and before I knew it we scheduled a full day for her to walk me through a simple process that has been very beneficial to me, even to this day, now more than two decades later. I have been helping men and women discover their purpose and "why God made them" for many years now. I pray this booklet will help you, too, discover why God made you.

Transformations: A Guided Journal

by Zoe-Anne Fields

Transformations -- A Guided Journal is a guide suitable for anyone wanting to discover their innermost thoughts and beliefs. If you work through this guided journal you will discover who you truly are. You will develop your own insights about your world and you will be transformed. Your choices will become mindful and your own eternal wisdom will guide you. You will feel reborn.

Expect to Win: 10 Proven Strategies for Thriving in the Workplace

by Carla A Harris

How to survive and thrive in any economic climate with proven strategies from a powerhouse Carla Harris, one of the most powerful and respected women in business and Chairperson of the National Women's Business Council, shares advice, tips, and strategies for surviving in any workplace environment. While climbing the corporate ladder, Harris had her own personal missteps and celebrated numerous victories. She vowed that when she reached senior management, and people came to her for advice, she would provide them with the tools and strategies honed by her experience."Carla's pearls" have become the centerpiece for her many speeches and television appearances. In Expect to Win, Carla shares these valuable lessons, including:* Authenticity: The Power is You* The 90-Day Rule* Perception is the Co-Pilot to Reality* The Mentor, The Sponsor, The Adviser: Having Them All* Leverage Your Voice* Balance is a Necessity: Use Your Passions to Achieve it* Expect to Win: Show Up With Your Best Self Every Day* Expect to Win is an inspirational must-read for anyone seeking battle-tested tools to fulfilling their true potential and for fans of Sheryl Sandberg's Lean In.

Emociones que matan: Entienda La Conexión Mente-cuerpo-espíritu Que Puede Sanarle O Destruirle

by Don Colbert

El doctor Colbert ofrece una definición clara de las emociones mortales: cuáles son, de dónde surge, cómo se manifiestan y sus efectos en el cuerpo humano, mediante la evidencia científica que apoya su posición y comparte sus consejos con respecto a la nutrición y al papel que ocupan para remover las toxinas físicas que inhiben una verdadera salud.

Wheel of Wisdom: A Turtle & Hare Journey to Your Dream

by Angela Clubb

For anyone who has ever had a dream or longs to find one, Wheel of Wisdom will help put a great plan behind your dream.

Change Your Behavior, Change Your Results: A Women's Journey

by Mariah D’Laine Wacha B. A.

Life is not complicated, we just tend to make it that way. Mariah D'Laine Wacha, B.A, Certified Professional Life Coach, states there are really only three guidelines to living a calm and happy life: First "Listen". You have two ears and one mouth for a reason. Listen to people that matter in your life. Take their advice if it is valid. However more importantly listen to your own gut. It will never lie to you. Second is "Respect". Always give respect to others even if you don't agree with them or the path that they are on. Each and every one of us has the right to make decisions for ourselves. Also, above all respect yourself and your boundaries both emotionally and physically. Last, but certainly not least is "Love". Everyone needs love. I always try to send out as much love as I can to everyone. It's amazing what a smile or a small act of kindness can do to change someone's day. Finally, we must learn to "Love" ourselves, wholly and completely. Forgive yourself your perceived faults and your little quirks. It is what makes you special. No one can love you more than you.

Give It Up!: My Year of Learning to Live Better with Less

by Mary Carlomagno

"Would it be possible to live without the designer coffee, the Kate Spade Bags, the technology that was a part of my every day existence? Could stripping away some of those items and habits make me a appreciate what I was so fortunate to have? I created a plan. Each month for one year, I would choose one of my favorite things and give it up cold turkey for one month. This would become my year to live better with less." Giving It Up approaches the self-improvement, makeover trends from a new angle: improving ourselves from the inside out. For one month each, Mary Carlomagno gives up alcohol, shopping, elevators, newspapers, cell phones, dining out, television, taxis, coffee, cursing, chocolate, and multi-tasking. In doing so, she gains a deeper appreciation for what she has, and for the world around her. Giving It Up is a wake up call to think, to understand, and to enjoy the lives that we live.

An Everyday Guide to Joy & Abundance: A New Approach to Living with Ease

by Beth Wonson Mary Kay Stenger

Beth Wonson and Mary Kay Stenger, Ph.D., two highly accomplished professionals, have teamed together to write an extraordinary book that tells the story of Beth's personal healing and transformation. Today Beth is one of the country's most sought-after speakers, coaches and trainers in the fi elds of career management and personal growth. Writes Beth: "If you are looking for more in your life, I know how you're feeling, because this is what happened to me. I got the jolt: my relationship went sour and the fire in my life, in me, suddenly started to go out. For a while I continued along until I realized I felt like I was on a hamster wheel, merely turning round and around and going nowhere." Beth's transformation was magical and so was the healing process, thanks to Dr. Stenger's expert techniques. The book consists of a narrative that alternates between the two women's voices. With openness and candor, Beth tells a portion of her story and Dr. Stenger offers commentary accompanied by a number of exercises used during her sessions with Beth. By scientifi cally supporting a healing technique that addresses all issues at the soul level, Dr. Stenger is one of the first medical hypnotherapists to bridge Spirit and Science. According to Dr. Stenger, Science tells us that the heart is our own PGS or Personal Guidance System and love is Spirit's greatest healing agent. This is a rare duet performed expertly by two radiant, fully empowered human beings.

The Little Hummingbird

by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

This children's book is based on a South American indigenous story about a courageous hummingbird who defies fear and expectations in her attempt to save the forest from fire. The story is supplemented by a natural and cultural history of hummingbirds, as well as an inspiring message. The Artist complements this optimistic tale that encourages everyone to take responsibility for their home and the planet.

El maestro sale de viaje

by Carlos Brassel

Un maestro sale en búsqueda de los doce discípulos que desarrollarán las doce herramientas para acrecentar tu potencial interno. Aunque solemos vivir rodeados de muchas personas, conocidas y desconocidas, la única convivencia permanente es con nosotros mismos. Con frecuencia nos envuelve el barullo, el ajetreo cotidiano y descuidamos la relación interna, casi la rehuimos; no nos damos tiempo para cerrar los ojos, los oídos, y encerrarnos en el encuentro con nuestra persona. En El maestro sale de viaje quien “sale” a descubrir todo su potencial eres tú mismo.

Crossing All Boundaries: It Can Happen To You- Whatever It Is

by Joe Bradley

No matter who we are, what we have, who we know, how many people know us, how great a singer or an actress, how well educated, what we do, where we live, what we can afford or how influential we are, there are tragic things that happen to people in all nationalities, cultures, races, professions, at all ages, and in all places. What has happened to others can also happen to us. Tragedy crosses all boundaries.

The Compassionate Conspiracy: A Field Guide to Changing the World

by Philip Johnson

As the world around us gasps for breath in an environment of unprecedented complexity and need, we find ourselves overwhelmed and asking is there anything we can do to make a difference? The Compassionate Conspiracy answers with a resounding Yes and serves as a practical guide to help readers discover their passion and develop their personal plan to make a world of difference.

100 Questions and Answers to Help You Land Your Dream iOS Job: Or to Hire the Right Candidate!

by Enrique López Mañas

Are you an iOS developer, looking forward to your next career move? Or are you interviewing for positions at your company or start-up? Either way, "100 Questions and Answers to help you land your Dream iOS Job" has been thought for you. With 100 Questions and Answers categorized by seniority and with reviews from some of the top iOS engineers worldwide, this book will level up how you make interviews for your favorite platform.

The Gift of a Year: How to Achieve the Most Meaningful, Satisfying, and Pleasurable Year of Your Life

by Mira Kirshenbaum

HOW OFTEN HAVE YOU SAID TO YOURSELF, "IF I ONLY HAD THE TIME..."? This inspiring, one-of-a-kind book tells you how to give yourself the time you're longing for--starting right now... with the gift of one special year. Are you so caught up in your busy life that you've lost sight of you? Do you fantasize about the things you'd do if only you weren't so bogged down with family and career responsibilities? What would you give to make those fantasies a reality? In The Gift of a Year, Mira Kirshenbaum shows you how to take your dreams off the back burner and make them a vital and enriching part of your life. And she shows how every woman can do it--even if you can't take a year off, you can take a year for yourself. You'll be amazed at the unlimited possibilities you'll find once you give yourself permission to explore the essential relationship that has somehow gotten lost in the domestic/professional shuffle: the relationship with yourself. The idea is simple: You give yourself one year to do something you've always wanted to do, whether it's undertaking a major challenge or merely recharging your batteries. The opportunities are as abundant as your dreams. You can go back to school... get in shape... climb a mountain... indulge in daily bubble baths... switch careers... work on a relationship... paint a landscape... start a business... get on top of a problem or take a break from it... or do something you've put off for years--something you've thought about but never got around to doing. The Gift of a Year takes you step by step through this process of self-exploration, discovery, and revitalization, and offers practical advice, guidance, and inspiration along the way, from the "Ten Dream-Discovering Questions" that help you learn what you really want, to "Getting Everyone on Board" for the support you need to make it happen all the way, to how your special year can change your life. This inspirational book is filled with empowering, real- life stories of women who have given themselves the gift of a year, including why and how they did it, what they got out of it, and what they did afterward. You'll also find checklists and quizzes to help you incorporate this unique plan into your everyday existence. Reading The Gift of a Year will make your life more meaningful, more fulfilling, and, most of all, more your own.

Cursive Handwriting (Handwriting Without Tears)

by Jan Z. Olsen

Handwriting Without Tears® by Learning Without Tears

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team

by John C. Maxwell

Building and maintaining a successful team is no simple task. Even people who have taken their teams to the highest level in their field have difficulty recreating what accounted for their successes. Is it a strong work ethic? Is it "chemistry"? What tools can you wrap your hands around to build?or rebuild?your team? In The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork, leadership expert and New York Times best-selling author John C. Maxwell shares the vital principles of team building that are necessary for success in your business, family, church, or organization. In his practical, down-to-earth style, Dr. Maxwell shows how: The Law of High Morale inspired a 50-year-old man who couldn't even swim to train for the toughest triathlon in the world. The Law of the Big Picture prompted a former U.S. president to travel across the country by bus, sleep in a basement, and do manual labor. Playing by The Law of the Scoreboard enabled one web-based company to keep growing and make money while thousands of other Internet businesses failed. Ignoring The Law of the Price Tag caused one of the world's largest retailers to close its doors after 128 years in business. The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork will empower you?whether coach or player, teacher or student, CEO or non-profit vollunteer?with the "how-tos" and attitudes for building a successful team.

Living Debt-Free: The No-Shame, No-Blame Guide to Getting Rid of Your Debt

by Shannon Lee Simmons

Get rid of your debt without giving up your lifeNo one wants to be in debt. But life happens and if you’ve got debt, life has happened to you. Whether you have a rolling balance of $2,000 on your credit card or an $80,000 line of credit you are positive you will carry to your grave, debt can be a huge cause of stress—affecting both your emotional and financial wellness. After working with thousands of financial planning clients, Shannon Lee Simmons knows that your only way out of the debt cycle is to truly understand all of your spending triggers so you can shut them down for good. In Living Debt-Free, she shows you that it is possible to have a life and pay down debt at the same time. In fact, that’s the only way your debt plan will work. You will learn to take control of your finances and pay down your debt in a realistic way that will keep you motivated long enough to see it through to the end. No shame. No blame. No scare tactics.In Living Debt-Free, Simmons focuses on creating a debt repayment plan that will motivate you for a long time, rather than an unrealistic one that’s strictly about paying the least amount of interest charges. (Collective gasp—how dare she!?) Listen, everyone knows that paying interest on debt is bad and to be avoided as much as possible, but human beings are complex. Life is complex. Debt is complex. There cannot be a one-size-fits-all plan, so Living Debt-Free will help you build your plan—the one that will help you finally put the debt behind you, start fresh and feel good about your money again.

Anti-aging: A estratégia para reverter o envelhecimento

by Mariana Morais

É possível envelhecer com energia e alegria, mantendo o corpo forte e saudável. Este livro é uma ajuda valiosa para envelhecer melhor, aproveitar a vida e ter um corpo jovem. A Medicina Antiaging permite reverter os sinais físicos do envelhecimento do corpo. A inevitabilidade do envelhecimento é um conceito que está, hoje, completamente desactualizado. E, durante anos, impediu que procurássemos ajuda para reverter os sintomas relacionados com a idade. Por que razão não devemos começar a equilibrar os nossos níveis hormonais? Por que razão a maioria das mulheres só recorre a tratamentos quando se encontra na menopausa? E porque razão os homens não reconhecem e tratam os sintomas do envelhecimento? A Medicina Anti-Aging proporciona tratamentos com hormonas bioidênticas, vitaminas, minerais, alimentação e exercício adequado para um envelhecimento saudável e com capacidades cognitivas e motoras para apreciar a vida.

Boost your IQ: Tips and Techniques for a Sharper Mind (Mindzone Ser. #3)

by Ron Bracey

Expand your mind power with this easy to follow guide to improving your IQWould you love a higher intelligence rating? Would you like to work your mind to its limits? This book will help you with these aims as well as enhance your reasoning powers and increase your ability to absorb and analyze information. With a range of enjoyable and engaging exercises you’ll soon be boosting your brain to peak e!ciency, and you’ll also discover that achieving this goal will bring advantages in all aspects of life – from working out your finances or helping your child with their homework to solving a tricky problem at work or excelling at card or board games. Ron Bracey provides a wealth of techniques for maximizing your IQ, as well as teaching a range of skills to that go beyond IQ, such as using knowledge trees, intelligent mindfulness, timeframe thinking and emotional intelligence. Your mind is there to be used: follow this unique “IQ and smart thinking program” to take it up to its full capacity.

Think Smart, Act Smart: How to Make Decisions and Achieve Extraordinary Results

by Darren Bridger David Lewis

Learn to confidently devise effective solutions in any situation with this fantastic guide to getting things done by focusing your mind and honing your decision making skillsWould you like to weigh up a situation and devise a resolution more effectively? Do you want to make decisions confidently and put them into effect with less worry? Would you like to be able to focus exclusively on the issue in hand rather than be distracted by a dozen irrelevant thoughts? Choices we can expect to encounter, from life-changing career moves to the best route to the coast, can expend a lot of time and mental energy if we haven’t learnt the basic skills required for getting things done effectively and decisively. This book is a basic practical guide to the all-important mental process by which we all live our lives – analyzing a situation, sorting out how to respond to it, and taking action accordingly. We discover how to solve problems and make choices swiftly and satisfactorily, how to reduce mental stress while working under pressure, how to turn bright ideas into positive action. Following the techniques and exercises given here, you’ll soon find you are using your brain more efficiently. Your payback will be in greater confidence and greater peace of mind – which in turn will help your mental processing. Step inside this virtual circle now, and join the blessed ranks of the sorted!

Instant Recall: Tips And Techniques To Master Your Memory

by Michael Tipper

Never forget a name or occasion again with this guide to improving your powers of memorization that will make you a hit at home and at work. Foreword by Dominic O'Brien.Do you find names, events and facts reaching the tip of your tongue but going no further? Well help is at hand, memory master Michael Tipper guides you through his tried-and-tested techniques to boost your powers of memorization to astonishing new levels. Warm up by assessing your memory strength and the extent to which you can develop it. Stretch yourself a little more by practising shortcuts to retaining everyday information – such as route directions and simple lists. Work with techniques for remembering birthdays, putting names to faces and vice versa, and giving a word-perfect speech without notes. Finally, perform stunning feats of memory that will amaze yourself and your friends. Make forgetting a thing of the past. By following the wealth of easy techniques presented in Instant Recall your memory will soon be in tip- top condition, and you will find confidence and success.

Brain Workout: Tips and Techniques to Train your Mind

by Gareth Moore

Use it or lose it! Your mind needs exercise to stay in top condition, just as your body does. By working up a cerebral sweat in this ‘mental gymnasium’ you will soon have a lean, mean thinking machine on your shoulders.Your mind is what makes you tick, so keeping it in tip-top condition is as important as taking care of your body. By performing mental workouts you can build your brain power and keep your mind alert and agile well into old age. Brain Workout offers a mental gymnasium to keep your brain in trim. Here are dozens of tips for building up your mental muscles, as well as a program of exercises from gentle limbering-up to more complex challenges.Learn to hone your logical reasoning, number and word skills, pattern recognition, short- and long-term memory, comprehension, creative thinking, problem-solving, and much else besides. The exercises are fun to do and carefully devised to ensure you make progress across the whole spectrum of abilities. Self-testing enables you to assess your performance – you can learn as much from being wrong as from being right! Working systematically through the book, in no time you’ll be boosting your brain to peak efficiency. Get up to speed with Brain Workout. Stretch yourself to new limits. Give yourself the chance to excel.

Mastering Numbers: Everyday Mathematics Made Simple

by Andrew Jeffrey

The perfect antidote to numbers-phobia, this clear, concise guide explains everything you need to know about arithmetic, fractions, statistics, probability, algebra and geometry.We all use numbers every day, yet many people are uncomfortable with them, finding them daunting and difficult. Others treat numbers as a practical tool they can handle quite well, while failing to appreciate their most amazing qualities.This book is the antidote to number-phobia. As with learning to swim, youʼll never look back: these are skills youʼll use for the rest of your life. If you think youʼre good with numbers already, youʼll soon discover what youʼve been missing: the endless fascination and beauty of numbers, and – at the more practical level – a whole range of techniques and shortcuts you never knew existed.Mastering Numbers brings the subject to life, replacing the atmosphere of the classroom with the wonder of the magicianʼs workshop. In learning to enjoy numbers, we discover a multitude of practical skills – everything from understanding statistics and the odds gamblers face to the interest rates on savings and ways to maximise your returns. Never again need you flounder in a business meeting or an encounter with your bank manager – and if the chance arises to chat to him more casually, you could impress with stories about pi, prime numbers, Fermatʼs theorem, and much else besides.Full of enjoyable exercises, puzzles, demonstrations and self-testing interludes, this is a book to instruct and give pleasure.

Sound Your Mind

by D. Ivan Ursey II Jdamian Brown Tabitha A. Drago

Life experiences expressed through inspirational poetry.

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